Drawing the edge of the winter forest in the preparatory group. Drawing lesson in the preparatory group "Winter Landscape

Cossack games for children have not only a long history, but also great opportunities for a positive impact on the physical and spiritual development of the child . Such games are universal, as they are suitable for children of the different ages, from 7 to 17 years.

Features of Cossack games

The main advantages of Cossack games are conciseness, expressiveness and accessibility. They contribute to the expansion of horizons, the improvement of mental processes, and also cause the active work of thought. Cossack games do not require special sports equipment. In most cases, the material at hand is enough for them. It can be various ropes, pebbles, rag balls or sticks. Also, there is no need for a specially equipped place. Such games can be played both on the lawn and in the gym.

An important feature of the Cossack games is the use of songs, counting rhymes, and recitatives. For instance:

  • Oak, kalach, stand up, don't cry!

  • Shiki-bulls are new-bulls ...

  • Whistle, Levka, whisper, Levka, turn around!
From time immemorial, Cossack games reflected the way of life of people, their ideas of courage and honor, the desire to possess dexterity, strength, speed and endurance, to show ingenuity, will and desire to win. We must not forget that gaming activity causes a lot of positive emotions. During the game, unexpected situations often arise in which children learn to use the acquired skills correctly. In addition, in Cossack games, the child often decides how to act in order to achieve the goal. Changing conditions teaches us to look for non-standard solutions to emerging problems. Thus, children develop independence, activity, creative thinking and ingenuity. And most importantly, children who are fascinated by the plot of the game can perform the same movements many times, forgetting about fatigue. This is how children develop resilience.

The gameplay itself is not conceivable without prelude. Pregame barkers, An important feature of gathering participants in a future joint game, with the help of a special speech, has a long tradition.

Barkers were used as an initiation calling potential participants to the game:

Siskin-pyzhik sparrows,

Jumping up and down,

Maidens collects


Show yourself?
Tai-tay, come on!

Who plays hide-and-seek (hide-and-seek, tag, etc.)?

The call to the game was accompanied by bouncing in place or in a circle, and the one who uttered them had to stretch his hand forward with the thumb bent. Those who wanted to play had to grab the barker by the finger with their fist and, in turn, bend their thumb. All this time, the barker was pronouncing the verdict indicating the name of the game. When a sufficient number of players were recruited, the barker finished the recruitment:

Tai-tay, come on!

Don't accept anyone!

Since most games require driving, often barker used at the same time to determine it: The last one is to drive!

In cases where barker did not define leading or it was not in the game itself (for example, in team games), used lot or counting rhyme .

Folk games also have a game beginning (“counting”, “toss”). He introduces the child to the game, helps the distribution of roles, serves the self-organization of children.

"Counting"- these are usually short rhymes with the help of which playing children determine the driver or distribute the roles of each in the game. Rhyming is one of the richest, very popular, bright and expressive, the most common and interesting views children's creativity.

The bees flew into the field

They buzzed, they buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers.

We play - you drive!

Types of Cossack children's games

Cossack games are most often associated with the famous "Cossack robbers". In fact, there are so many of these games that they are divided into three groups:

  • games without objects ("Lyapka")

  • games with objects (balls, toys, sticks, etc.); ("Fun with Chips")

  • symbolic games ("Horsemen")
The work done has shown that folk games are interesting and relevant at the present time, despite the fact that there are a fairly large number of temptations in our technocratic age. Children with great pleasure, and most importantly, usefully play them, because. the melody of the song connects the movements of children with one rhythm, coordinates them, cheers up, develops physically, and brings joy.

Description of Cossack folk games

The rules for playing alchiks (aidans, aidanchiks) differed, so I bring to your attention one game. Alchiki - knuckles from the knees of a sheep, square bones.


Purpose of the game:

This game is Tatar and is the same as grandmas. Alchiki are placed in a circle in pairs, which are prepared from under the knees of sheep. First, they horse (measure on a stick): whose hand is at the top, to beat first, and the rest in order. The players have cue balls made of lead, called alchiks.

They strike at a one-dimensional distance. Alchik is kept in right hand between two fingers: little finger and thumb. Alchik is not thrown, but clicked: whoever knocks down gets them. The first player is followed by others in order, with the difference, whose alchik fell the furthest, to that one to beat first.

game circle

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, accuracy, accuracy of movements.

A horse was also drawn, but only a circle with a diameter of 2 meters was drawn around the horse, and a line was drawn from the circle at a distance of 2-5 meters from where the players began to hit the horse.

Players hit the king from the line until someone hits the hand. If the knocked-out alchik flew out of the circle, then the player took it for himself and had the right to hit again, but from the circle line. In case of a miss, the next player hit. And so on until not a single moss remains on the horse.

Duck game.

Purpose of the game: development of memory, dexterity and accuracy of movements,.

The players, 10 or 15 boys and girls, stand next to each other, clasping their hands. Two of the last ones break away from the line and, representing a drake and a duck, run up under the arms of those standing in a row, both in front and behind them; for the most part, the girl represents the duck, and the chasing guy represents the drake. Meanwhile, those standing sing:

Catch up, drake, duck,

Catch up, young, duck!

Go home duck

Go, gray, home.

You have seven children

Eighth drake.

Ninth duck, tenth goose.

Between which pair the duck goes home, she is obliged to replace them, and they stand in this place and the game continues as before.

Radish game.

Purpose of the game: to develop memory, accuracy of movements.

Playing children 10-12, of which is elected uterus And tradeswoman, the rest of the children sit down all in a row, the uterus sits in front of them.

The merchant approaches the uterus and says:

Uterus: “There is no radish yet, only children plow”

At this time, the children, imagining that they are plowing, scratch the ground with their nails.

Merchant: "Kuma, Kuma, sell radishes."

Uterus: "Only children sow", and children, depicting planting a radish, poke their fingers into the ground.

Merchant: "Kuma, kuma, sell radishes"

Uterus: "There is no radish yet, only sprouts sprout", what about children, fingers spread out, put them on the ground.

Merchant: "Kuma, kuma, sell radishes"

Uterus: “There is no radish yet, it is just rising”, - placing the palms of both hands on the ground, raise them up.

Merchant: "Kuma, kuma, sell radishes"

Uterus: "Grown up, buy it!"

The tradeswoman rushes to the smallest child, takes him and pretends to be pulling a radish out of the ground, shaking it out or as if shaking the ground. After that, the merchant takes the child to the appointed place. After that, the merchant goes to pick another, third "radish", etc. to the last. All children are now at the disposal of the merchant. This is where the game ends.


Purpose of the game: to develop dexterity, accuracy of movements.

The game is played on the current, where bread is threshed. During the holidays, a whole crowd of young guys and girls gathers to some booth, to the current, and there, by the way, such a game is started.

A string is tied to a stake dug in the center of each current, and two blindfolded players are tied to its ends. One of them represents a dergach (bird), and the other - a hunter. A stick with teeth cut out on it (like a rubel with which linen is rolled) and a small rolling pin, which the players, driving along the teeth, imitate the cry of the jerk, are given into the hands of the tugger playing the role. In the hands of the hunter, a whip or tourniquet is given. The hunter, listening to the cry of the twitch, contrives to hit him with a whip. The misses of the hunter, the awkward movements of the puller, all this causes incessant laughter and sharpness from the audience.

Throwers - throwers.

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, accuracy, accuracy of movements.

Throwing stones at a target. The number of participants is not limited. A number of targets are set at a certain distance. Partial masking is possible. The task of participating in a certain number of weighted stones is to hit all the targets of the enemy. In winter, it is good to master the "snowballs".

The participant learns to quickly determine the distance to the target, correlate the force of the throw with the weight of the projectile, and accurately hit the target.


Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, accuracy, accuracy of movements.

Up to 10 people participate. They are divided into two teams, in each team they choose a “king”. Everyone except the “kings” is given thin willow twigs (you can use a twig in each hand). The task of each of the teams is to touch the “king” of the opponents with a lozina. Each touch with a twig "freezes" the participant for 15 seconds. After three touches, the participant is out of the game. Participants defend and attack only with twigs, elements of the struggle are not allowed. Whipping on the head is prohibited (in any case, it is advisable to have goggles). The "king" can only run and dodge.

The game helps to develop in children the ability to work in a team to achieve the ultimate goal, develops basic skills in saber and stick fighting, including against several opponents.


Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, accuracy.

The number of participants is from two people. The first option is "on foot". One of the participants is given a wooden stick - a draft checker (you can use it in each hand), the other - a few balls (balls for tennis are great). The task of the first is to defend against the balls with a stick (either with movement or without leaving the spot). The task of the second is to hit the opponent with the ball.

Option two "equestrian". The rules and tasks remain the same, only the participant sits on a high bench, a sports horse or on the shoulders of a friend.

This fun develops skills that further contribute to the fastest mastering of saber or stick fighting, develops coordination of movements, teaches you to “see” an attack and successfully repel it. The "foot" variant also develops evasion and movement skills.

Annex 5

Club of interesting meetings


Topic: History of the Cossacks

teacher Who are the Cossacks?

Child. These are people who have been living on the Don for a long time. The Cossack knew how to ride a horse well, he defended the land from enemies.

Teacher. What do you know about the fortress city of Tanais? Why was the city so named?

Child. There lived women who, like men, hunted. They killed everyone who wanted to capture them. The most important female warrior had a son, Tanais. He wanted to marry one beauty, but he was not allowed. he jumped down the mountain and crashed. His mother named the river after her son - Tanais, and then the city was named that way.

Teacher. Why was the river named Don?

Child. It is believed that the word "don" means "water".

Teacher. Why did the Cossacks at all times treat the Don River with love?

Child. The Cossacks in the Don fished, took water from the river to drink it, water the garden, water the animals, and bathed.

Teacher. What animal is considered a Cossack's best friend?

Child. Best friend Cossack - horse. The Cossack went to war on a horse. Sometimes the horse saved the Cossack from death.

Teacher. What weapons did the Cossacks have? How did the Cossacks treat weapons?

Child. The Cossacks took cannons and sabers with them to war. They bought weapons or took them from enemies. The Cossacks were very fond of weapons. They constantly cleaned it. Sabers were hung on the walls in the house. When a Cossack grew old, he passed the weapon to his son.

Teacher. What do you know about the Cossack circle?

Child. All the Cossacks gathered at the Cossack circle and chose the most important thing - the ataman. He solved all the important issues. Everyone respected and listened to Ataman.

Teacher. What commandments do the Cossacks have?

Child. The Cossack must love his Motherland, the steppe, the truth, be ready to fight enemies, to protect everyone.

Teacher. What qualities should an ataman have?

Child. Ataman must be brave, strong and a good warrior. There were legends about the exploits of chieftains.

Teacher. Why was Platov called "Whirlwind Ataman"?

Child. Because he very quickly mounted a horse, took a saber and pursued enemies like a whirlwind. he was very brave, he was not afraid of anything. For his bravery he was awarded a gold medal. The Cossacks erected a monument to him with their own money.

Teacher. Why do Cossacks honor the memory of their chieftains?

Child. Atamans commanded the Cossacks, led them to battle and always defeated the enemies. They saved people from enemies. The Cossacks told about atamans interesting stories, composed songs.

Teacher. What were the names of the houses where the Cossacks lived?

Child. Cossacks lived in kurens. Carpets, photographs, Cossack sabers hung on the walls in the rooms. There was always a stove in the kuren, in which the Cossacks cooked food.

Teacher. What kind of work did the Cossacks and Cossacks do?

Child. The Cossacks fished, plowed the land, sowed bread, planted vegetables, grapes.

Child. Cossack women cooked food, sewed clothes, knitted, embroidered, cleaned the kuren, washed clothes in the river, and nursed children.

Teacher. What do you know about Cossack cuisine?

Child. Cossacks and Cossacks loved Tasty food. They ate cold borsch, fish soup, okroshka, fish aspic, vegetable hodgepodge, baked pies, drank tea and fruit bowls. They made the sausage themselves, but they bought it in the store.

Topic of conversation


The Cossacks from ancient times played the role of a human shield on the southern borders of the Russian land. The first information about the Cossacks on the territory of Belogorye dates back to 1570 - they were Oskol Cossacks - Donetsk Cossacks walking. All of them were called service people according to the device, because, as they said then, they were "cleaned up" for the sovereign's military service.

The Cossacks in 1593 founded the city-fortress Oskol. Cossacks - a category of service people of the city Stary Oskol performing a fairly wide range of state service: stanitsa, guard, embassy, ​​guard, urgent messages, escort of important cargo and more. This category is the most variegated in its composition and position. They made up two groups - urban and white-located. The name of the city Cossacks came, first of all, from the fact that free people entered their detachments, in general, who had long been mastering the Belgorod Territory. In everyday language they were called beekeepers, in Putivl they were called stellate sturgeons, but more often Cossacks. They were engaged in crafts and hunting and settled in well-studied and familiar places.

In 1569, the Oskol Cossack Ivan Matveev warned government troops that a 30,000-strong Tatar Horde was moving along the Oskol region to the center of Russia. Oskol Cossacks took an active part in the guard service of the Ust Ublinsky prison and made up a significant part of the city Cossacks, riders and leaders. City Cossacks, like archers, tidied up for service, received land, money and salt salaries. Basically, in Stary Oskol they served "from the ground without money." A small monetary salary was received either for "extra standing" in excess of the established period in the border guard, or for a long hike.

They settled in settlements and yards were set in dozens, that is, the yards of the Cossacks subordinate to him adjoined the yard of the foreman, the yards of his fifty Cossacks adjoined the house of the Pentecostal. Instrument people did not have the right to leave the city without the permission of the authorities. The land allotment of the city Cossack was within 20 quarters, which was in the general "cottage", that is, received for the entire settlement.

The Oskol Cossacks did not constitute an administrative, economic and military organization in the region, as was the case on the Don, Volga, Ural and Terek. The Russian government sought to use the latter to protect the southern borders, supplying them with bread, weapons, gunpowder and lead. Invited to serve in the southern cities, this category of Cossacks was called white-placed (free from taxes), serving under a contract.

The first in the city of Stary Oskol were the Terek Cossacks of Ivan Matveyevich Prasolov and 39 of his comrades, living in a separate white-located settlement. In 1640, 37 Yaroslavl "fodder" Cossacks, led by ataman Fyodor Yemelyanov, arrived to serve in Oskol. In 1644, voivode Dmitry Pleshcheev received 30 Don Cossacks, Ataman Nikifor Osipovich Medvedev, on Oskol by decree of Mikhail Fedorovich. In 1697, the Cossacks of the Ostrogozhsky regiment arrived at the service, but in early XVIII in. they were taken out of the Oskol territory. According to archival data, there were 10 more Yaik Cossacks in the county. Land plots were different, but increased over time. If the Terek Cossacks at the beginning of the century had only 10 squares of land per person, then the Yaroslavl people at the same time owned the land - privates of 20 squares, esaul - 25, and ataman - 35. But after they were transferred to the category of boyar children, the land allotted more increased more: 27 people each had 200 children, 12 former Cossacks had 150 children, and 25 former Cossacks had 100 children. The Don Cossacks received 50-70 quarters of land each, but by the end of the century there were only 9 of them left.

In 1635, archers, gunners and Cossacks began the construction of the 200-kilometer Belgorod defensive line, which was built and served by the Cossacks, united in the suburban Cossack regiments. 5 "Cherkasy" regiments were poured into the Belgorod discharge regiment: Akhtyrsky, Sumy, Kharkov, Izyumensky and Ostrogozhsky, formed from Ukrainian settlers, which included up to 8 thousand Cossacks, who defended the defensive Belgorod line. On the southern outskirts of Belgorod, the Cossack (now Saprunovskaya) settlement was built up. From the gates of the Belgorod fortress "in the field" groups of 3-4 armed horsemen rode out, who watched "so that the military people did not pass the war without a trace on the sovereign's lands." A keen eye, ingenuity and courage were supposed to have warriors who watched the steppe and Tatar roads. Patrol detachments of 9-10 riders also went to the steppe, making long and dangerous routes along the Muravsky Way and down the Seversky Donets. In 1623, Belgorod exhibited 15 guards and 40 villages. The Belgorod Sloboda Cossacks not only defended the borders of southern Russia, but also took an active part in the Northern War against the Swedes. There was no free Cossacks in the sense that it was developed in the Don and Kuban on the territory of Belogorye. Only the Cossacks remained, participating in the defense of the Belgorod border line: the city Cossacks served in the strongholds, the linear ones guarded the "line" between these fortresses.

Theme: Symbols of the Cossacks


The symbol of the military (and regimental) association. It was kept in the Military Temple and taken out on especially important occasions (holiday, funeral of the ataman).


The sign of the headquarters, the symbol of the ataman on the campaign, belonged to the military unit. In peacetime, it was kept in the temple. The military horsetail was made from a ponytail.


The symbol of military power, which is endowed with the chieftain.


A staff with a metal pommel, on which the names of atamans were originally engraved. A symbol of the civil power of chieftains of all degrees.


A short horse whip is a weapon. The sign of the esaul and bailiff on the circle (source?). IN Everyday life- a sign of power in a full-fledged combatant married Cossack. The whip was used as a weapon in a fight, for corporal punishment of the guilty Cossacks by decision of the circle and the council of elders.


Melee weapons with a blade of slight curvature, translated from one of the languages ​​​​of the Caucasian highlanders, meaning "long knife". It was handed over to a Cossack at the age of 17 by old people. At the age of 21, when sent to the service, the Cossack received a lanyard to her. The checker was kept at home in a conspicuous place (on the carpet), passed from grandfather to grandson. The loss of a checker (and cap) is a great shame. On especially important issues, they voted by checkers (source?). By the decision of the circle, the Cossack could be deprived of the right to carry checkers on a certain period. The next punishment was expulsion from the Cossacks.


A kind of hood specially sewn from cloth (camel) or silk with long, scarf-like ends. Bashlyk is a direct descendant of the Scythian hat, known from numerous bas-reliefs and high reliefs bronze age(a source?). If the hood was tied on the chest - the Cossack served military service, crossed on the chest - follows the case, the ends thrown behind the back are free, resting (source?).

Cossack symbols and signs

Banner - a symbol of military (and regimental) association. It was kept in the Military Temple and taken out on especially important occasions (holiday, funeral of the ataman).

Seal of the Don Army (XVII century) Seal of the Don Army (1704)

Bunchuk kept in the temple. The army horsetail was made from a horse's tail.

Mace- a symbol of military power, which is endowed with an ataman.

Naseka- a staff with a metal pommel, on which the names of chieftains were originally engraved. A symbol of the civil power of chieftains of all degrees.

Medal- personal sign of the ataman (or honorary judge). It was worn around the neck, on a ribbon or chain, and was issued on a caftan. On the front side there is an inscription - "Ataman of the village" and National emblem or a portrait of a sovereign. On the back - the name of the ataman. At the end of the term, it remained for the ataman as a keepsake.

Seal- on a handle or a ring, was handed over to the ataman during the elections. All documents were attached to it.

Coat of arms: "White deer struck by an arrow" - in his image, the history of the army, local military features are symbolically displayed. "White deer" symbolizes the independence and rebelliousness of the Don Cossacks. The image of the White deer goes back to ancient legend about a deer, which many travelers saw in the lower reaches of the Don, but no one could either catch or kill him. Neither cunning nor the arrows of his pursuers took him. In 1704, the "White Deer" was replaced by the image of a Cossack sitting on a barrel. "Cossack on a barrel" - a symbol imposed on the Cossacks by Peter the Great, who once saw a drunken Don Cossack who drank all his clothes in the heat of fun, but retained his weapons and hat.

checker- edged weapons with a blade of slight curvature, translated from one of the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the Caucasian highlanders meaning "long knife". It was handed over to a Cossack at the age of 17 by old people. At the age of 21, when sent to the service, the Cossack received a lanyard to her. The checker was kept at home in a conspicuous place (on the carpet), passed from grandfather to grandson. The loss of a checker (and cap) is a great shame. On especially important issues, they voted with drafts [source not specified 270 days]. By decision of the circle, the Cossack could be deprived of the right to carry checkers for a certain period. The next punishment was expulsion from the Cossacks.

A whip - a short horse whip - a weapon. The sign of the esaul and bailiff on the circle. In everyday life - a sign of power in a full-fledged combatant married Cossack. The whip was used as a weapon in a fight, for corporal punishment of the guilty Cossacks by decision of the circle and the council of elders.

Shoulder straps- part of the Cossack clothing, worn by the Cossacks until the "access to benefits" (by age, injury). Officers were allowed to wear shoulder straps, galloons and chevrons for life.

Staff- a symbol of old age and wisdom. The members of the council of elders sat leaning on a staff. The raised staff meant the circle's call to silence.

Hat raised on staff, is a particularly important message.

Military shrines of the Don Cossacks

  • Banners of St. George.

  • Banner with the inscription "To the loyal Don Army, in commemoration of the exploits rendered in the last French war, in 1812, 1813, 1814." Complained in 1817.

  • Banners are simple.


Subject: Commandments of the Cossacks

(Free presentation of the commandments of the Don Cossacks)

About the Cossacks always

Glory swam across Russia.

Don and Kuban

Cossacks still praise

Your will, the power of the people.

Observe very strictly

Ten Commandments of the Saints.

Study them, my friend.

Honor and name of the Cossack

Always the most important in life.

Treasure honor from childhood

And keep dignity.

If you're wrong, then admit it

Don't let malice in your heart.

Do not envy and do not flatter

Do not teach everyone from above.

Fight over pride

If need be, calm down.

Be persistent everywhere, always.

May an open soul

Reputed to be kind.

So the Cossack always lives!

Everyone has the right

"There is neither prince nor slave."

Everyone is equal in their rights

But they are responsible in their deeds.

Everything that is accepted at the Gathering

Honor your law.

Everyone has the right to choose

If it deserves it

You can become an ataman.

Everyone has the right to speak.

Only if the system stands

The commander has the right

To deprive words of superfluous.

For only one

About the Cossacks of everything

All honest people judge.

So remember ahead:

Be honest with the Cossacks

Pure in deeds and deeds.

Self-interest will not seduce you

And acquisitiveness. fight

For others and for yourself.

Do not rage and do not swear

Don't smoke and don't hang out

Be diligent and tidy

And don't drink alcohol.

Help the poor everywhere

Give a hand to those who suffer.

Always be an example to everyone -

That is the fate of the Cossack!

Be persistent, serve the people,

Protecting the world, nature.

For Russia, my honor

Life is not a sin to give in battle!

Not for my own gain

Choose a service in life

And serving the Fatherland

Consider it as a Cossack duty.

Do not create an idol for yourself -

And fight for justice!

Believe in God

And protect Russia.

I gave my word - keep it

Treasure the Cossack word!

Remember the word of the Cossack

It has always been true.

It's better to be wise

What a waste of a promise.

Well, if you say

You always look after yourself.

Honor old age everywhere

Don't hate old people.

The wisdom of the old Cossacks

Above a hundred proud people.

Honoring the words of the elders

We avoid mistakes.

Elderly Cossack

Respect as for the Father,

An elderly Cossack

Consider your mother.

Keep the memory of your ancestors

Decide according to custom.

If there is any doubt

according to the customs of the people

Do better in life.

Hold on to the faith of your ancestors

Hold on to your custom.

If it's hard, die

But save your friend!

At work, at home, at work,

Fishing, hunting

Help a friend everywhere

Help out if needed!

Serve a century and work a century -

Such is the Cossack life!

Do not be proud of someone else's good,

And live by your work.

Provide for your family

I despise my laziness.

Take care of your family

Honor your family.

The shrine of marriage is the family,

You can't stick your nose in the court.

Honor the elders in the house

Don't hurt the little ones.

Honor your father and mother,

And educate the kids

In the spirit of the ancestors

And the oldest Cossacks.

Protect your wife -

Take care of your family!

You have to be born a Cossack

To be proud of fate for the whole century!

(Nikolay Dick)

Topic: Customs and traditions of the Don Cossacks

Without memory, there is no tradition

without traditions there is no culture,

without culture, there is no education,

without education there is no spirituality,

without spirituality there is no personality,

without personality, there is no people...

At present, we are increasingly turning to the spiritual values ​​of the past, trying to find ways to restore the interrupted ties of times, we are aware of the need to study our national roots as a source of moral health, strength and wealth.

At all times, among the Don Cossacks, the main goal of education was to take care of the preservation, strengthening and development of good folk customs and traditions, to take care of passing on to the younger generations the worldly and spiritual experience accumulated by previous generations.

Today, the cultural and spiritual traditions of the Cossacks are being actively revived in our city. Therefore, for two years our kindergarten has been working

Natalya Pershina

Program tasks:

To give the concept to children that the Kuban is the breadbasket of Russia.

Continue to introduce children to small homeland- Kuban, with life Cossacks, folk traditions, folk games and folklore.

Develop motor activity, speed of reaction, evasiveness.

Give children joy and pleasure.

Entertainment progress:

The hall is decorated the form of the Kuban courtyard. (there is a wattle fence, a hut, a cart with a horse, next to the fence there is a harvest from the garden - pumpkins, zucchini) Children in folk costumes walk freely around the hall.

The hall includes two Cossacks(caregiver) in folk Kuban costumes.

1kaz: - Look, Aksinya, how much Cossacks gathered today for the outskirts!

2kaz: - And that's right, Matryona, and the lads and girls went out to the festivities. And let's get closer to them, find out what they are talking about.

Cossacks come closer.

Hello, Cossacks! What are you doing here?

(for gatherings)

Come on, Aksinya, let's check our little ones. Cossacks what they know about the place where they were born.

(Cossacks asking children questions

What is the name of our city? (Yeisk)

What is the name of our region? (Krasnodar region)

What is another name for it? (Kuban)

And why is it called that? (Because that is the name of the river that flows through the territory of our region)

How many seas are in the territory Krasnodar Territory? (2 - Black and Azov)

And what more? (Black is not only bigger, but also deeper)

What is the name of main city our region, its capital? (Krasnodar)

What cities of our region do you still know? (Yeisk, Tuapse, Sochi, Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk)

Why is the Kuban called the breadbasket of Russia? (A granary is a grain-growing region that supplies bread to other areas. And in the Kuban, wheat, rye, barley, rice, corn are grown for the whole of Russia. Pears, apples, plums, apricots, cherries ripen in the Kuban gardens. Potatoes and cabbage are grown in the fields , carrots and onions and other vegetables.

What good fellows our children know everything about their own native land, real Cossacks.

1 kaz: - And on our entertainment we invited the grandfather and father of our Kirill, because they are representatives of our local Cossacks and traditions of the Cossacks they are passed down from generation to generation.

We give them the floor.

2 kaz: - Well, Matryona, it's time for our kids to play.

Do you know any folk Kuban games?

Reb: - I know! And let's play a game "Kalachi"!

a game "KALACHI"

Children stand in three circles. They move in a round dance in a circle and at the same time pronounce words:


Look - donuts, kalachi!

From the heat, from the heat, from the oven!

At the end of the words, the players run scattered one by one around the court. into words "Find your kalach!" return to their circle. When repeating the game, they can change places in circles.

1 kaz: These are our attentive Cossacks! They never mixed up their places and found their kalach in time.

2 kaz: And I suggest to play the game "Dawn-Dawn".

"Dawn - Dawn"

One player (child or adult) holds a pole with ribbons attached to the end. Each player takes the tape. The leader stands outside the circle. Children, holding on to the ribbon, walk in a circle and sing.


Cossack - girl

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys.

golden keys,

Ribbons are blue.

One, two - not a crow.

And run like fire!

With the last words, the driver touches one of the players, he throws the tape, together they run to different sides and run around the circle. Whoever grabs the left ribbon first wins, and the loser becomes the leader. The game is repeated.

1 kaz: We played well. But in the clearing, like jackdaws, they rustled Cossacks, arguing which of them is the fastest, the most dexterous.

2 kaz: Why argue? We will check it in the game now. Who will get on the horse faster?

"Who will get on the horse faster?"

To the music, children jump on horse-chairs when the music changes its pace, Cossacks get up from their chairs and jump around the room. At this time, one chair is removed.

The music ends, the riders take their places. Whoever lacks a horse is out of the game.

1 kaz: So the game ended, our fellows Cossacks they were all fast, agile.

2 kaz: Isn't it time for our girls show your skills in the game"Kuren"?


Three or four chairs are placed at different ends of the hall, on which shawls lie. Children form circles of five to ten people around the chairs. To the cheerful music, the children dance scattered throughout the hall. With the end of the music, they run to their chairs, take the shawl by the ends and stretch it with their arms outstretched above their heads, and make a roof.

1 kaz: and I know another Kuban folk game. It is called "Get a handkerchief".

"Get a handkerchief".

Two leaders hold checkers in their raised hands (toy sabers on which shawls hang. Two boys stand near the leaders. To cheerful music, the boys dance scattered throughout the hall. With the end of the music, they run to their leaders and try to remove the shawl from the checkers. The winner goes with shawl to the girl, puts the shawl on her shoulders and invites her to dance. The game can be played with an available number of checkers. The shawl can be replaced with a Kubanka

1 kaz6 How much fun we had today outside the outskirts.

2 kaz: We played a lot of different games. And how can they be called in one word?


1 kaz: Oh, Matryona! Don't your pies smell there, you can hear it from the outskirts? Our Cossacks played so nicely let's treat them to tea and pies.

(Children, along with teachers, go to a group where a table is set for tea with pies.)

Our matinee was filmed by the Yeysk children's television studio "Success" for the program "Happy Time". Video from 5 minutes 30 seconds of this video.

Game program "Cossack fun" for younger children school age

author: Rudneva Tatyana Vitalievna, head of the creative workshop "Rainbow" of the Center for Children's and Youth Creativity. Hero of the Soviet Union E.M. Rudneva
Description: The scenario of the game program is designed for children of primary school age. The proposed games can be used in senior group kindergarten, at summer camp.
Target: Organize meaningful leisure activities.
1. Create a positive microclimate through the participation of each child in game program. Systematize knowledge about the Feast of the Intercession Holy Mother of God.
2. Develop physical qualities, the ability to work in a team.
3. To cultivate love for one's neighbor, kindness, responsiveness, a sense of mutual assistance.
Registration: Reproduction of the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos; two threads 5 m long, each of which is threaded through a plastic cup; two toy cars, to which threads 5 m long are tied; two hats; darts with Velcro balls; a poster with three cat heads of different sizes and a hole instead of a mouth; plastic rings (5-7); two headscarves; paper fish, to which threads 60-70 cm long are glued

Leading: Children, we have gathered today to play, and our program is called "Cossack Fun". And who knows why today?
Children: October 14 is Cossacks Day.
Leading: And why October 14? Do not know? Then listen.
This story began a very long time ago - a thousand years ago. There was a mighty power in those ancient times - Byzantine Empire. Its capital was the city of Constantinople, and this city was famous for its churches. There were those majestic temples, luxurious, with rich icons and other church things. But that wealth did not give peace to Muslims. They decided to take over.
And so began the siege of Constantinople. A sad prospect arose before the inhabitants of the city: either to be captured or killed. But no one wanted such a gloomy fate. Orthodox Christians made the only right decision - they went to churches and began to pray earnestly.
And while praying in the Blachernae Church, Andrew, a fool for Christ, looked up and saw that the Most Holy Theotokos was walking in the air. She was illumined by heavenly light and surrounded by angels and a host of saints. The Queen of Heaven was accompanied by John the Baptist and the holy Apostle John the Theologian. Kneeling down, the Blessed Virgin began to pray for the Christians with tears. And having finished the prayer, She took off the veil from her head and spread it over the prayer books, protecting them from enemies, visible and invisible. This cover won "more than the rays of the sun." Saint Andrew looked with trepidation at this wondrous vision and asked the blessed Epiphanius, who was standing nearby: “Do you see, brother, the Queen and the Lady”? “I see, holy father, and I shudder,” Epiphanius replied. When the Mother of God departed, her cover became invisible.

And a miracle happened: the Muslims lifted the siege and went home. Since then, in honor of that great miracle, the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos has been celebrated.
And the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks greatly revered the Blessed Virgin Mary and considered her their patroness. They always fervently prayed to her. There were many icons in the Sich. Therefore, October 14, the feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, became the Day of the Cossacks.

And now we will check what kind of Cossacks we grow. First, let's test the power of the Cossack spirit.
Two girls are holding a thread with a plastic cup attached to it. The boy needs to blow into the glass and overtake it from one end of the thread to the other. Compete in pairs: who is faster?

What is a Cossack without a horse? Each was a master rider. But time has passed. Nobody rides horses anymore. Everyone switched to cars. Here we are now racing cars.
A machine is tied to a thread several meters long. It is necessary to attract it to you by winding the thread around the pencil. Pair competition. Who quickly?

Another competition is skill. Two boys are called. They put hats on their heads. At the command of the leader, it is necessary to tear off the hat from the enemy, and save your own.

The Cossacks were very skillful warriors, they shot very accurately. Here we are now and check our guys.
The first competition for accuracy is darts, but Velcro balls are used instead of darts.

The second competition is the cat's mouth. The picture shows three cats with holes instead of a mouth. For hitting a large mouth, 5 points are given, for a medium one - 7 points, for a small one - 10 points. Who gets more points.

The next competition in accuracy. The girl helps the boy. She throws the rings and he catches. The smartest couple is chosen.

Leading: Our boys compete and compete. Now they will rest, and the girls will compete. They line up in two columns. You need to run up to a chair, take a scarf from it, tie it on your head, sit on a chair, say “I am Marusya”, take off the scarf, put it back in place and return to your team, passing the baton. The column that finishes the competition first wins.

Leading: Our boys, living on the seashore, love to fish. Now we are going to fish.
Children become in a circle. Each thread ties a paper fish to the leg. (The fish should lie on the floor). It is necessary to step on someone else's fish with your foot, tearing it off, and save your own. The most skillful wins.

Leading: These are our Cossacks and Cossacks - dexterous, resourceful, cheerful. I wish you to further improve your best features and skills and see you at the next competitions.

Cossack games for children have not only a centuries-old history, but also great opportunities for a positive impact on the physical and spiritual development of a child. Such games are universal because they are suitable for children of all ages, from 7 to 17 years old. Consider the main features of the Cossack games, as well as their varieties.

Features of Cossack games

The main advantages of Cossack games are conciseness, expressiveness and accessibility. They contribute to the expansion of horizons, the improvement of mental processes, and also cause the active work of thought. Cossack games do not require special sports equipment. In most cases, the material at hand is enough for them. It can be various ropes, pebbles, rag balls or sticks. Also, there is no need for a specially equipped place. Such games can be played both on the lawn and in the gym.

An important feature of the Cossack games is the use of songs, counting rhymes, and recitatives. For instance:

  • Oak, kalach, stand up, don't cry!
  • Shiki-bulls are new-bulls ...
  • Whistle, Levka, whisper, Levka, turn around!

From time immemorial, Cossack games reflected the way of life of people, their ideas of courage and honor, the desire to possess dexterity, strength, speed and endurance, to show ingenuity, will and desire to win. We must not forget that gaming activity causes a lot of positive emotions and improves the functioning of internal organs. During the game, unexpected situations often arise in which children learn to use the acquired skills correctly. In addition, in Cossack games, the child often decides how to act in order to achieve the goal. Changing conditions teaches us to look for non-standard solutions to emerging problems. Thus, children develop independence, activity, creative thinking and ingenuity. And most importantly, children who are fascinated by the plot of the game can perform the same movements many times, forgetting about fatigue. This is how children develop resilience.

Types of Cossack children's games

Cossack games are most often associated with the famous "Cossack robbers". In fact, there are so many of these games that modern educators have divided them into three groups:

  • games without objects;
  • games with objects (balls, toys, sticks, etc.);
  • symbolic games.

An example of the first category is the Lyapka game. It contributes to the development of the desire to get closer to the goal, as well as the development of dexterity and speed of reaction. The game helps children fight shyness and resentment. At the beginning of the game, the driver (“Lyapka”) is selected. He runs after the rest of the players, trying to "blow" someone. When the driver reaches his goal, he says: “You have a blooper on you! Give it to someone else!" The next driver also tries to pass the lyadka. The "Blood" can't chase just one player.

Among the games with objects, the simplest is the game with chips. To do this, you need flat chips. Players place them on their heads and on the outside of their hands. The goal of the participants is to make the opponent drop at least one of the chips. In this case, own chips must remain in place. The player who dropped the chip is penalized (squats 10 times). After the punishment, the game continues.

The fun "Horsemen" can be attributed to symbolic games. During the game, children imitate riders. At first they become wide circle. It is important that each child stands with an emphatically straight posture. Children can hold the imaginary "rein" with only their left hand or with both hands. Under bars 1-2, the horses beat with their hooves, and the “riders” must restrain the horses by pulling on the reins. Under the following measures, the "horsemen" gallop. On the last chords, the “riders”, pulling on the reins, must stop the horses at full gallop. Even more interesting Cossack games can be found in this section.