Like girls names from the musical chinchilla group. Chinchilla female group

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The Chinchilla group is a women's group that performs simple pop music, understandable and loved by the people, to which they dance perfectly at any disco.
If you have never heard the songs of the group, then you can just invite the Chinchilla group with a concert and plunge into the creativity of the girls. All their incendiary compositions will be provided by the group members for the evening on any occasion, be it a birthday, anniversary or wedding. We will help you organize the performance of "Chinchillas", your call or online application will serve as the first step in our productive cooperation. You will be satisfied not only with the performance, but also with our organization service.
The history of the group tells that the beginning of the work of "Chinchillas" was the recording of the song "Daisies Hid" by the employees of the Soyuz studio. The girls just wanted to give men a gift on February 23 in the form of a professional recording of a song. But since they didn’t quite know how it was done, they asked for help from the producer of the Balagan Limited group, Sergey Kharin, and a student College of Music Alena Klimova. Sergey liked the result so much that he decided to create and produce a new team, Klimova was taken as the fifth participant.
The case helped to name the group, the girls quarreled, and one of them affectionately called the other a chinchilla. The producer heard this and immediately adopted the name of the animal. So the team became officially called "Chinchilla".
The recorded cover version of the hit of the 60s “Why do you girls love beautiful ones” illegally entered the collection “Radio hit 2”, the track became very popular, and the group gained its fans.
The songs of the girls are distinguished by a simple, folk sound, specially not amenable to fashionable computer arrangements, which makes them closer to the general public, which simply adores their work. "Sad Gypsy", "Give Wings" are the group's most popular hits.
The women's team is unstable, the first team (Elena Eryushova, Alena Klimova, Zlata Stepanova, Valeria Lesovskaya) is undergoing changes. The main songwriter and soloist Lesovskaya leaves, and Yulia Panova comes to replace her.
On the official website of the band, you can find out all the information you need about the composition, creative heritage, download tracks and videos, see photos of the girls.
The group is now experiencing a creative upsurge, you can order a performance by the Chinchilla group in close cooperation with us. The girls will be happy to entertain your audience and once again prove themselves on stage.

In 1997, four girls who then worked at the Moscow Soyuz studio decided to make an unforgettable musical gift for the male half of the workers in honor of February 23rd. To fulfill their conceived desire for a high-quality recording of musical greetings, they needed help. And the girls turned to Sergey Kharin, who was the producer of the Balagan Limited group, with a request. Elena Klimova, a student of the College of Music, also took part in the preparation of the purposeful project. Kharin did not refuse the request, and the student Alena supplemented the women's musical group.

There were five pretty girls who decided to perform the well-known light melodic song "Daisies hid, buttercups drooped ...". The hit of the 60s was recorded in the same studio, and the song accidentally made its way to the music program of Russian Radio. The leader of the first song of the girls really liked the result of the performance, and he thought that it was worth trying to record something else. Not without the participation of Sergey Kharin, rumors about the musical novelty began to spread, the song flaunted in first place in the list of pirated music albums. It happened unexpected confession society of a new, yet unnamed collective.

The name of the group was given by the producer Sergey Kharin. One of the newly minted soloists in a comic dispute called a colleague in the workshop a famous species of rodents. Sergei, who was nearby, heard this. So the female musical group "Chinchillas" appeared. The team included Zlata Stepanova, Alena Klimova, Elena Eryushova and Valeria Lesovskaya. Valeria Lesovskaya was the author of many popular songs. But on early stage promotion of a new musical group Stepanova and Lena Eryushova abandoned the hectic touring life and decided to be close to their families. Valeria Lesovskaya decided to separate from the group and sing solo. Klimova and Zlata Stepanova remained.

In 1998, Kharin, in place of Valeria, invited a student of the pop school, Yulia Panova, to the group. The girls gave concerts throughout Russia, flew on tour to the USA, Egypt, Thailand. A video was shot for the popular song "Three Yellow Roses". The title of the song became the cover of the second music album, which included the compositions "Lonely Candle" and "The Subtle Smell of Jasmine". In 2004, all the soloists decided to leave the group. Zlata Stepanova went into the fashion world, Yulia took up solo career, and Klimova moved to live in Sweden.

From 2004 to 2011, there were eight more new soloists. As a result, they also vacated a place in the promoted group. The girls did not have the opportunity to tour due to the birth of a child or marriage. It would seem that the group is already destined to cease its further existence. But management remembered former soloist Zlata Stepanova, who was offered to return to show business. Successful Zlata, a Moscow stylist, returned to the musical group again. The second soloist was Natalia Asmolova, notorious in the Daiquiri and Brilliant groups. To replenish the new line-up, a casting was announced, in which the young designer Olga Kraevaya won.

Three participants began to please the listeners again with their songs, which always cheer up. And the same talented and punchy producer Sergey Kharin is at the helm. The songs of the Chinchilla group are still distinguished by their simplicity and openness. The folk basis of compositions and dance tunes are gaining more and more fans. This is one of the few popular bands, which managed to stay afloat for more than a decade.


- Discography

Genre : Pop
Disc release year : 1997-2008
Disc manufacturer : Russia
Audio codec : MP3
rip type : tracks
Audio bitrate : 320 kbps
Duration : 3:32:26

01. Society lady
02. Chinchilla girls
03. Give wings
04. Revolutionary tango
05. Sad Gypsy
06. I hate you
07. Thornbirds
08. Comet
09. Daisies hid
10. Mermaid

#777 Tracklist:
01. Three yellow roses
02. Girl with a guitar
03. Out of spite
04. Lonely candle
05. Parted ways
06. Queen
07. Be silent my heart
08. Subtle scent of jasmine
09. There is a soldier in the city
10. In the dugout
11. Single candle mix
12. Don't talk to me about love

#777 Tracklist:
01. I love you
02. Why?
03. Italy for two
04. I won't forgive
05. I won't call
06. Be quiet, my heart
07. Thornbirds
08. Three yellow roses
09. She leaves
10. Give wings
11. Queen
12. Moscow bitches
13. In the dugout

#777 Tracklist:
01. Ten o'clock
02. Don't be sad
03. Give wings
04. I won't forgive
05. Wanted
06. Trumpet
07. I love you
08. You are tired
09. Three yellow roses
10. Ten o'clock - mix
11. Give wings - mix

#777 Tracklist:
01. Barefoot on broken glass
02. Three yellow roses (Neo Master 2008 mix)
03. She chose
04. Dancing until the morning
05. Not like everyone else
06. Crossroad-turn
07. Tell me the sea
08. Mermaid
09. You know
10. New Year
11. Game

They say that all the most interesting things happen unexpectedly. The pop project "Chinchillas" proved this statement with its own example. In February 1997, four girls, employees of the Soyuz company, decided to sing "Daisies Hid" for their colleagues in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. And not with a guitar or piano, but to make a professionally recorded work ... None of them had any idea what a professional recording was, so the conspirators called for help the producer of the Balagan Limited group Sergey Kharin and a student of the Moscow pop and jazz college "Consort" Alena Klimova . Sergey became the producer of the newly-made project, which at that time did not have a name, and Alena became the fifth member of the team. The name of the group was also born by accident. During another naive quarrel, one of the soloists of the group affectionately called the other a chinchilla. The producer who was standing nearby thanked the expert on fauna and assigned the word from a couple of hissing to the girl group. Later, the concept of "Chinchilla" became registered trademark. But the project that suddenly arose began to suffer losses. Not all the girls of the group were able to work in a team - touring life put everything in its place. Two soloists out of five decide not to continue musical career, and choose family life. Another decides to pursue a solo career. The most persistent were Alena Klimova and Zlata Stepanova. In February 1998, Sergey Kharin invites to the team new member Yulia Panova, a student of the pop-jazz art school. Since then, the group has formed completely. During this time, "Chinchillas" shot five video clips, released three. Traveled with concerts almost all of Russia and Near Abroad. We visited with concerts in the United States, in Thailand, in Cyprus, in Greece, in Egypt.
But in 2004, the group completely changed its composition, because: Alena Klimova went to live in Sweden, Yulia Panova began to pursue a solo career, and Zlata Stepanova decided to change her role. Until 2011, the group changed eight more soloists. All of them will subsequently leave the team, having successfully married. Many of the girls became mothers, and some more than once.
In the autumn of 2011, when there was simply no one in the group to sing, a bold decision was made - to return Zlata Stepanova to the group, who had achieved heights in the field of style, fashion, and image in seven years. Zlata accepts the invitation with pleasure and is actively involved in the search for new soloists. As a result of the casting, Natasha Asmolova (Moscow), Olga Kraevaya (Barnaul) and Aida Evdokimova (Moscow) become the soloists of the group
Now the Chinchilla group is Marianna Razumova, Elena Gabueva and Emma Gasparyan. Marianna writes songs, plays the flute and the Ossetian harmonica. She is practically the leader of the new "chinchillas". Emma is a professional choreographer, so all the group's numbers are choreographed exclusively by her. Elena is a wonderful vocalist and lawyer all rolled into one. The girls continue to support the natural and deep in drama, lyrical and gentle style of the team.

- Group "Chinchillas" - musical project Sergei Kharin. For the first time, the Chinchillas became known in 1997, when their songs were actively heard on the radio and began to be massively included in the compilations of the Soyuz studio. Such intense promotion did not happen by chance. At the helm of the team was Sergey Kharin, who was both a music producer and director of the team, and even the author of many songs.

A bright video was shot for the song "Girls-Chinchillas", in which the guys from the group "Two" took part - another project of the "Union". Following the debut hit, a pleasant and very beautiful lyrical composition "Give Wings" followed. The video for this song was filmed within the walls of the legendary tone studio on Ryazansky Prospekt. In addition, the remake song "Singing in the Blackthorn" was released in the "Soyuz 22" collection. The charming arrangement of this song was created by Sergey Krokh, who previously performed as a solo artist himself. The notorious pop singer and composer acted as the author of many songs -.

In 1998 "Chinchillas" began touring and continued to record material for the second album. So, they got the song "Only Autumn", which, however, was not included in any of the subsequent albums. A little later, "Chinchillas" recorded the track "Three Yellow Roses" - the composition showed good results and it was also decided to shoot a video for it. Lyrical songs were also in demand: "The subtle smell of jasmine", "Lonely Candle". All of them were included in the second disc "Three Yellow Roses".

A long break soon followed, but all this time the group physically existed and could give a concert at any moment. In the mid-2000s, the composition of "Chinchillas" was completely updated, a new era opened for the project. With the new line-up, the records "10 hours" and "Itself chose" were recorded, however, the songs from these albums did not become hits. Currently, the team is active and periodically "Chinchillas" record new songs. The same Sergey Kharin, a very talented author and just a noble person who helped and continues to help many young "stars", helps the project to develop.

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Biography, life story of the Chinchilla group

In February 1997, in the famous Soyuz studio, secretly, four girls, employees of the company, made a strange decision - to present their male colleagues on Armed Forces Day with the song "Daisies Hid" ... And not with a guitar or phono, but professionally recorded...

Due to the fact that none of them had ever had an idea what a professional recording was, the conspirators called for help the producer of the Balagan Limited group Sergey Kharin and a student of the Moscow pop and jazz college "Consort" Alena Klimova. Sergey became the producer of the new project. not having a name at that time, and Alena - the fifth member of the team.

The premiere of the first musical masterpiece took place nowhere, but on Russian Radio, in the program of Marcel Gansales "Dance Floor" ...

When the next composition about the green-eyed Budulai got into heavy rotation on the same prestigious radio and, on top of everything else, was placed in first place in all pirated collections, the team realized that it looks like show business turned to face them ...

The name of the group was born by chance. During another naive quarrel, one of the soloists of the group affectionately called the other a chinchilla. The producer standing nearby thanked the expert on fauna and appropriated a funny word from solid hissing girl group, promising 50 dollars for the idea. Later, the concept of "Chinchilla" becomes a registered trademark. By the way, the producer did not give the money to the girl ...

But suddenly the project that has arisen begins to suffer losses. Not all girls of the group were able to work in a team. Touring life put everything in its place. Two out of five soloists decide not to pursue a musical career, but choose a family life. Another decides to pursue a solo career. Alena Klimova and Zlata Stepanova turned out to be the most persistent. In February 1998, Sergey Kharin invites a new member, Yulia Panova, a student at the pop-jazz art school, to join the team. Since then, the group has formed completely.

During this time, "Chinchillas" shot five video clips, released two magnetic albums "Chinchilla Girls" and "Three Yellow Roses". They traveled with concerts almost all of Russia and neighboring countries. We visited with concerts in the United States, in Thailand, in Cyprus, in Greece, in Egypt.


In 2004, the group completely changed its line-up., as:

Alena Klimova went to live in Sweden, Yulia Panova began to pursue a solo career, and Zlata Stepanova decided to change her role.

The group began to include Marianna RAZUMOVA, Emma GASPARYAN, Elena GABUEVA.

Marianne. Representative of North Ossetia. She writes songs herself. He plays the flute and the Ossetian harmonica. Practically, the leader of the "new" "Chinchillas".

Emma. Came to Moscow from Armenia. Professional choreographer. All group numbers are put exclusively by her.

Elena. North Ossetia. Recently became a member of the group. A wonderful vocalist and lawyer rolled into one.

In 2011, the composition changed again.

The casting announced in September 2011 for the Chinchilla group has been completed. The reason for the casting was banal. Family circumstances! Two past soloists became mothers, and the third got married and broke with her singing career.

Hundreds of girls responded to the recruitment announcement. But most of them were eliminated immediately, due to incompetence. 80 contenders reached the final of the casting. At the same time, there was only one place in the group! Already before the casting, the producers of the team entered into agreements with two participants: Zlata Stepanova and Natalia Asmolova.

Zlata was the very first soloist of the group, she worked in her time for seven years. Then I decided to do something else. And she became one of the best stylists in Moscow. The offer to return to the group was a surprise for Zlata. But the agreement came quickly - apparently, who once shone on the stage can hardly leave it forever.

And Natalia Asmolova is not new to show business. She sang in these famous bands like "Brilliant" and "Daiquiri"

But back to casting. Of the eighty applicants, half were eliminated upon a detailed review of the resume: age, height, appearance did not fit. Another half dropped out after listening to the sent phonograms. As a result, 20 candidates were admitted to the selection itself. Almost all of them had higher or secondary musical education, significant experience on the stage. Some were even vocal teachers or had their own bands.

But it was not the singer who conquered everyone at the casting with her vocals and charisma, but the young fashion designer Olga Kraevaya from the city of Barnaul. It was she who became the third member of the Chinchillas.

The band has a pretty busy schedule right now. preparatory work. The first single of the new line-up has already been recorded and in the very near future it will be presented to the radio stations. As the producer of the group Sergey Kharin said, now it’s much easier for him personally to work, because the musical “genius” DJ Kirill Clash (Kirill Kuzmenko), known for his work with the Vintakh and VIA GRA groups, with Mitya Fomin, Vera Brezhneva, Elka and others. He became the band's music producer and is now fully responsible for the band's sound. “We are sure,” Sergei added, “that there will be no biased or negative attitude towards us from radio stations, TV channels, and most importantly, listeners and viewers. Moreover, the new line-up is very creative, talented and purposeful. And the music will be in the spirit of the most fashionable trends.”