What happens if you call a slenderman. How to call a slender? (The most real way is at the entrance)

1. You can call a thin person only at night, preferably at three o'clock, when everyone is sleeping. You will need:
- five sheets of paper,
- pencil,
- flashlight,
- Card deck,
- glue,
- thin tape
- high-rise building with a working elevator,
- blindfold.

2. At night, go up to the top floor, but in no case to the roof. Make sure there are no people here and no one is walking around. Turn on the flashlight, lay out the sheets.

3. You must have five sheets, these are the five stages of the spell. Next is very important:
- Draw a tree on the first sheet. It doesn't matter how well you do it, the main thing is that it is clear to everyone that a tree is drawn.
- Draw a face on the second sheet. Simple face: oval head, nose, two eyes and mouth.
- Any card of the spade suit must be glued to the third sheet with glue. Someone says that this item can be skipped and four sheets are enough, but the spade card will not become superfluous. They say it's best to stick the jack of spades.
- Draw yourself on the fourth sheet. The main thing is to designate one identification mark, for example, put on a red hat today and draw this red hat on your little man. The Thin Man needs to know what you look like. A small detail in the clothes will be enough.
- On the last sheet draw a multi-storey building. IMPORTANT: the number of floors must match the number of floors of the building you are currently in

4. Now that you have made five sheets (be sure to draw in the entrance), proceed to the ceremony itself:

It is necessary to hang sheets on the walls on the flights of stairs of the first five floors: a tree - on the first floor, a face - on the second, a jack of spades - on the third, an image of oneself - on the fourth, a high-rise building - on the fifth. After that, you need to go up to the top floor of the house, you can take the elevator, wait about half an hour, then go down to the first floor by the ELEVATOR and go to check the sheets.

5. What you should see:
- A hanging man will be attached to the tree on the first floor.
- The eyes and mouth will disappear from the face on the second floor, only the oval of the face will remain.
- The map on the third floor will remain. Someone says that it can be replaced with another card or smeared with a black pencil.
- You won't see anything on the fourth floor - the Thin Man takes your image for himself.

6. On the fifth floor, opposite one of the floors of the painted house, a mark will be made - probably a black cross. If the mark is made on the fifth floor, nothing will save you. Turn around and the Thin Man will pick you up. You can try to go down five floors with your back, this is the only chance to survive, but, they say, it doesn’t really help.

7. If the mark is made on another floor, then Thin wants to play. If you have the courage - go to the elevator and go to the marked floor. As soon as the elevator doors open, be prepared to fall into the clutches of the Thin Man.

P.S. If you go to the first floor, it is possible that the elevator will not listen to you and will take you directly to the Thin Man. Nobody knows the truth. -
Good luck!
- -


The authenticity of the legends about the summoning of the Slender Man is quite difficult to verify, but on the old Internet forums you can find several versions of rites that can arrange a meeting with the Thin Man. Here is an instruction found on an abandoned forum. The post is dated 2005. The author's punctuation and spelling have been preserved.
1. You can call a thin person only at night, preferably at three o'clock, when everyone is sleeping. You will need:
- Five sheets of paper
- Pencil
- Flashlight
- Card deck
- Glue
- thin tape
- High-rise building with a working elevator
- Blindfold
2. At night, go up to the top floor, but in no case to the roof. Make sure there are no people here and no one is walking around. Turn on the flashlight, lay out the sheets.
3. You must have five sheets, these are the five stages of the spell. Next is very important:
- Draw a tree on the first sheet. It doesn't matter how well you do it, the main thing is that it is clear to everyone that a tree is drawn.
- On the second sheet, draw a face. Simple face: oval head, nose, two eyes and mouth.
- Glue any card of spades to the third sheet with glue. Someone says that this item can be skipped and four sheets are enough, but the spade card will not become superfluous. They say it's best to stick the jack of spades.
- On the fourth sheet we draw ourselves. The main thing is to designate one identification mark, for example, put on a red hat today and draw this red hat on your little man. The Thin Man needs to know what you look like. A small detail in the clothes will be enough.
- On the last sheet we draw a multi-storey building. Important: the number of floors must match the number of floors of the house you are currently in
4. Now that you have made five sheets (be sure to draw in the entrance), proceed to the ceremony itself:
- It is necessary to hang sheets on the walls on the flights of stairs of the first five floors: a tree - on the first floor, a face - on the second, a jack of spades - on the third, an image of oneself - on the fourth, a high-rise building - on the fifth. After that, you need to go up to the top floor of the house, you can take the elevator, wait about half an hour, then take the elevator down to the first floor and go to check the sheets.
5. What you should see:
- A hanging man will be attached to the tree on the ground floor.
- The eyes and mouth will disappear from the face on the second floor, only the oval of the face will remain.
- The map on the third floor will remain. Someone says that it can be replaced with another card or smeared with a black pencil.
- On the fourth floor you will not see anything - the Thin Man takes your image for himself.
6. On the fifth floor, opposite one of the floors of the painted house, a mark will be made - probably a black cross. If the mark is made on the fifth floor, nothing will save you. Turn around and the Thin Man will pick you up. You can try to go down five floors with your back, this is the only chance to survive, but, they say, it doesn’t really help.
7. If the mark is made on another floor, then Thin wants to play. If you have the courage, go to the elevator and go to the marked floor. As soon as the elevator doors open, be prepared to fall into the clutches of the Thin Man.
P.S. If you go to the first floor, it is possible that the elevator will not listen to you and will take you straight to the thin person. Nobody knows the truth.e

How to call Slenderman at home ...

You will need:
- Plain sheet of paper (A4)
- Pen or any other writing object
- Phone camera

Call at any time of the day in your room. It is desirable that the houses were alone, pets do not count. Carefully write on the sheet "Slendermen come" eight times, each phrase from a new line.

Then we take a phone, tablet or other device and start shooting video. What is it for? First, to understand whether Slenderman came or not. Secondly, if he did come, track the fluctuations in the chamber.

We read aloud from a piece of paper the same phrase the same number of times ([slenderman kam]). Then we wait, look closely at the camera - are there any failures, at least small ones. To stand still for at least half a minute, if everything is in order with the camera, you can wander around the apartment. If everything is still in order - alas, he did not come. Try next time at a later time, check whether they were alone at home, whether they did everything right.

If even the slightest change has occurred in the cell - well, congratulations, you called him. To withdraw - say "Slendermen go away" eight times, which means "Slenderman, go away (go away, etc.)". Crumple the paper and throw it away (in the trash, not out the window).

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

We sat, as usual, in front of the telly. Me, Vika and Nastya. My elder brother was supposed to come today. Yes, yes, yes, I am not the only child in the family. He graduated 9 and went to some college. And he completed 1 course. That's coming for the summer. Today mom and dad will go to visit some of our relatives. It seems that a goat or a cow gored someone there ... Although I don’t remember. But I remember that they definitely butted me. Ahhh, for sure ... It was Baba Nina. Wow tough grandma. Somehow we stole apples from her, so she knew that we would turn up and poured a laxative. After that, half of the village spent the night in toilets, which, by the way, are located on the street. And she herself was so pleased, she washed the apple well and ate, watching how people jump out of neighboring houses and rush at full speed to the "cherished" place-toilet. After that, no one touched either apples or pears or anything from her garden at all.

So my parents went there to visit relatives. Well, a befuddled...
They gathered early in the morning and left, saying that their brother would come and that the house would not be destroyed. Well, I went to call the girls satisfied. And now we are all lying together and watching the Barboskins. And then the doorbell squeaked and I rushed to open the door to my brother. I opened the door and didn’t see anyone, but I heard that someone slammed behind the door. I turned around, and there was Danka. But I apparently knocked him down with a door.

Magic is an extremely ancient matter, but, as it turns out, it is not static. The fact is that humanity is growing not only with technology, but also with imagination. As we know, images born by the mind create their own thought forms. If they are fed, then the new entity can gain real power. This is what happened to Slenderman. Appearing as a fictional hero on an Internet forum, the image managed to conquer more than one imagination and heart. Naturally, this made the hero almost real.

But this "almost" does not quite suit those who believe in it. Many began to think about how to communicate with him, to win him over as a friend and ally. It turns out that this became possible thanks to advanced magicians who do not want to accept working only with old concepts that came from the depths of centuries.

Is it possible to call Slenderman at home?

Below is the instruction, which, in secret, thrill-seekers pass each other. They say that its performance has been tested more than once. Those who claim to have used it are extremely vague about the meeting itself. Either they do not want someone else to see Slenderman, or they are shocked by the brightness of their impressions. But, judging by the eyes, the instruction itself is working. Who is not afraid, he can check himself (after all).

Preparatory work for the call

In order for Slenderman to appear before your eyes, you need to prepare some materials. Namely: paper (A-4), lantern, glue, cards (playing), adhesive tape, pencil (black), scarf. The whole process is connected with an elevator. Therefore, you need to go where it exists, moreover, in working condition.

If usually magicians advise using the placebo effect in order for the result to be one hundred percent, then in the case of Slenderman, belief in a miracle is not necessary. The one who issued the instructions for calling this hero assures that it will work out in any case. So he warned:

“Once you take the first step, you can’t stop! Watch out!

Slenderman Summoning Ritual

It is better to perform the ritual after midnight, but it is possible during the day, although then the probability of a successful call drops. You should climb to the very top of the house (the last stop of the elevator). It is worth taking the time so that you are not distracted. Slenderman can get angry. He doesn't like the extra eyes.

On the stock sheets you need to draw various pictures - diagrams. Here's the order: tree, face, self, skyscraper, the number of floors in which will be the same as in where you are. More than one sheet needs to be pasted on the ace of spades (or another card of this suit). Very important: you can’t cook all this in advance! Sketches and applications must be done on the spot (the energy mechanism starts).

When everything is prepared in order to call Slenderman, you need to go down the stairs and paste the sheets with blanks. You have five of them in total, which means you will occupy the five lower floors. First fix the sheet with the tree, then the face, then the map, the fourth floor is your image, the last is the house.

Now you need to return to your original place and wait. In about an hour, go check your blanks. If a new image appears in the picture with the tree, analyze it. This is his plan for you. The one he threatens you with. On the second image, something can also be added or erased. The card, they say, Slenderman changes to another. This is a sign - it is located to communicate.

In the drawn house, he marks the meeting point with a cross, inviting you to move to a certain floor. But, if you're scared, you can run away if you have time. Everyone who shared their impressions on the call of Slenderman ended at this very moment. Although, opinions differ about the image of the person himself (fourth). Someone says that Slenderman takes it, others remember that it remained in place. What this means is known only to those who actually saw the Thin Man, and they are silent.

The authenticity of the legends about the summoning of the Slender Man is quite difficult to verify, but on the old Internet forums you can find several versions of rites that can arrange a meeting with the Thin Man. Here is an instruction found on an abandoned forum. The post is dated 2005. The author's punctuation and spelling have been preserved.

1. You can call a thin person only at night, preferably at three o'clock, when everyone is sleeping. You will need:
- Five sheets of paper
- Pencil
- Flashlight
- Card deck
- Glue
- thin tape
- High-rise building with a working elevator
- Blindfold

2. At night, go up to the top floor, but in no case to the roof. Make sure there are no people here and no one is walking around. Turn on the flashlight, lay out the sheets.

3. You must have five sheets, these are the five stages of the spell. Next is very important:
- Draw a tree on the first sheet. It doesn't matter how well you do it, the main thing is that it is clear to everyone that a tree is drawn.
- Draw a face on the second sheet. Simple face: oval head, nose, two eyes and mouth.
- Any card of the spade suit must be glued to the third sheet with glue. Someone says that this item can be skipped and four sheets are enough, but the spade card will not become superfluous. They say it's best to stick the jack of spades.
- Draw yourself on the fourth sheet. The main thing is to designate one identification mark, for example, put on a red hat today and draw this red hat on your little man. The Thin Man needs to know what you look like. A small detail in the clothes will be enough.
- On the last sheet we draw a multi-storey building. Important: the number of floors must match the number of floors of the house you are currently in

4. Now that you have made five sheets (be sure to draw in the entrance), proceed to the ceremony itself:
- It is necessary to hang sheets on the walls on the flights of stairs of the first five floors: a tree - on the first floor, a face - on the second, a jack of spades - on the third, an image of oneself - on the fourth, a high-rise building - on the fifth. After that, you need to go up to the top floor of the house, you can take the elevator, wait about half an hour, then take the elevator down to the first floor and go to check the sheets.

5. What you should see:
- A hanging man will be attached to the tree on the first floor.
- The eyes and mouth will disappear from the face on the second floor, only the oval of the face will remain.
- The map on the third floor will remain. Someone says that it can be replaced with another card or smeared with a black pencil.
- You won't see anything on the fourth floor - the Thin Man takes your image for himself.

6. On the fifth floor, opposite one of the floors of the painted house, a mark will be made - probably a black cross. If the mark is made on the fifth floor, nothing will save you. Turn around and the Thin Man will pick you up. You can try to go down five floors with your back, this is the only chance to survive, but, they say, it doesn’t really help.

7. If the mark is made on another floor, then Thin wants to play. If you have the courage - go to the elevator and go to the marked floor. As soon as the elevator doors open, be prepared to fall into the clutches of the Thin Man.

P.S. If you go to the first floor, it is possible that the elevator will not listen to you and will take you straight to the thin person. Nobody knows the truth.