Synopsis of a music lesson middle group winter. Thematic lesson on musical education for children of the middle group using the game technology "Gifts of Mother Winter

It is easy to sew a beautiful cockerel for the New Year and Easter. It can be presented, used as an interior toy or hung on a Christmas tree, on a wall, on a bag. And for sewing, the craftswoman will need a pattern of a rooster from fabric.

Tilda toys are a charming home decoration

Gizmos in this technique are easy to perform. You just need to remember a few important rules.

  • Toys are sewn from natural fabrics: linen, cotton, fleece.
  • For the body and face (muzzles, heads), it is best to use a monophonic material.
  • Clothing is sewn from fabric of any color, but it is preferable to use fabric with a small pattern.
  • The longitudinal seam of the halves of the product should run along the middle of the face or muzzle, crossing the nose.
  • Tilde dolls are traditionally made tanned, using dry blush, powder, coffee, cocoa, and finely ground pencil lead to color the fabric. Sometimes masters even apply watercolor paint or gouache with a brush on an already finished product. Animals that are made according to the canons of making dolls look original: tanned cockerels, hares, elephants touch their resemblance to bathing tildes.

Open the tilde rooster

The most important thing, without which the tilde rooster will not work, is a pattern. Having chosen the most suitable one, it should be transferred to paper, polyethylene or cardboard. Then you need to carefully cut each part separately with scissors.

If for some reason the master does not like the pattern of a rooster from fabric, for some reason, he can transfer the pattern to graph paper, and then, using the grid, draw patterns on a different scale.

Here is considered interesting option interior toys. It should turn out tanned, as bathers are usually made, a cock-tilde. The pattern in the article is given in full size, but if desired, it can be increased. The drawing shows patterns for cutting the clothes of the leader of the chicken flock.

It should be remembered that all parts must have an allowance of 2-3 millimeters for seams. You can sew both manually and on a typewriter. To stuff the toy, it is necessary to leave a hole in the most inconspicuous place, which is then sewn up by hand with a blind seam.

Attic toy "cockerel"

If the fabric is boiled in coffee, tea or smeared with a mixture of instant coffee with cocoa powder and PVA glue before cutting, it will acquire not only a pleasant tan color, but also retain an amazing aroma. Additionally, you can add cinnamon or vanilla to this gruel. A toy sewn from the fabric obtained will not only decorate the interior, but also exude a pleasant smell of coffee, just as it happens with toys made using the attic technique.

For sewing, the same fabric is suitable, according to which it is made using the technique of tilde toys, that is, from a close to the human figure. You get a kind of cool little man with a bird's head and wings, but with wide hips and standing on long straight legs.

To give the toy stability, before sewing on the paws-feet, wooden kebab skewers are inserted into the legs from below, piercing the filler. The skewers should stick into the body of the rooster and go inside by 4-5 cm. You can use them not just one thing for each leg, but two or even three. The excess is broken off, leaving protruding tips 5-6 millimeters long for fastening with the foot.

In order for the cockerel to stand firmly on its feet, the feet can not be sewn from fabric, but molded from polymer clay, salt dough or gypsum. On the protruding ends of the skewers, not yet completely dried feet are pricked and the toy is left in a warm place. Such a rooster can stand. If the feet are made of fabric, then the cockerel will need support. It will need to be attached to something.

Usually these cockerels are dressed up in clothes. Here is a pattern of a rooster made of fabric using the technique of sewing a tilde toy - it is shaded in blue.

Sitting cockerel - the easiest option

But you can make a bird that looks very reminiscent of a real one. The easiest way to sew a soft toy in the form of a sitting cockerel. Even an inexperienced craftswoman can get a very similar to a living rooster. of this type in the drawing above is shaded in red.

Cheerful cockerel sewn from felt

printed Stuffed Toys always liked by children and brought to tenderness by adults. A patient craftsman who owns a needle and scissors may well get a fun creative rooster made of felt.

The pattern is given in natural size. The first figure shows only a part of the templates for cutting, the next one shows the remaining patterns.

Master Class. Rooster pattern

Everyone can make toys with their own hands. It's fascinating and fruitful occupation. Lovers of dressing up Christmas tree hand-made crafts, you will surely like the option - a felt rooster.

A pattern of bright decoration can be not only taken from any sources, but also built independently. To create it, you do not even need to have the talent of an artist. Easy enough to do step by step recommendations this master class.

  1. A circle of such a diameter is drawn, which is supposed to be at the head of the future toy rooster.
  2. A little lower with a slope is an oval. It will be the body of the bird.
  3. A little away from the oval-body draw another oval. It will form the tail of a cockerel.
  4. Smooth concave lines connect the head and torso, forming a neck.
  5. The oval of the tail is also connected to the body of the rooster.
  6. The lower part of the extreme oval is decorated with several pointed corners - these are the ends of the tail feathers.
  7. With the help of an oval, a recess is drawn on the back of the bird.
  8. Another oval will help make the area under the tail rounder.
  9. A smooth line draws out the lower abdomen, making it lean. You can again use the oval, drawing it at the right angle and choosing the required size so that the rooster's chest protrudes forward - the keel.
  10. Everyone can easily draw a bird's beak and legs, even without drawing skills.
  11. The wing has an oval shape with pointed feathers. It is drawn in the same way as the tail of a rooster.
  12. It remains only to draw patterns for the scallop and beard.

That's all. The pattern for the felt toy is ready!

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here, all the components of a rooster costume are simple - wings, tail, beak, beard. But difficulties arise from the very beginning - if you make a tail, then it must be voluminous and keep its shape; the beak and beard in the form of a mask prevent the child from breathing; a hat with a scallop is too hot ... But let's try to make something interesting with our own hands.

DIY rooster costume

Let's start with the head. One of the most beautiful options for a rooster costume for both a boy and a girl is to sew a full-fledged balaclava hat with a comb, beak and beard.

1. Measure the length from the top of the head to the collarbones, approximately the cap will reach them.

2. Use a thin mesh for making, then the child will not be hot. Cut out a rectangle with protruding slopes for a more comfortable shape. Sew in a circle and cut out an opening for the face. Pull off the top of the cap - this assembly will not be visible later.

3. From a colorful brown-yellow fabric, cut out strips with feathers and sew them onto the mesh so that a few cm of clearance remain between the strips (for ventilation).

4. It is better to cut out the beak, comb and beard of a rooster from felt, as it keeps its shape well. If the beak is long enough and constantly lowers or folds, glue the wire to it from the underside and decorate it with a ribbon to match the color.

On the details themselves, it is better to make stitching and embroidery with thick threads - it will look beautiful.

For more naturalness, you can sew some real feathers on the hat.

This version of the upper part of the rooster costume is good not only for its presentability, but also for the fact that nothing will interfere with the child's face. But if it does not suit you, then there are other ideas.

For example, you can make a hat like this:

It is not necessary to sew it from scratch, you can simply paint a white cap with fabric dyes (batik) and sew feathers into it as a comb.

And of course, masks are very common for costumes. They are also sewn either from felt or from another dense fabric. But do not forget that it is better to use a thin, body-friendly material as the basis of the mask, on which all other details will be glued.

Simple masks:

Complex masks:

Additionally, you can look at the rubber bands to wear as a mask.

Now let's move on to the middle part - that is, the body of the rooster.

A simple but very convenient solution for a child is to sew the wings of a rooster into the sleeves of any jacket that matches the color - so that the wings unfold when the arms are raised.

And here is an example with a wedge cape:

You can also make wings in the form of mittens.

A complete but simple rooster costume: an elongated tank top is sewn from two parts (even without recesses) with a lock on the back. It is embroidered with multi-colored feather details (you can sew them in whole strips, as is the case with a balaclava hat). From above, wings made of dense fabric are sewn onto the shoulders, with the help of ribbons, the wings are fixed on the wrists. Yellow leggings are worn under the bottom of the jacket.

Legs for a rooster costume

Idea number 1: sew paw-shaped covers on top of the shoes. For this, the fabric must be starched or glued. So that the paws do not fall off the heel of the boot, it is better to sew on the ties from the back and wrap them around the ankle.

The pattern looks like this:

Idea number 2: sew false paws with ankle fastening. Of the minuses - the paws will constantly curl back when walking and dancing, so it is better to fix them on the boot itself.

We think these ideas will be enough for you to create your own unique rooster costume for a child with your own hands. Just do not forget that not only the beauty of the outfit is important, but also the functionality and convenience!

Every time on New Year colleagues and friends give each other various souvenirs, which are a symbol of the New Year. 2017 is no exception. This year will be under the auspices of the Rooster. Therefore, for this occasion, it is worth giving souvenirs of a rooster to relatives and colleagues. You can buy them. But most of all, those gifts that were created with your own hands are valued. Most the best option in this case, it is a rooster that was sewn by hand. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to sew a rooster out of fabric?

Fabric rooster. How to sew

A simple rooster.

If you do not have sewing skills or do not have time to sew a complex toy, then you should take a closer look at a simple craft. This rooster looks incredibly cute. And it is very easy to sew. To sew a cockerel, prepare:

  • dense fabric - it can be coarse calico or flannel;
  • not large pieces of felt that will be used for sewing: scallop, beak and tail;
  • rhinestones and buttons,
  • sintepon.


In order to sew one cockerel, you need to take a piece of fabric that will measure 21x11 cm. Fold a triangle out of this fabric.

Sew the cockerel. The seams should be on the wrong side. The side seam, which will be the last one, should be sewn up by hand. The work should be done after you fill the toy with padding polyester. Put the comb, tail and beak of the cockerel inside the seam.

Now decorate your toy. In this situation, you can show all your talents.

Rooster made of felt.

Toys that are created from felt are very popular today. And there is no need to be surprised. After all, it is very easy to sew a variety of products from such material. Therefore, the next rooster craft that you sew with your own hands from fabric will look interesting. In this case, you should use felt material. In order to sew the symbol of 2017, you should prepare:

  • Felt,
  • sintepon,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • needle and thread.


  1. On the felt it is worth making a pattern of all the details.
  2. Every detail for a rooster must have a pair.
  3. In order to get a beautiful toy, it is recommended to use material of various colors. For example, make paws yellow, and the scallop is red.
  4. Glue small parts of the toy to the toy with glue. That's all your toy will be ready.

Another version of the cockerel.

If you like to sew, then you probably have pieces of fabric at home. It is worth saying that you do not need to get rid of them. They can be used to sew a wonderful cockerel. Such a toy as a rooster looks interesting. And now we will tell you how to sew it from fabric step by step.

Our cockerel will have a beak and comb. These details are recommended to be sewn from felt. These small details are sewn first. The beak and scallop should be sewn from two pieces of felt. You must cut them out, be sure to sew them together and iron them well. In order to sew a beard, take a couple of separate pieces of thin fabric. As a result, you will get a double one. Felt Brown or any other fabric denser than the same color will go for sewing cock's feet.

The body of the rooster itself can be sewn from any piece of fabric. Your rooster can be polka dot or plaid. And in this case, a floral fabric is suitable.

In addition to the fabric, you will need a padding polyester for filling and a couple of beads for the eye.

Pay attention to patterns. You need to cut them out. Then pin the individual parts of the cockerel to the body with pins. These two parts must be turned towards the fabric. In other words, they need to be wrapped inside.

Then put a second piece of fabric on top, which will be the upper body. Stitch the details. Start at the front of the neck and work your way up to the tail.

Turn the head out and straighten the beak and comb.

Then take the detail of the lower body. It should be connected to the top. For accuracy, the part is first pinned with pins, and then stitched. Leave an opening where you can put the stuffing. The corners must be sewn neatly.

Once you have sewn all the details, turn the rooster inside out. Stuff the toys with padding polyester and sew up the hole.

Now move on to the wings of the rooster. For them, it is worth cutting 4 parts. To get the second wing, turn the pattern upside down.

Wings sewn together in the following way: fabric - synthetic winterizer - fabric. When creating wings, be sure to make longitudinal seams.

Sew these wings to the cockerel.

Be sure to make a cockerel paw. For this purpose, use brown felt. Between the material put a thin synthetic winterizer. Sew along the office and take two steps in the middle. This must be done in order for the membranes to appear. Sew the paws to the cockerel.

Attach pearl eyes to the cockerel.


In this publication, we have listed several options for sewing a cockerel toy. We hope you choose the best sewing technique for yourself and create a wonderful gift.