How to learn to read quickly. How to learn to read faster

Reading is the most important process of processing and perceiving graphic information, learning which begins from an early age.

The quality of mastery of this skill largely determines a person’s future success in studies, creativity, and even in everyday matters. We will look at not only how to learn to read quickly, but also how to capture the most important information in the text. The quality and speed of future intellectual work directly depends on the latter.

Why is it so important to be able to read quickly?

Before mastering the art of quick and thoughtful reading, it makes sense to think about whether you need it?

If not, check out the article for general development and... read anyway! Just choose those authors who really interest you and lift your spirits. Enriching the brain with new information is also an important task that keeps the intellect in good shape.

Maybe after a couple of years you will want to achieve something. Then you will have all the original data at your disposal. Namely, a more or less trained brain. It has been proven that even reading fiction makes him tense.

If you are a goal-oriented person and want to become the best in a field that requires serious intellectual work, this article is for you (it will tell you in detail how to read quickly and remember).

A reading person - what is he like?

We live in the information age, in which the speed of acquiring new knowledge plays a decisive role. A person who can quickly perceive a large amount of information:

  • Self-assured.
  • Has adequate self-esteem.
  • Achieves a lot in life.

How to learn to read quickly?

Let's immediately move on to the rules that are applicable in practice. Learning to read specific text quickly? Then let's go:

  • Read only useful books. For example, if you want to become a successful businessman, study the autobiographies of talented entrepreneurs. You will find the story of Steve Jobs useful, which tells about the difficult fate of a man who made a breakthrough in the field of information technology (by the way, he was not very disciplined and was a rebel in his youth. However, this did not prevent the implementation of his ideas). It also makes sense to read Adam Smith, namely his work “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.” It talks in detail about how the capitalist system functions, what its main problem is, and crises of overproduction have already been predicted.
  • Choose books written in interesting and lively language.
  • Before reading the paper volume, flip through it and read the table of contents. This way you will be guided through the main sections of the book.
  • Read the work quickly twice. Even if you do not understand some detail, do not focus on it: your task is to grasp the main idea.
  • Study the book in a comfortable environment for you. This means a quiet place where no one can distract you.
  • Do not read unnecessary books: they fill your memory with unnecessary information.

High-quality perception of information is the key to success

In this section we will tell you how to read quickly and remember useful information. That is, how to understand the essence of the material studied. This is the purpose of reading - to learn to extract the most important information from the text. Well, then apply it in practice, if possible...

Scientists have proven that a text read is remembered well when a person follows five simple rules:

  1. Shares the material you read with friends. When a person retells the plot of a book in his own words, the probability of storing new information in memory is close to 100%.
  2. Makes notes as you read. They should reflect the key points of the book.
  3. Knows exactly the best time for your brain to work. It has been proven that most people perceive information well in the morning and afternoon. For other people (a minority), it’s the other way around: they learn information only in the evening or at night.
  4. Doesn't say what he reads out loud - this reduces concentration.
  5. He is focused only on reading a book: not a single external event can distract his attention from this most important matter.

By following these simple rules, an individual begins to read faster and learns to remember important information. It’s just great if these five points become the habit of a purposeful person.

In the next chapter we will tell you how to learn to read aloud quickly.

Is public speaking necessary today?

The ancient Greeks knew about the importance of beautiful and quick speech out loud. The philosophers and thinkers for whom Ancient Greece was famous had excellent oratory skills. That is why their valuable thoughts and ideas were easily perceived by ordinary people.

Is it important for a modern person to be able to read aloud quickly and without hesitation? The answer will definitely be yes.

And this applies not only to actors, philologists and scientists. Even an ordinary economist will find this skill useful in life. If only because upon graduation, each student defends his thesis in front of a large audience. And in future work, the ability to speak quickly and beautifully can become a decisive skill: often an individual’s advancement up the career ladder depends on a well-delivered speech.

Now you know why this skill is so important. Next, we will tell you how you can quickly read aloud.

It is best to learn this from a competent teacher. However, no one has canceled independent education either. If you choose the second path, your helpers will be:

  • audio courses;
  • spelling dictionary (in it you can find the correct stress for any dubious word);
  • interesting audiobooks and TV shows (it is advisable to choose those in which people with philological or acting education participate);
  • Dictaphone - it’s very fun to listen to your speech in a recording and find mistakes;
  • Constant practice is what determines further success in this direction.

Speed ​​reading - what is it?

So, what does this interesting two-root word mean? Speed ​​reading is a person’s ability to quickly read a text and navigate it 100%. It sounds, of course, strong... and not very believable for an ordinary person who remembers how much time it took at school to study a complex paragraph in history. Of course, if an individual turned out to be inquisitive, he certainly knew the material well. But quality study of 10-15 pages of text sometimes took more than one hour of time...

Historical figures showing phenomenal results in speed reading

We will try to convince the reader that it is quite possible to read a book thoughtfully in one day. In any case, history knows individuals capable of doing this. Who are these amazing people?

  • Lenin - read at a speed of 2500 words per minute! He was a unique person in every way; and such individuals are characterized by outstanding intellectual abilities.
  • Napoleon.
  • Pushkin.
  • Kennedy.

The list can be continued for quite a long time... What contributes to such phenomenal results in speed reading? Two aspects are a person’s devotion to an idea (this applies to politicians. Lenin is the most striking example) and the natural desire to create something new (this applies to creative people).

Specific speed reading techniques

Still, we are writing an article not about outstanding people, but about how an ordinary person can learn to read quickly. Next, scientific methods will be presented.

  • First, the book is read from beginning to end; then - from the end to the beginning. The essence of the method is to gradually increase reading speed.
  • Reading diagonally. This method consists of studying information diagonally, quickly flipping through pages. Effective when working with works of art. Lenin especially loved this method.
  • Driving your finger from the bottom of the line. This method, known to every person since childhood, is effective. Conducted research proves this.
  • Appropriation technique. Means identifying and remembering key words.
  • Empathy technique. It consists of visualizing the main character or the events occurring in the book from the reader’s perspective. This technique is effective when reading fiction.
  • "Assault Method" It was and is used by intelligence officers from various countries. It involves the rapid assimilation of a certain amount of information by a specially trained person.

Quick reading for children

Intelligence should be developed from a young age, that is, during the active growth of a person. During this period, the child’s brain is 100% ready to assimilate new information. And in later life, all the skills acquired at school (including the ability to read quickly) will play into the hands of an already mature person.

In the previous sections, we looked at how to learn to read quickly for adults. Next, we will talk about speed reading techniques for children. Namely, how to read very quickly.

First, let's talk about a not very pleasant (but quite common aspect in our time) - the reasons for slow reading in childhood. Then - about how to teach a schoolchild to read quickly.

Reasons for Slow Reading

  • Low vocabulary. It is replenished by reading new books, learning new things and communicating with people.
  • Poor concentration on the text.
  • Weak articulatory apparatus. This problem can be eliminated with special exercises presented in children's manuals.
  • Untrained memory. Develops by constantly reading interesting texts and performing semantic exercises for them.
  • The content of the book is too complex. Not every student is able to comprehend the intricate plot of a literary work. An important aspect here is the parent’s knowledge of the characteristics of their child. Then there will be no problem choosing a book for your child.
  • Returning to the same word or phrase (usually complex). The child does not understand its meaning and therefore re-reads it again. Of course, this reduces reading speed. It’s great if the child doesn’t hesitate to ask the meaning of an unclear word. And the parent, in turn, is able to play the role of an explanatory dictionary - that is, explain with his fingers what this or that word or phraseological unit means.

How to increase a child’s reading speed (or how to teach them to read quickly) will be discussed below.

To do this, the parent will need:

  • Interesting and short text. It is advisable that it is suitable for the age of the child.
  • Timer.

Record the time before you start reading (for example, 1 minute). After the specified time, stop your enthusiastic child and count all the words you read.

Then repeat this operation for the second circle and so on. If everything goes correctly, then with each new time the passage of text read will become larger. This indicates that the child’s reading speed is increasing.

This section answers the question of how to learn to read very quickly.

How to teach a child to comprehend information?

As mentioned earlier, not only speed is important in reading, but also the quality of perception of new information. It’s great if a person acquires the habit of meaningful reading from childhood.

Meaningful reading techniques for children

  • Highlighting basic information. After reading a certain passage of text, ask your child to tell you in a nutshell what the meaning of what he read is. If difficulties arise, repeat the exercise again.
  • Role reading. Texts that contain dialogues between two characters are suitable. Invite your child to read the direct speech of the character he liked best. You voice his opponent's remarks.
  • Reading funny tongue twisters. You can remember the ones you read as a child. The most important thing is that they are interesting for the child. For example: “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dryers.” This technique also answers the question of how to learn to read aloud quickly.
  • "Schulte Table". It is a lined square designed for 25-30 cells. A number from 1 to 30 is written in each cell. The child is asked to silently find the numbers as they increase. This exercise improves the volume of operational vision.
  • Regularity of classes. One of the most important points. No matter how simple or complex speed reading techniques a child learns, the only benefit will come from regular practice.
  • Don't forget to praise the child. At the end of the lesson, you need to tell the child that he is making progress, and all the acquired skills will greatly help him in later life.

One of the most important school skills is reading quickly. We discussed above how to quickly read and understand the essence of the material studied.

When there is very little time left before school, and the child does not yet know how to read, parents begin to panic, because the child will enter first grade unprepared. The problem arises of how to quickly teach him to read. This can be done at home, without the help of teachers. In this article we will answer the main questions that parents may have when trying to quickly teach their child to read.

How to understand that a child is ready to learn?

Children become interested in reading around 5 years of age. But we all know that each child is individual in his development. Some are ready to learn as early as 4 years old, while others will have to delay this process until 6-7 years old. It is very important for parents not to miss this moment, because it is during this period that teaching reading will be much easier.

You can help awaken a child’s interest in reading through personal example. There should be books and magazines at home, the child should see that parents enjoy the process of reading. When answering your child’s questions, you can tell him which book contains this answer.

The best incentive for a child to learn to read is the example of parents

You can understand whether a child is ready to learn to read by analyzing a number of factors:

  • Is the child able to speak sufficiently: he must have a rich vocabulary, be able to construct phrases, coordinate words, clearly express his thoughts, be able to talk about the objects and phenomena around him;
  • Is phonemic hearing sufficiently developed? Pay attention to whether the baby can distinguish speech sounds, name the first or last sound in a word, whether he can reproduce the sounds he hears;
  • Are there any problems with hearing and pronunciation? The child must have all the sounds, the correct tempo of speech, rhythm;
  • The baby must be free to navigate in space, know the concepts of right-left, top-bottom.

If all these factors are fully met, your child is ready to learn to read.

The best way is to teach reading in a playful way

All educational and developmental activities with preschoolers should be done through play. At this age, the child is simply not able to perceive new information differently. Play is the most active form through which a preschooler learns about the world. It is a natural state for a child of this age. All classes should be unobtrusive, arranged according to the “as if by the way” principle, then the child will learn the information more fully.

To teach reading, you can use a lot of gaming aids and games. Using gaming activities in learning, we create a positive emotional background that will help the child learn the acquired knowledge. With the help of the game we can instill a love of reading. There is no obligation in the game; the child develops as he can.

If, for example, a baby cannot yet move from reading syllables to reading words together, then he is not ready yet. Don't overstate your demands. If suddenly a child develops a persistent reluctance to learn to read, it means that the adult made a mistake somewhere. In this case, you should stop learning, pause and try again, offering your child interesting games.

For a video review of the most popular methods of teaching reading, watch the video:

Review of effective games and techniques

Teach your child not letters, but sounds. It will be difficult for a child to understand that the letter “em” (or even “me”) is read as “m”, and he will read the word “MOM” EMAEMA. At first, only sounds and only when the child understands how to read, move on to learning the correct names of letters.

The child must know how the letters sound, and only then what they are called

Effective techniques

Zaitsev cubes

Modern parents have heard a lot about Zaitsev's cubes. This is one of the most popular methods at present, with the help of which you can teach a child to read quite quickly. This learning method is suitable for active kids who find it difficult to sit in one place. Warehouses written on the dice are counted as one unit. This distinguishes this technique from conventional ones, where one unit is one letter. A speaking child can pronounce these words at almost any age.

There are different types of warehouses on Zaitsev cubes:

  • warehouses with only one letter,
  • a warehouse that combines two letters: a consonant and a vowel, a consonant and a soft sign, a consonant and a hard sign.

Zaitsev's cubes are considered one of the fastest methods for learning to read.

The cubes have different colors and are named differently depending on them. Cubes with vowels are called golden, their color is golden. Warehouses that sound loudly are called iron, their color is gray. Wooden or brown cubes are warehouses with a dull sound. Punctuation marks represent white and green cubes.

The cubes have their own filling and, depending on it, their own sound and different weights. They can be filled:

  • wooden sticks;
  • bells;
  • sand;
  • stones;
  • small metal objects;
  • caps and stoppers.

The cubes also vary in size. If the cube is of normal size, this means that the warehouse on it is soft. If the cube is double, then the warehouse on it will be solid.

In addition to the cubes, tables are used on which all warehouses are written. These tables are always in front of children.

Watch a video review of a buyer of the Zaitsev Cubes set:

As early as 2 years old, you can use blocks to introduce your child to reading. The older the child, the less lessons he will need to learn to read. Thus, children under 3 years old will be able to master this skill in about six months, while a six-year-old child will need only 5-6 lessons to master the skill of reading.

While studying, children do not spend time in one place. They are always on the move. All classes are conducted only in a playful way.

The most popular games with dice are:

  • Cheerful locomotive. Children build a locomotive from cubes with vowels. The locomotive starts moving when all the warehouses on the cubes are sung.
  • Kolobok. The child throws the bun cube anywhere in the room. He needs to catch up with the cube and read the warehouse that is on top.
  • Find a pair. For any warehouse you like on a cube, you need to find the same one in the table.
  • Animal voices. We look for warehouses on the cubes that correspond to the sounds made by animals (me, meow, be, mu).

Thanks to the sounds made by Zaitsev's cubes, it is interesting to play even for the little ones

Feedback from parents about this technique is not clear. Someone says that with the help of this technique the baby fell in love with reading. They helped develop logic, thinking, and the ability to think critically in the child, and contributed to his all-round development. It was absolutely not difficult for such parents to work with their children; they noted that the children easily switched to independent reading.

A number of parents did not see results in learning with blocks. The children did not understand the essence of such reading; it was difficult for them to switch to reading syllables. The individual form of training was not suitable for these children, and difficulties arose. There was more success with the collective form of learning.

Watch another entertaining video about Zaitsev's cubes:

Speech therapy technique of N. Zhukova

Another, no less popular, method of quickly learning to read is the method developed by N. Zhukova. It is based on a speech therapy approach. With its help you can prevent the occurrence of speech defects. Learning takes place with the help of the Primer, the hero of which is the “Cheerful Boy”. The boy helps the child master correct reading, this process happens very quickly. The Primer begins with learning to read syllables. Words gradually appear and at the end texts are offered for reading.

The Primer contains a minimum of unnecessary information, there is nothing for the child to be distracted from the process, it contains few entertaining games and pictures. The technique is suitable only for highly motivated five-year-old children who want to go to school faster.

Games that help your child quickly learn to read

Letter learning games

  • Together with your child, create bright and memorable images of letters, which he can then play with. For such purposes, you can use ready-made cards with colorful letters on them.

You can study with Elena Bakhtina's ABC book. It offers colorful letters that you can cut out, fun pictures, and interesting stories about each letter. You can use coloring books where the letters resemble various objects.

  • To memorize letters, you can use short poems, talking about the letter.
  • Designing letters from matches, counting sticks, plasticine, and wire.

  • Create with a child reminder table about each letter.

Table-"reminder" about letters

  • Create an album in which the letters will live. Each page is home to a separate letter. You can decorate your home with pictures starting with this letter, coloring books, and write poems about this letter.

  • Name the letters that are hidden. The child is presented with a picture in which he must find different letters.

  • Together with your child, you can create a house for letters. There should be a pocket window for each letter in the house. After learning the letter, we take the cardboard letter home. The studied letters can be offered the treat that begins with it (A - apricot, pineapple). Fairy-tale characters can visit the letter with which their name begins (L - Leopold, M - Masha). With the help of such a letter house, the child will learn to recognize the letters he has learned and identify the first letter in a word.

  • "Catch the Sound" We throw a ball to the child, saying different words. If the word contains the letter being studied, then we catch the ball. If there is no letter, the ball must be hit.

  • You can use board games to learn letters. Lotto and dominoes with letters help with this. The ideal option would be a lotto that does not contain pictures, but only letters. This way, the stage of memorizing letters will go much faster. You can make this kind of lotto yourself. It will require 6-8 cards with written letters and small pictures with letters that the child will name to search on the cards.

  • Riddles in which the learned sound is often repeated.

An elephant walked in Africa

Wagged his long trunk,

And then again! - and disappeared:

Turned into a letter... (C)

  • « Fishing" Pictures with magnets attached are placed in a basin. The child’s task: to catch all the words whose names contain the letter they have learned.

For an example of another educational game, see the video:

Games aimed at learning how to add syllables

After you and your child have studied all the letters, the next stage begins - adding the syllables.

  • Using the same principle as the lotto for letters, you can make syllabic lotto.
  • You can use walking games. You can make such games yourself using ready-made walking games as a basis. In the empty cells on which you need to move the chip, you need to write various syllables. During the game, the child rolls the dice as usual. The difference is that he must read the syllables that come his way. This can result in audio tracks consisting of even 6 syllables. Using the same principle, you can make a racing track. The child must move the car, reading the syllables encountered on his way. Whoever reads all the syllables faster will reach the destination faster and win the race.

  • Games "Shop" and "Mail". Write different syllables on the coins for the store game. The buyer must give a coin on which the syllable is written. The name of the product should begin with this syllable (a coin with the syllable ba - we buy a banana, a coin with the syllable ma - we buy a car, a coin with the syllable pla - we buy a dress). The principle of the "Mail" game is the same as the "Shop" game. Here for the game you need to prepare envelopes, instead of an address on which syllables will be written. The recipients are toy animals. The goal of the game is to deliver the mail correctly (an envelope with the syllable so - to a dog, an envelope with the syllable li - to a fox).
  • Houses with syllables. This game will require houses with syllables written on them; figures of people cut out of cardboard with written names; pictures cut out from magazines with furniture, fruits, vegetables and other various items. During the game, for each house you need to find a tenant, a little man whose name begins with the syllable written on the house. At the same time, the little man goes to the store and buys himself something that begins with the same syllable. For example, Dima will live in a house with the syllable di and buy herself a sofa, Polina will live in a house with the syllable po and buy herself tomatoes.
  • Game “Make a syllable from halves.” To play, you need to write different syllables on cardboard cards and cut them in half horizontally. Shuffle the cards. The child’s task is to collect the cards and read the syllables written on them.
  • “Finish the word.” On cards we write words divided into syllables. It is better to use words with two syllables, for example porridge, puddle, field, feather. We cut the cards into individual syllables. We move syllables with the beginning of words to one side, syllables with the end of words - to the other. To play, we take a card with the beginning of a word, read out loud the syllable that is written on it and the word that the child must make up. For example, KA - PORridge. The child’s task is to find a card with the syllable that ends the word. In this case, a card with the syllable SHA.

House with syllables

At the stage of a child learning to read words and sentences, you have to study a lot from books. In order to instill a love of reading, such activities must be diluted with play activities. The following games can be offered here.

  • Find the hidden word. Rules: lay out a path of different words in front of the child. His task is to choose what you wished for. For example, among the words: “bow, table, swing, cat,” find a “living” word, vegetables, a piece of furniture, children’s entertainment on the street. After each search, it is better to put the card back and mix the words so that the child does not show the cards from memory.
  • "Word in word." The child must find the word in the word. For example, COMRADES - GOODS, COOK, cabbage soup, LAUGHTER - FUR.
  • "Make a Word" Multi-colored circles with written syllables and pictures that tell the child what word to form. For example, a picture of the sea. The child must choose two circles. On the first circle the syllable is MO, on the second - RE. A picture of the sky. The child chooses circles with the syllables NOT and BO.

Educational game "Continue the words"

  • "Traces with words." You can get from one end of the room to the other only by following footprints with words written on them. When stepping on a trail, you need to read the word on it.
  • "Collect the word." The child is given letters from which he must assemble a word. For example, XSEM - LAUGHTER, INCO - CINEMA.
  • « Airport" or "Parking". To play the game you need to choose similar words, for example, CAT, MOLE, MOUTH, COURT, which need to be laid out on the floor. This is necessary so that the child does not make a choice from memory, but reads the words. An airplane flies from one airport to another. You tell the child the names of airport words. If this is a “Parking” game, then the child’s car is parked in the parking space offered to him.

You can come up with such games yourself or together with your child, based on your child’s hobbies. Games need to be constantly changed. Your imagination will definitely help you in such a difficult process of teaching a child to read.

The most effective learning for preschoolers is play

Exercises and games to strengthen reading skills

To strengthen initial reading skills, children can be invited to play the following games:

  • "Make a word." The child is asked to form a word from syllables and letters mixed up. For example: we create a game situation - Foxy decided to give her grandmother gifts and wrote them down so as not to forget. Suddenly the wind came and mixed everything up. Let's help the fox remember what she wanted to give to her grandmother by making up words from mixed up letters and syllables. MOUTH – CAKE, FEKO YOU N – CANDIES, VETS YOU – FLOWERS, KI CHO – GLASSES, CH RO KU KA – CHICKEN….
  • A game "Repairing words"

We are ordinary words

Everyone knows us all

We contain the letter "a"

Three times or twice.

Sometimes just one

(Just not at the beginning).

But today.. Well, well!

They all escaped!


In this poem, you can replace the letter “a” with any other vowel.

  • Exercises with reading a short story with missing letters.
  • "Literal arithmetic"

Ko + world – ir + na + tanya – nya = Room

K + thread – th + gam – m = Book

A training lotto card might look something like this

  • Exercise “Read quickly”

Salt, salt, salt, sat, salt.

Cheese, cheese, cheese, peace, cheese.

Saw, saw, saw, linden, saw.

River, river, hand, river, hand.

  • « Encryptors» Children are asked to decipher the written word. 3124 – GRIA (GAME), 461253 – URTSOEG (CUCUMBER).
  • "Guess what's wrong." You can offer your child pictures that depict animals or any other objects. The names in the pictures are labeled incorrectly (instead of a cow there is a crown, instead of a drum there is a ram). The child must find the mistake by reading carefully and thinking about the meaning of the written word.
  • "Country Border". In the game, you need to write various words on a sheet of paper. These words will be the inhabitants of the countries. It is necessary that the groups of written words are complete opposites of each other. As an example, we can take living and non-living things, wild and domestic animals, summer phenomena - winter phenomena, etc. The child’s task is to read the names of all residents and draw the border between countries. Such a game will not only help strengthen reading skills, but will also force the child to read thoughtfully and reason.

Watch a useful video with a reading lesson by Svetlana Orochko:

  • "Make Proverbs"

Fun, business, ah, time, hour - Time for business, and hour for fun.

  • Reading words backwards SPRING – ANSEV, WINTER – AMIS.
  • You can use the series of notebook books “Letters from the gnome Gosha “I will teach you to read.” Here, at the third level of difficulty, the gnome writes large letters for the child, by reading which the child will also consolidate acquired skills.

The most important thing at this stage is not to make reading a boring activity. Add fairy tales, magic to your child... Engage him with games... Even reading the text several times, as recommended for better understanding, can be made interesting by reading in different ways.

The video below tells you several secrets on how to instill a love of reading in your child:

Is it worth watching video tutorials?

The answer to this question is, of course it is. With the help of video lessons you can diversify the learning process. The child will be happy to watch the video, and the child’s attention will be completely focused on it. As a rule, such lessons are short in time, but the effect of their use is maximum.

When teaching a child to read, it is necessary to use every opportunity to make this process colorful and exciting. Using video tutorials will help you in this difficult task.

For example, watch this educational cartoon “Luntik learns letters”:

How to teach memorize what you read?

The ability to remember what you read is an important aspect in teaching a child to read. You can often find that a child can read very quickly. However, when you ask him a question about what he read, he cannot answer it. This is explained by mechanical reading; the child does not think deeply about the text he reads. Such reading will cause the child many problems in the future, because at school it is necessary not only to read, but to retell texts and answer questions about them. You need to understand what you are reading about.

The child should read in a quiet and calm environment

How can you teach to remember what you read? Let's try to answer this question.

  • There should be no distractions while reading. It is better to read in silence and a calm environment.
  • It is necessary that the child understands what he reads. To do this, each sentence read must be analyzed. You can read the sentence several times. If the text contains words that are incomprehensible to the child, their meaning should be explained to him.
  • At the initial stage of learning to read and memorize what you read, you can offer to draw an illustration for each paragraph read. Looking at such an illustration, the child will be able to remember what he read.
  • If a child has problems remembering what he read, you can suggest dividing the text into parts. First, let’s read the first paragraph, analyze it, understand the meaning of what we read, and draw an illustration. Then take a break, at least a short one, so that the child can be distracted. After the break, we begin reading the second paragraph. We also explain the meaning of what we read, analyze it, tell it, and draw an illustration. Then we ask the child to tell the first and second parts that he read. Illustrations can be used as a guide. We take a break again. And so we read until the end of the text. Short texts are easier to read and remember what you read.
  • It's best to read in the morning. By evening, the child’s brain is already overloaded with information and is not able to remember it. Therefore, in the evening it will be much more difficult for the child to remember what he read.
  • The most important thing is to understand what you read! There is no need to force the child to recite the entire text from sentence to sentence. The most important thing is that the child can retell the main idea of ​​the paragraph read and understand what it says.
  • While your child is telling you what he has read, do not interrupt him under any circumstances. A child can very easily get lost in his thoughts and forget about what he has read.

In this video, Shamil Akhmadullin explains why a child does not understand and remember texts read well, and how to deal with it:

  1. This exercise helps to avoid mechanical reading by filling in the missing words. To choose a word that has the right meaning, the child needs to carefully read the text. For example, Kolya bought... sweets (here the child chooses the words on his own, it can be sweet, tasty, chocolate, sucking...). Today was... the day. (suitable words are selected from the context: rainy, sunny, beautiful, cheerful, warm...).
  2. Another effective exercise would be to use semantic nonsense in the text. Here, along with correct sentences, the child is offered sentences with semantic errors that make its meaning absurd.


In one village, the faithful dog Barbos lived with his owners. His owners loved him very much and spoiled him. They treated him to a pair of hammers and fresh firewood. One day Barbos went for a walk - to breathe in the fresh wind and warm up in a frying pan.

You should read the text, covering the first and last few letters of each line. The child needs to guess the meaning of the hidden letters.

Determine which type of memory your child has developed better: visual or auditory. Sometimes, in order to remember, it is better for children to additionally listen to the text they read.

How to speed up the reading speed of schoolchildren

Nowadays, students are under more and more workload. To be successful in learning, students must be able to read consciously and quickly. Helping your child speed up their reading can help them succeed academically. After all, as psychologists say, the text that is best remembered is the one that is read at the pace of the spoken speech.

At a low reading rate, the text is not remembered by a first-grader. The reason for this is that when he reads the entire text to the end, he will already forget what happened at the beginning. If the reading speed is too high, the child “swallows” most of what he reads without understanding it.

Often, at the initial stage of learning, children do not remember what they have just read.

The standard reading technique when a child graduates from 1st grade is considered to be reading 35-40 words per minute. When reading, a child must understand what he read about; he must read slowly, correctly. By the end of the school year, the child should move from syllabic reading to reading individual words.

At the end of the second year of schooling, the child should be reading at least 55-60 words per minute. Now he must read in whole words, consciously, without making mistakes. At 8-9 years old, a child should already be able to observe the necessary pauses, logical stress and intonation coloring of the text.

At the end of third grade, the reading pace should increase to 75-80 words per minute. At the same time, a 10-year-old child should be able to show understanding of what they read, observing pauses, intonation, and logical stress.

By the end of primary school, a child should read fluently, consciously, and correctly. The student should already be able to show with the help of intonations his attitude to what he read, observing pauses and logical stresses. At the age of 11, a child should already be able to use all the necessary means of expressive speech.

Parents should understand that when testing reading technique, the speed at which the child reads will not be the main indicator. In addition to reading speed, the reading method (syllabic or word reading), reading awareness (the child must understand what he is reading about), expressiveness, and the presence of errors during reading are checked.

Below is a rather useful video about teaching children to speed read:

In order to speed up the student’s reading rate, at which he will understand what he read, it is necessary to understand the reasons that prevent the child from reading the text at a fast pace and with understanding of what he read.

May disturb the child:

  • Bad memory. By the time the child finishes reading the sentence, he has already forgotten what he read at the beginning. He has to read again and again until he understands the meaning of this sentence. In this case, it is necessary to develop the child’s memory. There are many different exercises for this.
  • Inattention. The child reads automatically without concentrating on reading. There is something completely different in his thoughts at this moment. As a result, it turns out that the text is read, but not understood. Attention is a quality on which understanding and memorizing a text greatly depends. Attention, like memory, needs to be developed. There are effective techniques and recommendations for this. But first of all, you need to eliminate all distractions when reading and create an appropriate environment.
  • The child reads little at home and does not like to read. Get your child interested in reading. For example, start reading a story with an exciting plot to your child and stop at the most interesting part. If he wants to know the continuation, he must read it himself. Of course, you will continue, but not today, not now, maybe tomorrow... Offer your child as much interesting fiction to read as possible. Show by example that you love to read. The positive thing is that if a child reads a lot, his vocabulary will expand.
  • Limited field of view. This can be expressed in the fact that the child does not see the word that follows what is being read. It takes time to see, read and understand this word. Classes with Schulte tables can help solve this problem.
  • Eye movement regression. The child looks back at the words he has already read. You can help solve this problem by covering each word you have already read with a sheet of paper or a ruler. With constant repetition, the child's eyes will get used to the correct movement and will not look at the text read.
  • The articulatory apparatus is underdeveloped. Here you can recommend classes with a speech pathologist. At home, you should strive to ensure that the child speaks slowly, calmly, pronouncing every word to the end. Learn tongue twisters, tongue twisters, sing songs with your child to practice stretching words.
  • Speech therapy problems. A speech therapist can help you solve them. Do not leave classes with a speech therapist until you see solid results. The child may need a massage course.

Look carefully to see if your child has any of the above problems. If you suddenly find any problems, don’t hesitate, take measures to solve them. This will be an important step in helping your child learn to read quickly and consciously.

The following video shows tasks for training attention using the Schulte table.

For some tips on how to make your child love to read and do it without reminders and with pleasure, watch the video:

  1. Organize five-minute reading sessions. Several times throughout the day, ask your child to read a short text. It is not at all necessary for the child to read aloud. Here you can practice reading to yourself. Then ask him to talk about what he read.
  2. Words with many consonants in a row (for example, inSTRUMENT) cause a first-grader enormous difficulty in reading. Such words can be written out on separate cards and learned with the child until he can quickly read them and pronounce them clearly.
  3. Watching filmstrips in which a small phrase is replaced with a colorful picture prevents the child from getting tired while reading. Here the role is played by quick switching from reading to viewing.
  4. If the child cannot read for a long time, then divide the text into 1-2 sentences and read them intermittently. During the break, the child rests and is then ready to read the next sentences.
  5. Teach your child to retell read texts. Texts for retelling should not be large.

The filmstrip, in which the child will need to read the text independently, is presented below:

Parents who want to teach their child to read as quickly as possible need to be very gentle in the teaching process. Here are the rules and advice for those parents who do not want their child to lose interest in reading, but want to instill in their child a love for it.

You can start learning to read even when the child does not speak yet.

The sooner you start, the better. At an early age, you can hang cards with letters around the house and call them to your child several times a day. You can buy a voiced poster “Alphabet” with funny rhymes and songs about letters. Use your child's finger to trace the outline of the letter, naming it.

Exercise only while playing with your child!

This is the most important rule. All the information that a preschooler receives through play is absorbed much faster than information that is presented to him in the form of a boring lesson.

Perhaps the video below will help you understand the reasons why a child does not like to read:

Get your child interested in reading.

If you start forcing your child to read, he will lose this desire forever. Get your child interested. Read to him yourself as many interesting stories, fairy tales, and poems as possible. At home there should be a wide selection of fiction for children. Tell him that all the answers to his questions can be found in books. Read for yourself, the child should see that those around him love to read. It is from them that he takes his example and strives to be like his parents.

Try learning syllables rather than letters.

Some children sometimes find it easier to learn to read with syllables than with letters. You can make cards with different syllables yourself and place them throughout the apartment. During the day, show your child these syllables and name them. You can try to form words from syllables. Let the child look for the indicated syllable in the word. Change cards with syllables every day.

You need to consolidate your acquired knowledge as often as possible.

The more often you do this, the sooner your child will learn to read.

Act, gradually moving from simple to complex.

Do not require your child to read a word if he does not yet know the sounds well. Take it step by step. Learn all the sounds with your child. After this, move on to reading syllables, teach him to merge syllables. Only after the child successfully copes with this task can one move on to learning to read whole words.

Start learning simple.

You need to start with the simplest words with repeating sounds: MOTHER, PAPA, BABA. Next, move on to learning to read words consisting of a syllable and a consonant: GRANDFATHER, CAT, MOUTH. Then move on to words consisting of 2-3 or more syllables. When the child begins to read individual words well, you can move on to reading simple sentences, MOTHER SOAPED THE FRAME. Read words with the letters b, b, j last.

Play educational games.

You can find a lot of games for learning any letter. The simplest game can be called searching for the letter being studied in the text. Lotto, dominoes... Use all the possibilities.

The video below shows an example of how a three-year-old child learned to read using the speech therapy Primer by E. Kostikova:?

Create situations where your child will need to know letters.

Let the grandmother give the child a note, he may receive a letter from Santa Claus, a greeting card. Show your child that the ability to read is very important in every person’s life.

Give your child an incentive to read.

You can give your child a small gift for success in learning to read. Just don't make a habit out of it. The child himself must want to learn to read, to love reading, and not to read for something.

Close the text you read.

This is necessary to avoid regression of eye movements. The child is distracted from reading when his gaze returns to what he read. The eyes should only move forward. Cover each word you read with a ruler, a bookmark, or just a strip of white paper.

Always be patient and kind to your child.

If a child does not succeed in something, it means he is not yet ready for it. There is no need to scold him and compare him with someone who was able to learn faster. This way you will discourage your child from reading forever.

Watch the following videos by Svetlana Orochko, in which she talks about how parents at home can quickly teach a preschool child to read.

In this article I will briefly cover the question of how to learn to read people’s energy. The first thing you must do to learn to sense subtle energies is to become more sensitive yourself. This is achieved by observing several principles:
1. Energy nutrition.
That is, eating foods rich in vital energy. These are, first of all, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts - in general, everything that has ripened in nature, in natural conditions, or close to natural ones. Read more about such nutrition here in, and watch this.
2. Perform sensitivity-enhancing exercises.
To improve our sensitivity to subtle energies, we first need to sharpen our physical senses. This is achieved by exercises aimed at increasing the flow of blood and energy to the sensory organs, as well as at renewing neural connections with the sensory organs and increasing the number of these connections.
Such exercises are described in more detail in my “Textbook on Extrasensory Sensitivity”. And also, in the following articles I will touch on this issue in more detail, because... One article cannot cover all the exercises.
3. Moral preparation.
Before developing extrasensory abilities on the basis of heightened physical sensitivity, you must be mentally prepared that the reverse side of the world will be revealed to you. You will see and feel both positive and negative emotions and feelings of people. You will see not only the energy of love and joy - how it looks in the astral plane, but also anger, illness, hatred and other unpleasant human manifestations. In cemeteries you will begin to see and communicate with spirits. Are you ready for this? If not, then stop and give yourself the command to fall asleep again so that your awakened senses fall asleep and you become again insensitive to subtle matters.
If you are ready to meet the underbelly of the world, then go ahead and develop further.
4. Paying attention to feelings.
Track your every emotion and sensation, pay attention to how your body reacts to certain feelings and thoughts. In this way, you will begin to get used to the fact that in the world there is not only matter, but also something subtle - feelings, emotions. Over time, emotions in your mind will be perceived each with its own color, even sound and smell.
These are the most basic principles by which you can become a psychic.
The next stage is to learn to translate the information received into meaningful images. That is, for example, you developed your sensitivity and discovered that you began to feel some energies and emotions from other people. But you still cannot understand what this or that feeling that comes to you when concentrating on a person means. To differentiate this and translate it into information, you need to practice translating one type of information into another.
The easiest way to do this is with music and drawing. At school, our music teacher often gave us tasks to draw what we imagine when listening to a particular musical composition without words. Most often these were classical works, rich in emotions and sounds. You too, turn on any music and try to draw or imagine in your mind the pictures that this music paints in your imagination. For most people, pictures arise spontaneously. Do this exercise more often. Then try to draw an emotion, a feeling. With experience, you will understand what this or that feeling you feel from a person means. You will naturally begin to form images - and you will truly become a psychic, seeing “pictures” about a person’s life.

Do you want to learn to read faster? Reading quickly does not mean that you will quickly flip through books without understanding anything and without enjoying reading. The point is rather to speed up the reading, but still understand all the information and have fun. Start with step 1.


Speed ​​up your reading

    Practice a little every day. Most of the skills needed to improve your reading speed won't come naturally, so you need to practice them daily until they become second nature. Even 15-20 minutes of practice a day will lead to a noticeable increase in pace.

    • Improving your reading speed will take time because you will have to learn to read in a completely new way. Remember that it took you many years as a child to learn to read well, so be patient during this period of time.
    • A good way to track your progress is to measure your time regularly. Set a timer and count how many words you read per minute. The more you practice, the higher this number should become.
  1. Start with simpler material. When you're learning to read faster, it's a good idea to start with easier material—a book that you enjoy or is easy to understand—while your ability is still developing.

    • A good choice, for example, would be a travel book or memoirs of a famous person. Start with something very complex - for example, with a physics textbook? This will complicate the whole process, and the temptation to quit will be great.
    • Once your skills improve and you understand what to look for in a text, you will be ready to deal with longer, more complex material. By this time, you will know which techniques work best for you and will be able to identify the most important parts of the text.
  2. Use your finger or a bookmark to set the tempo. It's a good idea to use your finger, pen, or bookmark as a pointer, moving it around the text as you read. Using such an index will prevent you from losing where you are on the page (and will save you from having to go back and re-read), but that's not its only benefit.

    • By quickly moving the pointer across the lines and down the page, you can set whatever pace you want to read at as your eyes try to keep up.
    • Imagine that the pointer attracts your eyes like a magnet: where it goes, your gaze goes there!
  3. Read longer to improve your concentration. Your brain needs time to adjust to the rhythm of reading, especially if you were previously engaged in more vigorous activity. Try to read for at least 15 minutes at a time to give your brain time to reset and focus.

    • Over time, you will find it increasingly easier to focus on reading.
    • Take breaks if necessary.
  4. Change your attitude towards reading. To increase your reading speed, it is important not only to use special techniques, but also to reconsider your attitude towards reading in general.

    • Consider reading not as a heavy duty that must be completed at any cost, but as an opportunity - an opportunity to have fun, learn something new, and broaden your horizons.
    • Whatever the topic - even if it is a book on statistics or the history of coal mining in Western Siberia - if you have a desire to learn and a willingness to accept new information, you will find that reading will become much more enjoyable and easier.
  5. Know when to slow down. Despite the benefits of speed reading, it is important to understand that there will always be places where you need to stop and make an effort to fully understand the content.

    Give up bad habits

    1. Avoid speaking words mentally. Many people pronounce words when reading, either by moving their lips or by listening to them mentally. This is called subvocalization, and it is one of the main problems that affect reading speed.

      • For example, the most untrained readers will read the phrase “the horse was in the stable” as “horse” + “was” + “in” + “stable”, that is, reading each word separately. However, the brain has an amazing ability to fill in gaps in information, and you can train your brain to process “the horse was in the stable” as a single piece of information containing the keywords “horse” and “stable”, and your brain will fill in the rest automatically. In this way, you can get the same meaning from a passage of text by reading about 50% of the words. This significantly increases your reading speed.
    2. Avoid ineffective eye movements. When children learn to read, they are taught to look at each word carefully before moving on to the next. However, your eyes can take in more than one word at a time—usually up to four or five—so this practice makes reading much less efficient.

      • Try to relax your face and look less closely - this will allow you to see a larger area of ​​the page at a time. Try reading at least four words at a time before moving your eyes to the next section of text.
      • Also, try to use your peripheral vision while reading. This will allow you to read the end of a sentence without having to refocus your gaze, saving time.
    3. Get rid of regression. Regression is the practice of reading the same phrase or piece of text two or three times in a row, whether on purpose or not. Naturally, this greatly increases reading time, but does not necessarily improve understanding of the material.

      Create a suitable atmosphere for reading. Many people read slowly simply because they are trying to read in the wrong environment. Don't just try to find a place where there is no noise or other distractions, but experiment to see what atmosphere you read best in.

      • If you prefer a quiet environment, find a place where you won't be disturbed by TV, music or conversations. If necessary, you can use earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones.
      • If you are uncomfortable sitting in complete silence, you can play quiet music that you are already familiar with so as not to be distracted by new words or rhythm. You can also turn on a white noise generator or an audio recording of wind or wave sounds.
      • If you like to read while sitting, sit in a comfortable chair or even a bean bag. You can also read while lying on the sofa or in a hammock.
      • You may find it easier to read while standing. Then you can buy a desk or make it yourself by stacking several stable boxes on top of each other.
      • If you find it easier to concentrate on reading while you are moving, you can click your pen, tap the table, chew something, or dangle your legs.

    Change the way you read

    1. Please read the material first. One of the most effective ways to improve your reading speed is to review the material before reading it. This will help you get an idea of ​​what the text is about and also help you decide whether it is worth reading in its entirety.

      Look for the most important words. Another technique is to simply skim the material and pick out any keywords. This way you can understand the essence of the material without wasting time reading every little detail.

      • For example, in the sentence “a formidable lion secretly hunted an unsuspecting prey - an antelope,” it is not necessary to read every word to understand the meaning. By breaking the phrase down into keywords, you get “lion - hunted - antelope,” which conveys its basic meaning. This way you can halve the time required to read a text without significant loss of meaning. This technique is best used for simple short texts, such as magazine or newspaper articles.
    2. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph. If you're reading an article, book, or document only to find new information, a handy technique is to read only the first and last sentence of each paragraph, especially if the text repeats things you already know.

      • In nonfiction there is a lot of repetition, as well as long, wordy explanations of simple ideas. If you already understand the idea, there is no need to read the entire paragraph line by line.
      • The same goes for newspaper and magazine articles - if you're just looking to get a general idea of ​​the content, you'll be surprised how much information you can get by simply reading the first and last sentence of each paragraph.
    3. Skip the parts you already know. If you are trying to improve your reading speed, you need to skip information that you already know or understand, as reading these sections will not give you much additional knowledge.

      • You can decide which sections are worth reading by scanning the text for keywords or by reading the first sentence of each paragraph. This will give you a good enough idea of ​​what's in the text to help you decide whether it's worth your time.
      • This technique is also suitable for things that are not interesting to you. If you're reading something like a memoir or historical nonfiction, it's okay to skip parts that don't interest you. This may go against your nature as a reader, but it will save you time and also keep you interested in the part you want to read.
      • Also, if you have a book that you don't like or can't teach you anything, stop reading without regret. Many books are poorly written or the authors fail to explain complex ideas. Try to read 10% of each book you choose, and if you see that a book is not suitable for you, put it aside and pick up another one. This will save you time and be more beneficial in the long run.
    4. Save the most important information. One of the main problems that people have when they start reading faster is the difficulty they have in absorbing and remembering the information they encounter. While the main solution to this problem is to become a more active and engaged reader, there are more specific techniques you can try.

    • Young children tend to make mistakes when learning to read, so they need to move slowly and calmly. Don't rush this process, as it lays the foundation for good, solid reading skills. If you want to teach your child to read a little faster, do it gradually. If reading turns into torture, the child risks losing interest in it altogether. When he has developed a large vocabulary and loves books, then you can, if necessary, help him increase his reading speed using one of the methods suggested above.

Back in 1998, Princeton University hosted a seminar called Project PX, dedicated to high reading speed. This article is an excerpt from that seminar and personal experience of speeding up reading.

So, “Project PX” is a three-hour cognitive experiment that allows you to increase your reading speed by 386%. It was carried out on people speaking five languages, and even those suffering from dyslexia were trained to read up to 3,000 words of technical text per minute, 10 pages of text. Page in 6 seconds.

For comparison, the average reading speed in the United States is between 200 and 300 words per minute. In our country, due to the peculiarities of the language, it ranges from 120 to 180. And you can easily increase your performance to 700–900 words per minute.

All you need is to understand the principles by which human vision works, where time is wasted during the reading process, and how to stop wasting it. When we look at the mistakes and practice not making them, you will read several times faster and not mindlessly skim, but perceive and remember all the information you read.


For our experiment you will need:

  • a book of at least 200 pages;
  • pen or pencil;
  • timer.

The book should lie in front of you without closing (press down the pages if it tries to close without support).

You will need at least 20 minutes for one exercise session. Make sure that no one distracts you during this time.

Before jumping right into the exercises, here are some quick tips to help you increase your reading speed.

1. Make as few stops as possible when reading a line of text.

When we read, our eyes move across the text not smoothly, but in jumps. Each such jump ends with fixation of attention on part of the text or stopping the gaze on an area of ​​​​about a quarter of the page, as if you were taking a photograph of this part of the sheet.

Each eye stop on the text lasts from ¼ to ½ second.

To feel this, close one eye and lightly press the eyelid with the tip of your finger, and with the other eye try to slowly glide along a line of text. The jumps become even more obvious if you slide not along the letters, but simply along a straight horizontal line:

Well, how do you feel?

2. Try to go back through the text as little as possible

A person who reads at an average pace often goes back to reread a missed point. This can happen consciously or unconsciously. In the latter case, the subconscious itself returns the eyes to the place in the text where concentration was lost.

On average, conscious and unconscious returns take up to 30% of the time.

3. Improve concentration to increase word coverage in one stop

People with average reading speed use central focus rather than horizontal peripheral vision. Due to this, they perceive half as many words in one visual leap.

4. Train skills individually

The exercises are different from each other, and you don't need to try to combine them into one. For example, if you are training your reading speed, don't worry about understanding the text. You will progress through three stages: learning the technique, applying the technique to increase speed, and reading with understanding.

The main rule is to practice your technique at three times your desired reading speed. For example, if your reading speed is currently around 150 words per minute, and you want to read 300, you need to train to read 900 words per minute.


1. Determination of initial reading speed

First, we count how many words fit in five lines of text, divide this number by five and round. I counted 40 words in five lines: 40: 5 = 8 - an average of eight words per line.

And lastly: we count how many words fit on the page. To do this, multiply the average number of lines by the average number of words per line: 39 × 8 = 312.

Now is the time to find out your reading speed. Set the timer for 1 minute and read the text, calmly and slowly, as you usually do.

How much did you get? I have a little more than a page - 328 words.

2. Landmark and speed

As I wrote above, returning through the text and stopping the gaze takes a lot of time. But you can very well reduce them by using a tool to track your focus. A pen, pencil, or even your finger will serve as such a tool.

Technique (2 minutes)

Practice using a pen or pencil to maintain focus. Smoothly move the pencil under the line you are currently reading and concentrate on the place where the tip of the pencil is now.

Draw the tip of a pencil along the lines

Set the pace with the tip of a pencil and follow it with your eyes, keeping up with stops and returns through the text. And don't worry about understanding, this is a speed exercise.

Try to complete each line in 1 second and increase your speed with each page.

Do not stay on one line for more than 1 second under any circumstances, even if you do not understand what the text is about.

With this technique, I was able to read 936 words in 2 minutes, which means 460 words per minute. Interestingly, when you follow with a pen or pencil, it seems that your vision is ahead of the pencil and you read faster. And when you try to remove it, your vision immediately seems to disperse across the page, as if the focus was released and it began to float across the entire sheet.

Speed ​​(3 minutes)

Repeat the technique with the tracker, but take no more than half a second to read each line (read two lines of text in the time it takes to say “twenty-two”).

Most likely, you won’t understand anything you read at all, but that doesn’t matter. Now you are training your perceptual reflexes, and these exercises help you adapt to the system. Do not reduce speed for 3 minutes. Concentrate on the tip of your pen and the technique of increasing speed.

In 3 minutes of such a frantic race, I read five pages and 14 lines, an average of 586 words per minute. The most difficult thing in this exercise is not to slow down the speed of the pencil. This is a real block: you have been reading all your life to understand what you read, and it is not so easy to give up on it.

Thoughts cling to the lines in an effort to return to understand what it is about, and the pencil also begins to slow down. It is also difficult to maintain concentration on such useless reading, the brain gives up and thoughts fly away, which also affects the speed of the pencil.

3. Expansion of the field of perception

When you concentrate your gaze on the center of the monitor, you still see its extreme areas. It’s the same with text: you concentrate on one word, but see several words surrounding it.

So, the more words you learn to see in this way using your peripheral vision, the faster you will be able to read. The expanded viewing area allows you to increase reading speed by 300%.

Beginners with normal reading speed spend their peripheral vision on the margins, that is, they run their eyes over the letters of absolutely all the words of the text, from the first to the last. In this case, peripheral vision is wasted on empty fields, and a person loses from 25 to 50% of the time.

A pumped up reader will not “read the fields”. He will skim only a few words from a sentence, and see the rest in his peripheral vision. In the illustration below you see an approximate picture of the concentration of vision of an experienced reader: words in the center are read, and vague ones are marked by peripheral vision.

Here's an example. Read this sentence:

One day the students were enjoying reading for four hours straight.

Technique (1 minute)

Use a pencil to read as quickly as possible: start with the first word of the line and end with the last. That is, there is no expansion of the area of ​​perception yet - just repeat exercise No. 1, but spend no more than 1 second on each line. Under no circumstances should one line take more than 1 second.

Technique (1 minute)

Continue to pace your reading with a pen or pencil, but start reading with the second word in the line and end reading the line two words before the end.

Speed ​​(3 minutes)

Start reading at the third word on the line and finish three words before the end, while moving your pencil at a rate of one line per half second (two lines in the time it takes to say “twenty-two”).

If you don't understand anything you read, that's okay. Now you are training your reflexes of perception, and there is no need to worry about understanding. Concentrate on the exercise as hard as you can and don't let your mind wander away from the uninteresting activity.

4. Checking the new speed

Now it's time to test your new reading speed. Set a timer for 1 minute and read at the maximum speed at which you continue to understand the text. I got 720 words per minute - twice as fast as before starting classes using this method.

These are cool indicators, but they are not surprising, because you yourself begin to notice how the scope of words has expanded. You don’t waste time on fields, you don’t go back through the text, and the speed increases significantly.

If you tried this technique right now, share your success in the comments. How many words per minute did you get before and after?