She is now dating someone else. The girl I love is dating someone else

I read a lot of sites and articles, but I couldn’t find the answers I needed anywhere. This is the first site where I was able to draw at least some conclusions for myself, which is why I am writing this comment. Before this, I had never written anywhere or talked about my situation. Probably, like everyone else sitting here, I consider my story special. I don’t know what to do, and March 8 is just around the corner. I really hope for quick help. I am weak and afraid of losing HER forever. I have already made a lot of mistakes, excessive attention, excessive persistence, talking about feelings, adjusting to the interests of my object and even trying to appeal to female logic.

The situation is quite complicated. It seems unrealistic to me to return a girl who never had feelings for me, or they still appeared and I buried them myself.

I’m 21, she’s 24. I’ve had a liking for this girl for a very long time, for 7 whole years. Because of the age difference, at 14 I couldn’t even dream that I would one day just meet her. As long as I remember, she was always quite popular. And here we are, 7 years later. Were.

Our story begins 1.5 years ago. At that time I already knew her, but not as closely as I would have liked. So clean, one meeting in the company, then a couple of times HELLO-HELLO. And all this time she was unaware of my sympathy. I was still afraid to send her a friend request, because... it seemed to me that if she didn’t accept him, that would be it. I lived in hope that somehow something would happen, that we would get closer. I waited and waited, and now, unable to bear it, I sent a request. She accepted him, and even offered to meet him at a local party, where she was going to go with a friend. I came there with a friend. From that day on, we became inseparable. Exchanged numbers, online communication 24/7. My sympathy began to develop into something more, but I still hid it. Although he tried to show it with some actions that she did not notice. And so I admitted that I wanted to be with her. Received a refusal.

I have never considered myself the type of guy who runs after someone, humiliates or achieves. I won’t say that I’m not popular with other girls, quite the contrary. I always got what I wanted. I have not yet heard a single refusal in my direction. Since the age of 14, when I have had a crush on her, I have been in a serious relationship twice (3.5 years and 1.2). I loved. There were also many fleeting romances. I won't say that I thought about her. On the contrary, I didn’t think at all, I had a different life, but my sympathy for her lived all this time. She just seemed so unattainable. And now life gives me the opportunity, she and I spend a lot of time together, everything is fine, we laugh, we walk. And she refuses me. She. The same one. The first one who refused me. It was a blow. By pride, by feelings, by everything.

As a result, we stopped communicating. I couldn't stand it even for a week. I bought a huge bouquet of meter-long red roses with my last money and came to pour out my soul. She said I needed to think about it. As a result, we met 2 days later at her place. The atmosphere was intimate. Everything hinted that it was YES. And she told one of my friends that she agreed to try. We then drank, and for the first time I stayed overnight. She lives on her own. We kissed all night, but I didn’t dare go any further. Not because I didn’t want to, it just seemed wrong to me to take advantage of her, her drunken state. I thought that we would already have time to have sex together. The next day she suddenly changed her mind and said that there was nothing between us. This seemed strange to me. What then happened that night? Was he drunk? Is this how she behaves with every “friend”? It seems to me that even if you value a person as a friend, you don’t act like that. It seemed to me that they were playing with me. It was a spit. I was looking for the reason, what's wrong? Maybe because he didn’t cross this very line and didn’t show her seriousness. After all, the girl is not 16. She has experience. Sounds weird. I still don't know what it was or why it was like that. After she said that there was nothing between us, I said that this was the end of our communication and I would never bother her again. And I kept my word. We didn't communicate for 11 long months. I don’t know what happened in her life during this time. With whom, what, how and when. I was just bored, but I kept my word.

And then, 11 months later, she showed up herself. It’s just that at one of the parties I took a photo with a girl who many considered to be HER. Although they only have hair color in common (the photo was in profile). I uploaded the photo to Instagram and questions started pouring in in my direction and in her direction about whether she was in the photo and whether we had really resumed communication.

As a result, she wrote to me, asking me to tag the girl in the photo, because she was embarrassed by these questions. This started a conversation, without tension, we laughed, I asked how she was doing and she offered to meet and chat. Then I didn’t really count on anything, but I didn’t freeze it either. I didn't hold a grudge, I'm not touchy at all. I rather just draw conclusions. I draw conclusions and continue to idealize her.

We met. We talked. Off we go. Again non-stop communication. Jokes and jokes. Second meeting, third. And so she herself brings me to the question of what I need from her. To which I replied “You.” And you know it". She asked for time to think. And this time we became a couple. Everything was great. We spent a lot of time together. I tried to do everything in my power for her. I never have a lot of money, although I am not from a poor family. My parents don’t spoil me, and studying from morning to evening and training don’t allow me to get a job yet. When it never comes out to “stir up” something somewhere. But I tried not to deny her anything. I rather denied myself. I was able to save on food and lost a lot of weight. But I never let on that I couldn’t do something for her. I tried to surprise. Debts increased. There was no return. Sometimes they even managed without a basic “thank you.” Perhaps my mistake is that I never said that I actually had no money and she thought that I was a major who spends and spends. Although I sacrificed a lot and wanted to get something in return. It came to sex, but there was no initiative from her. It seemed like we were dating, everything seemed to be fine, but she just didn’t want me, which is why all sorts of thoughts came into my head. If not with me, then with whom? Maybe someone, maybe something is wrong with me. It's the same with kisses. I climbed, she answered, but not at all. Then there were accusations that I was trying too hard, that I was selfish. But I just wanted to know that she cared. I was waiting for an answer.

Before February 14, on this basis, (allegedly I don’t listen to her, I don’t give a fuck about what she says, I do what I want) we almost broke up, didn’t communicate for 2 days. For the holiday, I came to her with flowers and a gift without calling. We made peace. That evening I did not approach her, I tried to restrain myself. But at the next meeting I lost my head, went for it and was refused. After this there was another, already last meeting. I had to leave for another city on business, I came to her in the morning instead of seeing the couple, again I couldn’t stand it and climbed. Having received a refusal, I decided to persevere. My eyes glowed like those of a bull who had been shown a red rag. Everything happened. But not entirely by mutual consent. They didn’t give it to me, rather I took it. He took it and then left. That day everything was still fine with us. While I was in another city, our communication began to deteriorate; when she arrived, she did not find time to meet, arguing that she had a lot to do and problems. And then she completely wrote that she wanted to break up, because instead of conquering my soul and inner world, I was busy satisfying my physical needs. But this is far from the case. According to her, I went too far and she felt nothing but my lust. This is far from true, I lived for her, I was ready to give her the whole world. Maybe I went too far, but like any other man, I obviously wanted sex. I wanted it with her. As I already wrote, I am not deprived of female attention. It’s not a problem to go and insert it somewhere. The problem is that I don't want it. I need her.

She said that she definitely doesn’t give a fuck about me, but I’m not the one she would want a relationship with. In general, we lasted a little over a month. During this time there were many positive moments. Was the reason really that I went too far like that? This is some kind of nonsense. I don’t think that everyone for whom she spread her legs revealed her inner world. And her last relationship was 2 years ago. I won’t believe that during this time she didn’t have a relationship with anyone, I’ll never believe it. What's wrong with me? Why is this a problem? Is it really my fault? She made me feel guilty. Or the reason was different, and she found an excuse to break up

This is the 6th day that we have been apart. No calls, no messages. I feel like I was taken advantage of, but I don't want our story to end. Every minute it seems to me that I am losing her more and more. I'm trying to follow the rules and just move on with my life, hoping she'll come to her senses. But the probability is very low. She has a very complex character. Very. Even if she is aware of something, she is not the type to make the first move. More like 2 ago. And what is there to realize if it didn’t mean anything to her.

The day after tomorrow March 8th. I do not know how to be. Arrive with flowers, send them by courier to remind them of yourself, or do nothing at all and just write “happy holidays.” I don’t want to be weak in her eyes, I don’t want to humiliate myself, but I want to return everything. It seems to me that she expects that I will not stand aside on this holiday and will make myself known. I learned it this way. Is it possible to do nothing to play with the contrast? How will it feel for her to understand that I am gone? Or do the wrong thing and try to talk. Another thing is that she still has some of my things at home that I will need to go pick up. We didn’t live together, but there are things. What should I do? Help with advice.

The situation is as follows:
My girlfriend and I were in a relationship for 10 months. Everything was perfect with us, to the point that I became her parents’ favorite, just like she was mine. We constantly spent the night with each other for weeks at a time, then she was with me, then I was with her, but recently (about 8 months into the relationship) I began to understand that the relationship was kind of insipid... I wanted to spend more time with friends... I even stared on others (but did not cheat) she felt it and was nervous about constant scandals, jealousy, etc. every day turned into a quarrel... because of this, the insipidity of the relationship simply turned into outright hostility and I just wanted to leave her, and she cried and sobbed that I was so rude with her, even with my mother, I consulted what to do with me... It undermined the relationship 9 months in the club she saw me with someone else (but we didn’t have anything, we just sat talking and didn’t even plan it), she silently came up, slapped me in the face and left, I couldn’t just come to terms with the breakup, I gave her gifts and We reconciled with grief... but super jealousy began... I couldn’t go out without her, and even roughly speaking, I’ll see you for a beer with my friends! it started to infuriate me again... I had to deceive that I was at home, although I was going to billiards with friends (at the same time, I didn’t want to cheat, I just wanted to spend time with friends)... when I tried to talk seriously and tell her that I also wanted to spend time with friends - she attributed this to the fact that I am a woman, that I don’t love her, etc. ...
and then the fateful day when we were in company drinking and everything seemed fine except for my mood (I didn’t get enough sleep and was terribly sleepy and angry all these days because of work) I see that she winks at her friend in front of everyone, supposedly we’ll go to the club today without hers... but that friend’s boyfriend reacted normally, he knew it was a joke and they just wanted to make her jealous... but it infuriated me, I attacked her... I was absolutely crazy what a beast I was, we got into a fight, and started strangling her in general tough... EVERYONE decided to leave... on the trail. day I was again in no mood and didn’t think about breaking up, knowing that it wouldn’t go anywhere, I’ll make up whenever I want (supposedly I’ll shower her with flowers again)... she called to meet BUT as friends in the company (well, it was clear that we’d make up in any case) it seemed like we agreed, but I just fell asleep... She was terribly offended by this and this once again undermined her feelings. As a result, she met with my friends and had a good time .. then I saw a photo that she was literally hanging on one of my good friends, but I was sure that nothing could have happened, it was just a friendly thing, but because of fatigue and anger, I lost my temper again and called called him the most disgusting words and sent... after that he went around collecting things, etc. she tried to talk to no one... in the end I freaked out, I thought I’ll wait until March 8th, I’ll come back with flowers and talk and everything will be ok... during this time I met someone else and cheated.... (distract myself, I blamed myself very much for this) I was on my way to reconcile even with some reluctance, she didn’t go to anything, so I sent her... but then I find out that I spent all the holidays with a security guard from the club who pestered her a couple of weeks ago and she refused him (well, she was with me then) in the end they We’re together now, but I don’t even want sex since I started again, well, the smell is not the same, some kind of nasty perfume, and in general, all the girls are somehow not like that... I want to get her back, I don’t know how... she seems happy with him, but I know she’s for him I don’t need it, I’ve heard that he’s a womanizer and will fuck you and leave you. Now I’m looking at photos of them together on their social network, etc. He doesn’t want to add me and ignores me altogether... I’m suffering for days, I can’t sleep peacefully, I don’t want anything, I remember the relationship, I want everything back and to love, to look after, to give flowers just like that and to love and to be there! what to do!? Tell me please.

If you are trying to get your girlfriend back but she has already started dating someone, then this is definitely for you. Moreover, I will tell you how this new guy can help you get your relationship back.

By the way, I am the author of the program. I have already helped many people rekindle their relationships and regain their old passion with their exes. I should note that this is primarily for those whose relationship broke up no more than a year ago. In principle, even if you broke up more than a year ago, you can still fix it. But I'll tell you about this another time. And today we will talk more about those who broke up with their girlfriend recently.

In most cases, your ex's new boyfriend is a replacement for an old relationship. Actually, there is such a term - it’s called “substitution relationships”. This is a quick replacement for an ex-boyfriend in order to overcome the sadness and loneliness that girls and women usually experience as a result of a breakup.

Don't forget that separation is always a big stress.

And breaking up with someone can be many times more difficult than being abandoned. So even if your girlfriend initiated the breakup, she feels no better than you. And don't forget that her heart is also broken, and she is going through the same thing as you.

Let's think about what is the most effective and simple way to survive a breakup and the depression it leads to? Choose interesting activities for yourself, keep yourself busy and... find someone new!

So if your girlfriend moved on to another relationship immediately after your breakup, then most likely this guy is just a way for her to distract herself and move on. And whether you believe me now or not, this relationship can be good news for you and help you get your loved one back.

It is quite natural if you have a question: “how the hell can this new idiot of hers help me get my beloved back?” The answer is very simple. Since this guy is just a replacement for your ex (they probably met somewhere in a nightclub or bar), this relationship is not serious. And, most likely, they are not having dinner by candlelight in a small Italian restaurant. They are held together by physical attraction, and that is not a fact.

Yes, I understand that it is not very pleasant to hear that your ex is dating someone for sex, for example. But this is good news for you, since, most likely, they do not have much in common and, moreover, they do not have the connection that was between you. Scientists have proven that most “replacement relationships” last no more than 3-4 weeks. Of course, this is not an axiom, but this is usually what happens. This means that the relationship between your ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend will soon come to an end.

And when they separate, she will have to face loneliness and depression. And the person who helped suppress all this and not think about you will no longer be around.

By the time she begins to feel all this, you will already have experienced it and will be on the road to recovery. After all, while she was running away from feelings of loneliness, you were learning to deal with them. And this so-called “replacement” only slowed down her recovery process, and after breaking up, she will return to the same emotions that she experienced when she broke up with you.

And now that her “replacement relationship” is over, it’s time for you to take action. And since she is currently depressed and feeling lonely, spending a few weeks on a guy who may not be your competition at all will make you look more attractive in her eyes.

So, your ex is now vulnerable and looking for an opportunity to relieve the mental pain associated with failures on the personal front (especially after this “replacement relationship”). All you have to do is help her recover from all this.

Just don’t mention this fleeting attraction of hers and don’t say that you want to get back together. Just chat casually. Like friends or old acquaintances.

Your goal is to remind her of yourself, that you are still that good guy who was a pleasure to spend time with, and to let her know that getting you back would be a very winning choice. Especially if she wants to quickly recover from everything and heal mental wounds. And all she needs to do for this is to return to you.

It goes through many tests, and only morally strong people do not give up and adapt to circumstances, correct their mistakes and agree to their partner’s terms. Two people are to blame for a breakup, but the woman does not always agree to reconciliation, so the responsibility falls on the man’s shoulders. If you were the first to take the initiative and begin to think about how if she fell out of love, take into account the nature of the quarrel and try to understand whether everything is really that bad or whether there is a chance to return the relationship.

Calm, just calm

In the most difficult life situations, you need to learn to control your actions and not do stupid things. Quarrels happen very often, but you shouldn’t grieve for a long time and try to harm yourself. Many guys, not knowing how to get a girl back if she has fallen out of love, in anguish begin to abuse alcohol and tobacco. This is only a temporary sedation, and alcohol will not help solve the problem, but will contribute to the development of chronic forms of certain diseases. In this case, the guy may not even dream of healthy children in the future. Very often, young people, after the departure of their beloved girl, try to commit suicide. Such decisions are made quickly and thoughtlessly in a stressful situation, so rule number one is to wait it out and only then act.

The biggest mistake a couple makes after breaking up is making accusations, insults and revenge. In a fit of anger, it is not difficult to hurt a loved one, but whether he will forgive this after reconciliation is a dubious question.

Act with your mind, not your heart

There is a serious reason for ending a relationship, but one person is not always ready to take the blame. You should not take the first step without considering all the positive and negative aspects. When the mind is controlled by the heart, the beloved begins to seem too ideal. Before you start developing a plan on how to return love, think about whether she is really the one with whom you want to spend the rest of your life? If a person is good and reliable, it is urgent to make attempts at reunification, but when there have been repeated betrayals or other unpleasant scenes on the part of the beloved, it is better to forget about her and start searching for a new ideal.

Stay friends

Even after the strongest quarrel, you should not lose sight of the girl. Feelings cannot fade away instantly, and your task is to rekindle them again. You shouldn’t constantly disturb her with calls and messages, track her around the house and control her in other ways, but non-binding courtship or help will always be pleasant. The best way to get your girlfriend back is to remain her friend and be ready to support her at any time. Women often experience unreasonable sadness and need a reliable adviser, and knowing her character, she will cope with this better than anyone else.

Representatives of the fair sex love attention even from unfamiliar people, and the winner is always the one who turns up in time during a difficult period for her. Do not allow strangers to approach your loved one, but keep your distance.

Make her come back

While the relationship is in standby mode, you should not torment yourself with thoughts about her. Men are more secretive in their emotions, and even in stressful situations it is necessary to remain cool. The main thing is to relax and find another hobby: take up extreme sports, join a sports section or spend more time with friends. During this period, you should not rack your brains over how to return a girl’s feelings, but on the contrary, be happy without her. Even if you are suffering greatly without your beloved, do not try to show your emotional state to her and others: such behavior will arouse pity, and the image of a strong guy will fade overnight.

Women, as a rule, are great owners, and as soon as they find out that a former friend is in a good mood, they will rush to do everything possible before a rival appears. You should not deliberately catch the eye of your beloved and try to look for a replacement for her. A jealous woman is more resourceful than you expect, so she can secretly observe your actions and draw appropriate conclusions.

How to get a girl back if she fell out of love and left for someone else

It is the reason for the separation of many couples. When an extra person appears, it can be difficult to decide whether to give him a chance to reveal himself in the best light or reject him completely. Women are looking for a “male” who will be able to feed the whole family in the future. If a guy comes along better than you, don’t rush to go to war with him. Stay in the background and observe his habits, study behavioral tactics and try to identify his shortcomings. Now you need to start acting - to pay off and change for the better. Positive changes will not go unnoticed, and there is a possibility of returning the girl who stopped loving you, given previous communication experience. The heart thirsts for new knowledge, but soon returns to what has already been known, and she will probably quickly get bored with an unfamiliar person.

Understand the reason and reconsider your behavior

There are always two people to blame for a breakup, but the fair sex usually does not want to admit their mistakes. Until you have a plan on how to get a girl back if she has fallen out of love, start analyzing the situation yourself - there is no need to rush here. Remember all the minutes spent together and consider each of your actions: what was done wrong, under what circumstances did your significant other begin to feel sad or nervous, or did they reproach you. Perhaps the cause of the offense is your inattention or excessive intrusiveness. Wait until your loved one stops being nervous and enter into a frank dialogue with her.

Caring, understanding and the ability to be responsible for one’s actions are the best masculine qualities. Let the girl know that you are ready to change for her sake, and try to act rather than make empty promises.

Hello is Lesha Doc.

In this article we will talk about this topic “ What if a girl started dating someone else?»

And now I will answer the letter of the guy who sent me a letter with his question.

my favorite girl right now, That

Click: Get your favorite girl

I'll answer you personally.

My personal email: [email protected] (everything is free)

And here is his letter:

Hi Lesha. You write great, the necessary information is in the articles. Situation: In general, I’ve been with the girl for a year. We quarreled for a long time, didn’t communicate for a month, kept him on ignore. During this time I began to live with someone else. Everything seemed to work out, the first one came, the sex was great. Gifts, then disappeared again, I ignored them for 2 weeks. Until I realized what I was losing.

He called first and made an appointment. She came angry because, according to her, she was in a bad mood. We talked. It seems like they measured it. I took her through the park to the sea. We sat in my beautiful apartment, near the sea. The girl liked everything. She climbed in to kiss. I proposed to meet her again, she agreed.

Then her boyfriend started calling constantly and asking where she was? She said in the “cold” that she was at home, said that she would talk to him about something important this evening. Left in the evening. I accompanied her to the stop. She said she would tell him it was the end. That he wants to come back to me.

I wait for her until 23.00 and go to bed. And the anger is choking, I understand that she is lying with that boy, who keeps her only with money. She receives and spends everything on her salary. Although he lives in a rented small apartment. Chel loves her very much. Constantly calling, where are you? and so on. In general, I couldn’t stand it, I called today and yelled specifically.

At first he dryly asked why she didn’t come. She answers me just as dryly that she was busy and changed her plans. In general, word for word, I told her (led her to the cliff) that choose. She replied that if you want to break up, let's break up.

I tell her, do you sincerely want this? She hesitated, then said yes!!! I told her that you understand that we are going to separate now. She says that I already got her and hangs up. I call back again because I know that if I don’t finish her off now, she will continue to think that everything is fine with her, and I'll wait for her while she's with her boyfriend.

The tactic of ignoring does not work. Already tried it. She comes, but her relationship with a close friend is outdated. She says that when I start to strain her, it pushes her away. And when I’m not stressed, she comes to me once a month. So what to do in such a situation, if the girl started dating someone else? Of course there was sex. We lived together for six months.

If you also want to get an answer to your life situation related to a girl, personally from Lesha Doc, then feel free to subscribe ( bottom form)

So, let's understand this situation.

What can you say about the guy?

The problem with this guy is... that he doesn't know how to meet girls and is very afraid of it.

How do these guys usually behave?

Such guys are always very afraid of losing a girl, because they understand perfectly well that he will not be able to quickly find a replacement. As a result of this, he keeps his girlfriend on a short leash and constantly trying to put pressure on her various manipulations and thereby makes everything only worse.

For example, he is jealous of everyone, constantly nags her with various questions, does not trust her, presents a fact or a choice. All this is done so that the girl is afraid to leave the guy and is always there.

After the girl leaves anyway, usually these guys go crazy and start doing inappropriate things. For example, he might come to her new boyfriend and punch him in the face just like that, although in this situation the new guy is not to blame.

Or he starts writing threatening letters to the girl or calling her 50 times a day, in the end, the girl has to delete all her contacts and change her phone number, but this still does not help, since such a guy begins to stalk her and waits for her near work or her house.

Plus, such guys are very needy, i.e. such a guy feels very bad when the girl is not next to him or does not answer his calls or SMS. In this situation he turns into a hysteric and at any opportunity he wants to take out his anger on the girl.

Naturally, such a guy does not respect himself and forgives his girlfriend absolutely everything, even cheating with other guys. Even after this, he is ready to run to her at her call.

What can you say about the girl?

And our girl wants to eat the fish and sit on the dick. In other words, she decided use these two guys for your own benefit. Those. she deliberately communicates with her ex (traumatizing his psyche) and sleeps with her new boyfriend, who pines for her.

Essentially, by nature, her new boyfriend is this is a copy of her old boyfriend. The new guy is just as jealous, constantly interrogates her, is ready to spend his entire salary for her, the main thing is that she doesn’t leave him.

Those. the girl found herself 2 guys dependent on her and hangs noodles on everyone's ears. With one she sleeps once a month and receives gifts from him, and with the other she sleeps more often and receives all his salary and gifts.

And, of course, she really doesn't like it, when her ex-boyfriend begins to rip her brains out and when she tells her what she needs to do and what she can’t do. This is an independent girl who does not respect men; the most important thing for her is power over a man.

And what kind of man can you dominate?

Only over a weak and dependent boy, who, preferably, has money and resources - this is the most profitable option for such a girl. And this girl found two of these guys at once, and now she will keep them on a leash.

What do we have to do?

A real man would understand on the first date there's something wrong with this girl, which means you need to say goodbye to her so as not to spoil your mood in the future.

Our guy needs to finally let her go with all his giblets and take care of himself, and with his development in terms of girls, since your cheap manipulations don’t work, you’re wasting your time and nerves.

Once you learn how to meet and understand girls, your life will immediately change for the better, you will stop being dependent and will be able to find yourself a feminine girl who will appreciate and respect you for no reason. And you will avoid such bitches.

This article is just a small part of what is on my site, there is a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics that interest you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with girls, without wasting your time.

Now I have 2 sites: the site and At the same time, every week I I add new useful articles to these sites, therefore, in order not to miss them, add these sites to your favorites and visit them periodically. Now there are about 450 articles and 70 videos on 2 sites on topics that are interesting to you.

Articles by Lesha Dok (on the website

By the way, if you want to get yours my favorite girl right now, That

Click: Get your favorite girl

If you have a question for me, then write, I I'll answer you personally. On the topic of girls, I have been giving advice for 9 years, I have a huge experience. (all confidential). Copy my email from here below and write.

My personal email: [email protected] (everything is free)

What guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only your relationships with girls will change, but your whole life in general. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))”
Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The tips from your articles are useful, they change your own psychology and attitude towards the world and towards girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
Maxim, Ukraine

“Alexey, thank you so much for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of behavior between guys and girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)”
Kostya, Minsk.