Where is the best place to meet people? How to meet a girl on the street if you're shy

By putting some simple tips into practice, you will learn how to easily meet the girls you like. In some situations, you can prepare for an acquaintance in advance, but it also happens that you have to act spontaneously. How to feel confident in any case and not miss your chance to make an interesting acquaintance?

How to choose a place to effectively meet girls

1) Night club. Any regular at nightclubs knows very well that you can often meet interesting girls there. It is important that a nightclub is a place where most single women hope to meet a guy for a relationship. In general, if you see a bored girl or a group of friends in a nightclub, then there is a very high probability that they will not mind meeting you. However, it is worth noting that club visitors who easily make contact with strangers do not always expect a serious relationship. However, perhaps you yourself are not yet striving to have a permanent girl in your life, and you are also in no hurry to burden yourself with a long-term romance.

2) Work. It is possible that you have already met your potential partner more than once, you just either did not pay attention to her, or for some reason did not dare to meet her. Pay attention to the girls you encounter at work. Some men lament that they cannot find time to start a relationship, because they are almost always at work. By the way, not all corporations encourage romantic relationships between their employees, but if your company does not have such strict restrictions, it makes sense to take advantage of it.

3) Park. A walk in the park can be not only useful for you, but also a very productive pastime for finding new acquaintances. Girls who walk through the park area, as a rule, are not in a hurry, so you can easily approach one of the people you like and start a conversation. Usually the park has a very friendly, “light” atmosphere that will put you in the right mood.

4) Sports and dance sections. It’s also a very good place for dating, where you can most often meet active and purposeful girls. If this is the kind of companion you dream of, then a sports section or dance lessons will be a wonderful choice. As you know, common hobbies bring people together, and besides, you won’t have to look for a long time to find a topic for conversation in such a situation.

5) Dating sites. If you set out to find a girl for a relationship, then you should not discount dating sites, of which there are a great many now. In the modern world, more and more couples find each other in the virtual space, and you may well follow this example. Try not to delay too much correspondence at the initial stage, but also “don’t rush off the bat” - a day or two of correspondence and subsequent exchange of phone numbers with the aim of setting up a date is enough.

6) Internet. Perhaps, for some reason, you are distrustful of dating sites, but you don’t have enough time to meet girls in public places and so on. In this case, regular social networks, like VK, can help you. In the search, type in the parameters by which you are looking for a girl - approximate age, marital status, city of residence. Try writing to the Internet users you like - it is quite possible that they will easily make contact. However, to increase the chances of this, give preference to girls whose status indicates that they are “single” or are “actively searching.”

7) At a concert. By going to a concert of some musical group, you have a high chance of meeting a girl. However, it is worth noting that it is quite rare for the fair sex to attend such events alone, preferring outings with friends. That is why, in order to feel more confident, you can also go to a concert with a friend or in a company - however, this is not necessary if you already feel free in any situations.

Where can a guy really meet?

With a rich girl

If it is fundamentally important for you that your potential lover must be rich, then visit elite places. As a rule, girls with very modest financial incomes do not dine in expensive coffee shops or visit sports complexes, the price of a subscription to which is close to the average salary in the country. In general, the essence is probably clear to you: wealthy people often live in places where you have to pay a significant amount to stay.

With a young beautiful girl

In fact, there are a lot of young and beautiful girls and you can meet them almost anywhere. If you are looking for a person no older than 20-22 years old, try to walk more often in parks adjacent to universities, as well as visit coffee shops in these areas - in such places you have a high chance of meeting a student. However, there are many young and beautiful girls in other places - gyms, nightclubs, various hobby clubs, and so on.

With a normal girl for a serious relationship

If you want to meet a girl for a serious relationship, then you can still take into account dating sites. Choose the profiles of those girls who have been registered recently, and who have not been “sitting” on these sites for months. Of course, you can come across interesting options in the second case, but there is also a risk that among the guests of the portal you will meet girls who are keen on short meetings or who have such high demands for a partner that it will not be easy to get from them not only a relationship, but also basic meetings. Well, in general, “normal” girls are still the majority and they visit public transport, cafes, shopping centers, skating rinks, theaters and other places every day.

With a girl for the night or for regular sex

Perhaps you are in no hurry to burden yourself with a serious relationship, or you already have a couple, but for some reason you decided to find a one-night stand or a permanent lover. In the first case, nightlife establishments can help you. Of course, not all nightclub visitors are ready for one-night stands, but such people are regularly found there. It is not difficult to identify a girl who is ready for such adventures: she is dressed provocatively, relaxed and easy to make contact with. There you can also meet a girl for constant sex, but to make your task easier, it is better to turn to the already mentioned dating sites - some of its visitors are also looking only for an intimate relationship with a man, and directly indicate this in their profile.

Dating on the Internet

How to choose the best free dating site

There are many free dating sites on the Internet. It is worth noting that even they have some paid functions for those who want to “promote” their profile a little or significantly. Many sites have the following system: “On the first day of registration, your profile is on the first pages of the portal, however, gradually the profile “goes down”, and only the most desperate or stubborn users can find it. For a small amount (the price varies on different sites), you can provide your profile with a permanent place on the first pages. If you do not want to do this, then you simply should not count on the fact that the girls themselves will find your profile, and look for your chosen one among the proposed options. One of the most popular dating sites in the CIS is Mamba.

Dating on forums and social networks

If you absolutely want to meet a girl on the Internet, then you can understand. Usually you can prepare for such an acquaintance - there is no spontaneity, there is an opportunity to think through your answers, to show yourself in a more favorable light. For this purpose, it is not necessary to go to a dating site - ordinary social networks and forums are no worse, and in some ways better. With such communication, you will feel more at ease, as well as your virtual interlocutor. Dating sites cause discomfort for many due to the fact that each participant in the conversation knows exactly the purpose of the correspondence, but it’s just that everything is different on a social network - there is still room for some intrigue.

Where to meet a woman

If the man is 30 or more years old

If you think that, due to your status or age, it is no longer suitable for you to look for a girl at a noisy disco, then, of course, you should pay attention to quieter places. Some women like to relax in sushi bars, attend theaters, and art exhibitions in the evenings. Many women try to keep themselves in good physical shape, and for this purpose regularly attend yoga classes or the gym. By taking this information into account, you can easily find a potential life partner. However, it is important to remember that you don’t need to limit yourself to any specific boundaries when dating - the ideal woman for you can meet you almost anywhere.

If a man is married but is looking for a mistress

If you are already married, but need a relationship with another woman, then where you look for a potential lover depends on how afraid you are that this relationship may be revealed to your wife. Perhaps you and your wife are in an open relationship, you are sure that she will not leave you in any case, or you are simply ready for the fact that the marriage may break up - in this case, it does not really matter where exactly the acquaintance with another woman takes place - in a hookah bar, sushi bar or on a city street. If you want to keep your relationship on the side a secret, then, of course, it is important to take some precautions. The ideal option for you might be a person who is also married. Such women, when starting a relationship with another man, understand perfectly how important secrecy is. A married girl is perfect if you are looking for a permanent lover.

Statistics: where people most often meet people now and why

  • Statistics say that more than 25 percent of people find a partner in public places. In general, there is nothing surprising in this, because the more people there are around, the greater the likelihood of meeting someone. We can talk about a cafe, club, sanatorium, gym and many other crowded places.
  • More than 20 percent of people found their “soul mate” while directly performing their professional duties. Perhaps you don’t even notice some charming employee! Dating at work is quite understandable - potential couples have the opportunity to “take a closer look” at each other, see some important nuances for themselves, and assess the financial capabilities of their partner (for many, this point is very significant).
  • About 17 percent of couples met during school or college. Many lovers manage to maintain their relationship and subsequently get married.
  • Approximately 16 percent of people met with the help of friends. As a rule, men and women have a positive attitude towards this method of searching for a “other half”, since they can learn from a friend in advance some details about potential chosen ones and be sure that no surprises await them later.
  • At least 15 percent of people meet people on the World Wide Web, and this figure is only growing every year. Increasingly, men and women spend time on social networks, and, accordingly, make acquaintances there. There are many reasons why this is convenient. Firstly, there is time to “take a closer look” at the object of sympathy, think through your answers, learn well about the tastes and interests of the person you like even before meeting her, and so on.

Top 10 places to meet girls

1) Street. Most girls can be found on the street. All you have to do is go up to the city girl you like and ask for her phone number. It is possible that she will not want to get to know you, but in just a minute you have a chance to try your chances with another girl!

2) Night club. In the relaxed atmosphere of a nightclub, girls are most often willing to make acquaintances, and even strive for it themselves. Another thing is that in nightlife establishments it is not always possible to find a person who is in the mood for a serious relationship, but sometimes this still happens.

3) Theater. If you dream of meeting an intelligent and “exalted” girl, then hurry up to buy a ticket to some theater premiere - this way you have every chance not only to fulfill your dream, but to enrich yourself culturally.

4) Cafe. Visit a cafe in the city center. Choose a popular and crowded establishment - you will probably meet an interesting person there. Also, don't discount cozy coffee shops.

5) Gym. Is your goal an active and athletic girl? In this case, it is obvious that you should visit the gym - there you have every chance of meeting a girl who is passionate about sports. However, other sections are also suitable - tennis, swimming pool and so on.

6) Shopping center. Shopping centers usually have cafes, shops, beauty salons and many other places that usually arouse the interest of girls, so by going there, you increase your chances of making an interesting acquaintance.

7) Dating sites. Dating sites are created so that people have the opportunity to meet people there, set up a date and, possibly, subsequently start a relationship. It is possible that you will be lucky, like millions of other Internet users, and on such a portal you will be able to find personal happiness.

8) Concerts. Often the atmosphere at concerts is very conducive to communication. If you go to a performance by some lyrical performer, you will probably be able to meet a romantically inclined girl there.

9) Resorts. At the resort, many girls traveling alone or with friends are also quite ready to make interesting acquaintances. The difficulty may lie in the fact that you can meet a girl not from your city, and subsequently a long-distance romance awaits you. However, such relationships often result in an amazing love story.

10) Exhibitions. Many girls like to visit modern art exhibitions, either alone or in the company of a friend. This pastime is becoming more and more popular, and usually several similar events take place in megacities.

Are you attractive, well-read, have a good sense of humor and still single? Don't know where to meet the man you want to marry? This article lists 7 places where a beautiful young lady can meet a guy who is worth her love.

Lying on the couch and once again watching a snotty melodrama, it is impossible to meet a handsome prince. And only by leaving your comfort zone will you yourself become a woman about whom you want to make a film or write a book.
So, the first step you have to take is to leave your room. Choose where to go yourself:

1. Cinema.

Most readers will think this is an absurd idea. After all, dating presupposes conversation. However, all rules have exceptions and loopholes. It is not at all necessary to pester your neighbor in the cinema hall with personal questions, whose face you cannot see because of the darkness. To meet someone at the cinema, you should come early and on a weekday (so that there are tickets). In front of the box office, look at the movie posters, and then go up to the man who is waiting for his show and ask him to recommend a movie. Start an unobtrusive conversation and buy a ticket for the same movie. If a guy is interested in meeting you, he will definitely ask you after watching if you liked the film. The best way to discuss movies is over a cup of coffee.

2. Stop by for the training.

A big city provides significant opportunities. Every day, a dozen trainings are held in the business center, aimed at improving the skills of ordinary citizens. Most of the events are free. The invitation can be received through a social network. Wear something nice and discreet, get ready for the meeting and take action. Of course, choose the right event with a business, economic, or legal topic. One more piece of advice: don’t go to trainings where you don’t even understand the name. As a rule, such meetings are divided into two parts. During the break, participants relax with coffee and tea. This is a great opportunity not only to meet a focused person, but also to deepen your knowledge.

3. Bar.

Many experts have long removed bars and cafes from the list of places where you can meet a good man. But in reality, it is evening establishments of this type that often help organize your personal life. Of course, it’s worth discarding cheap and vulgar bars that serve warm beer and tables covered with oilcloth. Look for places that are famous for their style. There are many bars where visitors go not for alcoholic drinks, but for quality music and atmosphere. Many establishments invite young musicians, newly minted writers, offer to watch amateur films and discuss the film with directors. Such places are the center of culture and taste. Here you can meet a good person who is no stranger to art. Start a conversation with someone, arrange your next meeting and plan your wedding.

4. Gym.

If you think that in evil you can only train and keep in shape, then you are mistaken. Normal, modern fitness clubs are bars, cafeterias, and places to relax. Make eyes at a cute stranger while you're working out, then wait for him to approach you at the bar. Have a cocktail together. You already have something in common - a love of sports.

5. Lunch at a restaurant.

How often have you noticed a lonely, attractive stranger at the table across the street during your lunch break? It’s very easy to meet people in restaurants and cafes in the middle of the day! This method has many advantages! First and main: you can immediately see which man is not married. Guys wear rings to work, and cafes are usually visited by those who are far from home and who don’t have a wife to cook lunch that they can eat in the office. Sit at a table with a stranger and tell him that today the restaurant has a promotion, two servings for the price of one. And since there are two of you, it would be wise to eat well and save money. Plus - talk over food. The gentleman will not refuse, and then he will also pay for you.

6. Excursions.

Every city has something to show tourists. But it often happens that the residents of the metropolis themselves know nothing about their native land. Buy a ticket for a tour and join a tour group. There may be someone nice among the participants. Get close to a stranger and reveal a (prepared) little-known fact about the city. And when he looks at you in surprise, admit that you are local and just wanted to fall in love with your native land once again. Offer to show something more interesting, unknown to the guides at the end of the tour. There are many landscapes and secrets that only locals know about. All the trump cards are up your sleeve.

7. Mass celebration.

What could be better than a celebration for the whole city? On such a day, even the most avid workers quit work and have fun! What are the advantages of such an event for a single woman? You can meet several men at once. On this day, no one will judge you for smiling at a stranger. However, you need to choose not those who have already “pumped up”, but those who, despite the festivities, have a decent appearance. An experienced woman can recognize at a glance whether a man is married or single, earns good money or sits on his parents’ neck. The easiest way is to get acquainted with the goods in front of the shops. When buying something, strike up an innocent conversation: “It’s good that they organize events like this,” “I’m so glad that I finally took a break from work,” or “You don’t look like the type of person who goes to mass celebrations.” The last phrase in this case works one hundred percent and encourages an answer.

Making acquaintance with a pleasant person is not difficult. The main thing is the ability to interest and fascinate! Good luck, charming women!

From an early age, mothers told us that decent girls should be modest, not talk to strangers on the street, but sit quietly and wait for their prince. But the years go by, and the prince is still not there.

Today, there are a bunch of dating sites where you can fill out a questionnaire and set the status “I’m looking to meet a man in Moscow.” If you intend to look for your destiny on the Internet, keep in mind that this is not a quick or very easy task. But, however, even in ordinary reality, the second half is not found immediately. It's up to you to make a choice: hope for a miracle or go in search of your happiness yourself.

Remember that representatives of the opposite sex are everywhere. You can meet a man in transport, on the street, in a restaurant, in a club, at work, on the beach, and even at the doctor’s. You never know where you will meet your destiny. It is important to be prepared for this meeting and not miss your chance.

Every day a large number of young people pass by us.easiest way?

There are places in Moscow where men come in search of girls for relationships without any obligations. If you meet them in this place, then it will be difficult for you to change the format of communication and move on to a serious relationship. There are places where men come to relax only in the company of men. Usually in such places they are not in the mood to meet girls. You need to realize that not everyone is equally disposed to communicate in any place. One is comfortable chatting in a cafe over a cup of coffee, while the other is comfortable on the dance floor. Choosing the right place where you can meet a man is already one step towards success.

If you decide that you need an avid party-goer, then you need to go to a nightclub to find him. Having chosen the club where you should meet, think: do you meet the level of this institution or not? Lovers of workaholic men should visit restaurants near business centers. Such men have no time to spend time preparing food, so they do not have lunch or dinner at home. If you decide that your man is a man of art, then go to the theater or art gallery to meet him. If you are looking for a book lover - go to bookstores, a football player - go to a match, a musician - go to a concert, a banker - go to the bank, a doctor - go to the hospital. You can make acquaintances with young people everywhere. But in order for your meeting to be pleasant for both of you, you need to decide who you are looking for and why exactly.

We figured out where to meet a man in Moscow. How to get his attention? In order for a man to meet a girl, she needs to present herself competently. Young people are interested in sexuality, femininity and figure in girls. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear loose styles that hide all the advantages of your body. Shoes with heels will add flexibility and grace to your look and will not go unnoticed by any man.

Dating at the CityDate party

If you choose this place for dating, you will have several advantages:

1. The romantic atmosphere of the restaurant where the meeting takes place promotes rest and relaxation after a hard day.

2. At a separate table you are given each other with a young man for exactly 7 minutes.

3. After the specified time has passed, the participants move to the next table. In your sympathy map, you mark your impression of the person who was just in front of you.

4. In a situation where it is obvious that you want to get to know a man better, you can exchange your contact information immediately.

5. The age group of participants is determined during the announcement of the event. This will guarantee you the average desired age of the group.

Now you know where to meet a man in Moscow. We wish you good luck in love and a pleasant acquaintance in the way that you choose.

If you have not used dating sites yet, then after registering you will be surprised how many girls want to meet. Before the advent of social networks such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, the largest sites in terms of the size of their permanent audience were dating sites.

Different purposes of dating

Whatever the goals of your acquaintance, you will find girls whose goals coincide with yours: friendship and communication, meetings and dates, serious relationships, marriage and starting a family, one-time intimate meetings, mistresses, joint travel, sports and much more.

Shy? It's easier to get acquainted

Not everyone can approach a girl on the street - shyness and uncertainty are common to many young people. On a dating site it’s easy to write a message to a girl and start dating. By the time you meet a girl for the first time, she will no longer be that stranger on the street, and you will be able to calmly communicate with her in real life.

Girls want to meet

Unlike social networks, where people register primarily to communicate with acquaintances and friends, people register on dating sites in order to make new acquaintances. Perhaps this is the main advantage - you find yourself in an environment where girls want to meet.

Everything for meeting girls

The functionality of dating sites is developed based on the main goal - to help people make new acquaintances. Profiles of girls, chats for communication, photographs, ratings, mobile applications - all this is present on most modern dating sites.

Girls will be interested in you

Unlike ordinary life situations, when it is generally accepted that a girl should not be the first to take the initiative, approach and meet a man, on dating sites this is acceptable and works. And if you are “visible” on a dating site, you will receive offers to meet from girls.

You can meet a girl under any circumstances, but in some places it’s easier. Most often now people meet on social networks. Dating in public places has more advantages, does not require special financial expenses and allows you to meet a girl based on common interests. Don't forget about places that are not at all suitable for this.

Good places to meet women

Below are the most unusual places where it is easiest to meet a good girl.

Online dating through social networks

They often meet through social networks, as they are one of the main common channels for communication. Here you can meet a real person and immediately find out all the information you need about him.

You shouldn’t just write to the first girl you like: having received a message from a stranger in the format: “Hello!”, she will simply ignore it. First, you need to study the page and find something that really grabbed your attention (except for photos of your beloved). It could be music, a movie, an interesting post on the wall, or even mutual friends. The conversation should begin by mentioning this fact.

For example, if you notice on Instagram a photo of a book that you yourself recently read or want to do in the future, you can ask what the girl thinks about it, whether she has read other books by this author or from this series. Such correspondence, if the young lady is willing to make contact, can then be transferred to personal messages on another social network, and there you can use all your charisma and achieve a personal meeting.

Your personal page must be completed, have real photographs and at least a couple of posts on the wall. “Fake” pages are intimidating, and if a girl is really interested in you, she will be interested in looking at your interests and making sure that you are a real person.

A step-by-step guide on how to... From this article you will learn how to prepare your page, how to choose a girl, what to write when meeting.

After meeting, you need to maintain her interest in communication. To do this you need to follow.

Free book

Do you want to learn a lot more interesting things about where and how to meet beautiful girls, what to talk to them about, how to invite them on dates so as not to be refused? Then we strongly advise you to read new free book by Yegor Sheremetev. To download the book and leave your e-mail. An email will be sent to you with a link to the pdf file.

Various group classes, clubs, master classes, trainings

Dancing. At the dance school, there are more girls among the clients than men, so you can confidently sign up for any courses you like. In order not to spend money, you can go to free open lessons and try to meet people there.

In addition, dancing classes help maintain good physical shape, train posture and develop self-confidence - all this attracts girls.

Young ladies over 25 years old love classical couple dancing, so if they don’t have a partner, they often look for a partner in dance school groups or on forums. You can try your luck there and sign up together with a pretty partner, for example, for a tango course.

Psychological trainings. Mostly girls go to this kind of training, as well as dancing.

It’s worth coming early and sitting down with the person you like or even two friends. You can talk about the topic of the training, ask how close this topic is, what the girl can tell about the speaker.

If the lesson is long, then in the middle there is usually a break, during which you can also get acquainted. But it is preferable to do this at the beginning: often at psychological trainings they give paired tasks, so if you make acquaintances at the very beginning, then this can come in handy later.

Foreign language courses. Here there is a whole scope for creativity: attending language courses reveals a man as a person who is open to the world and new knowledge, and women like it.

Learning a language allows you to make new acquaintances, learn a lot about different countries and diversify your resume.

Men increasingly appear in language courses to learn a language for a specific purpose, and women as a hobby. In such a situation, girls are open to new acquaintances and will welcome attention from the opposite sex.

In addition, when learning a language, many topics are raised during the lessons themselves, so even before you meet, you can find out a little information about the girl you like.

If you want to learn how to meet and communicate with girls, be sure to read:. In this article, one of our regular authors spoke about his experience of seducing women.

Various group activities are great for helping overcome shyness when communicating with women. If this is your problem, then you will find a lot of useful information in.

After you find a suitable girl, you need to invite her on the first date. It is very important to choose the right place. - Here.

Shops, supermarkets

Girls have a natural desire to help others, so you can safely use this in stores.

If we are talking about a clothing store, then you can find out advice about whether a particular item suits you or not. In a grocery supermarket, you can clarify the quality of a particular product, ask whether it is difficult to prepare what you want to buy. Girls rarely refuse help.

Just don’t ask for help in choosing women’s clothing or baby food: they may misunderstand you and the acquaintance will not continue.

Making acquaintances in such places does not require additional financial investments, but there is a high risk of not continuing communication outside the store.

Libraries, bookstores

Since there are consultants almost everywhere, you should immediately stop asking questions regarding where you can find this or that book. If there is a girl standing by the bookcase with a volume that you have already read, you can come up and give advice on whether this book is worth buying or not.

It’s also good to get acquainted in thematic departments, choosing a girl with a similar literary taste. The main advantage of such an acquaintance is that you can find a young lady with similar interests.

Mass events, holidays, sports matches

At public events, everyone is in a good mood, people come to relax and enjoy communicating with random strangers.

In such a situation, you can without any problems strike up a conversation with your seatmates, go up to the common table to chat and invite a pretty girl to take part in a competition with you. People are willing to communicate, and after the event the acquaintance can be moved to a quieter place.


The beach is another great place where people come to relax. The resort atmosphere is conducive to easy acquaintances and relaxed communication. We have . You will learn how to approach her, what to say, how to behave.

Museums, art galleries, exhibitions, theaters

If you are interested in history or art, then museums and exhibitions are also good places to get acquainted. The principle here is the same as at concerts or in bookstores.

One of the advantages of this place is that, as a rule, adults, wealthy women over 30 years old come here. Therefore, if you want a stable, mature and serious relationship, then such places are ideal for making acquaintances.

If you are knowledgeable about painting or some other area of ​​art, you can interest a woman in telling a story about a specific exhibit.

In large cities there are also unusual museums: for example, with old slot machines, where you can also play Soviet games. Meeting someone at an exhibition or in a theater can immediately turn into a first date.

Night clubs

There are many girls in nightclubs who are not against dating for one evening.

You can meet someone at the bar by simply saying hello. You can also join the girl on the dance floor. Such acquaintances almost never develop into long-term relationships, and you will also have to spend money on 1-2 cocktails for each girl.

Of all the dating sites, this may require the largest financial investment.

On the street

In order to meet a beautiful girl, you don’t have to choose any special place. Sometimes it's enough to just step out of the house and look around.

It is best to meet people on the central streets of the city, squares, parks and public gardens, i.e. where people come just to walk and breathe fresh air.

There is an opinion that girls have a negative attitude towards meeting people on the street. Actually this is not true. Most girls have an absolutely fair attitude towards guys who approach them in public places. If you are positive and confident, she will probably chat with you for a few minutes, agree to a date and give you her phone number.

Public transport

You can also start new relationships right on public transport. All you need is a little self-confidence, persistence and a couple of suitable first phrases. We talked about all the tricks in the article:.

Dating websites

The simplest option, which does not require any unnecessary movements at all. All you need to do is fill out the form correctly and post some beautiful photos.

However, there is some specificity here. Often there are girls sitting there who cannot meet each other in everyday life. This is often due to either unattractive appearance or oddities in character and behavior. This method of dating requires a serious investment of time, as well as a reserve of patience: you will have to search for a long time.

A serious disadvantage is that many sites require financial investments: in order to gain access to complete information in girls’ profiles and have an unlimited message limit, you have to pay.

Where and how you shouldn’t meet people and why

There are also not the best places to meet people.

Waitresses in bars and restaurants, saleswomen in stores

Girls who work in the service sector constantly attract male attention. They develop a kind of “immunity” to clients.

Most often, store saleswomen and waitresses are divided into two categories:

  1. Those who it is forbidden to have a relationship with clients according to the rules of work in the establishment. Managers often don’t want problems at work, especially when it comes to bars and restaurants. Tipsy young men can cause problems if other visitors show increased attention to their girlfriends;
  2. Those who themselves We set ourselves this rule. Due to the large number of male clients, girls simply get tired of attention to themselves and stop all attempts to get acquainted.

If you want to meet such a girl, then it is best to “watch” her immediately after the end of her shift on the way home.

While intoxicated

No normal woman would introduce her to a tipsy young man. It’s better to approach a girl sober and in a positive frame of mind, rather than staggering with fumes.

So, to meet a girl, they turn to social networks or go to places where they can find a friend with similar interests. Often no financial costs are required, unless you go to a nightclub. You should avoid saleswomen in stores, do not confuse girls by trying to meet them on public transport, and do not waste time on dating sites.