What to do with popularity.

There is no one magical quality that will make you popular, but you can develop certain habits that will make people like and respect you. Treat others with warmth, kindness and show a sense of humor. Get active with people, participate in group activities, or try to become a leader to get noticed by more people. All your actions should be combined with sincerity and self-confidence. Be yourself so people can love your true personality! Show your best side to interest others and meet only joyful smiles around you.


Show that you're fun

    Radiate cheerfulness and positive energy. If you are constantly complaining, depressed and bored, or in a bad mood, people will feel uncomfortable in your presence. Inappropriate traits include a negative attitude and constant dissatisfaction. Often those around them feel the need to encourage such people. Joy, optimism and a positive attitude will show that you are committed to living a happy life. Infect others with your positive attitude.

    Use your sense of humor. Feel free to show your sense of humor both in the company of close friends and with new people. Use simple and unobtrusive jokes in your conversation. Voice out funny observations, puns, or memories to bring a smile to the other person's face. Laughter improves your mood, so the more people laugh with you, the more enjoyable your company will be.

    • Make funny connections between different aspects of the conversation. Show that you can listen well and come up with situational jokes, even with new acquaintances.
    • Laugh at yourself if you do something stupid. Show that you are aware of your quirks and don't take yourself too seriously. This will make it easier for people to remain themselves around you.
    • Be careful with sarcasm to avoid offending anyone.
    • Use humor only in appropriate situations, avoid mean jokes and attacks.
  1. Show genuine interest in people. Don't try to sound interesting to get attention. Be interested in people! Ask personal questions, take an interest in matters at work or school and in your family. Ask for opinions, personal tastes and expectations. Ask how the situation you discussed earlier ended. Listen carefully and show enthusiasm, show your interest.

    • People like to talk about themselves, so they will appreciate your interest. Let others talk about you to become more popular.

    Communicate actively with people

    1. Find time to meet and communicate. If you are “too busy” and are not interested in communicating with people, then those around you will be disappointed. Make time for social activities, always accept invitations, and remember to keep your promises. Show yourself as someone who is easy to arrange a meeting with and who doesn't cancel plans at the last minute.

      Be social and introduce yourself to strangers. There is no need to hide in corners at events. Make your presence known! Go up to someone and say hello. If you find yourself next to someone you don't know at an event, take the opportunity to get to know them better. Ask questions and find common interests.

      • For example, if in class you were seated according to the list and you ended up in the back desk, then ask your neighbor if he was often seated in the back desk before. Find out if he likes this place or if he prefers the front desks. The next time you meet, greet the person with a warm, friendly smile!
      • Smile and use friendly body language to communicate openly.
      • Don't wait for others to come and talk to you. Take the first step!
      • If you are an introvert, shy or not very sociable, then learn to leave your comfort zone in such situations.
    2. Join a team or club to connect with like-minded people. A sports team or hobby club is a great way to expand your horizons and meet new people. Consider your passions and find a group that suits you.

      • Being on a sports team can not only keep you in good shape and develop self-confidence, but also make new friends and expand your horizons. Find a team at your school or district championship.
      • When you feel like part of a team, start making joint plans in addition to meeting at training sessions or classes.
      • Don't worry about what others think about the club or group. Do things you love and communicate with people.
    3. Get active at school, work, or in your community. If you actively participate in the life of your class, office, and neighborhood, people will know you better. Go beyond work-related issues to communicate with people from different departments. Volunteer and help your neighbors or at church. Participate in class life or in school-wide events.

      • You don't have to answer every question to stand out in class. Be friendly with your deskmate, answer your teacher's questions, and participate in extracurricular activities.
      • Volunteering not only makes life easier for others, but it will also help you communicate better with people from different walks of life. The better you get along with different people, the easier it will be for you to find a common language with new acquaintances.
    4. Show leadership skills to make yourself known. Popularity and recognition require fame. Try becoming a leader of a group or organization. Take on tasks that others will notice, coordinate team work, and lead new projects. This way people will pay attention to you and your actions.

    Give good things to people

      Be friendly to everyone. Popular people are usually on friendly terms with everyone around them - not only with their peers, but also with teachers, bosses, service workers, parents, children and anyone else with whom they interact. Treat everyone with the same kindness, warmth and consideration. Be friendly with everyone and don't refuse to communicate with people.

      Don't be rude or offend others. Bullies, gossips and arrogant people can be intimidating and they are definitely not popular. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Do not engage in gossip or ridicule of others. Protect victims of cruelty.

      Be open-minded to new ideas. If you are stuck in your own opinion and reject other people's ideas just because you disagree with the person, then people will not want to communicate with you. Listen to others carefully, especially if you have different opinions. Don't interrupt or argue. Ask clarifying questions to better understand the issue and see the situation through the eyes of the interlocutor.

    1. Show empathy and listen actively . During a conversation, give your interlocutor your full attention. Maintain eye contact and use encouraging body language to show attention and interest. Don't interrupt and allow the person to complete the thought. In your answers, use words of encouragement that show that you accept other people's opinions.

      • Also use nonverbal cues such as nodding, shaking your head, and making an admiring facial expression depending on the situation.
      • Share your own experiences to get closer to the person, but don't just talk about yourself.
    2. strive help others and provide sincere support. To be popular you have to get along with everyone. Help and don't expect anything in return to establish good relationships with people. Try to give more than you receive from others. Give sincere compliments and praise. Help people and don't demand rewards. If you have the opportunity to help someone and make their day better with a kind deed, then go for it!

      • Don't forget about nice little things - share colored pencils with your classmates or hold the door for the person behind you.
      • Don't limit yourself to the little things. Help a person load boxes into a car or volunteer at a local charity.

A sea of ​​fans casting admiring glances at your back - isn’t that great?? But to be popular with guys, you need to work on yourself.

Find out how to be popular with guys and bring your dreams to life to feel like a princess, whom princes, lords and barons try to please every day and night.

Be cheerful in soul and body

You need become energetic special if you are not. Radiate cheerfulness and complete satisfaction with life, so that your mood will be captured by the men nearby, asking questions “Does she have a boyfriend?”, “How can I meet her?” and the like. They will be drawn to just such a woman, and not to one who constantly complains about her life.

Communicate for health

The more sociable you are, the more men you can attract to your person.. They love it when women open to communication, not silent. But also They also don’t like overly talkative ladies.. To become the most popular among guys, stick to the golden mean.

To be popular with guys, be different

When you are constantly try on new images, almost completely transform yourself, men it will be interesting with you. And monotony, even glamorous and bright, quickly gets boring. You must have a mystery, otherwise you will not be able to become a popular girl.

Whatever a man tells you, listen to him with rapture

Even if your interlocutor is talking to you about something that is completely uninteresting to you, pretend that you are listening to him with great attention. And don’t be silent - nod your head from time to time, say phrases like “I’m listening, continue”, “And what did you do next?”, “Well, don’t delay, I’m listening.” This will let the man know that you are listening to him and are not in the clouds. Not only ladies adore good listeners, keep this in mind.

Don't be bored in his presence

A man should see that you are interested in him. And if you are frankly bored, dilute the awkward silence or boring conversation with an interesting joke, and then smoothly move the conversation to a more interesting topic.

Don't overdo it by playing hard to get

Certainly, the Forbidden fruit is sweet. Therefore, a man will be interested in a woman who does not give up without a fight.. But if he still hasn’t managed to win you over, having tried all his masculine tricks, you can quickly get bored with him. So keep that in mind.

Remember you are a woman

Trying to become part of the company of men, you can turn into a kind of peasant - without realizing it, you will copy the behavior of this or that man, start dressing in a unisex style, and off you go. You are a woman - remember this to be successful among men who will count on a serious relationship with you. After all, it’s great when there is something, or rather someone, to choose from.

How often do we look at actresses, singers and other famous personalities and dream of worldwide fame.

Well, okay, maybe not about the world, but at least within the confines of your school, university or place of work.

The life of popular girls is bright, filled with envious whispers of rivals and admiring glances of guys.

They never get bored, are always in the center of attention and are overwhelmed by fans.

But how to join their club? How to become popular? How to light your star?

It’s quite simple if you know about the main components of fame and are not afraid to attract attention to yourself.

No one is interested in gray mice; they are always in the shadow of bright personalities.

Learn from American films how to become popular

If you are looking for video tutorials that can help you become popular, then I would advise you to pay attention to American teen comedies.

Yes, of course, our mentality, way of life, conditions, environment, etc. are significantly different from the American one, but people from different countries are not so different from each other.

I won't lie to you that I've watched so many American teen films, but the ones I've seen are practically step-by-step instructions on how to become popular at school or university.

Everything happens according to the same scenario: a notorious ugly girl puts her appearance in order, begins to attract attention with various actions, school/university, and instantly gains popularity among those who did not know her name just yesterday.

Do you think it’s impossible to pull this off?

Come on!

I agree that difficulties can only arise with a guy, because human feelings are an unpredictable thing and it is almost impossible to force someone to fall in love with you.

But a girl who dreams of popularity should not have any problems changing her appearance for the better, becoming more confident and bright, starting to lead an active life and leaving her comfort zone.

What price are you willing to pay to become popular?

Even if the dream of becoming popular outshines all others, think carefully about what price you are willing to pay for it.

You can gain fame and recognition in different ways.

You can - by performing a heroic deed, you can - by taking part in a television show, you can - by walking naked around school.

You will become popular in all three cases, but are you sure that you are ready to go down in history as a “naked crazy girl” who will be considered an accessible slut?

Another problem that girls may face on the path to popularity is that they will have to constantly live up to the created image.

These gray mice can afford to look bad, hide in a corner and not communicate with anyone.

Popular girls do not have such luxury.

They should always shine.

Becoming popular is much easier than maintaining your fame.

Star status will have to be maintained constantly.

This means that without a break you will have to work on your appearance, remind yourself of yourself through various actions, lead an active life, and maintain interest in yourself.

Remember that behind you there is a crowd of girls, each of whom also dreams of becoming popular and is ready to do a lot to achieve their goal.

They are all just waiting for an opportunity to push you off your pedestal.

Appearance and character are what a girl who wants to become popular should change

A popular girl simply has to be beautiful.

You will have already done half the job if you start catching admiring glances from others.

Here are the components of a beautiful appearance:

  • slim, pumped up figure;
  • clean hair and stylish styling;
  • healthy skin;
  • always fresh manicure and pedicure;
  • pleasant stimulating perfume;
  • ability to use decorative cosmetics;
  • fashionable clothes that highlight your figure.

Yes, all this is not easy and expensive, but unkempt elephants can’t even dream of becoming popular.

Their destiny is sympathetic glances, not admiring ones.

As for character, it is more difficult to change. A popular girl should:

  1. Leave her comfort zone and learn to do things that are not in her nature.
  2. Remember pride and dignity.
  3. Master the art of conversation and become the soul of any company.
  4. Be sweet and charming.
  5. Be able to stand up for yourself.

You can, of course, take the simple route: become a school bully, bully everyone, break the rules, behave defiantly, but this path is very dangerous.

If you play too much, you can simply ruin your life.

Such fleeting and empty popularity is definitely of no use to you!

How to become popular: 3 main components of success

Every girl has her own secrets of popularity.

She didn’t even have to do anything alone - thanks to her attractive and natural appearance, she effortlessly wins men’s hearts.

But the second one needs to work tirelessly to become a popular girl.

And yet, psychologists believe that there are 3 main components of a popular girl:

    Yes, it is a noble cause to gain popularity, but you also need to take risks wisely.

    When I talk about risk, I mean:

    • attending parties, even if there are few people you know among those invited;
    • actions that will make you stand out from the crowd, it is desirable that they be noble, these actions;
    • the courage to talk to the coolest guy in school, etc.
  1. Attention of others.

    This is what you need to fight for.

    The easiest way to do this at school or university is to start leading an active social life: participate in amateur activities, join a school sports team, represent your educational institution at some competitions, olympiads and competitions, etc.

    Confidence in what you are doing.

    First of all, you need to get rid of complexes about your appearance.

    And also - to gain confidence that everything you do is right.

    Well, of course, you can’t do without faith that you will definitely succeed in becoming popular.

Becoming popular can be difficult.

You may encounter a number of difficulties: rejection of your environment, intrigues on the part of the current queen, an unfortunate combination of circumstances beyond your control, misunderstanding of your parents: “Why do you need to become a popular girl, it would be better if you studied well,” etc.

But, if popularity is truly your goal, then you will achieve it.

Here are 5 useful tips for someone who wants to become popular:

  1. Get yourself a nice guy who is respected by your peers and who is liked by the girls at your school and university.
  2. Don't chase headlong after popularity.

    Don't forget about other important things, such as having good friends, a certificate with decent grades, etc.

    Smile more often, don’t walk around with a gloomy, unhappy look.

    Also, stop whining and complaining.

    Look at everything, even troubles, with a touch of positivity.

  3. Communicate as much as possible with different people, make useful contacts, acquire the skill of conducting a conversation so that it is pleasant to listen to you.
  4. Enter your email and receive new articles by email

Even if we don't always admit it, most of us dream of finding the answer to the question of how to become popular. Why do some girls easily manage to be popular and be liked by others, while others cannot become so, no matter how hard they try? How to earn the recognition and respect of others? Here are some secrets that will help you become a popular girl.

1. Don't try to be popular!

It would be a mistake to artificially try to become popular. When girls try to impress others and somehow capture their imagination, it inevitably makes them act unnaturally and think about what they should do or say to be liked. When we behave this way, we hide our real selves behind a created mask of an imaginary ideal. Of course, this behavior may temporarily impress some people, but in the long run it will not guarantee our success. It is much better in friendship to be based on your real qualities and avoid eccentric attempts to increase your authority.

2. Quality, not quantity

When dreaming of popularity, you should not chase the number of friends. Their quality is much more important.

Of course, any of us would not refuse an endless list of reliable, faithful and true friends. But the reality is much more prosaic, no matter how rich, famous and influential you are. Most friends, over time, become just acquaintances. Some of them disappear from our lives much faster than they were found. Others don't mind exchanging pleasantries and chatting, but they will never be ready to rush to you in the middle of the night to listen to the latest drama from your personal life.

Choose people with a light, sympathetic character, who know how to be faithful and fair, in whom you see a kindred spirit, who will always come to help you in difficult times.

3. Get out of your comfort zone

This step is most important for shy girls who dream of becoming popular. Take a step out of your comfort zone, even if you are an incorrigible introvert.

Practice shows that it works! Pay attention to those around you, be interested in their interests, make them feel important, tell a funny story, inspire others to join you and do something unexpected and even outrageous together... Be nice and friendly to those who want to communicate with you. However, it is better to stay away from manipulative people who are accustomed to using others solely for their own interests.

People value those who think not only about themselves, but also about others. If you only talk about yourself and your own achievements, people around you will simply start trying to avoid you. On the contrary, people who are willing to spend their time listening to others are respected. This rule applies to absolutely everyone, and not just a select few who have a high social status.

5. Be yourself

Pretending to be someone else will put you under constant stress. We are not sincere when we try to please others by meeting other people's expectations, and people can quickly see this. On the contrary, by remaining who we are, we allow our natural talents to reveal themselves, which naturally attracts other people, making us popular.

6. Kind heart

Learn to be generous in your relationships with other people and forget their little mistakes. People around you really appreciate this positive outlook on the world. This is a very important factor in building a new image! Criticism and judgment make people feel disadvantaged. If we find a way to appreciate the merits of other people, they will be very pleased with our generosity.

7. Shrink your ego

If you intend to impress other people, it is wise to drop various titles, surnames and achievements in conversation. By increasing your ego, you can only become popular in your own eyes. If you don’t chase recognition and praise, people will appreciate your modesty. Let your real actions speak louder than words! If you do good things, there is no need to act as your own PR manager - you are not a politician who runs for office and achieves popularity through personal presentations.

8. Humor

To gain popularity, we must evaluate ourselves realistically, but we should not be too serious. Humor is one of the most important attributes that is valued by people from all over the world.

According to psychologists, humor is one of the most important qualities that influences the choice of a partner for a relationship. This, of course, does not mean that we should be like the heroines of Comedy Woman, but a good joke will help create the right atmosphere in communication.

9. Goodbye pessimism! Optimism is a new lifestyle

Small clouds of pessimism overhead gradually become thunderclouds, turning some girls into eternally dissatisfied, embittered, arrogant and unhappy creatures. Try to avoid pessimism at all costs if your goal is to be popular with other people. In every challenge we overcome lies opportunity, so try to always find reasons for optimism in your life.

10. Learn to listen!

Contrary to what your logic may dictate, listening to other people is essential to winning their hearts. To be popular, learn to listen and understand their ideas, questions, problems and feelings. People love to talk about themselves and what is on their minds. Try to get on the same page with your interlocutor and pay attention to him, despite the fact that this seems counterintuitive, given the topic of this article. In the future, it will almost certainly pay off!

11. Calmly achieve your goal!

People pay their attention to those who have a strong character, possessing other virtues such as honesty, kindness and patience. In fact, these ideals are more often talked about than possessed. We often meet people who tell others what others should do. It would be much better for these critics to focus on their own behavior and actions rather than lecture others. The secret to popularity here is to be honest with yourself and not make comments to others unnecessarily.

Now you can become popular, but don't try to dive into these tips right away! Instead, master each secret gradually, viewing them as stepping stones to your future popularity.

How to become popular is a problem that interests many people, especially more or less young and active people who strive to achieve success, rather, not at work, but among their peers. Another thing is that not everyone knows how to achieve this rather difficult goal. From the article you will understand how to become a popular person either on social networks, of which there are many, and almost each requires an individual approach, or in real life, specifically at school.

Why do people need popularity?

To begin with, I would like to say a little about why people need this at all. Popularity, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s on the Internet or in real life, is an extremely fragile thing. It's very easy to lose your fans. But, despite any potential difficulties, a person has long strived for power, and to become popular means to feel not like an ordinary schoolboy from an unknown town, but a real star. To be in the spotlight, to receive praise, to know that people like you... This is the dream of even modest individuals who do not particularly know how to pretend to be a world celebrity, let alone those for whom becoming famous is almost the goal of life.

In general, many people have a desire to become famous. But it’s one thing to play the guitar and present yourself in front of a crowd of millions of fans; it’s another thing to become famous on the Internet or at school, because it’s much easier. Well, forward to new information!


Becoming a famous person in such a large social network, where even without beginners there are enough professionals with millions of subscribers, is difficult, but possible. At the same time, you are given the opportunity to show all your best qualities, because only then can you become truly famous.

Many people who post their videos will sooner or later think about how to become popular on YouTube. However, ordinary viewers may also have such a desire. And this is not surprising, the fame of major reviewers, let-players and other interesting guys haunts me, I want to try to become famous myself. Of course, in a place like this, this can be done in one day if some disconcerting video gets onto the network and spreads at the speed of sound, but this is not what people need.

The recipe for success is very simple: to become famous on YouTube, you need to upload high-quality, interesting or useful videos. It should be clear if this is filming; if you have to do dubbing, the microphone should record in such a way that there are no unnecessary sounds or extraneous noise; When reviewing or walking through, you should take those programs/games/movies/products that are interesting to users, etc. It is also advisable to create a public page on VK with a link to your channel, so that an additional audience will come from there. If you post videos that are truly interesting to viewers, you will gain subscribers. Over time, there will be more and more of them, and one day you will realize that you have already become popular.

"In contact with"

We cannot ignore the most famous social network in Russia and the CIS countries. Many people, especially girls, are very concerned about the question of how to become popular on VK. The main criterion for “stardom” is numbers, namely: the number of likes, subscribers and commentators. And this is a double-edged sword, because when we first look at the page of popular people, we really see how many users like a particular person. And then everyone wants it too, and then all individuals are interested in how to become popular. You can become famous in VK in several ways.

The first one can be called fake. Getting subscribers, likes and even comments is now a common thing. Nevertheless, visually it will look like popularity, so this method is suitable for those who care about the opinions of others. Perhaps a certain percentage of guests who accidentally visit the page will become interested and stay. But for this you need to post quality content and not throw up the wall.

The second is more difficult, because it already discusses how to become popular on VK using your own strength, brains and other advantages. To do this, you need to lead an active online life: comment on posts in groups and public pages, find friends with similar interests there, communicate with them, like their posts, make interesting posts or notes on your walls, post good photos. If you have the talent you have, you can post your sound recordings or drawings. You can also post your own photos that can resonate with others. But the main thing is not to forget about people, constantly communicate with them and maintain contact, at least one-way (periodically contacting friends and subscribers when there are a lot of them).


Despite everything, many people still use this social network. Surely many girls are interested in how to become popular on Odnoklassniki. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity, of course, may also be concerned about this issue, but to a lesser extent than beautiful ladies. However, there is no point in thinking too much about this topic, since the scheme here is the same as in VK: you need to have many friends, communicate a lot and post quality content.


Are you wondering how to become popular on Twitter? The answer is simple: be a creative, original and competent (very desirable quality) person and be able to express your thoughts briefly but interestingly. It is then that you will become famous on Twitter, where the most suitable phrases are reposted and screenshotted, and when they appear regularly, they are eagerly awaited.


This social network is also gaining enormous popularity. Post your photos, which can be quite funny and interesting, look at the photos of other users, including professionals, find a photographer for any purpose - all this is provided by Instagram. We will also look at how to become popular on this social network, but it is worth noting that talent and the ability to see beauty will come in handy here.

All you need to do to become famous on Instagram is post photos. But which ones are another question.

First of all, quality. No one will like blurry pictures where you can’t tell whether the photo is a raccoon or a dog. Clarity is what everyone loves. Remember that you don't have to have an expensive camera to take good photos.

Secondly, interestingness. Photos of wallpaper, food, slippers or something ordinary and not particularly attractive will not interest potential subscribers. This means you need to create truly high-quality content that can captivate users and please them.

Thirdly, variety. But it’s worth noting that it should be in moderation. Nobody likes to look at the same kittens every day, but if, after regularly posting cute pictures, you suddenly publish a black one, not everyone will like it.

Thirdly, the effects. You shouldn't go overboard, of course, but use a couple of interesting filters to make your photo more attractive - why not?

You can attract people to your images only by being active. Let the pictures be wonderful; without PR, no one but you will need them. This is why you should look at other people's photos, like them and comment on them. Most users usually react to a new person, which means they like you, after which, if they really like your content, they subscribe and become regular followers.


From the Internet to reality. Almost every girl thinks about how to become popular at school or outside of it, and every guy simply dreams of being respected and obeyed by everyone. But at work, and often at university, people are much less interested in the notorious fame. At school, everything is different. Here, many teenagers are very concerned about how to become more popular in class, because no one wants to be a gray mouse, unnoticed by anyone.

There are several ways to achieve intra-school fame:

1. Thanks to studying. If you have brains, then why not use them? The main thing is that if you study well, you will not receive the title of “nerd,” which is offensive to schoolchildren. However, if giving the correct answers over and over again in different lessons does not seem like something difficult, you can help your classmates. This should be done in a friendly manner, with a smile. Sooner or later everyone will understand what an irreplaceable person they have in their class. If at the same time you know how to communicate well with people, then you will automatically become popular.

2. Thanks to connections. If you and your parents/friends/relatives can organize something interesting for teenagers, you will become popular among your peers. Exciting activities like going to the theater/cinema/exhibition or throwing a party will appeal to your classmates. Also, someone may be delighted by unusual acquaintances. In the lower grades, children take pride in meeting older students, and in older grades, they take pride in making friends with celebrities and famous personalities.

3. Thanks to talents. Do you know how to draw, play musical instruments, dance or something else? Usually people like talented individuals, and they are always surrounded by attention. If you lack it, perhaps your classmates simply do not know what you are capable of. Then it's worth showing them this. By the way, school clubs, KVN, etc. are also a great way to show yourself in a favorable light.

4. Thanks to communication skills. This is the most easily accessible for those who can talk. Just by making friends with many people, finding interesting topics for conversation and behaving in society like a duck to water, you will automatically become famous in your circles, even without other talents.

Appearance doesn't matter

We've looked at how to become popular on social networks or at school. But you can also make a certain thought that is universal for all of the above and applies to other life situations, be it university, work, or just a new company.

You don't have to be beautiful to become popular. Many actors do not have ideal appearance, but people like them, they become world celebrities. This is because beauty is replaced by such qualities as charm, charisma, sociability, etc. A sense of humor and the ability to speak interestingly and captivate your interlocutor with your speeches are especially important. Take YouTube: fame came to some people thanks to their ability to joke, comment and pleasant voice, and not their appearance. You can have a pretty face, but be such a stupid, uneducated and uninteresting person that all potential admirers will quickly be disappointed.

How much to wait

Many people don't know how to wait. Having read manuals on how to become popular, some begin to act, but when the coveted fame does not come the next day or a week later, they give up. It is important to understand that nothing happens instantly. It may take months or years before you become truly popular. The main thing is to believe in your goal and do exactly what you like, for yourself, for your pleasure, and not for the sake of abstract fame. If you don't love what you do, no one will love you, which means you won't become popular.

Bottom line

So, what can you take away from the article? Some short summary:

  • The city's sociability and courage are impressive.
  • The ability to present information is extremely important.
  • Patience will always come in handy.
  • The main thing is not appearance, but charm and charisma.
  • A sense of humor is needed in any situation.
  • You always need to believe in yourself.