Pickup tips. Pickup lessons for guys: basic rules, original dating

I think you can imagine how an ordinary, average guy who somehow miraculously managed to win the girl of his dreams would run around in a panic if his girlfriend suddenly dropped out of his sight for even a couple of days!

And then she suddenly appears as if nothing had happened, and now our loser is already jumping around her with gifts, flowers, and so on! But you and I are not like that. It is so? So let's use women's insidious tricks against themselves. After all, when suddenly she, having achieved your devotion to her, calms down, and you suddenly break all the networks of her seduction that she so diligently wrapped around you, entangling you, as it seemed to her, it will be a complete surprise for her.

Carrot and stick
We smoothly move on to one of the most basic and popular laws of pickup - the carrot and stick method. This method, this idea - whichever you prefer - permeates our lives through and through and is found to one degree or another in all manifestations of our lives. We can even say that these ideas are found in our culture and the culture of any state. There are similar concepts. The method of carrot and stick, division and conquer, yin and yang is a manifestation of one law.

The carrot and stick method is a favorite female model that women use almost every day. That is why it helps them maintain balance in relationships and attract a man to themselves, increasing their importance and popularity.

How does the carrot and stick method work? Gingerbread means any action that is comfortable for a person. Starting with a pat on the head and a smile and ending with sex. Accordingly, the whip represents any negative impact on a person, ranging from a gloomy face to complete ignoring, for example.

Zoom in and out
Favorite technique for women. But this does not mean that women are immune to this technique. The essence of this technique is very simple: having interested a young man, keep him with you. For what purpose they keep the guy with them is not important now. The technique is used as follows: first, the woman brings the admirer closer to her. These can be either hints about bed or flirting that does not go beyond the bounds of decency. This creates a man’s attraction to a woman, a kind of attachment. As soon as a man begins to think that he has achieved this woman, distance follows.

The method of application further varies greatly. In the most extreme case, indignation may develop, turning into “righteous anger.” Other options are possible. If a woman is interested in a man (and these games are played only with the right people), then after some time a new stage of approaching the “body” follows. Usually in the second stage the man is asked to perform some minor or major service. The essence of this technique is simple: keep a person who is useful to her around you, giving him nothing but advances, and pushing his imagination towards self-deception.

Use the pendulum method
The main purpose of the pendulum is to seduce women using their own passion for this method. First, a man interests a woman or makes her think that she is interested in him. The point is not important. The important thing is that first there is a period of intense interest in the woman.

Let's say one week. This is quite enough to understand the further need to continue the game. Then the man becomes colder towards the woman. The implementation can be different - from completely disappearing from her field of vision for a week to a visible cooling of this woman by 50 degrees. At this moment, the woman will try to bring the man closer using the carrot and stick method, using carrots - after all, she is also playing this game, and, according to her plan, the time for the stick has not yet come.

In this situation, the main thing is to maintain character and not be tempted by her promises, playing at your coldness. That is, your stick stage should approximately coincide in time with her carrot stage, for example, a week. The second swing of the pendulum again begins with the carrot, but this stage lasts, for example, 5 days. This is followed by a five-day whip phase. Then fluctuate again with, for example, three-day stages. Then one day.

And then the game can be stopped. At the last swing of the pendulum, the woman will be in complete dissonance, because the man, on the one hand, is with her, on the other hand, does not play her games. She will try to bring the man closer to her while he moves away from her. So this is the moment for which the pendulum is activated. You need to catch a woman’s maximum desire to get closer and, accordingly, take advantage of it. For example, sleep with her.

Tear off the mask
This technique is often used in many pickup truck films. First, when meeting a girl, we show ourselves in the image of a professional seducer, unapproachable, slightly cynical, cold-blooded and free from any obligations. And then we take off this mask. We show ourselves - fluffy, kind, understanding and three hundred and thirty-three other, very, very useful qualities.

I guarantee the girl’s round eyes and a strong state of shock. Please note that to achieve the desired effect, at least several hours must pass between stage A and point B. This will reinforce the patterns of your behavior in her head. Then these patterns will explode with loud smoke, leaving spectacular memories of you, and as a result - a strong desire to meet such an unusual and versatile person (that is, you). Note: After a week you can put the mask back on. Not for long.

Disturb her emotional state
This method is useful to use at the beginning of a relationship. For example, you like a girl. You want to impress her. The easiest way is to give her a compliment. You can put her in a positive state, a state of cheerfulness, euphoria, elation. But how can you win more sympathy than other compliment givers? Option one: be with her for a long time, boring and fun every day.

Boring. Second option: this is a way to get much more vivid impressions from a girl, which will be closely tied to her attitude towards you. First, you put her in a negative state, for example, anxiety, fear, uncertainty about your feelings. And only then - into the positive, nothing else. What do we get? A sharp contrast between her emotional states, a transition from uncertainty in your love to positivity and joy, which is valued much higher than the simple pleasure of a compliment, which she is probably used to, especially if she is very beautiful, and this is difficult to surprise her with.

Negative splash
The technique is used as a means of shaking up long-term relationships that are becoming boring. Your girlfriend thinks she can manipulate you however she wants. It's time to put her in her place! What does this technique consist of? For example, a man and a woman have some kind of relationship that has crossed the line of sexual.

So, for some time a man takes care of a woman in every possible way, and his relationship with her consists only of positive moments for her. After, for example, three months, when the relationship seems established to the woman and flowing in the right direction for her understanding, a so-called negative outburst follows on the part of the man. Moreover, it must be absolutely unexpected, and the more unexpected it is, the better the effect of the burst is manifested.

The essence of a negative outburst is to suddenly make a woman, who is accustomed only to good and attentive attitude from you, experience the feeling that she may lose you. An outburst can manifest itself in different ways: a harsh word addressed to her when her whims have gone beyond all acceptable limits, active flirting with another, and maybe a break in the relationship (or rather, she will think so). For each woman, the intensity is selected individually. But it is important that the surge is adjusted as much as possible for each woman and does not cause irreparable harm to her psyche. A negative surge should be on the verge of a foul. Moreover, it should be located in a minimally short period of time, for example, 2-3 hours.

The amplitude of a negative surge should grow from nothing to a peak, then drop just as sharply. A sufficient condition for the surge amplitude to decrease to zero is the woman’s complete confusion and disorientation. Immediately after this appointment, maximum 48 hours later, you must apologize to the woman for your “inappropriate actions” and “make amends” to her. The best option would be to call the morning after the evening negative surge. As a result, the woman understands that she has not yet fully recognized you and it is too early to label you as her property. She understands that you can give her more surprises in the future. She shakes herself up and begins to think about improving your relationship or completely leaves if the negative outburst was too strong.

The amplitude of the surge should tend to a minimum with a minimum time of your relationship. This is due to the general inertia of the human psyche. Thus, the more time you indulge her ego, the stronger your negative outburst may be. The overall resulting line of your relationship will return to a positive direction very quickly.

Yes, that's right, you read everything correctly. What is the main principle of training a woman? The basis of this principle is simple. So, an ordinary person does what he is praised for, or what he takes pleasure in, much more willingly than what he is kicked and sent to prison for.

What happens? If you apply this principle to life, then by ignoring a woman’s actions that are “bad” for you and approving her actions that are “good” for you, you will very soon make it so that the woman will do only what is “good” for you in your presence.

Simple, but very, very effective. For more details, see the description of this principle in books on dog training, forgive the irony. But there this method is described incredibly well, just replace the word “puppy” with “woman”, and you get a ready-made guide to action.

It just so happens that the popular word “pickup” is first identified with the male art of seducing women. This “biased attitude” existed, at least until recently.

Today, women are increasingly taking up the baton in this simple matter, developing their own ways of easily seducing men and developing and improving the technique of female “pickup”.

Long gone are the days when, seeing a handsome man, women waited for him to decide to come up and speak. Now representatives of the fair sex are increasingly taking this initiative into their own hands without hesitation.

Women's pickup: goals set

What is a women's pickup truck? While the male pickup only pursues the goal of seducing more and more representatives of the opposite sex, the female pickup is aimed at “collecting” acquaintances with men with the prospect of further development of more serious relationships.

Women's pickup rather involves creating conditions for acquaintance. After all, when a man sees a beautiful girl, he does not always decide to approach her due to lack of self-confidence or, for example, a previous unsuccessful dating experience. This is where female pickup methods come to the rescue.

To become a “successful” or a “pick-up artist”, a woman does not necessarily have to have gorgeous external characteristics. Naturally, you need to maintain a neat, well-groomed appearance, but the most important role in success is played by a woman’s gaze, addressed to the man you like.

When learning the technique of female pickup, you need to develop a sense of self-confidence. You shouldn’t be afraid of not liking a man, because the essence of a pickup line comes down to seducing as many of them as possible.

Female pickup: techniques and techniques of seduction

As already mentioned, a female pickup does not involve direct acquaintance with the man the woman is interested in, but rather the creation of conditions for this. The man must subsequently be sure that he was the one who initiated the acquaintance. There are a huge number of secrets and tricks for any occasion and for any circumstances.

Woman's look

The first signal that can interest a man is a glance. It does not imply constant monitoring of a person. All it takes is a few slightly lingering glances. This will indicate that the woman is interested in the man and will give him confidence to take the next step.

If a man, having caught the eye, began to actively show interest, without taking his eyes off the woman, then other methods can be introduced into the game.

When you meet a man’s gaze, you don’t need to start boring into him. Men are put off by overly confident women, so it’s better to look away, slightly embarrassed. The appearance of a slight blush will be an undeniable plus.


Don't be afraid to show yourself off. You can do this, for example, by lightly playing with your curls or slowly placing your legs on your legs, while not forgetting that the actions being reproduced do not look vulgar.

In addition to the latter, it should be noted that for seduction it is also not necessary to use too revealing sexy outfits, because the girl should remain a mystery and not give the impression of an easily accessible person.

The style should be neat and consistent. It is better to focus on one detail, for example, a slit on a skirt or neckline. Any reproduced movements must be free and not create the appearance of a constrained woman playing memorized roles.


To make it easier for a man to decide to approach, a woman can show that she is bored and not busy with anything. This way he won’t be afraid that his attempt to get acquainted will be inappropriate and at the wrong time.

More experienced and confident women can use drastic methods and, without waiting for the man to be the first to finally decide to approach, start talking to him. This again does not imply full acquaintance, but only the creation of prerequisites for it.

Start of communication

So, one of the most popular and easiest ways is to ask for help. This technique is very successful, because rarely does a man refuse to help a pretty girl and, for example, show her the way or carry heavy bags to the car.

Moreover, this is an open path to further acquaintance without much effort on his part. If the action takes place in a store, you can ask for advice on buying male attributes for your brother/father/grandfather.

All women are actresses to one degree or another, and this means that they can use their acting skills for dating purposes. One way is to misidentify yourself and then immediately apologize nicely. From the same series is the question: “Tell me, have we never met anywhere before?”

A car will help you make a man fall in love with you

As practice shows, women driving a car are given a larger choice of men and higher chances of meeting the person they like. In a competition with female pedestrians, female motorists undoubtedly win, because they can choose their target from a huge number of applicants and actively get to know each other, rather than being chosen. For brave women, there are a number of tricks and tricks to achieve such a road pickup.

When it comes to finding your partner, most women act in stereotypical ways. Many people mistakenly believe that they can find love in a nightclub, restaurant, store, or at work. Of course, many couples met in these places and were later able to create stable, serious relationships, but sometimes you need to spend a lot of time and spend more than one night in nightclubs before the fateful meeting with the man of your dreams.

But if you look at it, most often men go to the same nightclubs with a girlfriend or friends, and simply for a specific purpose - to relax and have a good time. Therefore, often luck can only smile in the form of meeting a drunk visitor looking for a girl for one night. This search tactic is incorrect, because the place where men are hunted should be their familiar “habitat.”

Men's searches need to be transferred to the environment where they feel most comfortable. This is a kind of man's paradise, consisting of football, weapons and, of course, cars. Attending football matches is not particularly difficult, but it requires time and patience, especially if football is the last thing in a woman's possible interests. With the purchase of a gun and further full involvement in the world of hunting on weekends, the situation is much more complicated. But as for cars, we need to talk about this in more detail.

Where and how to look?

You need to start with car gas stations, because this is where a woman can, after leaving the car, show herself in all her glory. Of course, the presence of natural data does not solve the issue of guaranteed acquaintance. In addition to this, you also need to be able to interest a man and pretend to be stupid in the right situation.

But everyone knows that every woman is essentially an actress, so there shouldn’t be any problems with the latter at all. And some women do not need to play any role at all, since nature initially endowed them with such characteristics. But that's a completely different story. The main thing is that men do not really like smart women and often bypass them. And if a man observes the manifestation of a woman’s mind in automobile matters, then it is rare that further acquaintance can be discussed.

So, the situation with the gas station. You need to remember one little rule: before you stop at a gas station, you need to stop and touch up your makeup, because no one knows who you might meet in line at the cash register. Here you already need to use all your acting abilities to the fullest, using shooting eyes and innocent smiles, which can quickly interest the man you like. You can get used to the role of a lost girl and, approaching with a map in your hands, ask to show the route.

Or ask to listen to the hum of the car, which seems alarming to a woman who does not understand these matters, or to see if the tire really has a flat, or it just seemed like it. Men love to feel needed and useful to the point of shaking their knees, especially when it comes to an attractive stranger in trouble. These are just general ideas, but intricate ladies can create and act out a variety of scenes, as long as their acting skills allow it.

But if you don’t have your own car, this is not a reason to be upset, because no one has ever canceled acquaintance in a taxi. Entire stories can be written about drivers’ addiction to talking about bad roads, car brands and the difficult situation in the country. Here it’s enough just to start a casual conversation, showing genuine interest.

Again, we should not forget about the need to pretend to be stupid, because the driver will only want to part with a woman who gives out advice and teachings all the way. But a girl who asks questions on automotive topics and listens carefully to the answers of an experienced driver who is ready to talk about it for hours, on the contrary, is able to interest him very much.

Of course, the above does not mean that all girls should only meet taxi drivers. You can catch not only taxis, but just passing cars. But in our time of criminal rampage, it’s not entirely safe - you can run into some maniac or crazy person. Men are different.

But dating in a traffic jam is not only the easiest way to start communication, but also a way to pass the slowly dragging time. Again, everything depends only on the woman and her initiative. This could be smiles, or the same request for help as in the situation at a gas station. The easiest way is to just start a conversation, complaining about being stuck in traffic.

In any case, success depends only on the woman and her ability to interest a man, despite the situation and method of transportation.


Today this area of ​​dating and seducing men is so popular that there are many trainings where every woman who wants can learn the technique of female pickup. But visiting the latter is not at all necessary, because all that is needed to successfully seduce men is a little self-confidence and mastery of the simple techniques outlined above.

And one thing needs to be remembered: no matter what method is used, the man must be sure that the acquaintance is his idea. Men do not choose the women they like, but those who sent the necessary signals to make this choice.

In other words: the choice is always up to the woman.

Before you start a conversation, you need to create a good atmosphere. A man who evokes good emotions attracts a woman. It is easier to build a conversation if there is mutual interest. If a man causes antipathy in a woman, the conversation will not work. A man's task is to interest a woman. The easiest way is to smile. The smile should be sincere and open so that the woman understands real interest and smiles back.

It is worth starting a conversation only when eyes meet. Neither will like intrusiveness and persistence, but impudence can generally frighten her. Before you start a conversation, you need to get her attention. It is enough to walk next to her, but not very close. The comfort zone is the distance of an outstretched arm, so she will understand that the man is not just walking, but with her.

It is better to conduct the conversation on neutral topics. You shouldn’t bring up personal topics in the conversation; it’s better to talk about the weather, the environment, and ask where the girl is going. You can’t be too intrusive or burden the girl with unnecessary questions, this can scare her.

You shouldn’t be afraid to show your interest; a girl should understand the young man’s intentions. The girl will be very pleased if she understands that he is attractive to him. Even beauties are usually unhappy with their appearance, which means compliments are always appropriate. However, you shouldn’t constantly talk about her appearance. You can pay attention to yourself, tell something interesting about yourself.

You can meet women everywhere. Many pick-up artists choose the same places to meet: restaurants, cafes, nightclubs. It makes sense to choose some neutral place: a street, a park, a shopping center, a bus stop, a subway. The chances of meeting a woman in a neutral place increase.

Female pickup rules

Pickup rules don't just apply to men. Seduction lessons are now being actively learned by women who want to succeed in communicating with the opposite sex.

First of all, it should be noted that women are still different from men. If a man must learn to be the first to take a step and get acquainted, then the girl needs to create all the conditions so that she has a desire to establish contact. It is important to show the man that you are interested and ready to talk.

Naturally, to do this, you will first need to attract the person’s attention. It's easy to do. You need to make eye contact with him and then smile charmingly. You shouldn’t be shy about exchanging glances with a man, so the girl can give him an assessment herself. It is also very important to be able to correctly present yourself in a favorable way, demonstrate yourself in the best light and emphasize your strengths. It is unlikely that this will leave a man indifferent. By the way, some embarrassment suits girls, but only to a small extent.

When a man can no longer take his eyes off the girl, it is worth looking away to the side, supposedly in light thoughtfulness. Such a quick change of mood will arouse a man’s interest. The girl will seem mysterious and mysterious to him. However, there is no need to frown. You need to be relaxed, not tense. By the time a girl shows with her eyes that she is bored alone, the guy is most likely already fully “ripe” for dating.

Of course, there is an easier way - talk to the man first. As a rule, guys do not refuse dialogues with girls. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have any serious conversations at the first meeting. The word “” is quite enough. Next, you can give a minor compliment, for example, noting how well he chose a tie for his suit. Of course, the main thing is not to forget to smile charmingly. By the way, you can start a conversation if you turn to a young man and make some small request, for example, to show the way.

Often men who do not have a particularly attractive appearance or material wealth are incredibly popular with women.

Popularity with the weaker sex depends largely on understanding female psychology and the ability to apply your knowledge in practice.

Mastering the simple rules of pickup will help you learn how to treat women.

What is a pickup truck for?

The term "pickup" means type of activity aimed at getting to know each other with the opposite sex for the purpose of seduction and to obtain the necessary knowledge and practical skills for this.

Currently, there are many trainings whose purpose is to teach clients the basic methods and techniques of pickup.

Such training includes not only the theoretical part, but also practical lessons.

Learning pickup techniques allows men to solve the following problems:

  • learn to meet women;
  • develop skills in building effective communication;
  • understand female psychology;
  • learn to quickly seduce the object you like.

In practice, the main goal is precisely acquiring the skills to quickly seduce the women you like. Essentially, pick-up artists strive to engage in sexual contact without wasting extra effort and time.

Basis of teaching

The founder of the doctrine is considered American writer Ross Jeffries, who wrote the 1992 book “How to Get the Woman of Your Dreams into Bed.”

It was Jeffries who founded the very first seminar on seduction. He later held a conference on a similar topic.

The writer justified, to some extent, the consumer attitude towards women from the inherently existing inequality between the sexes.

In his opinion, even the most unattractive woman who demonstrates her readiness for sexual intercourse will find herself a partner without any problems.

He may not be the most handsome or the most successful man, but he in any case there will be.

For a man to quickly enter into an unburdensome relationship with a woman in the absence of an attractive appearance, wealth and charm, he has to work hard.

Negative side

The pickup has rational grain— he helps insecure men learn how to meet and communicate with women.

These skills can help you impress the girl you like and start a relationship with her.

In reality, pickup training is often promoted quite immoral lifestyle.

A man learns to endlessly seduce women who act as soulless objects for him. Moreover, the more goals are achieved, the better.

As a result, such a consumer attitude towards the opposite sex leads to the following negative consequences:

  • development, which manifests itself in open disregard for existing norms of morality and morality;
  • causing moral suffering to women who may misinterpret the pick-up artist’s attitude towards them and subsequently have a hard time dealing with the breakup;
  • the risk of missing out on a truly promising relationship with a suitable woman in the pursuit of new victories;
  • rapid satiety from a constant change of non-binding contacts, which is guaranteed to cause a feeling of boredom;
  • the low quality of life experience gained from such fleeting relationships without emotional involvement;
  • loss of the ability to express sincere feelings, experiences, and sympathies.


The pickup technique includes a number of sequential actions:

Mystery Methods

The most popular in the world Eric von Markovik's pickup methods, better known as Mystery. This is a Canadian figure who created a system called the Mystery Method. This system has gained great popularity in the pickup community.

Demonstrating social value

Mystery attributed the success of individual men to the ability to demonstrate their social value.

In his opinion, the biological value of men, which lies in attractive appearance and good health, has no special meaning for women.

Much more attention they pay attention to social signs:

  • financial security;
  • leadership skills;
  • self confidence;
  • force.

Mystery's method is to seduce women by demonstrating socially significant behavior.

Moreover, it does not matter what qualities a man actually possesses; the behavior he demonstrates is much more important.

If he seems to a woman strong, confident and successful, then she will immediately follow him. And the real picture will be revealed when it is already too late.

Linear seduction

Every woman in the process of being attracted to a man experiences three states: interest, trust, excitement.

It is important to guide her through these three stages and ultimately get what you want.

Interest occurs after a man demonstrates high social value.

This takes a few minutes. To develop trust, you need to spend at least 4-10 hours together. Needed during communication demonstrate openness, friendliness, interest.

Some kind of joint process that requires combining efforts helps to achieve a quick effect. Emotional intimacy and constant unobtrusive touches lead to arousal.

A game

Pickup is a game. The whole process must be perceived from this point of view. Trying to meet a girl is a start.

Receiving a refusal means a restart and a reason to start the game over again in a different place. No worries, grievances, disappointments.


The following real-life examples demonstrate the basic principles of pick-up for guys in action:

Examples of messages to a girl online

Original - a win-win to start a conversation with the woman you like.

You can use one of the following examples greeting phrases:

  1. What do you think a man should write to the woman he likes so as not to be rejected?
  2. Good afternoon, what shoe size do you wear? ………38… Well, we met!
  3. Hello! I am one of those who thinks that you are very beautiful.
  4. I've never met someone like this before.
  5. The Constitution says that each of us has the right to happiness.
  6. I've been trying to figure out an original way to meet you for two days now, but nothing works.

Precautionary measures

Using seduction methods in practice, the pick-up artist should not forget about precautions:

  • You should not attach importance to contacts;
  • you should not enter into relationships with overly emotional women, with whom serious problems may arise when breaking up;
  • Having discovered emerging feelings for the object, you should immediately stop communicating;
  • If it has time to arise, you should stop and make the right decision.

Pick-up techniques are a real salvation for insecure men who do not know how to win over the fair sex.

Competent application of pickup techniques to achieve a specific goal will help you succeed.

5 rules of pickup:

What factor has biggest influence on your success in your personal life?

The pursuit of various seduction tricks will be successful only in 1/3 of the cases. In the rest, even despite the presence of these very chips, you do not get any results.

Because What matters most is understanding and seeing the big picture. For example, you may try to somehow react to “minor” obstacles on the part of a girl (which, in your opinion, interfere), but the real reason for failure may lie in something completely different.

What else can a correct understanding provide than the correct pickup lessons?

There are a great many lessons. But there are those without whose knowledge any of your attempts will end in failure. That's what we'll talk about today.

Lesson #1. The mood is changeable!

If a girl refuses you, then she did not act stupidly. Stupid is when you begin to take her refusal seriously and leave without a meal.

For example, when meeting someone, she may say that she is not, or that she has a boyfriend.

How to react to refusal?

Banal persistence does not work!

This has already been tested hundreds of times: even those guys who show banal persistence and do get a phone number, then still fail (she doesn’t pick up the phone, doesn’t agree to a date, and so on).

The fact is that a girl can succumb to such insistence because of the desire to get rid of him as quickly as possible. Or he hopes that he will further show his attractive side (and he continues in the same spirit).

But if you react to failures correctly, the situation can change even with a bad start.

Most effectively, positively and freely, regardless of whether there was a refusal on her part or not. Perhaps she managed to tell you that she has a boyfriend. And you, instead of saying “It’s not the wall that will move,” try to switch her attention to something else. For example, sharply. Ask her how long it took her to choose the colors for her clothes. Or offer to go and have coffee right now.

By realizing that you are not even focusing on her refusal, she will allow you more than if you tried to logically convince her that she should come to the meeting.

Or, even better, start blatantly teasing her. When she realizes that you are not dependent on her rejection and that you remain confident and positive despite the obstacle, your attractiveness will skyrocket.

Flexibility also plays a significant role.

Lesson #2. Do it contrary!

Did you hear information from a girl about what kind of men she likes?

Start behaving in the opposite way!

In a woman’s understanding, a man who does not behave naturally, but adapts to the girl’s tastes, is weak and has little potential in life.

You've probably observed situations in life where a man tried to meet a girl's expectations 100%, but always encountered some problems. Or how a guy ran after an offended girl, promised to improve or gave gifts as reconciliation, and then again saw discontent, resentment and even attempts to break off the relationship. And why all? Because I tried to live up to her expectations.

On the other hand, there is a certain percentage of guys who do not try at all to adapt to the girl and set their own conditions. And most importantly, they show that they are ready to lose her if she does not agree to accept their rules.

Do you want me to tell you the main secret of what holds you back from success the most?

You're just afraid that she won't like you.

For example, you start a conversation with a girl not the way you want, but the way it should be. You call not when you want, but when, as it is written in the pickup lessons. You kiss a girl not when you have a desire, but when it is “right”, so as not to scare her off and not seem like a sexual maniac.

And throughout the entire seduction, your behavior depends 100% on her reaction. The fear of losing a girl is what leads to you ultimately losing her.

This dependence on the result is very well felt by ALL girls.

And perhaps the main (and very powerful) pickup lesson I can give you is this: challenge her!

Don't be afraid to take risks. Don’t be afraid to act so cheerfully and provocatively that the girl may want to end the conversation. On the contrary, this will give her the right impression of your confidence and demand from the opposite sex.

Lesson #3. Keep a seduction diary!

You must write down every word, every action and every reaction of the girl on paper.

The fragmentation of theories and a huge number of pickup lessons can simply confuse all your thoughts. When you think about exactly what you should do in each situation, uncertainty in actions is born.

And when you don’t know what should be done correctly and don’t see practical confirmation of the theories you’ve read, there can be no talk of any effectiveness in teaching.

Therefore, your task is to write down EVERYTHING in your seduction diary! Even your own feelings. This way you can more accurately see what mistakes you are making.

And ultimately, this will lead to you completely stopping making these mistakes. And most importantly - you will have an understanding.

And the correct understanding, as we have already found out, is for any girl.

In all my articles, I always focus on how it happens in life. Thanks to this, my readers quickly grasp the essence of articles and video tutorials. And they get results!

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