How to take a quantum leap in income abundance. Quantum Leap: Allow yourself one more try

David R. Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force
described the hierarchy of levels of human consciousness. This is a very interesting approach.

Here are the levels, from bottom to top:

  • a shame,
  • guilt,
  • apathy,
  • grief,
  • fear,
  • wish,
  • anger,
  • pride,
  • bravery,
  • neutrality,
  • readiness,
  • Adoption,
  • intelligence,
  • Love,
  • joy,
  • world,
  • enlightenment.

Although people can switch from one level to another,there is usually one predominant "normal" state. If you are reading this article, you are probably at least at the level courage, because at lower levels you wouldn't have conscious interest in personal development.

The level names were invented by Hawkins.He talks about the logarithmic scale: at the upper levelsthere are much fewer people than on the lower ones. Each transition from a low level to a higher accompanied by a significant change in life.

A shame(shame) - one step beforeof death. You're probably contemplating suicide here. Or you are a serial killer. In other words, it is self-directed hatred.

Guilt(guilt) - one level upembarrassing, but you may have suicidal thoughts. You think of yourself as a sinner and cannot forgive yourself for past actions.

Apathy(apathy) - you experiencehopelessness or torturing yourself. Full conviction in their helplessness. Many homeless people are stuck on this level.

Woe(grief) - levelendless sadness and loss. You can get here after the loss of a loved one. Depression. Still higher than apathy, because. you start to get rid of the numbness.

Fear(fear) - the world seemsdangerous and unreliable. Paranoia. Usually you need help to rise above this level or you will remain trapped for a long time, such as in an "overwhelming" relationship.

Wish(desire) - not yetburdened with setting and achieving goals, this is the level of desire, bad habits and passion - for money, approval, power, fame, etc. ... Consumption. Materialism. This is the level of smoking, alcohol and drugs.

Anger(anger) - the level of disappointment, often due to the inability to fulfill desires born on the previous level. This level can spur you to action at higher levels, or make you drown in hatred. In "suppressive" relationships (marriage, work, ...) you can often see a couple: one is overwhelmed with anger, the other with fear.

Pride(pride) - the first level, when you start to feel good, but this is a false feeling. It depends on the external environment (money, prestige, …) and is therefore vulnerable.
Pride can lead to nationalism, racism and religious wars. Remember the Nazis. The level of irrational self-denial and self-defense. Religious fundamentalists also belong to this level. You become so attached to your faith that you perceive any attack on your picture of the world as an attack on yourself.

Bravery(courage) - the first level of real strength. Here you begin to see that life is full of trials and it captures and does not overwhelm at all.You have a hint of interest in personal development, although at this level you would probably refer to it as mastering, career, advancement, education, etc. You begin to see your future as growth relative to the past, and not just as a continuation of it.

Neutrality t (neutrality) - it can be described by the phrase "live yourself and let live". Flexible, relaxed and unburdened life. Whatever happens, you get out.

You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You feel safe and get along well with people. Many self-employed people are at this level. A very comfortable place. This is the level of satisfaction and laziness. You take care of your
needs, but do not strain.

readiness(willingness) - when you feel safe and comfortable, you begin to use your energy more efficiently. Just making ends meet doesn't seem like a good idea anymore. You pay attention to work well maybe
even show their best results.You think about time management, productivity, and self-organization, in terms that weren't all that important at the level of neutrality. This is the level of development of will and discipline.

Such people are the "soldiers" of our society; they do their job and don't complain too much. If you are at school, you are really a good student; you take your lessons seriously and invest time in doing it well. This is the level where consciousness becomes more organized and disciplined.

Adoption(acceptance) - Now there is a powerful shift, and you are awakening to the possibilities of a proactive life. At the readiness level, you have become competent, and now you want to put your abilities to good use. This is the level of setting and achieving goals.In essence, this means that you begin to accept (take on) responsibility for your role in this world.

If something in life is not in order (career, health, relationships), you determine the desired state and achieve it. You begin to see the full picture of your life more clearly. This level encourages many people to change careers, start a new business, or tackle their diet.

Intelligence(reason) - at this level, you transcend the emotional aspects of the lower levels and begin to think clearly and rationally. Hawkins defines it as the level of medicine and science. Upon reaching this level, the ability to use the abilities of the mind to its fullest appears. Now there is discipline and proactivity to fully express their innate abilities. You get to the point where you say, “Great. I can do it all and I know I have to put it to good use.

So how best to use my talents? You look around and start doing things that are significant to the world. In its limit, this is the level of Einstein and Freud. Obviously, most people never reach it in their lifetime.

Love(love) is unconditional love, the constant understanding of one's connection with all that exists. Think compassion. At the level of the intellect, your life works for the head.
But in the end it turns out to be a dead end, you fall into a trap where there is too much intelligence.You see that you need a wider context than just thinking for yourself. At the level of love, your head and all other talents begin to work for the heart (not for emotions, but for a greater sense of good and evil - for your consciousness). As I see it, this is the level of awakening for its true purpose.

Your motives on this level are pure and uncorrupted by the passions of your ego. This is the level of lifelong service to humanity. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Albert Schweitzer.

At this level, you begin to be guided by forces greater than yourself. This is a feeling of release. Intuition becomes extremely powerful. Hawkins claims that only 1 in 250 people reach this level in their lifetime.

Joy(joy) - a feeling of penetrating and unshakable happiness - the level of saints and advanced spiritual teachers.

At this level, you will feel amazing just being around people. Here life is completely governed by intuition and coincidences. There is no more need for goals and detailed plans - your expanded consciousness allows you to operate with higher concepts. Events close to death can temporarily elevate you to this level.

World(peace) - complete transcendence. Hawkins assures that one in 10 million reaches this level.

Enlightenment(enlightenment) - the highest level of human consciousness, where humanity is combined with divinity. Extremely rare. This is the level of Jesus. Even thinking about people of this level can raise your consciousness.

I hope this model will seem worth thinking about. Not only people, but also objects, events, and even entire communities can be evaluated on these levels. In your life you can see that its different parts are at different levels, but you will be able to determine your current overall level.

Perhaps you are at the level of neutrality, but you have a tendency to smoke (desire level).The lower levels that you might find yourselfact like a drug that drags you down. But you can find inyour life and higher levels.

You can be at the level of acceptance, but read a book at the level of intelligence and feel really inspired. Think about what it does strong influence on your life right now. What is it that lifts your consciousness? What brings him down?

There is one way to find out your current current level - think about how you behave during times of stress. If you squeeze an orange, orange juice will pour out, because it is inside.

What comes out of you when external circumstances put pressure on you? Do you become paranoid and withdraw into yourself (fear)? Do you start yelling at people (anger)? Are you getting defensive (pride)?

Everything in your environment affects your level of consciousness. TV. Movies. Books. Web sites. People. Places. Objects. Food.

If you are at the level of intelligence and watch TV news (which, by definition, is at the level of fear and desire), it will temporarily lower your consciousness. If you are at the level of guilt, then TV news will, on the contrary, increase it.

The transition from the previous level to the next requires a monstrous energy. . Without your conscious effort or the help of others, you will most likely remain at your current level until some outside force intervenes in your life.

Pay attention to the natural sequence of levels and think about what might happen if you try to speed up the process.If you try to reach a level of intelligence before mastering discipline (readiness) and goal setting (acceptance), you will be too disorganized and unfocused to fully use your brain. If you try to advance yourself to the level of love before mastering the intellect, you may suffer from trust and get stuck in some sect.

Getting to each next level can be extremely difficult; for most people, this does not happen in their entire lives. A change of just one level can radically change everything in your life. Therefore, it is unlikely that people below the level of courage will progress without outside help.

Courage is needed to reasonable o walk this path; it is needed to constantly argue with reality for a chance to become more intelligent and conscious. But once you reach the next level, you realize that the argument was worth it. For example, when you reach
level of courage, all your old fears and false pride become
you stupid.

When you reach the level of acceptance (setting and achieving goals), you look back at the level of readiness and see that you were like a squirrel in a wheel - you were a good runner,
but did not choose the direction.

I think the most important job we can do as human beings is raise your personal level of consciousness. When we do this, we are spreading higher levels of consciousness to everyone around us.

Imagine how amazing this world would be if we could just raise everyone to the level of acceptance. Hawkins states that 85% of the people on Earth live below the level of courage.
When you temporarily experience the state of higher levels, you can see where you should go. You have one of those moments of insight when you realize that it is worth changing in life. But when you drown in the lower levels, these memories are obscured by fog.

And you will not be able to reach the highest levels until you have mastered the basic disciplines. Jesus was a carpenter. Gandhi is a lawyer. Buddha is a prince. We all need to start somewhere.

Look openly at this hierarchy and consider whether it has given you a new understanding of what will help you make the next leap in your life? No level is considered more right or wrong than the others. Try not to allow your ego to get attached to any particular level. Of course, only if you are not at the level of pride now.

2012 is the final stage of preparing people's consciousness for a quantum leap together with the planet.

Quantum leap- this is a natural evolutionary process that occurs at the end of the cycle of rotation of the earth's axis, once every 25,000 years, after which there is a transition to a new spiral of development in a different dimension, a new reality, which reveals a new perception of the world around us, new abilities of consciousness and body, new opportunities.

Quantum Leap of Consciousness 2012

This is the moment we're all here for to reach a new level of the game of their evolutionary development.

The final stage of the quantum transition consists of 4 points associated with the spring and autumn equinoxes, and the summer and winter solstices. It's like the 4 peaks of the cross of transfiguration.

1 top - spring equinox 21.03.2012, awakening, (Beginning of the End).
2 peak - summer solstice 06/21/2012, disclosure, (middle end).
3 peak - autumn equinox 21.09.2012, change and liberation, (the end of the end).
4 peak - winter solstice 12/21/2012, enlightenment, (a new beginning).

Now we will briefly talk about the first peak, the most enjoyable. The closer we approach December 21, 2012, the stronger the process of contraction to the point of the "eye of the needle" takes place, through which only a purified and free consciousness will pass. After compression, a powerful process of spherical expansion of consciousness takes place, like fireworks, the birth of a star, the birth of the universe, each depending on the depth of knowledge, purification and self-disclosure.

The period before the Great Transition is always accompanied by chaos, during which the old system of worldview and social life is destroyed, and a new one is born. This time is called - troubled times. On the planet, this is accompanied by an increase in cataclysms, a systemic crisis in all spheres of society, which we are observing. Dissatisfaction with the existing life occurs in a person, all past negative states, fears are revealed, which manifest themselves in the form of illnesses and negative life situations. But thanks to this, a reassessment of values ​​occurs, the process of purification of consciousness and body, attitudes towards oneself and life change, and a single consciousness awakens, which leads us out of the “illusion of separation”, and we see the world as one, how everything is interconnected and affects each other.

This process brings us back to true Happiness. For C-PART-E is the United PART in Unity. That is, we find our place in life, our true purpose, purpose and function in a single organism of society, the planet and life, doing our favorite thing with joy, love and pleasure, benefiting the world. This whole process is like a metamorphosis, like a caterpillar (which constantly only chews and consumes), turns into a butterfly (which flutters easily, feeds on the nectar of flowers and gives joy to the world).

So, March 21 is the beginning of a new astrological year, that is, a convenient period for awakening your consciousness and heart in harmony with all nature, for cleansing your consciousness and body, as well as a time to start new projects, enhanced by a cleansing eclipse, a leveling equinox.

LET'S START with the fact that we will feel our awakening of the heart space, in which the imprints of negative experience, fears, doubts, sadness, disappointments have accumulated. Accept it all with gratitude, right now, as a necessary experience for soul-searching. Shake it off of you like a husk around your radiant heart crystal and release with gratitude.
Stop fighting with yourself and the world around you, learn to accept it as it is and change in the direction of the true desires of the heart, thereby renewing yourself and the world around you. While we fought, we lost our strength, while accepting, we regain our strength.

Look at what you are dissatisfied with, what you do not accept in others, which means that you do not accept it in yourself. Look at who else you have a difficult relationship with, here is also the ground for liberation from the old experience of interaction, it could be a variety of situations and events in which your very specific qualities or positions were manifested, as well as the qualities of those with whom it is difficult for you to communicate today. Find out what beliefs you have that create negative reactions to yourself and others. Our body perceives every thought and emotion as a command.

Say: "I cancel these beliefs and activate new ones that lead me to unity with myself and the world around me."

Try to prepare responsibly, indicating absolutely all areas of your life and all the people with whom you interact, it doesn’t matter if they are your relatives, friends, colleagues or clients with whom you need to communicate and this is difficult. Find a blocking belief and replace it, after which a reassessment will occur and your attitude towards yourself and others will change. That's all. Everything is very simple, as always. We have forgotten how to trust the simple, but everything ingenious is simple. The wisdom of life always simplifies everything in order to create maximum freedom for creativity.

As you rise from thousands of years of old energies that can provoke you into unpleasant actions, stop yourself immediately at the first signs of anger, irritation, aggressiveness, struggle, opposition or rejection.
Tell yourself “These reactions are not my true self, they are my past experience, which I accept and let go with gratitude for teaching me to appreciate life in a new way. Here and now, I choose to react to everything calmly and with a smile, simply by observing and realizing how you can still improve your attitude towards yourself and the world.

be careful so that these old energies do not push you into ugly deeds that will attract again and again similar situations into your life and affect your health.

Where Attention is, there is Energy. Take the position of the Owner and Creator of your life here and now. Learn by the power of your intention to start the process and feel inner cleansing and liberation from the old, obsolete, obsolete experience, from habits, stereotypes imposed by the old system, from fears and insecurities, from envy, rivalry, the desire to subdue and exalt.

Remember, there is no better or worse, there is just another, at its stage of evolutionary development.

Do not get involved in absurd showdowns, in clarifying the circumstances, feel inner dignity, believe in yourself and your strength, even if someone tries to inspire you with an opinion about your insolvency, usually others say about themselves that they do not accept in themselves. Treat it with empathy, and in response to humiliation, inspire this person to believe in himself again. Do not resonate to the residual energies of the outgoing evolution.

Feel like one mind, a creator free from the opinions of the distorted old system. Believe in yourself, your inner wisdom, strength and love, they have always been in us and it's time for them to wake up and reveal themselves in all their power and splendor. All that was holding them back was our limiting beliefs. Every time you feel discomfort, fear, impasse, know that old beliefs have worked, find them and cancel them.

Ask yourself a question: “What is my belief that gives rise to such a state in me, what emotional experiences have left this imprint in me?”.

After discovering beliefs and emotional experiences.Say: "I annul you with a sense of gratitude for the necessary experience, and choose to feel and react now calmly, with quiet joy, in the state of a knowing observer."

Learning to accept other points of view and complement their others, without struggle, but in commonwealth. Soothe others with your state of quiet joy, a knowing observer of the process of transformation and transformation, inspiring others and awakening their faith in themselves and the unity of the world around them.

Remember that there are no negative situations, there are necessary lessons for reassessment of values ​​in order to free us from attachments and make us free, independent and happy.

When you see that something is not working out, some kind of problem exists, you feel a stagnation in development, or you have reached a dead end, or your relationship does not work out with one of your relatives or associates - stop for a moment. And become different. The reason is in you, and in those with whom contacts do not add up. But for you, you are the main figure. Change yourself first. Reconsider your beliefs, your attitudes, your reactions, your expectations - reconsider. And you will see where it is worth to meet halfway, where to redirect and agree on how you can do it differently.

Reflecting on this and asking yourself the right questions, you will definitely understand what, where and how you need to change yourself, your attitude, your actions.

Soon, every person and planet - our world will be reborn. And what these births will be depends on each of us. Individual sensations and brightness of your personal process of Birth - Transition, all this directly depends on the strength of your personal responsibility for individual improvement. And also, from your honesty with yourself, from your striving for the true goal, from understanding the tasks, and most importantly, from the desire to be useful to other participants in the events, and the desire to contribute to the benefit of society.

No matter how and when the transition ends, use this great chance on a cosmic scale to deeply release the power of your consciousness and limitless potential.

Change, grow, develop - this is the main thing. Don't look back, the world will never be the same again. What it will become depends on each of us, what we will become. The hand will be given to everyone who gives it to another. Try to show the maximum of what you can - this is called the disclosure of limitless potential. That's why it's so hard sometimes. But in a different way, in greenhouse conditions, we simply will not be able to manifest all this and become what we can become.

The main task from 03/21/2012 is to discover and experience the great Joy of finding oneself through deep reflections, awareness, to meet one's true self. And that's it! And to feel proud of finding what is your true and present, your true purpose in life, your favorite pastime, your achievements and virtues.

Be who you really are, by itself, sincere, true and real, created "in the image and likeness" of the higher mind of a single consciousness that created the entire universe. This is our real potential, boldly open it to the world, through our openness and sincerity it manifests itself.

You will learn more about preparing consciousness for a quantum leap in the following newsletters on the Witch Doctor website. Remember, this is the most important thing for which we are here, having prepared yourself, you will feel inner freedom and a surge of strength, you will be able to help your environment.

Let's be open and generous, we will help our environment by giving them this important information for everyone, and it doesn’t matter what they say, the main thing is that we are sincere, we give them the opportunity to choose, and they make the choice, and in any case it will be the right choice for them. Strive for an environment that inspires and appreciates you. Appreciate others.

Together with nature, let's boldly launch a wave of awakening, and send this link with best wishes to our surroundings.

This year's motto is Unity in Action.

Be happy together with others, it is real here and now.

Source (original article)

David R. Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force
described the hierarchy of levels of human consciousness. This is a very interesting approach.

Here are the levels, from bottom to top:

  • a shame,

  • guilt,

  • apathy,

  • grief,

  • fear,

  • wish,

  • anger,

  • pride,

  • bravery,

  • neutrality,

  • readiness,

  • Adoption,

  • intelligence,

  • Love,

  • joy,

  • enlightenment.

Although people can switch from one level to another, there is usually one predominant "normal" state. If you are reading this article, you are probably at least at the level of courage, because at lower levels you would not have a conscious interest in personal development.

The level names were invented by Hawkins. He talks about a logarithmic scale: there are far fewer people on the upper levels than on the lower levels. Each transition from a low level to a higher one is accompanied by a significant change in life.

Shame one step to death. You're probably contemplating suicide here. Or you are a serial killer. In other words, it is self-directed hatred.

Wine (guilt)— a level above shame, but you may have suicidal thoughts. You think of yourself as a sinner and cannot forgive yourself for past actions.

apathy Feel hopeless or torture yourself. Full conviction in their helplessness. Many homeless people are stuck on this level.

Grief— the level of endless sadness and loss. You can get here after the loss of a loved one. Depression. Still higher than apathy, because. you start to get rid of the numbness.

Fear The world seems dangerous and unreliable. Paranoia. Usually you need help to rise above this level or you will remain trapped for a long time, such as in an "overwhelming" relationship.

Desire- not yet burdened with setting and achieving goals, this is the level of desire, bad habits and passion - for money, approval, power, fame, etc. ... Consumption. Materialism. This is the level of smoking, alcohol and drugs.

Anger- the level of disappointment, often due to the inability to fulfill desires born at the previous level. This level can spur you to action at higher levels, or make you drown in hatred. In "suppressive" relationships (marriage, work, ...) you can often see a couple: one is overwhelmed with anger, the other with fear.

pride- the first level, when you start to feel good, but this is a false feeling. It depends on the external environment (money, prestige, …) and is therefore vulnerable.
Pride can lead to nationalism, racism and religious wars. Remember the Nazis. The level of irrational self-denial and self-defense. Religious fundamentalists also belong to this level. You become so attached to your faith that you perceive any attack on your picture of the world as an attack on yourself.

Courage The first level of real power. Here you begin to see that life is full of challenges and it is exciting and not at all overwhelming. You get a hint of interest in personal development, although at this level you will probably call it professional development, career, advancement, education, etc. You begin to see your future as growth relative to the past, and not just as a continuation of it.

Neutrality- it can be described by the phrase "live yourself and let live". Flexible, relaxed and unburdened life. Whatever happens, you get out.
You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You feel safe and get along well with people. Many self-employed people are at this level. A very comfortable place. This is the level of satisfaction and laziness. You take care of your
needs, but do not strain.

Willingness When you feel safe and comfortable, you begin to use your energy more effectively. Just making ends meet doesn't seem like a good idea anymore. You pay attention to work well maybe
even show their best results. You think about time management, productivity, and self-organization, in terms that weren't all that important at the level of neutrality. This is the level of development of will and discipline.

Such people are the "soldiers" of our society; they do their job and don't complain too much. If you are at school, you are really a good student; you take your lessons seriously and invest time in doing it well. This is the level where consciousness becomes more organized and disciplined.

Acceptance Now a powerful shift is taking place and you are awakening to the possibilities of a proactive life. At the readiness level, you have become competent, and now you want to put your abilities to good use. This is the level of setting and achieving goals. In essence, this means that you begin to take (take on) responsibility for your role in this world.

If something in life is not in order (career, health, relationships), you determine the desired state and achieve it. You begin to see the full picture of your life more clearly. This level encourages many people to change careers, start a new business, or tackle their diet.

Intelligence (reason) At this level, you transcend the emotional aspects of the lower levels and begin to think clearly and rationally. Hawkins defines it as the level of medicine and science. Upon reaching this level, the ability to use the abilities of the mind to its fullest appears. Now there is discipline and proactivity to fully express their innate abilities. You get to the point where you say, “Great. I can do it all and I know I have to put it to good use.

So how best to use my talents? You look around and start doing things that are significant to the world. In its limit, this is the level of Einstein and Freud. Obviously, most people never reach it in their lifetime.

Love (love) is unconditional love, the constant understanding of your connection with everything that exists. Think compassion. At the level of the intellect, your life works for the head.
But in the end it turns out to be a dead end, you fall into a trap where there is too much intelligence. You see that you need a wider context than just thinking for yourself. At the level of love, your head and all other talents begin to work for the heart (not for emotions, but for a greater sense of good and evil - for your consciousness). As I see it, this is the level of awakening for its true purpose.

Your motives on this level are pure and uncorrupted by the passions of your ego. This is the level of lifelong service to humanity. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Albert Schweitzer.

At this level, you begin to be guided by forces greater than yourself. This is a feeling of release. Intuition becomes extremely powerful. Hawkins claims that only 1 in 250 people reach this level in their lifetime.

Joy- a feeling of penetrating and unshakable happiness - the level of saints and advanced spiritual teachers.
At this level, you will feel amazing just being around people. Here life is completely governed by intuition and coincidences. There is no more need for goals and detailed plans - your expanded consciousness allows you to operate with higher concepts. Events close to death can temporarily elevate you to this level.

Peace (peace)- complete transcendence. Hawkins assures that one in 10 million reaches this level.

Enlightenment- the highest level of human consciousness, where humanity is combined with divinity. Extremely rare. This is the level of Jesus. Even thinking about people of this level can raise your consciousness.

I hope this model will seem worth thinking about. Not only people, but also objects, events, and even entire communities can be evaluated on these levels. In your life, you can see that different parts of it are at different levels, but you can determine your current overall level.

Perhaps you are at the level of neutrality, but you have a tendency to smoke (desire level). The lower levels that you may find in yourself act like a drug that drags you down. But you can find higher levels in your life.

You can be at the level of acceptance, but read a book at the level of intelligence and feel really inspired. Think about what is having a strong impact on your life right now. What is it that lifts your consciousness? What brings him down?

There is one way to find out your current current level - think about how you behave during times of stress. If you squeeze an orange, orange juice will pour out, because it is inside.

What comes out of you when external circumstances put pressure on you? Do you become paranoid and withdraw into yourself (fear)? Do you start yelling at people (anger)? Are you getting defensive (pride)?

Everything in your environment affects your level of consciousness. TV. Movies. Books. Web sites. People. Places. Objects. Food.

If you are at the level of intelligence and watch TV news (which, by definition, is at the level of fear and desire), it will temporarily lower your consciousness. If you are at the level of guilt, then TV news will, on the contrary, increase it.

The transition from the previous level to the next requires monstrous energy. Quantum leap. Without your conscious effort or the help of others, you will most likely remain at your current level until some outside force intervenes in your life.

Pay attention to the natural progression of levels and think about what might happen if you try to speed up the process. If you try to reach a level of intelligence before mastering discipline (readiness) and goal setting (acceptance), you will be too disorganized and unfocused to fully use your brain. If you try to advance yourself to the level of love before mastering the intellect, you may suffer from trust and get stuck in some sect.

Getting to each next level can be extremely difficult; for most people, this does not happen in their entire lives. A change of just one level can radically change everything in your life. Therefore, it is unlikely that people below the level of courage will progress without outside help.

Courage is needed to wisely walk this path; it is needed to constantly argue with reality for a chance to become more intelligent and conscious. But once you reach the next level, you realize that the argument was worth it. For example, when you reach the level of courage, all your old fears and false pride become
you stupid.

When you reach the level of acceptance (setting and achieving goals), you look back at the level of readiness and see that you were like a squirrel in a wheel - you were a good runner, but you did not choose a direction.

It seems to me that the most important work that we can do as human beings is to raise our personal level of consciousness. When we do this, we are spreading higher levels of consciousness to everyone around us.

Imagine how amazing this world would be if we could just raise everyone to the level of acceptance. Hawkins states that 85% of the people on Earth live below the level of courage.
When you temporarily experience the state of higher levels, you can see where you should go. You have one of those moments of insight when you realize that it is worth changing in life. But when you drown in the lower levels, these memories are obscured by fog.

And you will not be able to reach the highest levels until you have mastered the basic disciplines. Jesus was a carpenter. Gandhi is a lawyer. Buddha is a prince. We all need to start somewhere.

Look openly at this hierarchy and consider whether it has given you a new understanding of what will help you make the next leap in your life? No level is considered more right or wrong than the others. Try not to allow your ego to get attached to any particular level. Of course, only if you are not at the level of pride now.

In the spiritual (quantum) world, everything already exists in potentialities. In the material (manifested) world of causes and effects, every next moment appears because it has a physical cause. Therefore, most people cannot change their lives. Or change comes in very small steps, overcoming discomfort.

Matter is very inert. However, even with small steps, great results can be achieved. Water wears down stone. Drop by drop over hundreds of years, can make a decent sized hole. This is Newtonian physics.

This is the world of "cause and effect"

But there is a world of miracles. Lucky world. A world in which a person is simply lucky. He didn't even buy a lottery ticket. He found it. Or they gave it to him. And on the holiday of the Day of the Soviet Army. He didn't even serve in the army. No apparent reason.

It's like Einstein's physics. For an atomic explosion.

In a nuclear reactor, a few kilograms of uranium or plutonium provide energy for an entire city. It is a new reality that emerges from "unreality". From the quantum or spiritual world.

A bright rise, a breakthrough into a new dimension, is called a "quantum leap".

How to get it?

How to make "atomic explosion" in your life? Become a billionaire? From the village to become president?

2 main parameters are needed to "call" from the spiritual (or quantum) reality, absolutely NEW RESULTS. Not associated with any physical cause. But just for God's sake.

I believe in God and believe that it was HE who created the physical, spiritual and quantum world. And he made his own laws. And now HE opens them to me, and I open them to you.

Two parameters are required:

  1. State.
  2. Intention.

Intention is "belief" made up of thoughts. The problem is that both conscious and subconscious thoughts are taken into account.

For example, if I've been taught all my life that "money doesn't fall from the sky," and now I'm praying for a billion dollars, then cognitive dissonance appears. The contradiction between the thought that I believed in for 20 years (money does not fall from the sky) and asking God for a billion dollars (for no reason).

Status isn't much easier. The state is emotions and energy. In order to charge the "intention" with force, it is necessary to enter the "state". Positive, gratitude, self-confidence and future. In general, you need to enter the super-resource. And vital, physical energy is the foundation. I can say to myself that when I am not training, I have no energy for a resource state.

By adding these two parameters, you can create an "atomic explosion" that will make a hole in the stone, in the rock and anywhere. You can receive from God (from the quantum world) any MIRACLES. Quantum steps in development.

In relation to business, Peter Thiel writes very well about this in his book From Zero to One. About creating something fundamentally new in business.

Elizabeth Holmes

Elizabeth Holmes is a tall blonde with a messy hairdo. She is 31 and is the world's youngest female billionaire.

Holmes is often compared to Steve Jobs. Both spent a lot of time alone as children. Both dropped out because they believed there were more important things. Like Jobs, Holmes believed from the beginning that her company would change the world.

Jobs became a billionaire by the age of 40, and Holmes much earlier. Last year, her Theranos project was valued at $9 billion, and she owns more than half of the shares.

“What I really want is to discover something new, something that humanity has never suspected before,” Holmes wrote to her father when she was nine.

In the following articles, we will understand how to create a state and an intent.

In the meantime, just believe - everything you dream of is achievable!

I Know - You Can!

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