Scenario of a meeting with veterans and pensioners "a day of kindness and respect." Scenario of a meeting with WWII veterans

1. How beautiful is Russia,
On this bright May morning!
Birds are pouring outside the window
Sheds the leaves with mother-of-pearl.

2. We give carnations to veterans,
Remembering the brave fighters.
We will not forget the great feat,
The feat of grandfathers and our fathers.

1. How wonderful and light in the soul. Everywhere shining eyes and joyful smiles. Strangers give each other flowers.

1. For what we have now,
For our every happy hour
Because the sun shines on us
Thank you brave soldiers
That defended the world once.

2. I know from my dad... I know from my grandfather...
On the ninth of May, victory came to us.
All the Soviet people expected that day,
That day became the most joyful holiday.

1. This day is not just a wonderful holiday, on this day the War ended, terrible and cruel, which lasted for four whole years. And it began unexpectedly on a Sunday summer day, when people were doing their usual things: relaxing, swimming, enjoying the sun and warmth. And suddenly they announced on the radio that our country was attacked by fascist invaders ...

Musical number "Dance of the Cranes"

2. Men went to the front to fight, women and children continued to work day and night in factories and factories: they sewed overcoats, knitted warm mittens, socks, baked bread ...

/Video clip. Children and women in factories./

1. And they also wrote letters to the soldiers, in which they talked about their home, about how they are waiting for victory and the return home of their sons, brothers, husbands ... Many soldiers did not return home from that war. We will never forget the heroes: no matter how many years pass, the descendants will always cherish the memory of their grandfathers and fathers and thank them for defending the world in the name of our bright life!

Musical number "Song About that spring"

Poem Kukharik Julia 8c “Letter to mother”

1. The sun shines on Victory Day,
And we will always shine.
In fierce battles, our grandfathers
The enemy was defeated.

2. We will be brave, like grandfathers,
We will protect our native land,
And the bright sun of Victory
We won't give it to anyone.

1. Do not forget this date for us,
That ended the war
That great spring.
To the victorious soldier
Hundreds of bows to the earth!

Musical number "Song Everything for Victory"

2. The war has long ended,
Soldiers have come from the war.
And on the chest of their order,
Burn like memorable dates

1. For Brest, Moscow, for Stalingrad,
And for the blockade of Leningrad,
For Kerch, Odessa and Belgrade,
For all fragments from shells.

2. The war has long ended.
Long ago soldiers came from the war,
And on the chest of their order,
They burn like memorable dates.
To all of you who endured that war -
In the rear or on the battlefields, -
Brought a victorious spring, -
Bow and memory of generations.

Alexander Glushkov's verse "German Shepherd"

Musical number "Song flap your wings, Rus"

Verse Nikitin Lera 15 school

1. Every day of the Great Patriotic War at the front and in the rear was a feat, a manifestation of the boundless courage and resilience of people, loyalty to the Motherland. Songs created in those terrible years helped our people to live, work, fight, defeat the enemy. At the front, funny songs were very popular among the soldiers. There was no despondency or fear of death in the notes of those songs. Amazing feelings lived in them - faith, hope, love.
2. In the difficult years of the war, poems and songs that sounded at the front, in the intervals between battles, gave the fighters strength, brightened up separation from relatives, made them forget for a short time that there was a war going on.

Musical number "song Katyusha Matskevich Dasha and Polina"

Musical number "Dance Way Track"

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.
Soldiers, you gave the planet
Great May, victorious May!

2.Even then we were not in the world,
When in a military storm fire
Deciding the fate of future centuries,
You fought a holy battle.

1.Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with victory,
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever,
From all the earth, from all the earth.

Verse Koroteev Angelina 2a "Victory Day"

/Video "Train of Victory"/

Verse Shevchenko Oleg 9a

/ Video "Victory Parade 1945" /

2. Our dear veterans, home front workers, and everyone who is present in this hall, the director of the school, Tkacheva Tatyana Ivanovna, addresses you with words of congratulations.

Speech by Tkacheva T.I.

1. To you, veterans of fierce battles,
Whose youth is hardened in battle,
We bring love and respect
And my deepest gratitude.

2. For the fact that you fought in Russian,

For going through a thousand deaths
For never forgetting
About the duty to the Motherland!

1. We heartily congratulate you,
We wish you excellent health,
Please accept our kind words
Great friendship with sincere love!

Video Victory Day (the song is performed by the whole hall)

Abstract of the lesson "Meeting with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and a home front worker."
School prep group.
Author: teacher Putenko Nadezhda Korneevna.
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Kindergarten of the combined type No. 8 of the city of Bogotola. Krasnoyarsk region. Speech therapy group "Asterisk".
Creation date: 2010
Raising a respectful attitude to the history of the country, to veterans and participants in the Great Patriotic War and the defenders of the Motherland.
Continue to acquaint children with the events of the Second World War;
to introduce children to the study of the historical past of our country, to strengthen the living connection of times and generations; to develop in children a cognitive interest in the historical past of our country;
to instill in children a sense of patriotism and pride in the exploits of the heroes and defenders of our country;
encourage children to honor the memory of heroes;
cultivate respect for WWII veterans.
Previous work:
Conversations "Get up a huge country", "They fought for their homeland."
Reading and discussion of works about the war:
E. Blagina "Overcoat";
S. Baruzdin “A soldier was walking along the street”;
N. Dilaktorskaya "Why Mom was Nicknamed Grishka";
A. Mityaeva "Dugout", "A bag of oatmeal", "Why is the army dear?";
L. Kassil from the book "Your Defenders".
Examination of illustrations on the topic.
Listening to musical works: "Holy War", "Victory Day".
Viewing the presentation "The Main Holiday", the cartoon "Remembrance".
Learning poems for class.
Making crafts for guests.
Lesson progress:
Children! A great holiday is approaching for every person of our great country - Victory Day! Many years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War, but the memory of the heroes is still alive. There is not a single family in our country that has not been touched by a terrible war. A lot of grief and trials fell on the lot of people. Many soldiers did not return home, they died on the battlefields, were tortured by the Nazis, many people died of starvation. The victory for our people came at a high price. We must not forget about that terrible war, about those who saved the Motherland from the fascist invaders. We are obliged to keep the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and tell future generations about the exploits of our people that we know, about the lives of people at that difficult time.
Now there are few survivors of those who fought many years ago and lived during the war years. But we were lucky, today we have a long-awaited meeting with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Ivan Petrovich Suraev. And the home front worker Nesterova Maria Mitrofanovna. Let's greet these wonderful people with our applause. Dear Maria Mitrofanovna and Ivan Petrovich, let me bow low - low to you for the Victory, for your courage, steadfastness, steadfastness, for your great love for the Motherland, and most importantly, for the fact that you find strength and meet a lot with children and youth! The guys and I really want to know about your life during the Great Patriotic War and we hope that you will tell us. The guys have prepared a little concert for you. We were looking forward to this meeting, and now our guys will say a few words to you.
First child.
We've heard a lot about you
And we are glad to meet you!
We welcome you now!
Lead the parade!
Second child.
You have medals, orders,
And you are our heroes!
The whole country is proud of you
A bow from us to the earth!
Third child.
We have a great country
Great country!
Let the war never happen again!
All veterans - glory!
Fourth child.
We know that you went through the war,
We fought at the front!
You endured so much grief
Victory is approaching!
Fifth child.
We are interested in everything about you,
What kind of life did you live
What happened at the front?
How did you crush the Germans!
Sixth child.
We will all sit quietly
And listen to your story
Then we want to sing a song
To please you.
Seventh child:
Thank you for coming to us
What strength did you find in yourself,
To come to us at this hour,
We thank you with all our hearts!
Eighth child.
Health, happiness, long life
With all our hearts we wish!
And Happy Victory Day, we all of you,
Congratulations today.
M. Langer.
Guys! Each participant in the war has his own story of the Victory, let's ask Ivan Petrovich to tell us about the price at which he got the Victory. (A word to a veteran).
Ivan Petrovich said that when the war began he was eighteen years old. He had already graduated from high school and was studying to be a tractor driver. When he learned that the war had begun, he went to the draft board and served as a tanker. He spent the entire war in a tank, though not in one tank, because his tanks were knocked out several times. And he himself was wounded several times, twice seriously, and was in the hospital. Ivan Petrovich showed the children his orders and medals for the defense of the Caucasus, for the liberation of Ukraine and Poland. The veteran said that it was very scary at the front: the roar of guns, the whistle of bullets, ominous flames rushing up and incinerating everything that gets in their way. Horrified faces and heartbreaking moans of the wounded. And everywhere are the corpses of people who until recently were thinking about the future, hoping to meet their relatives, dreaming of love and happiness. All this is war - the most terrible event that can only happen both in the life of an individual and in the history of all mankind. But the soldiers knew that their cause was just, they knew that they were defending their loved ones, their native people, their homeland. In the family of Ivan Petrovich, his father and four more brothers fought. They all died. The father and elder brother went missing, and it is still unknown where they are buried. Two brothers - twins are buried in Poland. By the way, Ivan Petrovich also learned that the war was over in Poland. But then he did not know that his brothers fought and died there. The veteran told the children about his fighting friends, many died, some died after the war. They keep in touch with all the living: they correspond, call back, rarely, but they meet. Ivan Petrovich gave the children a photograph of the last meeting of fellow soldiers.

The children sang the song "Good Soldiers" in honor of the former front-line soldier (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by Fillipenko).
Guys, it just so happened that our memory of the war and all our ideas about it are male, mostly men fought. But a huge burden fell on the shoulders of women: mothers, wives, sisters, who helped the front with their work. This war was special, it was called the Great Patriotic War, because everyone, from children to the elderly, rose to defend the Motherland. Our soldiers fought bravely on the battlefield, but there were also those who remained in the rear, with all their might, together forged victory. They worked at factories, factories, made weapons: tanks, planes, machine guns, mortars and cannons. Military echelons brought weapons, medicines, clothes, food for the soldiers to the front. All this was provided by the front workers of the home front and children who worked during the war years as adults. Let's ask Maria Mitrofanovna to tell us about her life in those years.
The guest spoke about her difficult fate, how she met the news of the beginning of the war. Maria Mitrofanovna lived with her husband and three children in the village, her husband went to the front. The woman worked as a postman, delivering triangle letters, which the relatives and friends of our soldiers were waiting for. But often the letters reported the death of soldiers or that he was missing. Having received such news, people cried, shouted, howled, it was very hard to listen and see it. If we were to gather together the bitter female tears shed for the dead sons, husbands, brothers, then a sea of ​​​​Sorrow and Sorrow would form. When Maria Mitrofanovna received news of her husband's death, with a story about how he died, she could not stand it and went to work on a collective farm. She worked from early morning until late at night, tirelessly. Collective farmers raised bread, meat, for the front, for the Victory. The children were alone at home, there was very little food, two children fell ill and died. (The guest wiped away her tears.) It was hard, not easier life after the Victory. After a pause, Maria Mitrofanovna wished everyone that no one else would experience this. So that there will always be peace, so that everyone tries to protect the world.
Nesterov Ananiy Matveyevich - photograph of Maria Mitrofanovna's husband.

For you, our guests, the children want to perform a song that is one of the brightest symbols of the Great Patriotic War. A song that every soldier knew at the front and the name of which the people christened a new weapon that terrified the enemy - BM rocket mortars. Of course, this is our famous Katyusha.
Song "Katyusha" (words by M. Isakovsky, music by M. Blanter).
Children, may the fire of memory of the courageous soldiers and officers who died in that great war always burn in your hearts. Let's honor the memory of the dead with a moment of silence!
Children stand at the chairs. There is a moment of silence.
Dear guys, thanks to our guests and everyone who defended our country, who worked for the Victory, we live in peacetime. We go to kindergarten, play, watch cartoons, celebrate birthdays. As a token of gratitude, give guests our crafts.
We are deeply indebted to these people. Let's say in chorus "Thank you for the Victory!"
Dear Maria Mitrofanovna and Ivan Petrovich, thank you very much for showing us such an honor today and coming to this meeting.
The children read the verses:
First child.
You are veterans of fierce battles,
Whose youth is hardened in battle!
To you, home front workers,
Whose work forged the Victory!
We dedicate love and respect to you,
And my deepest gratitude.
Second child.
For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land.
Third child.
It was bequeathed to us to protect this world -
So unique at dawn.
Since childhood, he is very dear to us and sweet,
We are responsible for the future of the world.
Fourth child.
We will not let you become ashes and ashes
To what is called the beauty of the earth.
May the sky above the earth be peaceful,
Let the sonorous childhood laugh forever!
Fifth child.
Congratulations to our guests
Congratulations with all our heart!
Let the salute of victory thunder
On this day over the whole country!

The children listened to the guests with bated breath, then they did not let the guests go for a long time, they asked questions, talked about their life in kindergarten, showed where, what they do.

Irina Panfilenko

Target: Education of spiritual values ​​- love for the Motherland, fidelity to civic and military duty, honesty and philanthropy.

Task: Through communication, through books, to involve the younger generation in the study of the historical past of our country, to familiarize them with the origins of heroism, to strengthen the living connection between times and generations. To enable the last generation to communicate live with WWII veteran.

Equipment: Exhibition of album material "Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War", photo material "Roads of War", posters, drawings and crafts for the exhibition "It's a Great Victory Day". Phonograms of songs of the war years, backing tracks of songs "Victory Day", « Veterans of the past war» , "Soldiers of War", "Great grandfather", "Live long veterans» , song cutting "Let's Bow", music for screensaver.

Before the beginning meetings songs of the war years. In a circle there are tables at which parents sit, a separate table - for veteran.

Course of the MEETING:

Sounds like the beginning of the song (minus) performed by L. Zykina "Let's Bow" № 1

It turns out the Vedas: sad the willows leaned towards the pond,

The moon floats over the river

There, at the border, he stood at his post

At night, a young fighter.

Black shadows grew in the mist

A cloud in the sky is dark

The first shell exploded in the distance -

Thus the war began.

The children come out. The song sounds "Soldiers of War" № 2

1. Soldiers, soldiers, soldiers of war

Accept our bow to the very earth.

You went to alarms, soldiers are fathers

You went to alarms, the soldiers are sons.

You didn't choose to be, not to be a war,

But you were dying on military land

Some died, ramming the enemy,

Some died, ramming the enemy,

Others were covered by a sea wave

2. What an absurdity to start a war,

What a cruelty to kill people.

As if someone has the right to deprive them of their lives,

As if someone has the right to burn, destroy.

But you killed in the name of the country,

And you were killed by the soldiers of the war.

A How many then you were buried in the ground,

A How many then you were buried in the ground,

Fascist evil spirits sweeping away from her.

3. Soldiers called you to battle then

Burnt villages, houses, cities.

Fields drenched in sweat and blood

In funnels and wounds native land.

And you are not broken soldiers of the country,

The whole world was saved from the fascist yoke,

You emerged victorious from a terrible war,

And we must remember this forever.

R-K: Nearly four years

A terrible war was raging.

And again Russian nature

Full of lively excitement.

R-K: And on the way back,

Forever invincible,

Goes, having accomplished a feat of arms,

Great Russian man.

R-k A: He did everything. He is quiet and modest.

He saved the world from black death.

And the world, beautiful and huge,

We welcome him now ....

Song "Great grandfather" № 3

1. I'm on I recently live in the world,

And I know history from books.

But about the big war,

I hear live stories.

Is on light one person,

He always tells me the truth.

And a trace remains in the soul

Stays with my great-grandfather.

P-V: Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he went through the whole war,

From the Volga to Berlin itself.

Great-grandfather, great-grandfather he defended the country,

He protected his wife and son.

Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he risked his life,

So that birds sing in the sky again

And the sky turned blue, and the laughter did not fade away.

And for me to be born into the world

2. He went to war so early,

He was like me during the war years.

I also happened to be in captivity,

And go through fire and water.

He became the defender of the Motherland,

Even though he was still a boy,

And won the victory

And went home with victory

3. I am very proud of my great-grandfather,

I have an example of him in life help.

But do not throw out of the heart sadness,

His path became difficult.

I still have ahead

And I have to choose my fate

But I want to pass it

How did my great-grandfather go through life?

R-k: Grandfather has medals and orders on his tunic.

For military exploits, the country gave him.

And deservedly received the title of hero,

When he smashed the Nazis near Stalingrad.

Now he gets awards on Victory Day,

He remembers the past and goes into battle again!

And strokes my head, sadness in his eyes.

he mourns for the dead, for his friends.

1 r-to: It was a great Victory Day,

Many years ago.

Grandparents remember Victory Day

Each of the grandchildren knows.

2 r-to: We are talking about the first day of Victory

We love listening to their story

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world, and for all of us.

3 r-to: The sun shines on Victory Day,

And we will always shine.

In fierce battles, our grandfathers,

The enemy was defeated.

4 r-to: We will be brave, like grandfathers,

We will protect our native land.

And the bright sun of victory

We won't give it to anyone.

Song "Heirs of Victory" № 4

1. Bright holiday Victory Day, the whole country celebrates.

Our grandparents put on orders.

2. Our grandparents look at their grandchildren.

We are the heirs of victory, you and I are their hope.

Let it rumble without ceasing, in honor of the victory salute 2p

Let it rumble without ceasing, in honor of the victory salute 2p

Melody number 5 sounds

Leading: Two calendar pages

Two days of the life of Planet Earth.

Two days of human history.

They are marked on the calendar flowers: one - black - Day of Memory and Sorrow. Beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

The other - red - Victory Day.

Two calendar days. And between them...

For 1418 days and nights, battles raged. For 1418 days and nights the Soviet people waged a war of liberation. The path to victory was long and difficult!

Time is unstoppable, minutes turn into hours and weeks, years into decades. And now the Great Patriotic War for the newly arrived generations becomes a distant history. But there are eternal symbols, there is an inescapable eternal memory. The memory of people who did not come from the military fields, and those who were lucky enough to return with victory and engage in peaceful affairs.

Veteran... that's the word came to us from ancient times. Ranks veteran honored old soldiers and revered citizens of society. Passing through the gray depths of centuries, word« veteran» has not faded, has not lost its significance in our time.

Children sing a song: "Live long veterans» № 6

1. Live long veterans, it's harder for you to live every year

Your wounds do not heal up to our present days.

How much have you experienced, where did you draw strength from.

All the dates have long been mixed up, the graves are overgrown with weeds

2. We can’t forget, because people gave their lives for us.

So proudly you wear your beautiful medals.

Let fireworks blaze in the sky

Spring, bright holiday of May.

Let the tears in my eyes bloom, reminding me of bitter days

Children sit down. (readers remain)

1 r-to: Memories will remain in our hearts

That there was a cruel war,

That there were tears, pain, suffering

And she took many with her.

And those who could survive

Tell us about that terrible war

How bravely they went to fight together,

2 r-to: They will tell how they shared the crust of bread,

How not to close our eyes, we took care of our peace

And they were waiting for help, looking at the sky,

And they were able to withstand the enemy.

Having finished his story, shedding a tear,

Will ask veteran of us live peacefully,

After all, there is no need for hell on earth, only heaven,

You don't need to fight, you need to love.

3 r-to: Since the time of the war, they have grown old veterans,

And the forces are not the same, but young at heart.

And let the wounds still remain in the heart,

Well, in the soul there is only joy and peace.

We will always remember those people

who, risking their lives,

Saved us from enemy networks

And they were faithful to their Fatherland.

Leading: Today we are invited to our meeting a veteran Great Patriotic wars: Vasily Fedorovich Gorbovsky.

Each participant in the war has his own roads, and none of them are the same, just as there are no identical destinies.

Let's ask Vasily Fedorovich to answer our questions.


1. Vasily Fedorovich, How many Were you years old at the start of the war? Where did you find the message about the German attack on our homeland?

2. Vasily Fedorovich, tell us about the mobilization to the front. How did it happen, how did you feel?

3 Vasily Fedorovich, your first day at the front. How do you remember him?

4 .. Vasily Fedorovich, did you happen to see a living enemy?

5. Vasily Fedorovich, what supported you in difficult days and minutes during the war? What helped?

6 .. Vasily Fedorovich, your favorite song. And what songs did you sing in the war with fellow soldiers?

7. Vasily Fedorovich, tell us about your fighting friends. Do you know about their fate? Have you met them?

9. Vasily Fedorovich, what rank and where are you met the spring of Victory?

10. Vasily Fedorovich, what do you want to say, wish us, the younger generation?

Leading: Fought bravely and steadfastly with enemies

You are for your homeland.

Eternal memory and eternal glory

Living and fallen in battle!

Song « Veterans of the past war» (adults singing) № 7

veterans of the last war.

Not once risking yourself, how much courage, the strength was in you.

Two buzzword simple"I'll cover" You repeated in battle more than once.


How many

How many

2. Quietly went out into the yard for a minute and, suffering from aching wounds,

He lit up, as in a war, a cigarette on a gray-haired porch veteran.

There is a strip of fog above the ground, fireworks are blooming in the distance.

And the old one veteran a tear rolled down her cheek.


How many those who fell in the battles for the Fatherland did not hug their mothers,

How many thousands of lost lives did not return from concentration camps.

The hell of war will float before the eyes and the eyes will be clouded with a tear.

Until now, the heart aches at night or old wounds hurt. aaaaa

3. How many those who fell in the battles for the Fatherland did not hug their mothers,

How many thousands of lost lives did not return from concentration camps.

The hell of war will float before the eyes and the eyes will be clouded with a tear.

Until now, the heart aches at night or old wounds hurt.

How many those who fell in the battles for the Fatherland did not hug their mothers,

How many thousands of lost lives did not return from concentration camps.

The hell of war will float before the eyes and the eyes will be clouded with a tear.

Until now, the heart aches at night or old wounds hurt.

Until now, the heart aches at night or old wounds.

May, spring and happy faces, Victory Day, and there is no price for it.

Low, low I want to bow veterans of the last war.

Vedas: Happy Victory Day folks! I want to congratulate you.

AND words not simple, I whisper like an oath.

war veterans!

You go into the shadows.

They gave us life, what in return, I will give you?

war veterans!

I get on my knees.

war veterans!

I bow low to you!

The chorus of the song sounds "Let's Bow" №8 (Children give flowers)

Vedas: White doves - messengers of peace

From the White Sea to the foothills of the Pamirs

Bring happiness white doves

Give joy and peace on Earth to everyone!

With you in flight, Grace in the soul,

I want to fly with you and us!

Children perform a dance "Doves of Peace" № 9

Vedas: let our meeting will be a kind of monument to all who gave us the opportunity to live on this earth.

The song sounds "Victory Day" (all sing). № 10

Meeting to preserve the memory of veterans of the Great Patriotic War “His future is our memory…”

Vasilchenko Tatyana Konstantinovna, music teacher of MKOU Ramonskaya secondary school No. 2, VNIISS village, Voronezh region, Ramonsky district.
Short description: Meeting with a veteran “His future is our memory…” reminds children of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War of our village and the events in which they took part.

"His future is our memory..."

Through the years, Russia looks at its sons,
As if only yesterday the battle was over
Today the winners are gray -
Victory stays young!

The meeting “His future is our memory…” will allow: it is better to learn the history of the Great Patriotic War from the direct participants in those events; draw students' attention to the main stages of the Great Patriotic War, the historical role of the Soviet Union in the defeat of Nazi Germany; to develop the cognitive interest of students, to activate the creativity of students.
Target: expanding the knowledge of students about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, about fellow countrymen - veterans of the war.
1. Collection of material about veterans of the Great Patriotic War
2. Increasing the prestige of the younger generation of the feat of the Soviet people during the war years, awareness of the significance of the Victory for the country and the whole world.
3. Development of skills in research and project activities.
4. Production of various materials based on the results of the project for the modern exposition of the school museum.
5. Participation in the competition of poems and drawings "Feat to live for centuries", on this topic
6. Release of a collection of poems and baby books in the school's media library.
Location of the meeting: school museum, veteran's apartment
Planned result:
The main results of the meeting should be: informal communication of schoolchildren with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, expansion of knowledge about historical events.
Making project products by students (multimedia presentations, reports, messages, articles, writing essays);
Placement of materials about war veterans in the exposition of the school museum with their further use in the educational process of the school.
A positive trend towards an increase in the number of students included in the implementation of this project.
Reflective stage:
Changing the social and civic position of pupils.
The acquisition of social skills by children with adults.
Determination of the system of further activities for the patriotic education of the younger generation.
Resource support for the meeting:
lists of families of veterans V.O.V.
equipment for gift crafts.
Dedicated to Goncharov Vasily Ivanovich,
participant of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,
Cavalier of the Orders of Glory 2nd and 3rd degree.
Goncharov V.I. lives in the village of Ramon, Voronezh region. In 2005, in the year of the 40th anniversary of the Ramonsky District, Goncharov Vasily Ivanovich was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Ramonsky Municipal District of the Voronezh Region."

We know about the war from stories
Veterans who come to our school
From the stories of inconsistent, not scarce,
From a mean tear on their cheeks.
We represent the war in films,
She disturbs us with film frames,
And the heroes of those past battles
We sometimes appear in dreams.
We read in books and magazines
About the battles, about the fate of that war
It just seems to me all the same
For some reason, nothing about that war
We don't know.
And when I think what would
Did I do it in the place of those heroes?
I understand how lucky we are
Not to know that there is a war!

The author of the poem is Goncharov's grandson V.I.

Goncharov Vasily Ivanovich was born on February 25, 1924, until the age of 17 he lived, studied and worked in the city of Voronezh. He graduated from 7 classes and the school of the FZO at the plant. Lenin. Lived at: st. Plekhanovskaya, 16. In July 1941, the Great Patriotic War began, which turned the fate of many upside down.
As a teenager, he actively participated in the defense of his native city: he dug anti-tank ditches, put out fires, and was on duty at night on the roofs of government buildings. On July 4, 1942, the day the Germans entered Voronezh, Vasily Ivanovich left the city with his family. For a whole month, the evacuation wagon train reached the city of Borisoglebsk. The father was called to the construction battalion, and he and his mother settled in the village. Mohrovka and began to work on the collective farm.
In April 1943 Eighteen-year-old Vasily Ivanovich was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. He got to serve in the 1st separate training regiment of the Volga Military District, stationed in the Ulyanovsk region, the Inza station, and then in the village of Barysh. From the first days of service, he stood out among his comrades for his activity, cheerful character and high growth. "... In the ranks he was always right-flanked!"

He came to the army not from under a “warm blanket”, but fully mature, ready for hardships and hardships of young men who had already experienced hunger, cold and met face to face with a terrible war. A difficult, unusual military service began.
With anxiety, the cadets followed the reports of the information bureau. How children rejoiced at some of the successes of the Soviet Army and bitterly experienced the defeats of the army.
The study was hard. They literally "squeezed out" everything that could be "squeezed out" from the cadets. Military discipline, drill, guard duty, study of cartography, rifles and 45mm anti-tank guns. Vasily Ivanovich was enlisted in the regimental artillery.

Finally, after exhausting preparations, firing from a rifle began, and then from a gun at the training ground, using live shells. Each gun crew was provided with three shells. It was necessary to hit the target with direct fire on a moving target. For this purpose, two tank wooden models were attached to the truck on a cable, one after the other. They fired from two guns.
V.I. Goncharov was appointed gunner of the first gun. Not only the cadets, but also the commanders were worried and worried. With apprehension they followed the actions of eighteen-year-old youths who were trusted with military weapons.
And here is the signal: "To battle!"
From the first shot, the "tank" was hit, the second shot destroyed the second "tank". The gun of the second calculation jammed, and he did not fire a single shot. But still, this victory was not only great-grandfather, but also
the entire battery. So far, the commander has declared gratitude to the cadet Goncharov, with the words: “If you beat German tanks like that, you will become a hero!”
- I serve the Soviet Union! - answered Sergeant Goncharov.

The art battery of Goncharov Vasily Ivanovich was fixed and constantly accompanied the tank units, guarding them both from the air and from the flanks. Being in constant motion and often changing positions, the battery constantly faced the difficulties of a difficult soldier's lot. And soldiers' friendship and mutual assistance always came to the rescue.
In the gun crew, Sergeant Goncharov was the youngest in age, but senior combat friends never called him a “rookie”. The unit was known in the regiment as experienced and well-coordinated.

Taking part in the hostilities, he liberated Ukraine and contributed to the defeat of the Korsun-Shevchenko German group. The regiment for heroic battles in Lithuania was awarded the title of "Vilna".
Goncharov V.I. ended the war near Berlin. During the fighting on the fronts in Belarus, the Baltic States and Prussia, he was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd and 3rd degree, medals "For the Capture of Königsberg", "For the Capture of Berlin", "For the Liberation of Warsaw", orders of the Great Patriotic War of the 2nd and 1st degree, the Polish medal "For the Liberation of Poland".
The war ended, but the service continued. In August 1945, the division "under its own power" moved through Poland home to Russia, through Brest, having served in Brest for more than 2 years, after the disbandment of the unit, it was sent back to Germany in the city of Stendal.
In 1951 he was demobilized and went to his parents in the village of Ramon, Voronezh region.

After the Baltic states, there were battles in East Prussia, for the liberation of Poland and directly in Germany, during the capture of Berlin.
Some young people, and even the elderly, who did not capture the war, believe that the fighting at the front is continuous shooting, artillery preparation, bombing, attacks, retreats, and so on. But it is not so.
According to Vasily Ivanovich, war is, first of all, deprivation and death, hunger and cold, hard constant soldier labor, blood, sweat, tears and pain. And only one long-suffering mother earth knows for sure every name of a Russian soldier, every kilometer of roads traveled and dug trenches, trenches, dugouts and “courtyards” for cannons ...
During the period of battles with the participation of Vasily Ivanovich, 7 German aircraft were shot down, 3 tanks were shot down and many Nazis were destroyed. Being on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, they even fired on ships, which caused enormous damage to the Nazis.
The great-grandfather was awarded the first Order of Glory in the Baltic States near Memel. The battery took up a firing position. The area was already shot by the Nazis. The cannon was pulled by a Studebaker, a large truck that carried ammunition and fuel.
It was in the evening. The soldiers were ordered to dig trenches for cannons. The Germans noticed them and began to conduct tracer fire from machine guns and rifles. Suddenly a German bullet hit the car, where there was a barrel of gasoline and twenty boxes of shells. A fire started. The driver ran away and hid under a wrecked tank. Vasily rushed into the back to put out the fire, but his clothes caught fire. The fighters began to pour water on it and soon the flames were extinguished. The car, ammunition and fuel were saved. The command “Back!” Followed, but the driver was nowhere to be found. Pyotr Petrin, the only one of the soldiers who could drive a car at least a little, got behind the wheel. Vasily was at the cannon. When they climbed the hillock, a mine exploded, and everyone ended up in a ditch. Shrapnel wounded Vasily's leg. Moreover, the gun pressed down from above. The guys pulled him out, somehow bandaged his leg. The German attack was repulsed. His leg hurt, but Goncharov remained in the ranks, he did not want to go to the medical unit in order to keep up with the guys. Meanwhile, she began to fester. He was in treatment for a month and a half. During this time, the regiment went to Poland.
... Under the new year, 1945, Sergeant Goncharov was appointed commander of the gun. The major called to report this news, and at the same time, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he presented the Order of Glory 3rd degree for courage and bravery shown in battle.


meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War,

home front workers, children of war

Purpose of the event: Formation of interest in the history and heroic past of the Russian state.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today in our hall it is warm from the friendly atmosphere and crowded from the closeness of epochs and generations. We were visited by people who endured the hardships of the Great Patriotic War on their shoulders, traveled a long life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships.

(introducing guests)

The war is long over... The trenches were numb and flattened to the ground, the temporary front roads were overgrown with grass, dugouts were covered with flowers...

So many years have passed, but people remember

About those terrible and difficult days,

And carry flowers to the graves of the fallen

In furious, ruthless battles.

We have no right to forget the horrors of war so that it does not happen again. We have no right to forget those soldiers who died so that we can live now. We have to remember everything...

June! The sunset was fading into the evening,

And the sea was overflowing on a peaceful night,

Cheerful, sonorous laughter of guys, girls,

Not knowing, not knowing grief ...

Generation 41...

Unexploredness called them to a feat -

Stratosphere, Siberia and the Arctic,

And in dreams everyone is pilots, polar explorers!

Behind final exams

Ahead of life with beautiful plans ...

The school waltz is rapidly spinning,

Through the June sleepy streets...

Just what is it? At the loudspeaker

Stoned in pain and horror

Graduation is worth a generation.

"War ... with the Germans ... without announcement."

There was no time to grow up

And a generation stepped into the war,

In the pain of loss, the bitterness of tears, a feat of arms,

To survive everything, to fulfill everything!

Terrible 41st year. How he changed people's lives! He destroyed the bright dreams of seventeen-year-olds who stepped straight from the prom into the heat of war.

Splattered the childhood of children with blood and tears.

He shortened the lives of mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

What a rich harvest the summer of 1941 was supposed to bring. But the ears burned in the fields did not become bread. Plowmen slain by fire did not rise from the mass graves.

It wasn't the songs of the larks that rang overhead - the bullets whistled.

Not mushroom rains watered the earth, but lead.

The war marked us with a special mark,

There is no life, and there was nothing more difficult,

Metina special, the highest breakdown

1418 days...

Victory! How did she get?

How did we get to it?

And there were wounds, and fatigue,

And scars on the chest of the earth.

Armor in deep dents,

And gave the roads traveled,

And orders on tunics,

Where the sweat mercilessly burned through the fabric.

Thank you veterans

Soldiers of the past war -

For your severe wounds

For your disturbing dreams.

For the fact that you saved the Fatherland,

Faithful to filial duty

Thank you family, thank you

From those who do not know war!

Today we meet with those whose childhood was scorched by the war. Is a child of war time a child? Who will return his childhood?

What does he remember, what can he tell us? Much…

Dying of hunger and fear, the children lived in the hope of a quick meeting with their father, who fought at the front. Many lost their parents forever and were adopted by strangers.

How they dreamed of putting on a new dress, braiding ribbons into pigtails ...

How, when they saw the first loaf after the war, they did not know if it was possible to eat it, because for 4 years they forgot what bread is.

The girl held out her hands

And head on the edge of the table

At first they thought - fell asleep,

And it turned out she died.

Nobody defended a word

Only hoarsely, through a blizzard moan,

The teacher squeezed out that again -

Lessons - after the funeral ...

The word is given by ______________________________________________


No less difficult tests fell on the fragile shoulders of Russian women - the same 1418 sleepless, bloody days and nights.

Having escorted their loved ones to the front, the women took their places at the machines, on the tractor, in the field - and this watch was not easy.

Sorrowful fold, bitter words:

"A soldier at 22, a widow at twenty-three."

And how she loved. And now one.

It was. Was. Everything was taken by the war.

I took everything and no - ashes and lead -

There was a war around the world from end to end.

There was a war, it was boiling, the earth was burning to the ground!

I've endured everything, I've overcome everything.

The word is given by ______________________________________________


But she still came, the long-awaited victory!

Through the years of hot lead

Through our pain on a fiery trail

She came in the spring, entered the hearts

Great national victory!

Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten

Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten.

And day and night in a bowl of granite

The holy flame burns tremulously.

The inextinguishable memory of a generation

And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor

Let's people stand up for a moment

And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Let's honor the memory of those who died during the war with a moment of silence

(minute of silence)

Why won?

A simple question, not an easy one...

Because fearless

Everyone stood up to their full height!

Why won?

There are many reasons here

Because we are together

They were all as one.

Why won?

What's wrong with guessing?

Because they loved

Our Motherland!

Well, if not,

To be clearer:

We loved the Motherland

More of your life!

Dear guests! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the great and bright holiday - Victory Day!

We will sacredly keep in our hearts the memory of your great feat during the war years.

We sincerely wish you good spirits, a good and worthy life. Let nothing overshadow your everyday life and holidays.

Thank you for your deed, for the world in which we live.

Good health to you!

For happiness and life in the world,
For the sake of the soldiers who fell then,
Let there be no war on the planet

Never! Never! Never!