Venerable Thaisia ​​of Egypt.

Can a person who calls himself a skeptic and an atheist write a novel about a saint and then perform a Christian deed, like his holy hero? It turns out it can!

Hello! Writer Olga Klyukina is with you with the program "Types: Saints in Literature".

Today we are talking about St. Taisia ​​of Egypt and Anatole France's novel "Thais".

In the second half of the 19th century, with the light hand of the writer Flaubert, author of the novel The Temptation of Saint Anthony, a fashion arose among French novelists for works about saints.

In 1889, another French writer, Anatole France, who considered himself a follower and student of Flaubert, published the novel Tais, which made a lot of noise.

The main character of his novel is the courtesan Thais, who lived at the beginning of the 4th century in Alexandria. Under the influence of the hermit monk Paphnutius, Thais turns to Christ, goes into the desert and becomes a Christian ascetic.

It is known from the life of St. Taisia ​​of Egypt that her spiritual upheaval really took place under the influence of St. Paphnutius.

One day, the hermit Pafnutiy, who had known her as a girl, came to Thais's house. Driven by a desire to save Thais' sinful soul, the monk told her about Christ. His words fell on loosened soil - Thais was baptized as a child. Having matured and deviated from the commandments of Christ, she nevertheless longed to change her life, but did not know how to do it, did not dare to take the last step towards change.

The master of psychological prose, Anatole France, in the novel “Tais” well shows the confusion of a young woman during a conversation with Abba Paphnutius.

Anatole France:

- Thais, I bring you eternal life. Believe me, for what I announce is the truth.

- And who will vouch for me that this is the truth?

- David and the prophets, Scripture and miracles that you will see with your own eyes.

“I would like to believe you, monk. For, I confess to you, I have not found happiness in the world. My destiny is more beautiful than that of the queen, and, however, life has brought me a lot of grief, a lot of sadness, I am immensely tired ...

The thought often, often occurs to me that only the poor are good, happy, blessed, and that it is a great joy to live in poverty and humility.

Contemporaries admiringly called Anatole France "the most French, the most Parisian, the most sophisticated" writer. However, his novel "Thais" turned out to be different from his previous works, and caused mixed responses from readers. Some called the novel "Thais" "nonsense of an atheist" - primarily because of the rather grotesque image of the hermit monk Pafnutius.

Others admired the ability of Anatole France to convey expressively, in accurate historical details, the atmosphere of Alexandria in the era of early Christianity, they saw an analogy with modern France in the description of the customs of the time of the fall of Rome.

Anatole France himself called the novel "Thais" a philosophical story, a parable, a fairy tale, even a kind of "a guide to philosophy and morality" and constantly emphasized the allegorical nature of the story of a repentant sinner. Of course, there is a lot of personal in this book, the search for a way out of France's own spiritual crisis...

The scene when Abba Pafnutiy leads Thais to the nunnery is one of the strongest and most beautiful scenes in Anatole France's novel Thais.


They drank icy water from the palm of their hand and talked about eternal truths. Thais said:

- I never drank such pure water and did not breathe such light air, and in the breath of the breeze I feel the presence of God himself.

Paphnutius replied:

- You see, my sister, now it's evening. Blue night shadows shrouded the hills. But soon you will see the tabernacle of life illuminated by the dawn, soon you will see the shining roses of the unfading morning.

They walked all night and sang psalms and hymns.

In 1921, Anatole France won the Nobel Prize for Literature and donated all the money to the starving Russia, an act quite in the spirit of St. Taisia ​​of Egypt.

She, who is now revered in the face of great saints, has long been a great sinner.
The fatherland of Taisia ​​and the city that witnessed her sad victories are unknown. It is only known that she lived in Egypt, and all Egypt knew about her exorbitant debauchery. Her mother was a woman of a bad life and not only did not care about instilling good rules in her, but she herself taught her to trade in debauchery. With such lessons, the beautiful daughter became terrible. Rich people of all ages hurried to catch her attention, ruined their fortune for gifts; lovers in the house of the charmer not only fought, but also killed one another, the peace and happiness of many families were upset by the grace of this satanic servant.
The rumor about the enchantress Taisia ​​reached the monastery of the Heracleian Abba Paphnutius. Paphnutius was such a lofty ascetic that they looked at him like an angel of God. Zealous for the salvation of souls, he turned many forgetful laity to the path of salvation. Hearing about Taisia, Pafnutiy took off his hermit clothes and, in the attire of a secular rich man, with a supply of money, appeared in a crowd of admirers of the charmer.
Taisia ​​had not yet completely stifled the demands of religion in her heart; she still believed in an omniscient God, believed that after death there would be a judgment of truth. But these thoughts only flickered in her soul, like all secular women; they were obscured and did not reach the depths of the heart, under the influence of her addictions to worldly pleasures, to luxury, bliss, carnal pleasure, a cheerful life.
Paphnutius used to save Taisia ​​the truths that were accessible to her soul. Having used means that open access to miserable women, Paphnutius asked Taisia ​​to make an appointment in a secret place, in such a secret place, where not only people, but God Himself could not see them. She answered, with a smile, that it was impossible—God sees everything and everywhere. Then Paphnutius vividly presented to her the horror of the audacity to sin so impudently, so vilely, as she sins; revealed to her what a terrifying answer she must give before God both for her infamy and for the iniquities of the souls she had corrupted and ruined, for the many souls tormented by her debauchery or who had lost their very lives in the pursuit of her.
Taisia ​​soon felt that the one who spoke to her in such a language was not a secular sinful person and not even a secular clever man, but a person sent to her by God, and - her heart lit up with heavenly light.
Trembling, shedding tears, she threw herself at the feet of the hermit and said: subject me to any kind of repentance - I feel my abomination, I tremble of the torment that is ready for me - but I also hope that God will have mercy on me with your prayers, give me no more than three hours of time I need, and I will appear where you command and do everything that you demand of me. Paphnutius agreed and appointed a meeting place.
Taisia ​​collected all the treasures she had collected, the fruits of her terrible debauchery, clothes, jewelry, which cost a huge sum; she ordered everything to be taken to the square, here, in the presence of the people, she herself lit everything and loudly called on the participants in her depraved life to repent of sins; giving the fruits of sin to the fire, she let it be seen that she recognized her former life as vile, did not find the property acquired by sin, even worth distributing it to the poor, but burned everything like plague.
Having done this, she appeared at the place appointed by Paphnutius. He took her to a nunnery and locked her in a cramped cell, a lead seal was attached to the doors, and orders were given through a small window to give the penitent a piece of bread and some water.
Imprisoned, as it were, in a coffin, Taisia ​​asked the departing Paphnutius about one thing: how should she pray to God? "You are unworthy to call on God and call Him with your lips, unworthy to raise your hands to heaven; your mouth is full of wickedness and your hands are defiled with crimes. Turning to the east, repeat one thing: Created me! have mercy on me!"
The penitent faithfully carried out the severe penance assigned to her.
Three years later: Pafnuty felt in his heart regret for the prisoner. He went to Great Anthony to find out if Taisia's sins were forgiven by God? Appearing to him, he told him about the life of Taisiya. Saint Anthony gathered his main disciples to himself and invited them to spend the night in prayer, would the Lord not reveal his will about the need of Paphnutius? The will of God was revealed to Paul, who was called the Most Holy One. A bed appeared to him in heaven, covered with robes of inimitable beauty and guarded by three divas with bright and beautiful faces. Paul enthusiastically said, "That's right, it's ready for my father Anthony." Then a voice announced to him: "No, this is not for Anthony, but for the harlot Taisia." So Paphnutius learned the will of God about Taisia.
Appearing at the monastery where Taisia ​​was locked up, he opened the door of her cell. Taisia ​​humbly told him that she would like to remain in seclusion. Paphnutius announced: "Come out, God has forgiven you your sins." She obeyed and at the same time said: "God is my witness, from the moment I entered the cell, all my sins were before my eyes, and I shed tears looking at them." "For this, said Paphnutius, the merciful Lord had mercy on you, and not for the severity of your imprisonment."
Taisiya lived only 15 days after leaving the purifying prison. Her soul, washed with repentance and freed by those who took upon themselves the sins of the whole world, flew up to heaven for an incorruptible reward.
Paphnutius, the day before his death, spoke about Taisia ​​to the hermits who were with him, showing in experience that there is no state in life that would be allowed to be despised, and that the greatest criminals can achieve both forgiveness and great rewards by sincere repentance.
Since Blessed Taisia ​​labored and rested under Great Anthony (+ 356) and Paul the Presto (+ 340), her death followed no later than 340.
We consider it necessary to say here about the peculiarity that distinguished Pavel the Prest (see the life of October 4, according to the old style), who learned about the fate of Taisia. He had a gift from the Lord to see the hearts of people, as they see the face of another. Once he stood at the door of the temple, where the evening service began. Monks entered one by one with a cheerful look. But one walked gloomy and upset, the spirit of malice grabbed his hands to drag him away from the house of God.
The monk sat down at the threshold and wept bitterly; thus he wept all evening. When the service was over and among the others was the brother, who had been upset before, but now cheerful, Pavel jumped up for joy, stopped his brother in front of everyone.
"For the common good," said Paul, "reveal how it happened that you became a different soul?" He answered freely: “Yes, I definitely was a sinner, I lived viciously and carefree. But now I heard the words of the prophet in the temple: Wash yourself and you will be clean ... .* And I decided in the temple to change my life. And now I swear before everyone - I will serve the Lord from a sincere heart." "You see, brethren," Paul added cheerfully, "the Lord is ready to receive every sinner, if only we would come to Him."

* "Wash yourself, be cleansed ... If your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow"

Nominal icons are an integral part of the life of believing Christians, being their helpers and protectors in difficult life situations, providing them with bodily and spiritual support. The ancient icon of St. Taisios of Egypt is very popular among Christian women, who were named after Tai. Modern icon painters offer a diverse abundance of Christian icons of this saint in various artistic forms. Icon-painting works made of amber, wood, icons embroidered with beads or made of natural precious materials are especially popular.

They try to buy the icon of St. Taisia ​​in their homes not only as a shrine, prayers to which help in difficult times, but also as an incredibly beautiful work of art. Saint Taisia ​​has long been revered as a Christian who brought sincere repentance and was forgiven by the Lord. The Orthodox Church honors the memory of this reverend saint.

Christian icon of Saint Taisia

The story of the life of Saint Taisia ​​did not begin very simply and not righteously. Having a beautiful appearance from birth, the girl led a shameful lifestyle. Because of carnal lust, many men brought her a lot of gold and gifts. Seducing her fans, Taisiya brought them to complete ruin, many began to kill each other right on her doorstep. It so happened that one of the elders was able to prove to her all the abomination of her actions and convince Taisia ​​that she would answer to the Almighty for what she had done.

On the holy icon, Taisia ​​already looks completely different - in strict clothes and in prayer of repentance. Seeing the elder as a messenger of God, Taisia ​​burned all her treasures in the square, urging everyone to repent of their sins, and went to the monastery. Having lived only 15 days after the purification, Taisia ​​died, and the Lord forgave her sins and honored her with the Kingdom of Heaven. For believing Christians, the icon of Taisia ​​of Egypt has a special meaning. There is no condition in life that can be despised. Even criminals can achieve forgiveness and the greatest reward by sincere repentance. The Lord is ready to hear and accept every sinner, the main thing is to come to Him.

Taisiya icon as a gift

An Orthodox icon is the best gift for people who have earned sincere love from others by their deeds. Among gift icon-painting options, a beaded icon is the best fit. A woman with the name Taisia ​​will be a worthy gift with an icon of Taisia, embroidered with beads, which has a unique look, a beautiful combination of a bright color palette and unique decoration with the highest quality precious materials. Made in the most accurate icon-painting canons, this shrine will become the most expensive relic for many years to come.

The very bright and beautiful ancient Greek name Taisia ​​means “wise”, “fertile”, “late”, “belonging to the goddess Isis” in translation. The Orthodox celebrate the name day of Taisia ​​several times a year, since more than one saint bore this name. Of these, only three are known: Taisia ​​the Martyr, Taisia ​​of Egypt (5th century) and St. Taisia ​​of Egypt of Thebaid (6th century). When studying when Taisia ​​celebrates her name day, one should carefully consider the history of these saints. After all, it was faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and sincere repentance of their sins that saved them from the flames of hell.

Taisia: Orthodox name days

Very little is known about Taisia ​​the Martyr, only that she was martyred for her bold and firm confession of Christ Taisia ​​the Martyr is celebrated on April 4 according to the modern calendar.

But the life of St. Taisia ​​of Egypt is known in all details. She lived in the 5th century in ancient Egypt. When her prosperous parents died, she began to lead a pious life and dedicated herself to charity and helping the sick and infirm.

Monks who came from the deserts to the cities very often stopped at her house to sell their baskets. Taisia ​​was loved and revered, she enjoyed great respect among people. But after all her diligent charitable work, her material condition gradually depleted. And she too was in need. At this time, people of bad behavior appear in the environment of Taisia, she begins to lead a disorderly life.

Taisiya Egyptian

One day, monks came from the desert skete, who had previously stayed at Taisiya. Seeing her unfortunate and sinful, they were greatly saddened, because she always showed them her love. Calling their abba, whose name was John Kolov, they asked him to help Taisia. He immediately went to her and, sitting next to her, looked intently into her eyes and began to cry. She became worried and asked why he was crying. He answered that he saw how Satan was playing on her face, and tearfully lamented about why she did not like Jesus, why she embarked on a path contrary to the Lord. The girl was imbued with such accusatory words and trembled about whether she had any repentance. The elder replied that there was, and forced her to follow him. Abba John was very surprised that Taisia ​​immediately went after him, all in tears. She did not say goodbye to anyone and did not even give any orders about her property.

Peaceful death

When they reached the desert, they had no choice but to spend the night in the sands. Having made a head for her out of sand, having first christened her, he put her to bed, and he also lay down at some distance from her, having prayed before that. In the morning, when he got up, he found Taisiya dead. He was very frightened that she died without repenting, without taking communion and without becoming a nun, as he wanted.

And then suddenly he heard the voice of God, who said that the hour of her repentance was more important than the long-term repentance of others who do not do it so selflessly. In such an amazing way, the Lord gave John the answer to his question about the forgiveness of sins to Taisia, who received him for her sincerity and determination in repentance.

Now the Orthodox also honor her name day. Taisia ​​according to the church calendar celebrates her day on May 23. However, this is not all. In fact, there was another saint who bore this name, and at some points their fates were very similar.

Taisia ​​Egyptian Thebaid

Getting to the question of when is the name day of Taisia, it is worth remembering one more saint - Taisia ​​of the Egyptian Thebaid. It is written in the life that she was the daughter of a harlot, who taught her her craft. Taisia ​​was distinguished by rare beauty, so clients were ready to pay big money for her, which is why they suffered real ruin. Once the Monk Paphnutius the Great came to her, wishing to talk with her. After their conversation, Taisia ​​collected all her earned treasures and burned them in the square of her city. And then she went to the convent for St. Paphnutius. There, secluded in a cell, incessantly mourning her sins, she spent three years in seclusion, eating only once a day.

great forgiveness

When three years had passed, Saint Paphnutius came to Anthony the Great to ask if the Lord had forgiven Taisia. Then Anthony ordered all his monk-disciples to pray that the Lord Himself would give them an answer. After a while, Paul the Simple had a vision of how three virgins of extraordinary beauty guarded the heavenly bed. Paul was delighted, he thought that this bed was intended for Father Anthony, but a voice from heaven announced to him that it was for the harlot Taisia. Thus, Paphnutius, having learned the will of God, went to Taisia ​​in a cell to take her out of there and say that the Lord had forgiven her of her sins. Two weeks later, an illness overtook her, and three days later, Saint Taisia ​​peacefully reposed in the Lord. Her name day is now celebrated on October 21st.

Taisii, in deep repentance, received mercy and forgiveness from the Lord. Thus, Taisiya's name day is celebrated three times a year, as mentioned above: April 4, May 23 and October 21.

In Egypt, there lived a Christian girl named Taisia. When her parents died and she was left an orphan, then, wishing to preserve herself in virginal purity, Taisia ​​distributed all her property to the poor, and made her house a hospice for the monks of the skete. So she labored for a long time, taking ascetics into her house and giving them rest from the journey. After a rather long time, Taisia ​​completely spent all her property, so that she fell into great poverty. By the deceit of the devil, some sinners approached her, who seduced her to sin and distracted her from the path of salvation; from that time Taisia ​​began to lead a sinful life, indulging in fornication and debauchery.

When the ascetics of the skete found out about such a change in the life of Taisia, they were very sad. After consulting among themselves, they went to Abba John Kolov and said to him:
“We heard about that sister that she leads a sinful life. But since she showed us great love by giving us shelter in her house, then we will show her our spiritual love and take care of the salvation of her soul. Make the effort, honest father, go to her and exhort her to repentance, you will be able to do this, since you are endowed with wisdom from God. We will fast and bring fervent prayers to God, so that the Lord will help you.

Abba John Kolov, fulfilling the request of the honest fathers, went to the city to that woman, praying inwardly to God, his Helper, who is pleased that everyone be saved.

Approaching Taisia's house, the elder knocked on the door and then said to the woman guarding the entrance to the house:
“Tell your mistress that I have come to talk to her.”

The doorkeeper answered him angrily:
“You monks have squandered all her possessions!”

But the old man said to her:
“Tell her about me that I brought her something very valuable.

The porter went and told her mistress as the elder had said.

The woman answered:
- Those monks, walking near the Red Sea, sometimes find beads. Bring that old man to me.

Entering the house, the elder sat down near Taisia; then, looking at her face and sighing deeply, he bowed his head and began to weep.

Then Taisia ​​asked the elder:
- Honest father! What are you crying about?

The old man answered her:
“I see how Satan plays on your face; how can I not cry? Why did you not want to have our Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Honorable and Immortal Bridegroom, as your bridegroom? Why did you despise His palace and give yourself to Satan? Why are you doing his bad deeds?

Hearing such words, Taisia ​​was touched by her soul, since the words of the elder were for her like a fiery arrow that pierced her heart. Immediately there appeared in her an aversion to her sinful life; she became ashamed of herself and of her sinful deeds. Then she told the old man.
- Honest father! Is there repentance for sinners?

The old man answered her:
- Indeed, there is, and the Savior is waiting for your conversion, being ready to receive you in His paternal arms; for He does not want the sinner to perish, but wants the sinner to turn to the path of salvation. And so I will be your guarantor that if you repent sincerely and turn to the Lord with all your heart, then He will love you again as His bride and, having cleansed you from all sinful impurity, will lead you into His incorruptible heavenly chamber. Then all the orders of angels will rejoice over you, because they rejoice even over one sinner who repents.

Taisiya said:
“May the will of God be done, honest father!” Take me from here and lead me where you know where I can find a place convenient for repentance.

The old man said:
- Let's go to.

Then, getting up, he went to the exit of her house.

Taisia ​​also got up and followed the elder, having arranged nothing in her house, saying nothing to anyone about the house, but leaving everything at once, for the sake of Christ.

Seeing that Taisia ​​did not take care of her house at all and did not say anything to anyone, Father John was very surprised at such a sudden change and such zeal of Taisia ​​for God. Thanking God for this, he went on his way. Taisia ​​walked behind him at a considerable distance from him.

When the travelers reached the desert, it was already late; the night was coming.
Having arranged a small head of sand on the ground, the elder said to Taisiya:
Sleep here under the protection of the grace of God.

Then, having shielded her with the sign of the cross, he moved away from her at a short distance. Having made his usual prayers, the elder lay down on the ground and fell asleep.
When midnight came, the elder woke up, as he saw a light in the sky. Raising his eyes upward, the elder saw a streak of fire coming from the sky towards Taisia.

From this vision, John was horrified. Looking more closely at Taisia, he noticed that the angels of God were raising the soul of Taisia ​​to heaven along the way. John looked at this wondrous vision until it was hidden from his eyes. Then, getting up, John went to Taisia; going up to her, he pushed her with his hand, but saw that she was dead. Then the elder, in fear and trembling, fell prostrate on the ground. And there was a voice to him from heaven, saying: “Her repentance, brought in one hour, for which it is more pleasant than repentance that lasts a long time; because in the latter case there is no such warmth in the heart of the penitent.”

The elder remained in prayer until morning. Then, having betrayed the honest body of blessed Taisia ​​to the earth, he came to the skete, where he told the fathers about everything that had happened. Having learned about everything that had happened, the monks glorified and thanked Christ God for His great mercy. To Him - the true God - glory is sent to the ages. Amen.

5. ^ John Kolov is a famous Egyptian ascetic. See his life under November 9th.
6. ^ Death of St. Taisii followed in the 5th century.