What is luck and why some are lucky and others are not. Why are some lucky all the time and others never? Why are some people lucky and others not?

Each of us is depressed from time to time. At work, unfinished business has long accumulated, which you don’t even want to look at. The situation outside the window is not encouraging, and even another quarrel with a loved one. And every time I want to ask: "Why are you unlucky in life, what is all this for?" For some people, breakdowns and depression last for several days, while for others it is a permanent state. How to get out of this and what to do if you are catastrophically unlucky in life?

Attitude towards yourself

Have you ever noticed that some people are always beautiful, collected, everything is in order and success accompanies them everywhere, while troubles fall on others like from a cornucopia? Why is a person unlucky in life, while others get everything they want from it, and even in the most unexpected way? Look closely at how you live in your world and where you fit in it. Do you often feel fear of failure, scold yourself for mistakes made in the past? In your eyes, you become small, unable to overcome difficulties. As a result, any failure can throw you off balance. Love yourself and everything will be alright! There are no people with an impeccable past. You can start a new life and become whoever you want to be. Self-confidence will help you look at trouble with your head held high.

Magical ways to get what you want

What to do if you are unlucky in life? Look for innovative ways to solve problems. Change your thinking, learn new things. Fear arises from a lack of information and a limited number of ways to solve a problem. There are several mystical tools that help in solving life's difficulties:

  1. Visualizations.
  2. Treasure map.
  3. Talismans and amulets.
  4. Mantras.
  5. Technique "glass of water".
  6. Manifestation of intentions.
  7. Rituals and ceremonies.
  8. cleaning methods.
  9. Personal remarks.
  10. Other techniques and methods.


Luck and luck - is it a chain of accidents or a mystical pattern? Surely successful people have some special secret, thanks to which fortune favors them? How to attract luck yourself? There is a very simple but effective way that all rich people use. The magical secret lies in the focus of attention and perception of life in general. Remember at least 10 situations when you were extremely lucky, write them down in detail on a piece of paper, remember what feelings you experienced at that moment, and live them again. Rest assured you are the lucky one. And it was you who presented a unique case. Indeed, in such a situation, many remain in the same place, content with little luck. You are the same happy person who wanted to change his life. So, the opportunity will definitely present itself. Most importantly, don't expect immediate results. Learn to enjoy the simplest things in life that you often don't notice, like tasting tea or coffee in a mug, enjoying breakfast, trying to change your attitude towards work.

Attitude to the present moment

One of the authors, Eckhart Tolle, in his book "The Power of Now" interprets the obstacles received in life as follows: life treats you the way you treat it at the present time. If you see obstacles everywhere, it will become one continuous barrier. If you are looking for the answer to the question of how to return good luck, try taking care of your world. Clean your apartment with love, get a pet, help a friend with the kids, find ways to express gratitude for life. Then she will turn to you with her best side.

Why is there no money?

Each person wondered about the material order. Why are you unlucky in life, how does it happen that you have to work from morning to night, and money only becomes less. This is because many of us grew up with negative beliefs about money. Here are some of them:

  1. Money is earned only by hard physical labor when working from morning to evening. If a person lives differently, he is simply doomed to a hungry life.
  2. You can't make money doing what you love. This belief is familiar to many who wanted to connect their lives with the creative profession of an actor, musician or artist. After all, all the places have already been taken, everything has been bought, and it is impossible to break through without connections.
  3. Your family has worked very hard all your life, and no one has seen big money, which means that this is not available to you either.
  4. All rich people are bad, arrogant and arrogant.
  5. Those who earned their money must have acquired it in some illegal way, for example, they stole it or got into some kind of financial fraud.
  6. Only lucky people can find money on the street, and you are not one of them, friends regret all day and ask why such a good person is unlucky in life.

Who will help break out of this circle and make the black streak end? You yourself. And no one else. The personality itself creates its own world, no matter how much one would like to believe in damage, love spells, slander and other mystical reason why one is unlucky in personal life, love and money. Your negative beliefs, formed over the years, have more impact than you might think. This is not so easy to believe. How often do you buy yourself expensive things? Is it easy for you to spend money or do you buy things with the fear that there will be no more money, and are preparing to live the rest of the month in maximum savings mode? The Cinderella complex - endless procrastination for a rainy day, talk about how bad our government is, that prices are constantly rising, and salaries are not enough, a negative attitude towards rich people - all this programs the subconscious for poverty and poverty. Endless postponing, saving, because “there will be no later” and “this is the last”, not only blocks the energy of money coming to you, but also deprives you of the pleasure of acquiring. Who needs a big house if the kids didn’t see the holidays for it, and you couldn’t buy a decent pair of shoes yourself?

love magic

That's where the favorite topic for various kinds of soothsayers and magicians. Hundreds of "specialists" are ready to answer the question "why you are unlucky in your personal life and what to do about it." The Internet is replete with all sorts of prisushki, love spells and conspiracies. It is enough to have a photo of the person you need to get, buy everything you need for the ritual and read the right words. And here is a miracle in your pocket. Not so simple. Various kinds of magical actions will not give the desired result. You can certainly attract the right partner into your life. And for a while, the relationship will be like a fairy tale. But a loved one will behave this way only because you yourself made him, and not for real. Over time, he will become angrier, jealous and blackmailing. By tethering someone at an energy level, you are disrupting the natural course of things. A loved one cannot receive energy from the world, because he is attached, and begins to receive it only from the one who doomed him to love imprisonment. Aggression, which will increase over time, arises in response to the fact that you have deprived a person of their own will.

A way to attract love without love spells

How to attract a soul mate into your life if a person is catastrophically unlucky in love? Many people mistakenly believe that with the acquisition of a guy or a beautiful girl, they will find the very meaning of life that they have been looking for for so long. When this someone is, at first everything goes just fine, but then everything disappears somewhere, is lost - and the relationship deteriorates. Some immediately begin to look for the cause outside: rivals, envy, love spells and much more. Of course, they are discovered, some are abandoned, others are found, and everything repeats in a circle. Faces change, but problems remain. To get something from the universe, you need to give something. This is not about the destructive belief that you have to pay for everything. The universe is abundant, and without your "fee" it has plenty of everything. The point is that if you want love, start feeling it right now, then you will tune in to the right frequency of reality and a new feeling will be able to enter your life. Or maybe a relationship with a hopeless spouse will improve.

Aromatherapy for well-being

What to do if you are unlucky in life? Of course, burn incense! By choosing the right fragrance, you can set your energy space to abundance. A few fragrances for good luck and luck to visit your home:


All successful people do not stop saying one of the shortest prayers and, perhaps, the most effective: "Thank you." The secret to attracting luck into your life lies in a contented mindset. Positive and contented thinking are not the same thing. The latter includes enjoying and feeling grateful for what has already entered into life. Focusing on success brings more success because the law of attraction comes into play.


Isn't it a confusing word? It looks, frankly, like some kind of magic spell from an ancient sacred book. To some extent, this definition is correct. With the help of this method, one doctor was able to cure many people from the disease, without even contacting them personally. How to return luck with it? The ho'oponopono method is based on the fact that each person is one with the universe and other people. That is, everything that you can observe, hear, everything that happens around, one way or another is related to your personality. Concentrate on the problem you want to solve and repeat the following 4 phrases:

  1. "I'm sorry".
  2. "I'm sorry".
  3. "I love you".
  4. "Thank you".

In this case, one should not turn to the person who created the unpleasant situation, but to the Universe or God, call it what you like. The decoding of the phrases looks like this: "I'm sorry that I created such a world. Forgive me. I did not know where this would lead, I did not know that I was creating these circumstances, I love you and thank you for allowing me to correct the situation and create a happy life. "

good luck at work

Many people try hard at their workplace, but cannot achieve great heights, or even dream of going home as soon as possible at the very beginning of the working day. Such a relationship with work takes away the joys of life and hurts the self-esteem of the employee. Cases accumulate in a snowball, because of this there is constant stress and unwillingness to work. Of course, there are periods of stagnation even in the best workplace. But in this case we are talking about constant emotional discomfort. The best psychologists and authors of books about the work of the subconscious, such as, for example, Vadim Zeland, explain that money is just energy and comes in abundance to those who are doing what they love. Look closely at your occupation. Is this what you were aiming for? If you find it difficult to answer, you can reformulate the question differently: would you be doing your job if you didn’t have to earn money? If the answer is no, you should think about changing activities.

What not to have in the house

A few things that you cannot have in the house so that prosperity and love do not leave it:

  1. Single mugs and plates. Get a couple. Everything must be a multiple of two.
  2. Chipped cups. Glued and broken things are programmed for poverty.
  3. This also includes torn things and tights. Don't even wear it at home. Love yourself, you deserve only the best, even if no one sees you.
  4. Dried flowers. Positive energy flows through them.


If you are unlucky and want to be happier than you are today, then now is the time. Don't expect anything or anyone. Start playing sports, learning languages, dancing and swimming. How would you behave if the perfect person appeared in your life? Maybe some of the above would become a pleasant habit. So, this person is you. Become interesting for yourself, more beautiful and attractive in your eyes, and people around you will notice it. Throw old trash out of the house, do a general cleaning, get to know your neighbors - and changes will not be long in coming. In order for something new to enter, you first need to make room for the old.

How to save your luck

If you are hoping for success in a very important matter, do not tell anyone about it. Do not expose your achievements to the public. Let the photo where you are happy together with your loved one be seen only by the two of you, without prying eyes. So in your relationship there will be no dirt and strangers.

We hope that this article will help you find happiness, and luck and good luck will become constant companions on your way in any field. Smile at troubles, they will decide that you are crazy and will bypass you.

Why do some people get everything and others nothing? Are some lucky and others not?

You have touched upon the question of human destinies, but it is very, very "clunky" and cannot be answered in two or three words. Yes, and at five, six, do not answer, and at seven or eight. And all because the components of success include a lot of things. Yes, and success is different from success, sometimes there is such success that it is better to walk in failure than in such success.
Mostly, the fates differ in that everyone has their own innate potential, that is, the potential of resources that a person inherited at the start (country, finances, abilities and talents, health, living conditions, upbringing, everything that can be described as an investment). But there is also what he acquires with these investments - the acquired potential, then how he keeps it and how he develops it. Moreover, it should be noted that if a lot has been invested in a person, and he just developed it a little, then in fact this is not his success, but the success of his predecessors, to which he simply greased up. If a person at the start received little, but developed this little, then he is more successful than the one who seems to have great success, but who is not his. Success is the realization of what is, albeit small, but realization. I believe that, for example, a person who was born in difficult conditions and lived like a Human has more success than just born in chocolate and who rolls through life in chocolate.

Now another plane of the question - what is success not from a temporary point of view, but from the point of view of eternity. There is spiritual success and there is material success. Take for example Christ - was born in a barn, lived in a poor family, went to the ministry, was rejected and crucified - success or defeat?

Now another case, which is full in the world - was born in a family of moneybags, under power, who made wealth on the blood and suffering of others, developed it and lived his life milking more than one cow, and during his life did not differ in either mental or moral abilities - success?

Of course, I simplified the situation, brought it to two extreme points, so to speak, in order to illustrate the fact that Everything is very unsteady in the world and depends on which side to look at the subject from..
"What is an official person or an unofficial one? It all depends on the point of view from which one looks at the subject, all this, Nikanor Ivanovich, is conditional and unsteady. Today I am an unofficial person, and tomorrow, you see, an official one! But it happens the other way around, Nikanor Ivanovich. And how it happens!" (WITH)

Why change Putin, if the average person lives quite well anyway? And if you want more, you can leave the country, right?

The cashier suggests to the lady standing in front: “Take a lottery ticket. Only five rubles. Good luck!” The woman shook her head, "No luck, I'm not lucky." I witnessed this scene in one of the post offices in Minsk. Whether the matter is a Croat, which all the media have recently trumpeted. He survived seven major disasters and did not receive a single injury, and in addition he also won an impressive amount of money in the lottery. Moreover, in all 74 years of his life, he did not buy a single lottery ticket.

Photo politeka.net

We also have enough people who became famous because of their bad luck. For example, before the New Year in Brest, a man with a stolen handbag was caught by the traffic police when he crossed the road on a red one. And the old road militiamen detained a serial thief who had forgotten his false teeth at the crime scene.

A classmate who was an inveterate loser at school, became a successful businessman? Did an ugly and mediocre classmate successfully marry an American? Did a work colleague inherit an apartment? And at this time, problems are pouring on you like from a cornucopia. Here, even in the head of the most non-superstitious person, no, no, yes, thoughts of his own bad luck will creep in. That's why he will take up the button when the black cat crosses the road.

Although luck is considered a capricious lady, not subject to logic and laws, some still try to lure her to themselves with the help of all kinds of amulets and spells. I remember my grandmother taught: put the broom up with the broom, take out the garbage only in the morning, don’t sweep the crumbs off the table with your hand, don’t interfere with the salad with a knife, don’t borrow or give money in the evening, get up on your left foot in the morning ... If you can keep all these signs in your head, then you are already lucky - with a good memory.

I never really believed in luck. However, from time to time I notice that someone is lucky in life, and someone is not. But it's more about the situation here. For someone and found a hundred rubles - good luck. And there are also such “losers” who have resigned themselves to the role of a victim of fate and perceive any minor trouble as proof of their own bad luck. I'm sure there are people like you around you too. So I have one friend who starts every conversation with the phrase “Everything is bad ...”, “Imagine what a nightmare”, “I'm not lucky again” or “Well, why do I need all this!”.

Slipped on the ice, sprained his leg. All no luck! Well, what are you going to do here? he sighed during our last meeting. The fact that this day was the peak of icy injuries across the country did not matter to him at all.

Lately, this friend has gotten into the habit of telling me, "You're in luck!" And he says it with a certain reproach and resentment. And every time I mentally add: "... like a drowned man." I don’t know how it is with luck in lotteries, but I can say for sure that behind most success in school or work is hard work. The more people work, the more lucky they are.

“Why is everyone lucky, but never me?” - I asked myself when once again I had to work on a day off. Then I saw how thick smoke was pouring from the window of the five-story building opposite, and I consoled myself: they say, my apartment didn’t burn down, the brick didn’t fall on my head, the poisonous snake didn’t sting, KamAZ didn’t run over me with a trailer - so I can safely call myself lucky.

While some blame themselves for their failures, others blame everyone and everything around: from neighbors to solar flares. Although we are powerless against outbreaks, we can change something in ourselves in order to grab Lady Fortune by the tail. You just need to stop thinking about luck and bad luck altogether. I repeat, luck is a capricious lady. And remember that the classic said: "The less we love a woman, the more she likes us." And Alexander Sergeevich knew what he was talking about.

Famous film actor and TV presenter James Scott Bumgarner, better known under the pseudonym James Garner recently passed away at the age of 86. Many people believe that he was a great man and love to tell stories about his life. How did a guy with no acting experience and no public speaking experience get a powerful Hollywood agent to take over his career? Lucky? Did he know the secret to success?

In 1935, an original talent hunt system was invented in Hollywood. Like the sports scouts, these people closely followed Broadway productions and radio broadcasts to find talented newcomers. But sometimes they were able to find among the mass of people someone who had no acting experience, but looked like a real movie star.

A perfect example is Lana Turner, one of Hollywood's most glamorous and popular actresses of the forties and fifties (pictured to the right of James Garner at the 1966 Oscars).
Lana was 16 years old when she dropped out of high school typing classes and sat with a glass of cola in one of the Hollywood soda shops. It was at this point that someone noticed her attractiveness. She was introduced to one of the Hollywood agents and soon began acting in her first film. A beautiful girl in the right place at the right time is pure luck.

The biography of James Garner also had a story with the right place at the right time.

Before becoming an actor, he changed dozens of different jobs. He usually worked for several months, saved money, then quit working, lived on the savings for a while, and then found a new job.

At the age of 17, one of James' jobs was as a tanker at a Shell station in Hollywood. It was here that James met Paul Gregory, who was at the drugstore on the opposite side looking for people to work at a soda kiosk.

But Paul Gregory dreamed of becoming a Hollywood agent, and offered his services to James in this capacity.
James Garner was handsome - many people told him so. But he had no intention of becoming an actor. So he just laughed at the proposal.

Years later, James returned from the Korean War and saw Paul Gregory's name in Newsweek magazine. By that time, Paul had become a theater producer and had created three very successful productions.

About a year after that, James arrived in Los Angeles, returning home after an unsuccessful attempt to get a job on oil wells in Saudi Arabia, and saw a sign: "Paul Gregory and Associates." He did not plan to stop, but suddenly noticed a free parking space in front of the office.

After parking the car, he went inside to visit his old friend. Paul immediately decided to become James' agent, send him to acting school and help with the job. The result is a brilliant career in film and television.

This story is similar to many other stories about how someone got lucky in Hollywood. But is it?

Luck and bad luck are something that depends on chance, and not on human actions.

Richard Wiseman was a professional magician before gaining fame as a psychologist. Despite his interest in magic, he is skeptical about such things as superstitions and talismans. Therefore, Wiseman devoted a significant part of his career to the study of the phenomenon of luck.

In one experiment, he asked participants to describe themselves in terms of "lucky" or "unlucky." He then gave his subjects a newspaper and told them to count the number of photographs printed in it.

There were 43 in total.

On average, it took 2 minutes for unlucky people to count the shots. What about the lucky ones? It took them a matter of seconds.
The fact is that half of the second page of the newspaper was occupied by a huge advertisement. It said: "Stop counting - there are 43 photographs in this paper."

Unlucky people did not notice this. They also missed a second ad of the same size, located in the middle of the newspaper: "Stop counting, tell the experimenter you saw this message and win $250."

In the case of "lucky" people, it turned out not to be luck. They were just more observant.

Just like James Garner was attentive.

He fought in the Korean War and was on the verge of death on numerous occasions. In his autobiography, The Garner Files, James recounts an incident that could very well have been catastrophic:

Soldiers from China and North Korea, as well as our allies from South Korea, lived on a diet of fish heads, rice and garlic. One night I was on guard and suddenly felt a faint smell coming from the direction of the enemy positions. I didn’t see anything, but I realized that there was someone there, and he was approaching. Smelling the smell, I listened and still could hear them. It turned out that it was an enemy reconnaissance group heading straight for our position. When I reported their approach to the command, they were just approaching the opposite side of the rise. We had time to prepare and were able to repel the attack.

The fact that James noticed the approaching enemy soldiers probably saved the lives of many of his fellow soldiers, as well as his own. But even in this case, it cannot be said that he was just lucky. It's all about care and attention.

Wiseman notes in his research that unsuccessful people often see themselves as tense and anxious. So he did another experiment to find out how anxiety affects people.

He invited a group of people to watch a dot moving across the screen, on which other, larger dots flashed from time to time. The subjects noticed all the big dots. He repeated the experiment with a second group of people, but this time offered a financial reward to make them worry about the outcome. This group missed one-third of the large dots that appeared.

Anxiety helps us focus, but it also prevents us from noticing the various opportunities that appear in our lives.

You may have noticed that people talking about James' life often described him as a very relaxed guy:

James Garner, God rest his soul. One of my favorite actors. Always looked so calm on screen. A real movie star.

Russell Kane (@RussellKane)
James had reason to be relaxed.

He and his brothers grew up in a home where there were frequent cases of moral, physical and sexual abuse. It happened that his father forced the children to sing, and if they refused, he beat him with a whip. His stepmother constantly beat the children and even raped her underage brother James.

In addition, James Garner grew up in Oklahoma during the Great Depression. This means that he, his family, friends and neighbors had to deal with a series of catastrophic dust storms known as the Dust Bowl.

Do you want to put pressure on a man who lived through the Great Depression? Yes, even in Oklahoma. During dust storms. After such events, the nagging of the authorities on the set will seem to you an insignificant trifle.

And James was not particularly worried, since it could hardly be worse than what he had already experienced.

Wiseman also found that lucky people go out of their way to try new things and enjoy meeting new people.

Remember all the places James has worked?

And he personally knew everyone: crew members, actors, as well as many people in the cities where the shooting took place. Gretchen Corbet, one of James' co-stars on The Rockford Files, recalls:

Everyone loved him - but he was worried about not only about me and the other actors, but also about the team as a whole. He knew everyone by name, he even remembered the names of their children...
And he did not become so after he became famous. It has always been so.
I had the opportunity to deal with the famous trio - Henry Fonda, Johnny Hodiak and Lloyd Nolan - at the same time as a bodyguard, an errand boy and a mascot.
On the first day of rehearsals, Lloyd never even glanced at the script. Everyone else learned their parts, while Lloyd knew his perfectly. Henry Fonda was very surprised, because the role of Captain Quig was quite difficult. "How the hell did you do that?" he asked Nolan. "I hired Bumgarner," Lloyd told him. After that, Fonda asked me to suggest lines to him as well. I gladly agreed.

P.P.S. On Megamind, this article has been read over 16,000 times.

Why are some people luckier than others? And what if life is like an island of bad luck? Psychologist Richard Weissman began researching the phenomenon of luck about ten years ago. He set himself an ambitious goal - to determine whether the opportunity to be at the right time in the right place makes a person happier. "After a lot of experiments, I finally understood why some people are more successful than others and how to lure luck to yourself," the researcher says.

He began by placing ads in the largest newspapers for people who consider themselves lucky or, conversely, unlucky in life. The scientist invited them to participate in the experiment.

In total, over the years he has worked with more than four hundred people. His youngest "client" was an 18-year-old student, the oldest was an 84-year-old retired accountant. The audience came across varied, but Weissman still classified the most characteristic cases.

He cites 42-year-old Jessica, a medical examiner, as an example of a lucky person. “I have a job that I have always dreamed of, two wonderful children and a great husband, who I love very much. When I remember my life, I understand that luck smiled at me almost every day,” says the woman.

Her opposite is a 34-year-old carer named Caroline who constantly fails. In just one week, she managed to injure her ankle when she hit a pothole in the pavement, then hit her back while falling down the stairs, and crashed her car into a tree during a driving lesson. No matter how much she fell in love, not a single chosen one reciprocated her. “I get into trouble all the time,” Caroline laments.

Weissman's research has shown that although people almost never realize the specific reasons for their bad luck, their thoughts and actions lead to a series of further failures that grows like a snowball. The trouble with such sufferers is that the experience of one failure knocks them out of the saddle for a while, and during this time they bring on themselves new problems.

To prove this, Weissman gave volunteers a newspaper and asked them to leaf through it and say how many photographs were printed on its pages. The losers spent an average of two minutes doing this, while the lucky ones spent a few seconds. The fact is that already on the second page it was written in large letters: "Stop counting. There are 43 photographs in this newspaper."

This message was conspicuous, but the losers missed it, and the lucky ones immediately paid attention. Somewhere in the middle of the newspaper, Weissman posted this as a joke: "Stop counting. Tell the psychologist that you saw this ad and they will give you 250 pounds." The losers missed it too because they were too busy counting the photos.

Special tests to identify personality traits have shown that people who are haunted by failure are much more tense and restless than happy and successful people. This restlessness constantly distracts and deprives them of the ability to notice those things that others easily see.

Weissman asked subjects to show a suddenly flashing colored dot on a computer screen for a monetary reward. The participants of the experiment focused on the monitor, and every third of them missed this point, although it was bright and large. The more closely they peered at the screen, the more worried about the result, the worse everything turned out.

The problem with losers, according to Weissman, is that they simply do not notice the happy chances that fate sends them. Unlucky people are too focused on finding the right solution to their problems, and as a result, they make new problems.

If they get hung up on choosing the perfect partner, they miss out on a lot of opportunities to make good friends. They go through the newspapers, choosing their jobs by advertising, and completely ignore other ways to find vacancies. Lucky people are more relaxed, so they see reality in a different light and can take advantage of a great opportunity that they didn’t even think they would find in the first place.

Weissman believes that luck consists of four components - the ability to trust your intuition, an optimistic attitude towards life, the ability to look at things from different angles, and an internal balance that allows you to carefully and calmly look around.

To understand whether it is possible to make fortune turn to face oneself, the psychologist opened a kind of "school of luck". A group of volunteers participated in trainings for a whole month, the main purpose of which was to form positive thinking in them. "I wanted to teach them how to feel lucky and see if that would help them get lucky," Wiseman explains.