Repetitive spelling exercises. Exercises for spelling prefixes Exercise for spelling prefixes for 3 s

Spelling prefixes
I. Insert the missing letters., v..animate, p..go, o..cottage, pull, r..account, n..observe, plantain, approach, tear, n..chop, n..chop, n...tear, over ..tear, vestibule, o.. dilapidated. and .. give. z..pine, armament, z..ryadka. ..tpirat, pr..delki, wind,, n..haste,, pr..grandmother, pr..view, pr...arrangement, pr..wake up, pr..waterman, pr..mortar, n..quarrel, in..descent.
II. Insert the missing letters.
Ex..wet, ex..grandson, ex..roll, ex..motherland, ex..ex..granddaughter, ex..squeak, ex..spirit, ex.tour, ex..ride, (in the wall), ex..father’s, ex..greenery, ex..lawsuits, ex..count, ex..years, ex..log, ex..history, ex..image, ex..mother, ex..break, ex.. .Slavic, pr..current, progenitor, pr..language.
Sh. Rewrite the words, inserting the missing letters. Put emphasis. Set the dependence of the spelling of the vowel on the stress.
Tell, r..tell,,, r.fall, r.valiny, r..pour, r..sprinkle, r..write off, r..write off, r..lower, r..descent,, R. to anger, r..zliv, r..ysknoy.
IV. Insert the missing letters.
1., disturb,, and.give, and. hold, and.. giving, be..caring, neither... cast down, nor..fall, ra..reap, ..reap, take off..walking,,, through..chur, chre.vyno, ra.divide, ra.disturb, ..des, ..dacha, be..joyful,,, ..doba, and ..child .
2. Be.sensual, be..delicious. Be..pinovnaya, be ... slose, rain, and ... submarine, and ... submissions, beach, be .. cerebral, be .. aimal, beam, be. Formal, rain, be .. predicted, wound, wax, pouring, pouring, and ... wil, I. Knobe, I. Etch, and. .scoop, and.. try, worldview.
V. Choose the correct spelling
Be (s, ss) mental; ra(s,ss)even; ra (s, ss) to go before ra (s, ss) vet; ra (s, ss) reading be (s, ss) is useful; be (s, ss) final pa (s, ss) requests; in (s, ss) start ra (s, ss) research; be (s, ss) terrible in (s, ss) dead; nei (s, ss) researched and (s, ss) exact; predra (s, ss) bright stars; be (s, ss) causal, bezra (s, ss) good (s, ss) ora; ra (s, ss) distinct ra (s, ss) treasure; ra (s, ss) elina mountains; be (s, ss) merciful ra (s, se) rights; ra (s, ss) read ra (s, ss) standing; be (s, ss) mentally ra (s, ss) wasted time; ra (s, ss) to clean the place of ra (s, ss) digging; be(s,ss)even.
VI. Insert the missing letters.
Ex..follow the enemy, ex..break the conversation, ex..move the chair, the window, ex..increase the speed, ex..station square, ex.get to work, ex..overcome ice, heart pr..bondage, pr..empowerment, pr..water belt, pr..important view, pr..marine climate, move, reconcile disputants, pr..nasty weather, pr..ignoring danger, pr..dressed up guest, pr..bearing fruit, pr..dangerous situation, pr..get a ticket, pr..imaged edge, pr.stop halfway , etc. current generator.
VII. Insert the missing letters.
1. Right.. rotate, (signs) right.. kicking, right.. rank, right.. zidium, right ... stow, right.. miera, right.. unpleasant, right.. pulling, right.. stepping, right.. hail, right.. bringing in, right.
2. give, (power) pr..holding, pr..move, pr..oritet, pr..corruptibility, boundless..delicious, pr.decorate, pr.siege, pr..let down, pr.possess, pr..careful, pr.ambula, pr..assignor, pr..stizh, pr..position, pr..protect.
3. Ex .. grief, pr .. to keep up, pr .. privilege, pr. to overcome, pr .. quarrelsome, pr .. mier, pr .. to interfere, pr .. red, pr .. Madonna, pr.
VIII. Insert the missing letters.
1. Ex.. to visit the station, ex.. to visit the residence, ex.. to give strength, ex.. to give a comrade-in-arms, ex.. to look at a coward, ex.. to see an orphan, ex.. to bow before talent, ex.. to bow to the ground, ex.. advanced age, ex.. walking success, ex.. walking cleaning lady, ex.. stepping into the law, ex.. starting to work, ex.. given bride, old ex.. giving.

Sections: Russian language


  • familiarity with the spelling of prefixes ending in Z and S;
  • formation of the ability to find words with spelling in the text;
  • the formation of the ability to think independently, solve problems; analyze, draw conclusions;
  • development of oral and written speech, vocabulary activation;
  • fostering attention to others.


1. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson

a) Let's repeat the spelling of prefixes.
b) Let's get acquainted with writing new prefixes.
c) Let's do some exercises.
d) Let's play.

2. Reading the epigraph to the lesson in the work card and working with it

3. Repetition of the previous material (homework)

- Name prefixes "chain"
Can a prefix be in the middle of a word?

Game: "Find hidden prefixes in words" (in a working card)

4. Write down these words under dictation(one at the board)

To build on, substitute, finish, prescribe, move away, predict, melt, file, invest.

- Select attachments.
What can you say about the spelling of these prefixes?

5. Working on new material

– Compared to the set-top boxes that we just talked about, the new set-top boxes that we will learn about today “live” as if in a different kingdom: they have the opposite. Those are always written the same way, and the new ones "adjust" to neighboring letters and do not obey the spelling rule.
- Look at Figure 1 and Figure 2 and try to draw a conclusion for yourself ..
- Reading prefixes in chorus (in the work card).
– Return to the epigraph.

6. Training exercises

a) No. 1 (in the card)
b) No. 2 (in the card)
c) No. 3 (in the card)
d) The game "Prefix or not?"
e) The game "Hide and seek with prefixes"

7. Today we will talk about another very insidious prefix c-,

– Look at Figure 3 and Figure 4 and tell me why it is "insidious"?
- Name the words with this prefix.

(knock down, run away, fold, accommodating, rashly, move, make, surrender, burn, sew.)

A game"Insidious prefix" (in the work card)

8. Creative work

Is it possible to find words corresponding to these schemes?
- Prove the correctness of your answer with examples.
.s b… .s d… .z n… y.s n…

9. Work on the textbook

10. Verification work

Target: checking the assimilation of new material.

Students write only the letter from the prefix (the first column is the first line, etc.), and then it is checked against the control card on the board:

painless aimless avoid
sigh knock down spoil
silently spread the schedule
insensitive smash up proud
tempt to push careless
fall apart flutter boundless
unclench consider surrender
unravel the endless from afar

Answer: zzz sss zzz
ss zz ss
zs zs zs zs z

11. Conclusion, the result of the lesson

12. Homework

multilevel exercises. Learn the rule.

student work card

"Letters 3 and C at the end of prefixes."

A simple science will do you good
About those who hand out roles to letters!
"3" or "C"? It all depends on the sound
Who sings behind the consoles!

Game: "Find hidden prefixes in words."

Earthquake, lightning rod, five-year plan, plumber, traveler, meat processing plant, breaking news, woodworking plant.

1. Introduction to a new topic:

without- (bes-) bottom- (nis-)
vz- (zs-) times- (ras-)
voz- (voe-) loz- (ros-)
from- (is-) through- (through-)

2. Training exercises

1. Choose a suitable prefix for each part of the word.

Write down the received words.

Blooming, ... measuring, ... a businessman, ... a messenger, ... flying, ... laying, ... ruling, ... order, ... torture, ... boil, ... sing, ... fight, ... tremble, ... plow, ... news, ... noisy, ... careless.

2. Write out from the text the words with the studied prefixes.

Things began to disappear from me. Either the sock will disappear, then the gloves. Mom said that I was a mess and scattered my things everywhere. But the things that I put in place also disappeared. One day my slippers and sneakers disappeared. I was worried and looked for them for a long time. It turned out that our puppy took them to different nooks and crannies.

3. Write out from these words only those in which there are new prefixes.

Plow, health, hurry, intelligence, hefty, pursue, consider, publish, immortelle, local.

4. Game: "Prefix or not?"

a) broken, collapsed, different;
6) schedule, plant, split;
c) perceiving, waxy;
d) luxury, flourish;
e) explore, history.

5. Game: "Hide and seek with attachments."

- Select the studied consoles.

Standpipe, redistribution, unblown flower, irreplaceable, unused, please, incident, recklessness.

6. Insidious prefix.

C + coniferous forest =
C + hidden values ​​\u003d
C + battle =
C + holiday home =

Spelling prefixes
I. Insert the missing letters., v..animate, p..go, o..cottage, pull, r..account, n..observe, plantain, approach, tear, n..chop, n..chop, n...tear, over ..tear, vestibule, o.. dilapidated. and .. give. z..pine, armament, z..ryadka. ..tpirat, pr..delki, wind,, n..haste,, pr..grandmother, pr..view, pr...arrangement, pr..wake up, pr..waterman, pr..mortar, n..quarrel, in..descent.
II. Insert the missing letters.
Ex..wet, ex..grandson, ex..roll, ex..motherland, ex..ex..granddaughter, ex..squeak, ex..spirit, ex.tour, ex..ride, (in the wall), ex..father’s, ex..greenery, ex..lawsuits, ex..count, ex..years, ex..log, ex..history, ex..image, ex..mother, ex..break, ex.. .Slavic, pr..current, progenitor, pr..language.
Sh. Rewrite the words, inserting the missing letters. Put emphasis. Set the dependence of the spelling of the vowel on the stress.
Tell, r..tell,,, r.fall, r.valiny, r..pour, r..sprinkle, r..write off, r..write off, r..lower, r..descent,, R. to anger, r..zliv, r..ysknoy.
IV. Insert the missing letters.
1., disturb,, and.give, and. hold, and.. giving, be..caring, neither... cast down, nor..fall, ra..reap, ..reap, take off..walking,,, through..chur, chre.vyno, ra.divide, ra.disturb, ..des, ..dacha, be..joyful,,, ..doba, and ..child .
2. Be.sensual, be..delicious. Be..pinovnaya, be ... slose, rain, and ... submarine, and ... submissions, beach, be .. cerebral, be .. aimal, beam, be. Formal, rain, be .. predicted, wound, wax, pouring, pouring, and ... wil, I. Knobe, I. Etch, and. .scoop, and.. try, worldview.
V. Choose the correct spelling
Be (s, ss) mental; ra(s,ss)even; ra (s, ss) to go before ra (s, ss) vet; ra (s, ss) reading be (s, ss) is useful; be (s, ss) final pa (s, ss) requests; in (s, ss) start ra (s, ss) research; be (s, ss) terrible in (s, ss) dead; nei (s, ss) researched and (s, ss) exact; predra (s, ss) bright stars; be (s, ss) causal, bezra (s, ss) good (s, ss) ora; ra (s, ss) distinct ra (s, ss) treasure; ra (s, ss) elina mountains; be (s, ss) merciful ra (s, se) rights; ra (s, ss) read ra (s, ss) standing; be (s, ss) mentally ra (s, ss) wasted time; ra (s, ss) to clean the place of ra (s, ss) digging; be(s,ss)even.
VI. Insert the missing letters.
Ex..follow the enemy, ex..break the conversation, ex..move the chair, the window, ex..increase the speed, ex..station square, ex.get to work, ex..overcome ice, heart pr..bondage, pr..empowerment, pr..water belt, pr..important view, pr..marine climate, move, reconcile disputants, pr..nasty weather, pr..ignoring danger, pr..dressed up guest, pr..bearing fruit, pr..dangerous situation, pr..get a ticket, pr..imaged edge, pr.stop halfway , etc. current generator.
VII. Insert the missing letters.
1. Right.. rotate, (signs) right.. kicking, right.. rank, right.. zidium, right ... stow, right.. miera, right.. unpleasant, right.. pulling, right.. stepping, right.. hail, right.. bringing in, right.
2. give, (power) pr..holding, pr..move, pr..oritet, pr..corruptibility, boundless..delicious, pr.decorate, pr.siege, pr..let down, pr.possess, pr..careful, pr.ambula, pr..assignor, pr..stizh, pr..position, pr..protect.
3. Ex .. grief, pr .. to keep up, pr .. privilege, pr. to overcome, pr .. quarrelsome, pr .. mier, pr .. to interfere, pr .. red, pr .. Madonna, pr.
VIII. Insert the missing letters.
1. Ex.. to visit the station, ex.. to visit the residence, ex.. to give strength, ex.. to give a comrade-in-arms, ex.. to look at a coward, ex.. to see an orphan, ex.. to bow before talent, ex.. to bow to the ground, ex.. advanced age, ex.. walking success, ex.. walking cleaning lady, ex.. stepping into the law, ex.. starting to work, ex.. given bride, old ex.. giving.

Exercise 1 .

Insert the missing letters. Distribute and write the words in two columns: in the first - with a prefix at- , in the second - with the prefix pre- .

An old gift, a stone of... stumble, pr... miracles of nature, pr... to step (to the cause), rich pr... given, vicissitudes of fate, pr... overcoming obstacles, no need to quarrel, pr... knowledge of what you have done, pr... to be inactive, implicitly... obediently obey, pr... supporter of new views, pr... to give a friend, pr... to reconcile enemies, pr... existence of a train, indispensable condition, useful pr... acquisition , life without pr ... beauty, pr ... funny case, pr ... breaking rays, pr ... elevation of authority, pr ... stopping the hearing, giving pr ... swearing, seekers of pr ... clues.

Exercise 2 .

Write down and memorize these words of foreign origin, explain their meaning. Make up phrases or sentences with these words.

Prelude, preamble, prevail, prestige, privileged, price list, premiere, primacy, prima donna, claim, precedent.

Exercise 3

Rewrite the text, inserting the missing spellings. Explain the spelling of prefixes.

deceptive forest

One day, hunting in a dense forest, King Henry attacked the trail of a great red mountain goat and, following it, lagged behind his hunting retinue for a long distance.

Annoyed by the smell of the beast, his dogs were so carried away by the chase that ... soon even their barking could not be heard. Meanwhile, imperceptibly...imperceptibly...evening was thickening, and night came on. Then the king realized that he was lost. And ... gave d ... the inviting sounds of hunting horns were carried, but the closer, as it seemed to the king, he walked towards them, the weaker the horns sounded. With annoyance, Heinrich remembered how ... quarrelsome and capricious were the loud sounds in the mountain forests and what a treacherous mockingbird the mountain echo was. But it was already too late. We had to spend the night in the forest.

(According to A. Kuprin)

Exercise 4 .

Make up phrases with these words. Explain the meaning of prefixes pre- And at- .

Transform, despise, overcome, transform, get used to, invite, prepare, suspend, transcend, transform.

Exercise 5 .

Replace turns with words with prefixes pre- And at- .

Diligent, diligent; located near the school; come somewhere; tell the enemy a secret; oral story, a story passed down from generation to generation; inclinations that have become common, permanent; turn something into something else; lie down for a while; a guard standing at the gate; stop doing something; open a little.

Exercise 6 .

Write the text under dictation. Underline the prefixes pre- and pre-, explain their spelling.

sly mongoose

I hung the cabin with garlands of bananas. They were swinging on ropes under the ceiling. This is for the mongoose.

I released a tame mongoose, and now it ran over me, and I lay with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes a little and I see that the mongoose jumped on the poyaks, climbed onto the frame of the round steamship window, settled down more firmly and looked at me. I hid. The mongoose pushed with its paw into the steya, and the frame went sideways. When the frame approached the bananas, the mongoose rushed, jumped and grabbed the banana with both paws. She hung in the air for a moment. But the banana came off, and the mongoose jumped on all four legs. Great acrobatic jump! I jumped up to look, but the mongoose was already constantly fiddling under the bunk. A minute later she appeared before me with a smeared muzzle and grunted with pleasure.

(According to B. Zhitkov)

Exercise 7

Fill in the missing letters, distributing the words into columns ( pre- , at- )

Pr_road, pr_to open, pr_to overcome obstacles, pr_to be able to hurt, pr_to sit on a bench, pr_to jam, pr_sea, pr_to be fed, pr_neglect, pr_rotation, pr_following, pr_know, despise a coward, pr_careful, pr_obrazhenie, pr_get down to business, pr_stop, pr_sun, pr_education, pr_city, pr_rule, pr _build, pr_kick signs, pr_funny kitten. To be in ignorance - to be on schedule; old rendition - rendition of strength; given patriot - given by enemies - given to command; the successor of traditions - the successor of "Tourist-2" - the continuity of generations - an acceptable option; sight to death - sight of an orphan - sight; despise threats - despise children who have lost their parents; pr_obrazhennaya - acquired; pr_create in life - pr_create the door; poke on a stone - poke into a corner; pr_increase - pr_reduce the opening value, pr_reduce costs for the sake of saving; passing moment - passing medical worker; pr_del in the temple - pr_del to everything; bend the branches - bend the knees; pr_fall to the ground - teach a lesson; pr_sorrowful fact - pr_bright image.

Test on the topic "Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-"

1. In what word is the prefix written pre-?

1) Pr_brezhny;
2) pr_stop;
3) hide;
4) pr_increase.

2. In what word is the prefix prefix written?

1) Succeed;
2) rotate;
3) send ... reap;
4) escort.

3. Find the misspelled option.

1) President

2) despise

3) priority

4) presidium

4. In what word is the prefix pre-written?

1) Pr…maritime

2) pr ... land

3) pr…obstacle

4) pr ... sit down

5. In what word is the prefix prefix written?

1) Right ... fell silent

2) pr ... tore

3) pr…flattering

4) pr ... kneel

6. In what word is the prefix pre-written?

1) Pick ... take

2) pr ... grow

3) attractive ... attractive

4) pr…big

7. In what word is the prefix prefix written?

1) pr ... uplift

2) pr ... turn around

3) pr ... sit down

4) pr…decrease

8. In which word does the prefix mean "incomplete action"?

1) Good...pretty

2) pr ... coastal

3) pr...quilt

4) pr…open

9. In what word does the prefix mean "approach"?

1) They will ... gush

2) pr ... lie down

3) pr.cute

4) pr...obstacle

10. In which word is the spelling pre-/ dependent on the context?

1) Listen ... listen

2) pr ... frowned

Russian language lesson in 5th grade.

Lesson topic:"Letters -з and -с at the end of prefixes".

Lesson type: lesson in discovering new knowledge.

Technology: activity method technology

Lesson Objectives:

- educational: formation of an idea about the method of choosing the spelling of consonant letters z and s at the end of prefixes; formation of the skill of morphemic analysis;

- developing: consolidation of knowledge about the stages of educational activity and their content; development of the ability to independently carry out educational activities under the guidance of a teacher;

- educational: formation of communicative culture of students.

Lesson objectives:

-didactic: create conditions for students to independently identify and formulate the cognitive goal of the lesson, the conscious construction of a speech statement in oral form, and the structuring of knowledge.

- educational: create conditions for students to learn the conditions for choosing the consonant z and s at the end of prefixes.

Equipment: action algorithm; cards for individual work of students; presentation.

During the classes:

    Self-determination to learning activities.(slides #1 and 2)

Hello guys. Sit down. Today we will continue our journey through the country of morphemes. Guys, what should a traveler do before setting off on the road?

(Check your luggage)

What do we need to do to check our luggage?

(Repeat required material)

    Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in the trial action.(slide number 3)

Let's look into the suitcase of knowledge morphemes already accumulated about the country. Is everything in place?


To put things in order, you need to complete these statements: (slides #4 - 8)

    The prefix, root, suffix, ending is ……….

    Morphemes as parts of a word are studied in a special section of the science of language - ……….

    When forming single-root words, words with different …………… are obtained. value.

    The replacement of some sounds by others in the same part of the word is called ………………….

    Parts of words in which there are alternations of sounds are called ………… ..

Well done boys! You have put the perfect lock in the suitcase of knowledge. (slide number 9)

Tell me, guys, is morphemic related to spelling?

What do you know about spelling? What is this branch of the science of language?

(This is the branch of language science that studies the rules for writing words.)

What spellings in prefixes do you already know?

(Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes.)

To board the train that will take us further through the country of Morfemike, we need a ticket. We can buy a ticket by remembering this rule and completing the task of repeating it. (slide number 11)

Exercise. Write these phrases by inserting the missing letters. Explain their spelling. (slide number 12)

N.. write an essay

C.. tear a flower

P.. caress the kitten

Pr..tell the weather

Go on a hike

D.. go to the village

Who wants to work at the blackboard?

(Students take turns going to the blackboard, and the task is also completed in workbooks.)

Great, we have purchased tickets for a trip to the country of Morfemike. We take seats in the train cars and set off.

And here is the first station. We can find out the name of the station if we pay attention to what is written on the station building. It is encrypted, some letters are missing. (slides #13-14)

Exercise. Fill in the missing letters in the words, explain their spelling.

Ra..write the walls

Ra .. level the ground through the clouds

B..throw your hands

Be..crowded park

Be..admission fee

(Students complete the task in the cards.)

Did you manage to complete the task?


Why were you unable to complete the task? What are the difficulties?

(We can't explain the spelling of the letters z and s.)

    Statement of the educational task.(slide number 14)

In what part of the word are the missing letters?

(In attachment)

Do we know everything about the spelling of prefixes?

(No. We do not know the rule for writing the letters z and s at the end of prefixes.)

What is the purpose of our journey today?

(Find out the conditions for writing letters z and s at the end of prefixes.)

What is the name of the station we arrived at? Its name will be the topic of our lesson. Formulate the topic of the lesson.

(Letters z and s at the end of prefixes.)

Write the topic of the lesson in your workbooks.

(slide number 15)

    Construction of the project of an exit from difficulty.(slide number 16)

What knowledge about the land of Morphemics will we need to achieve the goal of our journey?

(The ability to highlight a prefix in a word, the knowledge that morphemes can have variants, the ability to see the conditions for choosing a morpheme variant, the ability to comment on the spelling of prefixes)

To determine the conditions for writing the letters z and s at the end of prefixes, I suggest you work in groups. But what should we do before you get to work?

(Make a plan of action.)

What will be your first step? (Select prefix)

Second? (Determine which letter is written after the prefix)

Third? (make a conclusion)

(The action plan is displayed on the presentation slide.)

    Implementation of the constructed project.(slide number 16)

Divide into four groups and, following the algorithm, work on the cards. Highlight the prefix in the word and pay attention to which letter is written after the prefix.

Students are given cards with owls.

1 group

2 group

3 group

4 group


take a look




flare up


Time is over. Let's see what you got. Post your results on the board. Did all groups complete the task? (Yes.)

So, guys, after completing this task, can you answer what determines the spelling of the letters z and s at the end of the prefixes?

(Yes. The spelling of the letters z and s depends on which letter is written after the prefix.)

Please formulate the rule for writing the letters z and s at the end of prefixes.

How can we format the rule to make it easier to remember?

(Create a chain of actions, an algorithm.)

What will be the first step?

(Students pronounce the steps of the algorithm, the teacher fixes it, displays a presentation on a slide))

(slide number 17)

Now let's check the correctness of our conclusions. Open the tutorial, read the rule carefully and check the chain. Is everything right?

Let's return to the name of our station and complete the task in your notebooks that you could not cope with at the beginning. (slide number 18).

Pupils insert the letters missing in the prefixes and comment on the conditions for their writing, the work is done in notebooks.

    Primary consolidation in external speech.(slide number 19)

- Now your task is to learn how to apply this rule in practice. Let's do the exercise.

(Students are invited to complete an exercise on a new rule from the textbook. (Ex. 423) Students perform the exercise in workbooks, pronouncing the conditions for writing the letters -z and -s at the end of the prefixes in a chain.)

    Independent work with verification according to the standard.

- And now let's check how attentive you were on the journey and what you learned. To do this, you must work on your own. Several tasks have been left for you, by solving them you will be able to continue your journey through the country of Morfemike.

Exercise. Fill in the missing letters and explain their spelling.

Independent work.






Be.. sonorous








Be.. cordial




And.. draw




Sample check.(Slide number 20)

I option

II option

Test standard.



Without R opotny

Ras With yell

Ras With hang out

Without h school

Ras With read

Sun X stick

Bes T olkovy

Is c rake

Bes P redundant

Without and alostny

Ras h eat

Ras With wet

Once V intit

From l it

Bes With hearty

Ras P flattery

Is With explore

Once and go

Vz l etet

Ras With say

Is h grab

Once V eat

Ras h istit

Ras To root

(Students complete the task on individual cards, then check it against the template and grade their work using the test template and grading criteria.)

    Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.(slide number 21)

Tell me, guys, where will we apply the new knowledge?

(This rule will remain in our knowledge base, it will be useful to us in life: you need to be able to write correctly.)

For those who coped with independent work perfectly and are confident in their knowledge, I propose to perform a more difficult task.

Additional task.

Fill in the missing letters and write these words in two columns:

1) with a prefix ending in -з and -с (explain the conditions for choosing consonants at the end of the prefix);

2) with prefixes that do not change in writing., o..shine, from..take, be..cunning, s..sculpt, be..noisy, s..keep, ra..know,, ra..think, pre..respect, and..quiet, in..quit, n..think, be..starry,, ra..tease,

(Students receive task cards, 2-3 minutes work independently)

For those who made mistakes in independent work, I suggest referring to the verification standard, analyzing your work and doing the exercise from textbook No. 424. (slide number 22)

(Students who make mistakes perform an exercise from a textbook that is being worked on, similar to an assignment from independent work. One of the students works at the blackboard.

Students who received an additional task, in a chain, voice their answers.)

    Reflection of educational activity.(slide number 23)

Our journey ends, it's time to take stock.

What was our goal at the start of our journey?

(Find out the conditions for writing the letters -з and -с at the end of prefixes.)

Have we achieved this goal? (Yes.)

What have we learned? (Students voice the rule learned in the lesson)

What difficulties did we face on the journey?

(Students name the difficulties caused at the trial stage.)


- Considering the knowledge you have gained today and the difficulties that you experienced during the journey, I suggest that you complete the following tasks at home:

1) learn the rule and algorithm of action;

2) perform exercise 427,

(Students who have completed independent work without errors perform the creative task given in the text of the exercise; students who have made mistakes in independent work insert the missing letters and explain the conditions for their choice)

Our journey is over. Thanks to everyone who took part in it.