Acting skills for leading concert programs. Coaching for the presenter: the path to professionalism

If you have never performed on stage and hosted events before, then it is not easy to immediately become the host of events, but if you really want this, you will eventually necessarily it will work! In the meantime, I offer a few rules that will help you get closer to your goal:

  1. Learn from the experience of other leaders! Watch and memorize how other presenters work, at weddings, at conferences and on TV. If you live in big city try to get to the shooting of TV programs and concerts, which are filmed on TV. If this is not possible, watch TV programs in which the hosts work, such as concerts, music awards, talk shows, game shows, quizzes, etc. Choose presenters, well-known or not, whose style of conducting you like, and at first try to work in the same manner. But be sure to develop and develop your style as soon as you feel more confident on stage;
  2. Read and re-read (!) Literature that will help you. I haven't found a full textbook for leading events in Russian yet, but there are several in English, I like this one, by two Australian authors: Pete Miller and Ron Tacchi, "Upfront in Control". I also recommend checking out these books: Dan Rosenberg, “The Book on Hosting How. Not to Suck as an Emcee!" (English.); Nina Zvereva, “I speak - they listen to me. Lessons of practical rhetoric”; Alexander Shumovich, “Great events. Technology and practice of event management”; Sergey Volchuk, "Corporate holiday"; Veronica Dupre, "How to become an actor"; Sergei Rebrik, "Presentation"; Malcolm Kushner, “Public Speaking for Dummies”; Radislav Gandapas, "101 advice to the speaker"; Victor Billevich, "School of wit or how to learn to joke"; B.D.Gaymakova and others, "Mastery of the broadcast performance." I would be grateful if you could recommend me other books.
  3. Be sure to prepare for every performance! Find out as much as possible about the customer, about the people with whom you will work, it will be very useful for you. Prepare and work with a script or script plan. If the scenario plan was not provided by the customer, prepare the scenario plan yourself. During a meeting with a customer, simply make a schedule for the event, indicating what the host does and says, and what event takes place at the event - this is the scenario plan. Usually a script plan is enough, but at the beginning of your carter it makes sense to write the script in full with all the words, but it is advisable not to read everything “on a piece of paper”, but to use the script only as a hint. Be sure to rehearse, be sure at home and, and this is very desirable or even mandatory, on the site before the start of the event in the presence of at least a small audience. But not the guests of the event, but the organizers, restaurant employees, technicians, artists, etc.
  4. Dial personal experience! Start training at every opportunity: lead everything you can - weddings, birthdays, other family holidays, perform amateur performances, just tell jokes and stories to friends during feasts and meetings. Gradually move to professional event management (work for money) if you have an interest in becoming a professional;
  5. Do quality control! Record yourself on video (ask friends and acquaintances, ask the organizers for recordings, in the end, hire a video operator yourself) and be sure to watch how you performed, let's see friends and relatives, listen to the comments and do better next time.

Dan Rosenberg in The Entertainer's Handbook. How not to fail the host of the event! (Dan Rosenberg, "The Book on Hosting. How Not to Suck as an Emcee!") recalls that "you have to remember one thing every time you step on stage: you are not the star of the show! You are the most important part of the show, but not the star!”

"The ability to speak in public for dummies"

  • The audience wishes you success...
  • You have knowledge that is valuable to your audience. …
  • The audience doesn't know about your fears. …
  • Before you are individuals who are no worse than you. It really is! As a rule, the audience perceives you better than you perceive yourself, and your excitement may simply be imperceptible.

“I speak, they listen to me. Lessons of practical rhetoric»

Nina Zvereva in the book correctly notes the importance of self-confidence for any presenter or person speaking in public: “For politicians and showmen, self-confidence is normal!”

And here are some tips from Radislav Gandapas on overcoming the fear of public speech from the book:

  1. “Visit the venue in advance, get used to it”, “Come to the audience before those you will perform in front of”, I recommend just going to the venue in advance to catch your breath and rehearse;
  2. “Keep in your hands or in your pocket the abstract of the speech ...”, as a rule, the presenter can use a tablet with a script or scenario plan. But it is important to use such a lifesaver correctly: try not to read everything word for word (this does not apply to the positions and names of those you represent) and not to hide from the audience with a tablet;
  3. “Find a way to get as much information as possible about the composition of the audience”, this can and should be done both before and during the event;
  4. “Put good friends in the hall or get to know one of the participants before the performance”, that is, it makes sense to be open and talk with the participants of the event, those with whom you met can help you in your work;
  5. “Rehearse at least three times”, preferably already on the site where you will perform;
  6. “Before the performance, actively move”, “Watch your breathing, it should be deep, rhythmic and calm”, it is easier to normalize breathing with the help of calm deep breaths and exhalations, and if there is no room to actively move, just tense and relax the muscles several times, especially the neck and shoulders;
  7. "Never use alcohol or sedatives."

"For the radio. How to become a popular presenter

Natalya Yartseva in her book gives several recommendations on how to "become a good event host":

  1. Write a script. “To do this, you need to meet with customers, find out what they expect from the holiday, their tastes and ideas”;
  2. Rehearse your performance. “Mirror exercises are as old as the world, but that doesn’t make them any less effective. Instead of a mirror, you can use a grandmother, brothers and even pets ... ";
  3. Get acquainted before the event with several employees of the company in which you are holding the event, so that later you would not “experience embarrassment in front of a new audience”;
  4. Don't take action too seriously;
  5. Maintain eye contact with the public;
  6. Stay confident. "To do this, control the postures, stand straight." It is desirable to exclude "fussiness, nervousness, shifty eyes and shallow rapid breathing";
  7. State only verified facts. “It is better to clarify the name of the head of the transport department seven times in order to announce his performance than to make a mistake once”;
  8. Do not be zealous with contests;
  9. Never announce a joke;
  10. Avoid familiarity.

How to become a TV host(s) and/or radio host(s)?

Nobody can answer this question for sure. At a minimum, start going to auditions for any role in TV projects (you can start searching for castings on the Internet, then try acting agencies and companies that produce TV programs), and look for a job in television in any position to gain experience. Build a portfolio (video!) and never be afraid of rejections (there will be many, but you need to just survive!), persistently go to your goal, especially if you are sure that being on the TV screen is your destiny! TV and radio journalists, film and theater actors, professional models, and sometimes graduates of television schools, of which there are now only a few in Moscow, often become TV presenters. I don't know anything about radio. In both cases, I recommend looking at these books: B.D. Gaymakova and others. “Mastery of the on-air performance”; Evgeny Enin "Tao of the Conversational Program"; Konstantin Gavrilov "How to make a news story"; Natalya Yartseva “For the sake of radio. How to become a popular presenter"; S.A. Muratov, "Television communication in the frame and behind the scenes"; L.D.Azarch, “Keys to the Ether 2. Mastery Fundamentals: Experience, practical advice". And on English language: Janet Trewin, "Presenting on TV and Radio: An insider's guide."

Brian Tracy, "Achieving the maximum", "Focus Point", "Leave the disgust, eat the frog" and "100 Iron Laws of Successful Business" and other books by this author; Bodo Schaeffer, "Laws of Winners" and other books by this author; Marina Melia, "Business is psychology"; Alfred Adler, "The practice and theory of individual psychology."

The profession of an announcer is such that he can learn skills from a dramatic actor, musician, entertainer. The nature of an actor's communication on stage with his partner is different from, say, an announcer's communication with his interlocutor. An announcer is the person who unites viewers with television into a single whole. In general, we can conclude that the work of the presenter crowns what is done by screenwriters, editors, cameramen, sound engineers, artists, director, engineers. Is not main character news, but one of the central elements of the issue.

In addition to physical data - good appearance, pleasant voice and correct pronunciation - an announcer-journalist needs a broad education, knowledge of life and people; mind and resourcefulness; sense of humor; patience; imagination; enthusiasm; modesty based on self-confidence; ability to work in a team. The authors of the manuals are unanimous that most of these qualities are the essence of the personality itself: either they exist or they do not. However, what is given by nature must be developed throughout the professional journalistic life.

There are seven roles of a television journalist: reporter, interviewer, commentator, columnist, moderator, showman, and finally news anchor. In the news release, we, along with the news, receive some kind of psychological nourishment or feel its absence. The news anchor is the kind of person you want to look at again. The human face is said to be the most interesting surface in the world. But this saying does not apply to all people.

The news anchor is not handsome, he is "one of us", but, so to speak, in an improved edition. He is loose, but not loose. Self-confident, but not overconfident. Voice and look are the instruments he masterfully plays. Television news perform, in addition to the informational function, one more - integrative. The facilitator brings together an audience, whether it be national or regional, global or microdistrict. What a community, such is the news anchor. "Anchor Man" does not repel anyone, he attracts everyone.

The specificity of TV is in its screenness, that is, in the transmission of information through a moving image accompanied by sound. It is the screenness that provides a direct-sensual perception of television images, and hence their accessibility for the most wide audience. Unlike, for example, radio, television information is conveyed to the viewer in two planes: verbal (verbal) and non-verbal, visual.

A speech on television can also evoke the desired response from viewers. The softness and strength of the voice, the richness of intonational characteristics, pauses, the use of the effect of surprise - all these are signs of speech dynamics, designed to give the message credibility. Dynamics should include the speed, or pace of speech. In people of increased intelligence, it is higher, however, we must not forget that viewers must learn what they hear. The coloring of the voice, or the timbre of speech, also means a lot: behind the scenes, the male voice is more advantageous - a baritone, low, "velvet", while the tenor is surprising.

Facial expressions and gestures, if they are adequate to the situation, are perceived as emotional involvement, interest, which contributes to the formation of trust and a positive attitude: raised up thumb character's hands - as a sign of approval, etc. Finally, image and color play a very important role. Psychophysiologists have established that the movement on the screen from left to right is perceived easier and more favorable than from right to left. Diagonal movement - from the lower left corner to the upper right is associated with overcoming, achieving something significant. The reverse movement is perceived as the loss of certain positions. Moving diagonally from the lower right to the upper left and vice versa can cause vague negative sensations. Frequent personnel changes (from medium to large) can excite negative emotions. Vertical or horizontal lines are associated with calm, clarity and even solidity, while curved lines are associated with grace and ease. The zigzag line conveys the impression of a sudden change, a rapid release of energy, a concentration of force (this is how lightning is always depicted).

The TV presenter is perceived as a kind of teacher of humanity. The reporter is fed by the legs, the analyst is fed by the head, and the news anchors expressively read the texts, differing from the old announcers in that they understand their meaning. Understanding is an important ingredient. For him, the news anchors get an order of magnitude more reporters, although they "only" read the text and take part in its preparation, in the layout of the release.

The first presenters appeared in purely serious, philharmonic concerts. Their only duty was to correctly pronounce the name of the performer and the title of the work. In the 30s of the 20th century, concert activity began to develop rapidly. And concert organizers, as well as philharmonics, take on not only entertainment, but also educational functions (cognitive) through the concert.

All this forced the hosts to “talk” more with the audience and, it would seem, brought them closer to the entertainer. However, no one obliged the presenter to amuse the audience. If the presenter allows himself a joke and causes the audience to laugh, then, as they say, of good will, but laughter and a joke are not a companion of his communication with the audience. The entertainer, without entertaining the audience, did not live up to expectations, did not do his job. The difference between entertaining and informing by announcing the numbers demarcated these two professions.

With the development of concert activity, the sphere of activity of the presenters began to expand. Presenters today, as a rule, perform in symphonic, chamber, thematic, mixed concerts. Many of them require not only information, but also extended communication with listeners.

The art of the entertainer has also undergone changes today, which performs two functions: performing his own number ( humorous story, feuilleton, anecdote, funny everyday scene) and an unrelated announcement of the next artist. Announcement of the number - as a passing function of the entertainer. He, as a rule, conducts variety and entertainment concerts.

We often confuse these two names - presenter and entertainer. But on stage, they are completely different from each other. Their manner of holding themselves on stage, pronouncing the names of performers, titles of works, and living in a concert is different. Fun and information is the main distinguishing feature of an entertainer. When an entertainer leads a concert, he does the same as the presenter; when he performs in a concert with numbers, he enters into competition with the rest of the performers. What unites them? They acquaint the audience with performing artists, performers of works, link the numbers into a single whole, and are the core that holds the concert action together.

Concert technology

Requirements for the host of the concert

The host must have sharp feeling modernity in the way of thinking, disposition of speech, demeanor, costume, all internal and external appearance. He must have a good command of the word and improvisation. Must be able to adapt this concert, to capture the composition and mood of this audience, to set the public benevolently, to inspire confidence in them. The main condition for its success is emancipation. The host should feel like a host at a concert, receiving distinguished guests, should be able to create a festive mood. The presenter, in addition to the people sitting in the hall, has another “object”. These are the actors - the participants of the concert.

During the concert, completely different contacts are established between them than in life (that is, than everyday). No matter how the presenter is indifferent to the person he represents to the public (and sometimes it happens that he is hostile, is in conflict with him), all domestic relations are excluded in a concert meeting. Respect for the art of the artist, his hard work should prevail in the concert.

The host comes to the concert in advance and goes to see the stage, prepare everything on it so that he can pass without a hitch, check the curtain, how it opens and closes; the tool, how it stands, who will move it, if necessary; price floor condition, especially if upcoming dance numbers. He must check the lighting, the microphone with which he is to work; whether chairs, choir stands, etc. are in place.

Opening the concert, the host enters the stage and pauses to gather the attention of the audience, but you can’t overdo it, you can count to three to yourself. During the concert, the presenter carefully monitors what is happening on the stage so as not to miss his own entrance, prepares for what he has to say, prepares the next artists for the exit, checks whether the accompanist is in place.

During the concert, there are scene workers on the stage - they move the piano, take out and clean tables and chairs. You need to be very polite and tactful when dealing with these technical assistants. Usually in a club concert, all the teams - calls, curtain, permutations, etc. - the worker has the right to accept only from the leader. This will ensure order and no overlap.

The presenter can announce numbers both when going on stage and remaining backstage - into the microphone. Negative moments of the first type: extra time is spent on exits and departures, or the presenter walks ugly around the stage, but speaks well. The advantages of this type of announcement are communication with the audience. The viewer is better attuned to the perception of the next number.

The second type of announcement is from behind the scenes. The positive is that time is saved, there is no unnecessary walking around the stage, but the negative is that he does not see the reaction of the audience, it happens that the audience still applauds, and he announces the next number. Sometimes both types of announcements are combined in one concert. In theatrical concerts, numbers are not announced, the host does not go on stage.

Organization of the concert

To hold such an event, a production team must be created 1.5 months in advance. It consists of a director and his assistant: choreographer, choirmaster, sound engineer, lighting designer, decorator. For a collective discussion of issues, meetings of the production group are held, which are provided for by the concert preparation plan. At the first meeting of the production team, the idea of ​​the concert is discussed and responsibilities are distributed. At the second meeting, the program of the concert is approved, a task card is given to each service, and the plan for preparing the concert is approved. At the next meeting of the production team, the design sketch, sound and light score are approved.

The organization and productivity of all rehearsals depends on a clear and thoughtful rehearsal plan. It should be drawn up after a plan of preparatory work has been drawn up: the performers, their repertoire, the timing of preparing the design, costumes, etc. have been determined. the rehearsal plan provides for two periods: first in the rehearsal halls, on spare sites, and then in the room where the concert will take place. The director himself must first see the rehearsal rooms. He must pay attention even to such trifles as the size of the premises, lighting, ventilation, the presence of musical instruments, record player. During this period, all performers of all genres are watched and listened to, that is, their readiness for rehearsal work on stage is checked.

How to start rehearsing on stage? It is advisable not to leave more complex and massive numbers (dances, songs) for the last hours. It is best to rehearse them first. When large groups sit waiting for several hours in the auditorium, then there can be no talk of any creative atmosphere. You need to start rehearsing with mass numbers, and then move on to solo ones. This principle makes it possible to gradually release the released performers during the rehearsal, and with each rehearsal minute, when the artists become more and more tired and tense, there will be fewer participants, which means that the working environment will improve. When all the numbers are rehearsed separately on the stage, their assembly into a single program begins.

The leading place among all types of rehearsals is occupied by the general run of the concert without stops. This rehearsal gives you the opportunity to see the whole concert. A general run usually uncovers dangerous spots for the sound engineer, stagehands, lighting technicians who didn't provide clean transitions from one number to the next. Such a rehearsal gives you the opportunity to feel the rhythm of the concert, your place in it and calculate your strength. At this rehearsal, the light and sound score is verified, the total length-timing of the concert is verified. After such a rehearsal, its detailed analysis is necessary. That's what you need in rehearsal time to eliminate all miscalculations and shortcomings. That's why it is necessary in the rehearsal plan always after the first run to provide for one day "at rehearsals" as intended. At the same time, technical (mounting) rehearsals are held on the stage (in terms of light, sound and technical side).

The final plan of the rehearsal work is a general rehearsal, before which it is advisable to hold a table rehearsal, at which all the organizers of the concert are present. The director can instruct an assistant to conduct a dress rehearsal in order to watch the concert from auditorium. After discussing the general rehearsal, the concert is usually handed over to the artistic council of the cultural and leisure institution.

Before the concert, the director must check the readiness for it of all "services", all participants. During the concert, he is usually behind the scenes, watching its progress, but should not create a nervous atmosphere. After the concert, he analyzes it, gathering all the members of the production team.

Zoya Smirnova, 36 years old.
Deputy head of the bank division: It became easier for me to communicate with people and understand myself

All her life, Zoya lived in the world of numbers - she graduated from the Physics and Mathematics School, then the Faculty of Cybernetics of MEPhI. Zoya's work, although prestigious, is rather boring. Meanwhile, this creative girl dreamed of trying herself in a theater school.

She had two goals: to learn not to be afraid to speak in front of the public (to remove tightness) and to communicate with new interesting people. Zoya often has to speak to the public at work. And she decided to seriously pump this skill at the Benefis Theater School. And getting to know people from creative environment were necessary to her.

"I received a huge cloud of positive emotions. It became easier for me to communicate with people and understand myself. True, now I can’t calmly watch films and performances. I always evaluate the acting of actors" from a different angle. "Inspired me to communicate more openly with others, that's for sure", Zoya admits.

In addition, she became friends with all the students of the group and the teacher. So, Zoya achieved her goal and even managed to realize a little more than planned.

Elizaveta Fedkina, 20 years old.
Designer (artist).

All her life she loves to be in the center of attention, she has always participated in all sorts of school scenes. Friends say to her very often: "Well, you are an actress!" “I thought I’d look like it for the sake of interest and I’ll forget it, and as a result I will enter the theater this year, because nothing gives me pleasure and doesn’t inspire me,” says Lisa.

What happened to Elizabeth in "Benefit"? "I feel more confident, I love to brag about the fact that I go to the Studio. My friends were delighted with our graduation performance, they still remember my bum. Classes seem to take place in game form, but at the same time, the majority of the group has obvious progress, "- these are Lisa's impressions.

Ivan Zharikov, 25 years old.

Why did you decide to come to study at Benefis?

In general, I really like to go to the cinema, theatres. I always admired the play of good actors, and at one fine moment it became insanely interesting what it was like to be on stage, to perform. Can I? I immediately decided to find out and went to study. I didn’t expect it to entice me so much, now I can’t stop and don’t want to!)

What did you learn at Benefit?

The most important thing I have learned is to express my emotions, to feel them, to control them. And this skill allows you to live much brighter and enjoy it!

How has your life changed since acting classes? What inspired you to be an actor?

Acting inspired me to be myself, real. No matter how strange it may sound, playing on stage, playing roles, actions that are not typical for ordinary life, help me to better understand and feel myself and other people.

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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

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On the subject "Skill of the presenter"

Topic: 1. Mastery of a communication show host

2. Develop the text of the leading commentator

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Checked by Sinitsa A.V.

Vitebsk - 2011






Talk shows are one of the types of television or radio programs, the name of which, translated into Russian, means "conversational performance". As a rule, the talk show is attended by: the host (or hosts), specially invited people (politicians, artists, experts, etc.) and the audience. The fashion for pro-Western talk shows came from the West during the period of perestroika and new thinking. Talk shows have become an indispensable part of the television broadcasting of many channels and have gained great popularity. The main task of the talk show is to “capture” the viewer and instill in him the idea of ​​involvement in solving important state problems (political talk shows), domestic, cultural, musical or other issues. Talk shows often speculate on human instincts and feelings, such as: curiosity, excitement, aggression, etc. During the talk show, various means of manipulating public opinion are actively used.

The talk show genre reveals such topics of love and hate, power and money, victory and defeat, and, in the end, life and death, which are understandable to any viewer. The credibility and ambiguity of the characters, the realism of the plot - this is what provided the talk show with incredible popularity. A talk show is a kind of template for the situations and their solutions that come up with us.

The talk show genre is more entertaining than informational, and without audience monitoring is fraught with boredom and loss of targeting. It should be noted that in some cases the term "talk show" refers to any "conversational" transmission, "for example, a round table conversation or a simple studio interview. The talk show is notable for its extraordinary thematic and functional breadth of genre variety.

Talk shows are always focused not only on communication, but also on therapy. It is assumed that each program will offer some, albeit intermediate, solution to the problem. Potentially, such programs can serve as a liberation from common cultural fears and prejudices.

A characteristic feature of talk shows is that problems, regardless of their size and complexity, are always seen as solvable. All situations in which a person finds himself have a way out. Sometimes this is due to downplaying the seriousness of the issue, but this is not always the case. Talk shows tend to be didactics. They indicate moral guidelines, "good" and "evil" are spelled out quite clearly, and there is no doubt that in the end justice will prevail, and vice will be punished.


The direct form of a talk show is a dispute, a discussion of an issue, in which invited experts and casual viewers take part. We can say that hosting any talk show requires:

* the presence of a topical or topical issue that sets the content of the conversation (questions and answers);

* talk show participants (hosts, talk show characters, viewers, experts);

* registration of the venue of the case (artistic and musical);

* the rules of the discussion (determination of the time and methods of organizing communication, expressed in the existing scenario);

* Necessary for the implementation of the talk show logistics.

Preparation includes the following steps:

1. Designation of the problem.

During the survey, the difficulties experienced by the participants of the show are clarified. The analysis team identifies common problems.

2. Formulation of questions representing various aspects of the problem.

It is carried out in the form of "brainstorming".

3. Identification of polar points of view.

Conducted in the form of a survey public opinion among the participants.

4. Determining the moderators and working with them to prepare the discussion.

5. Search for arguments.

A few days before the talk show, the hosts are given the task of picking up material (facts from life experience, literature, mass media), confirming the position.

6.Designing the audience.

Design options are discussed in advance, and the plan is implemented, which received the approval of the majority.

Talk show technology.

1. Acquaintance of participants with the topic of the talk show.

2. Repetition of the rules of discussion.

3. Designation of the problem of discussion.

4. Discussion of the problem on pre-formulated questions.

5. Summing up the discussion.

The solution to the problem cannot always be found, but the discussion will prompt the participants of the show and the audience to think, to search for the truth.

6. Conducting reflection.


Among the roles involved in the talk show, a special place, of course, belongs to the presenter. As a rule, this is a well-known "media" person, whose individual style largely determines the image of the program. The dramaturgy of the show depends on it - the psychological atmosphere, the tension and detente of the situation, the control of the audience's emotions. It sets the framework in which the conversation takes place: whether it will be a confidential conversation, a provocative show or an intellectual discussion. Hence the masks of the hosts: "showman", "intellectual" or "empathetic".

Talk shows that focus on discussion life stories, refer to the image of an "understanding" presenter who listens carefully to the stories of the guests, demonstrates compassion and calls on viewers to it. More often these are women who communicate mainly with a female audience. They seek to establish a trusting distance with the audience, to turn television into a means of "personal" communication. The success and failure of a talk show often depends on how well the format of the program and the image of the presenter fit together. An indication that this is indeed different types a talk show can be, in particular, the speech behavior of the presenter, on which the intrigue and dynamics of development largely depend storyline. It is the presenter who determines the form, quality and logic of the sequence of questions on the basis of which the discussion unfolds, sets the temperature for the intensity of passions, and keeps order in the studio. Therefore, communication strategies and tactics used by TV presenters are of particular interest for research.

The researchers believe that the talk show combines the essential features of interviews, discussions, games, and also concentrates around the personality of the presenter. The interaction of the form and its creator is primarily facilitated by the necessary personal qualities of the leader: intelligence, resourcefulness, charm, humor, the ability to listen with interest, move plastically, and so on. External circumstances are also significant: a certain place and strictly observed cyclicality, that is, regular repetition in the program, designed to excite the state of “impatient expectation of a meeting” in the minds of the mass viewer. The dramaturgy of the talk show is closely related to the question-answer basis of this genre. It is the form, quality, type and logic of the sequence of questions that determine the intrigue and dynamics of the development of the program's storyline. The main questions are asked by the host, and they are answered by different categories of talk show participants (heroes, experts, viewers, etc.). Depending on the task that the leader sets at different stages of the program, he uses different types of questions.

Indispensable "components" of the talk show, in addition to the host, are the guests ("heroes") - people who have become famous for something or are simply interesting for their actions, thoughts, lifestyle. The presence of several dozen spectators in the studio is obligatory, and the presence of competent experts is also possible. The audience is not always involved in the conversation, sometimes their participation is limited to applause, laughter, exclamations of surprise - this creates a special atmosphere of publicity.

4. Scenario of the talk show "Talk about the main thing" on the topic: "Healthy lifestyle"

talk show host skill

Topic: "Healthy lifestyle"

Purpose: to promote a healthy lifestyle.

· on concrete examples to reveal the concept of "healthy lifestyle".

to form interest and need for positive hobbies in human life,

promote sports.

Participants: students of the fourth, fifth, ninth and eleventh grades, school teachers, parents, guests.

Design of the show: in the hall there is a video duo, a piano; the hall is decorated with balloons, posters "It's fashionable to be healthy!" etc.; an exhibition of drawings on the theme of the talk show; music screensavers (audio recorder); sofas for the heroes of the show on the stage; in the hands of the participants flags, balls.

Time: 50-60 minutes.

Event progress

Sounds like music screensaver show. The leader comes out.

I. Opening remarks:

Hello, Dear friends: guys, dear parents, guests. We start the talk show "Conversation about the main thing."

Mankind, knowing that each of us is given only one opportunity to live our life on planet Earth, has long been solving the problem of how to best live this life. Some make discoveries, others sing best songs, others spend their whole lives alone with the TV ... And everyone is happy in their own way, ... while they are healthy. "Healthy lifestyle" - this phrase has been heard very often lately. We also decided to talk about this, choosing a topic for the talk show "Talk about the main thing."

The heroes of our program are children of the fourth grade. We think that it is important for them to understand what a "Healthy lifestyle" is: firstly, they are on the verge of a dramatic change school life: the transition to senior classes, secondly, the most difficult, longest quarter of the year has just begun - the third quarter.

A musical background sounds.

Leading: Let's find out the opinion of the guys and the administration of our school, what is a "healthy lifestyle"?

II. A video with the answers of students of different classes and the director of the school is viewed.

III. Performance of the folklore group 4A class.

Host: Our talk show was continued by a folklore group of fourth-graders. Great Doctors ancient rome consider gymnastics, walks, games, hardening with water and the sun, diet, music, and even loud reading as the main means of improving human health. With this in mind, I would like to talk to the members of the folklore group:

· Do you get in a good mood from classes?

Who keeps singing these songs at home?

Who else has time to attend other leisure activities? Why do you succeed?

Conclusion: any useful, interesting business organizes a person, makes his life full and meaningful.

IV. Music saver.

Host: The first heroine of the talk show will be an interesting person, a music teacher of our school and the head of the folklore group Gorkunova A.V. (Invited to the stage)

Question: What do you think is the connection between the words "music" and "health"? (The conversation is about spiritual health)

Host: There are guys who combine two schools: educational and musical.

I address my question to the mother of a student of our school, whose time is scheduled literally by the minute.

Question: Dear Elena Ivanovna, what gives such a rhythm to your daughter's life?

Host: Katya Badak is also studying at a music school. She'll Show What She's Learned (performing musical composition on the piano).

Question: Can you call your life interesting, healthy?

Hall work:

Guys, raise the balloons and flags those who attend the musical, artistic, sports school; mugs in the Palace of Creativity, who collects? Who has a hobby? Who finds their life interesting?

BUT interesting life And healthy life Are these closely related concepts? Why?

Host: (Approaching the teacher in the hall)

Victoria Gennadievna, teacher primary school almost no free time. She devotes all her time to her daughter's hobby - studying at an art school.

Question: Viktoria Gennadievna, maybe the whole family should not adapt to her daughter's hobby? When do you manage to think about your own healthy lifestyle?

Conclusion: when the family is busy with common interesting business, it becomes stronger and more friendly, strong, healthy relationships are established in it.

V. Surprise from 4B class girls (eco fashion show).

Host: Yes, a hobby can be like that, the main thing is that it should be a pleasure, organize, fill life with meaning, distract from the bad.

VI. Music saver.

Host: Today we saw people who are happy to do something. But there are also families where they force their children to go in for music, dance, and sports to the detriment of the child's health and education. We will ask the psychologist of our school Tolmacheva T.A. to express her opinion on this problem. (Psychologist's speech).

Host: When a person has a lot of free time, he tries to fill it as best he can: TV, computer; tempting bad habits emerge.

Moderator (addressing the audience):

What are these habits?

What is their harm?

Conclusion: Before the talk show, a questionnaire was conducted in elementary grades about bad habits. According to the results of the questionnaires, the guys from our school, fortunately, did not try this, and, we hope, they never will.

VII. Watching a video with a speech by the Deputy Director for Legal Affairs Znamenshchikova T.G. (Speech about the maladjusted children of the school).

Host: All the guys that Tamara Grigorievna spoke about, at your age, probably didn’t even think that they would be spoken of as “difficult”, “unfavorable”. But they chose such a life themselves, as did their families (these guys have problems in the family). This is the easiest way in life, but also the most terrible and meaningless.

VIII. Host: Remembering a healthy lifestyle, it's time to relax. I invite the guys from class 4B to have a fun moving break with the audience.

IX. Leading: What improves health more than physical education and sports? For the first time, the benefits of active physical actions were scientifically proven by the scientist Sechenov in 1903, more than a hundred years ago.

A vivid example of passion for sports is the life of wonderful people:

· L.N. Even at the age of 82, Tolstoy did gymnastics every day, rode a horse daily up to 20 km, went skating in winter, and at 70 overtook young people on ice. At the age of 65, he learned to ride a bicycle.

A.S. Pushkin was well-built, with well-developed muscles, was an excellent gymnast, skater, boxer, shooter, chess player, and was considered the best fencer. Pushkin became the best swimmer in St. Petersburg. Following the example of the commander Suvorov, he took cold baths, rubbed himself with snow in winter.

X. Musical screensaver.

Leading: The next guest began hardening her little son from the very early childhood. Natalya Nikolaevna, a primary school teacher, believes that hardening is the way to a healthy lifestyle (Natalya Nikolaevna's story about hardening her son).

Host: We wish your baby and the whole family to be healthy.

XI. Music saver.

Presenter: In the Vysochin family, all athletes. Their life is movement, sports, competitions, victories. The head of the family is Tatyana Vladimirovna, a teacher of physical education.

Family questions:

· What has sport given to your family?

· Sergei, Nadia, what kind of sport do you do? For what?

Sergey and Nadya Vysochiny are holding a short physical session for the guys in the hall.

XII. Presenter (approaches the guest in the hall): Svetlana Nikolaevna Byalkovskaya had a passion for sports, and, in my opinion, it was not the sport itself that left the biggest mark on her life, but the coach - a bright personality. And this is also very important, since a good coach develops not only physical health, but also spiritual.

Svetlana Nikolaevna, what sport did you do?

How many years?

Most vivid memories?

What are your wishes for the guys?

Leading: For the first year, the guys of our school connected their lives with sports, playing in the basketball section.

Chat with the guys:

Has your life changed?

Are you going to continue playing sports?

XIII. Music saver.

Host: The last hero of our talk show, or rather, the heroes, is a family for which sport is life in the truest sense of the word. In this family, most of the time you can hear talk about the next relay race, about the right start, about training camps before important competitions. This is the Berestnev family. For them, sport is a professional activity, not a hobby.

The last hero of "Conversation about the main thing" is Alexander Berestnev.

If you look back, would you start a sports life first?

Is it worth giving your life to sports?

What would you like to wish guys?

XIV. Performance of the theatrical propaganda team "The Adventures of Kolobok".

XV. Music saver.

Leader summary:

Once Socrates was asked: "What is the most valuable and important thing in life for a person - wealth or fame?" The great sage replied: "Neither wealth nor fame makes a person happy. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king!"

Good health is one of the main sources of human happiness and joy, its invaluable wealth, which is slowly and with difficulty accumulated, but which can be quickly and easily lost.

Accumulate and take care of your health, learn this from the people around you; do what you love, spend every minute of your life sensibly, for the benefit of yourself and others!

Our talk show is over. Thank you to all guests and participants!


The rapid growth in demand and prevalence of talk shows makes many people think about the reasons and prerequisites for its appearance, content features, and possible trends in the development of this genre. In the course of the study, a definition of the concept of "talk show" was given. Talk shows combine elements of familiar human-media relations with new ways of dealing with the virtual environment (interactivity, ease of entry into the virtual space, continuity of communication). They reinforce the traditional ways of defining the norm, but at the same time they test freer styles of life and pose new problems, one of which is the blurring of boundaries between the private and the public.


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Hosted on

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