The main areas of human life. Basic principles

We will talk about the main areas of life and human needs in society. Video chat with successful businessman and spiritually developed person Alex Yanovsky, where he explains in the simplest language the reasonable foundations for building a harmonious life. Personal growth or spiritual practice is the foundation of a happy existence. Knowledge is necessary in order to succeed and feel happy.

In this article, we will look at the knowledge of which will help us act consciously and achieve results and success. In fact, it is a model of our life.

Conventionally, our life can be divided into eight areas, each of which is harmoniously integrated into the overall picture.

The first area is health. Without wellness man is not capable of anything. Unfortunately, few people pay enough attention to health. Healthy people are perceived by others as more successful.

A person can make plans, choose promising and interesting directions, but there is not enough strength or energy for implementation. Therefore, you need to be in shape, you need to be healthy. This area includes not only general well-being and the presence of diseases, but also much more: how and what we eat, what kind of sports we do, what bad habits we have.

The second area is business, career, work. Building a business and a career requires being aware of who you are or want to be and building your business around that. Some people think that the ideal option is to work a little and at the same time earn a lot. This is not the right approach in the first place. Work should not only generate income, but also develop a person. It's important to look ahead!

The main areas of human life video

main areas of human life video

The third area is money and finance. In this regard, people are divided into categories:

  • Working for someone (the person gets wages, but most of it goes to the employer)
  • Self-employed (doctors, lawyers, paid exactly as much as they earned)
  • Business owners (use mechanisms that generate income)
  • Investors (money works for you slowly but surely).

In some of the designated categories there is no way to increase your income, and some are aimed at unlimited profit, which depends on entrepreneurship, creativity and other skills.

The fourth area is education and personal growth. A person must constantly learn - such is the need of the time. There are new branches of knowledge, new lines of business. Try to do different things to make life interesting and rich.

The fifth sphere is the environment. These are relatives, friends, colleagues - people with whom we interact. The environment has a very strong influence on us. The person himself will be long and difficult to go to something if there are no mentors in the environment. It is important to look for people who have achieved a lot of what you yourself want to achieve. Communicating with them, you will be able to move forward more confidently.

Human needs and spheres of public life

Human needs and spheres of public life
The sixth area is personal relationships. They are alone with their parents, with a loved one - others, with colleagues - third. To build harmonious relationships, you need to know how it's done. In a relationship, it is important how you position yourself, what manners you have - whether you know how to say something pleasant to your partner, praise him.

The seventh sphere inner world, spirituality. A person decides for himself what his inner world is. Try, experiment, listen to the sensations. The wealth of the inner world is measured not by money, not by the degree of success. This is the integrity of your personality.

The eighth sphere is emotions. This is the color of life, the degree of its brightness. The more emotions you experience, the more full life live. The more emotional you are, the more you attract others. The wider the range of emotions, the brighter and richer life.

We briefly outlined the main areas of human life that shape our lifestyle and help us feel successful.

The main areas of human life in society

Now let's take a sheet of paper, draw a circle and divide it into eight equal parts. Each part denotes a specific area of ​​​​life: health, friends, relationships, career and business, finances, spirituality, personal growth, the brightness of life - all that we have discussed above.

Rate each area on a ten-point scale. Place a corresponding mark next to each sector and fill in the sector from the center in proportion to the grade.

Do not be lazy, so we will evaluate the main areas of life, I have already done this. After all, when everything is stable, it is difficult to make a leap forward. It is necessary to pull up the lagging areas of life, because they influence each other. The wheel of our life cannot roll if it is irregularly shaped.

If you find gaps in some areas, they should definitely be eliminated. Plan how you will begin to pull up lagging areas, write down specific actions that you will take to improve the situation. You will get great pleasure from life - when the wheel starts to spin! You yourself create a model of life and improve it! All in your hands!

Think about and discuss the situation. Grisha, a ninth-grader, during a conversation with a classmate, Sveta, said that he plans to enter a medical university. Sveta asked him: “What are you going to do for this?” Grisha replied: “Well, like everyone else, I will finish school, pass the UPE and submit documents to various medical universities.” In your opinion, is it possible to say that Grisha knows how to plan his life?

Spheres of human life

Economic sphere:

  • production;
  • exchange;
  • consumption;
  • distribution of material resources;

Political sphere:

  • state;
  • legislature;
  • executive power;
  • judicial branch;
  • public organizations;

Social sphere:

  • social classes;
  • social groups;
  • public organizations;
  • family;

Spiritual realm:

  • culture;
  • morality;
  • the science;
  • art ( art, theater, literature, etc.).

Spheres of human life

A person as a person is formed only if he lives in society, that is, he is somehow connected with other people. Human society developed over thousands of years, it has a very complex structure. Knowing the features of this structure, a person can determine the areas of his own activity and plan his future.

The main spheres of human life are economic, social, political and spiritual.

The economic sphere includes the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. In the economic sphere, the economic activity of the state is carried out, there is an interaction of all spheres of the economy, international economic cooperation. In the sphere of production, the achievements of scientific and technological progress are being implemented. It is in the economic sphere that the economic consciousness of people is formed, material interest in the results of their work is manifested.

The social sphere is the area of ​​relationships various groups people who are formed in society in relation to property

means of production. For example, an employee who does not own the means of production, and their owner is an employer. It is also possible to divide society into other social groups, which are formed not only according to economic criteria, but also according to such characteristics as professional activity, prestige, way and style of life, power and authority.

The political realm is the area political activity classes, social groups, national communities, political parties and movements, various kinds public organizations. It is here that the political interests of the individual and society as a whole are realized. The political sphere includes: the state, the legislative branch, the executive branch, the judiciary, public organizations.

The spiritual sphere embodies the cultural, national, moral, religious and other characteristics of society. It is realized in the daily spiritual communication of people, in the processes of education and upbringing, in art. In this area, the spiritual foundations of people's activities and behavior are determined. It is in the spiritual sphere that a person's worldview is formed, his attitude to scientific ideas, the formation of moral, aesthetic and religious views, cultural and spiritual values ​​takes place.

All spheres (economic, social, political and spiritual) are the space of every person's life. We independently choose the field of activity for a career, work, sources of money, form personal relationships with family, friends, colleagues, we develop the inner world, spirituality, emotional sphere in order to fully experience the taste of life.

Only on the basis of knowledge about the areas human life you can plan your own life.

Find the information you need and answer the question. Nine-grader Andrey's parents give a certain amount of money a day and do not control exactly how he spends it. And his friend Gleb's parents always ask what he plans to spend the money on, and only after that they decide whether to give it to him or not. What attitude towards money will be formed in this case Andrey has, and which one does Gleb have? What do these ninth-graders have to do with the economic sphere of life? Why?

life planning

Based on his own worldview, a person can determine the goals of his life and plan it. Life planning can be long-term if it takes years to achieve a certain goal. For example, when choosing a profession that requires long-term theoretical and practical training. Long-term planning determines the goals and plans for the year, which, in turn, determine the plans for the month, week, day.

For example, do you want to know English language to freely communicate and read English literature. Therefore, you set yourself the goal of learning this language. This is a long-term goal, because knowing a language is not only knowing English words but also an understanding of the English way of life, history and culture of Great Britain. Therefore, you plan to attend courses or additional classes twice or thrice a week for several years, do homework, practice regularly, because what you do every day is best remembered. Then in the plans for the day, week, month, you will set aside a certain time for your favorite English.

Find the information you need and answer the question. Why is it sometimes said: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans”? What do you think about in question? Does this mean that planning your own life is impossible or unnecessary?

You can set a more complex goal and plan your life in accordance with it. For example, Benjamin Franklin, one of the founders of the United States, politician, diplomat, scientist, writer, drew up a plan for his moral improvement. Here is how he writes about it: “About 1728 (at the age of 22) I conceived a bold and complex plan for achieving moral perfection, singling out the thirteen most important moral virtues known to me.” Among them were the following:

Diligence: do not waste time in vain; to be always busy with something useful, to refuse all unnecessary actions.

Order: keep all your belongings in place; There is a time for every lesson.

Decisiveness: decide to do what you have to do; strictly carry out what you have decided.

Silence: to speak only what can benefit me or someone else; avoid empty talk.

Thrift: spend money only on things that benefit me or others, that is, do not squander anything.

It was one of the first attempts at a life plan. Benjamin Franklin believed that a person could plan for self-improvement. If we take into account the peculiarities of life in the eighteenth century far from us, we can say that he realized his plan.

Find the information you need and answer the question. Today, Benjamin Franklin is featured on $100 banknotes, even though he was not President of the United States. For what virtues do you think he was so honored?

More about planning your future life you can read in additional material to a paragraph on the site.

Anchor points. A person as a person is formed only if he lives in society, and the main areas of his life are economic, social, political and spiritual. It is these spheres that make up the living space of a particular person. Based on his own worldview, a person can determine the goals of his life and plan it.

Questions for revision and discussion

I level

1. What are the main areas of human life do you know?

2. Why should a person plan his life?

3. What is long term life planning?

II level

4. What applies to the political sphere of human life?

5. Describe the economic sphere of human life.

6. What are the features of the spiritual sphere of people's lives?

III level

7. On what basis are social groups of society formed?

8. Who plans your life - you, your parents / guardians (or relatives), you along with adults - or is no one involved in planning your life?

9. Why should you plan your life based on knowledge about the areas of human life?

IV level

10. Do you think that all spheres of human life are equally important? Why?

11. Prove that it is in the spiritual sphere that a person's worldview is determined, his attitude to scientific ideas and theories, moral, aesthetic and religious views, and spiritual values ​​are formed.

12. Prove that a person plans his life according to his own vision of the world, life values ​​and goals.

Practice #2

Long-term planning, taking into account important areas of life

Purpose: to learn how to conduct long-term planning, taking into account important areas of life.

Work order

1. Answer the question: "For what purpose will I carry out long-term planning?"

2. Define your long-term goals in one of the areas of life: economic, social, political or spiritual.

3. Formulate one of these long-term goals. Consider if it is for you:

Relevant (important at the moment);

Desired (which you dream to achieve);

Realistic (which you are able to embody);

Specific (you can define sequential steps to achieve it).

4. Develop and write down in a notebook or on a separate sheet a plan to achieve your goal.

5. Determine and indicate a specific deadline (date) for achieving the goal.

6. Draw up a step-by-step sequence of actions necessary to realize your goal. Since the goal is long-term, it is best to break it down into sub-goals (stages) and develop a plan for each of them.

7. What obstacles may arise in the course of implementing the plan you have drawn up? How can they be avoided or overcome?

8. Draw conclusions.

Test your knowledge of Section 1 "Human Health" by completing test tasks on the site.

This is textbook material.

Friends, hello! Published my new video about the main areas of life. In it, I dwell in detail on every area of ​​life, and also talk about short exercise, with which you can quickly assess your current state of life.

Full video text:


In my previous videos, I talked about the fact that our life as a whole can be divided into 8 main areas and that more than 90% of all people are in a strong life imbalance.

Today I will tell you in more detail what each of the 8 areas of life includes,

and we will also conduct a brief express assessment of your current state of life with you - which areas are lame, and which areas you devote the most of your time to.

Perhaps you have already heard something about the technique of assessing your current state, because it is really very common and is used in many books, seminars, trainings, and so on.

But even if this is the case, it will still be useful for you to do this exercise again, because. in fact, it needs to be done regularly in order to periodically stop, look back and look, “where am I now?”, “what have I achieved?”, “what have I spent little time on?” etc.

So, let's start by saying that I will tell you more about each of the 8 areas of life:

1. The first and most important sphere - Health and sports

It really is fundamental and dependent on other areas, because, whatever one may say, but if something is bad with our health and we feel unwell, then all other areas are relegated to the background - we cannot devote proper time to the family and children, we have no desire to study, earn money, etc. I think everyone has experienced this state of being sick.

The same area includes sports and proper nutrition.

2. The second sphere - Relationship with family and loved ones

If you are married or have a soul mate, then this area is mainly about how you feel about the person who is closest to you to a greater extent. But at the same time, do not forget about your parents, brothers, sisters, as well as about grandparents. How often do you call your mom? How often do you arrange romantic evenings for your soulmate? How much time do you spend with your children? These are examples of questions to ask when assessing the second area of ​​life - "Relationships with family and loved ones."

3. The third sphere - Friends and environment

There is a very famous phrase - you are your environment. Those. who you are now is determined by your friends and your environment. We all communicate with people who are close to us in terms of interests and values. But if you want to new level to become even more successful, it is necessary to attract into your environment those people whom you want to strive for, who inspire you. And of course it will turn out that being surrounded successful people you will become successful too.

I like one very good analogy - if you throw a simple cucumber into a jar of pickles, then this simple cucumber, whether he wants it or not, will automatically become salty - the same as the environment in which he plunged.

Another great metaphor is "Whoever you mess with, that's what you get." I think you understand the meaning.

This area also includes maintaining relationships with your current friends. It often happens that a person works hard and forgets about friends. Or getting married or getting married, and family life he is drawn in to such an extent that he forgets about his friends. This, of course, should not be allowed.

4. The fourth sphere - Career and business.

If you are employed, at what level career ladder you are now how satisfied you are with the current state of things.

If you are self-employed or you have your own business, then this is, accordingly, an indicator of how successful your business is, whether it has achieved the goals that you set for yourself at the time of its opening, etc.

5. Fifth sphere - financial literacy

This area refers to such skills and practices as how to earn money, how to save it and, finally, how to increase it.

A very large, difficult, but at the same time, interesting area that is not taught at school.

How much

This area is closely related to the fourth area - Career and business, because. how much you earn depends on your financial condition. If you are satisfied with your career, but not satisfied with the money that it brings, then you need to either create additional sources of income or improve existing sources. But the best thing is both.

6. The sixth sphere - Spirituality and creativity

Everyone understands this area in their own way. We all know that there are 2 parallel world- physical (the world of material things, the world that we see with our eyes) and metaphysical (we do not see it, but we feel it with our soul. This is the world of thoughts, ideas, some kind of internal state of a person). And this sphere just belongs to the metaphysical world. For some it's religion, for some it's reading esoteric literature, for some it's meditation. In any case, this sphere is aimed at maintaining order in its internal state.

In the same area, I include a person's favorite hobbies - his hobby, because. doing what he loves, he does it from the heart, from the bottom of his heart. For example, this is drawing, playing music, etc. Everyone has their own.

7. The seventh sphere - Self-development

It includes everything that is aimed at your personal development, at your personal growth.

The modern education system influences people in such a way that people, when they finish school and college, feel a great aversion to learning. And because of this, after graduating from educational institutions, many say that they say “everything, I’ve had enough, I had enough education, I don’t want to study anymore.”

I believe that this is fundamentally not the right position, because. there is a well-known fact that the status quo does not exist. We either develop or degrade.

For example, in sports, if we do not give a load to our muscles, we do not train for a long time, then gradually the muscles begin to work out. And if we do not give them some kind of load, they will continue to degrade.

It is the same with our brains. If we do not strain it, we do not learn something new, then gradually, the nerve cells of the brain (neurons) will die, and connective tissue will grow in their place. Roughly speaking, if we do not develop, then we, excuse me, "get dumber", and if we develop, then we become smarter. No other is given. Either up or down.

8. And the last eighth sphere - Brightness of life

This area includes those moments that are easily remembered, those moments that you always want to remember - these are bright pieces in your life. Without them, life will be boring and monotonous.

For example, this skydiving, family trip to the water park, wedding, go-karting, travel, etc.

So, now I have briefly described the components of each of the areas of life.

And now, let's do a very easy and fast practical exercise in order to determine your current life condition. This exercise will allow you to look at your life with high altitude in order to understand which areas sag and which, on the contrary, prevail.

Take a piece of paper with a pen, draw a circle on the piece of paper, divided into 8 parts.

Then, based on the information on each area that I told you earlier, evaluate each area of ​​​​life according to your personal feelings. 0 to 10, where 0 is absolutely terrible, and 10 is your current ideal.

Balance wheel with scale

Please pause this video and devote 1 minute of your personal time to this exercise.

The life of each of us is a unique phenomenon. However, it is possible to distinguish several main areas that apply to almost everyone. There are four main areas:

personal development
Realization in society

Of course, these spheres are intertwined with each other in such a way that sometimes they hard to separate one from the other , many events in our lives refer to several of them at once, and even to all at once. For example, if you are going to travel with your loved one, then in this case the sphere of personal development and relationships is realized at the same time, and often health improvement is added to this. If you are still getting to know new interesting people or realize yourself professionally, develop your hobby, then this means that you fill all the main areas of your life. This is probably why travel has such a positive effect on us.

Now a few words about each of these areas.

personal development - this is perhaps the main area thanks to which a person determines his life strategy, builds a model of a life plan, forms a lifestyle, fills other areas with meaning, sets certain goals and chooses ways to achieve them. This area can be said pushes everyone else forward . From how much a person develops personally, how he relates to his body and soul, how he understands other people, whether he can find his life's work, his health, relationships and realization in society depend.

It is the basis of a full human life. And health not only bodily physical, but also mental, peace of mind . Everything is important here: food, quality of drinking water, physical activity, emotional state, intimate relationships. There is a famous saying: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. It is safe to change places: "A healthy soul is the key to a healthy body." This is especially noticeable with age. Human body and face aged - this is a reflection of his life, his thoughts , emotional state, a reflection of his spiritual world.

In the sphere of relations, several circles can be distinguished: near, middle and far . The closest, one might say intimate circle, which includes relationships with a loved one, relationships with parents, relationships with children. We will focus on these relationships, as they have a huge impact on a person's life. The mental and physical health of a person, his value world, the level of self-esteem, the direction of his desires, habits, and much more depend on the quality and nature of these relationships. The middle circle is relationships with other relatives with whom we keep in touch, with friends. The outer circle includes professional, work relationships, acquaintances, and, by and large, all other people. There is such a thing as "the far other". This is a person, or people, whom we have never met in our lives, and, most likely, never will meet. But we know that they exist, they love, wish, dream, and believe in their future just like we do. Relationships with these people show the level of our morality and humanity.

Realization in society is necessary for a person. This sphere closes the integral fullness of human life and at the same time sums up the level of a person's personal development. Realization in society consists of various components. It can be a profession, a hobby, communication, trips, performances, patronage and much more. Usually, such a concept as success is associated with this area. It is in this area that our talents and abilities can be adequately assessed.

Realization in society - all these areas are very important for a full human life. Harmonization of these spheres brings a person happiness and success. underestimation any of them, insufficient attention to at least one of these areas, bring disappointment to life , illness, spiritual and material poverty.

In the following articles, I will consider each of these areas, focusing on the most common problems and life situations find ways to solve them.

Your comments will help me find the most interesting and relevant topics and, in the end, will bring the best result.

© Kryzhanovskaya Tatiana, 2015
Published on 02.12.2015
© Photo by Tatyana Kryzhanovskaya

When publishing and quoting these materials, an indication of the author and a link to the site is required.

Today I want to tell you about how to develop awareness in 12 areas of life? I think you understand that it is impossible to create a conscious life just by doing various exercises, chosen by random or just because you liked them.

It is important to understand here that life is a rather complicated thing. And it consists of 12 different spheres.

I give a description of each of them separately.

1 sphere of life- characterizes everything that concerns your personality: natural inclinations, a way of self-expression, your individuality.

Awareness in the 1st area of ​​life can show what kind of trail you leave behind in your eyes ...

other people and how you yourself want to appear in front of other people. Allows you to accept your body appearance, realize life principles, outlook, manage health.

2 sphere- tells everything about your finances, property (with the exception of real estate), investments, if you are engaged in this, earning opportunities and any profits or losses (only your own); about the money you earn on your own.

Awareness in this area will allow you to see your inner resources and talents, realize the needs that you need to satisfy, your emotions, your sense of self-worth, the level of comfort that you can afford.

3 sphere of life- characterizes your immediate environment: sisters, brothers, close relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, also the nature of relationships and connections with them, all types of communication you use, your oratorical and literary abilities, the level of your primary education.

Awareness in the 3rd area of ​​life will show the adaptability of your mind to the perception and understanding of new ideas, your ability to communicate with the environment, the qualities and abilities that other people like in you, your intelligence, curiosity, the ability to relearn, the desire to learn and seek new knowledge.

4 sphere- indicates what kind of parents you have, what your gender is, your parental home or the home that you create yourself, the parent who had more influence on you in childhood. All your private property and all real estate.

Awareness in the 4th sphere of life will show how the search for integrity, recognition manifests itself in your life, it will show the resources that you accumulate to achieve your goals.

5 sphere of life- indicates everything related to children, love affairs, satisfaction, entertainment, vacations, holidays, winnings, hobbies, carelessness. Shows your knowledge, the area in which your creativity, your originality, ability to theatrical activities, art and literature. Politics is also in charge of this sphere of life, fine arts, publishing activity, social issues, love, pregnancy, education of children.

Awareness in this area will help you understand that the feeling of satisfaction, pleasure depends on internal attitudes towards life, understanding that feeling and being in a state of happiness can become the basis for your further prosperity.

6 sphere of life- characterizes your work, the place of work itself, habits, those to whom you rent housing, pets and all those on whom you yourself are dependent. The services that you yourself offer to others, the routine work that you must perform. This area also shows your style of dressing, attitude to hygiene, diet, diseases and circumstances on which your health depends.

Awareness in this area encourages you to reflect on your life, the way of life that you lead, to think about the questions: do you get satisfaction from your activities, from living conditions, etc.

7 sphere- characterizes partners, both in the family, union, and at work, in business. Unions, divorces, contracts, deals, agreements, social activities, litigation and how others perceive you - all this is the 7th sphere of life. Here are your obvious enemies and those with whom you cooperate.

Mindfulness in this area calls for awareness of what you miss most. Shows your attitude to the family union, which family partner is right for you, luck in the family, the number of family unions. Encourages the search for compromises between opponents and the resulting agreement.

8 sphere- indicates any kind of support from the outside: moral, physical, spiritual, financial, etc. Also indicates inheritance, testament, insurance and tax issues, spiritual and physical rebirth, psychological transformation and death. Here is the occult and magic, dreams, deep research, implicit wealth. This area covers the property of your partners and those whom you yourself support, that is, other people's money.

Mindfulness in this area calls for an understanding that there are things that we fear coming face to face with, situations that we would like to avoid. And that we need all this in order to pass those life lessons that will contribute to our development.

9 sphere- determines the content of your highest mental level. defines your highest mental level. Religion, law, science, higher education, philosophy, psychology. Deep thoughts, your dreams. Long-distance travel, business relations with foreigners, trade. Clergy, relatives, grandchildren, intuition, ethics and public opinion. All life lessons.

Awareness in this area of ​​life contributes both to gaining knowledge, broadening one's horizons in philosophy, religion, law, etc., and to choosing the right place to receive them, that is, the highest educational institution. Understanding and acceptance of distant relatives, people from afar, people with a different outlook on life and the world. The desire for long trips and travel, especially if the goal is educational.

10 sphere- points to professional activity, social activities, your reputation, authority, promotion opportunities, on your boss, the authority to which you are subject. Your personal achievements and how other people evaluate and perceive you.

Awareness in the 10th sphere leads to the understanding that in order to achieve success and recognition, it is necessary to carry out one's activities in accordance with generally accepted rules of conduct.

11 sphere- determines your ability to establish and maintain friendships, what you most want to achieve, indicates the money received from joint activities with a team or group. It can also indicate adopted children.

Mindfulness in this area helps you understand that relationships with others can be built not only from the need for comfort, love, sex. And there are changes that are bound to happen.

12 sphere- indicates the unknown or hidden, strengths and weaknesses of the personality. Sadness, suffering, secrets, loneliness, disappointment, secret actions. Places of exile, prisons, hospitals, that is, places of isolation. Abstinence, suppression, hidden enemies, dangers. Also the harm that you do to yourself and illegal activities. All that is hidden from others.

Awareness in this area allows you to see and perceive in your own way the most painful problems or difficulties that a person does not want to admit and identifies as karmic problems.

Is it possible to develop awareness in 12 areas of life at the same time?

It is clear that you are unlikely to be able to develop awareness in all 12 areas of life at the same time. As far as I know, no mortal has yet succeeded. Therefore, we will not consider all areas, but we will take only 8, highlighting the most significant for you out of 12.

Why 8, you may ask. I explain, firstly, in accordance with your purpose, you do not have to develop all 12 areas. There are also some areas, development and deepening into which may even be fraught with consequences for you and is undesirable in this incarnation. Therefore, of course, it would be ideal if you first learned as much as possible about yourself, your destiny, the karmic and generic task for incarnation, that is, you developed awareness in 1 area of ​​life.

Secondly, the human psyche is arranged in such a way that he is able to keep in his field of attention no more than 6-9 areas or tasks. The amount depends on the ability to concentrate, which can be trained during life. Therefore, we choose the average number of spheres - 8, and we will work on this example further.

Write down for yourself, based on your values, 8 areas of life in which you would like to develop maximum awareness at this stage of your life. That is, we will apply the method: "Eat the elephant in pieces." For our example, let's take the following areas:

  1. Personality, personal growth
  2. Health
  3. clan, family, home
  4. Business, career, work
  5. Finance, money
  6. Relationships
  7. Hobbies, recreation
  8. Spiritual growth, spirituality

You can take, at your discretion, completely different areas of life and a different number of areas, it all depends on your preferences, values ​​in life and desires at this stage of your life.

For convenience, use a 4-column table format in which
1st column is the number of the sphere of life,
Column 2 - the level of awareness - the state of today, as you evaluate it yourself. In what condition do you have them right now, at the time of the study,
3rd column - how much you want to increase the level of awareness,
4th column - what you are ready to do for this: exercises, specific actions, etc. Write down everything in as much detail as possible in each area.

Next, explore the areas of life you have written out and make a plan according to which you will begin to increase the level of awareness in the areas of life you have chosen. Think about what exercises, practices and techniques you can use for each area separately.

And visit my blog more often!
I will be publishing new materials and recommendations on how to develop mindfulness in the 12 areas of human life listed and described above.