The battle of psychics is true or false. The battle of psychics - is it true or not

Just a few days ago, 32-year-old Aiza Anokhina told her fans that she was going to do liposuction. The star has revealed how much she dislikes "hatefully fat" arms and that she is seriously considering getting rid of excess fat after childbirth surgically. Only a few days have passed, and Isa has already posted a photo of her updated belly on social networks. She also admitted that she did three operations at once: she reduced the volume of her arms, abdomen and enlarged her buttocks. She boasted that she now "can't look at herself in the mirror."


Posted by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) May 31, 2017 at 1:00 AM PDT

It turns out that since childhood, the star did not like her hands and she had long wanted to improve her forms surgically.

For half my life I run away from myself, for half my life I do not recognize myself and I try to reach the state in which I am comfortable as much as possible.

The operation took place in one of the clinics near Moscow and took about two and a half hours. Isa was pumped out fat from the sides, back and from the breeches zone, and her buttocks were given more appetizing shapes. True, some fans of the pet’s impulse did not understand, saying that she always had a good figure anyway.


Posted by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) Jun 2, 2017 at 8:54 PDT

Now the celebrity is recovering after undergoing surgery. True, rehabilitation cannot be called easy: in one of the last interviews, Aiza admitted that postoperative period proceeds uneasy. According to Anokhina, her body was simply not ready for such interventions. The Instagram star takes painkillers and antibiotics, but the pain only dulls, not disappears.


Posted by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) May 18, 2017 at 6:41 pm PDT

However, just two years ago, Anokhina publicly repented that she decided to have a breast augmentation operation. Ex-wife rapper Gufa went under the surgeon's knife after giving birth. The business woman wanted to return the bust to its previous shape, but the implants did not take root, and Aiza had to undergo a second operation to remove the silicone. Also, the girl then stated that the guarantee of beauty is a sport, not a scalpel. Apparently she changed her mind.

I very often swore in my life) so often that sometimes I don’t believe myself. But one thing is for sure, there will never be anything foreign in my chest again in life. I still regret that I ruined my once very perfect chest (well, nothing! This is my big lesson and some kind of karma for my vanity in relation to my body. For an ideal body, you need sports, not a doctor's scalpel. Although I do not rule out a circular lift persons at the age of 60.

  • Aiza Anokhina (maiden name - Vagapova) was born on December 10, 1984 in Moscow. After graduation high school from 2000 to 2002 she studied at the Moscow School of Health No. 1941. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Law at the Moscow State Linguistic University (MGLU).
  • In one of the recent interviews ex-husband Aiza - rapper Guf, who cheated on her more than once while she was pregnant.

"The Battle of Psychics" is a TV project of the TNT channel, filmed in the format of the British TV show "Britain's Psychic Challenge". The first season was released in 2007. Numerous sources say that the show is staged with a pre-written script. In February 2017, the project received an anti-award from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the popularization of pseudoscience. Attempts by individual participants to pass an independent test and receive the Harry Houdini Award ended in complete failure. The actions of some participants were found to be fraudulent.

about the project

The first host was Mikhail Porechenkov. He spent the first seven seasons, after which he was replaced by Marat Basharov. All participants are selected. To do this, it is proposed to determine what is behind the opaque fabric or in the casket. Based on the results, no more than 40 people are selected. Those who have gone further must find a person hidden in one of 30 places. Only those who have completed this task can take part in the show.

A jury is necessarily formed, which decides which of the psychics will go to the next round. The program also has co-hosts. In different seasons, the role of "skeptics" was played by criminologists, artists, psychiatrists, magicians and pop stars.

In an interview, Mikhail Vinogradov repeatedly said that patients, scammers and various outrageous personalities come to take part in the tests. There is no guarantee of their professionalism. The only exceptions are three winners in each season. According to the forensic expert, such individuals really confirm their abilities.

Truth or lie?

Each season has its own stars. Famous participants earn significant amounts. One hour of their work costs an average of 15-40 thousand rubles. Mikhail Porechenkov gave an interview on the air of Our Radio. He said that at first it was really interesting to work, all members of the film crew believed in what was happening. Gradually came the realization of the technology of work. There are people who give clues to psychics. This is done on the basis of contracts concluded before filming. However, there were also moments when the participants understood something.

Information about paid hints appeared back in 2009. Information from friends and relatives of the participants began to appear on various forums. They note that among them there are real psychics, and there are those who pay for the correct answers to the questions posed. The opinion was repeatedly voiced in the communities that the task is real, but the winners “pay for” their victory.

There are also positive reviews, but they concern visits to individual psychics outside of the program. Indeed, many participants have become highly paid professionals, but there are also those who have never received a reward for their prophecies. For example, Julia Wang immediately said that she does not provide services to the public.

Stars about the "Battle of Psychics"

Singer Danko says that everything is montage. He once had an affair with Julia Wang, the winner of season 15. He himself took part in the filming. The singer notes that Wang did not show her psychic abilities in any way, she was an ordinary glamorous party girl. Danko told how the shooting takes place:

  1. Each participant is removed within an hour.
  2. Psychic pronounces various options answers.
  3. From the footage, the editors choose the appropriate ones.

Ekaterina Gordon notes that in the entire history of the project there were only 2-3 real psychics. She notes that colleagues working on the TV project do not hide - there are no miracles on it, all shows.

Alena Vodonaeva was "Mr. X" in one of the episodes. She says that everything is real. She notes that after returning from filming, she began to bleed. According to Alena, the participants acted in this way with their energy.

The actress Nastasya Samburskaya also received positive feedback. Participants talked about her life in such details that she never mentioned.

In many tests, Vera Sotnikova acts as an expert. She notes that sometimes real miracles happen on the set. Sometimes psychics say things about which the information was very carefully hidden. Therefore, it is very difficult not to believe what is happening.

Sergei Safronov has been conducting some tests for many years. In his opinion, most of the participants are excellent psychologists. Only once did he really feel like they were “going into the head”. Sergei is convinced that viewers don't care if the show is real or staged.

Rossa Voronova said that those participants who are suitable for editors receive help. All others are tested on their own. She claims that information is provided in doses to certain people. This is done so that it does not turn out like this: one came and guessed everything.

What do the winners do after the project?

You can understand whether the program is a scam or if help was really provided to those who applied, if you study how the winners live after the show. It has already been noted that many of them decided to do business.

Winners of the first five seasons:

  • Natalia Vorotnikova. Engaged in healing, lectures and makes exclusive forecasts for a glossy magazine.
  • Zulia Radjabova. Wrote three books, constantly reminds people not to seek help from scammers and swindlers working under her name.
  • Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa. He left extrasensory perception, took up psychology. According to some of his clients, the ability is gone. On the official website you can buy "charged" paintings.
  • Tursnoy Zakirova. She has published the book "How to Become Happier", and is hosting a reception at the "Magic Power" center.
  • Lily Khegai. Provides services to the public, but does not consider himself a psychic.

Season 6 to 10 Winners

  • Alexander Litvin. Wrote several books, conducts online counseling.
  • Alexey Pokhabov. Conducts seminars and personal consultations. He believes that everyone can develop abilities in themselves.
  • Vladimir Muranov. He continues to engage in healing, is the author of books, CDs with recordings for meditation.
  • Natalya Banteeva. He is the founder of the "Coven of the Northern Witches". She opened a school in which students are allowed to immerse themselves in the "life of a wizard."
  • Mohsen Noruzi. He is very popular, makes predictions for famous personalities, and receives clients in one of the prestigious business centers.

Season 11 to 17 winners:

  • Vitaly Gibert. He writes books, conducts seminars on the Black Sea coast.
  • Elena Yasevich. Offers esoteric services in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Refuses practices related to witchcraft.
  • Dmitry Volokhov. Promotes neo-paganism, conducts seminars.
  • Alexander Sheps. He opened a store that sells charmed amulets, bracelets, and other talismans. Conducts trainings.
  • Julia Wang. Does not conduct receptions, does not give consultations. Engaged in the creation of perfumes and soaps.
  • Victoria Raidos. Not engaged in healing, but solves complex everyday problems.
  • Swami Dashi. Conducts trainings, published the first book. It is possible to sign up for an individual session.

In conclusion, we note: Marat Basharov himself says that everything that happens on the project is true. He says that the rumors about the leak of information are spread by the participants themselves, who dropped out of the project.

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At unusual people with superpowers, as they are also called psychics, mediums, witches, sorcerers, have their own hobbies that allow them to relax and forget that they are not like everyone else. Each of these unique people became famous for their unusual skills and abilities.


The famous and parapsychologist Yevgenia Davitashvili, better known to the people under the name "Juna", has many talents. She became famous for her healing abilities, but besides this, she loves to draw very much, her paintings are very symbolic. Images of people, trees, animals, secret signs, they envelop with their amazing atmosphere. In addition, she, stories, songs, performed with famous singer Igor Talkov on the same stage.


Another owner of a unique talent, Wolf Grigorievich Messing, is a pop artist who performed with his unique show “reading the minds of the audience” at that time. It is believed that he used his talent in solving crimes, helped to expose people, but opinions differ here, some believe that he was a secret agent, while others believe that he is just a scammer who misled everyone.

Messing loved poetry, it is not known whether he wrote it himself, but in the memory of the only one there were always hundreds of poetic lines, with which he often conquered.


Perhaps there is no such person who would not know the world-famous Bulgarian Vanga. In her life, everything seems to be not accidental, and how she lost her sight in childhood, when she was caught by a hurricane, and how, having become blind, she received her sight in clairvoyance.

Vanga was visited by officials, celebrities, ordinary people, there was always a crowd of people near her house.

She began to gain the greatest popularity during the Second World War, when she could locate missing people. Most often, Vanga needed the personal presence of a person or a piece of sugar that this person held, she believed that sugar was a conductor that reflected a person’s personality.

Vanga, being completely blind, was excellent at housekeeping and was fond of floriculture, the mild climate of Bulgaria allowed her to set up a real flower garden in front of the house, which still bloomed. long years after her death.


by the most prominent representative psychics, broadcasting his treatment sessions on television, in the USSR was Anatoly Kashpirovsky. A psychotherapist by education won fame thanks to hypnosis sessions, almost everyone remembers his sessions of charging water, which people brought to the TV. His ability to command attention and convince was envied by many, until now they cannot understand whether he is a magician or a healer.

They are all different, but one thing unites them: inhuman abilities that defy explanation.

Modern uniques

By the way, young and popular psychics also have their passions and hobbies. For example, the undisputed winner 14 "" Alexander Sheps writes poetry, and his beloved, the outstanding witch Merlin Kero, has been a professional model for many years. She still has a passion for photography.

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A very large number of people are tempted to turn to fortune tellers, psychics or telepaths to improve their fate or karma. Arises interest Ask, whether to pay for such services, how much and to whom?

How psychics work

It is very important to understand that, purely from the point of view of psychology, it is much easier to “believe” in the service you paid for than in the one you got for nothing. People appreciate what they spend money on. In the case when people resort to services (since it is scientifically impossible to prove the presence of superpowers), in addition to the actions of the specialists themselves, the placebo effect also comes into play. The placebo effect is a kind of self-healing effect, which is based on the fact that the patient believes in the effectiveness of the method by which he is treated. This effect was discovered in the Middle Ages, but in the context of medicine it was applied only in the eighteenth century. If we talk about subtle matters, any relationship of the “seller-buyer” format assumes that there is an exchange of services, things or money. Selfless sellers are a myth, since communism has not yet been built, which means that if the “seller” of a service does not need money, he is interested in something else.

Are there non-possessive psychics?

Very often, selfless psychics and magicians use their abilities to find, for example, lovers. Moreover, this is not the only option for a specific exchange of the “quid pro quo” type.

Don't be fooled by big terms. A good specialist will explain the situation to you in the most understandable language.
Sorcerers who have just started their activities work for free. In this case, if they fail, then the demand from them is small. They usually in such cases stress that it was an experiment. And if it is successful, such sorcerers can often manipulate the client into paying them out of gratitude. In this case, the cost of the session can be quite impressive. If you are offered free psychic services, think about it. Perhaps the magician or sorcerer is just going to use you as a victim. No, we are not talking about bloody rituals, but they can dump negativity on you. In such situations, your request may be fulfilled, but the consequences can be sad.
You should not contact the ads in newspapers and magazines, it is better to find out about good psychic from relatives or friends who have already visited him.
Another unpleasant “free” scenario is mentally ill people who believe that they should benefit humanity. It is not safe to associate with such people. An unstable mental state can make itself felt at the wrong time, and instead of solving problems, you can get an obsessive, unhealthy schizophrenic who will try to control your life. It is very difficult to get rid of such people. Oddly enough, often cunning scammers offer free help. They promise free help, treat the client during the session, "breeding" him. Their methods are rather crude, resorting to them at best entails material losses, but health can also suffer.

These include fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, healers, mediums and practitioners of other areas. Psychics often refer to themselves as magicians. All these people are united by supernatural abilities.

Psychics are called upon to learn the past of people, to foresee their future. To rid the person who turned to him of negative programs and build the necessary life events for him.

So, the person fell into the thick of unpleasant events: a relative was lost, troubles arose in his personal life and at work, his health deteriorated. If a person decides to find a psychic and meet him, then you should understand that the Internet and real life teeming with dubious scam ads. Therefore, it is important to separate the wheat from the chaff.

TV project "Battle of psychics"

Of course, real psychics are not only those who take part and win in the TV show "Battle of Psychics". Not every Russian is able to meet with such specialists due to financial problems and their geographical location.

The exceptions are the fans of this TV show, who come to really support their pets, and those whom the editors invited to take part in tests for psychics. There are cases when such people manage not only to communicate with a real specialist, but also get help.

Even if a person sets out to meet on his own with a recognized participant in the Battle of Psychics project, he runs the risk of encountering scammers. They often register virtual sites under the name of a high-profile participant in the program or create real offices under the guise of specialists. With such actions, charlatans simply swindle money from those people who are looking for meetings with real psychics.

Where to meet a psychic

Now esoteric sites are very relevant and convenient. Before turning to a particular person who calls himself a psychic, it is recommended to read the opinions of visitors about him.

If you still need to contact a specialist, then you should not immediately reveal all your cards. Yes, you can put exciting question before the practitioner, but without details. If the psychic's answer inspires confidence, then you can continue to consult with him.

Usually the real master is not in hiding. He does not change his phone number and office address every month. Only after a real meeting with a psychic and on the basis of his work, one can objectively evaluate him as a specialist.

Another common mistake - the higher the monetary payment, the more talented the psychic, many people think. Unfortunately, some scammers emphasize this and deceive a person by extracting the necessary amount from him.

In Moscow there is a Center for Traditional traditional medicine"ENIOM". There are many registered on the site of this center. capable people, including there are participants in the "Battle of Psychics". Each on the page of this resource has an annotation, what knowledge and practices the specialist has. Most importantly, you can be sure that all these people have been tested for psychic or healing abilities in the very center. Trained and certified. You can also find e-mail addresses and phone numbers of specialists there.

An indispensable assistant in the search for a real psychic is word of mouth. Each area has its own masters who treat people with non-traditional methods, help them overcome life's problems with the help of magical powers. Usually such gifted specialists are known far beyond their place of residence.

Therefore, if a person is looking for a meeting with a real psychic, then he should rely on