The battle of psychics is the best psychic. Show "Battle of psychics": how magicians, sorcerers and clairvoyants deceive the audience

June for Virgo ♍ will be a month of real change: it is likely that you will have to change your place of work, due to the arrival of a new boss. In the near future, many people born under the Virgo zodiac sign will change their place of residence.

As the horoscope for June 2018 portends, Virgo (due to a domestic problem) will need the help of friends and relatives. The financial situation of many representatives of the sign will stabilize by the middle of the month. IN last days June, some Virgos will go far from home, there they will have great success.

By the beginning of the second decade of June, social life will become more active, which will entail new obligations and responsibilities. previously planned activities and open projects in June, it is recommended to complete before the 25th. Society will perceive Dev as pleasant and open people, responsive and always ready to help. The stars do not recommend that you make empty promises that you are unable to fulfill. Therefore, you will have to soberly assess your capabilities and carefully monitor what others want from you.

In June 2018, you will be able to find a common language with business partners and colleagues without much difficulty, which will help you avoid misunderstandings in the work area. Due to the fact that your communication lasts for a long time, you will understand your partners perfectly.

Auspicious days in June: 1, 4, 7, 11, 15, 18, 24, 28, 30

Unfavorable days in June: 3, 5, 9, 19, 26

Love horoscope and family relationships

At lonely virgins on the love front in June 2018 everything will be quite difficult. Representatives of the sign will look for a candidate for the role of a lover in the circle of their friends. The horoscope says that there is a high probability of a reciprocal feeling. Most likely, everything will turn out positively, and you will begin to feel attracted to this person, but you will not be able to show your emotions openly. Try not to tell others about this situation, otherwise your relationship will be discussed by everyone, which will lead to not the most pleasant consequences.

Active Virgos will have many new friends in June, relationships with which can develop into true love. It is likely that the Virgin will enter into a long-term relationship with a new acquaintance, which may well end in a marriage.

Family Virgos you want to relax with your soul mate in a quiet place. It is possible that you will go on a small trip that will strengthen your relationship. But do not engage in criticism of the second half - a conflict is possible during the trip, which can develop into a grandiose scandal. Instead of looking for flaws in your soulmate, admire her (or him), say compliments and in general, act like you just met yesterday. The horoscope advises to make a small gift to your chosen one and thereby prove your feelings.

In June 2018, Virgo's intuition will sharpen, perhaps even the gift of foresight will open. Thanks to this, you will be able to foresee all unpleasant situations and smooth out sharp corners in advance. As the horoscope for June 2018 portends, there should be no unpleasant conversations and quarrels in Virgo's love relationships.

Virgo is an overly jealous sign, which can play a cruel joke in a relationship. Try not to be jealous of your soul mate in June, otherwise it can lead to a quarrel or even a break in relations. It is better not to bring the matter to a conflict, but if it happens, then try to end it gently.

For spouses who have recently separated, fate also prepared a gift: relations with the Virgin will continue again, which will bring joy to both.

Communication with close people will become easy, trips to relatives whom the Virgin has not seen for a long time are possible. The stars warn - before visiting relatives, think carefully. After all, you can easily bill for previous grievances. However, if you are confident in your relatives, and you know for sure that you will be welcome there, then go without hesitation. As the horoscope predicts, you will be able to negotiate with loved ones about an important matter in which you need help.

Work and financial horoscope, career forecast

Maiden Workers, the horoscope for June 2018 predicts that things at your work will turn out more successfully than in the previous month. Accordingly, your financial situation will improve, and your mood will be positive.

The stars this month in terms of finances and work will be entirely on the side of the Virgos: everything will turn out well. Management or business partners will reckon with you, most likely, they will make concessions. Virgos are not categorical by nature, they know how to find compromises, which will positively affect their career. In the work team, they will gain high authority, while they will not particularly try to do anything. Representatives of the sign, who are just starting their career path, must decide exactly in which direction they need to move.

Unemployed Virgos stars recommend looking for a vacancy at the beginning of the month, it is during this period that there is every chance of getting a decent position. Don't delay! Immediately contact each company that interests you, go through interviews, fill out your resume creatively. Your activity will not be wasted: potential employers will appreciate the efforts and show a reciprocal interest in your candidacy.

You may need help in finding employment from close relatives. Feel free to contact your family. A high-ranking person will provide you with the necessary support and give valuable advice on what type of activity you should do, how you can realize yourself today.

Virgo health and well-being in June 2018

At the end of the month, existing chronic diseases may appear. During this period, Virgos do not need to overload themselves with work. When overtired, the energy potential may decrease, which will lead to dissatisfaction with oneself and depression. Constant tension will not allow Virgos to work in their usual mode. It is necessary to give your body proper rest in order to avoid feeling unwell, in other cases it is better to consult a doctor.

It is worth taking nutrition seriously, because a healthy balanced diet will improve your well-being and mood. It is recommended to use only healthy foods, vegetables, fruits and natural juices. Muffins, alcohol, fatty meats and pasta dishes are temporarily excluded from your menu.

In June 2018, Virgo will benefit from all cosmetic procedures aimed at improving facial skin. You are also shown massages, anti-cellulite programs and spa treatments.


The undisputed winner of the 10th season of the popular TV show "The Battle of Psychics". This unique person instantly struck the hearts of a multi-million audience of viewers, and his appearance on the project plunged many of them into a real shock. The Persian psychic is distinguished by a shocking appearance, unique charisma and a rather peculiar biography.


The activity of the Iranian psychic is carried out in Moscow, and people from all over the world seek him for a consultation. Whether the support of the winner of the famous TV show, the help of a psychoanalyst or even a clairvoyant - people who are familiar with Mehdi are not interested. They just want to discuss their problems with such a unique person. Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa is one of the few participants in the project who managed to charm the viewers.


Natalia Vorotnikova was especially remembered by the audience, thanks to the fact that she became the very first winner of the sensational project “The Battle of Psychics”. Her special powers of foresight truly astonished critics and made skeptics believe in something supernatural. Vorotnikova was able to survive several clinical deaths within a few days from the date of birth.


This unique girl ended up on the Battle of Psychics project quite by accident. However, from the very first episodes of season 5, she managed to win the recognition of millions of viewers. Lilia Khegai is able not only to see what ordinary people cannot see, but also quite easily copes with such tasks as inducing / removing the evil eye or even damage.


Participant popular show on TNT "Battle of Psychics", one of the three finalists fourth season. The young specialist inherited unique abilities from his own father, Alexei Fada. According to the psychic himself, initiation into such an unusual profession was carried out at a specially organized ceremony in the night forest.


Unique personality, former military medical officer, healer, business coach, contestant and winner of season 6. Alexander passed the qualifying tests without much difficulty, and became one of the psychics ready to fight for victory. Litvin uses his own technology in his work, based on the knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, forensics and intuition.


A young psychic known throughout the country as a capable esoteric and mystic. Popularity to Gibert came relatively recently. Before participating in the show "The Battle of Psychics", the guy carefully concealed his unique abilities. However, when the clairvoyant had a chance to demonstrate his skills to the audience, and later to get such a coveted victory, all the media started talking about him.


Russian practitioner, undisputed winner of the 14th season. According to the opinion of numerous admirers of the young psychic, Alexander is able to establish contact with dead people, foresee the future and look into the past. Unlike most clairvoyants, Sheps does not need a lot of additional paraphernalia to pass the tests. As a rule, he works with tarot cards, pendulums and runes.


For the first time, an Estonian witch appeared on the project in season 14. At that time, she did not speak Russian at all, however, this did not in the least prevent her from coping brilliantly with the tests. Later, by season 16, the girl managed to improve her speaking skills, and now she communicates freely without an interpreter. In her practice, Marilyn uses the help of dark energies, spirits, and also performs rituals on blood.


A practicing witch, priestess of the cult of ancestors, participant and winner of the 16th season of the famous TV show on TNT "Battle of Psychics". Victoria developed her abilities with the help of the notorious clairvoyant Natalya Banteeva. Rydos is fluent in the technique of divination on Tarot cards. She works with the spirits of dead people and knows how to establish contact with them.

The “Battle of Psychics” program on TNT, like many other things on our television, is an invention of the British. The format of Britain's Psychic Challenge (literally - "British Spiritual Challenge") was bought by many countries, including ours. If in England the program started in the fall of 2006, then ours, filmed according to local patterns, first appeared on television in February 2007.

The most rated season of the Battle of Psychics is considered the 3rd. The project gathered the maximum possible number of viewers from the TV screens. By the way, the winner of that season was one of the brightest participants - Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa. Despite the criticism of the show, despite all sorts of "shocking revelations of the participants" and "unknown details of the behind-the-scenes struggle", the show's popularity, if it falls, is insignificant. As it became known to StarHit, the penultimate episode of the 18th season of the Battle was watched by 13.2% of all Russians who had their TV turned on at that moment (data from Mediascope, information about the final will be known a little later). Not a bad indicator, I must say.

The following information is known to many. But it would be strange not to mention these people. From the 1st to the 7th seasons, the program was hosted by the popular actor Mikhail Porechenkov, from the 8th season to this day, the no less popular artist Marat Basharov has been the host. The co-hosts and sometimes direct participants in the tests are the so-called skeptics: the illusionists the Safronov brothers and the famous forensic psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov. A little later, since 2010, psychologist Alexander Makarov also joined them. A huge number of stars participated in the "Battle of Psychics" different sizes. Someone acted as a guinea pig, someone helped the main presenter, among them: Lera Kudryavtseva, Ksenia Borodina, Vera Sotnikova, Ksenia Novikova.

The number of heroes in each season varies. How does the number of releases change because of this. In total, through the crucible of competitions and tests - for 18 seasons! - 178 people passed, 61 of them were in the final. The most massive were the 13th, 17th and 18th seasons, which were released, respectively, in 2013, 2016 and 2017. In the first two cases, 13 people became participants in the project, in last season- also 13, however, a couple of Jean and Dana Alibekov acted as one participant. In other seasons, the number of psychics ranged from 8 to 12.

It is noteworthy that the “Battle of Psychics” was most often won by guys and men. To date, they have won ten times. Girls and women a little less often - eight. By the way, all the finals were mixed, that is, representatives of both sexes participated in them. With the exception of the 16th season. Then, in 2015, only women reached the final: Nicole Kuznetsova, Marilyn Kerro and Victoria Rydos, who eventually won.

The leader of the season is determined by audience voting. Sometimes the winner gets almost all the votes, sometimes they are evenly distributed among several participants, and then everything is actually decided by a couple of additional percentages. In the 8th season, for example, Vladimir Muranov received only 45% of the audience votes, but this was enough to overtake Dilaram Saparova with 43% and Galina Bagirova with 12%. Maximum amount percent "grabbed" Valery Gibert - at the end of the 11th season. The guy managed to get 91.4% of the vote. His rivals - Victoria Subota (5.8%), Vlad Kadoni (2%), Anika Sokolskaya (0.8%) - were left far behind.

It is regrettable, but out of 178 participants in the program, five people did not live to see the end of 2017. Season 3 finalist Aleksey Fad died of a heart attack. Alexei's colleague in the same issues of 2007, Nadezhda Titova, also died, the cause of her death is unknown. Participant of the 4th season Alexander Agapit died in a car accident. The finalist of the 7th season, Ilona Novoselova, fell out of the sixth floor window. The hero of the 9th season of the Battle, Yuri Isparyants, died of a brain hemorrhage.

"The Battle of Psychics" has always been released and still continues to be released on the TNT channel, however, the day and time of the release change periodically. In 2007, the show aired on Sundays. From the fall of 2008 to the end of 2010, the "Battle" was "aired" on Saturdays. From the fall of 2011 to December 2012, the project moved to Friday, but from September 2013 the show switched back to Saturday.