How not to get sick after the pool for a child. Why some children improve health in the pool, while others lose it

Many pediatricians advise parents to enroll the baby in the pool to harden the body and increase immunity. Regular swimming brings considerable benefits: it strengthens the lungs, stimulates blood circulation, and helps prevent the occurrence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, often after a few sessions with a trainer, the crumbs have a runny nose and a sore throat. Why does the child get sick after the pool, if he was completely healthy before? Let's find the answer to this question together!

First of all, a violation of the norms in the pool itself can become a risk factor for the development of the disease. The most common problem is non-compliance with the recommended temperature regime. The pool can be warm enough for the guys to feel comfortable, but the locker rooms and showers can be too cool. Such temperature fluctuations can lead to hypothermia of the body. Most often this is faced by frequently ill children with low body weight.

Another danger is insufficient water purification. If the water in the pool is cleaned poorly or rarely, the likelihood of catching various infectious and fungal skin diseases increases. In order to protect the child, before the first visit, it is advisable to inspect the pool itself, the changing room and the shower room, ask the workers about how often and by what means the cleaning is done. In a good pool

  • the dressing room is dry, hooks and clothes hangers are kept in a separate box,
  • The shower is clean with no mold.

But even if all sanitary standards are observed, the risk of getting sick remains. This is due to possible hypothermia, especially in the cold season. After visiting the pool, the child often gets sick even simply due to the fact that he did not dry his hair enough or dried himself hastily with a towel. Therefore, it is so important for parents to ensure that their son or daughter does not get cold. Only then will hardening be successful!

How to reduce the likelihood of getting sick?

Swimming is good for health and hardens the body, and temporary difficulties can be dealt with. To reduce the likelihood of getting sick and help the baby adapt, just follow simple tips.

  • Before diving into the water, it is advisable to take a cool shower. This will help reduce the temperature drop.
  • Make sure that the child does not freeze in the pool and moves as actively as possible. At the first sign of hypothermia, the session should be interrupted.
  • After swimming, take a shower again, dry your body and dry your hair thoroughly. If there are scratches and other damage on the skin, it is better to immediately treat them with an antifungal agent.
  • In the cold season and with strong winds, do not rush to go outside. It is important that the baby's skin is completely dry. About 15-20 minutes should be spent indoors.

Improving immunity and preventing colds in children are important tasks that parents can solve. In order for the child to get sick less often and not miss classes in the pool, many pediatricians advise using modern immunomodulatory drugs. One of the most effective and safe means is Derinat. It activates the immune defense, has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. Nasal drops restore microdamages of the mucosa, preventing the penetration of infection into the body.

Many people say that it is in the winter after going to the pool that the child will certainly get sick. If your child did not get sick after such a procedure, then you are just lucky, usually the child gets sick after the pool. And, in order not to get sick after the pool, once again ask the administration what kind of cleaning system they have.

Many people say that it is in the winter after going to the pool that the child will certainly get sick.

Your baby may just get sick in the winter, but not from simple visits and activities in the pool. Very often, a baby can get sick from the inattention of us adults, who mainly bring kids to such classes. The main reasons are not drying out the head, the child is not warm enough, not wiped with a towel, and many others. The main problem is that the parents of the children both dress and dry the baby's head with a hair dryer right before going outside. The child sweats very much, and even with a heated floor wet head is on the street - in the fresh air. If your child did not get sick after such a procedure, then you are just lucky, usually the child gets sick after the pool.

In the pool, usually after such classes, experts recommend visiting a sauna, salt or aroma grottoes. If, after all, you don’t have such a chance, then don’t be in a hurry to immediately go outside after a long workout, but try to take a little walk around the territory of your sports complex or just run into the buffet for a cup of tea.

It is important to make sure in what form both the water in the pool and the pool itself are. After all, hygiene is very important for your child. Firstly, fresh water must enter the pool. In the sports pool, water should be changed three times a day, but in the health pool after 6 hours, in children's pools - for children 7 and older - after 2 hours, and for children under 7 years old - every half hour.

And, in order not to get sick after the pool, once again ask the administration what kind of cleaning system they have. If they have a foreign cleaning system, then do not rush to rejoice in advance. Of all the imported versions, it is better to trust the German and Russian standard. Always bring your own slippers and personal towels with you. Never use other people's towels, which are often offered complete with a bathrobe, because after use they are simply washed, but they are not disinfected, because the fungus does not disappear during washing, and can easily settle on other people's towels.

You can set them using the Doctis service.

1. Prevention of colds in a child

The child has been swimming since autumn. In winter, he began to catch a cold after a workout. What can be the prevention of a cold in a child?

First of all, we must take into account: what we call a “cold”, perhaps, which is not connected with the pool at all. In winter, much more often children simply become infected with SARS in kindergarten, school or public transport - roughly speaking, where others sneeze and cough.

As for the colds after the pool, they are usually associated with two factors. The first - they dried up badly after swimming, the second - went out steamed into the street.

First of all, children are often too lazy to completely dry their hair and leave with wet hair. It’s good if the child is small and his mother takes him to the pool, who, of course, will check and dry it, if anything. It is equally important to dry not only the hair, but the ears! The practice of trainers shows that even when a child is engaged in swimming earplugs, water still somehow penetrates into the auricle. Either the children inaccurately pull out the "gags", or take a shower like that. It’s usually impossible to wipe the inside of the ear well with a towel - it’s a bit thick. Teach your child to remove moisture from the ears with a hairdryer after each workout.

The second point concerns those children who are engaged in sports sections and swim, exhaling into the water. After 45 minutes of such swimming, there is always water in the nose.

During training and always after it, before going outside, you need to clean your nose! He showed the correct technique to me, a beginner swimmer, at one time. It is necessary to firmly clamp one nostril with a finger at the very cartilage (where the hard inner part of the nose begins), inhale through the mouth and exhale sharply through the free nostril. Then do the same with the other nostril.

Yes, it looks unaesthetic, like blowing your nose without a handkerchief, but it is physiologically correct. For the first time, many mothers are surprised at how much water flies out of the nose. Accordingly, there is no risk that it will cool down inside on the street, and the child will get sinusitis or sinusitis.

2. Is it worth visiting the pool in winter

We want to visit the pool with the child in winter. Is it possible to go outside immediately after the pool, taking into account the fact that we walk home along the street?

Prevention of colds - do not leave the pool building on the street steamed. Let me explain: in the locker rooms of the pool, as a rule, it is very warm, even hot. Plus you warmed up your head with a hair dryer. If you immediately put on outerwear and go outside, you get too sharp a contrast, especially noticeable on the open parts of the body - face, nose, ears - and for the respiratory tract. In addition, many children put on a jacket immediately after a hot locker room and still have time to sweat before going outside. The main danger is that the child does not just go out of the heat into the cold, but remains in the cold air and breathes it for a long time.

Before you go out, find an opportunity to cool down after the locker room, and only then put on outerwear. It is best to sit for 10-15 minutes in the wardrobe (only so that there is no wind from the front doors). At this time, you can drink warm tea - there is often a small cafe in the pool building, and thrifty mothers take a small thermos with them.

Separate attention after the pool in winter - the head, ears and throat. It is very important that they do not cool down and are not blown by the wind after the pool. Common knitted hats, even two-layer, alas, do not protect completely from the wind. In addition, in children, the scarf often slips or dangles, as a result, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears and lymph nodes under them is open to all winds.

For small children, a helmet-hat is better, and for older children and teenagers, a fleece buff worn by skiers and snowboarders is suitable - they cover their necks high. And be sure to wear a hood! This is the most reliable way to protect your ears and neck from colds in windy, frosty, and wet weather.

3. Methods for hardening a child

I always thought that the pool in winter is a method of hardening children. My child started walking this year and is sick to no end! What's the matter?

Experts generally argue a lot about whether swimming in the pool is a hardening method. Indeed, in the pool, especially for children, the water is much warmer than in open water even in summer. In addition, the classic hardening involves short-term immersion in water, while from time to time the water temperature should decrease. In the swimming pool, the regime is completely different: the child swims for 40 or 45 minutes, and no one will lower the temperature of the water for a short time. Nevertheless, the prevailing opinion is that swimming in the pool still hardens due to the fact that a person makes active muscle movements in a dense environment, whose temperature is lower than body temperature.

It is the combination of muscle contractions and being in water that is believed to increase resistance to infection. Unfortunately, reliable medical research on this topic has not been conducted. Only the benefits of swimming for the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system have been proven.

In any case, hardening is a gradual process. It begins with a simple wiping of hands and face with cool water. Swimming in any weather is far from the initial stage of hardening! Without gradual addiction, it may not be a support for immunity, but, on the contrary, stress that hits the immune system. For example, if a child used to stay at home, and suddenly he started swimming in 3 sports workouts a week. The same applies to the situation when a child begins to train against the background of a strong study load. And then, and then hard, unusual, immunity can not cope. Beginning or undertreated or other acute respiratory viral infections also clearly declare themselves if you go to training against their background. Without taking into account all factors, hardening will not be effective.

If your child visits the pool, then in the cold season there is an increased risk that he will catch a cold. But do not blame the pool and the coach for the disease. You may have forgotten about the safety precautions that must be observed when visiting the pool at a fitness center or at a regular school.

Safety standards

In order to feel comfortable, there are standard norms that are mandatory for all establishments where there is such a service. Normally, the air temperature in a standard pool should be 2 degrees higher. Water, as a rule, is heated to a temperature of 26-28 degrees. Therefore, the air temperature will be 28-30 degrees. If we talk about children's pools, then the water there is warmer - from 30 degrees. Of course, the water in the pool must be treated in time with the substances intended for this, which do not allow to multiply. The pool area, which includes both the pool itself and the dressing room with showers, must be free of drafts. It is also important that parents do not enter the pool area in which children are engaged.

Why did the child get sick?

Whatever the weather, the indicators in the pool do not change. We are now talking about pools where the norms are respected in principle. As a rule, fitness centers carefully monitor compliance with safety standards. Accordingly, in the pool, which has not been repaired for a long time and where drafts are walking, there is no question of any compliance with safety standards. Therefore, if a child falls ill while visiting a pool where safety standards are carefully observed, then the disease is most often associated with several factors:

the child is tired. Mental work is harder than physical work, and children are exhausted at school. Against the background of fatigue, immunity weakens, and the child can get sick;

the child came to the pool already sick or not fully recovered from the illness. Often parents do not notice that something is wrong with the child: he is lethargic, capricious, unconcentrated;

the child could catch the virus at school or in transport and come to training without having pronounced signs of a cold yet. If this is not a personal training, but in a group, the trainer may not notice that the child does not look the same as usual. Children who come to training with a mild cold can infect other children. If a child comes to the pool without fully recovering from an illness, he can also fall ill again, since water tends to actualize incompletely cured diseases;

post-workout regime is not observed. Most children after a workout, after going to the shower, dry their hair without wiping it. It takes a long time, the hair is not completely dried, and the child with still wet hair goes outside. Often, parents make a big mistake when, immediately after the child has taken a shower and dried himself, they put all his clothes on him, and he, dressed, waits for his mother to get ready. In this case, he goes out into the cold already sweaty and can easily catch a cold.

How not to get sick while visiting the pool:

It is important to attend training healthy and rested. Monitor your child's well-being. If he is very small and cannot tell how he feels, look at his behavior. If he looks lethargic and less active, don't take him to the pool. It is also important to give the child a good rest and follow a healthy diet;

infants are best prepared to visit the pool. Pour water over the child, lowering its temperature by a degree every day until it equals the temperature of the pool - 30 degrees;

after working out in the pool, you should go to the shower, you can visit the sauna, then dry your hair well and dry it completely with a hairdryer. If the pool does not have a hair dryer, you need to bring your own hair dryer. It is also important to dry the ears by wiping them with cotton swabs. If it is warm enough in the pool hall, you should not put on all your clothes at once, but sit for 15-20 minutes, or even half an hour without outerwear before going outside.

About what precautions should be taken in the pool, what medicines to put in a sports first-aid kit, and which of the horror stories about diseases that can be caught in the pool are true and which are not, the site understood.

Swim away from the infection

Recorded to strengthen and improve well-being. But with swimming or water aerobics, it is quite possible to bring home either or chronic otitis media. Water treatment is designed to prevent unpleasant consequences chlorine or ozone. But is this always enough?

Is the chlorine to blame?

chlorinated water not only dries the skin and hair, but also breaks the natural protective barrier of the skin. Harmful microorganisms freely penetrate through the gaps - first of all skin fungi. A small amount of bleach is present even in those pools in which the water is ozonized, moreover ozone also weakens local immunity, although to a lesser extent than chlorine.

If everything is in order with the immune system, the fungus, whose habitat is often the sides of the pool, handrails and stairs, as well as showers, most likely will not “stick”, however in the off-season, after a cold or prolonged stress the risk increases.

Symptoms of ringworm: stratification and yellowing of the nails, peeling, redness or itching of the skin.

The easiest way to protect yourself from a fungal infection is to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

  • wear slippers.
  • Use yours, not the ones given out in the pool towel.
  • If you need to study flippers - also bring your own from home.
  • Get a personal mini rug for the steam room. Fungi breed especially actively in a warm and important environment, so the risk of catching them than in the pool itself.
  • If there are scratches or other damage, even minor ones, on the skin, treat them as a precaution. antifungal agent, spray or cream, but rather temporarily refrain from visiting the pool.

Press on the nail

Protect will help medical varnish with special antifungal components - such products can even be used as a base for a regular one. They do not like acidic environment fungi (at home you can rinse your feet with a weak solution apple cider or wine vinegar or water acidified lemon juice). Also, their development is hindered by a two percent iodine solution: they should treat scratches and redness of the skin found after the visit swimming pool or water park.

From warts to shellfish

If personal hygiene measures are neglected, after visiting the pool, skin may appear warts or With reduced immunity, the risk of becoming infected in the pool with one of the species cannot be ruled out. human papilloma virus. In total there are more than a hundred of them, some varieties are dangerous (primarily, for their potential oncogenicity), others are not. But unpleasant - all without exception. It is believed that outside the human body the virus can live up to three hours - he especially likes to temporarily settle on wet surfaces.

Warts viral origin often appear on the soles of the feet. You can buy a similar "gift" if you walk barefoot. It is enough to step on the place where the carrier of the virus had previously stood.

Another nuisance that threatens primarily children under ten years of age is molluscum contagiosum. This is a viral infection in which small, dense, painless nodules appear on the skin, resembling small pimples with a depression in the center. After a few months, the nodules-pimples disappear on their own. The virus often "lives" on boards, circles and other children's swimming accessories.

vain fears

But to be afraid to pick up urogenital infection not in the pool. And if someone talks about a similar story that happened to him or his acquaintances, this is nothing more than fiction. The causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases quickly die in chlorinated and ozonized water and even just in the air. If a certain number of microbes remain alive for some time, their concentration will still be too small to create even the slightest danger for you.