Is it possible for a child to have a watermelon 1 year old Komarovsky. At what age can a child be given a watermelon: the arguments of experts

Watermelon: benefits and harms for children's health © Depositphotos

Find out how old a child can be given a watermelon so as not to make a mistake and not harm the baby. After all, feeding a child is an extremely important process, and violations cannot be allowed here.

The benefits of watermelon

Watermelon is the largest berry that only grows in the world. It is not an allergen, has an extremely high juiciness and brings a pronounced benefit to the body.

In particular, watermelon is used to cleanse the body of toxins and metabolic products: a huge amount of moisture consumed together with watermelon improves kidney function, speeds up metabolism and flushes out everything superfluous from the body, including excess salts.

At the same time, it also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals useful for humans. Their concentration is quite low, but regular consumption of watermelon can be a good prevention of beriberi and anemia.

However, pediatricians and nutritionists strongly advise against giving watermelon to children. What is the reason for their ban? After all, the benefits of watermelon are undeniable, and it also allows you to successfully overcome the heat in the summer. However, watermelon, in addition to benefits, also brings harm, and one nuance makes the use of this fruit almost forbidden for children.

At what age can a child be given watermelon: the harm of watermelon for children

Almost every modern person knows that most fruits and vegetables have been grown on the same land for many years. Naturally, the soils are seriously depleted from this, becoming much less fertile. As an alternative to the search for new lands for agriculture, a wide range of a wide variety of fertilizers is used, among which nitrates remain the most popular to this day.

Watermelon, due to its watery structure, perfectly absorbs a huge amount of nitrates. They are practically powerless to cause any harm to the adult body, but children are much more susceptible to nitrate poisoning, so it’s better not to risk it.

To the question of how old a child can be given a watermelon, there is no definite answer. However, some experts recommend that children get acquainted with this delicious berry at the age of at least three years.

At the same time, it is worth cutting out the core of the watermelon for the child - the closer to the crust, the more nitrates and the greater the danger of overshadowing the watermelon sample with a sick stomach.

It is also worth taking care of the seeds: if they get in the wrong throat, they can block the upper respiratory tract and lead to suffocation. Take care that your child does not choke on the seeds.

Watermelon and melon are very tempting berries. Are they good for the child? When and how much can you give your child these fragrant goodies?

Watermelon. Why is it useful?

100 grams of this berry contains the daily intake of magnesium needed by the child. Watermelon has diuretic properties, cleanses the kidneys well and protects the heart. Therefore, it is included in the diet of a baby with a disease of the genitourinary system and liver. Watermelon in its composition has pectins and folic acid, which are important for the development of a small organism, as well as easily digestible sugars: 100 grams of a berry contains only 27 kilocalories. Such a low calorie content of watermelon is especially important for overweight babies. Watermelon juice, thanks to iron compounds, helps with various forms of anemia. Simple sugars (fructose and sucrose) are easily absorbed by the body and do not lead to diabetes, while fiber cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and toxins, and helps lower blood cholesterol levels.

When can you start giving your baby watermelon?

Watermelon can be introduced into the diet of babies from 11-12 months - this is the opinion of most nutritionists. Although there is another opinion - that you should not give a child a watermelon before the age of five. Following the opinion of most nutritionists, offer children watermelon only during its natural ripening period and carefully check for the content of harmful components. If the watermelon is with nitrates, its flesh is bright red with yellowish veins, the seeds are white, and the peel is with soft spots. For the sake of caution, give the baby pulp only from the middle of the watermelon, since the maximum amount of nitrates accumulates under the skin at a depth of up to 3 cm. , older than 3 years - 150g per day. Early watermelons and melons are contraindicated for children under 11 years of age and nursing mothers.

Melon. Why is it useful?

This berry is an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent, it is rich in folic acid in its natural form, a moderate amount of vitamins E, C, B2 and B6, nicotinic and pantothenic acids. All these components in the complex have a tonic, antioxidant effect, improve the structure of the skin, hair and nails. Melon is 10-15 times more than milk and 2 times more than chicken meat contains potassium and iron.

You can offer a piece of melon to children of one year of age. But moms need to remember that this is a heavy product that can cause problems from heaviness in the tummy to diarrhea. Carefully observe how the child behaves, whether the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. In terms of dosage, the consumption of melon by babies is the same as when taking watermelon. Nursing mothers need to eat melon carefully: it can cause diarrhea in the baby.

Watermelon and melon are juicy, tasty and extremely healthy berries. Their pulp contains many trace elements necessary for adults and children. For this reason, most parents try to include watermelons and melons in their diet, and introduce their kids to them. Melons should be introduced into the menu in reasonable quantities so that they bring maximum benefit to the body.

The benefits of watermelon for a child

Sweet watermelon pulp is rich in fiber, folic acid, pectins, vitamins C, PP, potassium, manganese and iron. It contains up to 90% water, which provides high diuretic and choleretic properties. Beta-carotene, which is part of the berry, helps to strengthen the immune system, cope with emotional and physical stress. Lycopene reduces the risk of cancer, normalizes cholesterol metabolism, and regulates digestion.

For the purpose of intensive growth, modern watermelons are often fertilized with nitrates. With the use of such berries in children, vomiting, nausea and dizziness appear. To avoid poisoning, eat watermelons only in season and be careful about their choice. The presence of nitrates will indicate:

  • bright red flesh of freshly cut watermelon;
  • smooth glossy surface of the berry;
  • yellow fibers in the pulp.

At what age can you offer watermelon to a child?

At what age can you give watermelon to a child? Doctors allow it to be introduced into the diet no earlier than the 11-month threshold. However, many nutritionists recommend introducing a child to a berry only at the age of 5.

Pediatricians are convinced that it is not necessary to deprive the baby of the opportunity to try new foods and advise watermelon as a complementary food for children from a year old. The allowable daily allowance for 2-year-old babies is 50 grams, for three-year-olds - 150 grams.

Compliance with the measure is the main rule when introducing any complementary foods

Before offering a watermelon to a one-year-old child for the first time, the pitted pulp should be crushed in a nibbler (we recommend reading:). When the child learns to chew, the slices can be cut into pieces and watch how the baby eats them. Watermelon is allergenic, so it is important to observe the digestion and reaction of the child. Allergy is manifested by such symptoms:

  • rash on the body of the baby;
  • hives;
  • swelling of the lips, oral cavity;
  • frequent cough, allergic rhinitis.

Mothers of babies with sensitive digestion can start complementary foods not with pulp, but with a teaspoon of berry juice. Gradually, the volume of juice should be increased and pulp added. Watermelon should be offered at any age as a separate meal. It contains fiber, which causes fermentation and prolonged digestion of other foods.


Little by little and infrequently, almost everyone is allowed to eat watermelon (in the absence of allergies, diarrhea, exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive system).

It is important to buy berries from the end of August to September and refuse to purchase them at other times.

Some families in the season completely switch to watermelon fasting days. However, it should be remembered that for the use of berries in large quantities there are contraindications:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diabetes;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • violation of the outflow of urine;
  • impaired renal function.

In a small amount, watermelon is useful during pregnancy and lactation. It replenishes the loss of moisture by the body, saturates with iron. However, allergens can pass into breast milk, so it is important to monitor the reaction of the baby after the mother ate watermelon.

The benefits of melon for a child

Due to its sweet taste and aroma, melon is called a dessert vegetable in cooking. In fact, this is a false berry belonging to the gourd family. Melon has a dense and sweet pulp, consisting of fiber, sugar and water. It is low-calorie (30 kilocalories per 100 grams) and is beneficial for a growing body due to its high content of nutrients:

  • magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, iodine, iron;
  • vitamins of group B, PP, E, A, C;
  • carotene, folic acid;
  • essential oils;
  • pectins (13%) and easily digestible fats.

The unique composition of melon helps fight constipation, skin problems, anemia, liver and kidney diseases. It prevents excess weight, reduces nervous tension, and is useful in diseases of the liver and urinary system.

At what age can a melon be offered to a child?

From how many months can you try melon for babies? Until a year old, the baby's digestive system is devoid of enzymes for digesting melons. In babies who have tried melon at 6-10 months, there is heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea.

A one-year-old child is allowed to periodically give a small amount of pulp. However, feeding melons regularly is allowed only after 2 years.

How much melon to give to children? Depending on age, the daily norm is as follows:

  • from one to two years - 50 grams;
  • from two to three years - 100 grams;
  • older than three years - no more than 200 grams.

Melon should be given separately from other products, for example, as a second breakfast or afternoon snack. The pulp should not be washed down, consumed with honey and starchy foods. Initially, you can offer a teaspoon of juice, then puree, gradually increasing the portion to the volume recommended for age. At 2.5 years old, you can feed the child with pieces of melon, watching that he eats carefully.


Like watermelon, melon can cause allergies in infants and young children. For this reason, it should be tried by a nursing mother when the baby is 3-4 months old. If there is a skin reaction or other allergic manifestations, the product should be postponed. It is impossible to offer a child melons bought out of season, as they contain nitrates.

Contraindications to the use of melon are:

  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs.

Note to mom

Give your child freshly cut melons and watermelons. If they have stood on the table for more than two hours or spent more than a day in refrigerators, then they are not suitable as complementary foods. For winter, you can prepare dried melon. The berries bought in August-October should be peeled, cut into large pieces and dried in the sun. Transfer the dried slices to boxes and store until winter in a cool place. It turns out fragrant candied fruits, which can be served with tea, added to the curd.

If the “friendship” with melon and watermelon did not work out for a one-year-old child, it is worth offering them to him every year in September and monitoring the reaction. By the age of 5, the enzymatic system usually matures, which allows you to enjoy fresh berries, make ice cream, salads and cocktails from them.

- This is one of the most popular and beloved berries, which is characterized by incredible juiciness, pleasant, light taste and exceptional aroma. In summer, watermelon can be bought on almost every corner, so it is not surprising that it is a guest in almost every home in our country.

This berry perfectly quenches thirst and is a source of a lot of useful substances, but recently there has been more and more talk about the dangers of watermelon due to serious violations of the rules for its cultivation. Therefore, before introducing this product into the children's diet, you should figure out how safe watermelon is for the health of the child, as well as when and how to start introducing the baby to the largest representative of the berry family.

How useful is watermelon for a child's body?

Watermelon contains many useful trace elements necessary for a growing child's body. Approximately 90% watermelon consists of water, thanks to which it perfectly quenches thirst. In addition, having a pronounced diuretic effect, this product helps to remove toxins and other harmful elements from the body.

Other health benefits of watermelon include:

In addition to the above substances, watermelon also supplies the child's body with such useful trace elements as:

  • riboflavin;
  • thiamine;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins and vitamin PP;
  • minerals: calcium, manganese, potassium, and iron.

Interestingly, in order to replenish the daily intake of vitamins C, B1, B3 and folic acid, it is enough to eat only 150 grams of juicy berries per day.


All of the listed beneficial properties of watermelon correspond to reality only if no chemicals were used in the process of growing the berry to accelerate growth or to obtain large watermelons. Otherwise, due to the large amount, a child's acquaintance with watermelon can result in a deterioration in the transport properties of blood, oxygen starvation, which is quite dangerous for a growing child's body.

Contraindications to the use of watermelon

Unfortunately, such a healthy berry as watermelon can not be eaten by everyone and not always.

So, watermelon is contraindicated in:

  • congenital anomalies of the urinary system.

It is advisable to refrain from drinking watermelon when:

  • and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart diseases.

At what age can you give watermelon to children? quantitative norm

The opinions of experts on this issue are very different. Some doctors say that introducing this berry to children should not be earlier than the age of five. According to foreign experts, it is possible to introduce a quality product into the children's menu as early as 8-10 months.

But the majority of representatives of domestic pediatrics believe that children should not be fed watermelon up to a year, and that the most optimal age for introducing crumbs to this product is 1.5-2 years. This opinion is justified by the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of a child at an earlier age is not yet able to fully digest the “watermelon” fiber.

Given the fact that at the present time it is quite difficult to get a high-quality “clean” product, and not everyone has the opportunity to grow this berry on their own, many doctors do not recommend offering watermelon to a child under 2 years old (especially an infant). You should be very responsible in choosing a berry, since a growing body is not yet able to withstand the effects of harmful additives, such as: and toxins.


Watermelon is a seasonal berry, so you do not need to give it to your child before August, or rather its middle. In addition, children should only be offered the sugary pulp found in the center of the watermelon, as nitrate always accumulates closer to the skin.

When a baby first meets a watermelon, you need to offer him one teaspoon of pulp, of course, making sure that it is pitted. Then a couple of days you should observe the child and make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  • redness or rashes on the skin;
  • swelling of the mucosa;
  • increased lacrimation and / or runny nose;
  • gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea.

In the absence of such allergic manifestations, it is possible to increase the proposed dose of watermelon, however, it should be borne in mind that each age has its own limitations.

The daily norm of a berry for a child:

  1. 1-2 years - up to 50 g.
  2. 2-3 years - up to 100 g.
  3. From 3 to 6 years - up to 150 g.

Subject to the indicated quantitative norms and in the presence of a quality product, the child will receive not only the pleasure of eating a delicious berry, but also a lot of “usefulness” for a growing organism.

Basic rules for choosing and eating watermelon

  1. It is not recommended to buy watermelons near the highway, from the car or in questionable stalls. Firstly, it is difficult to find out whether the conditions and terms of its storage were observed, and secondly, melons very quickly absorb heavy metals, which are abundant in exhaust gases. Watermelons should be sold in specially designated places, under a canopy, and lie in special pallets at a distance of at least 20 cm from the ground.
  2. Early watermelons have no place in a house where there are children. You can buy a watermelon for a child no earlier than mid-August. However, even "late" berries may contain harmful additives. There are several clear signs that a watermelon is "nitrate", namely:
    • the fibers running from the core to the crust are not white and soft, but yellowish and hard;
    • on the cut, the surface of the “nitrate” berry is smooth and glossy, while a good watermelon should have grains;
    • the uniform bright red color of the berry can also indicate a high content of nitrates. The flesh of a “clean” watermelon has an uneven color.
  3. Never buy a watermelon with a damaged rind, since bacteria from the earth, dust and other contaminants easily penetrate into the pulp, which is a favorable environment for them for active reproduction.
  4. Never ask a salesperson to cut a watermelon(to check its ripeness) and do not buy a half or part of a berry, even if it is well packaged in cling film. Otherwise, you run the risk of introducing your household members into the organisms or.
  5. Before cutting a watermelon at home, you need to wash it thoroughly with soap and a brush.
  6. Children are advised to separate the pulp located closer to the middle, and carefully select all the seeds.

The harm of watermelon for the child's body

Poisoning a child in the summer is, unfortunately, not uncommon. And often the "culprit" of this situation is everyone's favorite treat - watermelon. The seriousness of this problem also lies in the fact that the process of poisoning in children is very difficult due to the underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract, detoxification mechanisms that have not been fully established, and also because of the small volume of blood in the child's body.

What is the danger of early watermelons for a child?

In most cases, children are harmed by early and large watermelons, in the process of growing which nitrogen nitrate fertilizers are used. Early gourds tend to contain very high levels of nitrates, as growers try to speed up the fruit ripening process, as well as to get a large mass of them.

You can check the concentration of nitrates in watermelon using a portable device - a nitrate meter. The permissible norm for the presence of nitrates in this berry is considered to be 60 mg per 1 kg of product. Anything higher is harmful to health.

So, nitrates that have entered the human body:

  • negatively affect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, causing diarrhea, vomiting and nausea;
  • activate the process of accumulation of heavy metals in the kidneys and liver;
  • inhibit the process of assimilation of useful substances, in particular, magnesium and vitamin C (the share of assimilation decreases by almost 3 times).

In addition, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, under the influence of local microflora, nitrates are converted into thermally less stable salts - nitrites, which in turn convert hemoglobin, oxidizing iron, into metahemoglobin, unable to carry oxygen. As a result, the most important function of blood, transport, is disrupted, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues, and such failures are extremely dangerous for a growing organism.

The presence of nitrates in watermelon is far from the only reason why a child may have health problems. So, no less often there are cases of poisoning of children when:

  • the pulp of the berry is consumed by the child in large quantities, significantly exceeding the daily age norm;
  • watermelon was carelessly washed before use, as a result of which intestinal disorders occur in babies;
  • eating unripe berries.

As a rule, symptoms of watermelon poisoning can appear in children within two days. The most common signs of poisoning are:

  1. Nausea and.
  2. Rapid breathing.
  3. Sleepy and lethargic state of the child.

If at least one of the listed symptoms appears after drinking watermelon, you should immediately seek medical help, since self-medication for childhood poisoning is unacceptable.

Hello Lyudmila!

I took your course on the introduction of complementary foods and am very satisfied. The child eats very well, no need to persuade him. Grandmothers do not get enough of his appetite.

But now he is 11 months old and it is the summer time: we introduced him to berries, but we do not give watermelon.

Tell me, at what age can you give a watermelon to a child?

Thanks for the question. For a long time I was going to write an article on this topic, and here you helped.

Let's figure out when it is safe to introduce watermelon into a child's diet and how to do it correctly so as not to harm health.

What is useful and harmful watermelon for a baby

Watermelon is a juicy tasty berry, 90% water, has a lot of useful substances.

  • normalizes the muscular and nervous system;
  • strengthens the heart;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • helps the intestines to contract;
  • perfectly satisfies thirst and hunger;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • maintains water-salt balance;
  • positively affects the health of the skin, eyes and bones.

This product is a good cure for stress, reduces the likelihood of cancer cells. It contains a lot of ascorbic and folic acid, vitamins of groups B, PP and C, as well as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

Attention! Only those watermelons that are grown without the use of chemistry bring benefits. A berry with nitrates is very dangerous for a growing organism.

Watermelon can cause allergies. An allergy to watermelon in a child manifests itself in the form of a rash and itching, runny nose and vomiting, lacrimation and diarrhea. Rarely, there are signs of labored breathing and anaphylactic shock.

Watermelon is contraindicated in children who have:

  1. individual intolerance to the product;
  2. poor outflow of urine;
  3. constant colic and diarrhea;
  4. diabetes.

Excessive consumption of juicy dessert can adversely affect the functioning of the child's digestive tract.

How and when to introduce watermelon into the diet

When can a child have a watermelon?

  • If the child is allergic, or suffers from constipation / diarrhea, then it is better to give the first slice of sweet dessert to the baby after a year. The pulp can be cut into slices and added to fruits already familiar to the baby;
  • A serving per day for a one-year-old baby should not be more than 50 grams;
  • If the child is less than a year old, then at 8-9 months you can give watermelon a try in microdoses. Provided that the watermelon is good, ripe, you yourself have already eaten it and your body has not issued any reactions;
  • Be sure to give watermelon only in season, you should not introduce a child to watermelon in January, unless you have gone on a trip to those countries where you are sure of the quality and natural ripening of watermelon at this time;

Is it possible to give watermelon to a one-year-old child? Can. Just do not forget to remove all the bones from the pulp.

  • In order not to cause fermentation in the stomach of other food and not provoke a long digestion, it is better to give dessert separately, not mixed with the main feeding;
  • Give the child pulp only from the middle of the fruit, all harmful substances are collected closer to the peel;
  • You need to cut the watermelon only when you have washed it whole under running water, preferably with soap, so that microbes do not penetrate inside the berry.

If the child is poisoned

Watermelon poisoning in a child manifests itself in the form of indigestion. Within a few hours after consumption, the first symptoms may appear, but they may appear after a few days.

When a baby is poisoned, the following symptoms are of concern:

  1. weakness and headache;
  2. heat;
  3. abdominal pain;
  4. loose stools (read also the article Chair after the introduction of complementary foods >>>);
  5. vomiting and nausea.

At the first sign of poisoning, urgent measures must be taken. Before the doctor arrives, the child must be soldered with water and special compounds that restore the water-salt balance in the body.

Sorbents and antispasmodics are also needed, but not painkillers, so as not to bring down the symptoms.

Important! Before you feed your baby watermelon, you need to eat the berry yourself. If after a couple of hours you do not feel any changes in well-being, then you can feed your baby with it.

By the way, you may also find the information from the article Diarrhea in a breastfeeding mother >>>

How to choose and store

In order for a child not to be poisoned by a watermelon, it is necessary to be able to choose it correctly. You can not buy a product:

  • in the spontaneous market;
  • if he is on the ground;
  • near the highway;
  • if it has any damage;
  • cut, even if it is wrapped in a film;
  • out of season.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to where the berries were grown and how they were transported. A ripe and juicy fruit will have:

  1. dense and shiny crust;
  2. contrasting bright stripes;
  3. dry tail;
  4. when tapped, there will be a sonorous clear sound;
  5. yellow spot on the side.

You need to choose not a small and not very large fruit. A large ripe watermelon should be light. The female fruit is juicier and has fewer seeds.

A berry with nitrates also has its own characteristics, and if you know them, then do not buy it. This watermelon has the following features:

  • the fibers going from the crust to the core are not white, but yellow;
  • the cut surface is smooth and glossy;
  • the flesh is bright red with a purple tint.

It is necessary to store the cut watermelon in the refrigerator, covered with cling film, but not more than a day.

Know! After two hours at room temperature, microorganisms appear in the sweet pulp that can cause intestinal infections.

Once again, the main rules

If you want the juicy pulp of watermelon to benefit the baby and not harm, you must:

  1. buy it only in trusted places of trade;
  2. wash before you cut;
  3. do not give the baby early varieties;
  4. give the child only the core;
  5. take out all the bones so that the baby does not choke (important article