Weighted and happy season 4 last episode.

"Zvazhenі ta schaslivі" is the Ukrainian version of the popular American project "The Biggest Loser". The essence of the project is that participants suffering from excess weight, will lose weight, and even fight for a prize of 250 thousand UAH! 20 participants will be divided into two teams, each of which will be trained by a professional trainer for 5 months. Under the close supervision of trainers and nutritionists, participants will have to go through physical tests, diets, temptations and weighings. They will have high-quality sports equipment at their disposal. But it depends only on the participants how they do and what they eat in the absence of coaches! At the end of each week, the teams are weighed, which will determine the total weight lost. The team that lost the least weight must vote to determine which of the participants will go home, as they did not give the team a chance to win. The winner will be the participant who lost the most weight during the project

Ukrainian television in September 2014 pleased its viewers with the release fourth season"Weighted and happy." "Zvazhenі i schaslivі" is a popular competitive TV show, which involves overweight people from all over Ukraine.

Many of you may already be familiar with the American progenitor of this kind of TV show, The Biggest Looser. The bottom line is that participants suffering from fullness, in the format of reality, get rid of extra pounds and fight for the main cash prize. Of course, they cannot do without the help of professional trainers. In "Zvazhenі ta schaslivі" as fitness mentors are:

  • Anita Lutsenko is a purposeful and bright, silver European champion and a master in sports aerobics. Anita does not give her trainees a single minute of rest if she sees that they are able to continue training;
  • Vyacheslav Uzelkov is a well-known boxer who inspires the participants with his sports results and does everything possible to fulfill the main task - reducing the weight of his wards;
  • Vasily Virastyuk - "The Strongest Man of Ukraine" in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005;

The host of the TV show, the famous Ukrainian coach Miroslava Ulyanina, morally supports the participants. She herself faced the problem of excess weight, but pulling herself together, through debilitating diets, she brought herself to the point that she weighed 38 kilograms ..

Every Thursday, viewers watch the training of three teams, after which the participants perform the program of the competition. Whoever copes with the task the worst of all leaves the project and continues to get rid of excess weight on their own. And of course - where without weekly weighings!

Last year, 8 couples took part in the show. Recall that in the sixth season, the winner was the 28-year-old former athlete and champion of Ukraine in kickboxing Arkady Vasylyshyn, who threw off 132 kilograms.

New season 8 show

On August 30, 2018, the 8th season of the show "Weighted and Happy" started on the STB channel. This season promises to be the most difficult in every sense of the word. In the eighth season, the host of the show changed. Vyacheslav Uzelkov and his wife Marina Borzhemska-Uzelkova remained as coaches, but the strongest of the Ukrainians, Vasily Virastyuk, joined them. And Miroslava Ulyanina appeared in the role of a new presenter before the viewers.

The STB channel promises many changes and innovations that can be viewed on "Weighted and Happy 4". Fans of this project have already managed to fall in love with the non-replaceable presenters Anita Lutsenko and Igor Obukhovsky, now the famous athlete and boxer Vyacheslav Uzelkov, who could previously be seen in another well-known project of the STB channel, came to their aid. The host of the show continues to be Olesya Zhurakovskaya, who conducts control weighing of the participants. Watch "Zvazheni ta schaslivi" season 4, this time the teams will be divided into three colors and it will be called the battle of generations, that is, the participants will be divided not only into colors, but also by age categories: up to 25 years old, from 25 to 40, and those who are over 40- ka years. To such a decision, to divide into age categories, the authors of the project decided after the third season, in which they had to deal with significant overweight in children, especially since not all participants can perform the same load, because some of them were over fifty years old. We advise you to watch “Zvazheni Shchaslivy” all seasons in order to get a better idea of ​​how coaches work, what methods they use and which The best way lose weight without harming your health.

Watch "Zvazhenі ta schaslivі" and you will find out who became the finalist in season 4

Watch "Weighted happy" seasons, in which you will understand what you need to do to lose weight and not gain weight over time. In the fourth season, trainers use their unique weight loss programs, special exercises and individual diets for each of the teams. It will be a kind of battle of diets and sports activities in which the participants of the 4th season will fight. Finalists Yulia Fomina, Oleg Gopatsa and Oleg Sichak will find out which of them folded maximum amount the kilogram will be known in the final, and also then you will find out who will receive the main prize, which motivated the participants throughout the show. We recommend watching "Weighted and Happy" season 4 from the STB channel, in which the battle of generations will take place.