Child speech. Lessons for the development of speech with children. scheduled during special classes and exercises. Why language development is so important for a child


Very often, young children have problems with the development of speech skills. For many parents, this can be a real challenge. However, in most cases, there is no reason to panic. Minor problems with the development of a child's speech can be resolved on their own without resorting to the help of a speech therapist.
Special exercises will help develop the baby's speech. It's not hard to do them at all. Classes for the development of speech can be held with any child who has not reached school age.

How does a child's speech develop?

In order to help a child develop language skills, it is important for parents to know how children develop language and communication skills.
The first stage of communication is crying. Through crying, the baby conveys information about his needs and attracts the attention of adults.
Over time, crying turns into other sounds, which are commonly called baby talk. In the process of "babbling", the child involuntarily forms syllables, which he then repeats, but already consciously.
Forming syllables from sounds, the baby begins to correlate these syllables with what surrounds him. With the help of pronounced syllables and letters, he describes objects and phenomena (“av” - a dog, “bi-bi” - a car, and so on). A little later, letters and syllables form words, and a little later, short sentences.
Thus, the baby goes through a path called the development of speech.

Exercises for the Development of a Child's Speech: Tips for Parents

In order for the classes to achieve their goal, namely, to stimulate the development of speech skills in the baby, you need to take into account some tips and recommendations.

Correct hike. It is easier for kids to perceive information in the form of a game. Long uninteresting lessons will tire them and will not bring the desired result. In view of this, exercises for the development of speech should be carried out in the form of a game that the baby would like.

The duration of the lessons. The time spent on exercises should not exceed 15 minutes a day. This is the most optimal duration of classes for a small child.

Diverse presentation. Children quickly get bored with monotony. Therefore, the form of submission of information should change regularly.

Comfortable conditions. It is best if the classes take place in a relaxed atmosphere. The smallest children can be put on their knees, older children - on the contrary. The main thing is that the parent should be on the same level with the child and be able to freely look into his eyes.

What are speech development exercises?

Speech development is a whole range of activities aimed at improving and stimulating children's speech skills. This includes:
- Articulation gymnastics;
-Exercises for the development of fine motor skills;

Consider classes for the development of speech in order.

1.Communication. Communication is the most basic means for the development of speech. It is necessary to talk with a child from the very first days of his life, and even before his birth. However, it is important to speak correctly, without distorting words or distorting sounds. Children copy what they hear from adults. Hearing clear around you correct speech, the baby remembers the sounds, and subsequently learns to pronounce them.

2.Massage. Massage contributes to the development of the speech apparatus. It is necessary to massage the face and palms of the baby. You can do this from the very first days of his life. To begin with, the movements should be light, reminiscent of stroking. Over time, when the baby grows up, the movements can be slightly increased. Massage can be arbitrary, but it is better if it is accompanied by fun and nursery rhymes (“patties” and others).

3. Articulation gymnastics. Such gymnastics includes several simple exercises: wide opening and closing of the mouth, stretching the mouth in a smile, stretching the lips with a tube, and some others. Articulation exercises will help your baby learn to speak faster and easier.

4. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills. The main occupation for the development of fine motor skills was and remains modeling. You can sculpt from plasticine, clay, plastic. You can start with simple figures: balls, sausages. As the child grows older, you can move on to more complex figures and objects. Along with the development of speech, the creative skills of the crumbs will also be formed, such as a sense of color, the concept of shape, volume, and others.

For the youngest children, fine motor skills exercises may consist of getting to know objects and their shape. In the baby's hand, you need to put objects of various shapes and textures. In addition, you need to give the child to hold long and oblong objects (pencil, stick) with two fingers.

5.Games. Game activities may vary. They can be selected depending on the age and preferences of the child. Almost all children love to draw. Perfectly develop the speech of the baby, exercises with finger paints. With the help of such paints, you can first draw traces, then more complex patterns, such as flowers.

The development of speech is an important stage in the formation of personality. With the help of classes and exercises, parents can make this period of the baby's life as easy and comfortable as possible.

A child from birth has all the physiological prerequisites in order to speak. However, in order to learn how to use the speech apparatus, as well as in order for the development of speech to occur, the child must go through several successive stages. How does a child's speech develop up to a year? What should adults do to stimulate speech development crumbs? What to pay close attention to?

How does a child's speech develop in the first year of life?

Consider the phased development of the child in the so-called pre-speech period. We still do not hear words from the baby, but he knows how to make sounds. And these are the first steps to speaking!

Speech development in the first days of a baby's life - crying, involuntary sounds

From the very first days of life, the baby exercises your voice box. Such exercises include crying, involuntary sounds (by the end of the first month of life, they can acquire emotional shades). Of course, his first voice experiments are not speech, since they are reflex in nature, but they have a huge impact on the subsequent development of speech. They allow you to establish associations between the auditory perception of the child and the nerve centers of speech. Later, these associations will lead to the appearance of imitative speech. In other words, the baby utters involuntary sounds, listens to them and gradually trains to control his speech organ so that he can pronounce the sound arbitrarily.

What should parents do? In addition to the fact that the baby listens to his own voice, he also listens with pleasure to adults. Therefore, it is so important to sing to the child, to have the first conversations with him, talking about everything around.

The development of a child's speech at 1 - 3 months - the cooing stage

The first sounds of the child are inarticulate combinations, which consist mainly of labial and guttural sounds: b, bg, m, mg, gh, ph, etc. The kid is practicing pronouncing these sounds almost constantly - he is humming.

What should parents do? Support the roar of the child! Pay attention to individual sounds performed by the baby, repeat them after him, put them into short words. React emotionally to cooing - nod, smile. With all these actions, you help the baby to pronounce his first word faster!

The development of a child's speech at 4 - 5 months - the stage of babbling

Sounds change their character - now they are similar to the elements of the word. The baby tries to pronounce individual syllables and the primary roots of words: boo, na, ha, ka ... At first they have no semantic background, but by 8 - 9 months they become more and more clear, loud, and by 10 - 11 months the baby begins to pronounce the first simplified words ("ha-ha", "av-av", "mother", "woman"). A child at this age distinguishes between affectionate and strict tone.

It is important: Cry, most often expresses negative emotions. But cooing and babbling appear if the baby feels an emotional upsurge, he is comfortable. As researchers have noticed, children who are dysfunctional, suffering from hunger, cold or loneliness do not walk or babble. Therefore, the main condition for the unhindered development of a child’s speech up to a year is his satisfied and cheerful state of health.

What should parents do? We continue to talk with the baby, support individual syllables in babble, sing songs, replacing words with our favorite syllables. We show the toys to the baby, call them by simplified names (“kisa”, “av-av”).

The development of a child's speech at 6 - 7 months

At seven months, a baby knows his name, knows how to find objects, responding with actions to the question “where?” (e.g. crawls or turns head towards doll if parents ask “where is doll?”). The hum becomes more and more long and melodious.

Child speech development at 8, 9, 10 and 11 months

The child understands and performs various simple instructions, with pleasure repeats after the adult the syllables that are already in his babbling.

What should parents do? Support the child's babble, try to make it meaningful. For example, try to teach the baby the first words: "bang" (if something fell), "give."

Child speech development at 12 months

The child happily and readily repeats new words after the adult, and independently speaks from six to ten simple words.

What do parents need to do so that the baby develops speech? We have collected the most effective games for the first months of a child's life! Use these games from the indicated age, but do not give them up later. Some games (such as singing syllables) may be useful occupation throughout the first year of a baby's life! So, here's what kind of "developmental program" you can offer your baby.

Exercises for the development of speech of a newborn

"Let's sing, baby": sing a song to your child, holding it so that he can see your lips. If the baby tries to touch them - explore the source of the sound, do not interfere! Nursery rhymes, pestles and lullabies will come to the aid of mom.

"What different things": take a few things with a surface of different textures (for example, a feather, a piece of velvet fabric, cotton wool), put the baby undressed on the changing table and start moving objects over his tummy, arms and legs. If the baby likes it, he will begin to make various sounds - repeat some of them after him.

Exercises for the development of a child's speech in 2 - 3 months

"Let's sing a song": the baby is babbling, and you choose one of his favorite sounds and sing a children's song, replacing all the words with this sound. It is important to carry out such an activity several times (the more, the better). Let's not forget about the nursery rhymes and pestles.

"Affectionate Communication": we smile at the baby, we disturb him, we talk. We try to emotionally respond to the sounds made by the child. Don't forget about tactile sensations during communication.

A game for the development of a child's speech at 4 - 5 months

"Where is the kitty?": introduce the baby to the toy, call it by name several times. And then hide the toy behind your back: “Where is the kitty?”. Show the toy: “Wow, where is the kitty!”. After the game, put the toy on the table and ask the baby again about where it is.

"Fingers": we use finger games to develop motor skills and to enrich the baby's vocabulary with new words.

Exercises for the development of a child's speech at 6 - 7 months

Lesson "Little Reader": reading books with the baby. Let the baby choose a book that is interesting for him, read it to him several times, each time show and name the objects in the illustrations. After the book is completely familiar to the child, ask him to show this or that object in the pictures.

Current games:"Hide and seek with toys", Affectionate communication.

Exercises for the development of a child's speech at 8 - 9 months

The development of speech is inseparable from the development of fine motor skills of the child's hands. Therefore, introduce games that will allow little fingers to get acquainted with new textures.

The game "Hide and seek in semolina." Pour semolina into a tray, hide a few small toys(for example, a cat and a bird). Toys should be hidden in front of the baby. Ask the baby: “Where is the kitty?”. Let her run her fingers into the semolina and start searching! This game should only be done if you can observe the child.

Exercises for the development of the child's speech 10 - 12 months

"Baby, I'm begging you!": give your child simple instructions, ask him to simple things. From “Give mom a pen” to “Bring a ball.” This game allows you to explore the formation of a child's passive vocabulary.

How to develop a child's speech at 3 years old: expert advice

Speech development at 3 years old. Development norms, methods of conducting speech games and exercises, a collection of games, options for classes with a 3-year-old child.

The development of a child's speech at 3 years is whole system correctly built speech developmental communication between an adult and a child, in which grammar and vocabulary, sounds, words, sentences, phrases, dialogues and even large monologues of the child, his verbal creativity and experimentation with language units, etiquette and knowledge of the world around him are closely intertwined and much more!

This article will become for you a detailed and simple guide to the development of your child's speech at 3 years old. You will learn from the article:

  • Section 1. Myths about the development of speech of children 3 years old and typical mistakes,
  • Section 2 Features of speech development at 3 years old,
  • Section 3 The main tasks of the development of speech of a child of 3 years,
  • Section 4 How to properly engage in the development of speech at 3 years old: games, exercises, notes, ideas. Catalog of site articles with practical materials on the development of the speech of a three-year-old child.

And first, we need to get rid of the myths about the development of a child’s speech at 3 years old, which are very numerous in articles on the Internet written by non-specialists in this field. After all, myths greatly interfere with parents to effectively, with interest for the child and for the adult, lively and joyfully develop the speech of the kids at home and educate them in love for their native culture. So, at the beginning of the article, I want to warn you about common mistakes in the development of the child's speech at this age.

Section 1. Myths about the development of a child's speech at 3 years old and typical mistakes:

know to do the right thing

1.1. First myth. The development of speech at 3 years is classes at the desk

This is the most harmful myth about the development of a child's speech at 3 years old! It is believed that in order to develop a child's speech, you need to seat him at the table and study with him using workbooks - almost like at school. That is, the development of the speech of a child of 3 years old in this point of view is tongue twisters, tongue twisters, retellings and various disparate tasks in books and workbooks.

Let's look at this myth with an example for comparison. Suppose an adult set the task of teaching his three-year-old child to ask the question “Whose (whose, whose) is this?” and answer it with the phrase “this is my bear (my nesting doll, my pyramids, etc.). So, our situation is - a mother or a teacher wants to teach the child to correctly coordinate words in gender and number and accurately use the words “my”, “mine”, “mine”, “mine”.

How wrong to deal with a child of 3 years of speech development - a typical mistake

Wrong option. An adult seats a 3-year-old child at a table with workbook and tells him, “Look at the picture in the book. I will ask questions and you will answer them. There are toys in the picture in the book. To the left of each of them is written “Whose bear? My teddy bear. Whose ship? My ship" and so on. An adult shows a picture of a toy unfamiliar to a child and asks him: “Whose bear?”. Apparently, the authors of the manual imply that the baby will gladly answer “My bear” and continue such answers about other toys, repeating this phrase many times (usually 5-7 times) with constant joy and desire to answer further.

What happens in life with such an incorrect “development of speech” from the point of view of the approach to the child? We get the child’s unwillingness to engage in and a complete lack of interest in speech tasks and mother tongue generally. It is not clear to the child why he should answer “my bear” to a picture with someone else's bear? Why does an adult ask such strange questions? This dialogue is artificially created; it cannot happen in real life. Children feel this and therefore reject such exercises. And they do it right! After all, the teaching of speech in this case takes place outside of life, outside of the natural motivation of speech, outside of the child's understanding of why he needs it in life at all. A child is a natural being, he feels everything artificial.

How to be? How to connect the development of the speech of a child of 3 years and his life experience together? The options are many! I will give below as an example three speech games for children 3 years old. And you will see how the same exercise and the same dialogue can be carried out naturally for the child and in a playful way for him.

How to deal with speech development with a child: options for speech games and tasks

Before spending with a child speech exercise, we - adults - need to think about in what life situation baby may need it. And then from the same boring dialogue from the textbook (Whose? - mine, mine, mine, mine) a real GAME is born - developing, educational, exciting for an adult and a child.

Make sure that you have toys of different kinds in your set, for example:

  • masculine - my ball, my dump truck, my bear;
  • feminine - my skipping rope, my pyramid;
  • the middle gender is my wheel (from a typewriter), my bucket, my sun;
  • plural - my nesting dolls, my cubes.

Correct option 1. Game for the development of speech and memory "Mine is yours."

Step 1. An adult invites the child to play new game“Mine is yours” and lays out the toys (six to eight pieces), distributing the toys equally: one toy for the child, and the other for himself. Now the child has three toys, and the adult also has three toys, but of different names. A child and an adult need to remember where whose toy is.

Step 2. Then all the toys are put into an opaque box or into a beautiful " wonderful bag» with patterns made of dense fabric. And the game begins!

Step 3. The host of the game - an adult - takes out the first toy from the bag and asks about it: "Whose kitten is this?". And the child quickly replies: “This is my kitten,” if this is his toy. If the baby does not answer, hesitates, then the toy remains with the host. The task of the child is to have time to get all his toys, not to miss them. If an adult plays the game recklessly, at a pace, then the child's eyes burn, he is interested, he is all in the attention! He asks to play again, and next time, perhaps, he will be the host of the game as an adult!

Important practical advice for success: In this game, as in other speech games, we never count scores or compare children to each other! We compare the child only with the former self. For example: “Yesterday you managed to name 2 toys, and today you named everything, didn’t miss a single one and got 3 toys! How attentive you have become!

Dialogue in this case is perceived as natural verbal communication, and not forced answers to questions in a book. And besides, in this version of verbal communication, the baby’s speech, the child’s attention, and his memory develop. After all, then we will be able to take into this game not 6, but 8 toys and even more. And gradually increase the amount of memory.

Correct option 2. A fairy tale story for the development of children's speech "How a hare and a fox shared toys."

We play with toys - for example, with a fox and a hare.

First, we consider toys - which of them belong to the fox, and which to the hare. And then we tell a fairy tale about how a hare and a fox were walking on the street, and their mothers called them home. But the trouble is - the toys are mixed up and confused! We need to find them and arrange them correctly.

We collect toys and then we start sharing them. To do this, we take one toy and ask the hare and the fox (the child holds the toys in his hands and he is responsible for them) - “Whose boat is this?”. And the toy answers in the voice of a child: “This is my boat! Give it to me, please." “Is this matryoshka also yours?”

In this fairy-tale story, the same phrase is understandable to the child, it follows from the fairy-tale game situation, it is natural for him.

Useful tips from my gaming piggy bank:

  • if the kid did not join the game, then for the first time let him take out the thing and ask himself the question “whose (whose, whose) is this”, and you will be responsible for the fox and for the hare. And in the next game, you will switch roles.
  • some children begin to insist in games of this type that "there was no such toy." In this case, the problem is solved very simply. At the beginning of the game, you take pictures with mobile phone hare and fox with their toys. And in the future, using this photo, we can always check the correctness of the answers.

Correct option 3. Game for the development of speech and sensory development of the child "Guess by touch."

We give the child 3-5 toys of the names we need, he strokes them, remembers, names them. Then we mix them with other toys in the box.

The child feels the toy in the bag without taking it out and guesses what it is. If this is his toy, he should call it like this: “This is my bear!”. If the kid correctly named the toy, he gets it. If he called only “bear”, then we ask again: “Whose bear is this?”. If the kid could not guess, then we take out the toy, examine it again and put it back in the box with toys for the game. Perhaps next time your baby will already guess it.

Important: in this game we give the child both his toys and not his toys to make it more difficult for him to recognize his objects.

As you can see, any speech exercise can be turned into a game that is exciting for a child and an adult!

1. 2 The second myth. The development of speech at 3 years old is scattered rhymes, tongue twisters, pictures, songs

Unfortunately, in the modern Internet and books for parents, the development of a child’s speech at 3 years old is most often presented not as an integral system, but as scattered collections of tongue twisters, tongue twisters, dramatizations, pictures and other techniques out of the correct sequence and out of connection with each other. From this "heap of tricks" it is almost impossible for an ordinary parent to understand the essence and main directions of speech development and the priorities of their communication with the baby. And I know this from the letters of mothers - readers of the site.

However, the development of speech is an integral system with its own laws and rules, which are very simple, but which you need to know and follow.

Here are some examples:

Example 1: Before retelling a fairy tale with a child, you need to conduct vocabulary and grammatical speech games with the child with phrases that he will meet in the text of the fairy tale. Then he will easily use them when retelling! Without such preparation and playful playing of phrases, the retelling will be beyond the power of the baby.

Example 2: it is useless to “train” a child in pronouncing a sound that is difficult for him in a tongue twister, while he pronounces this sound incorrectly. A clear sequence is needed: first, the child learns to distinguish this sound from other similar ones, articulatory gymnastics is carried out. The kid begins to speak correctly this sound, first in isolation, then in syllables and simple words, then in phrases. And only after that in difficult tongue twisters. Otherwise, we will fix the wrong pronunciation of the sound in the tongue twister. And that doesn't make sense.

You can do a lot of development of speech, and not have a result. And you can do everything competently, reasonably, and get an excellent result with much less effort!

All the basic laws and rules of the method of speech development of children preschool age observed in all developments of the site "Rodnaya Path" - and in game scenarios our elective "Happy baby plays from the cradle" for children from 3 to 7 years old, and in the courses for children under 3 years old "Learning to speak", "Developing the language and communication skills of children", and in the articles of the site. Just use it and know that these are proven recommendations.

1. 3. The third myth. The development of speech at the age of 3 should be dealt with only by a speech therapist - defectologist

Also a false statement. Let me explain the difference in simple terms:

  • there is a "development of speech" of children,
  • and there is "correction of speech disorders in children."

These concepts are similar, but they should not be confused. A speech therapist deals with correction, that is, correcting speech disorders in a child.

And our task is to engage in the development of the speech of a child of 3 years old so that these speech disorders do not exist, and the work of a speech therapist with a child simply would not be required for the baby!

And if a speech therapist should correct speech disorders, then the educator can successfully develop the baby’s speech and his language abilities, and prevent speech disorders. kindergarten(this is his professional duty), and parents in the family, and teachers in the children's center or family club.

The goal of developing a child's speech- to teach the baby to accurately, concisely, expressively, clearly express his thoughts and feelings in oral speech, to help the child master the richness of his native language, develop his linguistic flair and language abilities. This is the basis for the subsequent easy development of both written speech and other languages.

Helping a child learn to speak “correctly” (that is, without errors) and “beautifully, well” (that is, expressively, accurately, figuratively, vividly) is the task of both parents and educators and all adults with whom the baby communicates. And it is in our power.

1. 4. The fourth myth. The development of a child's speech at 3 years old occurs only at a clearly defined time.

scheduled during special classes and exercises

This is also a myth.

It's important to know: From the first days of the appearance of the methodology for the development of the speech of preschool children, it has an unshakable rule for adults: in classes or in special speech games and exercises, we take out only those tasks of speech development that the child cannot master himself in everyday life.

Therefore, our main focus in the development of a baby’s speech is developing verbal communication with him in everyday life, and not just little “scheduled classes” once a week. It is in this communication that we can:

  • consolidate the results of special speech games,
  • develop a culture of speech communication,
  • to teach a child to express his thoughts beautifully, accurately, succinctly, understandably for others,
  • understand the child's difficulties in mastering their native language and help him, taking into account its characteristics,
  • create and enrich the child's motivation to master their native language, develop interest in their native language, in language games.

A cartoon can NOT develop a child's speech on its own for one simple reason. - while watching the story, the baby is fascinated by frames that are very bright and quickly change on the screen. The kid does not seem to hear words and speech phrases in the cartoon, because. he is carried away by a flashing beautiful picture.

Any cartoon can develop speech in only one way: if an adult watches a cartoon with a child, and after it organizes games with the baby according to his story.


Wrong option: an adult gives a child to listen to a cartoon with a song. Different prepositions are given in the song - "at", "about", "for", "under", "above". The child has already learned the song by heart and easily sings along with it. The adult believes that the child has mastered the correct use of prepositions in his speech in this song.

Why is it wrong? In the song, the child simply “mechanically” remembered the words. If you hide the toy and ask him to name where it is, then he may have difficulty finding words or confuse “right” and “left”, “between” and “for”. This is called "learned helplessness" - it seems that the child has information, but he cannot apply it in life. And why does he need "dead information" then?

Correct option: an adult watches a cartoon with a child, and after watching, organizes games with prepositions, fixing the material from the cartoon. For example, he plays hide-and-seek and the child is looking for a hidden object: no behind the box, no box, no under the box. Here it is in the box!

SO: really develops the child only vigorous activity when he himself sculpts, builds, plays, experiments, talks, invents, and not passively sitting at the screen. To learn how to swim, you need to start swimming in the water, theoretically you can’t teach it. Also with speech. The speech of the child develops only in live communication with the people around the child.

Read more about TV and cartoons for children, about research data on this topic in the articles:

So, the myths have already been dispelled and we will no longer interfere with the development of children's speech with joy and interest. And now it's time to set the task of developing the child's speech at 3 years old.

Section 2. The development of a child's speech at 3 years old: age characteristics and norms

2.1. Why is it important to know the age norms for the development of a child's speech at 3 years old?

To determine how best to develop a child's speech, first of all, we need to know the age characteristics of children's speech at three years old.

Otherwise, we can set either tasks that are too easy for him, which means that the child will remain at the same level of speech development and there will simply be no “developing effect” from our efforts.

Or we can set tasks that are too difficult for the child and become disappointed in the baby, in the speech game, and in ourselves too.

Consider the features of the development of a child's speech at the age of 3 along the lines.

2. 2. Features of developmentthe sound side of a child's speech at 3 years old

From 3 to 4 years old, the child intensively masters the sound system of his native language. – he begins to pronounce sounds more correctly and clearly. His speech is more understandable than the speech of a two-year-old baby. And by the age of 4, the baby pronounces almost all the sounds of the native language correctly, with the exception of the most difficult ones.

At the age of 3 and throughout the entire fourth year of life, a child, in the normal course of his development, may incorrectly pronounce sounds or not pronounce sounds at all: hissing (w, w, h, u) and sonorant (p, l). But the child usually already owns whistling sounds by the end of the year - that is, by 4 years. At this age, the child can already correctly pronounce the whistling sounds s, s, z, z, ts in words with an open syllable: owl, fox, goat and other similar ones.

A child at 3 years old still speaks very indistinctly, often softens consonants in words. For example: children can say "lamp" instead of lamp, "barefoot" instead of big. His articulatory apparatus is still not very well developed. And this too age feature child. For example, 3-year-old children often skip sounds or even entire syllables: “neg” (snow), “zey” (snake), “siped” (bicycle), “atabil” (car) Or replace them with other sounds: “saplya” instead of a heron, "ambassador" instead of "went." Children can also rearrange the sounds in a word, for example, “first” (first).

This is an age-related feature that does not require adult intervention. These phenomena will gradually disappear.

In words of 2-3 open syllables, as a rule, a child of 3 years correctly names the word (car, tree, Pinocchio). But in more complex words (car, penguin, scissors), he can get confused with the syllabic structure of the word, rearrange or skip syllables or sounds. And as a result, in the child’s speech, “knuckles” are obtained instead of scissors.

A three-year-old child can consciously say a phrase with an intonation of request, grief or joy, exclamation or question).

At the age of 3, the child begins to feel rhymes very well. and starts experimenting with them. It is very good! He can mutter different chains of rhymes, for example, taram - baram-param-mountains.

2. 3. Peculiarities of pchild's vocabulary development at 3 years old

(lexical side of the child's speech)

In the dictionary of a child of 3 years, nouns and verbs predominate (names of objects and phenomena, as well as actions). But the vocabulary of adjectives is gradually enriched, adverbs and pronouns (mine, yours, ours, yours, etc.). Numerals also appear in the baby's speech (for example: one tomato, many pears, three apples).

If a earlier kid spoke high-quality adjectives (cold, yellow, fluffy, etc.), then after 3 years he uses and possessive adjectives , for example, a baby may ask: “Is this uncle's book?”, “Is this a fox hole?”.

Child can combine pictures of objects into groups according to their purpose. It is very important that it is at this age that the child begins to use the generalizing words “dishes”, “shoes”, “clothes”, “furniture”, “transport”, “hats”, “birds”, “fish”, “animal” in speech. " and others.

Child at 3 and 4 years of age can name not only the object itself, but also its parts(if adults talk with him about objects, consider them with the baby). For example: a pan has a lid, bottom, walls, handles. A tree has roots, trunk, branches, leaves.

Baby already can distinguish similar objects and correctly, accurately name them in everyday life in communication with adults: distinguishes between such rows of objects: beret - hat - baseball cap - panama, glass - mug - glass - cup, birch - spruce - poplar - pine, sofa - armchair - chair - stool and others like that.

If a child of 3 years old is engaged in the development of speech, then in the fourth year he can name not only the subject and its parts, but also What material is the object made of?

  • nesting doll made of wood, it is wooden;
  • iron handle - it is iron,
  • rubber ball, it's rubber,
  • jar of glass, it is glass,
  • clay whistle, it is clay.

2. 4. Peculiarities of pdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech at 3 years

Usually children 3 years old speak in short sentences from 3-4 words, gradually by the age of 4 the phrase becomes longer and more detailed.

Three-year-old children master such grammatical phenomena as:

  1. plural nouns(Examples: kitten - kittens, duckling - ducklings, matryoshka - nesting dolls, etc.),
  2. genitive plural nouns(For example: a lot of ducklings, chickens, puppies, bullfinches),
  3. accusative nouns(see what?)
  4. diminutive suffixes(Examples: cloud - cloud, grass - grass, boot - boot, mom - mommy, mommy, mommy),
  5. present and past tenses of verbs(An example of a fairy tale about two brothers - rabbits, the child inserts the words about Shustrik into the text of the tale: Myamlik is still washing, but Shustrik has already washed. Myamlik is still dressing, and Shustrik is already dressed. Myamlik is still eating, and Shustrik has already eaten),
  6. imperative mood of verbs(An example of an order to a toy: bend over, jump, grab, spin, sit down, stand up, lie down)
  7. ability to build complex sentences with unions(when, because, where, therefore, and others).

At this age, the child has many grammatical errors in matching words in gender, number and case. And this is normal, because the child is just learning his native language. For example, a baby may say that he has “a lot of pencils” or “mom, put out the light for me”, “I have a lot of friends in the kindergarten” or “a lot of ribbons”.

3 years is also the age of the child's word creation, the age of the child's genius giftedness in the field of language, which K. I. Chukovsky called the child's "linguistic giftedness". Moreover, such giftedness is observed in every child, but on one condition - if adults support it. And the linguistic abilities of children are manifested primarily in their linguistic creativity, the creation of new words according to an already known model. Examples of children's word creation of children of 3 years old, collected by readers of the site "Native Path", are shown in the illustrations for this article.

2. 5. Features of the development of coherent speech of a child at 3 years old

The development of speech at the age of 3 also includes another line - this is the child's mastery of dialogic speech and the prerequisites for future monologue speech.

A child at the age of 3 can already answer the questions of an adult in a rather detailed way - with a phrase of 3-4 or more words. But it is not always clear what kind of idea he wants to convey. It can be especially difficult to understand a baby if the child needs to be told something very emotional or tell about an event in which the adult listener did not take part. And this is normal for this age - such difficulties are observed in most three-year-old children.

M Alysh still cannot retell the tale coherently, they need the help of adults. But the baby can already clearly convey his thoughts and feelings to an adult, with the help of adult prompts, retell a fairy tale or a simple story, describe the toy or picture.

The kid will be happy to participate in dialogues - dramatizations or invent new adventures with your toys. He can already establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw a conclusion.

The speech of the child is situational - that is, it is understandable only to an adult who is next to the child. If we recorded such a speech and gave it to an unfamiliar adult to listen to, he would not understand much. After all, children at the age of 3 often interrupt phrases, do not finish or skip words in phrases, and are distracted from their original idea.

Section 3. The main tasks of the development of a child's speech at 3 years old

The development of speech at 3 years includes several main areas:

  • development sound culture child speech,
  • development lexical side child speech,
  • development grammatical side child speech,
  • development coherent speech child.

All these tasks of developing the speech of a 3-year-old child are closely related in single system, which is similar in structure to a nesting doll. Words are built from sounds, phrases and sentences are built from words, and texts are built from them (see the diagram below).

Each of the tasks of the speech development of a 3-year-old baby is solved in a playful form that is exciting for the baby in a sequence of speech games with the baby. The child does not study “at the desk”, but communicates with toys, plays hide and seek, gets acquainted with the Merry tongue and his house and learns about his new adventures, helps fairy tale characters and composes interesting stories. And he doesn’t even know that speech is developing at this time!

3. 1. Tasks for the development of the sound side of a child's speech at 3 years old

The development of the sound side of a child's speech is a priority task, the leading line in the development of speech at 3 years old. It includes:

A) the formation of diction and the development of the articulatory apparatus of the child.

The formation of clear correct diction and clarification of the correct pronunciation of sounds begins with the simplest sounds - these are vowels and consonants (m, b, p, t, d, n, k, g, x, f, c, s, s, c). And of course, it is very important to carry out with the baby - the basic complex and the complex aimed at preparing the child's articulation apparatus for pronunciation

B) familiarizing the child with the concept of "sound", "word" (this is the very first acquaintance, purely practical, without explanation of terms).

C) development of intonational expressiveness of speech , speech breathing, speech tempo, the ability to control the pitch of the voice, which give speech expressiveness, emotionality, beauty and individuality. Development of the ability to speak slowly, change the pace and volume of speech.

D) the development of the child's ability to hear individual sounds in words, listen to the sound of the words.


Often asked: why do exercises with the sound M, A or U with a 3-year-old child if the baby already pronounces it perfectly?

Answer: exercises with these sounds that are easy for a child are the basis for the formation of the correct articulation of more complex sounds. Such exercises prepare the child's articulatory apparatus for the correct pronunciation of hissing and sonorous speech sounds.

3. 2. Tasks for the development of a child's vocabulary at 3 years old

The main thing in the development of a child’s vocabulary at 3 years old is not the number of words, but their quality, as well as the child’s ability to exactly use the word in the context of the situation to feel the nuances of the semantic meaning of the word. In this regard, the now widespread presentations “for the development of speech”, in which the baby simply memorizes and repeats a series of words after the speaker, do nothing for the development of the child’s vocabulary and his language abilities, since this is a “dead dictionary”.

Also useless are tests for parents, compiled not by specialists, but by copywriters, in which it is proposed to estimate the volume of the dictionary in numbers. It always remains a mystery to me how ordinary mom count these words in his child's speech, if there are already hundreds and thousands of them?

Everything is much easier! It is important to understand specific tasks and track if your baby can do it.

In the development of the dictionary, we help a child of 3 years to master the following speech skills:

  1. use actively in speech adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns,
  2. correctly name objects and their parts (for example, the dress has a hem, sleeves, cuffs, collar, pocket, buttons, frill),
  3. be able to find similarities and differences, accurately name objects in everyday speech. For example, a glass - a glass - a cup is completely miscellaneous items utensils! And it is important to learn from their example to compare, to find common and different, to accurately name them. We also teach the child to name the difference between a saucer - a small plate - a deep plate. Or a stool - a sofa - an armchair - a chair. Until the child can name how a chair and an armchair are similar and how they differ, it is too early to introduce him to how an isosceles triangle differs from an equilateral one!
  4. name as many attributes of an object as possible - color, shape, size, nature of the surface (smooth, fluffy or rough, hard or soft), temperature (cold, warm, hot). An example of an exercise is to pick up words and name what an apple is,
  5. name as many actions of the subject as possible (Example: a rocket flies. What else can fly? An airplane, a butterfly, a fly, snow, a bird, etc.)
  6. name the material from which the object is made (clay, paper, fabric, rubber), properties and qualities of objects surrounding the child (Tears, beats, breaks. A glass is made of glass, so they need to be used carefully, it beats),
  7. identify parts of the day (morning afternoon Evening Night),
  8. determine the sequence of actions (what comes first, what comes next)
  9. learn to use generalizing words accurately (“toys”, “clothes” (a beret and a hat are headgear and do not apply to clothes), “shoes”, “furniture”, “dishes”),
  10. name appointment furniture, clothing, dishes, furniture, vegetables, fruits, food products, professions.
  11. name, purpose, details of objects transport, names and body parts of birds, animals, plants,
  12. name the characteristic features of the season, describe the state of the weather
  13. select a few words - actions to an object or situation. For example: game exercise "Who will name more actions." What can you do in the store? In the park? In the yard? In the kitchen? AT auditorium? Away? In the garden?

3. 3. Tasks for the development of the grammatical side of a child's speech at 3 years old

Each grammatical task in the development of a child's speech is not solved at the table, but in a game or fairy tale that is exciting for the child. How to do it:

At the age of 3, we teach the baby:

  1. use correctly in speech prepositions in, on, for, under, around,
  2. without errors to say the plural in the nominative and genitive case e (Example: duckling - ducklings - ducklings are gone, chicken - chickens - who is gone? Chickens),
  3. coordinate words in sentences and phrases (For example, a green saucer, but a green hat, green cucumber, green peas). The most common mistakes are "green dresses" and other similar ones.
  4. use different ways formation of new words by analogues and. For example: sugar needs a sugar bowl. And for bread? (bread box). For napkins? (napkin holder) For crackers (biscuit bowl) For sweets? (candy box).
  5. form the imperative mood of the verb correctly: run, take, lie down, sit down, ride, dance, catch, stop,
  6. to catch the nuances of using prefixes in speech: for example, went out - came in - came - left - moved.
  7. form onomatopoeic verbs. For example: sparrow chirp-chirp - what does it do? Tweeting! And the quack-quack duck - what does it do? Quacks. And the kwa-kva frog - what does it do? croaks
  8. select pairs of verbs according to tenses and form (perfect - imperfect). Example: got up - gets up: “The rabbit has already got up, and Winnie the Pooh what else does it do? Stands up. The rabbit has already had breakfast, but what else is Winnie the Pooh doing? Breakfast!”
  9. develop the baby's word creation and his linguistic instinct. For example: the bear was called Ushastik because he has big ears. The dog was called Fluffy because it is fluffy. What is the name of a red dog? Black? (Blackie, Coal, etc.) White? (Snowball, Squirrel and other child options).

3. 4. Tasks for the development of coherent speech of a child at 3 years old

The main task is the development of dialogic speech in the baby. As well as the formation of the prerequisites for monologue speech (preparation for description, storytelling, retelling in the future).

Children at the age of 3 begin to tell a fairy tale to a toy with the help of adult prompts (questions, the beginning of phrases) for a toy, retell a fairy tale with the help of an adult, compose short story from 3-5 sentences for a series of pictures with a clear plot, lay out the pictures in a logical sequence (which is first, which is then).

A child at 3 years old cannot yet build a sentence, much less link them into a text. Therefore, the links between sentences are set by an adult. He says the beginning of the phrase, and the baby continues it. For example: “Once a bear cub ... There he met ... And they became ...”

We teach the baby to conduct a dialogue, including in the game to conduct a role-playing dialogue (in the role of a seller, doctor, buyer, driver and other roles), use polite words “thank you”, “please, hello”, “ Good night" and others.

At this age, we immediately form the child's ability to build sentences in a logical sequence in accordance with what kind of text we will have - description, narration or reasoning. A kid at 3 years old can come up with a text of about 3-5 sentences. Such a small amount of text is normal, this is the age norm of speech development. But here I will not dwell on this problem, because. it requires additional detailed explanations for an adult. And for children, everything is very, very simple. They simply continue the beginnings of phrases composed for them by an adult.

3. 5. What to do with the list of tasks for the development of the speech of a child of 3 years, given above

Analyze and communicate with the baby, observe:

A) what speech skills from the list your baby is good at, and

B) what speech skills from the list your baby does not yet own. So, he needs your help in the form of speech games and interesting communication with him in game speech exercises.

So, you already know what you need to do in the development of a child's speech at 3 years old. And now it remains to get the tools to complete the tasks - speech games, exercises, notes and ideas.

Section 4. How to properly engage in the development of speech with a child at 3 years old: games, exercises, notes, ideas.

4. 1. Scenarios and notes of speech games and activities with a child of 3 years

Speech development at 3 years exciting games, game exercises, fairy tales.

The kid is NOT given an educational task (“we will learn to speak such and such words correctly”), he just communicates, plays, learns the world and in these interesting things for him, imperceptibly for the child himself and naturally for him, his speech develops.

Detailed scenarios of speech classes with pictures, presentations and games for children You will find in the heading "Development of the child's speech at 3-4 years":

4. 2. Speech games and game exercises for the development of a child's speech at 3 years old

Games and exercises for the development of auditory perception and speech hearing

Game 1. Close or far

An adult behind a screen or behind a door says onomatopoeia (“qua-qua”, “bow-wow”, “ding-ding”) now loudly, now quietly. The child listens to the loudness of the voice and guesses from it whether the frog is croaking far or close (a dog barks, a bell rings, etc.). If the voice sounds quiet, then the frog is “croaking away” and vice versa.

This is how different sound imitations are played.

In the future, the child will be able to lead in this game and ask questions to an adult.

Game 2. Guess what I'm doing

You make a noise behind an ajar door or behind a screen, and the child guesses what kind of noise it is.

Job options - examples

  • you leaf through a magazine,
  • move a chair across the floor
  • put the cube on the floor
  • poured water into a glass.

Game 3. Three bears

You will need three pictures or three figurines for the fairy tale: father is a bear, mother is a bear and a little bear cub.

An adult behind a screen holds one of the three pictures and says on behalf of the bear: “Hello, Vanechka (the name of the child is used”). The child guesses by the height of his voice who came to visit him - Mikhail Potapovich, Nastasya Petrovna or Mishutka. Mikhail Potapovich's voice is very low, Nastasya Petrovna's voice is medium in pitch, Mishutka's voice is high. The child checks the correct guessing on the picture.

By analogy with the plot of this speech game, you can play with other toys, among which there will be dad, mom and their baby (example: cockerel, hen and chick).

Games and exercises for the development of speech breathing in a child at 3 years old

Children 3 years old often have difficulties in exhaling correctly - they do not have enough exhalation for a phrase. Therefore, it is very important to develop children's speech breathing and teach them to control their breathing so that there is enough air for a phrase.

Important in speech and the right breath. It should be calm and short. When breathing, the muscles of the face and neck should not strain.

In summer, while walking, you can pick dandelion fluffs and blow on them. Whose fluff will fly farther?

In winter, you can blow on a fleece-snowflake.

Important: when the child blows, his cheeks should not puff out. In order for the fluff to fly far, it is important to blow on it evenly, smoothly, calmly.

Game 2

A small fleece (fleece should be like snow flakes in size) is attached to the thread. The fleece is at the level of the child's face. The kid blows on it and tries to keep it in the air as long as possible. "Snowflake" flies in the air.

Game 3

Place a basin of water on the floor and launch paper boats into it. We invite the child to ride on a boat.

In order for the boat to move along the sea calmly, slowly, we blow on it, stretching our lips forward with a tube, but without puffing out our cheeks.

But then a strong wind began. The child is already blowing in a different way: p-p-p.

Important: The sound p is pronounced several times (2-3 times) on one exhalation.

Then you can attach pictures and city names to the pelvis. And the task of the child as a captain will be with the help of the wind (his breath) to lead the ship to the desired city.

It will be good if, after “arriving at the port”, you “walk around the city with your child”, that is, you stage a walk (“as if” you got off the ship, took a walk and set sail again).

Game 4. Captains

In this game, a very important skill is formed - the ability to direct an air stream in the middle of the tongue during speech exhalation.

Materials for game exercise: You will need to go to the pharmacy and buy a tincture of calendula or eucalyptus in a small glass jar. Perhaps you can find the jar you need at home. Its approximate dimensions: height 7 cm, neck diameter 1.5 cm.

According to the rules of hygiene, each player must have his own personal jar. We open the jar, pour the tincture into another vessel. Carefully wash the bottle, sign.

You and your child may not get the desired sound in this exercise right away, so it is better to do it after previous games. But what a joy it will be when you can give a real horn with the help of a simple “musical horn from a bottle”.

Try to blow into your bubble so that you get a beep. Yes, you will have a real rather loud sound of the ship's horn. For this, 4 conditions must be met:

  • slightly stick out the tip of the tongue so that it touches the edge of the neck of the vial,
  • the bubble touches your chin,
  • a stream of air goes in the middle of the tongue (it is very important to be able to do this, because it is precisely such a stream that will be needed to pronounce a number of sounds of the Russian language),
  • the air stream is long and even.

If the beep does not work, then one of these four conditions is not met. First, practice yourself in front of a mirror, then show your child.

How to play: You invite the kid to become the captain of the ship. And the captain always gives the signal to sail. This needs to be learned. Show how you give a horn with a bubble. Blow. Offer your child their bottle and show them how to blow into it. It is better to do this in front of a large mirror.

If the child does not succeed immediately, then support him and say that he does not immediately become a captain, everything will definitely work out. You just have to try.

Important: we honk the horn for only a few seconds so that the child does not get dizzy.

Game 5. Big bubble

This game is good not only for the development of the baby's speech breathing, but also in cases where you need to quickly calm a three-year-old child or a group of children.

Take the child by both hands and invite him to inflate very big bubble, raising your arms as high as possible up and at the same time spreading them slightly to the sides.

Blow up, bubble!

Blow up, big one!

Stay like this!

Don't crash!

"Fffff" - the bubble burst. The child pronounces the sound “f” on one exhalation, synchronously lowering his hands down and squatting down.


- During the game, you need to make sure that the children do not puff out their cheeks during exhalation. If the child has this error, then tell him: “The bubble is deflating, the air is slowly leaving it. He can't pout now" and show in front of the mirror right exit without cheek puffing.

- It is important that the children exhale slowly and draw the sound "f" as long as possible. Who will take longer to deflate the bubble?

Word games and exercises for the development of the speech of a child of 3 years

Traditionally, games and word selection exercises are held with children 3 years old. Examples of such games:

  • Who will name more actions. For example, what can a kitten (puppy, bird) do? The puppy barks, wags its tail, jumps, gnaws a bone, caresses, whines, runs, plays with a ball, sleeps)
  • Who can name more signs? What chicken? (yellow as the sun, tiny, timid or bold, fluffy, beautiful, pretty, round as a ball, nice, cute, cheerful, tiny, etc.).
  • What can be done with...?(with a flower, with a doll, with a plate, with a ball and other objects).
  • Where can it be done?(Where can I walk? Where can I play? Where can I listen?).
  • Add a word(I learned the table ... (set), dishes on the table ... (arrange), crumbs ... (sweep), spoons ... (lay out).
  • Say the opposite(high - low, warm - cold, close - open, praise - scold, rejoice - be upset, speak, be silent)
  • Finish in rhyme. A phrase from an unfamiliar poem is read to the child, and the child tries to guess which word is missing in it.

Examples of poems for developing a sense of rhyme in children of 3 years old:

Poems for the selection of rhymes by children of 3 years old should be with a clear, understandable rhyme, which is suggested by the meaning of the text. Start with verses that the baby has already heard. And then develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme with unfamiliar lines. If it is difficult for the child, then help him, for example, by suggesting the beginning of a word or by gesturing the meaning of the word. Let him try to guess the word by your gestures. If the kid could not guess the rhyme, say it yourself.

Impossible to imagine!
It's hard to believe!
Cow chews hay
Does it give...? (The child chooses the word: milk).

Sleeping alarm clock. Sleeping call.
Waking up...? (puppy).
Wakes up and barks
Pleasant dreams to us ... (wishes).

Instead of a ponytail, a hook
Instead of a nose ... (piglet)!
Piglet full of holes,
And the hook ... (fidgety)?

Owl - owl,
Big head).
He sits on a song,
Head ... (twirls).

Lexical exercises are carried out with a child aged 3 years in the form of a game. For example, an exercise in naming the signs of an object can be carried out in the game "Ladder". Detailed description games can be found in the article

Lexical games for the development of speech of children 3 years old for children's parties You will find in the article, using the New Year theme as an example, in this article I showed how easy it is to change any speech game and make it interesting for a child.

With a complete list of games for the development of a child's vocabulary of 3 years old and his language sense, sense of language You can meet on the course

Grammar exercises and games for the development of the speech of a child of 3 years

Game 1. Who says what

The child is invited to listen to the audio recording and guess whose voice it is. And answer the question of an adult, naming the word by analogy with the model. Words - exceptions to the rule at the age of 3 years are not given to the child (we will offer them in exercises with the child when he grows up, in a year)

  • Sample: kva-kva frog - She croaks.
  • the duck says quack-quack - what is she doing? (quacks)
  • dog woof-woof - what does she do (barks, barks)
  • sparrow chirp chirp - what is he doing? (chirps)
  • meow-meow kitten - what is he doing? (meows)

Game 2

The leader of the game plays the role of invisible. The Invisible One has a magic hat in which he becomes invisible (fold such a hat from ordinary newspaper or use whatever headgear you have at home). The invisible person stands behind the screen (behind the closet door, behind the door) and begins to do something. Players guess what he is doing by asking the host questions: “Are you sleeping? You run? You're going? You play? You are yawning? Do you drink compote? As soon as the player guessed it, he himself becomes Invisible.

In the game, we reinforce the child's ability to form the second person singular form of verbs.

More grammar games for a child of 3 years old can be found in the articles of the site: You will also find games for 3-year-old children on the Mercibo portal, created by speech therapists specifically for teaching the mother tongue to preschool children. The games are released both on discs, and on flash media, and in the online version.

The system of speech games and game activities for children 3-4 years old

If you want to learn how to develop your child's speech with interest and joy at home, then come to our In the group for parents of children from 3 years and older:

  • You will learn how to conduct interesting speech games with your baby, improvise, understand the needs and interests of your baby,
  • you will be able to track the level of speech development of your child, his achievements and problems,
  • get ready-made creative speech tasks and exercises, tasks for the development of thinking, attention, memory, and imagination of a child in a holistic, well-thought-out system created by a specialist specifically for family preschool education.
  • chat in forums with other families interested in the development of the speech of their children,
  • get my monthly help and answers to all your questions.

If your child does not speak at 3 years of age or has great difficulty in speech, it is recommended to show it to a speech therapist. You can contact a speech therapist in your district children's clinic or for an online consultation with speech therapists who work with children at Native Path. A speech therapist will help you decide on the most effective actions to develop your baby's speech, taking into account the individual characteristics of your child and the characteristics of his speech.

Video "Speech development of children 3-4 years old"

And at the end of the article - a useful video for parents on the development of a child's speech at 3 years old in a family. Consults parents of children 3-4 years old speech therapist Anna Myasik on the channel “Family. TV". The emphasis in the video is on the development of the child's speech in everyday communication with him in the family, on the creation of a developing speech environment at home.

Speech development at 3 years old is very interesting for both adults and children! It is very important to start developing the baby’s speech as early as possible, since speech is the basis of success in any human activity and in any profession, it is the basis for the development of the baby’s thinking, his language abilities, and verbal creativity. I wish you new ideas, creative inspiration, and exciting communication with your kids in speech games!

If this article helped you and was useful, I will be grateful for the comments.


The development of speech in a child goes in several directions: working out articulation, expanding the active vocabulary, developing coherent speech - all this forms speech thinking.


Articulation exercises help the child to consolidate sounds. Show him how to do the exercise correctly. Remember that they should be done in front of a mirror. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and exercise time.

Open your mouth, lick upper lip, first from right to left, and then vice versa. It is important that the lower lip does not help the tongue and does not “plant” it.

Opening your mouth wide and smiling, put the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth (on the inside), and then lift it up behind your upper teeth (on the inside).

Slap with relaxed lips, like a fish.

Open your mouth and click with the tip of your tongue (“the horse clatters its hooves”).

Stick out a wide tongue and put it on the lower lip. Perform the exercise 5 times, sticking out the tongue for 5-10 seconds.

Open your mouth and stick out a sharp tongue as far as possible. Perform the exercise 5 times, sticking out your tongue for 5-10 seconds.

Open your mouth wide, stick out a wide tongue. Lift it up without touching your teeth. Perform the exercise 5 times, sticking out your tongue for 5-10 seconds.

Open your mouth and smile. Run the tip of your tongue over your lips clockwise and counterclockwise. Perform the exercise 5 times.

With your mouth open, use the tip of your tongue to move left and right, touching the corners of your lips.

Let the child imagine that he has a chewy candy in his mouth, which suddenly stuck to his upper teeth. Invite the baby to separate it with his tongue (make movements with his tongue along the inside of the teeth). Do the same with the lower teeth.
It is important in this game to draw the child's attention to the movements of the tongue.

"Clean Teeth"
Smile, show teeth. Run the tip of your tongue along the upper teeth from the inside, then do the same with the lower teeth. The tongue should slide over the inside of the teeth from left to right. Perform the exercise 5 times.


Invite the child to hold an imaginary dandelion in his hand. On a count of 1 to 5, inhale with your nose without raising your shoulders, and then blow on the dandelion so that it shatters.

Ask your child to come up to the wall and imagine that there is a door in front of him, and an electric bell button is next to him. Let the baby take a breath through his nose and, holding his breath for a second, press his finger on the “bell”, while saying “r-r-r”. Then invite the child to do the same in turn with each finger of the left and right hand.

Hold a lit candle in front of your child. Let the baby take a deep breath through his nose and blow out the candle sharply. Repeat the game several times.

Invite the child to become a sorcerer for a while. Say in one breath, for example, such a “spell”: “Mmm-memm-mamm-momm-mumm-mymm!” Watch your child's articulation.

Take the baby by the hands, thus forming a circle. Without separating your hands, inhale through your nose and take 2 small steps back. So the balloon is inflated. Now you must “let the air out of it” while saying “ssss…” and taking 1 step forward. So the ball gets smaller. Release a little more air from the balloon, saying “ssss ...” at the same time and taking another 1 step forward. The ball is getting smaller. Repeat the game several times.

Let the child spread his legs a little wider than his shoulders, turn his socks to the sides as much as possible and, bending his knees and crouching as low as possible, rest his palms on the floor. Ask him how the frog croaks (“qua-qua”). Ask the kid to show how the frog jumps. Invite him to jump and croak at the same time.


You can start training your baby's fingers from 6 months, because this stimulates the child's speech development. At this age, finger games are a small massage of the hands and fingers of the baby. Children 2-3 years old can memorize the accompanying text of the games and repeat it with you.

The boat is sailing on the river
Rings smoke from the chimney.
(Join your palms together, raising your thumbs up - “steamer”, move your palms in different directions: forward, sideways, back - “lays the course.”)

Has a cat on its paws
Very sharp scratches.
(Squeeze into fists and unclench the fingers of both hands at once.)

Finger to fingers said
That went to the station.
To meet the rest
To have ten of them.
(Alternately touch the other fingers with your thumb, starting with the little finger. Perform the exercise 2 times, first on right hand and then on the left.)

Teremok in the meadow,
(Connect the palms of the "house".)
The door is locked,
(Close your fingers into the "lock".)
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
(Close your fingers into rings.)
Around the tower there is a fence,
(Keep your hands in front of you, spread your fingers.)
To prevent a thief from getting in.
(Click fingers.)
Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock
(Punch on the palm of your hand.)
Open up, I'm your friend!
(Spread your arms to the sides, then clasp the other with one palm.)

First finger in clay big knocks with index)
The second in plasticine ( large with medium)
Third in chocolate ( large with nameless)
Fourth in marmalade ( big with little finger)
Sticky fingers!!! ( put all the fingers in a pinch)
Unglued!!! ( open your palm wide)
Cat on the palm

Take the baby's hand and sentence, leading your index finger on the palm
On the palm of your hand along the path,
A small cat is walking.
In small paws
Hid the scratches.
If you suddenly want
Sharpens claws.
Tsap-scratch ( tickle your hand)


Owl, owl,
Big head.
I sat on a stake
looked at the moon,
Her eyes glittered.
Eyes clap-clap,
Top-top paws.
And - flew!

The birds sat on the meadow
And the kittens are in the corner.
sat down, sat down
The songs were sung.
Mother cat came running
She began to call the children home.
The birds sang a song
They flew away to the kids.

Our hands were in soap,
Mom and I washed dishes.
We washed the dishes
They helped our mother.

Like our cat
The coat is very good.
Like a cat mustache
Amazing beauty.
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.

We will buy boots for our son.
Let's put on the legs
Let's go down the road.
Our son will walk
New felt boots to wear.

There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat.
Legs top-top,
Eyes clap-clap
"Who does not eat porridge,
Who does not drink milk
I gore him
I gore, I gore!”

Taken from


Exercise "Hippo". Open your mouth as wide as possible. We close our mouth.

Exercise "Kiss Mom". We stretch the lips with a tube.

Exercise "Show your teeth". We stretch our lips into a smile.

Exercise "Walk". Movement of the tongue back and forth, right and left.

Exercise "Puff out your cheeks". We alternately inflate and retract the cheeks - “Cheeks are thick-thin”

Exercise "Tongue walks"

The tongue went for a walk. (Wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip.)

He hid in the house again. (Tongue behind lower teeth.)

Sound [ BUT ]

Exercise "Chicks". The baby opens his mouth wide (silently). An adult puts a vitamin on the tip of his tongue. The child says: "Am"

The chicks want to eat

They are waiting for mom, but they don’t make noise,

Mom is carrying a grain!

Open wide your mouth!

Sound [AND]

Exercise "Smile". We smile (without tension), show the upper and lower teeth.

Lips smiled, teeth appeared.

Lips smiled, reaching for the ears.

Sound [O]

Exercise "Ball". Balls of different sizes are used. We place the ball between the lips, round the lips and push forward:

Take the ball with sponges

"Oh-oh-oh" pull softly.

Sound [E]

Exercise "Bear". A toy bear is used. An adult and a child get on all fours. This posture helps to bring the tongue into the anterior parts of the mouth, relieve tension in the root of the tongue. The position of the semi-open lips in the form of an oval.

“Uh-uh,” you sing like a bear,

Mouth open wide.

Sound [U]

Exercise "Elephant". The child, together with the adult, repeats the exercise “Kiss Mom” and says “Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooinginginginginginging.

I look at the elephant

I'll fold my lips.

Sound [F]

Exercise "Bunny". The lower lip touches the upper teeth, the upper one is slightly raised. We draw the attention of the child to the fact that in the “fence” between the lip and the teeth there remains a narrow gap, in the middle of which an air stream passes. To feel it, tactile control is used - the palm of an adult and a baby is brought to the child's mouth.

Ears - on top,

And the teeth are on the sponge:


Sound [AT]

Exercise "Wind". Performed similarly to the exercise "Bunny" using voice.

A strong wind blew

Press the hand to the neck,

Sound [P]

Exercise "Fish" The child silently opens, and then closes his lips tightly, tightly, but without tension:

The fish opens its mouth

Yes, you can not hear what he sings.

Get air in your nose

"P" break through the lips!

Sound [B]

Exercise "Voice" . It is performed similarly to the "Fish" exercise using voice. If the voicing of the sound[ P ] it is difficult, it is necessary to connect tactile control by placing the child’s hand on the adult’s larynx so that he feels his throat trembling (“house” of the voice).

B is easy to pronounce

Exercise "Lullaby"

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

I give my doll!

Sound [T]

An exercise "Tongue".(We knock with the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth.)

Who knocks like that - knock, knock?

Tongue, our faithful friend.

Sound [D]

Exercise "Building a house" The child strikes lightly with the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth, as in the Tongue exercise, but does it with a voice. To feel the work of the voice, we use tactile control - we apply the back of the hand to the throat.

We want to build a house.

Let's give the tongues a job.

We'll take the hammers

Together we will kill carnations.

"D" is easy to pronounce,

Sound [M]

Exercise "Cow". pronounce a sound[ M ], using tactile control. The adult says: "M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m", while the back of the child's hand is brought to the adult's lips - the child should feel the trembling of the lips, then check it for yourself.

“Moo-mu-mu,” the cow mooed.

I gore Tanya and Vova.

Sound [X]

An exercise "Warm breeze"We exhale warm air in the palm of our hand, while pronouncing the sound [X]. Andcwe use tactile control - the child with the back of his hand should feel a warm exhaled jet, first from an adult, then from himself.

Exhale warm air

Warm up your hands!

Sound [FROM]

An exercise "The tongue is resting."Smiling, the child opens his mouth and brings the wide tip of the tongue to the lower lip, the lateral edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.

Our tongue is on fire.

Lying down, resting calmly

And softly sings: "I-i-i".

Exercise "Pump". We draw the child's attention to the fact that the whistle of air coming out of the "pump" resembles the sound [C]. The baby should feel a cold stream of air using the back of the hand.

Taken from

The child masters speech gradually, starting from birth. First, he learns to understand the speech addressed to him, and then begins to speak himself. Therefore, you should protect your hearing from strong sound effects (do not turn on the TV or music at full power), prevent chronic colds, monitor the health of the hearing organs.

Already up to a year, you can hear the first "dad" and "mum" from the child. By the age of three, as a rule, the child already begins to speak in phrases. Simultaneously with the development of speech, the thinking and imagination of the child develops. Attention, memory, thinking are the foundations on which speech is built.

When talking with a child, constantly pay attention to your own speech: it should be clear and intelligible. Do not lisp, the child must learn to speak correctly. Do not speak loudly or too quickly to your child.

The causes of poorly developed speech in a child can be:

violations in the development of the muscles of the articulatory-speech apparatus, low development of phonemic hearing, poor vocabulary, deficiencies in the development of grammatical skills.

Violation of sound pronunciation and articulation - the child incorrectly pronounces individual sounds, his speech is characterized by insufficient intelligibility and expressiveness, and its pace is slower than that of peers.

Shortcomings in the development of sound-letter perception and sound-letter analysis (low development of phonemic hearing) - insufficient development of the ability to hear, recognize and distinguish sounds and their combinations, not confuse them. No less important are the skills of sound-letter synthesis - the ability to understand the relationship between sounds and their combinations.

The main violations of this kind include: the inability to isolate sounds sequentially or according to their location; inability to distinguish sounds by hardness, softness, sonority, deafness; inability to designate hardness - softness in writing. For the same reasons, the acquisition of the skill of word formation and inflection is inhibited. Deficiencies in the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech - the child does not know how to correctly compose and understand grammatical constructions, incorrectly uses genders and cases. This also includes the inability to correctly place stresses, which leads to distortion of the word beyond recognition. Insufficient development of semantic guessing - the child does not know how, based on the context, to correctly predict the end of a word or phrase. Insufficient development of vocabulary - poor vocabulary, difficulty in understanding the meaning of words due to their absence in the child's active vocabulary. The child has difficulty establishing a lexical connection between the words he read, he does not understand new meaning which they acquire in combination with each other.

It should be noted that the quality and quantity of a child's vocabulary largely determine the level of speech development in general. It is very important to pay attention to both the passive (that is, those words that are stored in the memory reserve) and the active (words that are constantly used) vocabulary. It is necessary for the child to know what meanings the word has, to be able to use it correctly in independent speech.

In this section of the site you will find speech development classes designed for classes with children from 1 to 7 years old (and possibly older if the child does not speak well for school). The first lessons with a child are finger games, because fine motor skills greatly affects the development of speech abilities. Next - poems, sayings, reading books. Articles will help you understand if your child speaks correctly: are the words he uses enough, whether he connects them together and pronounces them correctly.