The guy is asking weird questions. How to play truth or dare

Lessons with a child do not have to! - I repeat: there is no need to do homework with a child! There is no need to pack a briefcase with him! Asking “how is it at school?” no need. You spoil the relationship and the result is only negative. You don't have anything else to talk to him about? - The child must have a personal free time when he does NOTHING: 2 to 4 hours a day. Anxious ambitious parents of children organize. Circles, sections, languages ​​... And they get neuroses and everything that comes with them. - In relations with the school and teachers, you must be on the side of your child. Take care of the children. Don't be afraid of bad grades. Be afraid to bring to disgust for school and study in general. - Our parents are grade-oriented. This is from Soviet times. For example, two Czechs and one Pole studied in one of my classes. After one serious test at the meeting, all OUR parents asked about grades, and only Czechs and Poles asked something like: "How did he feel? Was he worried?" And it is right. - It is difficult to say who has more psychological problems - an excellent student or a loser. Excellent students who take diligence and “hatch out” their fives are anxious children with low self-esteem. - If your child is not able to do homework by himself, there is always a reason for this. Laziness has nothing to do with it. There is no such category as laziness in psychology. Laziness is always decomposed into a lack of motivation and will. - Among the reasons why a child does not do homework, there can be anything: increased intracranial pressure, hypertonicity, psychological problems, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). And instead of spending your evenings sitting together on textbooks, it is better to try to determine this cause and work on eliminating it. - There are parents who want to raise responsible, independent, successful children. And there are parents whose goal is total control over the child, and it’s not so important how he grows up there - the main thing is not to break off the leash. - How often because of anxiety about grades, families literally collapse, relationships collapse, parents and children are separated, sometimes forever. The psyche of adolescents is already aggravated, and the months of preparation for DPA and ZNO become truly black times for the family: everyone is haunted by neuroses and depressions, they provoke tantrums, illnesses, almost suicides. How to avoid all this nightmare or at least minimize the consequences? I think focus on love and eternal values. To think that pretty soon, when all grades and exams are erased from memory, only one thing will be important - have you lost closeness, trust, understanding, friendship with your child ... After all, you can get 12 points and lose your daughter. To pass ZNO, "to enroll my son in college", but not to restore relations. - Lectures on the upbringing of children, advice from psychologists and teachers on family relationships are effective and make sense only if the parents themselves are psychologically well or at least stable. - BEING UNHAPPY people, you will not be able to build a relationship with a child in such a way that he will be happy. And if the parents are happy, then you don’t need to do anything special. - Many people think that everything is fine with them, parents, and only their children have problems. And they are surprised when two completely different children grow up in the same family: one is self-confident, successful, an excellent student in combat and politics, and the other is a notorious loser, always whining or aggressive. But this means that the children felt differently in the family, and some of them did not have enough attention. Someone was more sensitive and more in need of love, but the parents did not notice this. - To make sure that the child is dressed, shod and fed is a concern, not an upbringing. Unfortunately, many parents believe that enough care is enough. - HOW YOU COMMUNICATE with a child in his childhood, so he will treat you in your old age. - When a child is born to you, you consider it a miracle, you are happy that you became parents, you do everything to make the child feel good, rejoice at communicating with him, admire every little thing ... But now he is 6 or 7 years old, and between you and the child the school comes up. As if a military commissar comes into the house and pulls the child out of the family. Although, what actually happens so terrible? Well, he needs to go to school, gain knowledge to the best of his ability, communicate, grow up. Why let this natural process disunite you? School is smaller than life and needs to be taken outside of your relationship with your child. - The school should teach not so much mathematics and literature as life itself. It is important to get from school not so much theoretical knowledge how many practical skills: the ability to communicate, build relationships, be responsible for oneself - one’s words and actions, solve one’s problems, negotiate, manage one’s time ... It is these skills that help to feel confident in adult life and earn a living. - EXCESSIVE EXPERIENCES of the child due to poor grades - this is only a mirror of the reaction of adults. If parents calmly react to a deuce or failures in sports, to some other failures, if parents smile, say: “My good man, don’t be upset,” then the child is calm, stable, always levels out in school and finds a business where he has everything works out. - If in primary school your child is not coping with the program (they say they have already hired a tutor in the first grade), if you have to sit with your child over the lessons for a long time, the problem is not with the child, but with the school. Gymnasiums, lyceums. These establishments work exclusively on the ambitions of parents and do not care about children, but about their own prestige and the cost of their services. Harder doesn't mean better! The child should not overwork, try to catch up with the program compiled by teachers who constantly need the help of parents, tutors, the Internet, etc. First grade for training homework should take 15 to 45 minutes. Otherwise, you won't last long. - PUNISHING CHILDREN IS POSSIBLE and sometimes even necessary. But you need to clearly separate the child and his act. For example, you agreed in advance that before you come home from work, he will do his homework, eat and clean up after himself. And then you come home and see a picture: the pot of soup is untouched, the textbooks have clearly not been opened, some papers are lying on the carpet, and the child is sitting with his nose in the tablet. The main thing at this moment is not to turn into a fury, not to yell about the fact that “everyone has children like children” and about what a shameless tormentor he is, an irresponsible freak and that zero without a wand will grow out of him. Without the slightest aggression, you approach the child. Smiling, hug him and say: “I love you very much, but you won’t get a tablet anymore.” You can also give out a nokia phone like a flashlight. Without any internet. But yelling, insulting, offended and not talking - that's not necessary. The child is punished by the weaning of gadgets. - POCKET MONEY should be in the child's hands from the age of 6. Not large, but regularly issued amounts, which he manages himself. And it is very important that money does not become a tool for manipulation. There is no need to control what the child spends them on, and make the amount of tranches dependent on his academic performance and behavior. - There is no need to live their life for children, decide what to do and what not to do, solve their problems for them, put pressure on them with your ambitions, expectations, instructions. You will grow old, how will they live? - All over the world, only the smartest and richest go to universities. The rest go to work, look for themselves and earn money for higher education. What do we have? - IF A CHILD IS CONSTANTLY GUARDED - he does not know what it is to be responsible for his actions, remains infantile and greedy for any opportunity to violate the ban. - I am against constant close control. The child must be sure that the family loves him, respects him, reckons with him and TRUST him. In this case, he will not contact the "bad company" and will avoid many temptations that peers with a tense situation in the family cannot resist. - When I worked at school, on the Day of Knowledge I said that you need to study, if only because you get paid many times more for working with your head than for physical labor. And that once you learn, you can work and get paid for what you love to do. - THE SHADOW IN THE ROOM OF THE TEENAGER corresponds to his internal state. This is how outwardly chaos is expressed in its soul world. It’s good if he washes himself ... You can only demand to “put things in order” if the child’s things are lying around outside his room. - TO EDUCATE - DOES NOT MEAN TO EXPLAIN how to live. This does not work. Children develop only by analogy. What is possible and what is not, how it should be and how it is better not to act, children understand not from the words of their parents, but exclusively from their actions. Simply put, if the father says that drinking is harmful, but he himself does not dry out, there are many chances that the son will become an alcoholic. This is the most striking example, but children catch and adopt more subtle things no less sensitively. - You need to talk with children about life in general, and not about how you SHOULD live. If a parent can only talk to a child about problems, he has a problem. - If a child tries to manipulate adults, he simply has a neurosis. And we need to look for its cause. Healthy people do not manipulate - they solve their problems by acting straightforwardly. - In a conversation with a child (and not only), do not criticize him, do not touch his personality, do not go beyond the analysis of his actions. Talk not about him, but about yourself. Not “you are bad”, but “I think you did a bad thing”. Use the wording: “I don’t like it when you…”, “I don’t like it when you…”, “I would like it if…” Less criticism, more constructive and positive. - The child should feel that parents are kind, but strong people. Who can protect him, who can refuse him something, but always act in his interests and, most importantly, love him very much.

famous table game now in the app! Does this moment enhance the atmosphere of the party? Or is it time to get to know your friends for real? This classic game is very easy to play. Forget annoying repetitive questions! This huge content offers you many surprises as you play and promises to reveal many secrets about your friends. Are you ready to uncover the oldest person you've slept with?

Aren't you ready for hard truths and bold actions? Choose the difficulty that suits you and start tonight! Start playing now! Slide the screen with your finger to rotate the bottle, then select Action or Truth. A good party is held in good conditions. The same for good use. Forget unattractive apps that have annoying and null interfaces. Check out the app images!

Approaching New Year. And this means that we will gather again somewhere in a cozy place with a large group of friends. We will sit down at the table, eat, drink to make things even better in the New Year, listen to the president's speech, drink again, and it will be time to come up with some entertainment so that we won't go to bed out of boredom. But don't worry, everything has already been invented for you a long time ago. "" is a world famous game that will never let a group of friends get bored in any situation.

Probably, all our readers have played the game "Truth or Dare" at least once. Someone played it a very long time ago, when he was still a child, and someone continues to play now, gathering with colleagues at the bar after a hard day's work. For this game, it doesn't matter where you are and who you are with. Truth or Dare can be played anywhere and in any company. There are absolutely no limits for this game.

But let's step aside from common phrases and get to know this game, or to be more precise, with this application of the same name, a little closer.

So, the first thing to start with is the rules of the Truth or Dare game. First, as for the players, their number is unlimited. Unless, at least, there must be two of you, otherwise it will not be so interesting to play. But we hope that you have at least one friend and such problems will not arise.

All players move in turn order. Each player has the right to choose "Truth" or "Action" at will. If you chose "Truth", then you will need to read aloud the question that you will see on the screen, and then honestly (I emphasize - honestly!) Answer it so that all other players can hear. You need to answer not only honestly, but also specifically, without deviating from the question. If you are a daredevil and have chosen "Action", then first, of course, you need to read the task itself aloud, and then complete it exactly as written on the screen.

Of course, there are such unpleasant situations when one of the players does not want to answer the question or perform the action (ashamed, cannot, does not want to - the reasons may be different and this is not so important, the fact of refusal is important). In this case, all other players have the right to come up with some kind of punishment for him. As a punishment, there may be, for example, your own question or some other action (“Vaska, run for more!”).

Unfortunately, some actions suggested by the application cannot always be performed in the place where you are, in this case, it will probably be fair to select "Action" again. Punishment for such a player should not be invented, since it is not his fault.

At the beginning of each game, you will be asked to add the names of the players to the list. After everyone who was not afraid to take part in the game is added, you can start the game. As I said, players will choose Truth or Dare in the order in which they were listed.

Initially, the game already has a very sufficient number of both questions and tasks. But this number can be significantly increased in two ways. The first, and easiest, is to add your own questions and assignments. By the way, if you wish, you can delete any questions and tasks if you don’t like them. The second way is to buy an additional list of questions and tasks for a very symbolic amount, which should not be a pity for the number of questions and tasks that you will receive later.