Instilling cultural hygiene skills in the preparatory group. Board game "How I spend my day" Board game "Pick up a couple"

Mosienko Elena Yurievna,
educator MKDOU No. 16,
Novosibirsk city

Cultural and hygienic skills- a very important part of the culture of human behavior. Neatness, keeping the face, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean are dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations. The education of preschoolers in the skills of personal and public hygiene plays an important role in protecting their health, and promotes proper behavior in everyday life and in public places. In progress daily work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the implementation of personal hygiene rules becomes natural for them, and hygiene skills are constantly improved with age.

Proposed model formation of cultural and hygienic skills of younger preschoolers implemented within the framework educational field"Cognitive development" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
Target: to form cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age (3-4 years) in everyday life in kindergarten and in the family.
teach children to take care of themselves appearance, to form the ability to properly use soap, gently wash hands, face, ears; dry yourself after washing, hang a towel in place, use a comb and a handkerchief;
to form the simplest skills of behavior at the table: correctly use a tablespoon and a teaspoon, a fork, a napkin; do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full .;
create conditions for the development of skills in children to independently use the acquired skills in everyday life in kindergarten and at home;
to form the need for children to observe the skills of hygiene and neatness in everyday life in kindergarten and at home;
to promote understanding by children and parents of the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

teaching methods, ensuring the successful solution of the tasks:
direct teaching;
exercises with the performance of actions in the process of didactic games;
a systematic reminder to children of the need to observe the rules of hygiene.
For a more successful formation and consolidation of hygiene skills during the period of preschool childhood, it is advisable to combine verbal and visual methods, using special sets of materials for hygienic education in kindergarten, a variety of plot pictures, symbols.

In progress hygiene education and teaching children, the teacher gives them a variety of information: about the importance of hygiene skills for health, about the sequence of hygiene procedures in the daily routine, forms an idea in children about the benefits of physical education. Hygienic knowledge is expedient and in the classroom for physical culture, work, familiarization with the environment, with nature. For this, some didactic and role-playing games. interesting for children and literary plots “Moydodyr”, “Fedorino grief”, etc. Based on them, you can play little scenes by assigning roles to children. All information on hygiene is instilled in children in the course of various activities and leisure activities, i.e. in each component of the regime, one can find a favorable moment for hygienic education.

To consolidate knowledge and skills personal hygiene, it is advisable to give children various instructions. Children's skills quickly become strong if they are constantly reinforced in different situations. The main thing is that the children should be interested and that they can see the results of their actions (someone has become much neater, etc.).
A prerequisite for the formation of hygiene skills in children, the development of the habit of healthy lifestyle life is high sanitary culture of the staff preschool institution. Where the necessary conditions must be created to preserve the health of children, full physical and hygienic development.
The next condition necessary for successful hygienic education is unity of demands on the part of adults. The child acquires hygienic skills in communication with the teacher, health worker, nanny and, of course, in the family. The duty of parents is to constantly reinforce the hygiene skills brought up in a child in kindergarten. It is important that adults set an example for the child, they themselves always observe them.

In calendar-thematic planning a system of work with children and parents on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the younger group is presented.


The theme is "Our group".
- introduce children to the group room (cloakroom, group, washroom); their purpose;
- Encourage children to take good care of their clothes;
- introduce the schemes of action algorithms in the locker room, in the washroom.

- Didactic game: "What can you say about them?" Purpose: to get acquainted with hygiene items and their use.
- Game-exercise: "Doll Tanya caught a cold." Purpose: To show the correct use of a handkerchief.
- Celebration of birthdays in the group.

game situation for story game:
- doll Tanya is visiting us;
Situation for discussion:
- how the hat quarreled with the jacket in the closet.
4. Working with parents
Parent survey

1. Actually educational activity:
Topic " Good morning, comb!"
Purpose: the formation of skills in using a comb and caring for it.
2. Joint activities of the educator with the children:
Didactic game: "Mixed pictures". Purpose: to consolidate and test cultural and hygienic skills.
Celebrating birthdays in a group (regularly).
3. Independent activity of children:

- a game situation (dolls Tanya and Masha are going to a holiday).
4. Working with parents:
Consultations: “How to teach a baby to wash hands (dress), etc.?”; What should a child be able to do?

1. Actually educational activity:
Theme "How we feed Khryusha and Stepashka"
- to form the ability to set the table, the ability to act according to the algorithm;
- to cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.
2. Joint activities of the educator with the children:
Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief". View m / f "Fedorino grief".
Dramatization of the plot from the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief".
3. Independent activity of children:
Role-playing game "Let's treat the doll."
4. Working with parents:
Parent meeting "Unity of requirements in the upbringing of children by adults."

1. Actually educational activity:
Theme "Washing every day"
Purpose: to consolidate children's skills in washing, in knowledge of toilet items and their purpose;
- to cultivate cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be clean, tidy.
2. Joint activities of the educator with the children:
Reading poems by K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", A. Barto "Girl grimy". View m / f "Moydodyr". Dramatization "How Moidodyr gave Vanya soap." Didactic game "Why do we need this?" (with toilet items).
3. Independent activity of children:
Role-playing game "Family Matters":
- game situation "Zamarashka came to us."
Fun games with water in the Water and Sand Center: bathing dolls, fish, ducks.
4. Working with parents:
Making a corner "Advice to parents." Theme "Advice for little stubborn!"

1. Actually educational activity:
Theme "Everyone loves to swim"
Purpose: to arouse interest in the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills, to encourage children to constantly observe them.
2. Joint activities of the educator with the children:
Discussion of the situation "Piggy got sick again."
3. Independent activity of children:
Game situation "We bathe the Katya doll"
4. Working with parents:
Consultation "How to captivate a child with daily dental hygiene?"

1. Actually educational activity:
Theme "Invite the doll for tea"
Purpose: to form the ability to set the table in an elementary way, the skills of behavior at the table.
2. Joint activities of the educator with the children:
Didactic game "Clean children". Purpose: to test children's knowledge of hygiene items and their purpose.
3. Independent activity of children:

- game situation "We go to visit each other."
4. Working with parents:
Design of the photo exhibition “We are clean!”

1. Actually educational activity:
Theme "Together with the doll for a walk"
- to fix the implementation of the algorithm for dressing clothes;
- to form the need for neatness in the garden and on the street.
2. Joint activities of the educator with the children:
Didactic game "Let's teach the doll to dress / undress"; "Dress the doll"; with subject pictures on the theme "Clothes, shoes, hats." Examination of plot pictures "children on a walk" (at different times of the year).
3. Independent activity of children:
Collective practical activity of children "Let's help the doll Tanya put things in place."
4. Working with parents:
Master class for parents “Bayu-bashki-bayu ... (get acquainted with the Russian folk lulling nursery rhyme, song, sentences). Exchange of experience between parents "How I put my child to sleep."

1. Actually educational activity:
Theme "Bayu-bayushki-bayu, I'll put the doll to sleep ..."
- develop the ability to freely use bedding items, use them for their intended purpose, name them correctly;
- to form the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene before going to bed (washing, neatly folding clothes).
2. Joint activities of the educator with the children:
Didactic game "What a doll needs!" Purpose: to exercise cultural and hygienic skills.
3. Independent activity of children:
Role-playing games "Home" and "Family":
- game situation "Katya doll wants to sleep."
4. Working with parents:
Master class for parents "Making a folk doll that is put to the child in the crib so that he falls asleep better."

1. Actually educational activity:
The theme is "Vodichka, Vodichka ...".
Purpose: to consolidate the cultural and hygienic skills that children already have.
2. Joint activities of the educator with the children:
Didactic game "Dress the doll for a walk."
3. Independent activity of children:
Role-playing games: "Family Matters"
- game situation "Doll Masha is visiting us"
4. Working with parents:
Joint holiday with parents "Visiting Moidodyr".

Planned results
a child of 3-4 years old should have cultural and hygienic skills according to his age:
- the child is able to independently perform age-appropriate hygiene procedures in kindergarten and at home;
- independently or after a reminder from an adult, observes elementary rules behavior during eating, washing;
– has elementary ideas about the need to comply with hygiene rules in everyday life in kindergarten and at home;
- can notice the disorder in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from adults;
- a child with desire and interest takes part in games aimed at the formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

- parents are ready and able to actively interact with preschool teachers on the development of cultural and hygienic skills;
- take an active, lively part in the life of the group;
- show personal interest in harmonizing the requirements for the educational process; provide recommendations and ideas for
ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process;
- show a keen interest in the results of the child's achievements in mastering cultural and hygienic skills;
- understand the nature of the organization educational process and their influence on the development of the child's competencies, his personal qualities.

Methods and forms of evaluation of the result:
The object of monitoring is the personal qualities of children, the achievements of children.
Performance Study Methods:
Supervision of children.
Parent survey.
Methods for recording survey data:
Observation protocols.
Methods for processing results
Summarizing the results in tables.
Frequency of monitoring: 2 times a year (at the beginning and end of the year).

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children(formulate in a table):
Name, surname of the child
Formation of the skill of washing hands and personal hygiene (in points)
Formation of the skill of neat eating (in points)
Formation of the skill of taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order (in points)

Handwashing and personal hygiene skills include the ability to:
1. Wash your face, ears, hands.
2. Roll up your sleeves.
3. Wet your hands.
4. Take soap, lather until foam appears.
5. Wash off the soap.
6. Dry your hands dry, carefully fold the towel and hang it in your cell.
7. Use a comb.
Neat eating skills include the ability to:
1. Proper use of a tablespoon and teaspoon, fork, napkin.
2. Do not crumble bread.
3. Chew food with your mouth closed.
4. Don't talk with your mouth full.
5. Quietly leave the table at the end of the meal.
6. Give thanks.
7. Use only your device.
Skills for taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order include the ability to:
1. Unfasten the buttons.
2. Take off the dress (trousers).
3. Hang carefully.
4. Remove the shirt and carefully hang it on the trousers.
5. Take off your shoes.
6. Remove tights, hang on a shirt (dress).
7. Put on in reverse order.

Criteria for evaluation:
3 points - correctly performed action;
2 points - action performed with minor inaccuracies;
1 point - inability to perform the action.
Levels of formation of cultural and hygienic skills:
High level (84-63 points) - all skills are firmly formed.
Medium level (62-40 points) - one or more skills are in the process of formation.
Below average (39-28 points) - one or more skills are not formed.

1. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age: Practical guide for kindergarten teachers. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2001.
2. Meremyanina O.R. Together with the doll I grow: Toolkit. - Barnaul: AKIPKRO, 2008.
3. From birth to school. Approximate basic general education program preschool education/ Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.
4. Pashkevich T.D. Educational program of preschool educational institution: guidelines. - Barnaul: AKIPKRO, 2010.
5. Pashkevich T.D. Formation of interest in mathematics in preschool children: guidelines. - Barnaul: AKIPKRO, 2010.
6. The program of education and training in kindergarten / Edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - 6th ed., Rev. and additional – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2011.

The education of cultural and hygienic skills (CHS) in children is one of the priority tasks of the preschool teacher. Kids need not just to talk about how to behave and keep clean, but to consolidate the knowledge gained in practice. How not to get confused as a teacher large volume information, where should work be started, how to organize activities for the formation of the above skills for children of the sixth year of life? A structured file of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group, as well as an analysis of the program and requirements, will help in solving these issues. state standard.

The goals of the formation of KP in a preschool institution

The common saying that cleanliness is the key to health is undeniable. That is why it is so important to teach kids to follow the rules as early as possible. That is, the main goal of educating KPs is to preserve and strengthen the health of preschool children.

The next important task is the formation of a socially adapted personality of the child, the education of understanding and acceptance of the established rules of behavior in society.

The education of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group is carried out daily, as in special classes, and in the process regime moments during the day.

The concept of skill and habit as the basis of cultural and hygienic education

Where does the process of educating a culture of behavior and compliance begin? From the moment of birth, the baby observes the people around him. This is where those stereotypes of behavior begin to be laid, which later, under the influence of various external factors, are formed into a certain skill. So, for the first time, a baby tries porridge not with a finger, but with a spoon, learns to use a napkin, etc.

But the goal of the teacher is to form a stable habit based on the acquired skill. The education of cultural and hygienic skills in the older group pursues just such a task. After all, while still being babies, children have learned - thanks to educators, parents and society as a whole - the basic rules of behavior and hygiene. But such skills have not yet become sustainable. Children often forget or incorrectly perform any learned skill. For example, toddlers may learn how to use cutlery but not properly hold a spoon, spill water from a glass, forget to wash their hands before eating, etc.

Conditions for the education of hygiene skills in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

In order to develop cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group, certain conditions are needed:

  1. Impeccable implementation of the rules and norms formed by the baby by adults. A preschooler is characterized by imitation, therefore, daily observing the actions of the teacher and parents, he will follow their example. And if, for example, it is customary in the family to talk at the dinner table, then it will be quite difficult for the baby to explain why he should not do this. It is important not to forget that the formed skill is quite difficult to correct.
  2. Necessary child-friendly equipment. For example, the faucet should be installed at the height of the baby. Items such as furniture or sanitary ware in kindergartens were originally designed for use by children. But the teacher needs to take care of, for example, that there are napkins at the dinner table. And in order for the formation of skills to be consolidated at home, parents should organize the child's access to the equipment.
  3. The equipment necessary for the upbringing of KPs should not only be properly located, but also be attractive to the baby. That is why everything in kindergartens is so bright, with drawings and decorations. In addition to the fact that such decorations have an aesthetic function, they contribute to the development of interest in the skills being formed, and also contribute to their persistent assimilation and memorization. It is for the purpose of consolidating knowledge that entertaining children's stickers are attached to the lockers and cribs of babies. In addition, when carrying out daily work on the formation of rules of conduct, teachers use a file of cultural and hygienic skills. In the older group, thanks to purposeful games, kids will easily and naturally master necessary skills and put them into practice.
  4. Skills to be learned should be repeated regularly, despite changes in the environment. For example, a child must strictly wash his hands after a walk and before eating in the kindergarten, at home, at a party, etc.
  5. The educator in the process of working on the formation of the CGT in the senior group should apply an individual approach.
  6. Strict observance of the daily routine.

The volume of CGT in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Pupils of 5 years, as a rule, have already mastered the basic skills. What to teach such children, what to form cultural and hygienic skills in the older group? A card file with goals (according to the Federal State Educational Standard) will help the educator determine the goals and objectives of the work, as well as organize practical activities with children. So, what is the content of the work on educating KP for kids of the indicated age category, according to the requirements educational standard? What kids need to learn:

  • to master the concept of an active social life position;
  • friendship;
  • respect for elders;
  • rules of games in a team of peers;
  • distinguish between good and bad behavior;
  • to consolidate the ability to comply with the rules and norms established by society;
  • learn the culture of communication;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the body (brush your own teeth, wash your face), clothes, neat hairstyles;
  • consolidate the skill of dressing;
  • to form the skill to neatly fold things, toys, make the bed;
  • use cutlery (fork and knife), follow the culture of behavior at the table.


In the preschool educational institution, educators of preschoolers daily resort to the help of such a methodological manual as a card file of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. What is it? This is a structured work plan for mastering these skills, which contains a list of game tasks for educational purposes.

Such a document is not mandatory, but, as proven in practice, is effective in working on the development of hygiene rules and a culture of behavior in children. The card file is compiled directly by the educator, taking into account the requirements educational program, state standard and internal rules, as well as the material and technical capabilities of the preschool educational institution.

Cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group: a file with goals

A card file of didactic games aimed at the development of CGD helps the teacher to effectively plan and organize educational daily activities with kids. This manual contains concise, structured tasks depending on the purpose and type of activity. Below, we invite educators to take note of a few interesting games aimed at mastering hygiene skills and a culture of behavior in the older group.

Role-playing game "The doll bathes"

The purpose of the game is as follows: to consolidate the knowledge of children about means of washing, to form the ability to use them in practical activities.

Children are offered several items, among which are soap and a washcloth. It is their kids who must choose from a number of others. After that, preschoolers should bathe the doll using the selected hygiene products.

Board game "Pick up a couple"

Purpose: to teach to correlate objects with actions, to consolidate self-service skills.

How to play? Among the various proposed images, kids should choose a logical pair. For example, clothes-wardrobe, toothbrush-teeth, soap-hands, toys-basket for toys, etc. In addition, children need to justify their choice.

Didactic game "Clean Crocodile"

The purpose of the game: to form self-service skills, to consolidate, to educate accuracy, a thrifty attitude to health.

The rules of the game are as follows: the leader (chosen with the help of a counting rhyme) shows with gestures and facial expressions any action related to the observance of hygiene rules, for example, brushes his teeth, washes his face, gets dressed, etc. The rest of the participants guess the action.

Board game "How I spend my day"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the daily routine, develop memory, form the concept of a healthy lifestyle.

Preschoolers are offered plot illustrations that depict Children need to arrange the illustrations in a chain in order.

Didactic game "Good or bad?"

Purpose: to form the ability to behave correctly in society, to learn how to assess the current situation, analyze the actions of others; educate the concept of cultural behavior.

The teacher shows the children plot illustrations that reflect various situations. For example, the picture shows how a child scatters toys, brushes his teeth, helps an elderly person up the stairs, etc. Preschoolers should identify and justify the answer about which situation is positive and which is negative.

How to make a card index for the senior group?

In order to properly form cultural and hygienic skills in the older group, the card file must be correctly compiled and formatted. Only in this case, the document will become a practical assistant to the educator during classes on the formation of a culture of behavior and compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. How to make a file:

  1. Write out from the work program and the Federal State Educational Standard a list of KPs that should be formed in the senior group of preschool educational institutions.
  2. Schedule activities according to thematic weeks.
  3. Choose games aimed at the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the older group.
  4. Indicate the goals of didactic games, the necessary equipment.
  5. Prepare material for activities.
  6. Spend game lesson according to plan.
  7. Evaluate the result of the work done.

A card file of cultural and hygienic skills in the older group will help to effectively organize educational work in preschool educational institutions, increase the effectiveness and stability of the learned material.




Faculty of Management and Law Department

management and law


by discipline

"Psychology and pedagogy"

Topic: "Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children."

Made by a student of the GMU-II group

Ivanov A.N.

Leader: apprentice degree, rank, position



1. Definition of the concept of "cultural and hygienic skills".

The need for their formation………………………………………………..4

age groups……………………………………………………………….….….9

3. Methodology and conditions for the formation of cultural and hygienic





Cultural and hygienic skills are an important part of the culture of behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean is dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations. Children must understand that respect for others is shown in observing these rules, that it is unpleasant for any person to touch a dirty hand or look at untidy clothes. A sloppy person who does not know how to take care of himself, his appearance, his actions, as a rule, is careless in his work.

The education of cultural and hygienic skills is important not only for the success of the socialization of children, but also for their health.

The basis of the full physical development of the child younger age is to introduce him to the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle importance acquires the development of the basics of hygiene culture by preschoolers.

However, faced with the task of educating cultural and hygienic skills in preschoolers, the educator cannot always determine the direction, sequence of his work, clearly present the result of the upbringing process, identify the most appropriate forms and methods of influence, so I consider the topic under consideration to be relevant.

The purpose of my research is to study the problem of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children.

1. Definition of the concept of "cultural and hygienic skills". The need for their formation

The education of cultural and hygienic skills is aimed at strengthening the health of the child. At the same time, it includes an important task - the education of a culture of behavior. Caring for children's health physical development begins with the education of their love for cleanliness, neatness, order. “One of the most important tasks of a kindergarten,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya, is to instill in children skills that strengthen their health. FROM early age children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, eat from a separate plate, walk clean, cut their hair, shake out clothes, not drink raw water, eat on time, sleep on time, be more outdoors, and so on.

All the measures that preschool hygiene develops contribute to the normal physical, hygienic development of children, and the strengthening of their health.

Health is a broader concept, which is understood as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being - this is the definition put forward by the World Health Organization.

The formation of cultural and hygienic skills is a long process, in connection with this, the same tasks can be repeated many times. The upbringing of skills is carried out by methods of direct influence, exercises, i.e. through learning, accustoming, therefore the upbringing of cultural and hygienic skills must be planned in the daily routine. Observations have shown that in those children's institutions where the daily routine is carried out in accordance with hygienic requirements and all types of activities are carried out at a high pedagogical level, the indicators of working capacity and development of children are high.

And most importantly, according to the daily routine, it is noticeable that young children are given more time for hygiene and self-care than older children, since these skills are already more developed in older children. From this it is important to emphasize that the age characteristics and individual abilities children play an important role in the daily routine.

From the moment of birth, a child is a social being, because care for him is aimed at introducing him to the world of adults, although parents and teachers do not always realize this. A blanket, a pacifier, a diaper and other items are objects with which an adult introduces a baby into the social world. With the help of these items, needs are met: eat with a spoon, knife, fork, sleep in bed, cover yourself with a blanket, etc. The child himself does not own the way to satisfy the need, and without the help of an adult he will not discover it, he will not learn it on his own.

From the first days of life, during the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, there is not a simple assimilation of rules, norms of behavior, but an extremely important process of socialization, humanization of the baby, his “entry” into the world of adults. Mental development is an uneven process, its lines do not run simultaneously, there are periods of the most rapid development of certain functions, mental qualities. These periods are called sensitive - the most favorable for development. For the initial formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the sensitive period falls on early childhood.

The child begins to get acquainted with the world of objects created by man, he must master objective actions, among which one can single out instrumental and correlative. The former involve mastery of an object - a tool with which a person acts on another object (bread is cut with a knife, soup is eaten with a spoon, sewn with a needle). With the help of correlative actions, objects are brought into the appropriate spatial positions: the baby closes and opens the boxes, puts the soap in the soap dish, hangs it on the hook by the loop, fastens the buttons, laces up the shoes.

The daily routine, in the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, has great importance. The daily routine is a clear routine of life during the day. Getting involved in the daily routine, performing everyday processes, the child masters a series of cultural and hygienic skills. These skills are one of the components of the culture of behavior in everyday life. A skill that has become a need is a habit. The habit of washing allows the child to do this deftly and quickly, and the habit of washing encourages him to do it willingly and without compulsion. As cultural and hygienic skills are mastered, they are generalized, detached from the subject corresponding to them and transferred to a game, imaginary situation, thereby influencing the formation of a new type of activity - the game.

In the game, children reflect the relationships that develop in the course of everyday processes. The child treats the doll in the same way as parents treat him in appropriate situations. In the game, children imitate everyday activities (washing hands, eating), thereby reinforcing actions with household items (spoon, cup, etc.), and also reflect the rules that are behind the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills: doll clothes must be carefully folded Arrange the dishes on the table nicely.

Cultural and hygienic skills are connected not only with the game. They form the basis of the first species accessible to the child labor activity- self-service work. Self-service is characterized by the fact that the child's actions do not have a social motive, they are directed at himself. “Mastering cultural and hygienic skills affects not only play and work activities, but also the relationship of the child with adults and peers. Mastering cultural and hygienic skills makes it possible to compare yourself with other children: am I better or worse at doing this? So, through comparing oneself with others, the prerequisites for the formation of self-esteem, awareness of one's capabilities and skills, as well as prerequisites for self-control are formed. When performing household processes, the baby observes, compares, analyzes, establishes causal relationships. He thinks about where the soap went, because at first there was a large piece, and after a while it became very small, why water washes away foam and dirt from his hands, how a cutlet can be cut in half with a fork, where sugar disappears in tea, why wet scarf, etc.

During the period early childhood there is such a personal neoplasm as the consciousness of one's "I". This is expressed in the fact that the baby begins to call himself in the first person: "I myself." Behind this is the awareness of one's own activity, the separation of the result of one's actions from the actions themselves.

Cultural and hygienic skills are aimed at the child himself. Performing sanitary and hygienic procedures, the baby is aware of himself. He has an idea about his own body. When dressing and washing, the child, looking at his reflection in the mirror, comes to understand some of the changes that occur in him during the domestic process: the face turned from dirty to clean, the hair from disheveled became beautifully combed, the legs were put on boots, put on the handles mittens. The child begins to control his appearance: he pays attention to dirty hands, notices problems in clothes, asks an adult to help put himself in order, the baby develops a need for cleanliness and neatness. That is, the actions that make them improve by themselves, change themselves, and not the object. Therefore, they form the baby's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis own body. When putting on shoes, the baby examines his legs, putting on gloves - pens, tying a bow or scarf - his face. When dressing, washing, the child sees his reflection in the mirror, notices the changes taking place in it.

Cultural and hygienic skills coincide with another line mental development- the development of the will.

The kid still doesn't know how to do anything. Therefore, every action is given with great difficulty. And you don’t always want to finish what you started, especially if nothing works out. If adults rush to help the child at the slightest difficulty, free him from the need to make efforts, then very quickly he will form a passive position: “fasten”, “tie”, “dress”.

With age, as he masters cultural and hygienic skills, the baby is aware of the rules of behavior that determine them. And such rules begin to regulate the actions of the child, to control them. That is, the child's behavior becomes arbitrary. He restrains his immediate feelings and aspirations, subordinates his actions to a previously set goal, can refuse what he wants if this is required by the social rule of behavior.

Thus, the development of cultural and hygienic skills is associated with the ethical development of a preschooler.

Education in children the skills of personal and public hygiene plays an important role in protecting their health, promotes proper behavior in everyday life, in public places. Ultimately, not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on the knowledge and implementation of the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior by children.

In the process of daily work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the implementation of personal hygiene rules becomes natural for them, and hygiene skills are constantly improved with age. At the beginning, children are taught to follow elementary rules: wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet, playing, walking, etc. Children of middle and older preschool age should be more conscious of the implementation of personal hygiene rules; wash your hands with soap on your own, lathering them until foam forms and wipe them dry, use an individual towel, comb, mouthwash, make sure that all things are kept clean. The formation of personal hygiene skills also implies the ability of children to always be neat, to notice problems in their clothes, to fix them on their own or with the help of adults. Hygienic education and training is inextricably linked with the education of cultural behavior. All information on hygiene is instilled in children in everyday life in the process of various activities and recreation, i.e. in each component of the regime, one can find a favorable moment for hygienic education.

For the effective hygienic education of preschoolers, the appearance of others and adults is of great importance. It must be constantly remembered that children at this age are very observant and prone to imitation, so the teacher should be a model for them.

2. The content of cultural and hygienic skills of children of different age groups

First junior group

One of the tasks of educating children of the 1st junior group is the formation of the prerequisites for moral behavior and cultural and hygienic skills in them. Children of the 3rd life who came to kindergarten differ from each other in the level of upbringing, have different skills and are just beginning to get used to the new environment for them. From here - special meaning in work with kids acquires an individual approach to each child.

First of all, the teacher needs to achieve the trust of the child, because the decisive method of educating kids is the direct communication with them of the educator. The child of the younger group experiences a particularly great need for constant contact with adults. From how the relationship between the baby and adults will develop and develop, his relationship and culture of behavior in contacts with a wider range of people largely depend. The creation of the prerequisites for the cultural behavior of a small child is carried out in several directions. One of them is the formation of the ability to play and study, walk and eat, sleep during quiet hours, dress and wash together with a group of peers, next to comrades, i.e. in a collective. At the same time, children develop a sense of community. It is equally important to instill an interest in the work activity of adults, a desire to help them, and later independently perform simple self-service labor activities. Raising a caring attitude to toys and things, the ability to overcome small difficulties and bring things to an end, a sense of gratitude for care and care, obedience and a sense of sympathy, friendliness to children and adults - all these are the fundamental program areas of the teacher's pedagogical work in the 1st junior group of kindergarten .

An important task in working with children of the 1st junior group of the kindergarten is the education of cultural and hygienic skills - neatness, accuracy in everyday life, food culture skills, as an integral part of the culture of behavior. To make it easier for a child to learn new skills, it is necessary to make this process accessible, interesting and exciting. And this must be done pedagogically subtly, unobtrusively. At the same time, it is important for the educator to consider age feature children of the 3rd year of life - the desire for independence

For easier mastering of certain skills, the actions associated with its assimilation are divided into several operations. We must remember one more important feature of the formation of cultural behavior skills in children: as they master new actions, children want to repeat them repeatedly. In other words, kids turn these actions into a game. The teacher, seeing this, joins the game and directs the child's actions to consolidate the skill. By repeating the correct actions in this way, young children begin to perform them more carefully. First of all, you should remember: initial stage In no case should children be rushed to master the skill, they must be given the opportunity to calmly perform the mastered actions. Such an environment will allow them to maintain a positive emotional mood. However, the need to fit into the allotted regime processes time remains. Therefore, it is necessary to skillfully direct the efforts of children to more purposeful actions. For this, indirect methods of preventive encouragement, for example, are effective.

Another, also very effective method- the use of games. With the satisfaction of the child's interest in new actions for him, with their repeated performance, the skill becomes strong. To strengthen the skill, you should also use the encouragement of the baby for a successfully completed task. The nature of the assessment of actions and deeds changes in accordance with the increasing level of consolidation in children of the skills of a culture of behavior. If at the beginning the efforts of children are constantly encouraged and evaluated positively, then in the future it is necessary to treat as a proper phenomenon, to evaluate only the quality of actions.

In order for children to learn more difficult rules of cultural behavior, it is advisable to use collective games-activities, games-exercises, games-staging. They help the teacher to equalize the level of mastery of the skills of each child of the group. Through games-classes, the educator can in a fun way not only reveal the content of the requirements in the required sequence, but also connect these requirements with the specific actions of the baby, this makes it possible to consolidate a positive attitude towards their implementation in everyday life.

Given the peculiarities in working with children of primary preschool age, classes should be given maximum importance, which ensures good activity for kids. Their interest intensifies when a child takes part in games and activities. senior group, shows directly the action itself (dressing, washing) or examples of polite treatment.

A variety of toys and objects can be included in the activity games. This contributes to the activation of both visual and motor analyzers of the child. The subject, the action, the teacher shows each kid, for example, how to hold a spoon, the children immediately practice the correct action with a spoon. Such imitating actions with real objects in an imaginary situation help kids in mastering practical actions in vital regime processes.

The actions shown and mastered in the classroom as a result of constant exercises in everyday activities develop into stable skills of cultural behavior. In the future, children begin to use these skills in a wide variety of situations. The content of various events from the life of children and their actions in these events can be included in the activity games.

At the end of the year, the children take part in preparations for the "move to new apartment- to another group. They put toys in boxes, put dolls in various vehicles - strollers, cars. Again, a situation deliberately created by the educator, which helps him in the formation of a benevolent attitude of children towards each other, the skills of moral behavior.

The game techniques used by the educator and evoking positive emotions in the kids provide a higher susceptibility of the child to the moral rules of behavior. The teacher unobtrusively develops the intellectual-emotional attitude of children to specific rules of social behavior, consolidates them in experience, encourages children to benevolent actions.

For the kids to master dressing techniques, dolls can also be included in the game. The group must have a large doll with a selection of clothes.

From the first day, the educator warns parents that loops are sewn on the children's clothes, for which he can hang them in his closet. This will make it easier to develop the skill of keeping clothes neat.

Second junior group

With the transition to this group, the program requirements for instilling in them the skills of a culture of behavior, planning the educational process, becomes more complicated.

In children in the 4th year of life, they continue to form independence, the ability to overcome small difficulties. There are complex requirements for the performance of actions in the course of regime processes, careful attitude to toys, to the work of elders. The teacher should pay great attention

the formation in children and their implementation of the rules of polite treatment, organized behavior in kindergarten, on the street.

When planning work, the teacher pays special attention to the formation of such qualities as sensitivity, attentiveness, courtesy, tact, which will help the child to see and distinguish the state of a person, deciding what to do in a particular case, so as not to cause trouble to others.

The evening presents great opportunities for cultivating a culture of behavior. This is a time of especially confidential communication between the teacher and the children, a heart-to-heart talk. Direct communication with the educator helps to strengthen the child's attachment, trust in him - essential condition moral education. For the evening hours, dramatizations of simple stories with the help of toys can also be planned. The teacher draws the content of such scenes from observations; children perceive scenes from their lives with interest.

The level of development of children of the 4th year of life makes it possible to somewhat complicate the program requirements for morally oriented games-activities, games-exercises, and dramatizations. Now they are built so that each subsequent exercise is based on the previously acquired experience of children. This ensures faster and more lasting mastering of the skill.

The principle of conducting games is a wider, complex impact on the consciousness and moral feelings of children, as well as providing them with the opportunity to exercise in performing the necessary actions and deeds. Gradually, children are given more and more independence, bypassing the demonstration of actions, an opportunity is created for independent exercises in cultural behavior.

In order to achieve unity between ideas about how to behave and the specific behavior of the child, playful exercises should be widely used. Children are very fascinated, for example, with games-exercises to consolidate the rules of etiquette in communication with surrounding adults and children.

Exercises in performing actions to show the educator are a kind and necessary for the formation of the skill of training the behavior of children. For example: in the lesson “Visiting Matryoshka”, it was clearly shown how to politely greet, bowing your head. In the following days, when meeting with children, it is necessary not only to greet them affably, but, if necessary, to remind them how to greet Matryoshka in class.

Such exercises allow you to generalize individual actions, show children in a complex, for example, the process of washing. They take an active interest, they name the parts that should be washed, and so on.

Gradually, the educator introduces new attributes into the play corners, which allow developing the content of the games in accordance with the acquired skills of cultural behavior.

middle group

IN middle group The work of a teacher in educating children in the skills of cultural behavior is becoming much more complicated and expanding. Children of the fifth year of life are observant, inquisitive, active. Their interests are diversified. The volume of knowledge is increasing, the possibilities of familiarizing children with phenomena are expanding. public life. The subject of children's attention is the work of adults, their relationships in the process of labor, bright, noticeable events in the immediate environment, at home. And the atmosphere of life in kindergarten acquires special significance for the formation of moral feelings and qualities.

The combination of directing the independent practical daily activities of children in kindergarten and at home with drawing their attention to the work of adults, the social significance of this work, contributes to the successful expansion of the tasks of instilling respect for adults, a culture of communication with them.

This area of ​​educational activity requires the organization of children's attention to adults with whom they communicate daily. After all, it is in relation to relatives that the life of children is most often manifested, they do not notice the care of adults about them. To prevent this from happening, you need to teach children to see, understand and appreciate the work of adults, their positive actions and relationships. good remedy for this - the correct display of such actions in classes and games. Two or three morally oriented classes can be devoted specially during the year to respect for the surrounding adults, especially for parents, teachers, and nannies.

Senior group

In senior preschool age the formation of the moral qualities of the individual and the habits of cultural behavior are actively continuing. Content pedagogical process at this stage, it is the upbringing of respect for relatives and friends, attachment respect for educators, a conscious desire to please the elders with good deeds, the desire to be useful to others. Children of the older group need to actively and consistently form friendly relationships, the habit of playing and studying together, the ability to obey the requirements, to follow the example in their actions. good people, positive, heroic character of famous works of art. In the moral education of the older preschooler, the upbringing of a culture of communication continues to occupy a large place. The formation of respect for others, goodwill, strong-willed qualities, restraint occurs in a group of peers. The team plays an increasingly important role in the life of children, the relationship of children becomes more complicated. In the behavior of an older preschooler, the connection of moral qualities and personality traits with intellect, cognitive and interesting, attitude to the world around us, to activities, to adults and peers, to oneself is more pronounced. A child in the process of communication can already be restrained, able to act in the interests of a partner or a group of peers, while showing strong-willed sufficient efforts. But, of course, this is only the beginning of a skill that needs to be developed and consolidated.

The main thing in the purposeful educational activity of the teacher at the senior preschool age continues to be the organization of the life and activities of the child, corresponding to the experience of meaningful communication, the formation of a benevolent attitude towards peers and others.

An effective method for clarifying the systematization of the moral ideas of older preschoolers is an ethical conversation. Such conversations should organically be included in the system of diverse methods of education. Ethical conversation, as a method of moral education, is distinguished by a significant originality. The content of ethical conversations is mostly genuine life situations, the behavior of the surrounding people and, above all, the pupils themselves. The teacher gives a description of the facts and actions that the child observed or performed in communication with peers and adults.

Such characteristics form children's objectivity in assessing events, help the child navigate in a given situation and act in accordance with the rules of moral behavior. Ethical conversations are planned, prepared and organized classes, the content of which is determined by the requirements of the Kindergarten Education and Training Program. But, referring to the program tasks of education, the teacher must concretize them, work out the rules and norms of behavior, the education of which must be strengthened in this group, taking into account adults and the individual characteristics of children.

It should be remembered: the main objective ethical conversation is to

to form in the child moral motives of behavior by which he could be guided in his actions. And such conversations should be based, first of all, on genuine events and phenomena, which are provided in abundance by the life and activities of the child in the circle of peers.

In preparing for such a conversation, the teacher should analyze what was

the subject of the most vivid impressions of children, how they perceived what they saw, how they experience it. If the educator considers it necessary to include excerpts from one or another artwork, he must necessarily subordinate their contents to educators and functions.

interested questions, vivid emotions, sincere assessments: the teacher, as it were, opens up inner world child. This allows you to reasonably determine how the kids perceived the idea, the moral of the work, and makes it possible to further tactfully correct the behavior of children. And the fact that the children as a group jointly discuss the facts of behavior and various situations causes empathy, the emotional influence of children on each other, contributes to the mutual enrichment of their feelings and ethical ideas.

The behavior of the pupils of the older groups convincingly indicates that at this age there is a gradual transition from the perception of the content of individual actions to enriched concepts of good behavior. Through ethical conversations, the educator links together in the minds of children disparate ideas into a single whole - the basis of the future system of moral assessments. It is the assimilation of ethical concepts in a certain system that helps the older preschooler to understand the essence of the concepts of goodness, the common good, justice that forms the initial concept of

human dignity.

The influence of the moral consciousness of the older preschooler on the self-regulation of his behavior is not yet great. But at this age, the child is still able to evaluate his behavior on others. Therefore, the topics of ethical conversations must necessarily include the leading concepts for this age group. "My mother", "My family", "Kindergarten", "My comrades", "I'm at home" and many others.

It is important that the content of the listed leading and complementary topics is necessarily associated with the entire content of the pedagogical process, without which it is impossible to ensure the effectiveness of moral education, and also help to systematize and generalize the ideas about morality that children acquired in previous groups.

Ethical conversations, their results should be directly manifested in

practice of behavior, actions of children in various situations. What is very important

to consolidate the results of pedagogical influence.

The first day of the new senior group. Group rooms are decorated for the holidays. So it was before and during the transition of children to II junior group and in

average. The difference is in a more serious and trusting tone of conversation

educator. He not only shows the children all the rooms, but also organizes a viewing of the work of children who have moved to the preparatory group, tells them how they worked, played, as they should. Together with the children, the teacher thinks about how best to arrange everything in the group rooms. At the same time, it contributes to the cheerful mood of children, their joyful communication with each other, acquaintance with new products. And when the newcomer's reception is completed, you can organize entertainment with the participation of all children and staff.

preparatory group

The main task of the moral education of preschool children at this stage is, first of all, to consolidate, deepen and expand everything that they have acquired over the entire previous period of their stay in kindergarten.

In everyday pedagogical practice, the educator should strive to make the child's moral feelings become deeper, and their manifestation in relations with people, their activities, and their native country - more stable and organized. The moral ideas of children about the phenomena of social life, about the qualities inherent in people (such as justice and honesty, diligence and responsibility, etc.) become more conscious. They acquire greater generality, and the skills of moral behavior become more natural and durable, acquire greater breadth and stability so that the child always behaves according to the rules, not only in kindergarten and at home, but also in any environment, not only in front of adults, under control, but also of their own accord. Particular attention of the educator in this age group should also be focused on educating the need for personal hygiene and natural mutual assistance of children in various regime processes, in the formation of volitional qualities, in the accumulation of experience in humane relations and a culture of behavior. These tasks are specified in the relevant sections of the "Programs of education and training in kindergarten." "Education of cultural and hygienic skills", "Education of skills of a culture of behavior", "Education of humane feelings and positive relationships, ethical ideas", etc.

To ensure organic continuity between kindergarten and school in moral education, a high level of upbringing in the broadest sense of the word is very important. It is the positive experience of humane relations of children Primary School rightly considers as the main result of the moral education of the child in the previous period; it is on this foundation in the primary grades that further development new forms of moral behavior.

The learning process also depends on the achieved education. Among the negative qualities of a first grader that make it difficult learning activities and upbringing, teachers often call sloppiness, lack of composure. Cleanliness, upbringing in the years of preschool childhood provides the first-grader with a natural, effortlessly maintaining the order of the portfolio in the workplace and thereby saves time for educational activities.

many teachers primary school often complain about the fact that a first-grader can be noted "lazy mind". Unaccustomed to perseverance

in the acquisition of knowledge, and the desire to understand the meaning of the information received, the inability

focus is a big problem. To release children to school with such qualities as perseverance and perseverance in achieving results is one of the most important educational tasks in the preparatory school group of children.

A good way to instill this quality is collective reading, followed by a retelling of the content of the read fairy tale, fable, etc. It helps a lot in raising a child who is preparing for school,

formation of skills of educational activity.

The tasks of educating a culture of behavior in this age group, as well as in

previous ones are solved on the basis of an expedient selection of methods and techniques, their most successful combination, providing the relationship of educational and cognitive and independent activity preschoolers.

It is important to note that when working with children in this group, it is necessary to ensure that the child's acquired experience does not run counter to the new knowledge that

he will receive in the process of education. It is also necessary to be very careful

take into account in a way how the behavior of children is reflected in their impressions received as a result of observations of various life situations, what

the attitude of children to the observed actions of comrades and adults. That's why

intimate individual conversations and group discussions are of particular importance.

ethical conversations; dramatization games are also very effective, exercise games. Complementing each other, they allow to form a moral world.

senior preschooler, the social morality of his behavior.

Using morally directed methods of education, the teacher forms ethical concepts, a culture of behavior in public places, a culture of relationships, a culture of speech, a culture of appearance. But it must be remembered that in preparatory group the game techniques included in the educational process do not lose their significance, combining them with ethical conversations, the teacher unobtrusively reveals to the children visual examples of everyday communication. It is also important that morally oriented classes, conversations contain not only the rule of etiquette, but also interesting practical exercises in cultural communication. Then you can more effectively influence the inner world of the child.

The effectiveness of the formation of benevolent social motives of behavior increases if the teacher sets organic connection between the varied tastes of children's activities. This work must necessarily be reflected in the plan of educational work. It is important for the educator to constantly keep records of observations of the actions of children. It is here that the educator notes how the methods provided for by the plan influenced the child, whether the goal was achieved, etc. Education is a creative process, therefore, to provide and plan work for two weeks, a month, etc. without analysis of previous diary entries is impossible.

The thoughtful use of multivariate connections allows the "red thread" to lead the education of a culture of behavior through all the learning processes in the classroom, games, musical, visual and other activities of children.

The specific implementation of the relationship of the educational process is an independent activity.

It is very important that the entire regime of the kindergarten, everything that we call everyday life was filled with meaningful activities and communication. This contributes to the spiritual world of the child. Solving this problem, the teacher creates a fertile ground for the formation of positive traits.

character and moral qualities of the individual.

To strengthen cultural and hygienic skills and habits are aimed

some activity games, exercise games. Depending on their specific content, various rules or their combinations are assimilated (wash your hands before eating, use a handkerchief correctly, etc.). At the same time, the educator must tirelessly emphasize the social significance of the rules of accuracy, their implementation is a sign of respect for loved ones, in general for others.

3. Methodology and conditions for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills

The main conditions for the successful formation of cultural and hygienic skills include a rationally organized environment, a clear daily routine and adult guidance. A rationally organized environment means the presence of a clean, fairly spacious room with necessary equipment, which ensures the implementation of all regime elements (washing, eating, sleeping, classes and games).

For the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, it is also necessary to develop general criteria for evaluating individual actions, to clearly determine the location of things, toys, the order of their cleaning and storage. For kids, the constancy of conditions, knowledge of the purpose and place of each thing he needs during the day is of particular importance. For example, in the washroom there should be a sufficient number of sinks of the required size, each of which contains soap; sinks and towels are placed taking into account the growth of children; there is a picture on the hanger above each towel. This increases the interest of children in washing. The daily routine ensures the daily repetition of hygiene procedures at the same time - this contributes to the gradual formation of skills and habits of a culture of behavior. Their formation occurs in games, work, classes, in everyday life. Repeating daily, the daily routine accustoms the child's body to a certain rhythm, provides a change of activity, thereby protecting nervous system children from fatigue. The implementation of the daily routine contributes to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, education, organization and discipline. The formation of cultural and hygienic skills is carried out under the guidance of adults - parents, educator. Therefore, full coherence in the requirements of the preschool institution and the family must be ensured. Among the many classifications of methods, a classification has been adopted in preschool pedagogy, which is based on the main forms of thinking that determine the nature of the methods of children's activities in the learning process. These forms include visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. In this regard, the main methods of teaching preschoolers are visual, verbal, game and practical methods.

Preparation for the formation of skills for independent self-service movements is the creation of a child's positive attitude towards dressing, washing, feeding. Learning some skills, for example, cultural eating, requires considerable work, since for this children must master a number of actions carried out in a certain sequence (sit correctly at the table, use eating utensils, a napkin, etc.). At preschool age, children are especially prone to imitate, so the personal example of adults plays an important role in the formation of skills.

For preschool children, awareness of the importance of cultural and hygienic skills is of great importance, they need to be informed of elementary knowledge about the rational rules of personal hygiene, its importance for everyone and for others, to cultivate an appropriate attitude towards hygiene procedures. All this contributes to the strength and flexibility of skills, and this is very important for creating lasting habits. For this purpose, you can also use variable tasks, unusual situations during the game, classes, walks, etc.

To inculcate cultural and hygienic skills in all age groups show, example, explanation, explanation, encouragement, conversations, exercises in actions are used. Playing techniques are widely used, especially at a younger preschool age: didactic games, nursery rhymes, poems (“Wash cleaner - do not be afraid of water”; “Early in the morning at dawn, mice, and kittens, and ducklings, and bugs, and spiders ... "and etc.).

The display is accompanied by an explanation. The display of any action should be given in such a way that separate operations are singled out - first the most significant, and then additional ones. The operations are carried out in a strict order with a small interval (no more than 5-10 seconds), otherwise a dynamic stereotype is not generated. Showing the action to the kids is necessarily accompanied by pronunciation (“Now take a towel and wipe each finger”). Then the adult acts together with the baby, performing associated actions. For example, she takes his hands in hers, lathers them and puts them under running water. Thus, the child develops a sensorimotor pattern of action, as well as an image of the operations that make up the action and the conditions in which it takes place. Gradually, the adult gives the baby greater independence, controlling the execution of operations and the result, and then only the result. When developing skills, the child learns to keep the goal of the activity, not to be distracted. You should also draw the attention of children to the rationality of certain methods of action. For example, after use, a towel must first be straightened, and then hung up - this way it dries better, does not fall to the floor. It is desirable that adults accompany the demonstration of actions and attempts of children to perform them on their own not only with explanations, but also with questions directing the child's attention to the need to act in a certain way. This will help him quickly learn the way to do it, understand why you need to do it that way.

In the education of cultural and hygienic skills, the unity of the requirements of the employees of the children's institution and parents is important. The kid does not immediately and with great difficulty acquire the necessary skills, he will need the help of adults. First of all, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions in the family: adapt a clothes hanger to the growth of the child, allocate an individual shelf or place on the shelf for storing toilet items (handkerchiefs, ribbons, socks), a permanent and convenient place for a towel, etc.

Teaching children should take into account their experience. It is impossible, for example, to start teaching a child to use a fork if he has not yet learned how to eat with a spoon correctly. Consistency in learning is very important. Thus, actions associated with undressing are more quickly mastered by children than actions with dressing; it is easier for a child to first learn to wash his hands, and then his face. The gradual complication of requirements takes the child to a new level of independence, maintains his interest in self-service, and allows him to improve his skills.

“The methodological techniques used by the teacher must be changed, and the conditions must be constant,” R.S. Bure and A.F. Ostrovskaya. “We will wash ourselves,” the teacher says at the beginning of the year and shows everything: how to wrap sleeves, and how to lather hands, and how to wash them and then wipe them. All children act under the supervision and supervision of an adult. But the children are getting older, and the teacher gradually gives them more and more independence. He moves from direct instructions to a reminder, from showing to advice, from an example to methods that allow children to develop a conscious attitude to the rules - persuasion, clarification of the meaning of the rules. Only when the teacher takes into account the ever-increasing experience of children, the improvement of their skills, the ability to more and more independently comply with the established rules, only then do they form stable habits that do not collapse when moving to new conditions. If this is not taken into account, then children develop only the ability to obey the demand of an adult.

Usually the quality and the correct sequence of actions is out of the attention of an adult. In this case, it is often considered unimportant to monitor whether the skill has become a habit. This situation leads to the fact that even seven-year-old children need to perform cultural and hygienic skills based only on the requirements of an adult. This can lead to the loss of a seemingly already formed skill. Therefore, in preschool age, it is necessary to re-learn skills on a different basis than in childhood. The child should be helped to realize the methods and conditions for the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills, as well as their necessity. Based on the expansion and complication of his practical experience. And for this, a specially organized activity of the baby under the guidance of an adult is necessary, then the children understand the expediency of the requirements of the educator (wash hands cleanly, do not pour water on the floor, etc.). To consolidate the rules and assimilate them, it is advisable to conduct a conversation about hygiene in middle and older groups. It is built in such a way that children not only name, list actions and their order, but also make generalizations that help to understand the appropriateness of actions, convince children of their necessity. It is important that older preschoolers independently use cultural and hygienic skills.

Therefore, it is advisable to move from direct instructions to indirect ones, for example, instead of reminding “children, go wash your hands,” say: “We are starting to prepare for dinner,” etc.

Cultural and hygienic skills need constant reinforcement. System changes educational work, lack of attention to the formation and use of skills can lead to their rapid loss. Practice shows that the issues of education of cultural and hygienic skills are not always reflected in calendar plans educators, while they are very important and need to be specified when planning. However, it takes a long time to implement them. In the work of self-service, the child is taught to complete what he has begun, to do the work with high quality. For example, they teach not only to take off clothes, but also to turn each item on the front side, fold it neatly, and hang it up. In all groups, the method of encouragement is used. It is important to praise the child in time, but you need not to abuse it so that he does not expect praise all the time. Fulfillment of the requirements of adults should become the norm of behavior, the need of the child.

One of the leading techniques in all age groups is the repetition of actions, exercise, without which the skill cannot be formed. At the first stages of skill formation, one should check how individual actions or the task as a whole were performed, for example, ask before washing: “Show how you rolled up your sleeves” or after washing, see how clean and dry your hands are. Didactic games are a good form of exercise in mastering cultural and hygienic skills.

A special role in the education of cultural and hygienic skills belongs to playing techniques. Using them, the educator reinforces the skills that are developed in everyday life in children.

Particular attention should be paid to the game method, because the game is the leading activity of a preschool child, through the game the child remembers better and establishes cause-and-effect relationships. The game allows the child to understand the world.


As a result of working on the theoretical part, I learned that even the classics of Russian pedagogy (N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, K.D. Ushinsky) wrote that the formation of cultural and hygienic skills is one of the most important areas in working with children. Modern pedagogical research and work experience has shown that the main thing is not to miss the favorable period when skills and habits are formed quickly, i.e. sensitive period. Work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills should be carried out in direct contact with the family.

The study of primary sources made it possible to deepen knowledge about the importance of cultural and hygienic skills in the upbringing of a preschool child.

Most often, children learn cultural and hygienic skills in the process of games or with the help of a literary word.

Studying the experience of working on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age, I became aware that various game techniques and methods help in this. The need for neatness, keeping the face, hands, hair, etc. clean is dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations. BUT human relations Small child embodies, first of all, in the game. Therefore, in our experimental work, we will give preference to different game techniques and methods. After analyzing the experience of working in the magazines “A Child in Kindergarten” and “Preschool Education”, I came to the conclusion that it is not enough on this topic.

Cultural and hygienic skills are an important part of the culture of behavior. Teachers and parents should always remember that the skills instilled in childhood, including cultural and hygienic ones, bring great benefits to a person throughout his subsequent life. I was convinced that by forming cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children, we simultaneously influence many mental processes in the development of the child, while the teacher must have great patience and understanding.


1. E. M. Belostotskaya, T. F. Vinogradova, et al. Hygienic Basics raising children from 3 to 7. - M.: Education, 1991.

2. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 1991.

3. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in d / s: A manual for a kindergarten teacher. - M .: Education, 1985.

4. Bure R.S., Ostrovskaya A.F. Educator and children. – M.: Enlightenment, 2006.

5. Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for children of primary preschool age. – M.: 1991.

6. To the educator about working with the family / Ed. N.F. Vinogradova. – M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

7. Golitsina N.S. forward planning educational process in preschool. – Scriptorium 2003, 2007.

8. Gurina IV First steps from 0 to 3 years. We fall asleep, we eat, we listen to mom and dad. - St. Petersburg, 2007.

9. Dubrova V.P., Milashevich E.P. Pedagogical practice in kindergarten. – M.: publishing house. center "Academy", 1998.

10. Childhood \ Ed. IN AND. Loginova and others - St. Petersburg: Accident, 2008.

11. Zaporozhets A.V. Psychology and pedagogy of the game of a preschooler. M., 1966.

12. Zebzeeva V.A. Organization of regime processes in preschool educational institutions. – M.: Sfera, 2007.

13. The game of a preschooler / Ed. S.A. Novosyolova. – M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

14. History of preschool pedagogy in Russia: Reader. S.V. Lykov, L.M. Volobuev; Ed. S.F. Egorova. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1990.

15. Komarova T.S., Kutsakova L.V., Pavlova L.Yu. Labor education in kindergarten. – M.: 2005/

16. Krupskaya N.K. About preschool education. - M .: Education, 1973.

17. Uruntaeva G.A., Afonkina Yu.A. How to introduce your baby to hygiene and self-care. – M.: Enlightenment, 1997.

The education of cultural and hygienic skills (KHS) among preschoolers is important not only for full socialization, the formation of independence, but also for their health. From the first days of a baby's life, the formation of cultural and hygienic skills does not involve the usual assimilation of the rules and norms of behavior, this is one of the most important processes of socialization, the entry of a baby into the outside world. This process cannot be postponed for a while and returned to it later.

In accordance with the characteristics of age development, it is the period of early and preschool age that is most favorable for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills. They are based on the development others social functions and qualities .

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In institutions of preschool education, the formation of the CGT has its own nuances, corresponding to the characteristics of the development of a five-six-year-old child. This is a sensitive period for the development of cognitive processes, for the initial formation of arbitrariness of behavior, for the development of communication skills with peers and adults. Personal qualities of the child, developing in this age period, dictate the approach to educating KPs in the senior group of the kindergarten.

The tasks of work in this direction are formulated as follows:

  • develop self-care skills;
  • develop the habit of using the toilet;
  • to cultivate the desire for accuracy and neatness, to be able to notice the disorder in their appearance;
  • to activate the monologue speech of children, updating the words denoting the actions performed, to learn to use the artistic word;
  • develop the skills and abilities of neatness, a positive attitude towards peers;
  • to instill a culture of behavior in the group;
  • to create a card index of the KGN in the middle group;
  • teach humble, polite, restrained behavior.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group: self-service

Work on the formation of CGN in the age aspect coincides with the emergence of awareness of behavior and the development of will. The child is not yet very good at skills that will later be automated, so all actions are not easy. And usually a five-year-old kid does not want to finish what he started, especially if it doesn’t work right away and not always well. To complete the action, to obtain a high-quality result, to do everything in the correct sequence, beautifully and accurately, the child requires the application of strong-willed efforts At the age of 5-6 years, i.e. in the older group, purposeful work with arbitrariness becomes possible.

At preschool age, the leading activity is the game. It is in it that all the neoplasms of the mental development of the child are formed. Game techniques are the basis of the first type of labor activity available to a preschooler - labor for self-service.

A five-year-old is already able to assess the quality of what has been done, he learns not to give up what does not work right away. He is able to independently and on his own initiative to control the process without constant supervision by an adult. He develops such strong-willed qualities as: purposefulness, organization, discipline, endurance, perseverance, independence. The formation of cultural and hygienic skills in younger preschoolers becomes the basis for all subsequent work and the basis for the development of a physically strong, healthy child. The upbringing of KPs in the senior group goes towards the development of self-service skills, which becomes the first step and the basis for the development of labor skills and labor education.

The aesthetic aspect of the education of cultural and hygienic skills in preschoolers

The upbringing of KHNs in the older group creates the conditions for the formation of the foundations of the child's aesthetic taste.

Girls are already looking at themselves and their peers, learning to see and get aesthetic pleasure from changes in their image, when she has her hair done, when beautiful bows are tied. Boys learn to see problems in their own clothes, feel the comfort of properly shod shoes. It is important that teachers and parents, when performing ordinary household activities, unobtrusively draw the attention of the child to changes in his appearance.

Looking in the mirror, the child not only examines himself, but also evaluates his own appearance, correlates it with the idea of ​​a reference image. A five-year-old preschooler is already able to independently eliminate some manifestations of slovenliness and untidiness in his clothes and appearance.

In the process of the formation of the CGN in the middle group of the kindergarten, a critical attitude towards oneself, one's own appearance develops, a correct and adequate self-esteem develops. A preschooler gradually learns to independently monitor their own appearance.

In parallel with the formation of the CGN, moral feelings appear and develop. The preschooler enjoys the correctness of the performance of the action, confirmed by the appropriate assessment of teachers or parents. The desire to receive approval, praise becomes an incentive that prompts the five-year plan to act.

In the older group, the child is already able to understand that there is a rule behind every action, he understands this as a certain moral norm, correlates it with the result obtained, he feels satisfaction from what he acts in accordance with the moral norm. The five-year-old is already able to rejoice not that he washed his hands, but that he now looks neater: "I did the right thing, I did it, I'm good, the teacher or parents praised me!"

Conditions for the success of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group

For the success of the formation of KGN in the senior group of kindergarten are:

  • rationally organized environment,
  • constant daily routine
  • unobtrusive, but constant monitoring of teachers and parents.

At the same time, the conditions must be observed constantly, the developed requirements must be observed by everyone: no one and never, regardless of their mood and their own desire, should not violate them. For example, everyone must wash their hands before eating, both Vasya, who came from a walk, and the teacher. Methodological techniques used by educators need to be diversified.

If at first the educator speaks and shows the whole sequence of actions when washing: wrap up the sleeves, open the tap, lather the palms ... then gradually you need to give the kids more and more independence. Over time, they move from direct instructions to a simple reminder, from showing to advice, from an example to methods that allow children to develop a conscious attitude to the rules: persuasion, clarification of the meaning of the rules. At this stage of development, the constantly growing experience of children, the improvement of their skills to more and more independently follow the established rules, is already taken into account. This contributes to the formation of stable habits that persist during the transition to other conditions. If this is not taken into account, then children develop only the ability to obey the demand of an adult, and this is not true, children of the older group can already lead themselves in some situations.


"Clean Children"

Game tasks. Check children's knowledge of hygiene items and their purpose.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children that she wants to make sure that they are clean and tidy: let them say what is needed to keep their hair, hands and face clean (the more they can tell about this, the better).

Then the teacher says: "Hands." The children she calls answer: "Soap, brush, towel." In a similar way, children react to the words “hair” (comb, brush, scissors, shampoo, soap), “bathing” (bath, towel, shower, washbasin, sponge, soap, etc.).

Benefits: Pictures of items used in washing, eating, dressing, soap, toothbrush, towel, toothpaste, comb, hand brush, hairpin, hair band, tablecloth, vase, tray, mug, spoon, plate, cutlery, socks, boots, cap, dress, blouse, skirt, gloves, jacket).

Game progress. The teacher introduces the children to the pictures, asks them what each item is for, then shuffles the pictures and distributes them, takes the doll and says to the children: “Our doll got up and would like to wash herself, but with what?”

Children bring pictures on which objects are drawn that the doll needs for washing. The game continues. The teacher directs the game so that all activities alternate. For example, she says: “Our doll has washed and would like to comb her hair, but with what? Our; the doll has washed herself, but has not had breakfast yet. What will we give her to eat? Our doll is going for a walk, what will she wear?”

"Let's treat the dolls with tea"

Purpose: to introduce the child to the purpose of dishes, to teach them to perform object-playing actions (place cups, saucers, lay out spoons). Equipment: dolls, children's furniture and utensils (two cups, two saucers, two spoons, a kettle).

Game progress: an adult says to the baby: “Dolls came to visit us, they should be seated at the table, treated with tea. Let's arrange the cups and saucers. Now spread the spoons to the cups. Pour tea into cups. Give tea to our guests." If the child is having difficulty, show how to act. At the end of the game, the adult sums up: “We poured tea into cups, the dolls drank tea,” says a nursery rhyme:

We will put saucers on the table, we will arrange cups, we will meet guests, treat dolls with tea!

"Wash your hands"

Purpose: to teach the child to wash their hands.

Equipment: rubber hare.

The course of the lesson: an adult addresses the child: “We came from a walk, we need to wash our hands. The bunny will watch us wash our hands.” An adult puts the toy on the edge of the washbasin and shows the child to move his hands under running water. At the end of the procedure, an adult praises the child on behalf of the bunny.

What can you say about them!

The task of the game. Familiarize yourself with hygiene items and their uses.

Benefits. Comb, nail brush, soap, towel, washbasin, scissors, water in a mug, rubber dolls.

Game progress. Hygiene items lie near the teacher on a table and on a chair.

The teacher calls one child by name: “Petya, tell me, what do you see here?” The child names individual objects and shows them. If he missed something, other children supplement him until all the items are named.

When the child answers in the affirmative, the teacher asks: Bring soap. Look at it carefully and smell it. What are we doing with it? What do we need soap for?

If the child has not said something important about the soap, the teacher can call the next child. (When the soap is no longer needed, she puts it aside.)

The teacher can also ask leading questions: “Why did mom buy soap?” (She wants to do the laundry.) “What will mom do when the towel gets dirty?” (She washes it.) “What does mom need a comb for? What combs do you have at home?

In conclusion, the children wash and bathe the dolls, dry them, etc.

"The doll goes for a walk"

Purpose: the formation of the child's ideas about clothes, the ability to perform object-game actions.

Equipment: doll.

Game progress: an adult says that the doll is going for a walk: "Let's help the doll get dressed, it's cold outside", invites the child to get clothes from the locker: a hat, jacket, shoes. Then the adult takes each item in turn, shows it to the child, slowly saying:

We put on a jacket, put our hands in the sleeves, fasten the buttons. Here, put on your coat! We put on shoes on the legs, here are the laces, I will help you tie. Here, the shoes are put on the legs. We put a hat on our heads. There you go, put on your hat. The doll is going for a walk, she can go for a walk. In order to reinforce the child's ideas about clothes, the game is repeated with another doll, the child is given the opportunity to act independently.

"Water, water!"

Purpose: to cultivate the desire for independence in the implementation of self-service skills.

Equipment: two dolls.

Game progress: an adult shows two dolls to the children and says that the dolls want to have dinner, but their hands and face are dirty. The adult asks: “What should be done? “We need to wash the hands of the dolls!” Let's ask for some water: Water, water, wash my face, so that my eyes sparkle, so that my cheeks turn red, so that a tooth bites, so that my mouth laughs! Shows and tells the children how to wash the hands and face of the dolls before dinner. Then he invites the children to wash their hands and face, while the adult repeats the nursery rhyme “Water, water!”

"Let's Make Boats"

Purpose: to teach the child to consistently perform actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult.

Course of the lesson: an adult draws the child's attention to the fact that when washing hands, the sequence of actions must be followed:

roll up your sleeves (an adult says a nursery rhyme):

“Whoever doesn’t roll up his sleeve, he won’t get some water!”;

open the faucet;

fold the palms of the hands "boat";

put your hands under a stream of water;

Close the tap;

dry your hands with a towel.

Then the child is asked to perform actions, imitating an adult who draws the child's attention to the position of the hands.

"Soap Gloves"

Purpose: to teach the child to lather his hands from the outside and inside.

Equipment: baby soap, towel.

The course of the lesson: an adult brings the child to the washbasin, stands behind him, picks up soap and shows circular movements of the hands when soaping. Then he gives the child a piece of soap and asks him to repeat the soaping movements. Movements must be done until white foam is formed. The child’s attention is drawn to the white pens, the adult says: “Here are the white gloves we have!” Next, the adult helps the child wash off the foam under running water, while saying one of the nursery rhymes:

For example:

Ladushki, darlings, wash my paws with soap, Clean palms, here's bread for you, and spoons! Water gurgles in the faucet. Very cool! Masha Yegorova herself washes her hands (an adult calls the name of the child). We know, we know, yes, yes, yes! Where is the water hiding?

At the end of the game, the adult praises the child, draws attention to his clean hands. If necessary, joint actions of an adult and a child are used.


Purpose: to teach the child to wash.

Equipment: mirror, towel.

Course of the lesson: an adult brings the child (after sleep) to the bathroom, asks to look at himself in the mirror, draws his attention to the eyes, mouth, cheeks, etc. Invites the child to wash with him, while showing how to do it. An adult says a joke:

Come out, Voditsa, we've come to wash! Pour on your palm, in it-knife-ku ... No, not a little - dare, We will wash more cheerfully!

At the end of washing, the adult teaches the baby to wipe his face dry with a towel, asks him to look at himself in the mirror, says: “Ai, what a clean child, look at yourself in the mirror!”

"Doing Hair"

Purpose: to teach the child to hold a comb in his hand and comb his hair with movements from top to bottom.

Equipment: a mirror, a hairbrush, an elegant doll.

Game progress: an adult shows a doll to a child and draws attention to her hairstyle: “Look, the doll has a beautiful hairstyle: long, even hair, a bow. Beautiful doll! Let's make you a beautiful hairstyle! The adult combs the child's hair in front of the mirror, then asks the child to try to do it himself: he gives the comb to the child's hands while helping to hold it, to move the hand with the comb from top to bottom. At the end of combing, he asks the child to look in the mirror, draws his attention to the fact that he has become as beautiful as a doll.

"Let's brush our teeth"

Purpose: to teach the child to brush his teeth.

Equipment: two toothbrushes, a glass of water, a mirror.

The course of the lesson: an adult asks the child to look in the mirror and smile, while drawing his attention to his teeth. Then he says that the teeth should not hurt, you need to brush them. An adult takes out two brushes: he gives one to the child’s hands, and the other shows how to brush the teeth with a brush, while saying a nursery rhyme:

Roth, mouth! Where are you mouth? Teeth, teeth! Where are your teeth? Cheek, cheek! Where are you bitch? There will be a clean daughter!

At the end of the game, the adult and the child look in the mirror and smile, showing clean teeth. If necessary, joint actions of an adult and a child are used.


Purpose: to teach the child to rinse his mouth.

Equipment: glass.

The course of the lesson: an adult brings the child to the mirror in the bathroom and offers to start fountains, says a nursery rhyme:

Let's put some water in our mouths, let the fountain come to life! An adult takes water into his mouth and shows how to release water from his mouth, then how to rinse his mouth. The child is asked to do the same. At the end of the lesson, the adult praises the child.

"The doll is sick"

Purpose: to teach the child to use a handkerchief.

Equipment: doll, handkerchiefs.

Game progress: an adult shows the doll to the children and says: “Here is the doll Masha, she is sick, she has a runny nose, it is difficult for her to breathe through her nose. She has a handkerchief in her pocket. Let's help Masha clear her nose! Adult say a joke:

Masha got sick, it's hard for her to breathe, We'll wipe her nose with a handkerchief!

An adult shows the children how to properly use a handkerchief by demonstrating it on a doll. Invites children to repeat the action.

"Snub noses"

Purpose: to teach the child to use an individual handkerchief.

Equipment: individual handkerchiefs. The course of the lesson: an adult says a nursery rhyme, demonstrating each action:

A handkerchief in his pocket (takes out a handkerchief from his pocket), We will wipe his nose with it (shows the action with a handkerchief), So that the nose, our snub nose, is clean again (puts the handkerchief in his pocket). An adult asks each child to show how he knows how to use a nasal handkerchief.

Cultural and hygienic skills in the middle group

Nutrition Dressing-undressing Washing


Chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin as needed. To improve the ability of children to quickly dress and undress in a certain sequence.

Strengthen the ability of children to properly place their things in the closet.

To consolidate the ability of children to neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.

Strengthen children's skills in using a personal comb.

To consolidate the ability to eat a second course with a fork, a casserole, separating pieces with a fork as it is eaten, do not crush in advance.

Strengthen the ability of children to use all types of fasteners.

Teach children to recognize their own things, not to be confused with the clothes of other children.

Teach children to notice a mess in clothes, seek help from adults.

Strengthen washing skills in children: lather your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with your towel, hang it in place.

Teach children to use their handkerchief by unfolding it.

Learn to rinse your mouth after eating.

Strengthen the ability of children to use a napkin as needed.

Teach children to verbally express a request for help.

To consolidate in children the skills of politely asking for help, thanking for the help provided.

Strengthen the children's ability to properly put on shoes.

Encourage children to wash their hands after using the toilet.

To consolidate the ability to eat a second course and a side dish with a fork, separating the pieces with a fork as they are eaten, do not crush in advance.

Chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin as needed. Teach children to follow the basic rules of behavior in the locker room: do not run, do not knock on locker doors.

Continue to teach children to follow the rules of behavior in kindergarten: wipe their feet when entering the room.

Strengthen the skills of children on their own, with the help of an adult, tidy up their appearance: pull up tights and socks, straighten their shirt, etc.

To form the ability of children to behave correctly in the washroom: do not make noise, do not push, do not splash water.

To consolidate the ability of children to use their own towel by unfolding it, first wiping their face, then their hands, hang it on a hanger by a buttonhole.

Improve children's ability to use a napkin as needed.

To improve the ability of children to maintain order in their closet.

Teach children to turn their own things inside out.

Teach children to turn away when coughing, sneezing from others.

Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing.

Chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin as needed.

Learn to eat different types food, without changing the position of the fork in the hand, but only slightly turning the hand inward or outward.

To consolidate the ability of children to recognize their own things, not to be confused with the clothes of other children.

Strengthen children's skills in maintaining a neat appearance.

Teach children to clean each other's clothes from snow with the help of an adult.

Teach children to turn away when coughing or sneezing, or to cover their mouth with a handkerchief, from others.

To consolidate the ability of children to use their own towel by unfolding it, first wiping their face, then their hands, hang it on a hanger by a buttonhole.

To consolidate the ability to eat a second course and a side dish with a fork, separating the pieces with a fork as they are eaten, do not crush in advance.

Improve children's ability to use a napkin as needed. Improve the skills of children acquired during the year, quickly and accurately perform the necessary actions.

To improve children's skills in neatness and tidiness, to consolidate the ability to put their clothes in order.

To teach children correctly, to use a handkerchief: unfold, release the nose, alternately pinching one nostril, roll the handkerchief with the used part inside.

Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing.

Chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin as needed. Improve the skills of children acquired during the year, quickly and accurately perform the necessary actions.

Teach children to lace up shoes, tie shoelaces with the help of adults, exercise in using different types of fasteners: buttons, zippers, Velcro.

Strengthen washing skills in children: lather your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with your towel, hang it in place.

To consolidate the ability of children to use their own towel by unfolding it, first wiping their face, then their hands, hang it on a hanger by a buttonhole.

Learn to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in the hand, but only slightly turning the hand in or out.

Improve children's ability to use a napkin as needed.

Teach children to notice a mess in clothes, to monitor their appearance.

Strengthen the ability of children to restore and maintain order in their locker.

Improve the skills of neatness and tidiness, consolidate the ability to put clothes in order.

Strengthen the ability of children to use an individual comb.

Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing and wash their hands after using the toilet.