Cognition in will prepare the group. Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group

Natalia Kharchenko
GCD (cognition) in preparatory group"Magic Magnet"

Goals: develop cognitive activity of children, the ability to experimentally confirm or refute the information received.


Systematize and clarify children's ideas about properties magnet. Replenish children's knowledge about the use of properties magnet by man. Strengthen the ability to record the results of experiments.

Continue to learn to independently reason, draw conclusions and generalizations in the course of experimental activities. Develop coherent speech, the ability to ask questions, answer them; enjoy full offers. Develop curiosity, attention, logical thinking.

Activate in the speech of children the words: magnet, attract, iron, paper, rubber, wood, plastic, glass; enrich dictionary: magnetize, magnetic forces.

To cultivate purposefulness, perseverance in achieving the goal, accuracy in work, the ability to comply with safety rules. To educate children in social and moral quality: goodwill, the desire to help others, the ability to negotiate, take into account the opinions of others, and also defend one's opinion.

Material and equipment:

Demo material: a picture of a knight in armor, a table-scheme for entering the results of an experiment, maps-schemes of experiments, a ball, DVD, TV, musical accompaniment on a disk, a video film "Where is used magnet» .

Dispensing: iron, plastic, glass, wood, rubber objects, a piece of cloth, magnets, pencils, worksheets, ladybugs, plates of 2 colors for each table.

GCD progress:

caregiver: Guys, guests came to us today. Let's greet them and smile at them. I invite you to go to the country today magic where we get real wizards. Now I will tell you ancient history, listen, please.

In the old days, it was said that a huge mountain rises at the end of the world and not a single knight can pass by it. The mountain attracts them to itself and no longer lets go ... Many glorious knights did not return home from these places. And they stopped wandering near the mysterious mountain. But there was one brave and very curious knight named magnitus. He argued with his friends that he would pass the mountain and return home safe and sound. Like all knights, he wore armor made of iron. Therefore, he was not afraid of anything, neither enemy arrows, nor wild animals, nor terrible places. But no matter how Magnitus is strong and brave, the mountain still pulled him to itself. However magnitus was not only brave, but also smart. He found a way to free himself and return home as a winner. Moreover, he brought to people particles of this mountain. And people discovered many amazing and useful properties of these particles, and named them after the smart and brave knight...

Guys, did you guess what they called it?

Children: magnet.

Q: What method did you find? magnitus to get rid of this mountain?

D: He took off his armor made of iron.

The teacher shows magnet.

V .: Alik, please tell us what you know about magnet.

Child: "I love you for a long time magnet

He still beckons me

iron small piece

Nondescript gray bar "

V .: Well done, Aliy. So, guys, what are we going to explore with you today?

D.: Properties magnet.

Q: Have you ever encountered useful properties magnet. Where did you meet magnet in the group, at home?

D: In games « Magnetic alphabet» , "Fisherman", we use to attach pictures, drawings to magnetic board. At home there are beautiful on the refrigerator magnets.

V .: Guys, what do you think, if the magnet is so strong that attracted the iron armor of a knight, can he also attract non-iron objects? Let's check?

Children sit at tables.

Experience 1. "Does everything attract magnet

V .: On your table they are mixed miscellaneous items. We need to put things in order. On a red plate you need to put objects attracted to magnet. What will be on the green plate?

D: Items that do not respond to magnet.

Q: How do we decide which item to put where?

D: Let's do it. magnet over objects.

Independent work of children.

Q: Tell us what you did? What happened?

D.: Spent magnet and objects are attracted.

Q: What material are these items made of?

D: From iron.

Q: And what objects did not attract?

D.: Wooden, plastic, rubber, paper.

V .: Mark the results of the experiment on the sheets. Connect with lines magnet with objects, which he attracted, and cross out the objects that are not attracted magnet. Looking at the results, what conclusion can be drawn?

D.: Magnet does not attract wooden, plastic, paper, rubber objects, but only iron ones.

B: Let's continue. magic.

Experience 2. "Does magnetic force through water (show by teacher)

I have special fish. With them you can arrange fishing without fishing rods. Let's consider a fish. What did you notice?

D: Iron hooks on a fish.

V .: You need to lower the fish into the water and hold magnet over water. What do you think will happen?

D .: The fish will be attracted to magnet and jump out of the water.

Experience is being made.

V: That's how it works. magnetic power through water or not?

D.: Yes, magnetic forces act through water.

The game "Attracts - does not attract"

Q: Let's take a break and play a game. I will call the object and throw the ball, and you catch the ball if magnet attracts this object, and repulse if magnet does not attract.

At the end of the game, the children return to the tables again.

B. We found out with you that magnetic neither air nor water interferes with the forces. Interesting, but through other materials it will act magnetic force? For example, through cardboard.

Experience 3. « magnetic racing» .

V .: You have a cardboard box on your tables, a route is drawn on it for racing cars. Look, I put the car on the box, at the start, from below magnet. What's happening?

D: The car is moving.

V .: Let's see, an iron clip is attached to the bottom of the machine. magnet attracts iron. Now you try. What moves the car?

D.: Magnetic force.

Q: What will we conclude?

D.: Magnet works through cardboard. magnets are attracted to each other.

Q: Let's see if it works. magnetic strength through other materials?

Experience 4. "Action magnet through other barriers

V .: You have items from different materials. From what?

D: Plastic, rubber, foam, wood, fabric.

V.: I propose to you with the help of a curious ladybug and magnet check, is attracted ladybug to magnet through an object. How will you explore the obstacles?

D: put magnet under an object with a ladybug lying on top and lead magnet on items.

Q: What will happen?

D: If magnetic force will act through the object, then the ladybug will move.

V: Let's try.

Children work in pairs.

Q: Now let's write the results in a table. (Children enter the results in the table). What conclusion can be drawn?

D.: Magnetic force passes through obstacles made of different materials.

V .: What good fellows we are today. We were real wizards. What have we learned today? (children's answers).

And now we'll watch a short film Where do people use magnet» .

Watching a movie.

V .: You were all active, I think that you learned a lot of new and interesting things. For your efforts, I have prepared small gifts for you. (magnets for kids) .

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Experimental GCD "Magic Magnet" Age group: Middle group (4-5 years) Form of organization: GCD, experimentation Educational and methodical set: Nikolaeva S. N. “Young.

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Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development

in the preparatory group "Five Helpers".

Description OOD: This essay is educational in nature and is intended tointerest in your physical self, in your body.

Program content : to consolidate children's knowledge about the human senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin) - (vision, hearing, smell, taste,touch).


Tutorials: To give children ideas about the senses, as our assistants in the knowledge of the world around us. Learn to perceive objects with different senses.

Educational : develop coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary of children with new words (organs, touch, smell);develop attention, memory, logical thinking, observation.

Educational: educate interest in your body as a whole.

Material and equipment :

Slides with images of the sense organs, a computer for their reproduction;

picture to show

Pictures for the game "Overlay drawings";

Album sheets with written words for the d / game "Find the word".

Cups with scented items, napkin;

Finely chopped vegetables and fruits, products for the game "Taste".

Blindfold scarf, "wonderful pouch" with a set of small items;

Methodical methods: conversation-dialogue, game situations, physical education "Merry break", summing up.

Lesson progress : Children enter the group and stand in a circle.

Educator: Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet “Good morning! »

Good morning sun and birds!

Good morning smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind, trusting.

Let good morning lasts until evening.

Guys, let's smile at each other and give our smiles.

Educator: Suggest to childrensit on chairs.

Today we will remember about our helpers, these are the sense organs. What sense organs does a person have?(eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin).

And what feelings correspond to these organs ... (children's answers)

eyes - vision; ears -hearing; tongue - taste; nose - smell;

skin - touch.

Why do we call them our helpers? (children's answers)

They help us to know the world, right.Please listen to a poem about our helpers.

There are five assistants in your service.Without noticing, you use them jokingly;

Eyes are given to you to see.And ears serve to hearTongue in the mouth to understand the taste

And the nose - to distinguish the smell.

Hands - to caress, work,

Drink water from cups.

And no need for your anxiety

They will always help you!

Educator: Guys, I will now give you a riddle, and you, having guessed it, will understand which sense organ we are going to talk about now.

Mystery. Two brothers live across the road, but they don't see each other.(Eyes).

How else can they be called?(organ of vision).

What are the eyes for, what do we notice with the eyes?(The eyes help to see everything around, distinguish the color, shape, size of objects).

Educator: In order for the eyes to see well, it is necessary to do special gymnastics.

The woodpecker squirrel was waiting, (we move our eyes to the right and left)

The guest was treated deliciously:

Come on, woodpecker, look (we move our eyes up and down)

Here are the nuts: one, two, three!

A woodpecker had lunch with a squirrel (blink eyes)

And went to play burners. (close eyes and stroke eyelids with pointing fingers)

Educator: we will try now to train our visual memory.

Educator: Look at the drawing that I will show you, memorize it and try to draw it on your pieces of paper. The drawing mustbe exactly the same as mine. (children's actions). Well done!

Educator: The game "Overlay drawings"

(Goal: to distinguish the contours of 4-5 objects superimposed on each other) Educator: (d / game "Find the word") . On the easels are sheets with words arranged in a row. In every rowanother word is hidden, find it? (word riddle closed). I am givingyou a hint, a new word consists of the first letters of the given words.

1 . Whale - Cloud - Slippers. (CAT)

2. Bicycle - Orange - Cake - Stork. (WAT)

    Mom - Apple - Kettle. (BALL)

    Cancer - Snail - Mole - Bus. (HAND) ( search work of children)

Educator. The next sense organ ... We guess the riddle.

Two brothers on one head live,

Everyone hears, but they do not see each other.(EARS)

What is this organ?(organ of hearing).

D what are the ears for?(hear sounds).

FUNNY CHANGE (fun tasks)


1. Stand up, please do so; put your left hand on your head and stroke yourselfhead, and with your right hand make circular movements on the stomach. And nowdo all the movements at the same time.

2. With your left hand, touch your right ear, and with your right hand, touch the tipnose, then quickly change the position of the hands.

Educator: Why did you get up and do these exercises?

Children: Because they heard what you said.

Teacher: What did you hear? (children's answers)

Educator: - Do you think you need ears to learn to speak? What do we hear with our ears? (sounds)

Educator: You and I know that sounds are different.

Try to figure out what I'm going to do now. (Hiding his hands behind the screen, the teacher performs actions accompanied by sound phenomena: pours water from one jar to another, rustles paper, knocks with spoons, interferes with a teaspoon in a glass, tears paper.)

Children must identify the source of the sound each time.

Educator: Now listen carefully to a series of words. Think what's hereredundant and why?





( children's answers) Educator: Okay, you did the right thing.

Educator: move on to the next sense organ. Mystery.

Here is a mountain, and near the mountain

Two deep holes.

In these burrows the air roams,

It comes in, it goes out. (Nose.)

What is this organ?(Olfactory organ).

What job does the nose do?(Recognizes smells, helps to breathe).

What are the smells?(pleasant, unpleasant, fragrant, harmful).

Breathing exercise.

Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale slowly. Repeat 3-4 times.

Smell Game

Children are offered with eyes closed determine by smell what is in the cups. (Chocolate, orange, onion, lemon.)

caregiver : How else can you tell what a product is without seeing it?

Children: Taste.

Educator: And we move on to the next sense organ. Guess the riddle:

Always in your mouth, but you won't swallow? (Answers of children).

caregiver : That's right, language.

What is this organ?(Organ of taste). What job does the language do?(Helps to speak, moves food, recognizes the taste of food).

The surface of the tongue has areas, each of which perceives a certain taste. Tell me what is sweet, bitter, sour, salty)? (Children's answers).

The game "Determine the taste"

Children with their eyes closed determine the taste of different foods: Apple, banana, carrot, cabbage, cookies, sweets.

caregiver : Guess the last riddle:

They love work

Can't stand boredom

Everything is able to our ...(Children's answers). (hands)

What is another name for this body?(organ of touch).

What is the skin for?(Protects our body from overheating and hypothermia, from microbes, from shock, from burns).

Finger gymnastics.

One, two, three, four, five (clap count)

Finger went out for a walk. ( Forefinger right hand moves along

circle, in the center of the left palm)

Just walked out the gate

Look, another one is coming towards him. (Joining the index

middle finger)

It's fun to go together

Come on, third come out (Then the ring finger joins)

Together we will become in a round dance

Here. (Clap. then the hands change places).

The game " Miraculous Pouch» (the child is blindfolded, he must guess the object by touch.) The game is repeated 4-5 times, it is played while standing.

Educator: Well done, so let's remember what helpers a person has.(Children repeat and show.)

Educator: We talked about the importance of our senses, about how they help us. HFeelings allow us to understand, remember and use everything that we have learned, learned. They will help us better prepare for school, develop memory, attention.

Educational field of knowledge
in the preparatory group

Purpose: To develop a sense of humor in children. Create a joyful mood, contribute to the formation of children's interest in fairy tales.

- To teach a child to understand the joke of an adult, a peer, to joke himself.
- Learn to laugh at your failures.
- To consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales, to replenish vocabulary recalling familiar stories.
- Improve monologue, dialogic, coherent speech.
- To cultivate the ability to notice humor in their actions, in their actions and the actions of other children.
- To cultivate responsiveness, kindness, the ability to sympathize, the desire to help.
- Bring up Creative skills, creative thinking.
- Cultivate an emotional response to well-known and beloved fairy tales.
- Cultivate courage, resourcefulness, politeness
- To cultivate the ability to coordinate their actions with partners.

- To develop the ability to understand humor in the artistic word: nursery rhymes, fables, shifters, fairy tales, stories, etc.
- Develop interest in humorous works.
- Develop imagination, initiative, creative activity.
- Develop thinking, perception, broaden your horizons.
- Develop the ability to convey the character of the image by participating in dramatization.
- Develop intonation expressiveness
-Develop physical qualities: speed, agility, eye, balance, orientation in space
-Develop attention, memory, observation, logical thinking, imagination.

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall to the music. Pass and stand near their chairs.
1V .: Friends, today we have come
To our fun KVN.
We brought you a smile
To smile every day.
2V .: You all know that KVN is a game of the cheerful and resourceful. Today the two teams will compete against each other and go through several stages of testing. The jury will evaluate your results, and at the end of the game will sum up and determine the winning team. Let me introduce our jury members:
Belozerova Yulia Nikolaevna, Pavlenko Larisa Anatolievna,

1V.: And now a greeting from our teams.
1 team:
We are a team - Veselushki
We love to entertain everyone.
open up your ears
We start joking.
2 team:
We are a team - "Laughs"
We don't stop laughing.
Mood is good
It just gives it to everyone.
1 teacher:
Club of Cheerful and Resourceful
Opening now.
2 Educator:
To find out who is more fun
And more resourceful with us!
1V .: And our topic is not simple,
Our theme is wicked.
2V .: “Oh, these storytellers,
Oh, those fairy tales!”
1V .: Our today's meeting is devoted to fairy tales, Russian folk tales and fairy tales of various writers.
Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you know many fairy tales? Why do you like them?
(Children's answers.)
2B.: A.S. Pushkin said: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”
Each fairy tale has its own plot, but they all basically end in the same way: good and truth always win over evil and lies. Today we will play and find out how well you know fairy tales, how carefully you listen to them.
1V: Fairy tales are different, there are magic, there are instructive, and there are funny ones. Humor in fairy tales is not without reason, humor in life helps, lifts the mood. So, roll up your sleeves, the game is on.
The first intellectual competition "Correct the name of the fairy tale."
2B.: Give the correct name of the fairy tales and literary heroes
Questions for team 1 Questions for team 2
The turkey princess. At the command of the dog.
Ivan Tsarevich and the green wolf. Red Toad
Fear has big ears. Darya's hut.
Vasilisa the Stupid. Elena Ugly.
Koschei the Fearless. Toad princess.
Pashenka and the bear. A wolf and seven ducklings.
Varvara Krasa - candy braid Sivka Bulka
1B.: We continue to identify connoisseurs of fairy tales.
Each team will be asked 20 questions. You need to answer immediately, without hesitation. If you don't know the answer, we ask next question". At this time, the opposing team is silent, does not prompt.

Questions for the first team:
1. Who is the author of the work "Cat's House"? (Samuel Marshak)
2. Where did Dr. Aibolit go by telegram? (to Africa)
3. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio"? (Artemon)
4. The mustachioed character of Chukovsky's fairy tale. (Cockroach)
5. Bridegroom Flies-sokotuhi. (Mosquito)
6. What did the cunning soldier cook porridge from? (From an ax)
7. Who did Emelya catch in the hole? (Pike)
8. Who was in Russian folk tale frog? (Princess)
9. What was the name of the boa constrictor from Kipling's fairy tale "Mowgli"? (Kaa)
10. What did Emelya ride in the fairy tale “After pike command"? (On the stove)
11. Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)
12. What did the fleas give to the Tsokotukha Fly? (Boots)
13. For what flowers did you go under New Year the heroine of the tale "Twelve Months"? (Behind the snowdrops)
14. Which fairy tale hero wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)
15. Sister of brother Ivanushka. (Alyonushka)
16. The most famous resident flower city. (Dunno)
17. How many years did the old man from the fairy tale about the goldfish go fishing? (33 years)
18. What was Pinocchio made of? (From log)
19. Fruits that Cheburashka ate too much. (Oranges)
20. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale " The Snow Queen”, who went around the world to look for her named brother? (Gerda)

Questions for the second team:
1. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood carry pies and a pot of butter? (grandmother)
2. What was the name of the girl - the owner of the magic flower from Kataev's fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik"? (Zhenya)
3. Name Fedora's patronymic from Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fedorino's grief." (Egorovna)
4. Who wrote the fairy tale "Cinderella"? (Charles Perrault)
5. What was the name of the girl traveling through Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass? (Alice)
6. What did the Tsokotukha fly buy at the market? (Samovar)
7. Best friend Carlson. (Baby)
8. What kind of hut did the fox have in the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"? (Icy)
9. What was the name of Dr. Aibolit's sister? (Barbara)
10. Mistress of Artemon. (Malvina)
11. Who caught goldfish? (Old man)
12. Author of the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse". (Peter Ershov)
13. What was the name of the little girl who was born and lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)
14. What birds did the 11 royal sons turn into? (In swans)
15. Who did you turn into ugly duck? (AT beautiful swan)
16. What was the carriage in which Cinderella went to the ball made of? (From a pumpkin)
17. A friend of Winnie the Pooh. (Piglet)
18. What was the name of the cunning cat from the Golden Key fairy tale? (Basilio)
19. What was the name of the mother bear in the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (Nastasya Petrovna)
20. From which plant did Eliza make shirts for her brothers in the fairy tale "The Wild Swans"? (From nettle)
2B: Well done guys. And now our esteemed jury will sum up the results of the first two competitions. The maximum score is 5 points.
The jury announces the results of two competitions.
1V .: Now we offer to relax and listen to comic poems.
1st child:
Crying pussy on the fence
She is in great grief.
Evil people poor pussy
Don't let them steal sausages!

2nd and 3rd child:
Why are you wearing galoshes?
I'll wear them to the street!
But there is no dirt, you know?
Don't be afraid mom, I'll find it.
4th child:
Vasya's dad is very proud
The fact that Vasya loves sports!
That sport is called
"Who will quickly eat mom's cake"
5th and 6th child:
My light, mirror, tell me
Yes, tell the whole truth -
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?
And the mirror answered me:
“Stunned? I'm a tablet!
7th and 8th child:
- Did you dig a hole?
- Kopal!
Did you fall into a hole?
- Fell!
Are you sitting in a hole?
- Sitting!
Are you waiting for the stairs?
- I am waiting!
- A pit of cheese?
- Cheese!
- What about the head?
- Whole!
- So he's alive?
- Alive!
- Well, I went home!

2B: Rested, laughed, prepared, gathered.
We continue to have fun, let's share knowledge.
Listen to the following task, look at the screen - attention!
Gotta guess the cartoon
We just don't scream.
View the entire story
And give us an answer.

Two blocks for teams of excerpts from several cartoons will be shown on the screen. Children should remember and name which cartoons they showed.
1В.: Dear jury, we ask you to sum up the results of this competition.
The jury announces the results.

1V .: Our children stayed too long, I suggest playing, stretching your legs.
Children, tell me, on which aircraft does Baba Yaga fly? (on the step)
Here we are now flying. "Potty relay" The child sits on the potty and must reach the chip, come back and pass the baton.
2B: Do you still want to play? Let's continue to have fun, but don't sit on chairs.
Lost Cinderella glass slipper. Let's find a shoe.
Relay race - Everyone takes off one shoe, puts it in a common pile. Two teams take turns running, find their shoes, put them on, run back. The team that gets the fastest wins.
1B.: The next relay race is “Sivka Burka the prophetic kaurka”. The captain sits on a horse (rope), runs to the chip, returns, takes the second rider, and so on until the whole team reaches the finish line first.
1V .: Oh, how fun they played
And not much tired.
Let's get some rest
Let's wait for the result.
Dear jury, we are waiting for your evaluations. The jury announces the scores.
2B.: Stretch the harmonica
Eh, play - play.
Sing ditties Babka Yoshka
Sing don't talk.
Children sing ditties.
In the morning, mother, our Mila
Gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

Lazy in the morning Vova
comb through,
A cow came up to him
I combed my tongue!

The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said "Kukarek!
Give soap and perfume
To love roosters!

Irishka rode down the hill
- Was the fastest
Ira even their skis
Overtaken along the way!

Once Alyosha went himself
For cereals in the supermarket.
“Mom, there is no cereal there,
I had to buy candy!”

Lyoshka is sitting at the table
Picking his nose
And the goat replies:
I still won't get out!

Yegor has two spatulas,
And Nina has molds.
I'm for it them tongue
I'll pop it out of the window.

I baked a cake
Treated Vanya.
He showed for it
I have a bug in a glass.
1V .: Someone is in a hurry to visit us, someone is already knocking on the door.
Baba Yaga flies to the music.
B.Ya. I am a beautiful beauty
Even Granny Yaga.
Who disagrees with me
Togo eat then - Aha!
Hello Hello!
I've heard there's a connoisseur of fairy tales here.
Now let's find out if this is the case.
Well, correct me, check yourself.
In winter, he sees a dream in a lair
Shaggy, clubfoot ... elephant!
Children: No, bear.
- In his warm puddle
A sparrow croaked loudly.
Children: No, frog!
- From the palm tree - down to the palm tree again
Deftly jumping ... a cow.
Children: No, monkey!
* You can hardly put your ear to the flower
You will hear how buzzing ... a fly.
Children: No, bee!
Wow, what good fellows, frankly experts.
And now another test, a new task.
I have a collection of fabulous things in my chest,
Koshcheyushka gave me a gift.
Try to guess what this thing is, and from which fairy tale.
And the captains of your teams will guess.
Baba Yaga takes things out of the chest.
Key - "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"
Shoe - "Cinderella"
Coin - "Buzzing Fly"
Mirror - "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes"
Egg - "Ryaba Hen"
Flower - "Flower Semitsvetik"
The jury sums up the results of the competition of captains

1B: And now we have homework. funny scenes 5 minutes from the team.
2B.: We invite our jury to count the points and announce the results of our today's game.
The jury sums up
1V .: So the game is over,
It's time for us to part.
We say thank you to everyone
Thanks for the game.
2V .: Thank you as well,
What came to us today
Did you like the game?
We want to hear - Yes!
1 p: ​​We played today,
Everyone's mood was lifted.
2 p: It's time for us to say goodbye,
Goodbye friends!

Integratable educational areas

  • Cognition
  • Communication
  • Socialization
  • Reading fiction


Playful, communicative, educational.

Program tasks:


Learn to make models of situations;

Activate the cognitive and speech activity of children;

To consolidate knowledge about the classification of wild animals;

To consolidate the concepts: "solid body", "liquid", "gas" and their difference from each other.


Develop observation;

Ability to compare, analyze, generalize;

Develop elementary ideas about what bodies are made of and how they can change;

Ability to generalize and draw conclusions.


To cultivate interest and curiosity in experimentation;

To develop the ability to behave during experiments;

Cultivate the ability to use previously accumulated at the NOD and in Everyday life ideas about inanimate objects.

Materials and equipment:

  • the globe
  • Apple
  • Various containers: bowls, glasses
  • Cork
  • pebbles
  • coins
  • 2 eggs
  • Mitten
  • spirit lamp
  • Mirror

Preliminary work with children:


Acquaintance with objects of inanimate nature;

Observations on walks;

Watch videos about natural phenomena.

Reading fiction:

Reading poems about water.


Experiment in free activity;

Games are experiments.

Labor :

Production of handouts (cards)

Physical development:

Orgmoment "Greeting"

Low mobility game "Water is not water"

Creation of conditions for independent activity.

Interaction with family:

Creation and design of a play area for self-experimentation.

Technical support:

Musical provision;

Technical support.

GCD in the preparatory group "Kingdom of Water"

Scenario Description

Organizational moment.

Guys, I suggest you join hands. I will smile at you, and you will smile at me, and we will be in a good mood.

I say hello everywhere, at home and on the street

I even say hello

I'm the neighbor's chicken.

Today we have a guest who offers to go on a trip to the country of "Water". But she came not alone to us, but with her little helpers - sisters. They will help you overcome obstacles along the way.

And the first obstacle that the droplet offers is the game: “Water is not water” (the children stand in a circle, the leader calls out a word denoting what contains water, the children raise both hands; if the object or phenomenon named by the leader is indirectly related to water, children raise one hand; if an object or phenomenon that has no connection with water is called, you do not need to raise your hands).

Game: puddle, boat, stone, river, lake, dolphin, cork, penguin, pond, book, stream, wind, ocean.

Tell me, how often did you not raise your hands? (no, because there are few objects and phenomena that are not related to water.)

Do you know how much water is in a person? The human body mainly consists of water. Water is contained in both saliva and blood; With the help of water, harmful substances are removed from the body (poster No. 1). An adult contains six buckets of water. Do you know how much water you have? (5 three-liter cans).

What is water for? (answers)

Tell me, is there a lot of water on our planet? Look at the globe, here blue color seas and oceans are depicted. To make it clearer to you, I will use the example of an apple - three-quarters water, one-quarter land.

Water enters into all living organisms - into every plant, every animal. Let's look closely at the picture, and you will find out which plant contains more water, and which is less.

Droplet invites you to play the game "Choose an animal that lives in the aquatic environment." Now sit down and we will talk with you in more detail about the properties of water.

1. Can water change the surface (answers). You can check this by pouring the same amount of water into three different containers.

2. Can water change shape (answers). Let's check this also with three containers.

Is it possible to spill water and why does water spill? (answers). Water spills because its particles, although they are connected to each other, are not as strong as in solids. And easily holding hands, we will stand at a short distance and imagine that we are particles of water.

Droplet offers the game "Get the item." Your task is to get the object without touching it (there are two glasses on the table: the first, with a light object, is half filled with water).

And now you have to think and solve such a droplet problem - how can you raise the level of water in a glass? (throw pebbles into glass)

In support of your decision, listen to the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Clever Jackdaw".

A droplet proposes an experiment with coins "Water has a skin." This can be seen if coins are carefully lowered into a glass filled to the brim with water. Look, the water rises above the glass. How many coins did we put in before the water spilled? Thus, the surface becomes convex, as if it were being held by thin skin.

There is another property of water, and I will show it to you. In front of you are two containers of water. In the first vessel pure water, and in the second I will add salt. I will drop an egg into both vessels. What happened? Why do you think the egg did not sink in the second vessel? Because the particles of salt were distributed between the particles of water, and the water became denser.

Compare water and ice. What do they have in common and distinctive? (answers).

A droplet invites one participant to put on a mitten and take the ice in his hands, and the other to take the ice with his bare hand and watch who the ice melts faster: in a mitten, in a hand, or on a saucer. We note the time (we use an hourglass). Who do you think will melt the ice faster? (answers). Ice melts and turns into water on contact with heat. In bare hands, the ice melts faster, and in mittens it is slower, because the mitten separates the warmth of the hands and the cold of the ice.

So you saw two states of water: liquid - water, the particles of which are far from each other, and solid - ice, the particles are tightly pressed against each other.

What do you think happened to the snowman? (show picture). I propose to draw a diagram with me.

And now, a droplet invites you to independently solve the following situations and build models of these situations.

a) Petya bought ice cream for himself and his mother. He ate his own, and put his mother under the pillow to surprise her in the morning. Was mom happy? (drawing up a model with cards).

b) Petya was walking in the street. It started to snow, the first snow of the year. Petya made a snowball and put it in his pocket (you need to show your sister at home). What will the little sister find in her pocket? (drawing up a model with cards).

c) In the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Fox", a cunning fox persuaded the wolf to put his tail into the hole to catch fish. What then happened? (drawing up a model with cards).

So water can freeze? Where did you observe such a phenomenon? (answers).

Now let's see this phenomenon. Everyone knows that ice can turn into water and vice versa. But there is another condition. Let's see what happens to water during prolonged heating. What's happening? (answers). The water boiled. It's getting smaller and smaller. Where does she disappear to? (answers). Turned into a couple. What about steam? (the teacher places a mirror over the steam) (answers). The water particles turned into steam, which means they are far from each other.

Put ice in a bowl and heat it up. Where is the ice? What has he become? (answers)

Let's work with our symbols: (drawing up a model with cards).

In what state is water: liquid, solid, gaseous (showing the "water cycle" block).

In the final part, children read poems about water:

Have you heard of water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

At the faucet

How an icicle freezes

It creeps into the house with fog

It's called a glacier in the mountains,

Ribbon silver curls

Boiling on the stove

The steam of the kettle is boiling,

Dissolves sugar in tea.

We don't notice it

We are used to the fact that water -

Our companion always!

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink!

I dare to report to you

We can't live without water!

You will find it in the lake

And in the damp forest swamp,

Traveling always

Our companion is water!

Synopsis by directly educational field knowledge (FEMP) in the preparatory school group "Vovka in the thirtieth kingdoms"

(final, using multimedia equipment)

Program content:
To consolidate knowledge about spring meadow, field and garden flowers, the rules for caring for them, the presence of the necessary conditions for favorable growth and flowering.
To form a clear idea of ​​time, to consolidate the skill of determining the time by the clock;
Improve problem solving skills;
To form an idea of ​​the relationships in nature, the ability to make flowers from hexagons, to consolidate the skill of describing them based on the description scheme.
To bring to automaticity the skills of forward and backward counting within 20.
Bring up careful attitude to nature, the ability to care for flowers; interest in cartoons of the Soviet period.
Integration: knowledge, communication, physical education, fiction.
Slide 1. Org. moment.
- Guys, today together with the hero of the famous cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away" Vovka we will go on a journey through the far away kingdoms. You probably want to find out what will happen next, and so, we go on a trip ...
Slide 2. "Three-eighth Kingdom"

- So our hero got into the first Far Far Away kingdom, in front of him is a fabulous palace, and guards near the palace. (Click) Vovka wanted to enter the palace, and the guards gave him a task, if he decides, then he will get into the palace. Vovka thought, can we help him?
- Yes!
- Then listen to the task.
Slide 3. Task.

Children solve problems on cards in groups
Slide 4. The king's chambers.

- Vovka sees the sad king sitting, then our hero asks the king "- Why are you so sad, are you the king?" And the king answers him: “Oh, spring has come, but I still don’t know the aroma of spring flowers, I have already forgotten how lilies of the valley and chamomile smell.”
Vovka thought about it and remembered that when he was going to the far distant, he met a field with flowers on the way, and he said to the king: “Do not be sad, king, there is a field nearby, and apparently, invisible flowers on it, I will go there and bring you a bouquet spring flowers." The king smiled at him and replied: “Well, I will look forward to it!”
Slide 5. A field of flowers.

Vovka came to the field of flowers, and here we must remember that he travels to distant kingdoms, the field is fabulous, a variety of flowers grow on it. Let's help the hero sort the flowers into groups (spring field, meadow, spring garden, summer garden).
Children classify, collect a bouquet of spring flowers.
Vovka liked the variety of fabulous flowers, where he saw and collected the seeds in his pocket, a full pocket turned out.
Slide 6. A bouquet for the king.

Look guys, how happy the king was with the spring bouquet!
The king thanked his guest, Vovka recovered to travel further.
Slide 7. Far Far Away Kingdom.

Vovka approaches the second faraway kingdom, and the king walks along the field with flowers, admires nature.
- Good health to you, king! - greeted Vovka
The king answers him: “Yes, what can I say, good or not good ....”
- And why are you the king, so not cheerful? Vovka asks.
- I was visiting the prince from the thirties, he has such a garden with flowers, and I only have a flower bed and that one is empty, there is no craftsman in my kingdom to plant a flower bed!
- Do not be sad king, I will help your grief! Show me your flower bed!
Slide 8. Break a flower garden.

-Here, admire my unexpected guest! - said the king
Vovka scratched his head and said: “I will need special tools, do you have them in your state?”
- Yes, there was something let's go, I'll show you - and the king led his guest to where all household utensils were stored.
Slide 9. Tools.

Vovka looked at everything that the king kept and, rolling up his sleeves, began to select the tools that he would need to break the flower bed.
Guys, what are tools?
Tools are tools in the hands of a person to perform any work.
And so that Vovka does not confuse anything, we will help him.
Children select the tools needed to break the flower bed: they name them, name their purpose, pronounce verbs - actions.
Slide 10. Tool cart.

Here we are now warming up a little so that our flower bed turns out beautiful
Slide 11

At the dacha, in the village, in the village
There is enough work for everyone on earth.
The earth, like people, needs care,
Then she will give a harvest.
Therefore, we have been given tools;
They are needed for various jobs.
Let's pick up the tools
And let's start using them skillfully!
Digging, digging, loosening and loosening,
Plant flowers in rows
We will pour ourselves from the watering can.

Slide 12. Blooming flower bed.

The king was very surprised to see the result. And he asks: “That’s how great you are doing, maybe you will stay in my kingdom as the main gardener?”
- No, tsar, I have to go further, but I will teach you how to take care of the flower bed.
Slide 13. Time and timing of flower care.

Guys, let's remember the three basic rules for caring for a garden (Click) (water, weed, loosen).
Children are given cards that show different times.
The guys choose favorable for the care of the garden and vegetable garden, explaining why they chose it.
Vovka said goodbye to the king and went on. In order to diversify his journey, he decided to swim along the river, which flowed along his entire path, and here the raft was tied to the shore, so Vovka stood on it and swam.
Slide 14. Traveling on a raft.

On the way he met a sad bee with an empty bucket.
- Bee, bee, why is your bucket empty?
- The trouble is with us, the winter was cold, all the flowers in the meadow froze, there was nothing to collect nectar from.
Our hero, when he walked around the flower field, collected the seeds of fabulous flowers, he took out the seeds from his pocket and answered the bee: “I will help you bee!”
Slide 15. On the field with flowers.

He went down from the raft to the shore, shook out the remaining seeds from his pockets and scattered them over the clearing. (Click) Before his eyes, flowers began to grow, we must remember that we are in a fairy tale, from nowhere, bees flew in, and began to collect nectar from flowers.
It was joyful for Vovka to watch their well-coordinated work. Then a bee familiar to him flew up to him and said: “Thank you, good fellow! Happy Vovka went home.
Slide 16. Honeycombs of bees.

Guys, look, these are honeycombs of bees, name geometric figure, which you see (hexagon, hexagon). You have the same hexagons on your tables, lay out the same flower, complete it with a stem and leaves.
Children lay out a flower from hexagons.
Now make a task looking at your flower.
Children create tasks.
Slide 17. The thirtieth kingdom.

Here he is like the third distant kingdom, and here the king on the throne is located at the porch of his palace.
- Good health to you king! - greeted Vovka
- And you do not get sick! - the king answered sadly
- And why are you so sad, why are you not sitting in the royal room? Vovka was interested
- Yes, I'm bored in the room, the walls are white, melancholy overcomes melancholy, - the king answers with a sigh
- Invite me to your room, I want to look at them! - Vovka asks for a visit
- Yes, come in, if you come in peace!
Slide 18. The king's room.

The tsar gave a small crown to Vovka, he went into the room and was surprised!
“Yes,” he said, “it’s boring to live with white walls, if only they could be decorated with floral ornaments!”
- So, who will decorate them, - the king answers, - craftsmen, craftsmen have not been in my kingdom for a long time!
- Maybe I can help? Vovka asks.
- Can you? - the king even perked up, - I will thank you royally!
- Only I need to warm up a little, otherwise my fingers, then my fingers are numb! Vovka said
And we will do finger gymnastics together.
Slide 19. Conjugate gymnastics of fingers and tongue.

Text spoken by an adult Movement or static posture
Hand lips and tongue
A tall flower grew in a clearing. Raise your hands up, palms pressed one to the other. Slightly
spread and round your fingers. Tongue out and with tension
pull it to the nose
Opened the petals in the spring morning. Spread your palms. Perform rhythmic finger movement: together
- apart (several times) Mouth open wide - close (in
according to the movements of the fingers)
All petals beauty and nourishment
unanimously give roots under the ground. Lower the palms, press the brushes with the back side one to the other,
spread your fingers. Stick out your tongue and pull it with tension
So we warmed up, got ready, put a reference point in our notebooks.
Slide 20. Mathematical dictation drawing on the cells "Flower".

methodology for conducting mathematical dictation:
1. Each child has a reference point in a notebook (a notebook in a regular cage), which the teacher puts with red paste.
2. Children write with a simple pencil, be sure to have an eraser on the table.
3. The teacher pronounces the following text: "One cell to the right, one down, one to the right, one down, etc." until the pattern is closed.
4. Children hand in notebooks, the teacher checks them after GCD and encourages successful ones (my partner and I pasted stickers directly into notebooks for those who were successful, who did not quite draw flags, triangles with red paste).

(Click) The tsar gave his guest tea from a samovar with bagels to drink, and Vovka went home.
Slide 21. Summing up the lesson.