By pike command. Analysis of the fairy tale "by pike command" The main idea of ​​the fairy tale by pike command

The plot of a fairy tale about a lucky fellow and a magical fish that fulfills any desire is found in many peoples and countries.

The earliest versions have come down to us in the Italian version of the tale about Peruanto or Pietro the Fool (XVI-XVII centuries).

The Russian fairy tale was first published in the collection of P. Timofeev "Russian Tales" in 1787, and later distributed in the form of popular prints and reprinted by many collectors of fairy tales: A. Afanasyev, V. Dahl, I. Bunin, A. Tolstoy.

Why fool?

We often hear opinions that the image of Emelya the Fool is collective image a Russian person, for whom laziness and hope for "maybe" are allegedly characteristic. But what then is the usefulness and moralizing of a fairy tale? I guess the story is actually something else.

The youngest son in the Yemelyan family is called a fool. Fool in what sense? Most often, this word means a fool who does not know how to act reasonably according to the logic of the prevailing circumstances, or, in other words, a person who does not have a worldly mind. One can come across the opinion that, according to Dahl's dictionary, fools were also called fools. But in this case there is no need to talk about the similarity of Emelya the fool with the holy fools for the sake of Christ, because our hero does not have the qualities that the holy fools have. It is appropriate to recall that in Russia this was the name given to people who voluntarily gave up their minds, which was considered a high spiritual feat (more about foolishness can be found in I. Kovalevsky's book "Foolishness for Christ and for Christ's sake"). Emelya did not refuse his mind, therefore it is impossible to speak of him as a holy fool. A striking example of foolishness is the life of St. Basil the Blessed (you can read more), Mikhail Klopsky, John of Ustyug.

Emelya’s lack of a practical mind is also evidenced by the fact that the older brothers went to trade, and they left him not only as an assistant to their wives, but, most likely, because trade is a business that does not allow simplicity and lack of grasp. Moreover, let us remember that the brothers, having inherited “three hundred rubles”, went to the city to “trade profit”, that is, they reasonably considered that the money needed to be increased. Well, you can’t trust such a thing to a fool, of course. Emelya, they promised for his part of the money, which they took with them, to bring a red caftan. Therefore, the nickname Emelya "deserved" for his simplicity and inability to manage money (lack of worldly mind). Synonymous with the meaning of the word fool, which is applicable to Emelya, I would call the word simpleton.

Here is what the collector of Russian fairy tales A. Afanasyev writes about this:

Most of the folk tales, following the usual epic device, begin with the fact that the father had three sons: two are smart, and the third is a fool. The older brothers are called smart in the meaning given to this word in the bazaar of worldly fuss, where everyone thinks only about their own personal interests, and the younger one is called stupid in the sense of the absence of this practical wisdom in him: he is simple-hearted, not malice, compassionate to other people's disasters to the point of oblivion own security and any benefits. According to this, the words cunning and evil in regional dialects mean: dexterous, skillful, smart, sharp. The folk tale, however, is always on the side of moral truth, and according to its firm conviction, the winner must always remain with the innocence, gentleness and compassion of the younger brother. Obviously, epic poetry recognizes only good as truly rational, and although evil is reputed to be such among people, it leads its fans into hopeless mistakes and often exposes them to inevitable death: therefore, it is truly unreasonable.

Emelya the simpleton

A simpleton in a certain sense denotes ingenuity and innocence. All actions of Emelya are quite simple, although some of them are quirky. Everything he does, as a rule, is accompanied by a short comment by Emelya, with which he explains his motives. The innocence and directness of the hero is also indicated by the fact that, having caught a magic pike, he did not wish himself palaces and riches, but continued to live as if he had not become, in fact, omnipotent in everyday terms. It is no coincidence that it was thanks to the simplicity and good nature that Emelya received such an award from the pike, thanks, so to speak, to luck. If one of the older brothers caught a pike, then he would probably wish for everything that an ordinary person who seeks earthly pleasures wants, which would be expressed in money, fame, power. An example is the desire of the old woman from the "Tale of the Goldfish" by A.S. Pushkin.

Here I would note the first and important lesson: simplicity and ingenuity are important human qualities that are not a flaw or a sign of weakness.

Was Emelya lazy?

Throughout the tale, Emelya exposes his laziness, answering any request with the words: "I'm lazy." However, the wives of the brothers expose the laziness of the fool:

The bridesmaids replied:

Our gracious sovereign, a fool loves - if you start asking relentlessly for something, he will refuse time and again, and the third will not refuse and will do; he does not like the one who treats him rudely.

Thus, Emelya's "laziness" is peculiar: everything that is asked of him, he fulfills, but only after the third request. What could be behind this way of helping others? Emelya, one might say, checks the need and necessity of the need of the one asking. If the request is worthless or frivolous, it is unlikely that a person will insist three times, therefore Emelya tests everyone who asks for the importance of the request.

But why then Emelya forced the buckets to go home by themselves, and the stove to go? On the one hand, it may seem that these are logical desires for a lazy person, as Emelya wants to appear. But on the other hand, these "miracles" are a demonstration and a test of the newly acquired power of Emelya. In these desires, the simplicity of the Emelian mind is manifested.

The second story lesson- Responsiveness to help loved ones. But not all help, but necessary, because a bad person can ask and ask for something bad. In any case, even in helping loved ones, sanity is needed, and in addition, you need to feel your heart.

Emelya's will

Having such a generous gift from the pike, nevertheless, Emelya uses it only by fulfilling someone else's will: he carries buckets at the request of the brothers' wives and goes to the palace at the request of the king, and builds the palace at the request of the bride. True, he had to defend himself when he forced the club to beat the guards. The last desire to give him beauty and intelligence is connected with external circumstances. Here's how it's said:

The fool went up to the palace with the princess and saw that in the chambers there was a very rich decoration and a lot of people, both lackeys and all sorts of pedlars, who were waiting for a command from the fool. The fool, seeing that all people are like people, and he alone was not good and stupid, wanted to become better and for this he said:

By pike command, and at my request, if only I had become such a fine fellow, so that there would be no such thing for me and that I be extremely smart!

Another unusual request is the desire that the king's daughter fall in love with him. Another unthinkable desire! But here, too, Emelya acted more out of the simplicity of his soul: he saw her, admired her beauty and wished that she would fall in love with him, but he wished it, as it were, “by the way,” as he immediately ordered the stove to immediately go home.

Fulfilling the requests of other characters, Emelya, perhaps not wanting it himself, achieved earthly well-being, while the king offered him the whole kingdom (the personification of unlimited power), to which Emelya refused, showing his calm attitude to this passion.

In fact, Emelya does not live by his powerless mind, but relies on the will of God, for which he receives a reward.

The third lesson of the tale can be called an indication that you need to live according to the simplicity of your soul, not thinking far ahead and not planning the future. As they said before: "where it is simple, there are a hundred angels."Russian people lived according to the Law of God, therefore, to explain the moral concepts of the Russian folk tale, it is logical to quote from the Bible:

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you much better than them?
(St. Matthew 6:26)

So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of its own: enough for each day of its own care.
(St. Matthew 6:34)


Thus, “The Tale of Emelya the Fool” or “According to pike command» carries important educational and moral meanings, which, at first glance, are not visible, and according to the reflection of the plot, the tale is more like an anecdotal story, however, with a more thoughtful reading, you can see very important instructive points that the child should pay attention to.

Vladislav Lebedko. Together with Evgeny Naydenov.

The sacred meaning of Russian fairy tales.

Magical Theater Research

Every famous Russian folk tale has its own clear semantic vital and sensual space. There are several levels of semantic plots at once, several levels or layers of information about the structure of the world, man, human society and the foundations of life processes, deeply hidden and unfolding in layers - they are also the key or the entrance to a special state, a state of insight and integrity. There is not a single random empty word or image in a fairy tale, and each image has several levels of meaning and several sections of semantic relationships with other images, and participates in the display and formation of many meanings. And you can open them for a very long time; Our work went on as long as we had enough strength and a general sense of reflection. Moreover, strength and desire ended approximately at the same time - just in time for the end of the passage of several of the most prominent and obvious layers of meaning. We ended when the feeling of completing the process came, but it was clear to everyone that there was a lot more. After the completion of the process of revealing the fairy tale, a very blessed, bright and joyful state descended on all participants, the fairy tale lived in us and shone its light on us.

The very first fairy tale revealed in this way was "Rocked Hen", in other versions it is simply "Egg". We do not present it here, firstly, because there is already a good printed interpretation and, secondly, because this tale is so ingeniously simple that its interpretation can be reduced either to two or three lines, or a whole book can be written. These two or three lines are as follows: in the fairy tale "Rocked Hen" it is told about how in the world of people it was born - a way of thinking appeared - not direct, but through samples, imprints of the previously meaningful. And the perception of the world was thus distorted, people lost their vision.

Study of the fairy tale "By the command of the pike".

In one village there lived an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya.

The older brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day and does nothing.

Who is Emelya, why is he a fool and why is he lying on the stove, and not on the bench, for example. And so almost the whole tale ... And why does nothing? Here is the first question that came up. And what are the brothers doing for work there?

One day the brothers left for the market, and the women, daughters-in-law, let's send him:

- "Go, Emelya, for water." And he told them from the stove: - "Reluctance" ...

- "Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the market, they won't bring you presents."

- "OK".

What are these brides? Why do they scare Emelya with the possible deprivation of gifts? And who are these brothers? Why is Emelya reluctant to go for water? Is it just laziness or something else?

Emel got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.

He cut through the ice, scooped up buckets and put them down, and he himself looks into the hole. And I saw Emelya in the hole in the pike. He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand: - “Here the ear will be sweet!”

Why does the action take place in winter? Why didn’t Emelya go to the forest, and didn’t talk to a goblin or a tree? Why did it start with fish? Where does a pike come from in an ice-hole in winter - is it known that pikes, like any fish, hide in holes at the bottom for the winter? Why did Emelya look into the hole after he had taken water? It was possible to go home, rather to the stove ... Further: how is it so - obvious, like, a fool - a coot - couch potato Emelya not only saw a pike, but also turned out to be so agile and dexterous that he managed to snatch a pike out of the water, which in real world, perhaps, perhaps for a few masters? What kind of pike is this, which can be snatched from the hole, and what kind of hole is this, where such pikes are found? Maybemaybe they are symbols of something? What? Why does a pike speak in a human voice? Is it possible? In a fairy tale, every absurd, or somehow different from the generally accepted, smooth, simple sense place, serves as an indication of the entrance to the deeper layers of the essence. There are fairy tales that consist almost of nothing but absurdities and, nevertheless, live for centuries, for example, the same “Ryaba Hen”. And what does the desire for Emeley's sweet soup mean? After all, it is clear that the hole and the pike symbolize something. Maybe the ear is also a symbol?

Emelya is a fool - so that the mind does not prevent him from seeing the world and learning. A smart person thinks that he already knows what he needs and, therefore, does not study and does not see the world, but for ease adjusts it to his ideas and sees what he wants to see or what he decided to see.

His brothers are just like that - smart - and they work in society and for society, so that it appreciates and approves them; and with these "benefits" the daughters-in-law seduce Emelya. He knows himself, lying on the stove.

Winter - free time from the harvesting season, the right time for teaching, and it, teaching, begins when there is a desire for it from the soul. Emelya was attentive to the world, he listened and felt himself and the world, and therefore he saw a pike in the hole - here, among other things, the pike denotes a chance, quite rare, but real, a chance to realize oneself or the Spirit, the Soul in oneself. And the vigilant Emelya took advantage of it - he grabbed attention (here with his hand) something in his mind and in his inner world.

- "Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I'll do whatever you want."

Why wasn't Emelya surprised that the pike was saying? Again the question is - what kind of pike is this that grants wishes? And what kind of intention and state does Emelya show when he concludes an agreement and checks its observance?

He was ready, so he wasn't surprised. He knew or felt the language of the Spirit, the language of intention, and therefore dispassionately tested what kind of power it was by threatening to boil a pike. And the power showed itself.

- "Okay, just show first that you are not deceiving me, then I will let you go." Pike asks him: - “Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

Exactly - not what “do you need”, but “what do you want now”, the pike asks and it is clear that this is connected with the desires of the Soul, with desires, with hunting and not with duties, that is, the power of the pike refers to the inner world of a person, to his mental states and impulses. Simply put, here the pike fish reflects the soul of a person - Emelya in this case, floating in the global soul, and the vigilant - attentive Emelya acts as a symbol of a student looking for himself in this world. And Emelya learns to listen and realize, to see his desires, their strength, their simplest, most holy, natural desires. And not the image that is needed in order to become strong or smart. Those simple desires and feelings that we, in modern world on the contrary, we hide deeper, trying to be someone better, but not ourselves. Pike-Soul taught Emelya to be exactly himself.

And why, after all, did he release the pike, although he could have cooked it? And there was an answer to this question: it turned out that the production of fish soup would mean a stop in cognition at the level of mastering some kind of craft that allows you to feed, live. Emelya was not a fool, and went further, overcoming the call of primary needs. And learning to accept and satisfy them.

- “I want the buckets to go home by themselves, and the water would not splash” ...

The pike says to him: - “Remember my words: when you want something, just say: “At the pike’s command, according to my desire.” Emelya says: “At the pike’s command, at my desire - go, buckets, go home yourself” ... He just said - the buckets themselves went uphill. Emelya let the pike into the hole, and he went for the buckets. The buckets go through the village, the people marvel, and Emelya walks behind, chuckles ...

What does the desire mean - that the buckets go home by themselves, and what does it mean - "at the behest of the pike at my will"? What does the pike symbolize here and what is my desire? Why people are amazed at what is happening, it seems to be understandable - it’s a miracle, but it also makes sense - people are surprised at the simple and easy satisfaction of inner desires, the harmony in oneself, apparently, does not happen to everyone. Emelya released the pike into the hole, that is, he complies with the agreement, he is honest and thus shows the animated world that it is possible to cooperate with him. The next layer of meaning - he, faced with the power of the soul, realized its essence and realized that it was impossible to completely own it, you can’t keep it in check, but you can only touch and let it through, conduct through yourself, and therefore became a contemplator, he realized that there is always he, there is always a river and you can always go to the hole ...

“At the command of the pike, at my will” means the unity of the Soul and the Spirit, that is, the Soul commands to want, and the Spirit conducts this will. It’s impossible not to want at all, and it’s better then to want correctly, in accordance with the pike - spiritual commandment, which also reflects world soul, its essence, desires and device. And Emelya's awareness of his soul was also an awareness of the animation of the world.

The buckets went into the hut and themselves stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.

How much, how little time has passed - the daughters-in-law say to him: - “Emelya, why are you lying? I would go and chop wood." - “Reluctance” ... - “You won’t chop wood, the brothers will return from the market, they won’t bring you gifts.”

And yet - who are these women-daughter-in-law? Why did everything happen without a father, who will be remembered for some reason at the beginning? What gifts should the brothers bring? What does wood mean?

The women of the daughter-in-law turned out to be the natural natural needs of the body for life without satisfaction of which, the desire to do this or the reluctance - it does not matter, no one can live normally, even the great ascetic Buddha one fine day began to eat food and profess moderation in everything. Father, of course, means the Creator and therefore is clearly not present, but it is indicated at the beginning of the tale. Brothers are other people who are busy living in society (they do not have time to explore themselves) and, at the same time, society itself, which is a danger to those who do not want to agree with it. But if Emelya cooperates, that is, goes for water, firewood, etc., takes care of himself, then even though he is a “fool”, he is not crazy, and you can not touch him, let him live for himself. The promised gifts are here the approval of other people.

Emelya is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered the pike and slowly says:

- "At the pike's command, at my will - go, an ax, chop wood, and firewood - go into the hut yourself and put it in the oven" ...

Emelya on the stove and forgot about the pike and its capabilities, and was clearly not attached to the possession of power, which is emphasized by this part of the tale for the second time. Lying on the stove, he was busy with something. Namely, awareness of oneself, wandering in the world of one's consciousness...

The stove here means self, God's spark, inner fire, light and the space of his consciousness, in which Emelya tried to stay all the time and left there with visible reluctance, especially at first, and only to perform the most necessary actions. That is, he was occupied with almost constant self-contemplation.

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let's chop firewood, and the firewood itself goes into the hut and climbs into the oven. How much, how little time has passed - the daughters-in-law again say: - “Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest, chop." And he told them from the stove:

- “Yes, what are you on?” - “What are we doing? .. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?” - "I'm reluctant" ... - "Well, there will be no gifts for you."

But, nevertheless, the world regularly reminds of itself, and it is no longer about water - here it is a symbol of the Soul's depth and strength of the Soul and Spirit as an active unit. The matter concerns firewood, which here also means the impressions of the events of the world to maintain the inner Divine fire - a lively interest in the world, and knowledge about the outside world, which also has to be obtained, like firewood, by a kind of labor of attention. But now it is already much easier, as it is mastered new way understanding and accomplishment - not chaotic and instinctive as before, but the unity of conscious desire and intention. Here, the daughter-in-law needs just teach him how to satisfy them. Emelya, it was, tried to blame this matter on them, but it wasn’t there, no one can violate the laws of nature, and it’s not necessary, nature is natural. Here the fairy tale also teaches this obvious thing - there is no need to fight with your nature, it is better to follow it.

Nothing to do. Emel's tears from the stove, put on shoes, got dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in a sleigh: - “Women, open the gate!” His daughters-in-law say to him: “Why, you fool, got into the sleigh, but didn’t harness the horse?” - "I don't need a horse."

The daughters-in-law opened the gates, and Emelya said quietly: “At the pike’s command, at my will, go, sleigh, into the forest yourself” ...

The journey through the gate marks the beginning of the necessary, albeit forced, work of awareness outside world. By this moment, Emelya had already learned to control himself - his daughters-in-law opened the gates for him, the horse, that is, ordinary attention, is not needed, which means that some internal forces have already turned out to be obedient to his will. The toboggan journey here means a journey of consciousness both in the outer world and in the inner world, which reflects the outer.

The sledge itself went to the gate, and so quickly - it was impossible to catch up on a horse.

And I had to go to the forest through the city, and then he crushed a lot of people, suppressed them. The people shout: "Hold him! Catch him!" "... The ax began to chop, chop dry trees, and the firewood themselves fall into the sleigh and knit with a rope. Then Emelya ordered the ax to cut out a club for himself - such that he could hardly lift it. He sat on the cart: - "By the pike command, by my desire - go, sleigh home...

Why go to the forest through the city? Why push people into it? What kind of city is this, what kind of people? The city is the world of ordinary people, which Emelya, being a man himself, cannot bypass in his journey of consciousness. People in the city are human forms, masks created for deception, which, in essence, it is not a pity to press, even though they scold and threaten with reprisals. A club is a force and a means of transforming disguises, which is done only by force, by effort.

The sleigh raced home. Again Emelya is passing through the city where just now he crushed, crushed a lot of people, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her from the cart, scolded and beat her. He sees that things are bad, and slowly: - "At the command of the pike, at my will - come on, club, break off their sides." The club jumped out - let's beat. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

Why break off the sides and not kill, for example?But just the sides - the edges - the most obvious symbol of the form, and it's not worth killing the masks at all, they are needed for some reason. And this is not a simple thing, work with masks and images, you have to repeat it, break through with effort, with a fight - the binding power of images is so great.

How long, how short - the tsar heard about Emelin's tricks and sends an officer for him: to find him and bring him to the palace.

The king is the master, the real ruler. Something interested him in Emelin's tricks. For some reason, he does not order Emelya to be imprisoned, for example, but sends an officer to bring Emelya to him. Here the officer is a symbol of the simple power of hierarchical social subordination-management and, at the same time, his appearance is the first test, since the tsar does not intend to destroy Emelya, and the tsar needs Emelya for some reason. What for? The king needs a worthy successor.

An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks: “Are you Emelya’s fool?” And he from the stove: - “What do you need?” - "Get dressed soon, I will take you to the king." - “But I don’t feel like it” ... The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek. And Emelya says quietly: - "At the pike's command, at my will - a baton, break off his sides" ... The baton jumped out - and let's beat the officer, he took his legs by force.

“Fool” is already here something like a title or status, and, by the way, Emelya did not name himself here - “I’m supposedly a fool,” he immediately began to look at the root. The baton as a force for the transformation of disguises, which, in turn, are created for public - hierarchical use, and here it helped to overcome the now already pressure of the force of society in the person of an officer. That is, Emelya proved his independence and independence from the opinion of society, independence from public thinking. He showed the king his selfhood - that he should be taught further.

The tsar was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent the greatest nobleman: - "Bring the fool Emelya to me in the palace, otherwise I will take my head off my shoulders." He bought the biggest nobleman raisins, prunes, gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began to ask his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.

- "Our Emelya loves to be affectionately asked and promised a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask."

The tsar, as a ruler, immediately felt a successor (the figures - the performers of the roles) immediately announced, but order is order - from simple to complex and from small to large, therefore the officer was the first - note that without an army, that is, a symbol of a kind dedications.

The greatest nobleman means strength of a completely different order. This is the mind - the manager, which plans and considers actions, organizes events, comprehends and understands causes and effects and is able to understand them. For him, the result is important, not the method, and there is a wide variety of ways to achieve the goal.

The greatest nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, gingerbread and said: “Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king." - “I’m warm here too” ... - “Emelya, Emelya, the king will feed and drink you well, please, let's go.” - "But I'm reluctant" ... - "Emelya, Emelya, the king will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots." Emelya thought and thought: - "Well, go ahead, and I'll follow you."

The greatest nobleman understands that you cannot take it by force, and promises food, a caftan, a hat and boots, that is, bodily and sensual satisfaction and satisfaction of vanity. This attracted Emelya due to the natural inclination of people to pleasure and because of its novelty and unexploredness, and was another test-test. In addition, Emelya understood well what was going on.

The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said: - “At the pike’s command, at my will - well, bake, go to the king” ... Here in the hut the corners crackled, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went along street, on the road, straight to the king.

Why on the stove, not on a sleigh, for example, and not together with the hut?There is a complex mix of meanings here. The stove here acts as a symbol of the inner strength of the stove - the inner space that is mastered, realized, of which you are the owner. Why not the whole hut? But because you can go to a meeting with the king with what the king himself is. The hut, in this case, is not only inner space, which is being tested, but also the whole world of Emelya, and at that time he was not the owner yet. So I decided not to go to the stove and show my strength, because I already understood and foresaw what was waiting for him. And waiting for his dedication to the king.

The king looks out the window, marvels: - “What kind of miracle is this?” The greatest nobleman answers him: - "And this is Emelya on the stove going to you."

The king, although the king, is also not ready for such a manifestation of Emelya's self, he needs to comprehend what is happening, which he does through the mind - the greatest nobleman.

The tsar came out onto the porch: - “Something, Emelya, there are a lot of complaints about you! You crushed a lot of people." - "Why did they climb under the sled?"

A very revealing dialogue: it is said that a lot of people were suppressed somehow, as if not about people. A real violator would have been punished long ago even without the king. And here the tsar personally tests the strength and ability of Emelya to realize, destroy and create images, including social ones. Emelya clearly shows strength, but not quite skill yet: why did they climb under the sled? What allegorically means - I have strength, and I know how to direct it to achieve my goal, albeit directly and harshly, artlessly, but I can. The king here and in general in a fairy tale is a teacher, a mentor, possessing knowledge, a spiritual father. And not the head of the state as a community. Although of course there were different Emelya ...

One can also trace here, firstly, the recognition of the acting king, and secondly, the lesson of power management.

At this time, the tsar's daughter, Princess Marya, was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and said quietly: - "At the pike's command, according to my desire - let the tsar's daughter fall in love with me" ... And he said again: - "Go, bake, go home" ... The stove turned and went home, went in into the hut and returned to its original place. Emelya is lying down again.

Emelya could not fall in love with Marya Tsarevna if she did not love him. Here in the royal court, at the initiation, Emelya had a meeting with her inner female part - the anima. Only over this he is really powerful, in order to allow her to manifest. And he understood it. The time has come for gaining not only strength, but also inner integrity. He realized that much is not needed for love, permission is needed. In this: “let the tsar's daughter love me” is the permission to love oneself - the word “let”. And here there is another layer of meaning - the beginning of awareness of oneself as a king.

It should be noted that the tsar released Emelya without objections and did not resist his departure on the stove, since what was done was done - Emelya passed the test and they communicated with the tsar not on a social level, but in the language of forces, therefore, apparently so unceremoniously and short.

And the king in the palace screams and tears. Princess Marya misses Emelya, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Then the tsar got into trouble, agonized and spoke again to the greatest nobleman. - "Go, bring Emelya to me, alive or dead, otherwise I'll take off my head from my shoulders."

This is what turned out to be encrypted here: there comes a time when the teacher also needs to learn. Alive or dead means either Emelya in feelings, or by agreement. Because the skill of the king himself is not enough here, and he does not know in advance. And the king, teaching a student, himself passes an exam for mastery of art.

The great nobleman bought sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to regale Emelya. Emelya got drunk, ate, got tipsy and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a wagon and took him to the king. The king immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled up. They put Emelya and Marya Tsarevna in it, pitched it and threw the barrel into the sea.

Why did the tsar go, in fact, to the murder of his daughter, and Emelya, although he had not attempted to do so before? Why in a barrel in the sea, and not in a fire, for example, or a cave or a river?The king, through the greatest nobleman, gave Emelya another test - for the temptations of the body and feelings. It worked flawlessly. This shows the conditionality of a person from the body and its needs. It also shows periods in the development of consciousness and self-awareness and rebirth after a journey in a state of integrity - in a sea of ​​feelings. The sea here is the collective unconscious or the world of prototypes, Emelya is the Spirit that has forgotten itself. And the teacher along the way gives Emelya a lesson in self-remembering. Princess Marya - A soul that feels and remembers itself and knowing life. She cannot live without the Spirit. The king, the teacher, knew what would be the result of the journey. Here is also a cut real life- as real kings for the sake of power or whim sometimes do not spare their children. A fairy tale teaches us to see life and several meanings at once and, accepting everything as it is, not to confuse one with the other.

How long, how short - Emelya woke up; sees - dark, crowded. - "Where am I?"

And they answer him: - “It's boring and sickening, Emelyushka! They pitched us into a barrel, threw us into the blue sea.” - "And who are you?" - "I am Princess Marya." Emelya says: - "At the pike's command, according to my desire - the winds are violent, roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand" ...

The winds blew violently. The sea was agitated, the barrel was thrown onto a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the princess came out of it.

The Soul helped the Spirit to remember itself in the journey through the prototypes and gave the strength to wake up, desire and be reborn, gain independence.

- “Emelyushka, where will we live? Build some kind of hut."

- “But I don’t feel like it” ... Then she began to ask him even more, and he said: - “At the command of the pike, at my will, build a stone palace with a golden roof” ... As soon as he said, a stone palace with a golden roof. Around - a green garden: flowers bloom and birds sing.

What kind of hut is there, and not a palace, - for some reason the princess asks, seemingly accustomed to palaces. She doesn't need much to start in a state of integrity with the Spirit. She is so good. But there was also a kind of test for squalor here, suddenly Emelya doesn’t wake up, he doesn’t remember what power and opportunity he has and builds what kind of hut and not a palace. Emelya also passed this exam.

How can it be built and where? Nothing but a thought in your mind.

Marya Tsarevna and Emelya entered the palace and sat down by the little window. - “Emelyushka, can’t you become handsome?” Here Emelya didn’t think for long: “By the pike’s command, according to my desire, I should become a good young man, a written handsome man” ... And Emelya became such that he can’t say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen.

When it came to selfhood and inner transformation, Emelya immediately agreed, that is, he saw, recognized and accepted the Divine beauty of the world and himself, which the Soul reminded him of, saw God in himself. He was transformed internally. Obviously, this is a special action, maybe even its purpose, and it completes the whole chain of Emelya's transformations.

And at that time the king went hunting and sees - there is a palace where there was nothing before.

- "What kind of ignoramus built a palace on my land without my permission?"

And he sent to find out, to ask: “Who are they?”

Why did the king go specifically for hunting, and not for fishing or an embassy somewhere?It also shows the ordinary life of earthly kings, but also shows the space of O-KHOTA, in which other kings live - kings to themselves. They live in o-hot, that is, they do what they want. And so, in this world of hunting, one nameless king (apparently because it is a symbol of a teacher) saw the hunt of another - now also internally transformed, a full-fledged king who had passed all the tests of Emelya, and decided to check if he was ignorant. That is, is Emelya's knowledge complete? Ignorant is in other words: not knowing any rules. That is, here is the final exam and the final recognition of Emelya's right to the kingdom. This right must be witnessed by another king.

The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking questions. Emelya answers them:

- "Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself." The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads him to the palace, puts him at the table. They start drinking. The king eats, drinks and is not surprised: - “Who are you, good fellow?” - “Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to be pitched into a barrel, thrown into the sea? I am the same Emelya. If I want, I will burn your whole kingdom and destroy it.

Emelya invites the teacher personally into his world to look and appreciate everything as it is. He comes and evaluates. Both at first pretend that they do not recognize a friend, and maybe the tsar really does not recognize Emelya. This shows the completeness of the changes that have taken place with Emelya and their depth.

And here, for the last time, Emelya passes the exam and shows his strength and that now he can cope with the whole kingdom. Previously, he could not, and there was no talk about it.

The king was very frightened, began to ask for forgiveness: - “Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, just don’t ruin me!” They made a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Princess Marya and began to rule the kingdom.

Asking for forgiveness is also a sacred inner act - the old tsar, who raised a full-fledged successor - a student, understands that he can leave, and he purifies his soul with permission and repentance, transfers the kingdom to young Emelya and goes on a fiery journey, the famous and mysterious fiery transition, which he will help the student to complete. That is why Emelya says that he will burn with fire, shows that he owns fire, and threatens to flood not with water, for example.

Here it was possible to “destroy the king” (the image of the king of the owner - the creator as a stage of personal evolution) precisely by not accepting the kingdom of Emelya, and here life is clearly shown with its laws of transition and continuity, telling everyone to grow and develop, multiply knowledge and skills. To be a king on earth and a master.

Here the fairy tale ends.

So a simple-looking fairy tale turned out to be an accurate guide and pointer on the way of a person to himself, to God, to the meaning of life.

Original taken from animamarina in Study of the fairy tale "By the will of the pike"

Beautiful! Thanks for the link afepucmka
I copy only about one fairy tale, and there are more.
That's how I thought that "By the Pike" - about the ability to listen to your desires and follow them and your essence, and here it is even deeper.

Vladislav Lebedko
The sacred meaning of Russian fairy tales.

"According to the command of the pike."

In one village there lived an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya.
The older brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day and does nothing.

Who is Emelya, why is he a fool and why is he lying on the stove, and not on the bench, for example. And so almost the whole tale ... And why does nothing? Here is the first question that came up. And what are the brothers doing for work there?

One day the brothers left for the market, and the women, daughters-in-law, let's send him:
- "Go, Emelya, for water." And he told them from the stove: - "Reluctance" ...
- "Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the market, they won't bring you presents."
- "OK".

What are these brides? Why do they scare Emelya with the possible deprivation of gifts? And who are these brothers? Why is Emelya reluctant to go for water? Is it just laziness or something else?

Emel got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.
He cut through the ice, scooped up buckets and put them down, and he himself looks into the hole. And I saw Emelya in the hole in the pike. He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand: - “Here the ear will be sweet!”

Why does the action take place in winter? Why didn’t Emelya go to the forest, and didn’t talk to a goblin or a tree? Why did it start with fish? Where does a pike come from in an ice-hole in winter - is it known that pikes, like any fish, hide in holes at the bottom for the winter? Why did Emelya look into the hole after he had taken water? It was possible to go home, rather to the stove ... Further: how is it so - obvious, like, a fool - a coot - couch potato Emelya not only saw a pike, but also turned out to be so agile and dexterous that he managed to snatch a pike out of the water, which in real world, perhaps, perhaps for a few masters? What kind of pike is this, which can be snatched from the hole, and what kind of hole is this, where such pikes are found? Maybe they are symbols of something? What? Why does a pike speak in a human voice? Is it possible? In a fairy tale, every absurd, or otherwise somehow different from the generally accepted, smooth, simple place, serves as an indication of the entrance to the deeper layers of the essence. There are fairy tales that consist almost of nothing but absurdities and, nevertheless, live for centuries, for example, the same “Ryaba Hen”. And what does the desire for Emeley's sweet soup mean? After all, it is clear that the hole and the pike symbolize something. Maybe the ear is also a symbol?
Emelya is a fool - so that the mind does not prevent him from seeing the world and learning. A smart person thinks that he already knows what he needs and, therefore, does not study and does not see the world, but for ease adjusts it to his ideas and sees what he wants to see or what he decided to see.
His brothers are just like that - smart - and they work in society and for society, so that it appreciates and approves them; and with these "benefits" the daughters-in-law seduce Emelya. He knows himself, lying on the stove.
Winter is a free time from harvesting, a suitable time for teaching, and it, teaching, begins when there is a desire of the soul for it. Emelya was attentive to the world, he listened and felt himself and the world, and therefore he saw a pike in the hole - here, among other things, the pike denotes a chance, quite rare, but real, a chance to realize oneself or the Spirit, the Soul in oneself. And the vigilant Emelya took advantage of it - he grabbed attention (here with his hand) something in his mind and in his inner world.

Suddenly, the pike tells him in a human voice: - "Emelya, let me go into the water, I'll be useful to you." And Emelya laughs: - “What will you be useful to me for? No, I’ll carry you home, I’ll tell my daughters-in-law to cook the fish soup. The ear will be sweet." The pike pleaded again:
- "Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I'll do whatever you want."

Why wasn't Emelya surprised that the pike was saying? Again the question is - what kind of pike is this that grants wishes? And what kind of intention and state does Emelya show when he concludes an agreement and checks its observance?

He was ready, so he wasn't surprised. He knew or felt the language of the Spirit, the language of intention, and therefore dispassionately tested what kind of power it was by threatening to boil a pike. And the power showed itself.

- "Okay, just show first that you are not deceiving me, then I will let you go." Pike asks him: - “Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

Exactly - not what “do you need”, but “what do you want now”, the pike asks and it is clear that this is connected with the desires of the Soul, with desires, with hunting and not with duties, that is, the power of the pike refers to the inner world of a person, to his mental states and impulses. Simply put, here the pike fish reflects the soul of a person - Emelya in this case, floating in the global soul, and the vigilant - attentive Emelya acts as a symbol of a student looking for himself in this world. And Emelya learns to listen and realize, to see his desires, their strength, their simplest, most holy, natural desires. And not the image that is needed in order to become strong or smart. Those simple desires and feelings that we, in the modern world, on the contrary, hide deeper, trying to be someone better, but not ourselves. Pike-Soul taught Emelya to be exactly himself.
And why, after all, did he release the pike, although he could have cooked it? And there was an answer to this question: it turned out that the production of fish soup would mean a stop in cognition at the level of mastering some kind of craft that allows you to feed, live. Emelya was not a fool, and went further, overcoming the call of primary needs. And learning to accept and satisfy them.

- “I want the buckets to go home by themselves, and the water would not splash” ...
The pike says to him: “Remember my words: when you want something, just say: “At the pike’s command, according to my desire.” Emelya and says: - "At the pike's command, according to my desire - go, buckets, go home yourself" ... He just said - the buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya let the pike into the hole, and he went for the buckets. Buckets go through the village, people marvels, and Emelya walks behind, chuckles ...

What does the desire mean - that the buckets go home by themselves, and what does it mean - “at the behest of the pike at my will”? What does the pike symbolize here and what is my desire? Why people are amazed at what is happening, it seems to be understandable - it's a miracle, but it also makes sense - people are surprised at the simple and easy satisfaction of inner desires, the harmony in oneself, apparently, does not happen to everyone. Emelya released the pike into the hole, that is, he complies with the agreement, he is honest and thus shows the animated world that it is possible to cooperate with him. The next layer of meaning is that, having encountered the power of the soul, he realized its essence and realized that it is impossible to completely own it, you cannot keep it in check, but you can only touch and let it through, conduct through yourself, and therefore became a contemplator, he realized that there is always he, there is always a river and you can always go to the hole ...
“At the command of the pike, at my will” means the unity of the Soul and the Spirit, that is, the Soul commands to want, and the Spirit conducts this will. It is absolutely impossible not to want, and it is better then to want correctly, in accordance with the pike - the spiritual command, which also reflects the soul of the world, its essence, desires and structure. And Emelya's awareness of his soul was also an awareness of the animation of the world.

The buckets went into the hut and themselves stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.
How much, how little time has passed - the daughters-in-law say to him: - “Emelya, why are you lying? I would go and chop wood." - “Reluctance” ... - “You won’t chop wood, the brothers will return from the market, they won’t bring you gifts.”

And yet - who are these women-daughter-in-law? Why did everything happen without a father, who will be remembered for some reason at the beginning? What gifts should the brothers bring? What does wood mean?
The women of the daughter-in-law turned out to be the natural natural needs of the body for life without satisfaction of which, the desire to do this or the reluctance - it does not matter, no one can live normally, even the great ascetic Buddha one fine day began to eat food and profess moderation in everything. Father, of course, means the Creator and therefore is clearly not present, but it is indicated at the beginning of the tale. Brothers are other people who are busy living in society (they do not have time to explore themselves) and, at the same time, society itself, which is a danger to those who do not want to agree with it. But if Emelya cooperates, that is, goes for water, firewood, etc., takes care of himself, then even though he is a “fool”, he is not crazy, and you can not touch him, let him live for himself. The promised gifts are here the approval of other people.

Emelya is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered the pike and slowly says:
- "At the pike's command, at my will - go, an ax, chop wood, and firewood - go into the hut yourself and put it in the oven" ...

Emelya on the stove and forgot about the pike and its capabilities, and was clearly not attached to the possession of power, which is emphasized by this part of the tale for the second time. Lying on the stove, he was busy with something. Namely, awareness of oneself, wandering in the world of one's consciousness...
The stove here means self, God's spark, inner fire, light and the space of his consciousness, in which Emelya tried to stay all the time and left there with visible reluctance, especially at first, and only to perform the most necessary actions. That is, he was occupied with almost constant self-contemplation.

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let's chop firewood, and the firewood itself goes into the hut and climbs into the oven. How much, how little time has passed - the daughters-in-law again say: - “Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest, chop." And he told them from the stove:
- “Yes, what are you on?” - “What are we doing? .. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?” - "I'm reluctant" ... - "Well, there will be no gifts for you."

But, nevertheless, the world regularly reminds of itself, and it is no longer about water - here it is a symbol of the Soul's depth and strength of the Soul and Spirit as an active unit. The matter concerns firewood, which here also means the impressions of the events of the world to maintain the inner Divine fire - a lively interest in the world, and knowledge about the outside world, which also has to be obtained, like firewood, by a kind of labor of attention. But now it is already much easier, as a new way of understanding and accomplishment has been mastered - not chaotic and instinctive as before, but the unity of conscious desire and intention. Here, the daughter-in-law needs just teach him how to satisfy them. Emelya, it was, tried to blame this matter on them, but it wasn’t there, no one can violate the laws of nature, and it’s not necessary, nature is natural. Here the fairy tale also teaches this obvious thing - there is no need to fight with your nature, it is better to follow it.

Nothing to do. Emel's tears from the stove, put on shoes, got dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in a sleigh: - “Women, open the gate!” His daughters-in-law say to him: “Why, you fool, got into the sleigh, but didn’t harness the horse?” - "I don't need a horse."
The daughters-in-law opened the gates, and Emelya said quietly: “At the pike’s command, at my will, go, sleigh, into the forest yourself” ...

A trip outside the gate means the beginning of the necessary, albeit forced, work of understanding the outside world. By this moment, Emelya had already learned to control himself - his daughters-in-law opened the gates for him, the horse, that is, ordinary attention, is not needed, which means that some internal forces have already turned out to be obedient to his will. The toboggan journey here means a journey of consciousness both in the outer world and in the inner world, which reflects the outer.
The sledge itself went to the gate, and so quickly - it was impossible to catch up on a horse.

And I had to go to the forest through the city, and then he crushed a lot of people, suppressed them. The people shout: "Hold him! Catch him!" "... The ax began to chop, chop dry trees, and the firewood themselves fall into the sleigh and knit with a rope. Then Emelya ordered the ax to cut out a club for himself - such that he could hardly lift it. He sat on the cart: - "By the pike command, by my desire - go, sleigh home...

Why go to the forest through the city? Why push people into it? What kind of city is this, what kind of people? The city is the world of ordinary people, which Emelya, being a man himself, cannot bypass in his journey of consciousness. People in the city are human forms, masks created for deception, which, in essence, it is not a pity to press, even though they scold and threaten with reprisals. A club is a force and a means of transforming disguises, which is done only by force, by effort.

The sleigh raced home. Again Emelya is passing through the city where just now he crushed, crushed a lot of people, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her from the cart, scolded and beat her. He sees that things are bad, and slowly: - "At the command of the pike, at my will - come on, club, break off their sides." The club jumped out - let's beat. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

Why break off the sides and not kill, for example? But just the sides - the edges are the most obvious symbol of the form, and it’s not worth killing the masks at all, they are needed for some reason. And this is not a simple thing, work with masks and images, you have to repeat it, break through with effort, with a fight - the binding power of images is so great.

How long, how short - the tsar heard about Emelin's tricks and sends an officer for him: to find him and bring him to the palace.

The king is the master, the real ruler. Something interested him in Emelin's tricks. For some reason, he does not order Emelya to be imprisoned, for example, but sends an officer to bring Emelya to him. Here the officer is a symbol of the simple power of hierarchical social subordination-management and, at the same time, his appearance is the first test, since the tsar does not intend to destroy Emelya, and the tsar needs Emelya for some reason. What for? The king needs a worthy successor.
An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks: “Are you Emelya’s fool?” And he from the stove: - “What do you need?” - "Get dressed soon, I will take you to the king." - “But I don’t feel like it” ... The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek. And Emelya says quietly: - "At the pike's command, at my will - a baton, break off his sides" ... The baton jumped out - and let's beat the officer, he took his legs by force.

“Fool” is already here something like a title or status, and, by the way, Emelya did not name himself here - “I’m supposedly a fool,” he immediately began to look at the root. The baton as a force for the transformation of disguises, which, in turn, are created for public - hierarchical use, and here it helped to overcome the now already pressure of the force of society in the person of an officer. That is, Emelya proved his independence and independence from the opinion of society, independence from public thinking. He showed the king his selfhood - that he should be taught further.

The tsar was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent the greatest nobleman: - "Bring the fool Emelya to me in the palace, otherwise I will take my head off my shoulders." He bought the biggest nobleman raisins, prunes, gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began to ask his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.
- "Our Emelya loves to be affectionately asked and promised a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask."

The king, as a ruler, immediately felt a successor (this is how the figures - the performers of the roles) immediately announced, but order is order - from simple to complex and from small to large, therefore the officer was the first - note that without an army, that is, a symbol of a kind dedications.
The greatest nobleman means strength of a completely different order. This is the mind - the manager, which plans and considers actions, organizes events, comprehends and understands causes and effects and is able to understand them. For him, the result is important, not the method, and there is a wide variety of ways to achieve the goal.

The greatest nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, gingerbread and said: “Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king." - "I'm warm here too" ... - "Emelya, Emelya, the king will feed and drink you well, please, let's go." - "But I'm reluctant" ... - "Emelya, Emelya, the king will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots." Emelya thought and thought: - "Well, go ahead, and I'll follow you."
The greatest nobleman understands that you cannot take it by force, and promises food, a caftan, a hat and boots, that is, bodily and sensual satisfaction and satisfaction of vanity. This attracted Emelya due to the natural inclination of people to pleasure and because of its novelty and unexploredness, and was another test-test. In addition, Emelya understood well what was going on.

The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said: - “At the pike’s command, at my will - well, bake, go to the king” ... Here in the hut the corners crackled, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went along street, on the road, straight to the king.
Why on the stove, not on a sleigh, for example, and not together with the hut? There is a complex mix of meanings here. The stove here acts as a symbol of the inner strength of the stove - the inner space that is mastered, realized, of which you are the owner. Why not the whole hut? But because you can go to a meeting with the king with what the king himself is. The hut, in this case, is not only the inner space that is being tested, but the whole world of Emelya, and at that time he was not the owner yet. So I decided not to go to the stove and show my strength, because I already understood and foresaw what was waiting for him. And waiting for his dedication to the king.

The king looks out the window, marvels: - “What kind of miracle is this?” The greatest nobleman answers him: - "And this is Emelya on the stove going to you."

The king, although the king, is also not ready for such a manifestation of Emelya's self, he needs to comprehend what is happening, which he does through the mind - the greatest nobleman.

The tsar came out onto the porch: - “Something, Emelya, there are a lot of complaints about you! You crushed a lot of people." “Why did they crawl under the sled?”

A very revealing dialogue: it is said that a lot of people were suppressed somehow, as if not about people. A real violator would have been punished long ago even without the king. And here the tsar personally tests the strength and ability of Emelya to realize, destroy and create images, including social ones. Emelya clearly shows strength, but not quite skill yet: why did they climb under the sled? What allegorically means - I have strength, and I know how to direct it to achieve my goal, albeit directly and harshly, artlessly, but I can. The king here and in general in a fairy tale is a teacher, a mentor, possessing knowledge, a spiritual father. And not the head of the state as a community. Although of course there were different Emelya ...
One can also trace here, firstly, the recognition of the acting king, and secondly, the lesson of power management.

At this time, the tsar's daughter, Princess Marya, was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and said quietly: - "At the pike's command, according to my desire - let the tsar's daughter fall in love with me" ... And he said again: - "Go, bake, go home" ... The stove turned and went home, went in into the hut and returned to its original place. Emelya is lying down again.

Emelya could not fall in love with Marya Tsarevna if she did not love him. Here in the royal court, at the initiation, Emelya had a meeting with her inner female part - the anima. Only over this he is really powerful, in order to allow her to manifest. And he understood it. The time has come for gaining not only strength, but also inner integrity. He realized that much is not needed for love, permission is needed. In this: “let the tsar's daughter love me” is the permission to love oneself - the word “let”. And here there is another layer of meaning - the beginning of awareness of oneself as a king.
We note that the tsar released Emelya without any objections and did not oppose his departure on the stove, since what was done was done - Emelya passed the test and they communicated with the tsar not on a social level, but in the language of forces, therefore, apparently so unceremoniously and short.

And the king in the palace screams and tears. Princess Marya misses Emelya, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Then the tsar got into trouble, agonized and spoke again to the greatest nobleman. - "Go, bring Emelya to me, alive or dead, otherwise I'll take off my head from my shoulders."

This is what turned out to be encrypted here: there comes a time when the teacher also needs to learn. Alive or dead means either Emelya in feelings, or by agreement. Because the skill of the king himself is not enough here, and he does not know in advance. And the king, teaching a student, himself passes an exam for mastery of art.

The great nobleman bought sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to regale Emelya. Emelya got drunk, ate, got tipsy and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a wagon and took him to the king. The king immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled up. They put Emelya and Marya Tsarevna in it, pitched it and threw the barrel into the sea.

Why did the tsar go, in fact, to the murder of his daughter, and Emelya, although he had not attempted to do so before? Why in a barrel in the sea, and not in a fire, for example, or a cave or a river? The king, through the greatest nobleman, gave Emelya another test - for the temptations of the body and feelings. It worked flawlessly. This shows the conditionality of a person from the body and its needs. It also shows periods in the development of consciousness and self-awareness and rebirth after a journey in a state of integrity - in a sea of ​​feelings. The sea here is the collective unconscious or the world of prototypes, Emelya is the Spirit that has forgotten itself. And the teacher along the way gives Emelya a lesson in self-remembering. Marya Tsarevna - A soul that feels and remembers itself and knows life. She cannot live without the Spirit. The king, the teacher, knew what would be the result of the journey. It also shows a slice of real life - how real kings, for the sake of power or whim, sometimes do not spare their children. A fairy tale teaches us to see life and several meanings at once and, accepting everything as it is, not to confuse one with the other.

How long, how short - Emelya woke up; sees - dark, crowded. “Where am I?”
And they answer him: - “It's boring and sickening, Emelyushka! They pitched us into a barrel, threw us into the blue sea.” - "And who are you?" - "I am Princess Marya." Emelya says: - "At the pike's command, according to my desire - the winds are violent, roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand" ...
The winds blew violently. The sea was agitated, the barrel was thrown onto a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the princess came out of it.

The Soul helped the Spirit to remember itself in the journey through the prototypes and gave the strength to wake up, desire and be reborn, gain independence.

- “Emelyushka, where will we live? Build some kind of hut."
- “But I don’t feel like it” ... Then she began to ask him even more, and he said: - “At the command of the pike, at my will, build a stone palace with a golden roof” ... As soon as he said, a stone palace with a golden roof. Around - a green garden: flowers bloom and birds sing.

What kind of hut is there, and not a palace, - for some reason the princess asks, seemingly accustomed to palaces. She doesn't need much to start in a state of integrity with the Spirit. She is so good. But there was also a kind of test for squalor here, suddenly Emelya doesn’t wake up, he doesn’t remember what power and opportunity he has and builds what kind of hut and not a palace. Emelya also passed this exam.
How can it be built and where? Nothing but a thought in your mind.

Marya Tsarevna and Emelya entered the palace and sat down by the little window. - "Emelyushka, can't you become handsome?" Here Emelya didn’t think for long: “By the pike’s command, according to my desire, I should become a good young man, a written handsome man” ... And Emelya became such that he can’t say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen.

When it came to selfhood and inner transformation, Emelya immediately agreed, that is, he saw, recognized and accepted the Divine beauty of the world and himself, which the Soul reminded him of, saw God in himself. He was transformed internally. Obviously, this is a special action, maybe even its purpose, and it completes the whole chain of Emelya's transformations.

And at that time the king went hunting and sees - there is a palace where there was nothing before.
- "What kind of ignoramus built a palace on my land without my permission?"
And he sent to find out, to ask: “Who are they?”

Why did the king go specifically for hunting, and not for fishing or an embassy somewhere? It also shows the ordinary life of earthly kings, but also shows the space of O-KHOTA, in which other kings live - kings to themselves. They live in o-hot, that is, they do what they want. And so, in this world of hunting, one nameless king (apparently because it is a symbol of a teacher) saw the hunt of another - now also internally transformed, a full-fledged king who had passed all the tests of Emelya, and decided to check if he was ignorant. That is, is Emelya's knowledge complete? Ignorant is in other words: not knowing any rules. That is, here is the final exam and the final recognition of Emelya's right to the kingdom. This right must be witnessed by another king.

The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking questions. Emelya answers them:
- "Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself." The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads him to the palace, puts him at the table. They start drinking. The king eats, drinks and is not surprised: - “Who are you, good fellow?” - “Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to be pitched into a barrel, thrown into the sea? I am the same Emelya. If I want, I will burn your whole kingdom and destroy it.

Emelya invites the teacher personally into his world to look and appreciate everything as it is. He comes and evaluates. Both at first pretend that they do not recognize a friend, and maybe the tsar really does not recognize Emelya. This shows the completeness of the changes that have taken place with Emelya and their depth.
And here, for the last time, Emelya passes the exam and shows his strength and that now he can cope with the whole kingdom. Previously, he could not, and there was no talk about it.

The king was very frightened, began to ask for forgiveness: - “Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, just don’t ruin me!” They made a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Princess Marya and began to rule the kingdom.

Asking for forgiveness is also a sacred inner act - the old tsar, who raised a full-fledged successor - a student, understands that he can leave, and he purifies his soul with permission and repentance, transfers the kingdom to young Emelya and goes on a fiery journey, the famous and mysterious fiery transition, which he will help the student to complete. That is why Emelya says that he will burn with fire, shows that he owns fire, and threatens to flood not with water, for example.
Here it was possible to “destroy the king” (the image of the king of the owner - the creator as a stage of personal evolution) precisely by not accepting the kingdom of Emelya, and here life is clearly shown with its laws of transition and continuity, telling everyone to grow and develop, multiply knowledge and skills. To be a king on earth and a master.

Here the fairy tale ends.

So a simple-looking fairy tale turned out to be an accurate guide and pointer on the way of a person to himself, to God, to the meaning of life.

Russian folk tale "By the command of the pike"

Genre: folk fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "By the Pike" and their characteristics

  1. Emelya, a lazy and loafer, who was lucky to catch a pike and since then he didn’t have to do anything himself.
  2. The tsar, not very smart, did not immediately understand how to use Emelya, and that such a son-in-law would definitely come in handy in the household.
  3. Princess Marya, fell in love with Emelya at the behest of a pike, but apparently understood that he was not handsome. The girl is sensible and practical.
  4. Pike, a magical creature.
The plan for retelling the tale "By the command of the pike"
  1. Emelya the Fool
  2. Hole and pike
  3. Buckets go by themselves
  4. Firewood cuts itself
  5. The sleigh rides by itself
  6. City and club
  7. the officer
  8. Nobleman and red caftan
  9. Princess in love
  10. barrel in the sea
  11. Palace on the coast
  12. Wedding.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "By the command of the pike" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. There lived a lazy Emelya, who went to the hole for water and caught a pike, which promised to fulfill all his desires.
  2. He chopped firewood for Emel, rode in a sleigh into the forest, crushed the people in the city, but fought off with a club
  3. The tsar demanded to come to him about Emelya, but Emel beat the officer, and came for the nobleman on the stove.
  4. Tsar Emele was surprised, and he saw the princess in the window and ordered her to fall in love with him.
  5. The princess fell in love, the king became angry, they caught Emelya, put her in a barrel together with the princess and released her into the sea.
  6. Emelya went ashore with Marya, the palace was built, Emelya became handsome, so the tsar begged him to marry Princess Marya.
the main idea fairy tales "By the command of the pike"
Sometimes you don’t need to do anything yourself, everything will turn out for the best by itself.

What does the fairy tale "By the command of the pike" teach
We can say that this fairy tale teaches you to do nothing and wait for everything to work out by itself. But it is not so. This tale teaches practical wisdom, which the princess showed, and when Emelya himself returned through the city, he assumed that he would be beaten and took care of the club.

Review of the fairy tale "By the command of the pike"
It is rather a merry tale, almost a fiction, in which the protagonist- lazy and lazy. However, he released the pike and she began to help him. And as a result, Emelya became a prince, marrying Princess Marya. This story is interesting to read and the plot is fast paced. with many funny moments.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "By the command of the pike"
He is too lazy to be lazy. not just move.
One luck goes, another leads.
The case must be caught by the hair - it will slip away, you will not catch it.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "By the command of the pike"
The old man and the old woman had three sons. The older sons are hard-working, and the younger Emelya was lying on the stove, but did nothing.
Here the older sons went to the market, and the daughters-in-law ask Emelya to go for water. And Emelya is reluctant. Then the daughter-in-law promised to bring gifts from the city. Emelya went to the hole for water. He scooped up water in buckets, but he sees a pike swimming in the water. Emelya contrived, grabbed a pike, wants to put it in his ear.
And the pike in a human voice promises Emelya to fulfill all desires. It is only necessary to say the cherished words "By the command of the pike, by my will."
Emelya wished that the buckets themselves would go into the house, the buckets would go. The people are surprised. Emel released the pike, returned home, lies on the stove.
They asked the daughter-in-law to chop wood. Emelya said the cherished words, the ax chopped the wood himself, and they fit into the logs. The daughters-in-law said to go to the forest for firewood, Emelya went out and sat in a sleigh, and everyone laughs - the fool, they say, wants to go without a horse.
And Emelya said his words and the sleigh went into the forest on its own. Yes, through the city, they suppressed a lot of people, everyone scolded Emelya.
The sleigh arrived in the forest, Emelya said the words again, chopped firewood with an ax, and cut down a large club.
Emelya is going back through the city, they dragged him out, they wanted to beat him. And Emelya said his words, and the baton broke everyone's sides.
The tsar found out about this and sent an officer. the officer orders Emelya to come to the palace, but Emelya is reluctant. The officer hit Emelya, and he said the words and the officer's baton finished off.
The king was surprised. The nobleman sent. He treats Emelya with prunes, raisins, promises a red caftan, Emelya agreed to go to the king.
He ordered the stove, which took him to the king. The king is surprised at this miracle, and Emelya saw Princess Marya and ordered her to fall in love with him. And he went home.
Tsarevna Mary cries, loves Emelya. The king got angry, sent a nobleman. He got Emelya drunk, tied him up and delivered him to the tsar. Tsar Emelya and Marya the princess ordered to be put in a barrel, pitched and released into the sea.
Emelya learned that he was sitting in a barrel with a princess. He ordered the barrel to swim ashore. Emelya and Marya went ashore. Marya began to ask the palace to be built. Emelya built a palace. Marya asked Emelya to become handsome - Emelya became handsome.
Then the king found out about the palace and was angry that it was built on his land. Came to visit, asks who they are.
And Emelya says: "Remember Emelya the fool. So I want to ruin your whole kingdom."
The tsar was frightened, asked Emelya to marry Princess Marya. The young people got married and began to live happily.

signs fairy tale in the fairy tale "By the command of the pike"

  1. Magic assistant - Pike, wish-fulfilling.
Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "By the command of the pike"

The tale By the command of a pike is loved by more than one generation of readers. Children, as adults, told it to their children. The tale attracts readers with kindness, humor, the comical main character, over whom everyone made fun, and he became king. Opinions about the tale are contradictory. The tale baffles many too "correct" readers who see only its superficial meaning. How? Does the fairy tale praise lazy people? Teaching idleness? First, do not forget that this is a humorous fairy tale. Secondly, you need to think about its inner meaning. We recommend a fairy tale for online reading with children.

Fairy tale By pike command to read

Who is the author of the story

Fairy tale By pike command - folklore, which displays the dreams of the Russian people about a better life. For children, the fairy tale was published in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy.

The lazy and fool Emelya does not want to do anything at a time when his older brothers are busy with work. They barely persuaded the fool of the daughter-in-law to go to the river for water. And Emelya caught a pike in the hole. Lazy - and caught. I realized that you can fry a pike. Until he was convinced that the pike was magical, he didn’t let go of it. Clever was a fool! Well, then the pike fulfilled any desires of Emelya: the buckets themselves went home, the firewood themselves were chopped, the sleighs went without horses, but what’s the sleigh, the fool went to visit the king himself on the stove and wanted to marry the king’s daughter. And the princess could not live without Emelya. The king ordered the young to be planted in a barrel, pitched and thrown into the sea - out of sight, away from sin. On the deserted bank of the Emel, he built a palace for his beloved (the princess was not spoiled, she asked for a hut). The king was very surprised when he saw in what mansions the young people live. And Emelya from the fool in good fellow turned. Why not a son-in-law for the king? It all ended with a happy wedding. You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale By the command of the pike

A humorous tale about the lazy and fool Emel, who, perhaps, was not a fool and lazy at all, prompts philosophical reflections: how well-being and happiness are obtained. Hard work? Mind? Luck? By coincidence? Agree, the fool Emelya is not deprived of common sense. Luckily, the hero "caught luck (in our case, a pike) by the tail." Well, who does not dream of such a gift of fate? Well, then the fool acted quite logically. He did not work, but he did not force others to work instead of himself. Without deceiving or offending anyone, he found a way to get what he wanted: life's blessings, comfort, a beautiful princess. The main idea of ​​the tale is that every person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. A fairy tale By the command of a pike teaches you to dream, believe and achieve success.

Moral of the tale By the command of the pike

If fate sends you good luck, be able to use it. It is the image of Emelya that can be presented to teenagers as an example of a hero who was looking for and found his place in life. Let modern "emel" learn from fairy tale hero rationalism and find their way to success and well-being.

Proverbs, sayings and expressions of a fairy tale

  • If you don't experience it, you won't know.
  • The expression By the command of the pike is used in a humorous or ironic context in the sense of "immediately."