What is the meaning of the title of the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner. What is the meaning of the name of the fairy tale Fairy tale "By the command of the pike"

Since childhood, we are all sure that Russian folk tales are intended for kids. Their unpretentious plots and simplicity of presentation are uninteresting to an adult. Meanwhile, “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip” and “Ryaba Hen” are not children's fairy tales at all ...

Let's start with the fact that the word "fairy tale" itself comes from the verb "show" and meant "list", "list", "exact description". Exactly, exactly! So a fairy tale is not a lie at all, as the well-known proverb says, but the real truth. It is in Russian folk tales that knowledge about the structure of man, nature, and even the entire Universe is hidden.

Hen Ryaba

For adults, this story may even seem silly. Well, it would seem that grandparents beat the golden egg, but their efforts do not bring any result. Suddenly a mouse appears and finally breaks the egg. What the old people wanted is happening. But no! They both begin to cry. And they calm down only when the hen promises to lay a new testicle for them, moreover, a simple one. However, everything becomes clear if you try to see in this tale not just the actions of the characters, but a deep meaning.

I note right away that gold in ancient times symbolized death, and the egg symbolized the world. Therefore, this is nothing but the end of life, the world, the universe. The old people are trying to fight death - they beat the egg. But nothing works out for them: they still remain elderly and infirm. When the mouse breaks the egg into pieces, the grandfather and grandmother realize that the end has come and, of course, cry. However, the hen assures them that she will soon lay them not a golden, but a simple egg. So, the old people are waiting for a new life, renewal, rebirth.


In the original version of the animals in the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" there were much more. Moreover, each of them, when meeting with a kolobok, bit off some part of it. Thanks to these details, the fairy tale takes on a completely different look. So the main character becomes like the moon. And its gradual decrease from the teeth of hungry animals is the lunar phases. So the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" is an astronomy lesson for the little ones.


This one also had more characters. In particular, in addition to the grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bugs, cats and mice, the father and mother also participated in it. The tale "Turnip" is a philosophical reflection on the human race and its connections. The turnip was planted by the eldest in the family - the grandfather. These are the roots of the genus, carrying some knowledge. The whole family will be able to use this knowledge only if the connection between generations is not interrupted. It is clear that only all together, ancestors and descendants, constitute a force. Yes, and members of the living, one family cannot exist without each other. Grandfather is roots, grandmother is traditions, father is support, mother is love, granddaughter is procreation, Bug is protection, cat is a favorable atmosphere in the house, and mouse is the well-being of this very house, prosperity. If at least one component disappears, the whole house (genus) will collapse.

Swan geese

The main character of the tale goes in search of her brother, who was carried away to the forest by swan geese. However, in fact, the girl goes after her brother not to the forest at all, but to the kingdom of the dead. Along the way, she meets many symbols of life that can keep her in the world of the living: this is an apple tree, and an oven, and bread. However, the heroine refuses all of the above. Then it comes to the milky river with kissel banks. It is jelly and milk that are ritual dishes that are served at the commemoration. The river is the border of two worlds, the world of the living and the world of the dead. There is no way back.

Soon the most entertaining character in this tale appears -. In ancient times it was called Yoga. Yoga was a goddess and was engaged in transporting people to another world. She did this with the help of her hut, which could spin in all directions. For what? By chicken legs. In any children's book, we will see that the grandmother's hut really has chicken paws. Only now, our ancestors, speaking of chicken legs, did not mean chicken at all. The adjective "kuri" comes from the verbs "to smoke", "to smoke", "to smoke". So the hut had no legs at all. It hung in the air, above a pillow of smoke.

Baba Yaga invites the children to sit on the shovel and puts the shovel into the oven. What a horror, isn't it? However, such a rite really existed in Ancient Russia and was called baking. If the baby suddenly became restless, cried a lot and got sick, this particular ritual was performed with him. They put the baby on a bread shovel and put it in the oven. After that, the child seemed to be born again, rebooted, to put it in modern terms. So in the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" the brothers and sisters bake in order to return back to the world of the living.

By pike command

In the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command", Emelya, sitting on the stove, personifies self-contemplation. That is, the main character does not interact with the outside world and the ancestors. However, willy-nilly, he has to go for water, where he meets the pike. Pike is an ancestor, an ancestor who gives Emelya miraculous powers. Now the main character can control his own destiny, grow and develop. But only if he wants to. No wonder the spell sounds exactly like this: “At the command of the pike, at my will!”

These are the secrets hidden in ordinary children's fairy tales. It's time to read them again!

Fairy tales have firmly taken their place in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin. The satirist used the genre loved by the people in order to attract more readers to the problems he raised. In such an original and at the same time understandable way, the author was able to say more about Russian society at the end of the 19th century than historians of this period did.

Saltykov-Shchedrin, by his own admission, creates such fairy tales for adults that, in terms of mental development, correspond to a child. The author wants to open the eyes of such people. In fact, such fairy tales are accessible to anyone, even a person who is not accustomed to reading. Thus, they are very dangerous to those whom Saltykov-Shchedrin ridicules in them.

The main problem raised in Shchedrin's tales is the relationship between masters and slaves. The author attacks Tsarist Russia with satire. The reader encounters in fairy tales the images of those who are used to commanding and those who command these commands.

The fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" ridicules the entire social system of Russia at that time, built on the exploitation, complete oppression of the common people. Retaining the style of Russian folk tales, Shchedrin told about the real events of that period through allegory: a landowner, a hereditary nobleman lives in one estate; he is stupid and lazy, his existence is reduced to preserving the beauty of his body, and the serfs do everything else for him. The landowner does not tolerate the spirit that comes from his lackeys, and getting rid of this hateful smell was the only dream of the landowner. When one day this stench disappears along with all the peasants, the unlucky landowner, who did not know life, gradually turns into an animal and, finally running wild, runs away into the forest.

In this funny and fantastic plot of the fairy tale, the true position of de in the country is hidden. The landlords shifted all the problems from managing the estate to washing dishes and undressing before going to bed to their peasants. They themselves led an idle existence, absolutely did not know life, and any problem that they faced one on one could destroy them.
Hence the name of the tale. "Wild" in this case means "far from life", not adapted to it. And this understanding of wildness in fairy tales grows with the development of the plot.

The reader will learn that the landowner hates the peasants, sees nothing shameful in the use of physical force against their misdeeds. And the apogee of savagery is the gradual transformation of the landowner into an animal: he is all overgrown with hair, his nails have grown and become like claws, he stopped blowing his nose and began to walk on all fours and talk. The physiological need for food makes him hunt hares.

Despite the terrible appearance, the landowner, who found himself in new conditions, lost all his severity. His savagery is pathetic. After all, in fact, he is helpless as a small child.

Thanks to the gradation of the savagery of a person shown in the fairy tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin was able to show the reader the complete degradation of a person, the withering away of all his human qualities, hinting from time to time that the image of this landowner is a collective image of the owners of most Russian estates of that time.

Saltykov was a moralist. Having shown the horror of the fall of man, he hoped that they would understand him, and soon there would be a restoration of human morality, an upsurge of spirituality, and a time of harmony would come in the lives of all segments of the population.

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One of the characteristic components of the folklore of any country is the presence of fairy tales. And our country is no exception here. All of you probably remember how, in childhood, one of your parents or, for example, a grandmother, read you a bedtime story so that you would close your eyes and fall asleep sooner. A calm and monotonous native voice, telling about something very interesting before going to bed, acts truly soothing and soporific. However, it will not be about the effect of reading fairy tales at bedtime, but about the meaning that is embedded in these fairy tales, but very often remains incomprehensible due to the fact that it is hidden. And not only children, but even adults cannot understand it.

The fact is that fairy tales are often permeated with the deepest symbolism, and are also inexhaustible and information about all kinds of events of antiquity. In most fairy tales, there are no random images and characters, titles, names and words, and the semantic load can be so deep that you are simply amazed - akin to a Russian nesting doll, inside of which there is another, and inside it - another one, etc., the main meaning of a fairy tale can be hidden somewhere in its depths - under a layer of simpler semantic layers. All levels of a fairy tale can be a window into the unknown world of the universe and the foundations of life.

We all should know that fairy tales, in addition to the usual everyday educational function, can also perform a number of other, more complex ones, for example:

  • Reveal the secrets of the universe and other secret knowledge
  • point to the cycle of life
  • Serve astronomical or natural
  • Be a repository of history
  • Connect with ancestors
  • Talk about initiation rites when a person passes from childhood to adulthood
  • Guide a person on the path and personal growth, etc.

In many tales, the directions presented can not only run alongside each other, but also intersect and even synchronize. The characters of fairy tales are some kind of symbols, each of their actions carries a sacred meaning, and the paths they follow indicate special methods for obtaining secret knowledge and achieving inner harmony. Fairy tales are often compared even with magical formulas that lose their power if they are not pronounced correctly.

And let's take a look at several well-known Russian folk tales as examples. It is not a fact that our transcripts will fully reflect the truth, but they can still serve as a kind of algorithm for understanding the hidden meaning inherent in fairy tales.

So, let's consider three fairy tales: "Turnip", "By the Pike's Command" and "Koschey the Immortal".

Fairy tale "Turnip"

What do we know from the story? We know that grandfather planted a turnip, and due to a particularly fruitful year, it grew to a very large size. To pull out the turnip, the grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse came running to the aid in turn. They were able to pull the turnip out only when they pulled it all together.

Hidden meaning: If we talk about the hidden, esoteric meaning of this tale, then it tells us about the knowledge that was accumulated by the ancestors who lived in ancient times. The turnip acts as the roots of the clan, and it was planted by the first ancestor - the same grandfather, who is the oldest and wisest.

The grandmother in this tale symbolizes the traditions of the house; father - support and protection of the family; mother - guardianship, warmth and love; granddaughter - continuation of the family; Bug - protection of welfare; cat - a blessed state in the house and; and the mouse is wealth.

Each of the presented images is closely connected with each other, and together they represent one whole. Only by connecting all the parts together, a person is able to achieve the true harmony of being, learn to live in, when everything that is inside a person, and everything that surrounds him from the outside, comes into line with each other.

Fairy tale "By the command of the pike"

What do we know from the story? A young man named Emelya sat on the stove and did nothing. One day, going to the river for water, he caught a pike. Pike asked Emelya to let her go, and in return agreed to fulfill several wishes. After some thought, Emelya asked the pike for a princess and a palace, which he received in the end, and also became handsome.

Hidden meaning: The stove symbolizes the space of consciousness, in which the hero of the fairy tale was most of the time, and from which he really did not want to get out, because. contemplated himself all the time. However, a person cannot be in harmony if his inner world is in no way connected with the outer.

Having "acquainted" with the pike, Emelya realized his true desires and gained an intention, which is expressed in the words: "At the pike's command, at my will." The pike, in turn, represents mother nature, in relation to which Emelya showed attentiveness. And only then nature gave him the opportunity to realize his intentions and self-awareness.

The phrase: "At the pike's command, at my will" means the unity of the two facets of being - the Spirit of man and his Soul. Pike can also be interpreted as "Schura", i.e. ancestor - the ancestor of everything and the human spirit. The river, from which Emelya decided to draw water, is a kind of energy-information channel, which can be penetrated only by abandoning the constraining beliefs. Ultimately, Emelya, through the release of his spirit, reached the possibilities inaccessible to a person in an ordinary state of consciousness and became the master of his own destiny. In addition, Emelya's becoming a handsome prince is a manifestation of inner beauty on the outer plane.

Fairy tale "Koschey the Immortal"

What do we know from the story? Koschey is the evil lord of the dark kingdom of the dungeon, regularly stealing beautiful girls. He is wealthy, and outlandish birds and animals live in his possessions. Koshchei is served by the Serpent Gorynych, who has a huge amount of secret knowledge, which is why he has great power. Koschei is considered immortal, and he cannot be defeated by ordinary means, although, if there is a desire, one can learn unusual ways, which, as a rule, Baba Yaga reveals to Ivan Tsarevich.

Hidden meaning: If we turn to the pantheon of the gods of the Slavs, we will see that Koschey is one of the manifestations of Chernobog, who rules over Naviu, Darkness and the Pekelny kingdom. Koschei also personifies the winter cold, and the girls whom he steals - the life-giving power of Nature and spring. Ivan Tsarevich is a symbol of sunlight and spring thunder, accompanied by rain (we remember the god Perun), in search of Koshchei, which is facilitated by all natural forces. Having defeated Koshchei, Ivan Tsarevich, darkness and death.

As we know, Koshchei's death can be found in an egg, which is a symbol of rebirth and the possibility of being of all things that can be. Based on this, Koschey is at the beginning of Everything, and his death is equated with the emergence of the world.

The needle, on the tip of which is Koshcheev's death, serves as a reference to the World Tree, connecting the underworld, earth and sky, as well as the winter and summer solstices. Koshchei can be interpreted as the winter solstice, and Ivan Tsarevich as the summer solstice. They are always in a state of struggle with each other. The death of one is the birth of another, just as winter leaves and summer comes, and then this cycle repeats itself.

And one more detail: Koschei the Immortal is an attempt to scare Ivan Tsarevich, which contains a completely different message - Koschey the Immortal is Koschey the Mortal Bes.

A little parting word

Time inexorably runs forward. The world is changing. And along with the world, a person and his perception are changing. Today, very few people can understand and explain the sacred and very deep meaning of the tales of our wise ancestors, and, as you yourself have seen, of course, there is. And the knowledge that was transmitted in these fairy tales, in general, may soon sink into oblivion. It is easy to see that over time, that delicate connection that connected different generations of people with each other was interrupted.

In order to understand the true essence of fairy tales, especially Russian ones, a person must push his current worldview into the background, and try to look at the world and life in it, with which people who lived in those distant times looked at them, when fairy tales only began to appear .

The search for meaning, without fail, must be present, because the Laws of being, no matter what the time, no matter how developed the society, no matter how high-tech a person's life, have always remained and will remain the same. Therefore, let the tales of Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Emel, Alyonushka and other characters be for you not just interesting notions, but those pointers that you will navigate in your everyday life, in which, it would seem, there is no real magic left.

Remember: there is magic, and it surrounds you everywhere!

What is the meaning of the story's title? Write down proverbs and sayings that you will find in the text of the fairy tale. Table: Real motives. Fairytale motives.

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Literature Grade 5

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What is the meaning of the title of the fairy tale by S-Shchedrin "the wild landowner"? please tell me before 14.02.13 11:00 Moscow time and got the best answer

Answer from
A special place in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin is occupied by fairy tales with their allegorical images, in which the author managed to say more about Russian society in the 60-80s of the XIX century than the historians of those years. Saltykov-Shchedrin writes these fairy tales “for children of a fair age,” that is, for an adult reader who, according to the mind, is in the state of a child who needs to open his eyes to life. A fairy tale, in its simplicity of form, is accessible to any, even an inexperienced reader, and therefore is especially dangerous for those who are ridiculed in it.
The main problem of Shchedrin's fairy tales is the relationship between the exploiters and the exploited. The writer created a satire on tsarist Russia. The reader is presented with images of rulers (“The Bear in the Voivodeship”, “The Eagle-Maecenas”), exploiters and exploited (“The Wild Landowner”, “The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals”), the townsfolk (“The Wise Gudgeon”, “ Dried vobla”).
The fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” is directed against the entire social system based on exploitation, anti-people in its essence. Keeping the spirit and style of the folk tale, the satirist speaks about the real events of his contemporary life. The work begins as an ordinary fairy tale: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a landowner ...” But then an element of modern life appears: “and that landowner was stupid, he read the newspaper Vest”. “Vest” is a reactionary-feudal newspaper, so that the stupidity of the landowner is determined by his worldview. The landowner considers himself a true representative of the Russian state, its support, he is proud that he is a hereditary Russian nobleman, Prince Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev. The whole point of his existence is to pamper his body, "soft, white and crumbly." He lives at the expense of his peasants, but he hates them and is afraid, he cannot stand the “servant spirit”. He rejoices when, in some fantastic whirlwind, all the peasants were blown away, and the air in his domain became pure and pure.
true. But the peasants disappeared, and such a famine set in that it was impossible to buy anything at the market. And the landowner himself went completely wild: “All of him, from head to toe, was overgrown with hair ... and his nails became like iron. He stopped blowing his nose a long time ago, but he walked more and more on all fours. I even lost the ability to utter articulate sounds...”. In order not to die of hunger when the last gingerbread was eaten, the Russian nobleman began to hunt: he would notice a hare - “like an arrow jumping off a tree, clinging to its prey, tearing it apart with its nails, yes, with all the insides, even with the skin, it will eat. The savagery of the landowner testifies that he cannot live without the help of the peasant. After all, it was not for nothing that as soon as the “swarm of peasants” was caught and put in place, “flour, meat, and all kinds of living creatures appeared in the bazaar.”
The stupidity of the landowner is constantly emphasized by the writer. The peasants themselves were the first to call the landowner stupid, the representatives of other classes called the landowner three times stupid (three-fold repetition technique): the actor Sadovsky (“However, brother, you are a stupid landowner! Who gives you a stupid wash?”) Generals, whom he instead of “beef -ki ”he treated me to printed gingerbread and candy (“However, brother, you are a stupid landowner!”) And, finally, the police captain (“You are stupid, mister landowner!”). The stupidity of the landowner is visible to everyone, and he indulges in unrealizable dreams that without the help of the peasants he will achieve the prosperity of the economy, reflects on the English machines that will replace the serfs. His dreams are ridiculous, because he cannot do anything on his own. And only once did the landowner think: “Is he really a fool? Is it possible that the inflexibility that he so cherished in his soul, translated into ordinary language, means only stupidity and madness? If we compare the well-known folk tales about the gentleman and the peasant with the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin,
For example, with The Wild Landowner, we will see that the image of the landowner in Shchedrin's fairy tales is very close to folklore, and the peasants, on the contrary, differ from fairy tales. In folk tales, a man is quick-witted, dexterous, resourceful, defeats a stupid master. And in the "Wild Landowner" there is a collective image