Sivka burka drawing for a fairy tale with a pencil in stages. Sivka-burka Russian folk tale with pictures

    I want to invite you to draw the fabulous Sivka-burka in stages with a pencil, adhering to the following scheme:

    First start your drawing by sketching in circles for the body and head. Now connect these circles with smooth smooth lines. Start drawing up the legs and mane. Then draw the elements of the face. Draw the lower limbs and other details.

    But you can still draw a Sivka-burka according to this scheme:

    In the Russian folk tale Sivka-burka one of the main characters is a horse with the same name Sivka-burka. This is the magic horse that trampled the wheat of Ivan the Fool and his relatives at night, whom Ivan the Fool caught and which later many times rescued Ivan, the old man's son.

    Draw Sivka-burka with a pencil step by step You can do it as shown in the example below:

    Sivka-burka, the prophetic kaurka is found in Russian folklore. it true friend and assistant to the youngest son of Ivanushka the Fool. If we turn to the text of the fairy tale, then Sivka-burka is a strong and solid horse, which also has magical abilities, it will help in work and help out of trouble:

    To draw such a horse, we divide a sheet of paper into three equal parts with horizontal straight lines. Draw two circles on the middle line: one is slightly smaller (this will be the chest of the horse).

    Then we connect the circles with smooth lines: these will be the belly and back of the horse. We draw him a proudly raised neck. We begin to draw the horse's head from a round cheek, then the horse's muzzle tapers slightly. We outline the legs of Sivka-burka.

    Then we move on to the details: we draw hooves, ears, eyes and nostrils. The ear, eye and nostril of the horse are depicted on the same line, the eye is located closer to the ear.

There was an old man who had three sons. Everyone called the younger Ivanushka the Fool. Once an old man sowed wheat. Good wheat was born, but only someone got into the habit of crushing and trampling that wheat.Here the old man says to his sons:

- My dear children! Guard the wheat every night in turn, catch the thief!

Illustrator Oleg Ramodin

The first night has come. The eldest son went to guard the wheat, but he wanted to sleep. He climbed into the hayloft and slept until morning.

Comes home in the morning and says: “I didn’t sleep all night, guarding the wheat!” Izzyab all, but did not see the thief. On the second night, the middle son went. And he slept all night in the hayloft. On the third night, Ivanushka the Fool's turn comes. He put the cake in his bosom, took the rope and went. He came to the field, sat on a stone. He sits awake, chews the pie, waits for the thief.

At midnight a horse galloped to the wheat - one piece of hair was silver, the other was gold; he runs - the earth trembles, smoke pours out of his ears in a column, flames burst from his nostrils. And that horse began to eat wheat. Not so much eating as trampling with hooves.

Illustrator Inna Anfilofyeva

Ivanushka crept up to the horse and immediately threw a rope around his neck.

The horse rushed with all his might - but it was not there! Ivanushka jumped up on him deftly and grabbed tightly by the mane.

Already the horse wore, wore it across the open field, galloped, galloped - he could not throw it off!

Illustrator Inna Anfilofyeva

The horse began to ask Ivanushka:
— Let me go, Ivanushka, to freedom! I will do you a great service for this.
“Okay,” Ivanushka replies, “I’ll let you go, but how can I find you later?”
“And you go out into the open field, into the wide expanse, whistle three times with a valiant whistle, bark with a heroic cry: “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass!” - I'll show up here.

Ivanushka released the horse and took from him a promise to never eat or trample wheat again.
Ivanushka came home in the morning.
“Well, tell me, what did you see there?” the brothers ask.
“I caught,” says Ivanushka, “a horse—one hair is silver, the other is gold.
— Where is the horse?
“Yes, he promised not to go to the wheat again, so I let him go.

The brothers did not believe Ivanushka, they laughed at him plenty. But since that night, no one really touched the wheat ...

Soon after that, the king sent messengers to all the villages, to all the cities, to call out:
“Gather, boyars and nobles, merchants and ordinary peasants, to the tsar’s courtyard. The tsar's daughter Elena the Beautiful is sitting in her high chamber by the window. Whoever rides a horse to the princess, and removes a golden ring from her hand, she will marry!

On the indicated day, the brothers are going to go to the royal court - not to ride themselves, but at least to look at others. And Ivanushka asks them:
“Brothers, give me at least some horse, and I want to go and see Elena the Beautiful!”
— Where are you going, fool! Do you want to make people laugh? Sit on the stove and pour the ashes!
The brothers left, and Ivan the Fool said to his brother's wives:
“ Give me a basket, I’ll even go to the forest - I’ll pick mushrooms!”

He took a basket and went, as if picking mushrooms. Ivanushka went out into an open field, into a wide expanse,he threw the basket under a bush, and he himself whistled with a valiant whistle, barked with a heroic cry:

— Whatever, Ivanushka?
— I want to see the tsar's daughter Elena the Beautiful! Ivanushka answers.
“Well, get into my right ear, get out into my left!”

Ivanushka climbed into the horse's right ear, and climbed out into the left - and became such a fine fellow that he could not think of it, not guess it, not say it in a fairy tale, not describe it with a pen!

Illustrator Inna Anfilofyeva

I sat on the Sivka-burka and galloped straight to the city. He caught up with his brothers on the road, galloped past them, showered them with road dust.

Ivanushka galloped to the square - straight to royal palace. He looks - the people are visible, invisible, and in a high tower, by the window, sits Princess Elena the Beautiful. On her hand, the ring sparkles - it has no price! And she is the beauty of beauties. Everyone looks at Elena the Beautiful, but no one dares to jump to her: no one wants to break his neck.

Here Ivanushka Sivka-burka hit the steep sides ... The horse snorted, neighed, jumped - only three logs did not jump to the princess. The people were surprised, and Ivanushka turned Sivka and galloped away.

Everyone screams:
— Who is that? Who is that?

And Ivanushki was already gone. They saw where he rode from, did not see where he rode. Ivanushka rushed into the open field, jumped off his horse, climbed into his left ear, and climbed out into his right and became, as before, Ivanushka the Fool.

He released Sivka-burka, picked up a full basket of fly agarics and brought home:
— Eva, what fungi are good!
The brothers' wives got angry at Ivanushka and let's scold him:
“What kind of mushrooms did you bring, fool?” You are the only one to eat them!
Ivanushka chuckled, climbed onto the stove and sat.

The brothers returned home and told their wives what they had seen in the city:
“Well, mistresses, what a fine fellow he came to visit the tsar! We have never seen anything like this. Before the princess, only three logs did not jump.
And Ivanushka lies on the stove and chuckles:
“Fellow brothers, wasn’t it me there?”
— Where are you, fool, to be there! Sit on the stove and catch flies!

The next day, the elder brothers went to the city again, and Ivanushka took a basket and went for mushrooms. He went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, threw a basket, he himself whistled with a valiant whistle, barked with a heroic cry:
— Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass!
The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are bursting from the nostrils. He ran and stood in front of Ivanushka as if rooted to the spot.

Ivanushka Sivke Burke climbed into his right ear, and climbed out into his left and became a fine fellow. He jumped on his horse and galloped to the yard. He sees that there are even more people in the square than before. Everyone admires the princess, but no one thinks of jumping: they are afraid to break their neck! Here Ivanushka hit his horse on the steep sides. Sivka-burka neighed, jumped - only two logs did not reach the princess's window.

Ivanushka Sivka turned and galloped away. They saw where he rode from, did not see where he rode. And Ivanushka is already in the open field. He released Sivka-burka, and he went home. He sat down on the stove, sitting, waiting for his brothers.

The brothers come home and say:
— Well, hostesses, the same fellow came again! I did not jump to the princess only by two logs.
Ivanushka and tells them:
“Brothers, wasn’t it me there?”
“Sit down, you fool, shut up!”
On the third day, the brothers are going to go again, and Ivanushka says:
“Give me at least a poor little horse: I’ll go with you too!”
"Stay at home, fool!" Only you are missing!
They said and left.

Ivanushka went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, whistled with a valiant whistle, barked with a heroic cry:
— Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass!
The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are bursting from the nostrils. He ran and stood in front of Ivanushka as if rooted to the spot. Ivanushka climbed into the horse's right ear, and climbed out into the left. The young man became well done and galloped to the royal court.

Ivanushka rode up to the high tower, lashed Sivka-burka with a whip ... The horse neighed louder than before, hit the ground with its hooves, jumped - and jumped to the window!

Illustrator Inna Anfilofyeva

Here Ivanushka wanted to look at the precious ring of the princess. As he unwound the rag, the whole hut shone!
“Stop playing with fire, fool! the brothers shout. - You'll burn down the hut. Time to get you out of the house!
Ivanushka did not answer them, but again tied the ring with a rag ...

Three days later, the king again called the cry: so that all the people, no matter how many in the kingdom, gathered for a feast and that no one dared to stay at home. And whoever disdains the royal feast, his head off his shoulders! Nothing to do, the brothers went to the feast, and they took Ivanushka the Fool with them. They arrived, sat down at oak tables, patterned tablecloths, drinking and eating, talking. And Ivanushka climbed behind the stove, into a corner, and sits there.

Elena the Beautiful walks around, treating the guests. She brings wine and honey to each, and she herself looks to see if anyone has her cherished ring on her hand. Whoever has a ring on his hand is her bridegroom. Only no one has a ring in sight ...

She went around everyone, coming to the last one - to Ivanushka. And he sits behind the stove, his clothes are thin, his bast shoes are torn, one arm is tied with a rag. The brothers look and think: “Look, the princess brings wine to our Ivashka!”

And Elena the Beautiful gave Ivanushka a glass of wine and asked:
— Why is it that you, well done, have your hand tied?
“I went to the forest to pick mushrooms and pricked myself on a bough.
— Come on, untie it, show it!
Ivanushka untied his hand, and on his finger the princess's cherished ring: it shines, it sparkles!

Elena the Beautiful was delighted, took Ivanushka by the hand, led her to her father and said:
— Here, father, my fiancé has been found!
They washed Ivanushka, combed his hair, dressed him, and he became not Ivanushka the Fool, but a fine fellow, well done, you just don’t recognize it!

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Download and print coloring pages from the fairy tale Sivka-burka

A wonderful Russian fairy tale comes to life in front of children with the help of Sivka Burka coloring pages. Big choice illustrations for children will introduce them to the peasant son Ivanushka and his faithful companion, the magic horse Sivka-burka. Here you can download or print the Sivki Burki coloring pages in A4 format for free.

Ivan was the best younger son who was considered a fool. His father bequeathed him a fabulous horse. In order to become a handsome, daring fellow, it was necessary to crawl into one ear of a horse and get out of the other. This magic helped the guy outwit the greedy king, marry the king's daughter and get half the kingdom in addition.

For children, there is an opportunity to download or print free Sivka Burka coloring pages to view and color all the adventures of the main characters. The children will be especially interested in choosing a color for a wonderful horse. It can be similar to other horses, or it can be multi-colored, because it is magical and can even talk. The fairy tale will show the children the beauty of Russian costumes. These coloring pages will appeal to all lovers of adventure fairy tales.

Other coloring pages:

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a good lesson for the good fellow.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

August 4
National holiday great Russia
Everyone celebrates!
A plentiful festive feast is a must.
Children - treats, gifts and entertainment!

The performance of the Anthem provides good luck, wealth, prosperity, fame, continued success in the family, at work, in exams and other benefits.

Recipes for festive table see below in this issue.
Execution in the preparation of dishes always gives excellent culinary success.

Russian folk tale with pictures

There was an old man who had three sons. Everyone called the younger Ivanushka the Fool. Once an old man sowed wheat. Good wheat was born, but only someone got into the habit of crushing and trampling that wheat.

Here the old man says to his sons:

My dear children! Guard the wheat every night in turn, catch the thief!

The first night has come. The eldest son went to guard the wheat, but he wanted to sleep. He climbed into the hayloft and slept until morning.

Comes home in the morning and says:

I did not sleep all night, guarding the wheat! Izzyab all, but did not see the thief.

On the second night, the middle son went. And he slept all night in the hayloft.

On the third night, Ivanushka the Fool's turn comes. He put the cake in his bosom, took the rope and went. He came to the field, sat on a stone. He sits awake, chews the pie, waits for the thief.

At midnight, a horse galloped onto the wheat - one hair was silver, the other was gold; he runs - the earth trembles, smoke pours out of his ears in a column, flames burst from his nostrils. And that horse began to eat wheat. Not so much eating as trampling with hooves. Ivanushka crept up to the horse and immediately threw a rope around his neck.

The horse rushed with all his might - but it was not there! Ivanushka jumped up on him deftly and grabbed tightly by the mane.

Already the horse wore, wore it across the open field, galloped, galloped - could not throw it off!

The horse began to ask Ivanushka:

Let me go, Ivanushka, to freedom! I will do you a great service for this.

Well, - Ivanushka replies, - I'll let you go, but how can I find you later?

And you go out into the open field, into the wide expanse, whistle three times with a valiant whistle, bark with a heroic shout: “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass!” - I'll be here.

Ivanushka released the horse and took from him a promise to never eat or trample wheat again.

Ivanushka came home in the morning.

Well, tell me, what did you see there? the brothers ask.

I caught, - says Ivanushka, - a horse, one hair on it is silver, the other is gold.

Where is the horse?

Yes, he promised not to go into wheat again, so I let him go.

The brothers did not believe Ivanushka, they laughed at him plenty. But since that night, no one really touched the wheat ...

Soon after that, the king sent messengers to all the villages, to all the cities, to call out:

Gather, boyars and nobles, merchants and ordinary peasants, to the tsar's courtyard. The tsar's daughter Elena the Beautiful is sitting in her high chamber by the window. Whoever rides a horse to the princess and removes a golden ring from her hand, she will marry!

On the indicated day, the brothers are going to go to the royal court - not to jump themselves, but at least to look at others.

And Ivanushka asks them:

Brothers, give me at least some kind of horse, and I'll go - I'll look at Elena the Beautiful!

Where are you, fool! Do you want to make people laugh? Sit on your stove and pour the ashes!

The brothers left, and Ivan the Fool said to his brother's wives:

Give me a basket, I'll even go to the forest, pick mushrooms!

He took a basket and went, as if picking mushrooms. Ivanushka went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, threw a basket under a bush, and he himself whistled with a valiant whistle, barked with a heroic shout:

Whatever, Ivanushka?

I want to see the tsar's daughter Elena the Beautiful! - answers Ivanushka.

Well, get into my right ear, get out into my left!

Ivanushka climbed into the horse's right ear, and climbed out into the left - and became such a fine fellow that he could not think of it, not guess it, not tell it in a fairy tale, not describe it with a pen! I sat on the Sivka-burka and galloped straight to the city.

He caught up with his brothers on the road, galloped past them, showered them with road dust.

Ivanushka galloped to the square - straight to the royal palace. He looks - apparently invisible to the people, and in a high tower, by the window, sits Princess Elena the Beautiful. On her hand, the ring sparkles - it has no price! And she is the beauty of beauties.

Everyone is looking at Elena the Beautiful, but no one dares to reach her: no one wants to break his neck. Here Ivanushka Sivka-burka hit the steep sides ... The horse snorted, neighed, jumped - only three logs did not jump to the princess.

The people were surprised, and Ivanushka turned Sivka and galloped away.

Everyone screams:

Who is that? Who is that?

And Ivanushki was already gone. They saw where he rode from, did not see where he rode.

Ivanushka rushed into the open field, jumped off his horse, climbed into his left ear, and climbed out into his right and became, as before, Ivanushka the Fool.

He released Sivka-burka, picked up a full basket of fly agarics and brought home:

Eva, what fungi are good!

The brothers' wives got angry at Ivanushka and let's scold him:

What kind of mushrooms did you bring? You are the only one to eat them!

Ivanushka chuckled, climbed onto the stove and sat.

The brothers returned home and told their wives what they had seen in the city:

Well, mistresses, what a fine fellow came to the king! We have never seen anything like this. Before the princess, only three logs did not jump.

And Ivanushka lies on the stove and chuckles:

Brothers, was it not me there?

Where are you, fool, there to be! Sit on the stove and catch flies!

The next day, the elder brothers went to the city again, and Ivanushka took a basket and went for mushrooms. He went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, threw a basket, he himself whistled with a valiant whistle, barked with a heroic cry:

Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand before me like a leaf before grass!

The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are bursting from the nostrils.

He ran and stood in front of Ivanushka as if rooted to the spot.

Ivanushka Sivke Burke climbed into his right ear, and climbed out into his left and became a fine fellow. He jumped on his horse and galloped to the yard.

He sees that there are even more people in the square than before. Everyone admires the princess, but no one thinks of jumping: they are afraid to break their neck!

Here Ivanushka hit his horse on the steep sides. Sivka-burka neighed, jumped - only two logs before the princess did not get the window.

Ivanushka Sivka turned and galloped away. They saw where he rode from, but they did not see where he galloped off.

And Ivanushka is already in the open field.

He released Sivka-burka, and he went home. He sat down on the stove, sitting, waiting for his brothers.

The brothers come home and say:

Well, hostesses, the same fellow came again! I did not jump to the princess only by two logs.

Ivanushka and tells them:

Sit down, fool, shut up! ..

On the third day, the brothers are going to go again, and Ivanushka says:

Give me at least a poor little horse: I'll go with you too!

Stay at home you fool! Only you are missing!

They said and left.

Ivanushka went out into an open field, into a wide expanse, whistled with a valiant whistle, barked with a heroic cry:

Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand before me like a leaf before grass!

The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are bursting from the nostrils. He ran and stood in front of Ivanushka as if rooted to the spot.

Ivanushka climbed into the horse's right ear, and climbed out into the left. The young man became well done and galloped to the royal court.

Ivanushka galloped up to the high tower, lashed Sivka-burka with a whip ... The horse neighed louder than before, hit the ground with its hooves, jumped - and jumped to the window!

Ivanushka kissed Elena the Beautiful on her scarlet lips, removed the cherished ring from her finger and sped away. They just saw him!

Then everyone made a noise, shouted, waved their hands:

Hold it! Catch him!

And Ivanushki was gone.

He released Sivka-burka, came home. One hand is wrapped in a cloth.

What happened to you? - ask the brothers' wives.

Yes, I was looking for mushrooms, I pricked on a knot ...

And climbed into the oven.

The brothers returned, began to tell what and how it happened:

Well, mistresses, that fellow jumped so fast this time that he jumped to the princess and took the ring off her finger!

Ivanushka is sitting on the stove, so know your own:

Brothers, wasn't it me there?

Sit down, fool, don't talk in vain!

Here Ivanushka wanted to look at the princess's precious ring.

As he unwound the rag, so the whole hut shone!

Stop fiddling with fire, you fool! the brothers shout. - You'll burn down the hut. Time to get you out of the house!

Ivanushka did not answer them, and again tied the ring with a rag ...

Three days later, the king again called the cry: so that all the people, no matter how many in the kingdom, gathered for a feast and that no one dared to stay at home. And whoever disdains the royal feast, his head off his shoulders!

Nothing to do, the brothers went to the feast, and they took Ivanushka the Fool with them.

They arrived, sat down at oak tables, patterned tablecloths, drinking and eating, talking.

And Ivanushka climbed behind the stove, into a corner, and sits there.

Elena the Beautiful walks around, treating the guests. She brings wine and honey to each, and she herself looks to see if anyone has her cherished ring on her hand. Whoever has a ring on his hand is her bridegroom.

Only no one has a ring in sight ...

She went around everyone, coming to the last one - to Ivanushka. And he sits behind the stove, his clothes are thin, his bast shoes are torn, one arm is tied with a rag.

The brothers look and think: “Look, the princess brings wine to our Ivashka!”

And Elena the Beautiful gave Ivanushka a glass of wine and asked:

Why is it with you, well done, your hand is tied?

I went to the forest to pick mushrooms and pricked myself on a bough.

Come on, untie, show!

Ivanushka untied his hand, and on his finger the princess's cherished ring: it shines, it sparkles!

Elena the Beautiful was delighted, took Ivanushka by the hand, led her to her father and said:

Here, father, my fiancé was found!

They washed Ivanushka, combed his hair, dressed him, and he became not Ivanushka the Fool, but a fine fellow, well done, you just don’t recognize it!

They didn’t wait and argue here - a fun feast and for the wedding!

I was at that feast, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.

- 20 -

Story in pictures about history
Atlantis, Hyperborea and ancient Russia
Pictures 60, 61, 62, 63, 64

The life of the ancient Slavs,
distant descendants of the Atlanteans and Hyperboreans



RADOGOSCH (RODOGOSHCH, TAUSEN, AUTUMN) - one of the four most important great Slavic solar holidays - the Day of the autumn equinox.
This is a universal autumn festival of the Harvest, at the beginning of which the priest or elder hid behind the dishes stacked in a pile on the common table and asked all those gathered: “Do you see me, kids?”
If the answer was: "We do not see, father!" - then it meant a rich harvest, and if: “We see!” - then thin.
After that, the priest blessed the people with the words: “So God grant you, so that they don’t see you next year!”
And gave a sign to the beginning of the festive "feast by the mountain."

Chislobog stands apart from all Slavic Deities.
The Slavs revered him as the patron of the flow of Time.
This is the God of the full moon, time, astronomy (astronomy), letters, numbers, the calendar and all knowledge related to this.
The sanctuary of Chislobog always looked beautiful and mysterious.

CHERNOBOG is the personification of dark evil forces.
Later, his signs began to be associated with Kashchei the Immortal.
“There, King Kashchei languishes over gold ...”

Northern mountains - ancient name Altai.
Mastering the space, the descendants of the Hyperboreans gradually reached
to the Northern Mountains.
"The blacksmith forges human destiny on the Northern Mountains"

Until now, for the pagan Altaians, Altai is a living spirit, a generous, rich giant-giant.
His hand is open to all, his wealth, beauty and grandeur are inexhaustible...
He is a living breadwinner, the father of countless people, countless beasts, birds.
He is fabulously beautiful in his multi-colored clothes of forests, flowers, herbs.
The fogs are his transparent thoughts that run to all countries of the world.
Altai lakes are his eyes looking at the universe.
Its waterfalls and rivers are speech and songs about life, about the beauty of the earth, about the majesty of the mountains, about the blue of endless skies...

Russian folk tale for kids
cat and fox

There lived a man. He had a cat, but such a prankster, what a disaster! He's tired of the man. So the man thought and thought, took the cat, put it in a bag, tied it up and carried it into the forest.

He brought it and threw it in the forest: let it disappear.

The cat walked and walked and came across a hut; climb into the attic and lie down. And if he wants to eat, he will go through the forest to catch birds and mice, eat his fill and go back to the attic, and there is little grief for him!

One day he went for a walk, and a fox met him, saw a cat and wondered:

How many years I have lived in the forest, but I have never seen such an animal.

She bowed to the cat and asked:

Tell me, good fellow, who are you, how did you come here and how to call you by name?

And the cat reared up its fur and said:

I was sent to you from the Siberian forests as a governor, and my name is Kotofey Ivanovich.

Ah, Kotofey Ivanovich, - says the fox, - I didn’t know about you, I didn’t know. Well, come visit me.

The cat went to the fox; she led him to her hole and began to regale him with various game, and she herself asks:

What, Kotofei Ivanovich, are you married or single?

Single, says the cat.

And I, the fox, - the girl, take me in marriage.

The cat agreed, and they began to feast and have fun.

The next day, the fox went to get supplies, so that there would be something to live with her young husband; and the cat stayed at home.

The fox caught a duck, carries it home, and a wolf comes across to meet it.

- Give it back, fox, duck!

No, I won't! I'm taking it to my husband!

And who is your husband, Lizaveta Ivanovna?

Haven't you heard that the governor Kotofey Ivanovich was sent to us from the Siberian forests? I am now the governor's wife.

No, I have not heard, Lizaveta Ivanovna. How would you look at your husband?

Wu! Kotofey Ivanovich is so angry with me: if someone is not according to him, he will eat it now! You look, prepare a ram and bring it to bow. Put down the ram, and bury yourself, so that he does not see you, otherwise, brother, it will be hard!

The wolf ran after the sheep.

- Stop, fox, where are you taking the duck? Give it to me!

I won’t give you the duck, otherwise I’ll complain to Kotofey Ivanovich.

And who is Kotofey Ivanovich?

And which was sent to us from the Siberian forests by the governor. I am now the wife of our governor.

Is it possible to see it, Lizaveta Ivanovna?

Wu! Kotofey Ivanovich is so angry with me: if someone is not according to him, he will eat it now! You go, prepare the bull and bring it to bow. Yes, look, put down the bull, and bury yourself, so that Kotofey Ivanovich does not see you, otherwise, brother, it will be hard!

The bear followed the bull, and the fox ran home. The wolf brought a ram and stands in thought; looks - and the bear climbs with the bull.

- Hello, brother Mikhailo Ivanovich!

Hello brother Levon! What, did not see the fox with her husband?

No, brother, I've been waiting for a long time.

Get up, call.

No, I won't go, Mikhailo Ivanovich! Go yourself, you dare me.

No, brother Levon, and I will not go.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a hare runs. The bear will shout at him:

Come here, oblique! The hare got scared and ran.

Well, slanting shooter, do you know where the fox lives?

I know, Mikhailo Ivanovich!

Go quickly and tell her that Mikhailo Ivanovich and his brother Levon Ivanovich have been ready for a long time, they are waiting for you and your husband, they want to bow with a ram and a bull.

The hare ran towards the fox at full speed. And the bear and the wolf began to think where to hide. Bear says:

I will climb a pine tree.

But what am I to do? Where am I going? - asks the wolf. “I won’t climb a tree for anything!” Mikhail Ivanovich! Bury somewhere, please, help the grief.

The bear put it in the bushes and covered it with dry leaves, and he himself climbed onto a pine tree, to the very top, and looks: is Kotofey walking with a fox?

Meanwhile, the hare ran to the fox hole, knocked and said to the fox:

Mikhailo Ivanovich and his brother Levon Ivanovich sent to say that they have been ready for a long time, they are waiting for you and your husband, they want to bow to you like a bull and a ram.

Get up, scythe! Now we will.

Here comes the cat with the fox. The bear saw them and said to the wolf:

Well, brother Levon Ivanovich, a fox is coming with her husband; how small he is!

The cat came and immediately rushed at the bull, the wool on it was ruffled, and he began to tear the meat with his teeth and paws, the ace murmurs, as if angry:

Little, little!

The bear thinks: “It’s small, but a glutton! We can’t eat four of us, but it’s not enough for him alone; perhaps he’ll get to us!”

The wolf wanted to look at Kotofey Ivanych, but he couldn’t see through the leaves! And he began to part the leaves above his eyes. The cat heard that the leaf was moving, thought it was a mouse, but how it would rush and right in the face of the wolf grabbed its claws.

The wolf jumped up, God bless his legs, and was like that.

And the cat himself was frightened and rushed straight to the tree where the bear was sitting.

"Well, - the bear thinks, - he saw me!"

There was no time to get down, so he relied on God's will, and as soon as he fell from the tree to the ground, he beat off all the livers.

The bear jumped up and ran, he almost overtook the wolf! Only crackling is heard throughout the forest.

And the fox cries out:

Here he will ask you! Wait!

Since then, all the animals in the forest have become afraid of the cat.

And the cat and the fox stocked up on meat for the whole winter and began to live and live, and now they live, chew bread.

Picture 24

Let's cook and eat

How to build such a wonderful children's sandwich -
see page ""

For more details, see the page ""
and on the page "".
Also " ".

Roll out the yeast dough into an oval. Place the filling in the center

Make cuts along the edges with a roller, braid:

Close the braid at both ends:

Form a muzzle. Open the mouth with scissors, the ears are triangles ...

Eyes - raisins, tail - a knot of dough flagellum:

We build a bast shoe from a potato.
To do this, we take an oblong potato and make an outline of the future "bast shoes".

We clean the middle with a knife or spoon.

We depict a decorative mesh on the toe of the "bast shoe" with a knife.

We lubricate the structure with vegetable oil, salt, lay the filling and place it in a preheated to 180-200 gr. From the oven for 20 minutes (until the potatoes are cooked and lightly browned).
The filling can be, for example, fried mushrooms with onions.
Or any filling to taste: meat (including from ham, sausage, etc.), vegetable, cheese, fish (including from canned food) or another that you like.

Cheese baskets are prepared very quickly.
For making cheese sticks grate 200 grams of hard cheese on a fine grater. Mix with a full tablespoon of corn or potato starch, add crushed garlic to taste.
OPTION. You can use only grated hard cheese without the addition of starch and garlic - this is to taste.
In a well-heated frying pan, lightly greased with vegetable oil, or in a dry frying pan with a non-stick coating, spread 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture evenly over the surface in the form of a pancake.
Once one side has set, remove from the pan and immediately place on an upside down cup, glass, or whatever vessel you wish to shape. So that at the initial moment the cup does not straighten out, you should grab the basket on the cup with a thin rubber band.
Fill the cooled baskets and serve immediately from the table.
NOTE. When laying out the cheese mixture in a pan, the edges of the basket can be made curly:

Cooking a cheese basket in the photo:

You will need eggs, ready-made puff pastry and small cupcake tins.
Roll out the dough into thin circles on a lightly oiled table.
We lay the dough mugs in lightly oiled forms and press them to the bottom and sides.


Quick and tasty pies

We knead the cool unleavened dough, as for pelmeni-vareniki (flour, a couple of eggs, a little milk, a little vegetable oil, salt, water is added until the desired dough consistency is obtained).
The trick is like this:
- minced meat (beef, pork, lamb or a mixture of them - this is to taste and availability),
- finely chopped onion
- finely chopped garlic
- finely chopped potatoes
- salt,
- freshly ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers and other seasonings to taste.
It is better to chop more onions and potatoes, it will be juicier and tastier.
If the stuffing is dry, you can crumble a little butter into it and / or add a little cold water.
You can also add grated carrots to the filling.
We roll out the dough with a thin cake and, slightly retreating from the edges, evenly distribute the filling over the cake.
Then we gently wrap the dough cake with the filling in a roll (it is convenient to do this with the help of a towel placed underneath) and carefully pinch the edges until completely tight.
We steam for about 50 minutes (in a double boiler or under a lid over boiling water on a wire rack or in a colander, or on gauze, a thin fabric tied to a saucepan with sagging).

Serve with tomato sauce, sour cream or mayonnaise.
You can make gravy from tomatoes and carrots with onions (such gravy is obtained with sourness).

Cheburek (Crimean Tatar: chyuberek; Turkish: chig belek) - a pie made of unleavened dough stuffed with minced lamb with spicy spices, fried in oil. Sometimes cheese is used as a filling.
Cheburek is considered one of the main national dishes of the Crimean Tatars and other Crimean peoples (Karaites, Krymchaks, Crimean Greeks).
What should be a cheburek? The crust should be crunchy, but when you take a bite, it should be soft inside, soft from meat juice, in which delicious fragrant floats. meat filling. Of course, the appearance itself is also important: there should be bubbles on the fried surface of the cheburek.
How it's done?
Cheburek dough can be prepared custard(this is better) or simple noodle(it's easier) - the choice of a home cook.
NOTE. For chebureks, as well as for dumplings, the complete tightness of the test shell is important. In order to achieve better adhesion of the seams, it is useful to moisten the contact surfaces of the dough slightly moistened with cold water with a brush or just with a wet finger.

LEAN "MAYONNAISE" - 3 recipes
with soy milk or ground nuts
on the advice of Father Hermogenes, a resident of the St. Danilov Stauropegial Monastery (Moscow)

There are several options for making homemade lean "mayonnaise".
The cooking process is identical, but instead of egg yolk, plant products are taken.
All foods must be at room temperature; first add the oil drop by drop, and then a little bit in a thin stream and each time carefully stir with a mixer or a circular motion of a spoon in one direction until smooth. Then we add the next portion, and so on.
The finished mass is salted and acidified with lemon juice to taste.
1 yolk can be replaced with:
1. 1/4 cup soy milk;
2. Stir 1 tablespoon of starch in 0.5 cup of soy milk. Heat until the mass thickens. Cool to room temperature;
3. Grind 0.5 cups of very dry or lightly roasted walnuts in a coffee grinder into flour.

Boil sturgeon 8-10 kg with roots and herbs.
Remove the skin and place carefully on a platter.
heaps of pitted olives, green peas, dogwood, pitted sloes, pickled mushrooms, plum tomatoes, cartilage, carrots and potatoes in the form of nuts, capers, lemon slices, Nezhin pickles, lingonberries.
Decorate the head of a sturgeon (carp, cupid) with lemon slices, carrots with slices of truffles, fish tail with lemon slices, sides with lemon semi-circles, pitted olives, salted champignon caps, boiled carrot slices, crayfish tails, pickled or fresh cherries (plums).
Place three skewers on the sturgeon in the center with rays coming out of one point, with vegetable flowers, mushrooms, crabs, shrimp, greens planted on them.
Serve Russian tomato sauce.

(St. Danilov Monastery)

1.2 kg sturgeon, 2 carrots, 1 parsley, 1 leek, 2-3 onions, 20-30 grains of English pepper, 3-4 pcs. bay leaf, 1 tablespoon of flour, 5-6 grains of simple pepper.
You can add: 1 cup Sauternes or 2-3 cups of cucumber pickle or vinegar to taste, 400 g of small fish.
For sauce: 2 lumps of sugar, vinegar or lemon juice, 1/2 glass of Provencal oil, 1 spoon of Chukhon oil, 1 spoon of flour, 1/3 cup of Madeira or port wine, 1/8 cup of cherry syrup, 3-4 cloves, 1/ 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 tablespoons capers or olives, or pickles.

Boil the sturgeon several times with boiling water so that the skin lags behind, salt and set aside for 1 hour.
Then dip into a cold, pre-prepared broth of roots and spices with 1/2 cup of vinegar or 1 cup of Sauternes, or 2-3 cups of cucumber pickle.
Pour the following sauce on a dish: set fire to 2 pieces of sugar in a pan, pour in 2 tablespoons of broth, boil, pour into a saucepan, put 1/2 glass of Provence oil, a spoonful of Chukhonsky, 1 tablespoon of flour, fry, dilute with 2 glasses of fish broth, 1/3 a glass of Madeira or port wine, 1/3 glass of cherry syrup.
Put crushed cloves, cinnamon, add more vinegar or lemon juice to taste, cook all this stirring until it thickens, then strain, put spoons of 2 capers or olives, or pickles, boil again, pour over sturgeon.

(St. Danilov Monastery)

1.2 kg of sturgeon, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, mustard, 1 carrot, 1 parsley, vinegar, 2 onions, brewed watery flour mash or liquid batter, large bread crumbs, 1/2 cup table wine, 100 g bacon.

Lubricate a frying pan or copper sheet with 1 spoon of oil, put thinly sliced ​​carrots, onions, parsley.
Peel a piece of sturgeon from the softest place, wash, salt, put in a pan to the roots.
Fry a spoonful of butter with a finely chopped onion, cool, pour in the flour mash or liquid batter, pour over the fish, sprinkle with grated sieve bread, sprinkle with olive oil, put in a hot oven.
When the fish is ready, transfer to a dish, and mix the fried roots with 1/2 cup of table wine, 1.5 cups of strong broth, 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar, put a spoonful of mustard, boil, strain, pour over sturgeon.
Sturgeon can be stuffed with 100 g of bacon.

(St. Danilov Monastery)

For decoration and garnish:
- any vegetables
- leek,
- olives,
- lemon.

Cut the cleaned and well-gutted fish along the back and stuff with slices of marinated salmon.
Place in a greased saucepan, add fish broth and wine, put onions and herbs, salt and simmer in a sealed bowl over low heat.
Put the fish on a dish, pour over the remaining sauce, drizzle with oil and bake for 30 minutes in a very hot oven.
Serve with vegetables, leeks, olives, shrimps, fish salad, herbs.

(St. Danilov Monastery)

- sturgeon - 400 g;
- onion - 100 g;
- vegetable oil - 20 g;
- flour - 10 g;
- tomatoes - 80 g;
- mushrooms - 100 g;
- garlic - 4 cloves;
- parsley - 10 g;
- Bay leaf;
- allspice black peas;
- salt.

The fish is cut into portions and salted.
Onions are fried in vegetable oil, flour is added, everything is fried together and tomatoes chopped on a grater are added, boiled fresh or dry mushrooms cut into strips; all salt and mix.
The fish is placed in a deep frying pan or stewpan, crushed garlic, parsley, laurel, black peppercorns are added, poured with sauce and baked in a moderately heated oven for 30 minutes.

(St. Danilov Monastery)

- boiled fish fillet (sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, sea ​​bass, cod, catfish, hake, etc.) - 300-350 g,
- lean mayonnaise (see recipe above) - 1 cup,
- salad dressing - 3 tablespoons,
- vegetable garnish.

Season part of the side dish with lean mayonnaise and put on an oval dish.
Arrange the fish pieces on top of the garnish.
Arrange the remaining side dish around the fish, observing the color combination of the products.
Pour fish with lean mayonnaise, and garnish with vinegar-oil salad dressing.

(St. Danilov Monastery)

800 g of fish (stellate sturgeon, beluga, sturgeon, catfish, mullet, bluefish, hake, flounder, etc., which God sent on this day, or fillet of the same fish), brewed watery flour talker or liquid batter, salt, ground black pepper , flour, ground crackers, fat for frying.
Salt, pepper, acidify with lemon juice, breaded in liquid batter and deep-fried.

Bread prepared portioned pieces of sturgeon fish in flour, moisten in brewed flour mash or in liquid batter, and again bread in breadcrumbs.
Fry in a large amount of fat (deep-fried); then place in the oven for 3-5 minutes.
When serving, place a slice of lemon on the fish.
Garnish - fried potatoes or fried parsley.
Sauce - tomato, mustard or lean mayonnaise with gherkins - serve in a gravy boat.

Roasted Sturgeon with Tomatoes and Onions
(St. Danilov Monastery)

750 g fish (or 500 g cooked fillet), 1/4 tbsp. almond milk (almonds mashed with water until smooth and white), 4 tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, pepper, salt.

Dip prepared pieces of fish in almond milk mixed with salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry in olive oil.
Separately fry in vegetable oil fresh or canned tomatoes, cut in half, salted and sprinkled with pepper.
Onions, peeled and cut into rings, also brown in a pan in olive oil.
When serving, put the fish on a warmed dish, put a bunch of fried onions in the middle of each piece, and two halves of tomatoes on the sides.
Drizzle with fish oil and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or dill.
Serve boiled or fried potatoes with fish.
You can cook fish with fried zucchini and tomatoes.

STurgeon, Sevruga, Beluga Roasted on a Spit
(St. Danilov Monastery)

600 g of fish, 60 g of vegetable oil, 340 g of tomatoes, 100 g of onions or 120 g of green onions, 1/2 lemon or 200 g of tkemali sauce, salt, pepper.

Cut even pieces from scalded and deboned fish bugs and put them, one at a time, on metal skewers, sprinkle with salt, pepper, grease with vegetable oil and fry over burning coals (without flame) for 7-10 minutes, turning all the time skewer.
Remove the finished fish from the skewer, put on a dish, garnish with fresh tomatoes, chopped onions (bulb or green) and a slice of lemon.
Instead of lemon, you can serve tkemali sauce.

STARLET, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga fried on a GRATE
(St. Danilov Monastery)

560 g fish, 80 g olive oil, 80 g wheat bread, 1/2 lemon, 400 g garnish, 300 g tomato sauce or 200 g of lean mayonnaise (see recipe above), pepper, salt.

On the grill, the fish is fried in portions and whole carcasses.
From portioned pieces of fish, stripped of cartilage, remove moisture with a napkin, sprinkle the pieces with salt and pepper, brush with olive oil and breaded in white bread crumbs.
For frying in general, cut off the dorsal bugs of the cleaned and washed fish, cut the head in half, flatten the fish from the inside, without separating one half from the other. Cut the cartilage from the halves of the fish, remove moisture with a napkin, sprinkle with salt and pepper, grease with vegetable oil and breaded in white bread crumbs.
Sprinkle the prepared fish with oil, put on a heated grill and fry on both sides.
If during the formation of the crust the fish did not have time to fry, then put it in the oven for a few minutes.
Garnish the finished fish with fried potatoes and lemon.
At the request of the monastic brethren, lean mayonnaise with gherkins, mustard or tomato sauces can be served.

(Valaam Monastery)

880 g sturgeon, 40 g olive oil, 1/2 lemon, 200 g tomato sauce, 800 g potatoes, ground black pepper, salt.

The sturgeon fillet is cut into portions, salted to taste, sprinkled with black pepper, dipped in vegetable oil and grilled.
Garnished with fried potatoes, a slice of lemon and a separate tomato sauce.

(Pechersky monastery)

1 kg fish, 150 g olive oil, 2 cups deep frying, 100 g flour, 40 g dry porcini mushrooms, 0.5 cup almond milk (almonds mashed with water until smooth and white), 1.5 cup fish broth , 1.5 cups of grated stale bread.

Cut the fish into equal slices the thickness of a finger, put in a deep frying pan in one row, add 1/2 tbsp. broth, close the lid, put on low heat and bring natural cutlets to readiness.
Cool down.
Brush thickly with the sauce and refrigerate until the sauce hardens well.
Frozen cutlets roll in grated white bread and quickly fry in boiling deep fat (just let it brown). Serve with green peas.
Sauce preparation:
boil mushrooms in a small amount of water until soft, finely chop and stew in oil (1 tsp). Grind flour and butter, dilute with hot fish broth, add almond milk and mushrooms.
Cook, stirring, until the sauce has the consistency of mashed potatoes.
Add salt and lemon juice to taste

1. Don't expect your child to be like you or the way you want. Help him become not you, but himself.
2. Do not ask your child to pay for everything you have done for him. You gave him life, how can he thank you? He will give life to another, that to a third, and this is an irreversible law of gratitude.
3. Do not take out your grievances on the child, so that in old age you do not eat the bitter bread of loneliness. For what you sow, that will come up.
4. Don't look down on his problems. Life is given to everyone according to their strength and, be sure, it is no less difficult for him than for you, and maybe more, because he has no experience.
5. Do not humiliate!
6. Do not forget that the most important meetings of a person are his meetings with children. Pay more attention to them - we can never know who we meet in a child.
7. Don't beat yourself up if you can't do something for your child. Be ashamed if you can, but you don't. Remember, not enough is done for a child if everything is not done.
8. A child is not a tyrant who takes over your whole life, not only the fruit of flesh and blood. This is the precious cup that Life has given you for keeping and developing the creative fire in it. This is the liberated love of a mother and father, who will grow up not “ours”, “their own” child, but alive soul given for safekeeping.
9. Know how to love someone else's child. Never do to someone else what you would not like to be done to yours.
10. Love your child in any way - untalented, unlucky, adult. Communicating with him - rejoice, because the child is a holiday that is still with you.

For new subscribers - about children's fairy tales

There are no fairy tales happy childhood!
The positive role of fairy tales in establishing a trusting relationship between a child and parents is well known. A fairy tale read with mom or dad is also a reason to discuss it and better understand each other. This is a wonderful joint pastime, which will leave a lot of positive emotions in the soul of the child and improve family relations.
Strive from your point of view life experience explain to the child the essence of the read fairy tale, the knowledge of really existing relations among people, which is contained in it.
Fairy tales for a child are one of the most important sources of social adaptation and development of protection to a diverse, often hostile environment.
Fairy tales teach that there can be not only good, but also evil people around us. That one should not be overly trusting in any other people's words or deeds, but always everything must be carefully considered and critically evaluated by one's own sound mind. That the situation around you can be not only positive, but also negative.
The beneficial effect of a fairy tale is that the described behavior of the character is always active and involves some kind of action. Main character of a children's fairy tale, he defeats evil and gets out of any situation because he does not run away from danger, but begins to act and makes every effort to overcome the threats that have arisen.
The child empathizes with the hero of the tale and lives with him in his imagination what is being told, but, at the same time, is out of danger. This helps to significantly reduce the child's natural fears, increase his self-esteem, self-confidence, which will always come in handy in everything. future life.
Children's fairy tales teach the child not to focus on fears and negative emotions in a dangerous situation, but to boldly act actively and win, achieving their own.
A fairy tale gives the child the opportunity to feel new sensations and experience new situations - this is The best way get away from the daily routine, give the child a sense of the diversity of life. A variety of emotional impressions from fairy tales are invaluably useful for the formation of the child's psyche and have a beneficial effect on the development of the child.
Children's fairy tales actively develop children's imagination and imaginative thinking. They teach the child to fight for his own in any situation, while always empathizing with someone else's grief, building friendships and sharing the joy of others.
Fairy tales help the child to distinguish where the real reality is and where the fiction is, forming a critical attitude to both fabulous and real life situations.
The basics of human knowledge about the world around us are formed by the age of 7.
From our childhood, we grow up for our entire future life, which will turn out very differently for everyone, depending on the initial conditions given by our parents, and on the breadth of our own acquired knowledge and skills.
The issues include a variety of fairy tales from different peoples, which have collected folk wisdom about the complex diversity human life and human relations in different conditions.
The fairy tales published in the issues are designed for children. different ages, from toddlers to teenagers - the choice of published for parents who are attentive to their children.
Many fairy tales can be very useful for adults who want to expand their psychological horizons for successful life among the people around.