Drawings on the theme of a happy safe childhood.

There is a surreal universe where an ordinary stick turns into a weapon of mass destruction, money can be raked in buckets from any tree, and in order to roll up to a girl, you need to regularly pull the braids. Today we will learn how to draw childhood. Childhood is a period of increased activity and hormonal surges of schoolchildren of varying degrees of development. Human embryos first hatch, then go to the nearest kindergarten for incubation. There they are taught to help their neighbor and dig ditches in the sand. The chosen ones are sent to serve for the good of the nation in the form of studies in secondary general educational concentration camps. This whole process is accompanied by loud screams and games on the nerves of their parents.

Raising a child is a punishment for the sins of the parents. Statistics confirm that all people who have children die sooner or later. Nevertheless, future lawyers and drug addicts grow up from small later, and with good feeding, you can get a good uncle Dzhigurda.

Childhood Benefits:

  • Saving time on cleaning the body of waste. Can be guessed at any convenient time, but not to get lyuli, but to hear approval in the form of: Oh, our baby made a golden rain.
  • The child is freed from the meaningless generally accepted rules of existence in society. No one is interested in his job, wife, bank account, and even more so for whom he voted in the elections.
  • Using the method of wild crying and snot, you can get any thing in the store, except for the seller. And a day later, throw it away or exchange with a friend for a set of a young suicide or chewing gum.
  • It's time to develop complexes and fatalistic fears that will help you avoid unpleasant situations in the future, such as removing a rabid cat from a tree or celebrating Labor Day with your parents.

Let's move on to the drawing lesson.

How to draw childhood with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw two bodies of children. They will have bouquets in their hands, we will show the location of the bouquet using a circle.
Step two. We detail, draw clothes, and elements of the face, as well as flowers.
Step three. Delete auxiliary lines with an eraser. Let's add shading on the clothes. Let's make the lines clearer and richer.
A few lessons on similar topics with honor I will recommend to you.

There is a surreal universe where an ordinary stick turns into a weapon of mass destruction, money can be raked in buckets from any tree, and in order to roll up to a girl, you need to regularly pull the braids. Today we will learn how to draw childhood. Childhood is a period of increased activity and hormonal surges of schoolchildren of varying degrees of development. Human embryos first hatch, then go to the nearest kindergarten for incubation. There they are taught to help their neighbor and dig ditches in the sand. The chosen ones are sent to serve for the good of the nation in the form of studies in secondary general educational concentration camps. This whole process is accompanied by loud screams and games on the nerves of their parents.

Raising a child is God's punishment for the sins of the parents. Statistics confirm that all people who have children die sooner or later. Nevertheless, future lawyers, firefighters and drug addicts grow up from small later, and with good feeding, you can get a good uncle Dzhigurda.

Childhood Benefits:

  • Saving time on cleaning the body of waste. You can shit at any convenient time, but not get lyuli, but hear approval in the form of: Oh, our baby made a golden rain.
  • The child is freed from the meaningless generally accepted rules of existence in society. No one is interested in his job, wife, bank account, and even more so for whom he voted in the elections.
  • Using the method of wild crying and snot, you can get any thing in the store, except for the seller. And a day later, throw it away or exchange with a friend for a set of a young suicide or chewing gum.
  • It's time to develop complexes and fatalistic fears that will help you avoid unpleasant situations in the future, such as removing a rabid cat from a tree or celebrating Labor Day with your parents.

Let's move on to the drawing lesson.

How to draw childhood with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw two bodies of children. They will have bouquets in their hands, we will show the location of the bouquet using a circle. Step two. We detail, draw clothes, and elements of the face, as well as flowers. Step three. Delete auxiliary lines with an eraser. Let's add shading on the clothes. Let's make the lines clearer and richer. A few lessons on similar topics with honor I will recommend to you.

Children are the purest gold, flowers of life, parental joy, and so on. At least when they don't act like they've never heard of a limiting factor called "daddy's belt." However, apart from obvious pranks, such as breaking grandmother's Yugoslavian vase, painstakingly painting a cat bright pink, or turning a room into an impromptu paintball range, a couple of trump aces lurk in their short sleeves.

Yes, the point is that from time to time these innocent creatures with the body of dwarfs and the insidiousness of a sleepy Dr. Evil, without any ulterior motive, make parents choke with tears of laughter. And all because some children's drawings to seriously spoiled people's lives may seem ambiguous.

(Total 20 photos)

Children at school were given the task to draw what their parents work for. “When I grow up, I want to be like my mother,” little Jessica wrote. Her mother sells snow shovels at a hardware store.

"My daughter drew a dolphinarium."

“An eight-year-old cousin drew this self-portrait in art class. fine arts. He was wearing a Minions T-shirt."

The teacher gave the children in the second grade the task of drawing instructions for observing the rules of hygiene. "Wash your hands hot water with soap to get rid of germs.

"My dad is the best cock in the world." It seems that the child still meant "cook" ("cook").

“Recently I found this drawing, created by me as a child. I'm a little embarrassed." Caption: "Please speak in a whisper."

"This is my cat named Cosmo."

The child just drew a volcano.

Do you know what it is? This is a lighthouse.

Well, what a charm? These are scissors.

“My uncle is a fireman. One of the children he saved during the fire drew him this drawing as a thank you.”

“Once I was listening to an old rap, and my son, inspired by this, decided to draw a couple vinyl records. It's a good thing he didn't draw a microphone as well."

"My daughter drew a fox running away from an alien."

Happy Family of Horses.