Synopsis of a musical lesson in the theater in the dhow. Synopsis of the musical lesson "We are artists" using theatrical activities (senior group)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Seagull"


open music lesson using elements of theatricalization of fairy tales in junior group on this topic:

"What is my name?"

Prepared and hosted:

Musical director

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Chaika"

Arkadak 2011.

Program content:

Tasks: Tutorials:
- Strengthen the ability of children to navigate in space. game exercise"Train".

To teach children musical and rhythmic skills (flexibility, plasticity, orientation in space). Continue learning the Pony dance.
- Improve children's sense of rhythm in playing noise musical instruments. Repetition of "Dance with rattles".
- Development of the child's musicality. Listening piece of music Grieg "Morning".
- Development of artistic and creative abilities.
- Development of creative activity.
-Education in children of the basics of musical and emotional culture (i.e., the accumulation of positive emotional experience by the child through communication with music)
- To cultivate courtesy in dealing with partners in the game, dance.

Children enter the hall

Music hands Hello guys. Let's say hello to the guests. Today, I want to invite you on a journey to a clearing, to a spring forest. And how can you get there? Let's get on the train. Get up in a circle - our journey begins.

Game exercise "Train" ("Dance, baby" by T. Suvorova, partI).

Tasks: teach children to start and end a movement with music; develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements; teach children to change movements according to the change of parts of the music.
Music hands
So we arrived in a fabulous spring forest. Can you hear the birds singing in the forest? And what an unusual track? Where will she take us? Perhaps in a fairy tale? Let's go along this path to visit a fairy tale, listen to the birds singing and the beautiful music of Grieg, which is called "Morning".

Listening to music with action (A. Grieg "Morning", cassette "Baby in the Forest"). Children walk and listen to birdsong and music. Flowers can be laid out on the carpet for children to collect them (development fine motor skills hands), you can put spiked tracks (development of general motor skills).

Music hands Here we come. Get comfortable - the fairy tale begins. Let's listen to one incredible story that took place in a fairy forest.
(showing a fairy tale on a screen)
There lived a grandfather and grandmother. Here is how the grandfather says: “Something is boring to me and it became sad. Would you bake, granny, a pie for me. I'll eat it, maybe I'll have fun"
And the grandmother says: “I haven’t baked pies for a long time. Maybe the guys will remind me how to sculpt them?
Music Ruk.
Come on, guys, help grandma and make pies. But first, let's warm up our necks and sing "Flapjacks" (Ukrainian joke).

“I’ll pick up martyrs, add water,

For children, bake good cakes.

The song “Pies” is performed (lyrics by N. Kuklovskaya, music by A. Filippenko “Teach Children to Sing” by T. Orlova).

Music Ruk. Grandmother kneaded the dough, baked a pie, but it turned out to be very hot. I put it on the window to cool down. And he jumped down and ran down the path. Suddenly, a swift-footed, lop-eared hare met him.
Pie: Who are you?
I am a bunny, long ears, fast legs. And who are you?
I don't know who I am or what my name is.
What can you do?
I can run fast on the track.
Or are you a horse? She also runs fast, and we often play race with her.
And what kind of horse is she, guys, tell me.
Music Ruk. Let's dance for the pie a dance called "Pony".
The dance “Pony” is performed (musical accompaniment is the song “Pony” by T. Morozova “Dance, baby” by T. Suvorova, part II).
No, I'm not a pony, I don't have hooves, bangs or a ponytail. Who am I?
Music Ruk. Suddenly, a cunning fox comes towards him.
Hello friend. I am a fox - a red tail. And who are you?
And I don't have a name, I don't know who I am.
Come closer to me, let me sniff you (sniffs). And you smell so appetizing and tasty, just like a little chicken that has just hatched from an egg. Let me bite you off and try...
Oh, I'm afraid of you, fox. Guys, help me, drive the fox away, otherwise it will eat me.
Music Ruk. Guys, let's pick up ringing rattles and dance with them. The fox gets scared and runs away.
Dance with rattles (musical accompaniment - Russian folk melody "Polyanka", "Dance, baby" by T. Suvorova, part II).

Music Ruk.
The fox was frightened by your ringing rattles and ran away. And towards the pie, a bear crawled out of the den.
Oh, who woke me up? I slept so sweetly in the lair? Who are you? Boy or girl?
I don't know what my name is. My grandmother baked me from flour and put me to cool on the window, and I jumped off and ran away, and now I'm lost (the pie is crying).
Don't cry, I will cheer you up. Play with me the game "At the bear in the forest", and the guys will help you.
The game "At the bear in the forest" (card index of games)

A "bear" is chosen, which sits aside. The rest, pretending to pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket, approach the "bear", singing (saying):

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries.

And the Bear does not sleep,

And growls at us!

The bast basket overturned (children show with a gesture how the bast basket overturned),

The bear is after us!

Children scatter, "bear" catches them. The first one caught becomes a "bear".

Music Ruk. The bear went to sleep in the lair. And the pie rolled on. Only he had already completely cooled down, and he became very cold. And who else did he meet on the way, guys, what do you think? wolf…
Who are you? And why are you running through the woods alone?
I don't know what my name is. I'm completely lost and I want to go back to my grandparents.
So be it, let's go, I'll see you, I know the way. And next time you don’t go into the forest alone without adults, okay?
Music hands
The wolf brought the pie to his grandparents, and they were so happy, they began to kiss and hug him.
Grandma, all the animals in the forest have a name, but who am I?
Grandmother: And my grandfather and I did not even have time to come up with a name for you. Can you call me a bun?
Grandpa: Or maybe a donut or a gingerbread?
Guys, give me a name, I don't want to be called a donut.
Wow, I like this name. Now I am a bun. And for such joy, I invite everyone to dance.
Dance "Gingerbread Man" (Musical accompaniment - song "Gingerbread Man" by T. Morozova, "Dance, baby" by T. Suvorova, part II).

Music Ruk. So our journey to the forest clearing ended. The bun just left us something, let's see (opens the basket, and there are treats).
Here, thank you, kolobok for a treat. Say goodbye, guys, to the guests and get on the train, it will take us to kindergarten.

Game exercise "Train". (“Dance, baby” by T. Suvorova, partI)

Used Books:

1. Collection of T. Suvorova "Dance, baby", issue No. 1, St. Petersburg 2006.

2. Collection of T. Suvorova "Dance, baby", issue No. 2, St. Petersburg 2007.

3. "Teach children to sing" T. Orlova, songs and exercises for the development of voice in children 3-5 years old. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1986.

4. "Solfeggio" by A. Baraboshkina. Music Publishing House, Moscow, 1981.

Used materials and Internet resources:

1. CD collection “Dance, baby”, issue No. 1. St. Petersburg, 2006.

2. CD collection “Dance, baby”, issue No. 2. St. Petersburg, 2007.

3. Audio cassette "Baby in the forest".

4. Internet site "Music director".

Synopsis of a musical lesson on theatrical activities in the senior group

Topic: "Journey to the magical world of the theater"

Program content:

Encourage children to actively participate in entertainment, using the skills and abilities acquired in the classroom and in independent activities.

Encourage self-searching means of expression(gestures, movements, facial expressions) to create an artistic image.

To cultivate the desire to manage theatrical puppets of different systems. Improve children's artistic skills.

Preliminary work:

Reading and memorizing nursery rhymes, poems, tongue twisters. A conversation about the emotional experiences of people.

Materials and equipment for the lesson:

A box with masks, a table screen, theatrical spoons, a screen and dolls, a mirror queen, Bi-ba-bo dolls, hat masks, a house-teremok, a mole-handle, hats of cats and mice, costumes of the Snow Maiden, foxes, hares , letter with riddles.

Lesson progress

The music director leads the children to the music room.

Musical director:

- Guys, today I invite you to take a trip to an unusual, fabulous country, to a country where miracles and transformations take place, where dolls come to life and animals begin to speak. Have you guessed what country this is?



Musical director:

– Do you know who lives in this country?

Children: - Dolls, fairy-tale heroes, artists.

- Yes, guys. You correctly said. What do artists do, you know?

(children's answers)

– Would you like to become artists?


- Yes

- I have Magic wand and now, with her help, I will turn you all into artists. Close all your eyes, I say the magic words:

- One, two, three - turn around

And become an artist!

Open your eyes. Now you are all artists. I invite you to enter wonderful world theater!

(Ahead, the children see a box, and on it lies an envelope, signed from the storyteller).

Musical director:

- Guys, the storyteller sent a letter for you, let's read it?

The teacher takes out a piece of paper from the envelope and reads riddles about fairytale heroes. Children guess and open the box. And in it are masks with emotions of joy and sadness.

(Children talk first about the mask of joy).

Musical director:

- When do we have a joyful mood?


- When we have fun, when they give something, etc. (Answers of children).

(Then the children talk about the mask of sadness, sadness).

Musical director:

- What is this mask, what does it represent? When are we sad?

(Answers of children).

Musical director:

- Well done boys. Put the masks back in the box and continue on our way.

(There is a table on the way, there is a table screen on it, and next to it lies a box, there are stumps - chairs).

Musical director:

- The guys invite us all to sit down. (Children take their places, and music director sits next to the screen, puts on grandfather's mitten and speaks from behind the screen).

- Hello guys!

I am a funny old man

And my name is Molchok

Help me guys.

Tell the tongue twisters.

And you will see that

What you have known for a long time.


- Let's help grandfather, guys? Do you know tongue twisters?




How should you speak short sentences?


Fast to be clear

Each child speaks in a tongue twister and the teacher too. Grandfather thanks the children and allows them to open the box.

Musical director:

What does Grandpa keep in the box?


- Theatrical spoons.

Musical director:

- Can you revive them?

Remember nursery rhyme "At the bear in the forest" (with musical accompaniment).

Children: (spoken):

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries.

The bear doesn't sleep

And growls at us

Who is walking in the forest? Who's stopping me from sleeping? R-R-R.

Musical director:

- Well done! Let's put the theater spoons in the box and move on. There is an obstacle in our path. What blocked our path?



Musical director;

Let's look behind the screen. Guys, yes there are dolls.

What needs to be done to make the doll come to life?


We must teach her to speak.

Musical director:

Who wants to revive the doll?

(Children take a doll a girl and a cat, show the nursery rhyme “Kitty”, familiar to children).

- Hello, kitty. How are you?

Why did you leave us?

“I can't live with you.

There is no place to put the tail.

Walk, yawn, step on your tail.

Musical director:

“What else do we teach puppets?”


- Learn to move.

Musical director:

- Remember the nursery rhyme "Big and small legs."

(Children show)

Sketch with dolls girl and grandmother.

Musical director:

- Well done, you brought the dolls to life, and now it's time for us to move on.

(Go to the mirrors).

Musical director:

- Guys, we came to the kingdom of mirrors. And here is the Mirror Queen herself.

- Light you are a mirror, tell me

Tell us the whole truth.

What do the kids need to do

- Go to the mirrors and look at them.

I will give you tasks

Run quickly.

Studies on facial expressions and movements:

- Be surprised, like Dunno,

(children show surprise with movement, facial expressions)

- Be sad like Pierrot,

(children show sadness, lower their hands)

- Smile like Malvina

(children show smiles)

“And frown like a child.”


- All of you showed correctly. Continue on the path.

(Children say goodbye to the queen of mirrors).

Musical director:

- Guys, new dolls are on our way. What are these dolls?


Dolls "B-ba-bo".

Musical director:

- Why are they called that?

(Answers of children).

- Yes, guys. These dolls have no legs. They consist of a head and a dress in the form of a glove. The head has a hole for forefinger, and large and medium are used for gesticulation with the hands of the doll. And our hands make the doll alive. Let's bring these dolls to life. Remember the poem about the bear.

Etude "Bear" (dolls girl and bear).

"Mishka, where are you going?"

And what are you carrying in your bag?

- These are three barrels of honey,

For the little teddy bear

After all, without honey, he, poor thing,

The whole day he sighs heavily: Oh, uh, ah.

Musical director:

- What good fellows you are. You also brought these dolls to life. We continue our journey.

(There is a house).

Musical director:

- What kind of house is this?

On the way we have

Let's get closer to him.

Who lives in it, let's see.

(look into the house, see masks and theater caps)


- Masks-caps live.

They are waiting for all of us.

We'll put them on now.

And we'll tell you all about them.

(the child puts on a cockerel hat and depicts a rooster)


In your red crown

He walks like a king.

Its you hourly

Listen if you please

- I'm here! I'm on the lookout!

- I'll dope you all!

- Cuckoo! Crow!

The children fell asleep. The world is out.

(children squat down, close their eyes, put their hands under the cheek).

"Shut up, you ugly rooster!"

(the cockerel also crouches)

Then the girl puts on a fox mask, another child takes a mole mitten doll and shows a scene with a house. The fox walks around the house, and the mole in the house looks out the window.

- Nice house, dear mole!

The entrance is just too narrow.

- The entrance, fox, just right.

He won't let you into the house.

Then the children put on hats of cats and mice. (4 children go on stage to change clothes for a fairy tale).

“Now is the time for music.

I suggest you dance.

(The cat invites the mouse).

Sounds like "Find a Pair"


- Meow, mouse!

Let's dance the polka.

Let's set an example for our guests.


- I would dance, but only

The mouse cat is not a cavalier!

The cat invites the cat to dance, and the mouse invites the mouse. The rest of the mice stand in a circle and dance.

Dance improvisation.

Then they take off their hats and approach the stage. The curtain is closed.

Musical director:

- So we came up with you to the main place in the theater - this is the stage. A fairy tale always comes to life on the stage. (curtain opens).

The Snow Maiden is standing, hares are jumping towards her. They complain to the Snow Maiden about the fox. Then the fox runs out, the hares hide behind the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden scolds the fox, and the fox takes away the key.

Musical director:

- Guys, you saw the dramatization of the fairy tale. What is dramatization? Here we see the actors in costumes and the action takes place on stage.

All the artists visited today. Everything was shown very well. Everyone tried hard, well done! Let's clap each other heartily!

The song "Kuklyandiya"music by T. Ovsyannikov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky.


- And in memory of our wonderful journey into the world of the theater, I want to give you these medallions-flowers. And I hope that someday you will be truly good artists.

Thanks everyone!


1. Antipina A.E. Theatrical activity in kindergarten.2013

2. Makhaneva M.D. Theatrical classes in kindergarten.2009

3. Karamanenko T.N., Puppet theater for preschoolers. 2008

4. What is theater? M, Linka-Press, 2010

5. Petrova T.I. Theatrical games in kindergarten.2012

Name: Synopsis of a musical lesson with elements of dramatization “Whoever is without a care in the cradle is out of work for the whole century”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, folklore, Preparatory group for school

Position: music director of the highest category
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 67" of a compensating type
Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Dzerzhinsk

Synopsis of a music lesson in a preparatory group
"Who without a care in the cradle,
that whole century is not in business "
(with elements of dramatization)


  • To consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the folk tradition - the rite "Birth of a Baby", through acquaintance with musical folklore(lullabies, potyagushki, round dances, folk games, ditties)
  • Develop Creative skills through acquaintance with folklore
  • Improve the ability to play folk instruments
  • Develop ear for music, rhythm, memory
  • Improve children's speech, the ability to speak freely, enrich vocabulary
  • Cultivate the ability to listen to each other
  • To cultivate love and respect for one's people through familiarization with folk traditions(holidays, gatherings, games, etc.)


Music hands Hello girls - beauties and good fellows!

Children - Hello!

Music hands — Nice to see you in good health.

Today is the day of miracles

We have joy to heaven!

Our guests have come

Dear ones have come!

Children- Good afternoon, invited and welcome guests!

- Welcome! Guests are welcome as good news.

Music hands — Guys, do you want to be in the distant past?

Children- We want

Musical hands.-Then let's look into the distant past. (Russian folk melody sounds). And our musical mirrors will help us in this. Let's look into them. We found ourselves in distant Russia

Look how beautiful you are. Girls in Russian sundresses, boys in smart shirts.

caregiver- Guys, look, everything here is like in the old days.

- I think I understood, we ended up with you in a Russian house.

Let's remember everything we know about how people used to live in Russia, about the Russian house

What are the main things in the house?

Children - Table, oven

caregiver- Here we have a table, an oven, benches. Come in, have a seat. (children sit down)

Do you know who is the boss in the house?

Children -We know! Brownie!

Music hands- And what holidays are there in the house?

Children- Harvest Festival - Cover, New Year, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Magpies, Trinity.

Music hands Well done, many holidays have been named.

And the most important, most important holiday in the house is the birth of a child. They were waiting for the child, they thought about him, talked about him, made clothes for him, a cradle, which was hung with a canopy.

The expectant mother behaved carefully, and she was treated with care, with love, freed her from hard work. When a child was born, they hung a shirt in the most prominent place in the yard - on the wattle fence, so that everyone would know - new person came into the world!

Do you want to know what you did after the baby was born?

How was he nursed, nurtured, how was the baby's day? Let's see!

Children- want

Children put on elements of grandparents' costumes

Grandfather and Grandmother come out, grandmother has a swaddled doll, grandfather has a shirt.

grandma . Come in, come in, there is joy in the house: our daughter has a baby.

Grandfather. Hang up, grandmother, a shirt in a conspicuous place so that everyone can see - a new person has been born!

The grandmother hangs up her shirt, the grandfather puts the child in the cradle.

Grandmother. Do you guys know what our child lies in?

Children . In the cradle? In the cradle?

Educator - That's right, it's a cradle. Why is our cradle curtained?

Children so that mosquitoes and flies do not fly

So that the light does not interfere

Music hands — And I know an interesting sign.

To find out who will be born, they laid out things on the floor and watched what the child who was expecting a brother or sister would choose.

Men's - there will be a boy, women's - wait for the girl. Do you know signs?

I have guys musical ball.

While the music will sound, you will pass the ball. As soon as the music stops, he says his sign.

The game "Musical ball" is held

Children A son is like a mother, a daughter is like a father - fortunately.

- If there was profit in the house on your birthday - fortunately.

- The empty cradle was not rocked

Hair was not cut for a year

- sleeping was not shown to anyone

caregiver- So we will not look at him, so that he sleeps and grows calmly. Look, our parents went to the field, who was left in the house?

Children - grandfather, grandmother, brothers, sisters

caregiver That's right, old and young. Who will be our baby's nanny?

Children - older children

Music hands Yes, older brothers and sisters like you. Can you sing a lullaby to your baby? How should lullabies be sung? That's right, the Lullaby is trying all the time to create an image of peace, silence.

Children - Gently, affectionately, lingeringly, with love, singsongly

Children singlullabies optional

Educator - How affectionately they sang a lullaby for our baby, well done. It seems to me that our baby woke up, stretches, does he need to sing sips? And what potyagki we will sing, we will be helped by musical cards - symbols. The arms and legs of our baby are numb, we will turn it around, we will stroke the tummy, and do the pulling .

(Children draw out cards (2-3 pieces) perform Podyazhki who talk, who sing.)

Educator - Our baby cried. How to calm him down?

Let's calm down the baby.

Children - You need to sing a song.

(children take the doll in their hands and sing a song, passing the doll at will)

caregiver-The kid liked our comforters, that's how fun and good he is with us.

- When the baby grows up, he already sleeps less, he loved to listen to fairy tales, he learned to play. Let's play with you. Let's weave a toy for our baby.

Held Russian folk game"Spinner"

(children weave a braid of ribbons)

Educator - That's it! I'll take it to our little one. Look, our baby has grown up.

Let's tell him a story. We'll take care of him now. Let's play the game "Gray Bunny". Let's choose a rhyme leader.

(Children choose a leader in a counting rhyme)

Playing a game of rhythm"Hare, gray"

Hare-gray went to visit,

Zainka - a gray spoon found.

Children say the words in a circle. Zainka stands in the center of the circle. He moves backwards)

A child on spoons composes his own rhythmic pattern, other children repeat. You can come up with any character, a fairy-tale hero)

Musical hands. - Well done! What different rhythmic patterns did you come up with.

The kids also loved the teasers. Not to offend, but to have fun, to cheer up. Come on, have a seat .(sat down)

You name your favorite teaser, and I will play a rhythmic pattern for you, then we will tap the rhythm of the teaser.

What teasers do you know ? (children call it at will, for example, Andrey Sparrow!)

Music hands — I will give you a riddle and not a simple one, but a musical one. Prepare the ears so that they are on top. (I tap the rhythm of a familiar Russian folk song"Ai-choo-choo" children guess)

Music hands.- Clever, solved the mystery! And tell me, be kind, what is the nature of the song?


- joyful

- mischievous

- playful




- energetic

Music hands- so how should it be performed?

Children are energetic


Educator - Let's split into two villages. We will have chicken (says the child's name), and the role of grandfather will perform (says the child's name)

Performance of a humorous folk song

"Ay choo-choo"

Music hands - Have a great time! The time has come to dance. And our schemes will help us. Be careful. I will change the pattern of circle movements, and you must perform the movements in accordance with the pattern.

Well done! What round dance movements did you use?

Round dance according to the schemes

(children call)

Round dance on the "sun"

- "Turning out the sleeve"

- "Brook"

- "Cabbage"

- "Snake"

- "Turning the circle"

Educator - We will not only start round dances, but also sing together!

Russian folk song "Before Spring"

Music hands — Listen guys, I'll give you a riddle. I know, I know in advance - you are a smart people. I have a box, not a simple one. Guess the riddle, instantly get the answer!

(Riddles are made about the folk instrument - balalaika, button accordion, tambourine)

Children learn Russian by sound folk instruments: balalaika, button accordion, tambourine)

Educator - And we have spoons, rattles, chopsticks, washboards in our burner. We will play on them, we will entertain the guests.

Tools are disassembled at will (a subgroup of children)

caregiver Hey chick girls

Sing ditties!

And you guys don't yawn

Help the girls too

Music hands — Oh, and well done, guys, you turned out to be good nannies, you know a lot of singing, jokes, nursery rhymes, teasers and you play the instruments skillfully, and besides, you performed ditties of your own composition!

And do you know how to dance?

Grandfather . How can they not? Come on guys, show me how they dance the “Russian”, and we will help you with your grandmother

General free dance to the recording of "Quadrille".

(sat down)

Music hands- I see you know how to dance, and what movements of the Russian folk dance you used in the dance?

(children call)

- "picker"



"rocking chair"

Grandmother. (after the dance). Oh, Grandfather, I was dancing here and completely forgot, and in my oven, there are already pies, and the gingerbreads are ripe.

Educator - . And for pies and gingerbread we will sing our favorite song "Samovar"

The song "Samovar" music is performed. Tukhmanova

Music hands- Oh and interesting trip in the past we have committed. And now it's time to return to our time. Let's look into our musical mirrors, and they will take us to our kindergarten, in 2016, in our time.

Educator - Here we are again in our music hall. Did you like the trip to distant Russia?

Children -Liked

Music hands — We were nannies for the baby. They sang him lullabies, jokes. They tapped the rhythm, danced round dances according to the schemes, composed ditties, i.e. were engaged musical creativity. All this to reach its top.

Here I have a diagram of the "Path to the pinnacle of creativity."

Someone is at the very beginning of the journey, there is still work to be done.

Some are already doing a lot - this is the middle of the road.

There are those who have reached the pinnacle of creativity, but there are still many other interesting peaks to strive for.

Determine where you are on the path to the pinnacle of creativity. And explain why.

Children evaluate themselves

Music hands Thank you for your skill, smiles and fun.

Goodbye at this hour

We want to serve you

Gingerbread, gingerbread

Eat up, kids.

Goodbye beautiful girls and good fellows!

Children say goodbye and leave

Children enter the hall, stand in a circle (Musical greeting: "Hello").

“Good day, good day - we say these words.

- Good day, good day - we will repeat these words.

- Hello (Katya and Masha) - we are glad to see you.

- Hello (Sasha and Slava) - good afternoon at a good hour.

- Hello (Kolya and Sveta) - sing with us now.

Slide: Gnome. A letter arrives from a gnome.

Musical director: Children, our good friend the gnome invites us to children's theater. He also wants to see if our children today can become real theater artists. Do you want to visit the theatre?

How are we going to the theatre? (children's answers) You can go to the theater by any means of transport, and I suggest you remember such a song, with which we will quickly reach the theater.

Children remember the song “Tram of Music. A. Varlamov.

Musical director: Come on in. Get comfortable. Guys, look, we didn’t leave anyone in kindergarten?

Musical didactic game"Respond who is called." Children sing their names syllable by syllable while clapping.

Musical director: Well done! I am now calm that we did not leave anyone in kindergarten. And now let's go! And to make us more fun on the road, we will sing our favorite song "Tram".

Slide: Theatre.

Musical director: You and I sang the song so amicably and cheerfully that we didn’t even notice how we arrived. See what beautiful building theater!

A call rings out.

Musical director: Oh guys, do you hear? This is the first call - it's time to take your seats in auditorium. Children sit on chairs in front of the screen.

slide: stage.

Musical director: Notice how beautiful the scene is. And what do you think? Who is the most important in the theater? Everything is followed by an eagle eye,
stage director director The director, having learned that we are from kindergarten"Gnomiki", I decided to give you a cheerful song "Gnomiki" performed by the artists of this theater.

The song "Gnomes" sounds from the screen, where gnomes play various musical instruments. A gnome runs in, greets the children.

Dwarf: Children, do you like our song? And what is her character? And what musical instruments did my dwarf friends play?

In all theaters across the country

Various works are important

But still, no matter how you twist it,

BUT main man artist.

Musical director: It takes a lot of hard work to become such great artists. ( Threatens with a finger). Guys, what did I just show? That's right, I showed a gesture. In order for the artist to express the character of his hero, he needs gestures.

Dwarf: What gestures do you know? Show? And we will try to guess. Guys, in the last lesson we “ate” apples.

Slide: Children eat apples.

Dwarf: What did they taste like? (bitter, sweet, sour)

Children show facial expressions.

Dwarf: So, any movements with parts of the face, eyebrows, eyes - what are they called? ( facial expressions). I want to invite you guys to the theater workshop. Let's try with your facial expressions to convey the mood of the clouds.

Mimic exercise "Clouds" Children stand in front of mirrors.

Musical director:

Clouds floated across the sky

And I looked at them.

And I wanted to find two similar clouds.

Here is a cheerful cloud laughing at me.

Why are you squinting your eyes like that?

How funny you are!

And here is another cloud

Seriously messed up:

The breeze suddenly carried him away from his mother.

And suddenly the sky is menacing

The monster flies

And with a huge fist

Threatens me angrily.

And a little cloud

Floats over the lake.

And a surprising cloud

Opens his mouth.

Dwarf: You did a very good job of capturing the mood of the clouds. Well done, you are real artists!

Musical director: Dwarf, and our children want to perform for you
song "Russian hut" While singing, we will use facial expressions and gestures.

Dwarf: How great you managed to convey the cheerful and perky nature of the song with facial expressions and gestures.

Musical director: Children, actors most often use both facial expressions and gestures at the same time. It turns out a single image without words. What is it called? That's right - pantomime. What games do you know where there is pantomime? Do you want to play the game "Astrologer".

Music game"Astrologer"

The stars are twinkling in the sky

The stars want to play.

The astrologer counts the stars:

"One, two, three, four, five!"

Astrologer, Astrologer,

Come play with us!

What will you show us

Let's figure it out ourselves.

Astrologer: Guess who of you, What am I doing now? ( Pantomime - They catch fish,
they make and throw snowballs, etc.)

Dwarf: Guys, you have no idea that now you were all pantomime theater artists.

And now theatrical warm-up.

Oh, do you want to be an artist?

Then tell me friends.

How can you change yourself?

To be like a fox?

Or a wolf or a goat?

Or a prince, a yaga?

(Children's answers: you can change your appearance with the help of a costume, makeup, hairstyle.)

The dwarf pulls out a large hatbox. D children sing in a circle. "The Song of the Hatbox" and music. I. Bodrachenko

The gnome opens the box: Come on, fellow artists, take apart costumes and musical instruments!

Musical game "Chance in the forest"

Mashenka went with her friends to the forest for a berry and got lost. Hearing the steps of the animals, she hides behind a bush. Children playing musical instruments transmit - the rustle of leaves, the steps of animals (squirrels, foxes, wolves, bears, bunnies - which helps Mashenka get out of the forest) At the end of a fun dance.

Musical director: Well done! You correctly, rhythmically conveyed the movements of all the animals.

Hold hands friends.
And take a deep breath of air
And what we always say.
Now tell everyone out loud.
I swear now and forever
Treasure the theater.
To be honest, kind person.
And worthy of being a spectator.

Guys, did you like the theater today? And what did you like the most?
See how many are in the workshop theatrical masks, and sad and funny and funny. I suggest you choose one of them and we will see what mood you are in right now.

Children singing the song "Tram" leave for kindergarten.

music director of MBDOUCRR No. 17,

Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, Russia.

Open lesson "Magic chest"

Tyurina Tatyana Valentinovna, teacher additional education MBOU DOD DYUTS p / c "Firefly" village Teplovo
Purpose of the lesson:
Get to know the views theatrical puppets.
1. Learn the technology of working with a glove puppet
1.Develop children's creativity.
2. To develop imaginative thinking and imagination of children.
1.Create a situation of success for each child.
2. To form in children a positive self-esteem and self-confidence, the ability to work in a team.
3.Educate careful attitude to theater puppets
Materials and equipment:
Multimedia installation, tape recorder, theater case with different types puppets, a screen, puppets for working behind a screen, an album with photos of the participants puppet theater"Merry Pinocchio", a memorable prize for each participant in the lesson.
Plan - abstract
(Audio recording “Where Wizards Live” music by M. Minkov sounds)
Stage I
Organizing time.
Greetings from the teacher to the students.

Hello dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to our lesson. And as always, I am lucky, because the best, cutest, kindest children come to me. And to help in the lesson today will be our ... heart. The heart has incredible power if it is kind, loving, joyful, trusting. I think that each of you has such a heart. Now put right palm on your chest, close your eyes and quietly - quietly listen to how your hot kind heart… Ask your heart to give you the strength to work in class. Silently to yourself ... Did it work? Feel the power? You can start practicing.
Have a seat. I ask those who love to play to clap their hands, and now those who love to dream (fantasy) and clap their hands to those who love fairy tales. Guys, I'm glad that you came to my lesson today, because you all love fairy tales, love to play and fantasize, because that's what we're going to do today.
Stage II
Communication of the goals and objectives of the lesson:
Today we will get acquainted with the types of theatrical puppets. Let's learn how to work with a glove puppet.
I want to awaken your imagination and creativity, help you believe in yourself and your success.
Preparatory stage:
Creation of a psychological mood for joint activities.
And so I invite you to plunge into the fascinating world - the world of puppet theater, where you will get acquainted with various types theatrical puppets, and everyone will try himself as an actor.
Puppet theater - what is it? (Children answer). Who among you saw puppet show? Which? (Children answer). What impressions (liked and why)? Actor ... who is this? (Children answer).
What types of dolls do you know? (Children answer).
Let's see what types of theatrical puppets exist.
PRESENTATION. (View slides with discussion and commentary)
- Finger. Why are they called that? (Children answer). These dolls are very easy to make. Such dolls are quite suitable for home performance. A finger puppet can be made from a table tennis ball, a Kinder surprise egg case. We make a hole for the finger and decorate the toy. We put on a regular glove on the hand
- Glove. Why are they called that? (Children answer). (answer - put on the actor's hand like a glove). Glove puppets, regardless of who they represent, are called the parsley doll, since the famous Petrushka became the first character of this type.
- Cane- Why are they called that? (Children answer). The actor holds the torso in one hand, while the other controls special wire canes attached to the hands of the puppet. The stick puppet is larger than the glove puppet. Working with her is much more difficult.
- Puppets - puppets on strings. The puppet-puppet must be very mobile in the joints, then it can be made to do a variety of movements - walk, squat, dance, perform circus numbers.
- Shadow puppets. Why do you think they are called that? (Children answer). (it seems that only the shadows are moving). There are shadow theaters in many countries of the world, but the countries of the East are especially famous for them - Korea, China, Japan, Indonesia, India. Distinctive features puppets of this theater is that they are flat. Silhouettes of dolls are made of cardboard. You also need a flat screen and lighting. The doll is set in motion with the help of thin canes, or the puppeteer holds it by the handle, and the moving parts are pulled by a string or fishing line.
Teacher: Guys, I am the leader of the Merry Pinocchio puppet group. And the guys and I have a tradition of making puppets with our own hands, staging performances, performing in front of other children and adults, participating in puppet theater reviews. And now I'm going to take a little tour.

Video "Miracles of the young puppeteer"
All these dolls are made by the hands of girls and boys just like you. But these guys are distinguished by diligence and patience, because the theatrical puppet will become obedient only in the hands of a very diligent and patient person.
III. Main stage:
(sounds magical music)
The sorceress of the puppet theater comes to visit the guys: (a child from theater group).
Enchantress: Hello, Dear friends! Guys, I took with me a wonderful, wonderful, magic chest. Shall we look into it?
The chest opens and the music “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds.
Enchantress:(shows the guys the movements they repeat.)
One, two, three, four, five,
We start to conjure
Everyone needs to hold hands
Climb up on your toes
Spin around, smile
Plunge into the magical world
Guys, we opened the chest, and inside there is a message for you from fabulous theatrical puppets. They ask you, before you get to know them, you need to learn the fun finger game "Wistwings", so we will warm up our voice box, let's stretch our fingers and tune in for a further journey into the world of the theater.
(the finger game "Whistles" is held under the music of D. Tukhmanov "Bird")
Waxwings flew in (flapping wings with crossed hands).
And sat down on a branch (semi-squats with closed knees)
The grains began to peck (“Peck” on the palm of the left hand 2nd
finger of the right hand. Then in the palm of your hand
right hand with the 2nd finger of the left hand).
One, two, three, four, five (Alternately close with the first finger
second, third, fourth, fifth finger on
each hand).
The tufts were straightened (To the closed first and second fingers
both hands then attach, then raise the rest
fingers, spreading them apart (imitate tufts))
The songs were made to sing. (Perform finger snaps.)
Ti-ri-ra! Ti-ri-ra! (Perform 2 short claps with palms,
1 knee slap - sequence
performed 2 times).
It's time for the birds to fly! (Make four rhythmic flapping of wings.)
Enchantress: Well done! And now, dear guys, you will take a small step in a difficult, but very interesting case: You bring the glove puppets to life. A magic chest will also help us with this. Let's see what's inside. (The chest opens and the music “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds.
In the chest are the heroes of various fairy tales and are waiting for their turn to chat with you. To do this, you need to solve riddles.
(Children guess riddles. The one who guessed gets the doll)
Walks in the summer and rests in the winter? (Bear).
Lives in a swamp, loves mosquitoes? (Frog).
White in winter and gray in summer? (Hare).
Under the floor, wagging his tail,
Looking through cracks, afraid to come out? (mouse)
Red-haired cheat, red head? (Fox).
Who baked the bun? (Grandma).
What was the name of the girl in The Three Bears? (Masha)
Who caught goldfish? (Old man)
Who took Ivanushka to Baba Yaga? (Geese).
Jumps fast, loves carrots? (bunny)
Who outwitted all the animals in the forest? (fox).
Who flies on a stupa? (Baba Yaga).
Who played with golden apples? (Ivanushka).
Who is the scariest in fairy tales? (Wolf).
Who has the longest nose? (Elephant).
Enchantress: Well done kids, girls and boys, coped with the task, guessed riddles, now it's time for me to say goodbye to you! (leaves)
And now these dolls need to be revived. As soon as you put such a doll on your hand, it comes to life: it cries, laughs, thinks, suffers. But don't think it's that easy. Thanks to the plasticity of the puppeteer's wrist and the mobility of the speech apparatus, the puppet moves and speaks. And this can be achieved only through warm-ups, gymnastics, massages, which we will get acquainted with in our classes.
(The teacher is warming up the puppeteer. Children repeat the movements of the teacher, performing exercises for wrist mobility I.)
Teacher: Guys, we will now try to draw a drawing without a pencil and paper. Imagine that your fingers are brushes. And now with these brushes we will draw on an imaginary sheet. With the left brush, "draw" the outline of this sheet in the air. Next, "draw" alternately with the right, then with the left brush. The drawings on the left are "drawn" with the left brush, and on the right - with the right.
Let's color the leaf:
Top - blue color, and the bottom is green.
In the right corner - the sun, and in the left side - the clouds.
In the center of our sheet is a teremok.
On the left, draw a bush.
On the right is a tree.
Birds fly from bush to tree.

Teacher: On our imaginary sheet, we drew a tower.

(An exercise is being conducted to work out the clarity of speech.)
Let's sound our drawing.

There is a tower - a tower.
He is neither low nor high.
Who lives in the terem? (shows signs with inscriptions.)
Pi-pi-pi (mouse)
Puff - puff - puff (hedgehog)
Kwa - kva - kva (frog)
Woof - woof - woof (doggy)
Ko - ko - ko (cockerel)
Meow-meow-meow (cat)

Teacher: We stretched our fingers and wrists, warmed up the vocal apparatus, now we will learn how to drive puppets. But first you need to learn how to properly put the doll on your hand.
There are three main types of movement in the glove puppet theater: movements created by the fingers, movements created by the wrist and the whole hand. The movements of the fingers inside the doll correspond to the movements of the head and hands of a person, the movements of the wrist correspond to bending at the waist, the movements of the whole arm correspond to the movements of the legs. The plastique of a glove puppet consists of these basic movements.

Stand behind a chair and turn it with the seat towards you, sit down. The back of the chair will be a screen. Watch and repeat after me the movements to the music.
(Exercises are carried out with a doll, while the nature of the music changes)
The doll goes - joyfully, sadly.
Tilts of the head and body.
Turns: left, right, fast, slow.
Doll: crawls along the hand of the puppeteer, looks at it, hides.
Doll: looks, talks, listens.

teacher: your dolls, guys, took their first timid steps. We "revived" our dolls. But to become a real puppeteer, you still have to learn a lot. In our classes you will learn many secrets of the puppet theater.
For exercises with riding puppets you need a screen. The upper part of the screen is called the "bed". In the garden, the fabric covering the actors - the “apron” is strengthened. (Show)
Let everyone go behind the screen and try himself as an actor. (Working out movements). (First the teacher shows the movements, and then the children).
1. Usually riding puppets are shown from behind the screen at 2/3 of their height (as if up to the knee). The hand should be soft, relaxed, then it will not get tired for a long time.
2. The farther the doll is from the garden, the less it is visible to the audience, therefore, to enter the screen, it is not raised at the garden, but in the depths, in the background, and then brought forward to the garden. In the same way, in order to take a puppet off the stage, it must be taken to the background and lowered there.
3. If there are two or more puppets on the stage at the same time, then only the one that speaks in this moment, the rest stand still and look at the speaker. Let's try to voice our dolls.
Well done! I think that you all managed to be in the role of an actor.
You guys are now working behind the screen, your hands and your voice are a little tired, you and I just need to warm up.
I will take a lemon in my hand.
I feel like it's round.
I squeeze it a little -
I squeeze lemon juice.
And I strain my whole arm -
I'm squeezing the juice.
All right, juice is ready.
I throw a lemon
I relax my hand.

Teacher: Today, in our lesson, one of the girls of our team "Merry Pinocchio" - Maria helps me. She will act as a director. Remember, in the past classes, we read and analyzed the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". And today, together with the director, we will try to play it behind the screen with the help of glove puppets. Let's create a theater group. To do this, Masha chooses the first member of the theater group ... (method: "Who will go to the theater with me").
The rest of the children will be spectators. Let's switch roles in the next lesson.

Stage IV. Practical activities of children:
Look, look and don't say you haven't seen.
Listen, listen and don't say what you haven't heard.
Only today and only now.
Only here and only for you is the premiere of the fairy tale ..... "Gingerbread Man"!
(Children put the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man")

Stage V. Final stage:
Behavior of totals and reflexes I.
Well done, you have done your job. Let him clap his hands:
Who liked being in the role of an actor;
who liked being a spectator?;
What kind of dolls did you work with in class today?
(Children answer). (Answer: glove puppet).
What types of dolls do you still know? (Children answer).
(Answer: cane, finger, shadow puppets, puppets).
It's time for our heroes of fairy tales to return to the magic chest. Have everyone put down the doll and say a few words about today's activity. What did you like the most? (music sounds, children express their opinion.
Teacher: Now it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye adults, goodbye kids!
(the chest closes, the music ends).
Teacher: What is the best award for an artist?
Children: Audience applause.
Teacher: We did a good job today, let's applaud each other. Thank you very much for coming to class today. And in memory of each of you I will give a small surprise.