Ready-made projects for music directors in dow. Musical project for children of the senior dow group


Project type- practice oriented.
Project participants: children from 2 to 7 years old, parents, teachers, preschool specialists.

Problem: how to organize musical educational activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

Target: The formation and development of the moral qualities of preschoolers through musical activities in preschool educational institutions.


1. Raising a value attitude to music as an art form, musical traditions and holidays.

2. Development of the experience of perception of musical works, empathy with musical images, moods, feelings.

3. Enrichment educational process, subject-developing environment and independent activity children in the course of joint musical activities.
4. Encourage the child to independently organize their own musical activities in the kindergarten group and in the family.
5. Encourage the manifestation of initiative and activity in the musical activities of children, educators and parents in kindergarten: willingness to participate in concerts, use the musical repertoire in games, in sensitive moments.
6. Encourage activity in expressing one's own impressions of musical activity in a story about it, in plastic miniatures, in artistic and visual activity.

7. Improve the style of partnerships with the parents of pupils; Create conditions for a favorable climate of interaction with parents; implement a unified approach to the upbringing and education of children in the family and kindergarten on the basis of federal state requirements.

Expected results:

  • Positive dynamics in the development of interest in musical activity.
  • Designation of musical preferences.Development of musical abilities.
  • The development in children of such personal qualities as independence, initiative, creativity.
  • Increasing interest in the musical activities of children.
  • Use of the "Music Fund" DOW.
  • Discussing and following the proposed recommendations
  • Understanding the need for cooperation in solving the common problems of the musical development of children.
  • The desire to use music in the pedagogical process.
  • Active interaction with parents.
Musical director:
  • Organization of work with children, taking into account children's interests and opportunities.
  • Participation in the design of individual routes.
  • Participation in the organization of the "Music Fund".
  • Assistance to the educator in the selection of musical repertoire for the organization regime moments and conducting organized educational activities.
  • Collaboration with parents.
Project performance criteria:

1. Creation of a database (file cabinet) of a modern children's repertoire, event scenarios with children, parents and teachers.

3. Work program, cyclogram of the educational activities of the music director, educator.

4. Concerts, holidays, entertainment.

Resource support:

Logistics Information and methodological personnel
Music hall.

Musical instruments for adults, children.

Projector, screen.

DVD player, PC.

Music Center.

Acoustic system.

Internet resources.

Library of musical literature.

Periodical press.
Musical director.

Doe teachers.

Physical education instructor.


The standards of the new generation require the formation of the necessary competencies in children, i.e. the development of the child's personality, when the content of education acts as a means of its self-formation, the preschooler's mastering the ways of cognition, self-development, and orientation in the world around him. This is what determines the main directions and content of the work of a teacher in the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development". Unlike the Federal State Requirements, musical development has ceased to be a separate educational area, but has become one of its areas along with drawing, modeling, appliqué, artistic labor, design and creative construction.

Modern science recognizes preschool childhood as a period of great value for the rest of a person's life. The results of neuropsychological studies have proven that the human brain has special sections responsible for musical perception. It follows that musical ability is part of our biological heritage. “It is necessary to start using what is bestowed by nature as early as possible, since the unused, unclaimed from the outside atrophies ...” (Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev). The influence of music on the emotional state of a person has long secured the first position among other types of art. According to Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky: “Music is the most miraculous, the most subtle means of attracting to goodness, beauty, humanity. The feeling of the beauty of a musical melody reveals its own beauty to the child - small man realizes his dignity ... ".

In preschool pedagogy, music is regarded as an indispensable means of developing children's emotional responsiveness to all the good and beautiful that they encounter in life.

We, teachers, must turn to the soul of the child. What we put in the soul of the child now will manifest itself later - it will become his life and ours. The education of his soul means the creation of the foundation moral values future adult. Exactly preschool learning and pliability, emotionality and impressionability are characteristic. Knowledge, skills and abilities, ways of behavior and emerging character traits turn out to be the most durable over time and are the foundation for the subsequent development of the individual. With proper upbringing preschool age a holistic perception of the surrounding world, visual-figurative thinking, creative imagination, an emotionally sympathetic attitude towards people around them, their needs and experiences are intensively developing.

An important role in the moral development of the younger generation is given musical art, one of the main principles of which is: music is a reflection of reality in artistic image, be it classical vocal, instrumental music or folklore. Consequently, musical works used in the process of musical education must be at a high artistic and moral level. V. A. Sukhomlinsky called music a powerful means of spiritual and moral education: “Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical education, it is impossible to have a full-fledged mental development child… By developing a child’s sensitivity to music, we ennoble his thoughts and aspirations.”

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that by acquiring certain knowledge, skills and abilities, children are introduced to the art of music, which contributes to the formation of preferences, interests, needs, tastes of children, i.e. elements of musical and aesthetic consciousness. Music, having a huge impact force, developing emotional responsiveness, as one of the most important musical abilities of a child, develops emotional responsiveness in life, brings up such personality traits as kindness, generosity and the ability to understand another person.

Musical education in kindergarten is focused not on the amount of knowledge, not on familiarization with any type of musical activity, but on optimizing the emotional and personal potential, on spiritual development. Music is included in common system spiritual formation of a person's personality. S. L. Rubinshtein's opinion that a person, being included in a situation, changes himself, and this, in turn, becomes a source of change in new situations, is fair.

The musical director should help the child enter the world of musical images, develop musicality and artistic taste, and creative aspirations. The end result of such work will be the musical and aesthetic development of a preschool child.

Spring sun with rain build a rainbow together -
Seven-colored semicircle of seven wide arcs.
I looked at the rainbow, froze ... and sighed.
I whisper to the blue sky:
“I also want to make my own colored rainbow!”
I read the new Federal State Educational Standard, took the components there
And she built the heavenly gates in her work.
The rainbow arch blazed brightly!
Decorated the kindergarten, our adults and children.
I want to talk about the work of my beloved,
Rainbow radiant and show you all.

Project content "MUSICAL RAINBOW":

1. Organization of musical activity in the logic of the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Features of the organization of interaction with children. Individualization.

3. Organization of a developing subject-spatial educational environment.

4. Organization of work with the family.

Project "Where does sound live?"

(for children of the older age group)

Project type : research

Duration : mid-term (April 16-May 25, 2018)

Project participants:

    children of the older age group,

    music director - Gabdulkhalikova Elvira Gamirovna,

    educators of the group - Ignatova Irina Anatolyevna, Polovnaya Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna, Sigova Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Karpakova Yulia Vladimirovna.

    parents of pupils.

Relevance: All sounds are divided into noise and musical. What is the difference between noise sound and musical sound?

Noise sounds do not have an exact pitch - we cannot accurately determine the sound pitch of the noise by ear. Noise is noise. It is impossible to reproduce exactly how a tree rustles in the wind, either with a voice or with a musical instrument. In music, of course, musical sounds are of primary importance, although noise sounds are often used - they are created by many percussion instruments.

The musical sound has its own height, and it is this that allows you to distinguish one sound from another, repeat the sound you hear with your voice or on a musical instrument - for example, by pressing a key or touching a string.

Children, have you ever wondered how sounds came about?, Why are there so many of them - a whole sea?, Where do sounds come from?

Problem questions:

"what are sounds?"

"how did they get it?"

“why are there so many of them, the whole sea?”

Hypothesis: trembles, it sounds ...

Target: Familiarization of children with the principles of education and capturing sound. Determine what different sounds are for, teach to distinguish between musical and non-musical sounds,

Tasks: - educate interest in the sounding world

develop observation

develop ingenuity (when making noise instruments from various materials)

Project support


Audio, video systems, photographic equipment, computer.

Children's musical instruments.

Material for productive activity (objects that make various sounds: small pebbles, coins, cereals, etc.)

Material for making toy tools

Educational and methodical:

Children's fiction;

Musical literature for listening, singing, playing musical instruments;

Musical and didactic games

Estimated result

Children will learn to understand that they are surrounded by the world of sounds, that sounds are different and miscellaneous items sound different, find out the causes of sounds and all this together will contribute to the development of creative abilities.

Children will develop the skill of playing different musical instruments;

Children will make noise toys-tools with their own hands and perceive them in a different way. the world, will become more attentive to sound, will be more active in co-staging, children will develop Creative skills when sound extraction on home-made toys-tools.

Playing in noise orchestra, children will become more sociable, will be able to speak to a large number of people, actively participate in all types of activities.

Project content:

1. Preparatory stage:

Purpose: creation of conditions for motivational and technological readiness for joint activities of project participants: children, teachers, parents.

Selection of musical repertoire, development of summaries of educational activities, scenarios for musical living rooms, project implementation strategies.

2. Main stage:


and speech games


04/16/18 – 04/20/18 “Why does everything sound?”

to consolidate children's knowledge of the sounds of the street, at home;

Lead to an understanding of the causes of sound, voice through experience, play, experimentation with sounds;

Learn to correlate sounds and images;

Develop imagination and ingenuity in sound creation, timbre hearing and associative thinking

"Music or Noise"

"Why does everything sound"

"Freeze and listen";

Where do sounds live?

"A lot of different sounds", German. n.m., sl. T. Borovik;

A / s "Sounds of the world"

M. Potolovsky. "Horse";

E. Grieg. "Bird";

L. Daken. "Cuckoo";

D. Rossini "Cat Duet".

04/23/18 - 04/28/18 "Introduction to wooden sounds".

wooden utensils, toys, pencils, cubes, boxes

Musical instruments: spoons, rattles, xylophone

draw the attention of children to the richness and diversity of the world of sounds made by wooden objects and musical instruments;

Develop subtlety and sensitivity of timbre hearing;

Engage in creative exploration of the sonic possibilities of wood.

"Find the sound";


ka with a secret.

"Define by rhythm";


P. Tchaikovsky.

"March of wooden soldiers";

Y. Chichkov. "Lozhkari";

V. Muradeli "Woodpecker".

3.05.18. – 05/08/18 "Introduction to metallic sounds"

metal utensils, bunches of keys, nuts, springs, metal bucketsMusical instruments: metallophone, cymbals, triangle, harp, cymbals, bells.

develop timbre-rhythmic and intonation ear, fantasy, imagination, desire to experiment with metal objects, extracting sounds different ways;

To teach figurativeness, the ability to correlate image and dynamics, tempo and rhythm in playing various musical instruments, objects;

To form a metrorhythmic feeling through experiments with sounds in speech games, fantasies and improvisations.

"How does sound travel?"

"Bell bells?"

"Cloud", scotl. nar. song.

M. Andreeva. "The ringing of bells"; V. Agafonnikov. "Sled with bells";

Z. Levina. "Tumblers"; V. Gavrilin. "Troika"; bell ringing; Kikta. "Guslyar Sadko"

05/10/18 - 05/17/18 "Introduction to rustling sounds"

paper sheets of various sizes, qualities and thicknesses; paper "butterflies", long colored ribbons, sultans, pieces of rustling fabric.

Homemade tools: maracas (with various fillings), wooden boxes, paper drums, seeds, shells, shells.

develop the subtlety of timbre hearing, the ability to distinguish between various rustling and rustling sounds;

Encourage the modeling of "rustling" compositions, as a conductor and musician, dancer and researcher;

To cultivate communicative qualities in the dialogues and disputes of "paper characters".

“Why can’t you hear?”, “Make a maracas”

“Rustle to rustle in a hurry” E. Moshkovskaya, “Define by timbre”,

"We are funny mice"

J. Cosma. "Fallen leaves";

A. Tokmakova "Bear"

05/18/18 – 05/24/18 “Getting to know glass sounds”

); Manuals and materials: glass and crystal glasses, wine glasses, glasses, glasses of different sizes, bottles of different sizes.

Musical instruments: glockenspiels, Valdai bells, triangles.

to draw the attention of children to the special quality and beauty of glass sounds (experiments, experiments

Encourage figurative and free improvisations with glass objects and musical instruments;

To develop timbre hearing, imagination, the ability to correlate sounds with an emotional state literary image, "musicify" it.

"Why do glass vessels with different volumes of water sound different?"

"Repeat the Sounds", "Crystal Bell" (V. Danko)

C. Saint-Saens. "Aquarium";

P. Tchaikovsky.

Dance of the Dragee Fairy (ballet The Nutcracker)

05/25/18. - 05/28/18 "Sounds of Nature"

Musical instruments: finger cymbals, metallophone, whistle, flute, bells, glockenspiels, wine glasses, triangle, glass bottle.

Materials and aids: empty large glass jar, pieces of cloth, ball

to interest children in the sounds of nature, through experiments, experiments;

To learn to vividly perceive the diverse world of nature through communication with sounding works of art (artistic word, music);

Develop auditory perception, attention, aesthetic needs, vivid creative manifestations (in the game, improvisation, theater music).

"Sounds in the Water", "Where Does the Echo Live?"

"Sun and cloud". “Sea”, “What is a yellow ball?”, “Playful icicles”, “Spring fountain” T. Borovik

"Autumn" by G. Levdokimov; "Wind" by V. Stepanov;

"Rain and downpour"

G. Levdokimova; "Autumn" by Y. Chichkov; "Forest shu-mit", "The sun gilds the roof" by R. Ledenev; "Winter" by G. Sviridov; “Waltz of snow flakes” by P. Tchaikovsky; “Spring” by A. Vivaldi; "Music" G. Struve.

Project Summary – Presentation - May

1. Musical entertainment "Rainbow of sounds"

2. Exhibition of homemade musical and noise instruments.

Project results:

As a result of the project, the children experienced:

development of cognitive abilities,

development creative thinking,

development of communication skills,

formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative,

developing the ability to identify possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently.


Thus, as a result of working on the project, the children answered problematic questions and confirmed the hypotheses of the project.

1. In the course of independent search, research activities, children showed their creative abilities, there was a development of creative abilities, creative activity, the development of independence, curiosity.

2. The project method can be considered as a special mechanism for interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution. Parents can be not only sources of information, real help and support for the child and the teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants in the musical - pedagogical process, enrich their pedagogical experience, experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction from their successes and the successes of the child.

3. If the project does not become a way to achieve a result alienated from children and adult participants, but remains a way of living together exciting, exciting events, where there is a place for play, creativity, the torment of knowledge, mutual assistance, empathy, continuous self-search and constant growth, children grow up, not adapting, but transforming oneself and the world around for the better.

4. Thus, the inclusion of the project method in musically - pedagogical activity activates the learning process, promotes the development of cognitive interest in children, the expansion of ideas about music, the involvement of each child in creative activity, the development of creative abilities, the development of a musical personality: thinking, with developed musical abilities, creative, independent and possessing all the skills, not losing kindness and compassion.


1. Journal "Preschool Education" No. 1-2 2018


At preschool age, the child is at the origins. At this stage, his personal attitude to musical directions, as well as preconditions for musical taste. The tasks of the musical director of the kindergarten to introduce preschoolers to beautiful world music is successfully addressed through .

The project of a music director in kindergarten involves the use of music teachers modern repertoire of authors, masters of round dance and choral song for the youngest preschoolers: E. Zaritskaya, I. Ponomareva, G. Vikhareva. The type of the project is practice-oriented, pupils of 3-7 years old, teachers, parents, kindergarten specialists participate.

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The purpose and objectives of the project activities of the music director in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The goal of the project of the musical director of the kindergarten is to strengthen the musical repertoire of the educational section “Music” of the main general educational program of preschool education “From Birth to School” with modern song repertoire various subjects affecting, first of all, the environment of the child.


Tasks of the project of the musical director of the kindergarten:

  1. Enrich the educational process, independent leisure of preschoolers, subject-developing environment with modern children's repertoire;
  2. To add motivation to kids to organize their own musical activities both in a children's institution and in the family;
  3. Encourage the activity of preschoolers in expressing their opinions, impressions about the song performed. It can be a story, a plastic miniature, visual activity(picture);
  4. Encourage the manifestation of activity, initiatives in musical activities in kindergarten, the desire and willingness to participate in concerts, draw on the repertoire of compositions for use in games, sensitive moments.

Stages of the project implementation on musical education in kindergarten

First stage (preparatory)

The project of a musical director in kindergarten implies:

  • studying the work of contemporary composers;
  • selection musical compositions taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers;
  • compliance of the selected repertoire with complex thematic planning;
  • inclusion of the project of the musical director of the kindergarten in the local component of his work program;
  • formation perspective plan with a new repertoire.

Download ready-made projects of a musical director in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The second stage of the music director project (practical)

Amplification of the educational process, organized educational activities:

  • listening and subsequent discussion of children's music;
  • joint singing of preschoolers, dramatization of chants, conversations with pupils that affect the content of round dance songs in kindergarten;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • songs and dances;
  • joint work on transferring the content of works to paper (artistic modeling);
  • musical and didactic games, imitation games, dramatization games, game tasks in the project of the music director;
  • viewing and discussion of children's musical broadcasts, video materials about the concert activities of children's vocal groups;
  • stories about interesting events and facts from the life of composers;
  • productive activity preschoolers on the topic of learned songs (sculpting, drawing);
  • exhibition of children's drawings based on compositions (specific topics, a specific composer);
  • conducting a quiz on the work of a musician;
  • staging, dramatization of songs.

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At the second, practical, stage of the musical project for kindergarten, children use songs in everyday life, in play and leisure, on a walk, during morning exercises.

The independent activity of toddlers is to provide preschoolers with the opportunity to listen to music themselves, sing and dance to it, and play instruments.

The third stage of the project of the music director at the preschool educational institution (final)

  1. Monitoring according to the diagnostic program (method of A.G. Gogoberidze):
  • studying the features of children's emotional responsiveness to the works of contemporary musicians;
  • identifying children's interests and preferences in music;
  • revealing the development of erudition of preschoolers in music;
  • studying the features of the musical subculture in this group;
  • identification of the nature of the teacher's use of this repertoire in the process of education;
  • assessment of the developing environment in the group.
  1. Compilation of methodological manuals for educators on the use of modern repertoire for pupils.
  2. Conducting the final holiday concert, timed to coincide with Children's Day “Song, ring!”, an exhibition of works by preschoolers “My favorite song”.
  3. Public report on the results of the implementation of projects on musical education in kindergarten.
  4. Publication of an article about the project in a methodical journal for music directors.
  5. Creation of an electronic manual "Kaleidoscope of Melodies" for teachers and parents (on the use of modern music in the life of children).

Music project for older preschoolers "Insect babies are our little brothers!"

Images of insects in art

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Project duration: short term (1 month).

Age group: senior (children from 5 to 7 years).

Project participants: children 5-7 years old, parents, teacher Goncharova Elena Vasilievna, teacher-psychologist Ryzhanova Ekaterina Alexandrovna
Educational areas:
Artistic and aesthetic development;
Social and communicative development;
cognitive development;
Physical development.

Objective of the project:
Creating conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children, the formation of musical and aesthetic taste in children in the process of implementing the educational project "Insect babies are our little brothers!"

Project objectives:
1. To develop the foundations of a culture of listening to music by P. I. Tchaikovsky, R. Schumann, S. S. Prokofiev, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, E. Grieg, D. Tukhmanov.
2. To instill interest in highly artistic music.
3. Encourage to convey images of nature in dance art and fine arts, theatrical activities.
4. Cultivate children's aesthetic sense through integration different types educational areas– artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development and physical development.
5. Develop creative abilities in productive activities.
6. To develop a cognitive interest in the world of insects, to encourage curiosity and search activity about the life of insects, their structure, methods of movement.
7. Promote the activation of joint activities with peers, parents and teachers.
8. To cultivate a careful, environmentally competent attitude towards nature.

Project relevance:
In our difficult time, people do not have the opportunity, time to listen to high-quality music. Rarely do parents introduce their children to classical music. Mostly popular pop songs are heard at home.

Listening to the best examples of classical music has a huge impact on general development child: the emotional sphere is formed, such mental processes as memory, attention, thinking develop, the child develops aesthetic tastes, he begins to reach for the beautiful, join the world musical culture. Through classical music, you can give children moral concepts: kindness, responsiveness, love for the motherland, mother, empathy; to form a friendly attitude towards animals; to cultivate a sense of beauty, to be able to see the beauty of nature and protect it. The implementation of this project will help to solve these problems.

In my opinion, the language of nature is the closest and most understandable to children up to school age. Images of insects are interesting for children.

Listening to highly artistic classical music about nature, music specially arranged for children, arranged by the sounds of nature, real sounds of nature on record, playing games with sounds will let the child feel the beauty of the unity of music and nature, get acquainted with the embodiment of images of insects in fine arts, choreography and theater.

Planned results:
- children listen with interest to music of various genres (classical, folk, children's; they emotionally respond to it, they can listen to the piece to the end.
- children show a pronounced interest in objects of nature - insects.
- know how to distinguish and name insects: a butterfly, an ant, a beetle, a bee, a grasshopper.
- are able to perform facial exercises and pantomimes, dance compositions, creative tasks related to the images of nature.

Preparatory stage:
- selection of musical works (sounds of nature, classical works, songs about insects)
- selection of literature, visual and didactic, audio and video materials, musical and rhythmic games for the lesson "Images of insects in musical works»;
- preparation of materials for the organization of creative and cognitive activity.
- preparation of reference and information material for teachers and parents.
- development of scenarios for the sports and music festival "Funny insects" and musical entertainment "On the meadow", preparation of dances, songs on the topic;
- decoration of the hall for musical entertainment;
- identification of project participants (children, educators, parents).
- discussion of the products of activities that should be obtained after the end of the project (creation of an exhibition of children's crafts "Insects-cockroaches", a sports and musical festival on the sports ground "Funny insects", musical entertainment on the street "On the meadow").
- involvement of parents in the preparation of works for the exhibition "Insects-cockroaches" and in preparation for the musical entertainment "In the clearing".

Project Implementation Plan:
1. The cycle of musical meetings "Images of insects in the musical works of composers";

Forms and content of the work: Listening to music:

N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee", P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers", "The Seasons", S. Prokofiev "Children's Music" No. 7 "Procession of Grasshoppers", R. Schumann "Butterflies".

Learning songs: "Merry Bug" music. R. Kotlyarevsky,

"Bug" music. A. Fillipenko,

"About the lazy worm" music. V. Efimova

Learning dance compositions “Ladybugs”, “Ant”, “Bees” to the music from the collection “Familiar Insects” by Lydia Razdobarina, “Insects and Daisies”, “S Good morning» from the collection


View illustrations of paintings depicting insects;

Outdoor games “Butterflies and swallows”, “Insect round dance”, “Catch a mosquito”, “Butterflies and swallows”, “Catch one, two, three moths”, “Ant traps”, “Bear and bees”

Playing musical instruments to the song "Good Beetle" by A. Spadavecchia;

2. Conversations "Journey to the world of insects";
Forms and content of the work:
Acquaintance with literary works: G. H. Andersen "Thumbelina", A. Bianchi "Like an ant hurried home", "Spider-pilot", G. Glushnev "Grasshopper and Grasshoppers", S. Mikhalkov "Academy of Sciences", G. Skrebitsky "Happy Bug" , V. Zotov from the book "Forest Mosaic" (" Ladybug”, “Grasshopper”, “Maybug”, K. Ushinsky “Bees on reconnaissance”, K. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotuha;

Watching cartoons: "Maya the Bee", "Winnie the Pooh", "Under the Mushroom", "Dragonfly and Ant", "Cow";

Learning poems about insects "Centipede", "Beetle Song", "About the Butterfly";

Listening to a musical audio fairy tale: "The Brave Kaposha" by Tatyana Grusha;

3. Musical entertainment on the street "On the meadow";
Entertainment with songs, dances and games

4. Sports and musical festival on the sports ground "Funny insects";

holiday event with relay races, songs, dances and games
5. Children's exhibition creative works

Used Books:
1. Alyabyeva, E. A. Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten. Planning and notes (Text) E. A. Alyabyeva. : - M. : Sphere, 2005. - 160 p.
2. Bondarenko, T. M. Ecological classes with children aged 5-6 years. (Text) T. M. Bondarenko. - Voronezh: Uchitel, 2007. 159 p.
3. Veraksa N. E. Work on projects in kindergarten//Modern preschool education. – 2008.– № 5
4. Veretennikova S. A. "Introduction of preschoolers to nature" M: Enlightenment 1973
5. Gorkova, L. G., Kochergina A. V., Obukhova L. A. Scenarios for classes on environmental education (Text) L. G. Gorkova, A. V. Kochergina, L. A. Obukhova. - M. :. Wako, 2008. - 240 p.
6. Journal "Pedagogical creativity" No. 6 1999; No. 6 2000; No. 3 2003; No. 3 2004.
7. Journal "Preschool Pedagogy" No. 5, 2008.
8. Kompantseva L. V. “The poetic image of nature in children's drawing» M: "Enlightenment" 1985
9. Makhaneva, M. D. Ecological development children of preschool and primary school age. Toolkit for preschool teachers and teachers elementary school[Text] / M. D. Makhaneva. - M. : Arkti, 2004. - 320 p.
10. Samorukova T. G. “How to introduce children to nature” M: “Enlightenment”, 1983
11. T. A. Shorygina “Insects. What are they? M., 2003.
12. O. A. Skorolupova “Spring. Insects. Migratory birds". M., 2008.

Ridge Larisa Stanislavovna
Music director activity project

Type of project: creative, medium duration.

Members project: music director, educators, children of all age groups kindergarten.


decline in the cultural level of modern society;

The threat of mental and socio-moral decline in the development of the child through difficult conditions musical society.

Our children live and develop in difficult conditions musical society. modern rock music which sounds everywhere and is cultivated by the media (whether we like it or not, our children also listen. Its shamanic rhythms, ultra-high and ultra-low frequencies, unbearable loudness, bypassing consciousness, fall into the subconscious, thus having a strong negative impact on the emotional state of the child, destroying his soul, intellect, personality.

Many parents, due to their workload or simply because of unwillingness, do not work with their own child. nkom: I don't want to answer his endless questions, read books; easier to buy computer game or put on a video disc with a foreign cartoon. After sitting at this activity for several hours, the child not only loses his health, but also adopts the stereotypes of the behavior of rather primitive heroes, becomes callous, withdrawn or, conversely, aggressive, unable to communicate with his peers, play with them. Childhood is the most favorable period, sensitive for the formation musicality and musical ability. The omission of this period is irreparable.

Therefore, parents and we, teachers, must do everything possible to protect against such children's music, give them the opportunity to know and love another - a real music. It is up to us, teachers, to form the ability of preschoolers to perceive, feel, understand beauty in life, in art, strive to participate in the transformation of the world around us according to the laws of beauty, join the artistic and creative activities.


The emotional sphere is the leading sphere of the psyche in preschool childhood. It plays a decisive role in the formation of the personality of the child, the regulation of his higher and mental functions and behavior in general. Only the full formation of the emotional sphere of the child makes it possible to achieve personal harmony, "unity of intellect and affect" (L. S. Vygodsky). We can say that a child at preschool age is EMOTION itself, and therefore, the significance of his meeting with a highly artistic music is hard to overestimate.

Music, in addition, contributes to the formation of cognitive and moral spheres, forms "creativity" as a quality of personality.


Deepening perception music preschoolers through the integration of various arts.


Explore Level musical development of children in all age groups;

Create conditions for listening musical works;

Pick up musical material, corresponding age characteristics children;

Develop lesson plans.


- visual: portrait, painting, toy, acquaintance with musical instruments;

Imitation of playing an instrument;

Improvisation in motion;

Offer to convey in the picture your impressions of the listened work.

Integration can be traced in the following educational areas:

"Health"- maintaining physical and mental health.

« Music» - development musical and artistic activity, attachment to musical art.

"Socialization"– the inclusion of children in the system of social relations through the solution of the following tasks: game development children's activities, introduction to elementary generally accepted norms, rules of relationships with peers.

"Safety"- rules of conduct in the game.

"Knowledge"- the formation of elementary ideas about the world around.

"Communication «» – development of free communication between adults and children, development of all components oral speech(lexical side; grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; connected speech - dialogic and monologic forms). Practical mastery of speech norms by pupils.

"Reading fiction» - recitation of poetry.

"Creation"- drawing, application.

"Choreography"- the formation of correct posture.



"Holiday all year round". Mornings, entertainment and leisure evenings in kindergarten. Authors - compilers O. P. Vlasenko, E. A. Galtsova, G. P. Popova - Moscow Volgograd: Teacher, 2010;

"musical palette"- Workshop Angel, St. Petersburg, No. 7 2012;

"Songs for kindergarten" A. V. Pereskokov, Iris - press, 2013;

"On the native side." Popular Russians folk songs for children of preschool and primary school age". Yaroslavl. Academy Holding, 2009;

"Musical director"No. 3, 2013;

"Pancake week". Publishing house "Composer": St. Petersburg "2009;

"Directory music director": Moscow - 2013;

"Bell" S.N. Nasaulenko: St. Petersburg, 2011;

"Music games and new songs": St. Petersburg, 2013;

"Holidays and entertainment in a preschool educational institution": Practical allowance: Moscow - 2013.


piano "Swallow";

music Center"LG";

Panasonic TV;

CDs mp3 "Songs for kids", " musical palette", "Classic music for children", "Magic of nature";

"Pedagogy of childhood: from the past to the future" - recommendations for the development of PPP based on FGT;

videos: "Kuklyandiya" (DVD, "Playing theater" - musical fairy tales performed by preschoolers.

Expected results.


an aesthetic perception of the surrounding world is formed;

increased creativity;

emotional and conscious attitudes to art are brought up, the ability to hear, see, feel and experience various emotional states conveyed in works of art;

develop the ability to master and transform the surrounding space, children's creativity in the pictorial musical, speech and theatrical activities.

Educator and music director:

clarity, compactness, high information content of educational material;

implementation innovative technologies, modern forms and methods of working with children;

coordination activities of an educator and musical director: matching curricula, mutual consultations on the study of the same topics, determination of the optimal load various types activities.


involvement in the implementation project, assistance in the manufacture of noise musical tools and children's musical instruments;

production of handouts for musical didactic games.

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