Flower of tolerance coloring book. Methodological development of the event "November 16 - Tolerance Day"

The concept of tolerance in the light of recent events in the world is becoming especially relevant. Intolerance to other points of view, religions, worldviews gives rise to pain and violence, cruelty and misunderstanding. For children, it is extremely important early age learn this concept and implement it in your life.

Children most often get acquainted with the concept of "tolerance" at school.

What does this word mean?

Tolerance in the dictionary means acceptance, understanding of another worldview, way of life, thoughts, religion. For students, perhaps, these concepts will be difficult. To do this, a conversation on the topic of tolerance in our lives for children should begin with a simple example.

We know that it is not always possible to support a good relationship with everyone around. Friendship is possible only with people who are close in spirit and interests. However, this does not mean that you need to quarrel with the rest.

Tolerance is an attempt to accept another person for who they are. This approach to people provides the desired peace on our planet.

Also, for schoolchildren, the situation will be more understandable if it is transferred to the classroom. Talk to kids who are always arguing and fighting. If friendship between them is impossible, then it is quite possible to establish peace. Let the guys think: how can you understand your classmate, you can accept him as he is.

Of course, tolerance is not limited to just one community: this concept is much broader. On a planetary scale, it concerns the acceptance of the existence of other cultures and religions. This guarantees the existence of peace and order.

So that this concept does not disappear from people's minds, and peace and friendship do not become common nouns, schoolchildren must be introduced to such a holiday as the International Day of Tolerance. It is celebrated on November 16th. The UNESCO Declaration approved the International Day for Tolerance in 1995.

The symbol of tolerance is the rainbow flag. It denotes the world that reigns on Earth, and the combination of all the colors of the rainbow speaks of the diversity of manifestations of this world.

However, the path of tolerance is not an innovation in our civilization. Even the Buddha in the ancient Indian civilization preached the path of humility and acceptance of everything around. After him, the world was visited by many scientists and prophets who picked up this idea. The doctrine of tolerance has come down to our days and prompted modern people set the International Day for Tolerance on November 16th.

On our website, we offer you to download for free and print all the pictures and photos on the topic "Tolerance" that you like and use them in classes with children.

A selection of materials on the topic

Other symbols and children's pictures on the topic

How to use materials?

International Day for Tolerance November 16 is not celebrated with special luxury. Nevertheless, in kindergartens, aesthetic centers, for schoolchildren, it is necessary to hold a thematic day to acquaint the children with this concept.

In addition to traditional poems, stories, you can invite children to draw an emblem that would be a symbol of this day. The emblem for schoolchildren can be a flower, a tree, a planet. The symbol of tolerance is often drawn with handprints combined to form a flower, and handprints can also be used to make a tree. Many hands symbolize the equality of people in this world.

To encourage children to a new idea, offer them pictures and photos on the theme "International Day for Tolerance November 16", which can be downloaded from our website. They will definitely help the guys come up with their own logo.

Thematic video materials

Cartoons and video presentations

The path of tolerance is not always clear for schoolchildren and children younger age. Pictures and photos will help them feel this mood. As decoration for theme night you can offer a symbol of tolerance: a tree, denoting peace on Earth.

Children just need to talk about tolerance: our future depends on it.

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Slides captions:

Color Tolerance

Which beautiful girl would you choose? Why is it so difficult to make a choice? Why did Love choose Kindness? What does it mean to be kind person? Is it easy to be kind? Issues for discussion

only Kindness for others!!! Joy, Beauty, Luck - for yourself,

(from lat. tolerantia - patience) - tolerance for a different kind of views, mores, habits; the ability of an organism to tolerate the adverse effects of a particular environmental factor. Tolerance

At the turn of the 18th - 19th centuries, a certain Talleyrand-Périgord, Prince of Benevent, lived in France. He distinguished himself by the fact that under various governments he remained the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a talented person in the ability to take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect, seek solutions to problems in a way that least infringes on the interests of other people. And at the same time maintain their own principles, strive to manage the situation, and not blindly obey the circumstances

Tolerance French: A relationship where others may think and act differently from you. English language: Willingness to be tolerant, indulgent. Chinese: Be generous to others.

Vase What is holding the Flower Soil Leaves, stem Petals What is necessary for the development of tolerance? Who educates tolerance? What are the qualities of a tolerant person? Task by groups

VKontakte group http://vk.com/club46081003

Let's live respecting each other! Tolerance is a word for the living!

Thank you for your attention! You are great! With love, Marina Vladimirovna!


Topic: KTD "Flower of Tolerance"

Form: collective creative work.

Purpose: to introduce children to the concept of tolerance in the language of science and different types art

Equipment: computer, screen, projector, colored paper, scissors.

  1. Org. Moment according to the method NOT. Shchurkova
  2. Leading to the topic: teacher's word:November 16 - International Day for Tolerance. Not everyone is familiar with this word, but the meaning it carries is very important to us. There is a story associated with this word. About two centuries ago, Prince Talleyrand Perigord lived in France. He was distinguished by the fact that under various rulers he remained the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a person who took into account the moods of people, treated them with respect, while maintaining his point of view. Many argue that it was on behalf of this person that the concept of tolerance originated. In different languages, this word sounds differently, but its meaning is the same (French, English, Chinese and other translations of the word). Today, in our lesson, you and I must grow a flower of tolerance. To grow it, you need an environment or soil, you need to take care of it, and admire its flowers, and you definitely need the sun - love and kindness. In the warm and gentle rays of which our flower will bathe.
  3. Grandma's tale.(Motivation)

Once upon a time there was a girl named Love on Earth ... She was bored to live in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived for a hundred years:

Help me, grandfather, to choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her all the life God has given me.

The magician thought and said

Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds sing and the dew is still wet...

In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the Earth, Love came to the appointed place, to the three pines that stood on the edge of the forest ... She came and sees: 5 beautiful girls are standing by the pines, one more beautiful than the other.

Here, choose, - said grandfather - a wizard. One is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is sadness, the fifth is Kindness.

They are all beautiful, said Love. I don't know who to choose...

Your truth, - the wizard answered, - they are all good, and you will meet in life in life, and maybe you will be friends, but choose one of them. She will be your friend for the rest of your life.

Love came closer to the girls and looked into the eyes of each: one, like the sky - blue, the other, like an emerald - green, the third, like a yacht - gray, the fourth, like dark velvet - black, the fifth, like forget-me-nots - blue.

Love thought ... Then she went up to a girl named Kindness and held out her hand ...

Questions for discussion: (conversation)

  1. Which beautiful girl would you choose?
  2. Why is it so difficult to make a choice?
  3. Why did Love choose Kindness?
  4. What does it mean to be a kind person?
  1. You know, guys, when my fifth-graders found out that I went to the next stage of the Our Coolest is the Coolest contest, they were very happy for me, hugged, kissed and decided to give you small gifts, just like that.

And I suggest you give my children a flower of tolerance. (Motivation)

We need to break into groups and choose a senior. (Instruction to work with scissors)

  1. The first group prepares the ground for the flower;
  2. The second is the stem and leaves;
  3. The third is the flower itself, and which one you choose yourself. There should be as many petals as there are students in the class (each student is given a petal, and he writes down the features of a tolerant person)

Each student must sign his petal, answering the question: What should a tolerant person be like?

(Everything is attached or glued to whatman paper or magnets)

In order for a person to be truly tolerant, he must be brought up by his mother - in the family, teachers - at school. AT this case and mother and teachers - this is our sun, which helps to make a person tolerant.

  1. Summarizing.
  2. Conclusion. Once, a long time ago, when I was the same age as you, we studied a poem at school, which became the motto of my life, profession, I remember this poem when I feel bad or good. I would like to finish our lesson with him. This will be my gift to you.

Tolerance. What it is? -
If someone asks me
I will answer: "It's all earthly.
That on which the whole planet stands.
Tolerance is people of light
Different nations, faith and fate
Open something, somewhere
They rejoice together. No need
Fear of being offended
People, colors, blood is not yours.
Fear of being humiliated
People in your native land.
After all, the planet is our dear
He loves us all: white and colored!
Let's live respecting each other!
Tolerance is a word for the living!

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Work on the education of tolerance in children is always underway. Our time is no exception.
“Patriotism”, “citizenship”, “tolerance” acquire a special meaning today, because the respect of pupils for a classmate of a different nationality, full communication on examples of equality, the provision of necessary assistance, an attentive attitude to his needs in solving emerging problems - this is one of the main values human existence in harmony with the world of nature and society.
Tolerance is the most important component of education, which provides for familiarization with national spiritual values, universal knowledge, and the unity of cultures that form the worldview of adolescents.


  • Educational:
    • to acquaint pupils with the concept of "tolerance";
    • identify the main features of tolerance;
    • form a correct idea of ​​tolerant behavior.
  • Educational:
    • to cultivate a sense of respect for each other, for the customs, traditions and culture of different peoples;
    • to cultivate internationalism, a communicative culture of communication and mutual understanding.
  • Educational:
    • to continue the formation of a tolerant attitude of classmates among themselves;
    • to promote the development of self-awareness in pupils, which helps children see themselves and others as they really are;
    • to develop in pupils tolerance for differences between people.

Equipment: personal computer, projector, screen.

Materials for the classroom: presentation, methodological development of the event, Tell Me Why video clip (performed by Declan Galbraith), memos.

Cabinet layout: globe, geographical map of the world; layout of the tree of tolerance, poster "Flower of Tolerance".

Poster:"A man who hates another nation does not love his own." N. Dobrolyubov;


Teacher's word: (slide 1) I welcome the guests of our event! (slide 2) Our meeting is dedicated to learning to live together, accepting each other as we are, learning to understand each other. In the beginning, I would like to tell you one legend: (slide 3, 4)

Did you like this legend? And what is it about? What does it teach? All these concepts can be combined in one word. And this word is tolerance.(Slide 5)

Of course, you may not know this word, but in the modern world where you have to live, you will hear it more than once. In life, a person communicates with representatives of various nationalities, cultures, confessions, social strata, so it is important to learn to respect cultural values both their own people and representatives of other cultures and religions.
And you will surely feel embarrassed if you do not know the meaning of this word. What does the word tolerance mean? How is this word defined in different languages?

(Student performances)

  • tolerance (English) - willingness to be tolerant, indulgent; to be tolerant, to allow the existence of different opinions without discrimination; (slide 6)
  • tolerenz (German) - tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs, behavior; (slide 7)
  • tolerance (French) - the belief that others can think and act in a manner different from our own; (slide 8)
  • tolerencia (Spanish) - the ability to accept ideas or opinions that are different from one's own; (slide 9)
  • kuan rong (Chinese) - accept others as they are and be generous to others; (slide 10)
  • tasamul? (arab.) - indulgence, mercy, forgiveness, the ability to accept others as they are, and forgive; (slide 11)
  • tolerance, tolerance (Russian) - the ability to endure (withstand, endure, put up with something), accept / recognize the existence of someone, reconcile, bring into line with oneself in relation to someone / something, be indulgent towards something/someone. (slide 12)

Teacher: AT different countries definitions are different. Guys, what do you think is the key word for the concept tolerance? Of course this word tolerance. The issue of tolerance is not new, it has been raised before, but now it is especially acute. (Slide 13)

Student: The third millennium is gaining momentum. Progress moves inexorably forward. Technology has come to the service of man.

Pupil: It would seem that life should become more measured, calmer. (Slide 14) But more and more often we hear the words: refugee, victim of violence.

Student:. AT last years there is a catastrophic growth of all kinds of antisocial behavior. (Slide 15)

Pupil: In today's society, there is an active growth of extremism, aggressiveness, and the expansion of conflict zones. (Slide 16) The number of anti-social youth organizations is growing, involving young people in extremist groups. People are no longer tolerant!

Teacher: Today is November 16th. And it is on this day that residents of many countries of the world celebrate the International Day of Tolerance or the Day of Tolerance. (Slide 17)

Student: This holiday was established in 1996 by the decision of the UN General Assembly. Tolerance Day is dedicated to the observance of the Declaration of Tolerance adopted in 1995. (Slides 18, 19)

Pupil: Its goal is to reduce the recent spread of violence and extremism around the planet.

Teacher: The concept of tolerance is very broad, in one lesson we will not be able to talk about all types, but let's at least see what types of tolerance are: (Slide 20)

What do you think, for you and me, living in a small but multinational town, what kind of tolerance will be the closest and why? In order to be more tolerant of people of other nationalities, you need to know a lot about the features different cultures, read a lot, be interested. (Slide 21) The 19th century critic Nikolai Dobrolyubov was right when he said that a person who hates another people does not love his own either.

Game "Let's greet each other» (slide 22)

  • fold your hands (as in "prayer") at chest level and bow (Japan);
  • rub one's nose ( New Zealand);
  • shake hands, standing at a great distance from each other (UK);
  • hug each other tightly and kiss each other three times on the cheeks (Russia);
  • show tongue (Tibet);
  • very firmly shake hands, standing close to each other (Germany).

Teacher: Can one religion interfere with another? No. (Slide 23) Each religion has its own characteristics and their teachings are useful. It is important for us to use the moral values ​​of the peoples' religions, not to oppose them, but to study them. We live in one big house - Russia. In our country, people of different nationalities are friends with each other.

"Knowledge Auction" (slide 24)

Who is the founder of the Muslim religion? (Muhammad)
– Name holy book Muslims (Koran)
Who is the founder of the Christian religion? (Jesus Christ)
- Name the holy book of the Orthodox. (Bible)
Who is in charge of the Russian Orthodox Church? (Patriarch of All Russia Kirill)
- What are the moral and ethical norms of Orthodoxy? (Commandments)

These religions encourage people to be kind, to respect each other. What does a person need in the era of globalization? Of course, tolerance .

Student: German artist Helmut Langer created the emblem of Tolerance: (slide 25)

  • Tolerance is forgiveness.
  • Tolerance is compassion.
  • Tolerance is respect for the rights of others.
  • Tolerance is cooperation.
  • Tolerance is respect for human dignity.
  • Tolerance is friendship.
  • Tolerance is harmony in diversity.
  • Tolerance is peace and harmony.
  • Tolerance is kindness.

Teacher: Tolerance is a concept that comes up every day. It is everyday. In the late 60s, a poster was created in Germany. It was created by philosophers and youth activists in 1968. (Slide 26)

Leading: What is this poster? These are only seven lines, written as if by hand.

Presenter:“Your Jesus is a Jew. Your car is Japanese. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your numbers are Arabic. Your letters are Latin. Your democracy is Greek. Is your neighbor after all this just a foreigner?”

Teacher: The concept of the poster is that a person always uses cultural achievements, the experience of other nations (letters, numbers, democracy);
everyday work of other peoples (coffee is grown in one country, holidays are spent in other countries, cars from different countries are used). Is it possible at the same time to look down on people of other nationalities and other skin colors?! Is it good or bad that we are all different? (Slide 27)

S. Marshak's poem "The World Round Dance"

Poems for children of all peoples and countries:
For the Abyssinians and the British,
For Spanish children and for Russians,
Swedish, Turkish, German, French.
Negroes, whose homeland is the coast of Africa;
For the redskins of the Americas.
For the yellowskins who get up
Needed when we go to bed. (Slide 28)
For the Eskimos, that in the cold and snow
They climb into a fur bag for the night.
From tropical countries where in the trees
Do not count the monkeys; (slide 29)
For children dressed and naked.
Those who live in cities and villages.
All this noisy, perky people
Let them gather in one round dance.
Let the north of the planet meet with the south,
West with East
And the kids are with each other.

Teacher: What is this poem about? Children of all skin colors should be friends with each other. (Slide 30) Now I propose to watch the video clip "Tell Me Why" (performed by Declan Galbraith). You have been studying English since the second grade, and therefore everything the boy sings about will be clear to you. I want to draw your attention to the background of the video clip. This is important for the full perception of the video clip. What is the main idea of ​​the video clip?

Host: (slide 31) To be tolerant means to respect others regardless of differences. It means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together. (Slide 32) We are all different, we are all equal! (Slide 33)

Presenter: Tolerance is the recognition, respect and observance of the rights and freedoms of all people without distinction of social, religious, ethnic and other characteristics.

Teacher: Recently, there has been a catastrophic increase in all kinds of antisocial behavior. (Slide 34) In some situations, a person does the right thing and shows his good qualities but sometimes the opposite is true.

scene about being tolerant of people

A poorly dressed man walks by. A boy and a girl are walking. The man falls, injures his leg, groans softly, tears in his eyes.

Young woman: Wait, I'll go to him.

Youth: Do not even think about it. It's dirty, you'll catch an infection. (grabs his hand)

Young woman: Let go. You see, his leg is broken. Look, he's got blood on his pants.

Youth: What about us? He himself is to blame.

Young woman: Put my hand down, you're hurting me. He needs help.

Youth: I tell you: he himself is to blame for everything. You have to work, but he begs, steals, drinks. Why help him?

Young woman: I'll come anyway. (pulls out hand)

Youth: I won't let you. You are my girlfriend and do not dare to communicate with "all sorts."

Young woman: Yes, how can you? He hurts! (pushed the guy away and walked up to the man) What's wrong with you? What's wrong with your leg?

The male: I broke it... I'm bleeding. I don't know what to do and where is the hospital in this city. I'm not from here. It's too painful for me.

Young woman: You need to call an ambulance. Listen, don't you have a cell phone? (The guy was silent) Get out of here! Never call me again and don't come! I don't want to know you anymore.

Youth: Can you really do this because of some homeless, alcoholic? Silly! You'll regret it! (guy leaves)

Young woman: You have an open fracture. Be patient! I'll call an ambulance. (walks away)

The male: Young woman! Thank you! (The girl turned around and smiled) You will definitely find happiness for yourself!

Who acted nobly? What would you do? Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, whether it be a random fellow traveler, a vagabond, or a friend, this will be an act of kindness.

Teacher: What features should a tolerant person have, and what personality traits prevent one from being one?

Blitz quiz "Tolerant and intolerant personality" (two students attach leaflets with characteristics

(Slide 35)

Teacher: tolerant personality. What personal qualities should such a person have? Continue the phrase "I..."

Student: I (slide 36)

  • tolerant and patient;
  • reckoning with other people's opinions and interests;
  • able to resolve conflicts through persuasion and mutual understanding;
  • friendly and caring, polite and delicate;
  • respectful of others and respected by them;
  • respecting the rights of oneself and others, able to listen and hear;
  • caring, compassionate, supportive;
  • a patriot of his school, city, Russia, who cares about their prosperity;
  • a person who protects nature and culture;
  • hardworking, successful, independent, happy.

Teacher: tolerant family. What qualities should such a family, your family? Continue the phrase "In my family..."

Student: In my family (slide 37)

  • all tolerant and patient;
  • healthy, kind, loving; respecting, understanding, supporting each other;
  • surrounding each other with care;
  • attentive, responsive, interested in each other's plans and concerns;
  • successful, independent, happy.

Teacher: tolerant city. What should distinguish such a settlement, our settlement? Continue the phrase "In my city ..."

Student: In my city (slide 38)

  • passers-by are friendly, polite;
  • streets, yards and parks are clean and well-groomed;
  • the river and air are clean, nature is healthy;
  • the school is spacious, bright;
  • teachers are smart, kind, fair, understanding, able to support, loving their work, their work and children, knowing and understanding the interests of students;
  • students are friendly, respectful of each other and all school staff, able to listen and hear, understand and support each other.

Teacher: Tolerant county and country. What should be so special in such a district and such a country? Continue the phrase "In my district and in my country..."

Student: In my area and in my country (slide 39)

  • government is fair, professional, responsible, caring for its citizens;
  • the people are healthy, benevolent, industrious, secure, caring about the prosperity of their country;
  • all citizens are patriots of their country, free, respecting the rights of their own and others, appreciating good neighborly relations, peace and harmony, the right of everyone to be themselves;
  • country cooperates with others countries of the world maintaining peace and friendship throughout the world.

Presenter: (slide 40) We will receive more than we will give if we more often remember what unites us, about the fact that a person becomes a Human only thanks to another person.

Teacher: Our class is a small family. And I would like our family to always have respect, mutual understanding and there would be no quarrels. And what is needed for this? (Slide 41) These are the turntables of the world created by US schoolchildren on Tolerance Day annually on November 16th. On each turntable, the children write their wishes. And we will try to “grow” a tree of tolerance, on the leaves of which we will leave our wishes and drawings. (Slide 42) Take a piece of paper and write on them what needs to be done so that our class, our school, our city become a planet of Tolerance. Then attach the leaves and drawings to our Tolerance tree.

Teacher: So what is tolerance? What new did you learn in the lesson? (Slide 43)
To feel, to think, to love like others, being able to understand solidarity with the heart.
Completely discard: "They are not like that!". This is what tolerance teaches us.
Recognition, equality and respect, interaction, friendship, gallantry.
Any faith without coercion, this and much is tolerance.
Tolerance means this if everyone lives together.
And the school, our life and comfort are warmed with the warmth of hearts.
Tolerance, friendship, work towards a better life we are being led.
When choosing a path in life, do not forget tolerance!

In conclusion, I would like to acquaint you with the results of the test that we conducted in the last lesson. (results) The test results are quite optimistic!!! Most of the guys from our class show tolerance!!!

(Slide 44) May each of us, may our class, our school, our city and our Russia always be islands of tolerance for all inhabitants of the big planet Earth. For each participant of our event, leaflets “How to implement the principles of tolerance” have been prepared.

Reflection: (slide 45) Now I ask everyone to stand in even circle very close to each other, put your hands on each other's shoulders, raise your right leg and stretch it to the center of the circle, and at my command everyone takes a step inward, and in unison we cheerfully say: If everyone is tolerant of each other, then together we will make our world tolerant