What to complain about fate in vain? Culture of oral speech.


on what, about what, to grumble, grumble, reproach; to express displeasure at something, to take offense, to be offended by something. God builds, but man grumbles. We have nothing to complain about, we live thanks to God. To grumble, to grumble, to grumble, to begin. Get down to what. Murmur a lot. To mumble in vain. murmur. Murmuring cf. murmuring husband. action according to ch., penalty, reproaches. Not a whisper, not a murmur. Do not anger God with a grumble, pray to Him in a whisper. Rough complaints. Grumpy old man. The grumbling of the dissatisfied. A murmurer, a murmurer, a murmurer, a murmurer, a murmurer, who murmurs. Murmuring female, Vologda. botalo, wooden bell.

  • - grumble /, ro / grumble, ...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - on what, about what, to grumble, grumble, reproach; to express displeasure at something, to take offense, to be offended by something. God builds, but man grumbles...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - murmur, murmur, murmur; incompatibility Express dissatisfaction, resentment, complain. R. to fate ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - murmur, murmur, murmur, untruth. To express dissatisfaction with someone or something or resentment towards someone. Grumble at fate. “The chairman gave me his resignation: I don’t dare to grumble at the authorities.” Nekrasov...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - grumble neses. neperekh. 1. Express dissatisfaction with someone or something, resentment against someone or something. 2. transfer...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - murmur "at, murmur" u, r "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - murmur see ....

    Vasmer's etymological dictionary

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - To be offended, to express displeasure, to complain, to cry, to be indignant, to blame, to grumble. Prot. take offense. See take offense.....

    Synonym dictionary

"murmur" in books

Announcement 30 Not to grumble when need arises

the author Studit Theodore

Announcement 30<210>About not murmuring when need arises, my brethren, fathers and children. Constantly talking with you, exhorting and encouraging you in patience for your life according to God's commandments is my business and my tireless feat. If the shepherds of dumb flocks, when they graze

Announcement 86 That we need to do strenuously and cheerfully what leads to the salvation of the soul, and about not grumbling when we are transferred to another obedience

From the book Volume V. Book 1. Moral and ascetic creations the author Studit Theodore

Announcement 86<609>About the fact that we need to do strenuously and cheerfully what leads to the salvation of the soul, and about not grumbling when they are transferred to another obedience. What could be better and more blessed for a person? My brethren, fathers and children. The good condition of the herd and its multiplication

From the book Volume V. Book 1. Moral and ascetic creations the author Studit Theodore

Announcement 15 About the Terrible and inevitable Judgment, and also about not murmuring Children and fathers. Who will open my weak mouth to me to proclaim the truth, so that I can worthily proclaim your spiritual and sensual hearing about God, His holy commandments and justifications? Who will gird me

From the book of Evergetin or the Code of Divine Sayings and Teachings of the God-bearing and Holy Fathers author Evergetin Pavel

CHAPTER 36 Also about the fact that it is not proper for a Christian to contradict or justify himself. He must always struggle with his own will and not resist reproof, but love it 1. From Pandekt

You should never grumble

From the book Iliotropion, or Conformity with the Divine Will author (Maximovich) John of Tobolsk

You should never murmur. The chanter, tuning his harp, until he tightens or loosens the strings on them until they are in harmony with one another.

In diseases it is a sin to grumble

From the book Illness and Death author Theophan the Recluse

In illness it is a sin to grumble the Grace of God be with you! Happy feast of Pentecost! I wish you all the graces of the Holy Spirit, which are now prayerfully remembered in the holy Church, more than health and salvation! Your health has deteriorated. Shaken health can shake salvation,

I am where the Truth is! And you
Are you ready to believe the truth?
Ile, claiming to be right,
Did the lies open the doors?

So the falsehood is fooling you,
Leads successfully by the nose
Finds flattering words
Finds clothes of lies.

And the truth is naked bitterness,
Like an adult drug.
It's not syrup, it's sweet
Only those in whom God's Kingdom.

They all see ahead
It is not easy to deceive them.
It is not in vain that we love the people with Christ,
There is a field of truth to grow.

There are thousands of truths in His sayings -
We will see the right way
There is a triumph of love, kindness,
And evil in an insignificant form.

And that's why centuries live, -
The path will not be offered swampy.
We don't tell them "bye"
Throwing it into the chest, into the furnace.

There life the truth is simple:
You send to the world
Delivered from the depths of my soul,
What do you want to accept.

When you're ready to be a killer
Prepare to be killed
No need to hide later
From a bullet armor of falsehood.

Known: field go
It's much easier for all of us
Than to find shoots of their deeds.
Here we grumble at fate.


I have to express my solidarity with Victor. I’ll add on my own, it’s hard to read and the logic of some phrases needs to be looked for, and this spoils the impression of what you read.
Please don't take it as criticism, I was just expressing my opinion.

Funny. You're lying. And in general, your mustache has peeled off. But if you insist so, I free time I will decipher this message for you, because for many it is vital at this stage of evolution, when we live on the eve of a big fight.

I don't insist on anything. I repeat, I expressed my opinion and nothing more.
It is not my fault that you are not able to perceive criticism in principle. It seems that flattery is more familiar to you, but remember that flattery calms and leads to degradation.

You are wrong again. If you look through the reviews feed, then make sure that there is no flattery here. One criticism of amateurs. And there is very little objective assessment, no more than 10 in 10 years, that is, one a year. But I perceive this as normal, given the level of spiritual development of today's poets.

The daily audience of the Potihi.ru portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.


Exercise 1.

defuse the situation, grumble at fate, fading beauty, oppression, ambitious plans, gallery, compromise, spreading plain, swimmer, brilliant, get wet in the rain, trim hair, oppression, simplification, chirping, city old-timer, utopian, sparse crops, surrounding places, expound, commentary, worldview, generation, cripple, intelligentsia, privilege, enlightenment, enrich, optimism, ideology, grow, unite, advantage, coeval, despotism, correct, skepticism, keep silent.

Task 2.

Subject, counter-interests, to sum up, not without interest, to be fed up, to succeed, to dream, impartial, it is misunderstood, the successor of the president, to kneel, to despise fools, to despise the orphan, second-hand clothes, nor ... to walk, overthrow, lower rank, train arrival, give extra volume, stay in the capital, an unprecedented case, hide for a rainy day, sad news, stop, love potion, overcome an obstacle, prudent neighbor, countless wealth.

Task 3.

Dried mushrooms, oil pumped out of a tank, a barrel pumped out of a cellar, a glued envelope, the arrival was windy, the meeting was organized, its movements were slow and constrained, an uninvited guest, a conscious conclusion, an accidental slip of the tongue, a scorched steppe, homespun linen, we are sure of ourselves, glass cup.

Task 4.

In a week; at the expense of classes; something like the flu; go towards the wind; due to bad weather; in the continuation of the story; break a leg; didn't tell anyone; no one to call he is unhappy; a voice unfamiliar to me; small but cozy apartment; the problem is by no means solved; he is not capable of it; answers without hesitation; not in vain; than not a topic for an essay; errors not corrected by you; never; no one is allowed.

Task 5.

Narcissus, new mats, zigey coat, stand on tiptoe, get scurvy, hard shell, cluck loudly, fluffy chicken, powerful citadel, get compensation, starlings have arrived, initials, building a hotel, citrus trees, smoke cigarettes, bobtail, give misinformation, whisper of the night, prim man, blush, tough conditions, forest rustles, watchman's rattling, garden grate, urban slums, water barrel, penny opera, cheap goods, liver pate, sleepover in the forest, crippled by paralysis, boiled milk, crushed nuts , thin twine, speak general.

Task 6.

Across the snowy desert, from the side of the village, a dream of happiness, appear in the imagination, on the father's bed, play the piano, talk about the journey through the Kuban, visit Astrakhan, in a new presentation, table, pot, coat, building, traveller, peddler, Frenchwoman, beggar, zest, in a dense forest, admire the blue sea, conscientious, lilac, sailor, windy day, oil lamp, glass ball, leather briefcase, clay vessel, remarkable strength, pork stew, epic hero, nominal pistol, calm weather.

Task 7.

unexpectedly, unexpectedly, not by chance, occasionally, at first, other, exactly the same, as before, in my opinion, in French, for a reason, firstly, out of the blue, on the move, backhand, unexpectedly.

Task 8.

Repeat the same thing, the same words, in the same tone; young, but bold; no matter what happens; so, let's begin; no matter what; came to talk; to finish in an hour; what would happen if spring became autumn; the same; do not take on what you do not know how; not for that the wolf is beaten; all the same; whatever you do, do it carefully; he did come; nevertheless did; he seemed to have cheered up; where are you; was there a boy? someone with someone once; still managed; and here I am.

Task 9.

Half a tree, half a turn, half a plum, half an army, half a river, half a millimeter, half an America, half a arshin, half a glass, half a coat, half a house, half a ribbon, half a window, half a carcass, half apricot, half Leningrad, half a street, half-station, half-roll, half-circle, half-million, half-China, half-Argentina, half-ignorant, half-notebook, half-moon, half-dachi, half-lamp, half-fur coat, half-dame, half-Kyiv, half-pumpkin, half-price, half-box, half-squadron.

Task 10.
Oil paint - oil, -yan-; oiled pancake - butter, -en-;

mantelpiece - fireplace, -inn-; rock salt, - stone, -enn-;

hydrochloric acid - salt, -yan-; salted fish - salt, -yan-;

silver cigarette case - silver, -yan-; silver hooks -silvering, -en-;

windy man - wind, -en-; wind turbine - windmill, -yan-;

glassware - glass, -yann-; glazed windows - glaze, -enn-;

planted flowers - plant, - enn-; planted father - plant, -enn-;

waxed sheet - wax, -en-; wax paper-wax, -en-.


Exercise. one

Data protection.

According to some estimates, the losses from computer crime in the banking industry are, during the course of the year, up to 10 million dollars. However, computer banking systems are proliferating, and mathematicians and engineers who develop systems to protect them are achieving high results.

If the bank spared no expense to ensure that such a system was installed by highly qualified specialists, and strictly observes the rules for its operation, it is impossible for an outside criminal to penetrate it.

The modern banking system of information protection provides a lot: the impossibility of falsification and forgery of documents, their safety, inaccessibility for destruction by a criminal. The most important link here is a complex system access control. Any action can be performed only by showing the machine a sign confirming the identity: a password, an electronic card, a fingerprint.

It would seem that everything is foreseen, however, computer crimes continue, and experts' forecasts are not encouraging. This happens because users do not understand the main thing - protection is developed for a specific software and hardware base. Therefore, it cannot be automatically transferred from one system to another.

Task 2.

Everything stirred, sang, rustled, spoke.

She was dressed in a neat, albeit faded, cotton dress, her hands were beautiful, albeit large.

No more land, no trees, no sky.

With the Crimean victory, the sun returned, and love and youth, and the happiness of each of us.

When the human spirit is not able to penetrate into the depths of the issue, then it flies like a bee, sucking honey only through flower corollas. /T. Tasso/

Time is motionless like a shore: it seems to us that it is running, but, on the contrary, we are passing. /P. Buast/

People forget what disgusting thoughts sometimes come into their heads and are outraged when they find them in others.

Imagination is a hot horse, often throwing its rider off the saddle. /R.Souti/

Language is an instrument of thinking… To deal with language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, approximately. /A. Tolstoy/

The pond in Chernomyz is like the sea.

Russian art is, above all, art of the heart. /M. Bitter/

Artistic representations are not products of the brain, but children of flesh and blood. /BUT. mushroom eaters/

Culture of oral speech


Orthoepy (gr. orthos-direct, correct + epos- speech) is used in two meanings: 1) a section of linguistics that studies normative literary pronunciation; 2) a set of rules that establish a uniform pronunciation that corresponds to the pronunciation standards adopted in the language,

Exercise 1.

Agronomy, analogue, apostrophe, spoiled, spoil, gas pipeline, call, blinds, enviably, frost, catalogue, quarter, whooping cough, more beautiful, flint, kitchen, miserable, provision, facilitate, wholesale, sheet, sorrel, carpenter, mold.

August, atomic, gross, penny, pear, brownie, jagged, kitchen, wholesale, trump, tiger, plum, soup, running, Ukrainian.

Poor, poor, poor; close, close, near; fast, quick, fast; true, true, true; deep, deep, deep; daring, daring, daring; angry, angry, angry; small, few, small.

Bent, bent, bent, taken away, submerged, imprisoned, aroused.

Called, called, called; beginning, start, started; removed, removed, removed; occupied, occupied, occupied; hired, hired, hired; took away, taken away, taken away; understood, understood, understood; accepted, accepted, accepted; rose, rose, rose; gathered, gathered, gathered; arrived, arrived, arrived.

Task 2.

Bleeding - expired, announced results - screams like a catechumen, death of cattle - nominative case, scam, being, priest.

Task 3.

ALLOPATHY Greek general way treatment, one taken before the introduction of homeopathy; the first is based on the proposition: "destroy the opposite of the opposite," give the patient a drug that produces seizures opposite to the disease being treated; the second: "heal like with like", give to the sick, for example. in a cold fever, a drug that would give birth to it in a healthy person.

ANTHROPOGENESIS (gr. anthropos - man + genesis - origin) - 1) the process of evolutionary and historical formation of man; 2) section of anthropology - the doctrine of the origin of man.

BAKKARA - (fr.). 1) a gambling card game beloved by the French. 2) A type of crystal made in Baccarat, France.

BRIEFING - A short press conference.

VERNISSAGE - Grand opening art exhibition.

DISSIDENT - 1. A person who broke away from the dominant religion, an apostate. 2. A person who does not agree with the dominant ideology, a dissident.

IMAGE, - The idea of ​​someone. inner form, form.

IMPEACHMENT - The procedure for deprivation of the powers of the highest officials who committed gross violations of the law.

Insinuation - in a general sense, a slanderous fabrication aimed at discrediting someone, malicious fiction, slander.

MARGINAL - insignificant, insignificant, secondary; intermediate.

MANAGER - Specialist in the management of production, the work of the enterprise.

MERCANTILISM - 1. B Western Europe in 1518 centuries: economic theory and policy that put foreign trade (circulation of goods) and the accumulation of capital within the country at the forefront. 2. trans. Petty prudence, huckstering.

misanthrope - a man-hater.

OCCULTISM - (from lat. occultus secret, secret) an attempt to identify and use "hidden" natural forces for practical purposes.

PANACEA, - A remedy for everything bad, for all troubles 2) an all-healing medicine that alchemists tried to invent.

PLEONASM - (from the Greek pleonasmos excess) the use of words that are unnecessary for the semantic completeness of the statement, and sometimes for stylistic expressiveness.

PREROGATIVA - Exclusive right, privilege government agency, official.

SENTENCE - A moral saying.

FANABERIA, - Puffiness, arrogance, petty swagger.

Task 4.

1) consonant in position before /e / pronounced softly;

Aggression, academician, deposit, hypothesis, devaluation, dispatch, unpresentable, telefax, plywood, resume, Lutheran, competent, press, resident, flight, rating, bacon, brunette, reservoir, ephemeral, mezzanines.

2) consonant sound in position before/ e / pronounced firmly;

outsider, anesthesia, business, dispatch, genesis, cafe, coefficient, rate, manager, charter, overcoat, sweater, term, code, computer, interval, interferon, requiem, intern, boarding school, atheist, fortel, adept, artesian.

Task 5.

1) words where / - is pronouncedCHN - /;

secondary, bottled, filming, penny, milk porridge, lingonberry juice, briber, gingerbread, lubok picture, fine, sandy.

2) words where / - is pronouncedSHN -/;

Savvichna, Kuzminichna, Nikitichna.

3) words where both variants of pronunciation are possible;

birdhouse, trifling, on purpose, cordial, boring, of course, loser, milk jug, scrambled eggs, birdhouse.


Exercise 1.

Find errors related to the violation of the norms of word usage and the semantic connection of words.

    Because of the blaze from the fire, a large area of ​​​​the forest burned down.

    This man is a complete ignoramus in matters of art.

    If, within three days, the owners do not come for the dogs, they are subject to destruction.

    The many different theories about the origin of the alphabet in modern science are striking.

    He didn't pay for the bus fare.

    Approving the documentation, the director of the state farm puts his signature.

    Finally, the long-awaited spring has come, streams are ringing, spring work is being carried out on the streets.

Task 2.

Open the brackets, choose the appropriate words (paronyms).

Write down the corrected version.

    Innocent people take what they want for reality.

    Several times during the day, the radio checks the time.

    AT explanatory dictionaries various stylistic notes are given.

    Many students of our group had the opportunity to take part in a dialectological expedition.

    The solution proposed in the article seems problematic.

    Some romantic stories constantly happen to the hero of the film.

    The editor read the manuscript and made some stylistic corrections.

    Status approved new organization uniting nature lovers.

    Oblomov considered a well-fed life to be the ideal of happiness.

    The speaker slowly spoke the words, giving each of them a special significance.


Determine the meanings of the words acting as paronyms.

Make up and write down one phrase with each of them.

Intelligent habits - intelligent people, hiking - tourist department, swampy hill - swamp reeds, economical person - economics department, human cub - human image, appearance - accusation, living being - human essence, problem child - problematic project, good choice - lucky entrepreneur.

Task 4.

Many pre-revolutionary intellectuals, who were considered liberals, were indifferent to to matters of religion.

    The audience was dominated youth representatives.

girl in secret confessed to her friends that she changed the name Katya to Carmen, because the latter is more disposes of her appearance.

    The effectiveness of the austerity regime largely depends on how limited financial spending is.

Task 5.

    about who often changes his mind (seven Fridays a week)

    about who often messes around (beat the thumbs)

    about a man who came at the wrong time, out of place (like snow on his head)

    about a meek, harmless person (won't hurt a fly)

    about a tall man (Kolomenskaya Verst)

    about a talkative person (tongue without bones)

    about the disappearance of someone without a trace (failed through the ground)

    about a situation where danger threatens from all sides (hanging by a thread)

    about a feeling of great embarrassment, shame

    about very distant relatives (seventh water on jelly)

    about a reckless person (without a king in his head)

    about disorder, confusion reigning somewhere (the devil breaks his leg)

    about someone who does not know anything known to everyone (fell from the moon)


Exercise 1.

1) Masculine:

coffee, attache, kangaroo, roofing felt, referee, shampoo, suluguni, chimpanzee;

2) Feminine:

pemoxol, tulle, UN, raincoat - tent, ivasi, "Humanite", hummingbird, avenue, salami, tsetse;

3) Middle gender:

Jam, university, foreign ministry, curlers, communiqué, menu, coupe, pennies, relay, clogs, popsicle tango, Hokkaido.

Task 2.

Write the nouns in the plural form.

    Factory buildings

    Experienced navigators


    Young engineer

    Experienced accountants

    Road inspectors

Task 3.

Put the nouns given in brackets into the genitive plural form.

Write down your choice.

No (loop) - no loops;

    Pack (pasta) – pack of pasta

    Group (Georgians) - a group of Georgians

    Five (poker) -

    Kilogram (tangerines) - kilogram tangerine;

    Portia (pancake) - a portion of fritters.

Task 4.

Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the highlighted first name (patronymic name), last name. Briefly explain your answer.

    Natalya did not like the works of Erich-Maria Remarque.

    I really liked films with Fanny Ardant.

    You will find the answer to this question in the manual of Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal.

    After the match, I managed to get an autograph from Alexander Bure himself.

    At the lesson, we argued for a long time about the concept of Alexander Vladimirovich Bondarko.

    This pantomime has already been shown on NTV performed by Marcel Marceau.

    Ethel Lilian Voynich has only three completed novels.

    As a young man, he starred with Charles Chaplin.

    This manual was compiled by Valentina Danilovna Chernyak.

    Yu. Nagibin wrote the script for Dersu Uzala together with Akira Kurosawa.

Language as a means of communication

Exercise 1..

Literary language is the highest form national language, the language of state and cultural institutions, schooling, radio and television, science, journalism, fiction, that is, all manifestations of culture, expressed in verbal form.

a) Artistic and journalistic style

b) Scientific

The discovery of the ion-proton method of influencing cancer cells dramatically increased the likelihood of a cure.

c) Conversational

Hi! how are you? call me tonight.

d) Business

The person responsible for the safe operation of cranes must know;

a) the relevant sections of the Rules….

e) Newspaper and journalistic

Task 2.

Read excerpts from newspaper articles.

Find stylistic mistakes in them, correct them.

  1. The president should make a number of changes to the system of financing work to restore the economy and social sphere of Chechnya. The information that the money from the federal budget is not known where they walk is constantly received.

    The authors have come up with a lot to make the music broadcast more interesting. The program proposed a new concept of musical transmission, making it more fashionable, stylish, modern, inventing a huge number of computer chips and bells and whistles, using a new editing technique.

    A huge number of sorcerers, soothsayers, healers who have appeared recently have so fascinated the attention of people that there are a lot of people who want to get into such sessions. I asked I., a regular visitor of meetings with A. Kashpirovsky, about his feelings. After the first session, he drove off so much that he could hardly move.

Task 3.

Eliminate the tautology using synonyms.

Record the edited version.

    In their work, the heads of children's institutions use methodological literature.

    The application of this method is possible if the teacher-educator has contact with children, if he knows their abilities.

    It is not uncommon to see a person imprudently disregarding the rules of the road.

    He again felt that he was overcome by a painful sense of loneliness.