What characterizes society as a dynamic system. Society as a complex dynamic system

Ticket number 1

Society is the social organization of the country, which ensures the joint life of people.

it a part of the material world isolated from nature, which is a historically developing form of connections and relations of people in the process of their life activity.

Character traits societies:

1. Territory- a certain physical space in which communications are formed and developed (most often within the framework of one state).

2 .Population - a large social group with common social characteristics.

3. Autonomy and self-sufficiency.

autonomy means that society has its own territory, its own history, its own system of governance.
self-sufficiency- the ability of society to self-regulate, that is, to ensure the functioning of all vital spheres without outside interference, for example, to reproduce the size of the population.

Common history (formation, common overcoming of obstacles, solution of joint problems, common heroes)

Shared values ​​and culture

Economy (allowing society to be self-sufficient)

Should last for 1 generation (20-25 years)

8. social structure ( a set of interconnected and interacting social communities, social institutions and relations between them)


System (Greek)- a whole made up of parts, a combination, a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, which form a certain unity.

Society - a complex system that brings people together. They are in close unity and interrelation.

The main element of society as a system is a person who has the ability to set goals and choose the means of carrying out their activities.

Society has different subsystems.. Subsystems that are close in direction are usually called spheres human life:

· Economic (material - production): production, property, distribution of goods, money circulation, etc.)

· Political (management, politics, state, law, their correlation and functioning).

· Social (classes, social groups, nations, taken in their relationship and interaction with each other).

· spiritual and moral (religion, science, art).

There is a close relationship between all spheres of human life. Each of these spheres, being an element of the system called "society", in turn, turns out to be a system in relation to the elements that make it up. All four realms public life not only interconnect, but also mutually determine each other. The division of society into spheres is somewhat arbitrary, but it helps to isolate and study individual areas of a truly integral society, a diverse and complex social life.

Public relations- a set of various connections, contacts, dependencies that arise between people (the relationship of property, power and subordination, the relationship of rights and freedoms).

Determine the role of law in the system of social regulators. Describe the main elements of the system of law.

Law is a system of generally binding rules of conduct established by the state, norms, the implementation of which is ensured by the power of state coercion.

Right is a public phenomenon. It arises as a product of society at a certain stage of its development.

Right to eat regulator of socially significant human behavior, variety of social norms. It deals with the social sphere, which includes:

b) relations between people (public relations);

c) the behavior of the subjects of public relations.


general obligation; normativity; consistency; connection with the state; regulativeness.

The right is considered social regulator Social regulation is necessary because it ensures the normal functioning of society. The essence of social regulation is in influencing the behavior of people and the activities of organizations . But in addition to the social purpose, the right also has functional purpose . The functional purpose of law is best expressed in the fact that law acts as regulator of public relations .


social norm- these are, simply put, the rules of human behavior in society, so that both he and society are in agreement. But these rules do not apply to a specific person, but to all people in a given society, and they are not only general, but also mandatory. The social norms that operate in modern society are divided according to the way they are established and on the means of protecting their claims from violations .

There are the following types of social norms:

1. Law- rules of conduct that are established and protected by the state.

2. Norms of morality (ethics)- rules of conduct that are established in society in accordance with the moral ideas of people and are protected by force public opinion or inner conviction.

3. Corporate regulations- the rules of conduct that are established by the public organizations themselves and are protected by them.

4. Norms of customs- rules of conduct that have developed in a certain social environment and, as a result of their repeated repetition, have become a habit of people.

5. Traditions - the most generalized and stable rules of conduct that arise in a certain area of ​​human life (family, professional, military, national and other traditions).

6. Religious norms- a kind of social norms that determines the rules of human behavior in the performance of rituals and is protected by measures of moral influence.

7. aesthetic standards- the concept of beautiful and terrible, harmonious and disharmony, proportional, awkward, etc. in the public mind.


Structure of the legal system- this is an objectively existing internal structure of the law of a given state. The main structural elements of the system of law:

a) Law- the initial component, those "bricks" from which the entire "building" of the system of law is ultimately formed. The rule of law is always a structural element of a certain institution of law and a certain branch of law

The norm is a complex formation, structurally consisting of three elements: hypotheses, dispositions and sanctions.

-Hypothesis- part of the norm, which contains an indication of the conditions or circumstances, in the presence or absence of which the norm is implemented. For example, in the event of the birth of a child, the right to receive lump sum by the birth of a child. The hypothesis here is the birth of a child.

-Disposition- this is the very rule of conduct, according to which the participants in the legal relationship must act. This part of the norm contains the rights and obligations of subjects, i.e. it determines the measure of permitted and proper behavior. In the example above, the disposition is the entitlement to benefits.

-Sanction- part of the norm, which indicates the adverse consequences arising from the violation of the disposition of the legal norm. These consequences can be of a different nature: punishment (measure of responsibility) in the form of a reprimand, a fine, arrest, imprisonment, etc.; different kind coercive measures (preventive - drive, seizure of property; protective measures - reinstatement of an illegally dismissed employee in his previous job, recovery of alimony), etc.

b) Institute of Law- this is a separate part of the branch of law, a set of legal norms that regulate a certain side of qualitatively homogeneous social relations (for example, property law, inheritance law - civil law institutions).

in) Branch of law- this is an independent part of the system of law, a set of legal norms that regulate a certain area of ​​qualitatively homogeneous social relations (for example, civil law regulates property relations).

Ticket number 2


3. Public authority(professionally engaged in the management and protection of society (state apparatus)

4. Legislation(a system of legal norms binding on the entire population)

5. Army(protection of the population and the sovereignty of the state)

6 . The right to make mandatory taxes and fees(for the maintenance of the state apparatus, army, budget payments)

7. Legal right to legal enforcement(from various administrative, criminal penalties, restriction of freedom). To perform the functions of coercion, the state has special bodies: the army, the police, the security service, the court, the prosecutor's office.

8. Sovereignty(the right and ability to manage one's inner and outer life independently, without the intervention of some other force).


Economic activity is necessary in order to turn resources into the necessary economic benefits, goods and services that satisfy one or another human need.

The process of transforming natural objects into commodities:

Every economic system is faced with the need to perform certain basic types of choice.

Among them, the following are the most important:

1 TO what goods to produce. The inability to produce as many goods as people would like is a consequence of the scarcity of the resources used to produce these goods. The need for each of these choices is dictated by limited resources.

2. How they should be produced ( For almost any product or service, there are several ways of production: manual and automatic assembly of a car; nuclear or thermal power plant). Everything depends on the availability of means of production and its efficiency.

3. Who and what work should be done. The question of who should perform what kind of work is related to the organization of the social division of labor - specialty, qualifications, etc.

4. For whom the results of this work are intended. The distribution of any given quantity of a good can be improved through an exchange that will satisfy more than one person's preferences. According to the concept of equality, all people, by the very fact of belonging to humanity, deserve to receive a portion of the goods and services produced by the economy.

Ticket number 3


NLA |5. Decrees and resolutions of the Head of the LPR(Decree "On the curfew regime")

|6. Decrees and orders of the Council of Ministers of the LPR(Decree "On the approval of Sanitary rules in the forests of the Luhansk People's Republic")

|7. Acts of executive bodies of the LPR(Order of the Ministry of Justice of the LPR "On approval of forms of registration cards")

|7. NLA of local governments(Decree of the Head of the Administration of the city of Alchevsk "On the organization of work on spring sanitary cleaning and improvement of the territory of the city of Alchevsk"

|8. Local legal acts ( Order of the director of LEPLI "On the enrollment of NNN in the contingent of 10-B class" ).

Ticket number 4


In the market there is a relationship between price and demand, as well as between price and supply.

Law of supply and demand - an economic law that establishes the dependence of the magnitude of demand and supply of goods on the market on their prices.

Demandthe need of the buyer for the goods and services he needs, for the purchase of which he is willing to pay.

Demand is affected: incomes of buyers, their tastes and preferences, quantity of goods on the market, prices of goods.

The market provides an alternative at different prices. People can buy more products if their price goes down and vice versa. The higher the price of a product, the lower the demand.

Sentence the set of goods that producers are willing to sell at alternative prices.

The proposal is affected by: number of sellers in the market, manufacturing techniques, product prices, costs, taxes, number of sellers.

The higher the price, the more the supply of products from sellers increases.

When the supply of goods exceeds the demand of buyers, then there is an overstocking of the market with surplus products that do not find a market - there is a crisis of overproduction. The way out is to reduce prices (markdown of goods, seasonal sale).

The offer applies exclusively to goods produced for sale. For example, a farmer can use part of his production for his own needs (this is not an offer), and send part of it to a storage warehouse for subsequent sale or sell at the moment.

When demand exceeds supply, there is a shortage of goods.(if the money income of the population grows faster than the output of goods in demand).

Exceptions: price increases may not reduce the sale of products, and sometimes, on the contrary, stimulate. This phenomenon in the market is manifested in the conditions of expectation of price growth. The buyer strives to stock up on goods at not yet extremely high prices. For example: the expectation of a price decrease can reduce the demand for gold or foreign exchange.

To circumvent the law of supply and demand in the European Union, overproduction of butter is stored in warehouses, on the so-called "mountain of butter". Thus, there is an artificial containment of supply and the price remains stable.

Ticket number 5

1. Expand the relationship between biological and social in a person. Give examples of the relationship between nature, man and society.

June 2014, the Law of the LPR "On urgent measures of social protection of citizens living on the territory of the Lugansk People's Republic in the conditions of aggression of the armed forces and armed formations of Ukraine" was adopted

Where installed (Art. 1) lump sums families of those killed as a result of the aggression of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, wounded and shell-shocked among the civilian population, servicemen who were maimed and injured.

Established (art. 2) surcharge medical workers, students, graduate students - 25% of the salary, scholarships.

Ticket number 1

Describe society as a complex dynamic system. Name the main areas of society.

Section "Society". Topic #1

Society as a social system

Society- a part of the world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which includes ways of interaction between people and forms of their unification.

In a narrower sense, society:

historical stage development of society (ancient society);

- a group of people united by a common territory

(Russian society, European society);

- a circle of people united by a common origin (noble society), interests and activities (book lovers society).

Country- a part of the world or territory that has certain boundaries and enjoys state sovereignty.

State- the central political organization of a given country, which has supreme power.

System- this is a single whole, consisting of interconnected elements, where each element performs its function.

Society is a single social system consisting of people, social groups, social institutions and social (public) relations. Also, as elements of society, one can distinguish subsystems(areas) of society:

- economic (production, distribution, exchange, consumption of material goods);

- social (interaction of social groups, layers, classes, nations;

as well as the activities of the social infrastructure of society);

– political (state forms, state power, law and order, laws, security);

- spiritual (science, education, art, morality, religion).

A person enters society through a collective, being a member of several social groups: family, school class, sports team, labor collective. Also, a person is included in larger communities of people: a class, a nation, a country.

Public relations(social relations) - diverse connections that arise between people, social groups, classes, nations, as well as within them, in the process of society's life. Public relations arise in the economic, social, political, spiritual life of society.

Public relations include:

a) subjects (individuals, social groups, social communities);

b) objects (material, spiritual);

Society as a dynamic system

Society is a dynamic system, it is constantly evolving.

1. Changing society can be seen in the following aspects:

- changing the stage of development of the whole society as a whole

(agrarian, industrial, post-industrial),

- changes occur in certain areas of society,

- social institutions are changing (family, army, education),

- some elements of society die off (serfs, feudal lords), other elements of society appear (new professional groups),

- social relations between elements of society are changing

(between state and church).

2. The nature of the development of society can be different:

Evolution- slow, gradual natural process development.

Revolution- a radical, qualitative, rapid, violent change in the social system.

Reform- partial improvement in any sphere of social life, a series of gradual transformations that do not affect the foundations of the existing social system. The reform is being carried out government bodies. Modernization- a significant update, a change in accordance with modern requirements.

3. Directions for the development of society:

Progress- the process of change from simple to complex, from lower to higher. Regression- the process of change from higher to lower, the process of degradation and collapse of the system, the return to obsolete forms.

Progress is an ambiguous social phenomenon, because it has a side effect: back side medals" or "price" of progress.

The founders of the theory of progress in the XVIII century (Montesquieu, Condorcet, Turgot, Comte, Spencer) believed that the main engine of progress is the human mind. They believed that with the development of science and education, society would be progressive, social injustice would be eliminated, and a “kingdom of harmony” would be established. Today, faith in progress is undermined by global problems.

What is the criterion for progress?

The most important goal of all social development is man, his all-round development. A progressive society can be considered a society in which conditions for the harmonious development of the individual are created. Proceeding from the idea of ​​humanism, progressive is what is done for the benefit of man. As humanistic criteria, such indicators of the progressive development of society are put forward: average life expectancy, mortality rate, level of education and culture, a sense of satisfaction with life, the degree of observance of human rights, attitude towards nature.

Man is a rational being. He chooses housing, food and where to apply his strength. However, it is pointless to have freedom of choice if no one evaluates your choice.

We need a community. Nature has endowed us with an invariable feature - the thirst for communication. Thanks to this feature, we think not only about ourselves. Within a family or a whole planet, a person makes decisions for the sake of common progress. Thanks to the thirst for communication, we push the world forward.

As soon as our ancestors descended from the palm tree, they faced the increasing hostility of nature. The little primate could not defeat the mammoth. Natural skin is not enough to keep warm in winter. Sleeping outdoors is triple dangerous.

The emerging consciousness understood - we can only survive together. The forefathers created a primitive language to understand each other. They gathered in communities. Communities were divided into castes. The strong and fearless went hunting. The offspring were raised soft and understanding. The shacks were built smart and practical. Even then, a person was doing what he was predisposed to.

But nature gave only rough raw materials. You can't build a city out of stones alone. Stones are hard to kill an animal. The ancestors learned how to process materials in order to work more efficiently and live longer.

Broadly defined society- a part of nature that has tamed nature, using the will and consciousness for survival.

In a group, we can not scatter on superficial knowledge. We each have our own inclinations. A professional plumber will not be happy to grow bonsai even for a million dollar salary - his brains are technically sharpened. The union allows us to do what we love and leave the rest to others.

Now we understand the narrow definition society - a conscious collection of individuals to work for the sake of common purpose .

Society as a dynamic system

We are cogs in the social mechanism. Goals are not set by just one person. They come as common needs. Society, at the expense of the strength of its individual members, solves an endless stream of problems. The search for solutions makes society better and gives rise to new complex problems. Mankind builds itself, which characterizes society as a dynamic system capable of self-development.

Society has a complex dynamic structure. Like any system, it consists of subsystems. Subsystems in the group are divided into spheres of influence. Sociologists note four subsystems of society:

  1. Spiritual- Responsible for culture.
  2. Political- regulates relations by laws.
  3. Social- caste division: nation, class, social stratum.
  4. Economic- production and distribution of goods.

Subsystems are systems in relation to their individual members. They only work when all elements are in place. Both subsystems and individual parts are inextricably linked. Without production and regulation, spiritual life loses its meaning. Without a person, life is not sweet to another.

The social system is constantly moving. It is set in motion by subsystems. Subsystems move at the expense of elements. Elements are divided into:

  1. Material - factories, dwellings, resources.
  2. Ideal - values, ideals, beliefs, traditions.

Material values ​​are more characteristic of subsystems, while ideal values ​​are a human trait. Man is the only indivisible element in the social system. A person has a will, aspirations and beliefs.

The system works thanks to communication - social relations. Social relations are the main link between people and subsystems.

People play roles. In the family, we play an exemplary father. At work, we are expected to obey unquestioningly. In the circle of friends we are the soul of the company. We don't choose roles. They are dictated to us by society.

Each person has more than one personality, but several at once. Each person behaves differently in different situations. You can't scold your boss like you would a child, right?

Animals have a fixed social role: if the leader "said" that you would sleep below and eat last, it would be like that all your life. And even in another pack, an individual will never be able to take on the role of leader.

Man is universal. Every day we put on dozens of masks. Thanks to this, we can easily adapt to different situations. You are the master of what you know. You will never demand obedience from a competent leader. Great survival gear!

Scientists divide social relations:

  • between individuals;
  • within the group;
  • between groups;
  • local (indoors);
  • ethnic (within a race or nation);
  • within the organization;
  • institutional (within the boundaries of a social institution);
  • inside the country;
  • international.

We communicate not only with whom we want, but also when necessary. For example, we do not want to communicate with a colleague, but he sits with us in the same office. And we must work. That's why relationships are:

  • informal- with friends and relatives whom we ourselves have chosen;
  • formalized- with whom we are obliged to contact if necessary.

You can communicate with like-minded people and with enemies. there are:

  • cooperative- cooperation relations;
  • competitive- confrontations.


Society - complex dynamic system. People only once launched it, and now it defines every stage of our lives.

  • flexibility- regulates all spheres of life, even if they have not yet appeared;
  • mobility- constantly changing as needed;
  • difficult well-oiled mechanism from subsystems and elements;
  • independence- society itself creates the conditions for existence;
  • relationship all elements;
  • adequate response for changes.

Thanks to the dynamic social mechanism, man is the most enduring creature on the planet. For only man changes the world around him.


From the video you will learn that there is a society, its concept and the relationship between man and society.

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Society as a complex dynamic system 1 page

System (Greek) - a whole made up of parts, a combination, a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, which form a certain unity.

Society is a multifaceted concept (philatelists, nature conservation, etc.); society as opposed to nature;

society is a stable association of people, not mechanical, but having a certain structure.

There are different subsystems in society. Subsystems close in direction are usually called spheres of human life:

· Economic (material - production): production, property, distribution of goods, money circulation, etc.

· Legal policy.

· Social (classes, social groups, nations).

Spiritual and moral (religion, science, art).

There is a close relationship between all spheres of human life.

Public relations - a set of various connections, contacts, dependencies that arise between people (the relationship of property, power and subordination, the relationship of rights and freedoms).

Society is a complex system that brings people together. They are in close unity and interrelation.

Sciences that study society:

1) History (Herodotus, Tacitus).

2) Philosophy (Confucius, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle).

3) Political science (Aristotle, Plato): the theory of the middle state.

4) Jurisprudence is the science of laws.

5) Political saving(originated in England from Adam Smith and David Renardo).

6) Sociology (Max Weber (anti-Marx), Pitirim Sorokin).

7) Linguistics.

8) Social philosophy is the science of global problems facing society.

9) Ethnography.

10) Archeology.

11) Psychology.

1.3. Development of views on society:

Initially developed on the basis of a mythological worldview.

The myths stand out:

· Cosmogony (representations about the origin of the cosmos, the Earth, the sky and the Sun).

Theogony (origin of the gods).

· Anthropogony (the origin of man).

The development of views on the society of ancient Greek philosophers:

Plato and Aristotle seek to understand the essence of politics and determine the best forms of government. Knowledge about politics was defined as knowledge about the highest good of mankind and the state.

/Cm. ideal state according to Plato /

Views change in the Middle Ages under the influence of Christianity. Scientists vaguely imagined the nature of social relationships, the causes of the rise and fall of states, the connection between the structure of society and its development. Everything was explained by God's providence.

Renaissance (14th-16th centuries): a return to the views of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

XVII century: a revolution in the views on society (Hugo Grotius, who justified the need to resolve issues between peoples with the help of law, which should be based on the idea of ​​justice).

XVII - XVIII centuries: scientists create the concept of social contract (Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau). They tried to explain the emergence of state-va and modern forms of the human condition. All of them substantiated the contractual nature of the emergence of the state-va.

The state of nature according to Locke is characterized by general equality, freedom to dispose of one's person and property, but in the state of nature there are no mechanisms for resolving disputes and punishing violators. State-in arises from the need to protect freedom and property. Locke was the first to justify the idea of ​​separation of powers.

Rousseau believes that all the troubles of mankind were born with the emergence of private property, because. it has led to economic inequality. The social contract proved to be a sham for the poor. Economic inequalities have been exacerbated by political inequalities. Rousseau proposed a genuine social contract in which the people are the sovereign source of power.

From the 16th century, utopian socialism arose, its first stage lasted until the 18th century (Mohr, Campanella, Stanley, Mellier). They developed socialist and communist ideas, emphasized the need for public ownership and social equality of people.

Socialism is the universal equality of people.

2) Workers (industrials);

while in society he retains the right to private property.

Charles Fourier: society is an association where there is free labor, distribution according to work, all-round equality of the sexes.

Robert Owen: being a wealthy man, he tried to rebuild society on new principles, but went bankrupt.

In the 40s of the 19th century, Marxism began to develop, the founders of which were Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who believed that a new communist society could only be created through revolution.

Prior to this, all the workers' protests for their rights ended in defeat (Luddites (destroyers of machines), Lyon weavers (1831 and 34), Slesian weavers (1844), the Chartist movement (demanded universal suffrage)). The reason for the defeats was the lack of a clear organization and the absence of a political party as an organization that defends the interests of workers at the political level. The program and charter of the party were instructed to write to Marx and Engels, who created the manifesto of the Communist Party, in which they justified the need to overthrow capitalism and establish communism. The doctrine in the 20th century was developed by Lenin, who defended in Marxism the doctrines of the class struggle, the dictatorship of the proletariat and the inevitability of the socialist revolution.

1.4. Society and nature:

Man is a part of nature, i.e. society, as part of nature, is inextricably linked with it.

The meaning of "nature" is used to denote not only natural, but also man-made conditions for existence. During the development of society, people's ideas about nature and the relationship of man with nature also changed:

1) Antiquity:

Philosophers interpret nature as a perfect cosmos, i.e. the opposite of chaos. Man and nature act as a single whole.

2) Middle Ages:

With the establishment of Christianity, nature is conceived as the result of God's creation. Nature occupies a lower place than man.

3) Rebirth:

Nature is a source of joy. The ancient ideal of harmony and perfection of nature, the unity of man with nature is being revived.

4) New time:

Nature is the object of human experimentation. Nature is inert, man must conquer and subjugate it. The idea expressed by Bacon is strengthened: “Knowledge is power”. Nature becomes an object of technological exploitation, it loses its sacred character, there is a rupture of ties between man and nature. At the present stage, there is a need for a new worldview that combines the best traditions of European and Eastern cultures. It is necessary to understand nature as a unique integral organism. Attitude towards nature must be built from a position of cooperation.

1.6. Spheres of social life and their relationship:

1.7. The development of society, its sources and driving forces:

Progress (forward movement, success) is the idea that society develops from simple to complex, from lower to higher, from less ordered to more organized and fair.

Regression is the idea of ​​such a development of society when it becomes less complex, developed, cultural than it was.

Stagnation is a temporary halt in development.

Progress criteria:

1) Condorcet (XVIII century) considered the development of the mind as the criterion of progress.

2) Saint-Simon: the criterion of progress is morality. Society should be such where all people in relation to each other are brothers.

3) Schelling: progress is a gradual approach to the legal system.

4) Hegel (19th century): sees progress in the consciousness of freedom.

5) Marx: progress is the development of material production, which allows you to master the elemental forces of nature and achieve social harmony and progress in the spiritual sphere.

6) B modern conditions progress is:

- life expectancy of society;

- Lifestyle;

- spiritual life.

Reform (change) - a change in any area of ​​life, carried out by the authorities in a peaceful way (social changes in public life).

Types of reforms: – economic,

– political (changes in the Constitution, electoral system, legal sphere).

Revolution (turn, upheaval) - a radical, qualitative change in any basic phenomena.

Modernization is adaptation to new conditions.

What drives human history (?):

1) Providentialists: everything in the world comes from God, according to divine providence.

2) History is made by great people.

3) Society develops according to objective laws.

a) Some scientists adhere to the position that this is the theory of social evolutionism: society, as part of nature, develops progressively and goes unilinear.

b) Others adhere to the theory of historical materialism: the driving force behind the development of society is the recognition of the primacy of people's material needs.

From Weber's point of view, the source and driving force behind the development of society is the Protestant ethic: a person must work to become God's chosen one for salvation.

1.8. Formation:

Depending on what is the main source of development of society, there are different approaches to the consideration of history.

1) Formative approach (founders Marx and Engels). The general economic formation is a certain stage in the development of mankind. Marx identified five formations:

a) Primitive - communal.

b) slaveholding.

c) Feudal.

d) capitalist.

e) communist.

Marxism considers human life from the point of view of the materialistic solution of the fundamental question of philosophy.

Materialistic understanding of history:

public consciousness

social being

Social life is the material conditions of people's lives.

Public consciousness is the whole spiritual life of society.

In social life, Marx singled out way of producing wealth

Productive Production

relationship strength

productive forces include the means of production and people, with their skills and abilities.

Means of production: - tools;

- The subject of labor (land, its subsoil, cotton, wool, ore, fabric, leather, etc., depending on the type of activity);

Relations of production- relations between people in the process of production, they depend on the form of ownership of the means of production.

Not only production relations, but also the process of exchange, distribution and consumption of goods depend on who owns the means of production.

The forces of production and production relations are in interaction, and the social structure of society depends on production relations. The law of the correspondence of production relations to the nature and level of development of the productive forces was formulated by Marx:

Relations of production
Relations of production

Relations of production

1 - certain production relations must correspond to a certain level of production forces, so under feudalism, land ownership is in the hands of the feudal lord, the peasants use the land, for which they are liable (the tools of labor are primitive).

2 - the forces of production develop faster than the relations of production.

3 - there comes a moment when the forces of production require changes in production relations.

4 - the form of ownership is changed to a new one, which leads to changes in all spheres of society.

Marx, exploring the ways of producing materialistic goods, concluded that people create not only material goods, but also reproduce their sociality, i.e. reproduce society (social groups, public institutions etc.). From the foregoing, Marx identified 5 modes of production that succeeded each other (the same as 5 formations / see above /).

Hence the concept of a socio-economic formation (SEF) was derived:

* - politics, law, public organizations, religion, etc.

The change of the OEF from the point of view of Marxism is a natural process, which is determined by the objective laws of social development.

The law of class struggle (which is the driving force of history):

Marx and Engels, analyzing bourgeois society, came to the conclusion that capitalism has reached its limit and cannot cope with the forces of production that have matured on the basis of bourgeois production relations. Private ownership of the means of production has become a brake on the development of productive forces, so the death of capitalism is inevitable. It must perish through the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, as a result of which the dictatorship of the proletariat must be established.

1.9. Civilization:

/It comes from the Latin civil - civil./

The concept has been in use since the 18th century.

Meanings: 1) Synonym "cultural"

2) "Step historical development humanity following barbarism"

3) A certain stage in the development of local cultures.

According to Walter:

Civilized is a society based on the principles of reason and justice (civilization = culture).

In the 19th century, the concept of "civilization" was used to characterize capitalist society. And since the end of the century, new theories of civilizational development have appeared. The author of one of them was Danilevsky, who substantiated the theory according to which there is no World History, there is only the theory of local civilizations that have an individual closed character. He singled out 10 civilizations and formulated the basic laws of their development, according to which each civilization has a cyclical nature:

1) Stage of origin

2) The period of registration of cultural and political independence

3) Heyday stage

4) The period of decline.

Spengler: ("Law of Europe"):

Civilization goes through birth, growth and development.

Civilization is the negation of culture.

Signs of civilization:

1) Development of industry and technology.

2) Degradation of art and literature.

3) Huge rallying of people in big cities.

4) The transformation of peoples into faceless masses.

It identifies 21 local civilizations and tries to highlight the connections of various civilizations with each other. In them, he singles out a minority of people who are not involved in economic activity (the creative minority, or elite):

- professional soldiers;

- administrators;

- priests; they are the bearers of the basic values ​​of civilization.

At the beginning of decomposition, it is characterized by a lack of creative forces in the minority, the majority's refusal to imitate the minority. The connecting link in history, providing a new creative impetus to civilizational development, is the universal church.

Pitirim Sorokin:

Civilization is a system of views about truth, beauty, goodness and the utility that unites them.

There are three types of crops:

1) A culture based on a system of values ​​associated with the concept of God. The whole life of a person is connected with his approach to God.

2) A cultural system based on rational and sensual aspects.

3) Sensual type of culture based on the idea that objective reality and its meaning are sensible.

Civilization is a stable cultural and historical community of people, characterized by common spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions, material and industrial and socio-political development, lifestyle and personality type, the presence of common ethnic characteristics and relevant geographical and time frames.

Highlighted civilizations:

– Western

– Eastern – European

– Muslim

– Indian

– Chinese

– Latin American

1.10. traditional society:

Oriental society is usually considered as such. Main features:

1) Non-separation of property and administrative power.

2) The subordination of society to the state.

3) Lack of guarantees of private property and rights of citizens.

4) Complete absorption of the individual by the team.

5) Despotic state.

The main models of the countries of the modern East:

1) Japanese ( South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong): Western capitalist path of development. Characteristic: - in the economy, a free competitive market

State regulation of the economy

Harmonious use of tradition and innovation

2) Indian (Thailand, Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, a group of oil-producing states):

The Western European economy is combined with a deeply restructured traditional internal structure.

Multi-party system.

democratic procedures.

European type of legal proceedings.

3) African countries: characterized by lagging behind and crises (most African countries, Afghanistan, Laos, Burma).

Western structures play a significant role in the economy. The backward periphery plays a significant role. Scarcity natural resources. Inability to self-sufficiency low level life, characterized by the desire for survival)

1.11. Industrial society:

Characteristics of Western Civilization:

The origins come from Ancient Greece, which gave the world private property relations, polis culture, democratic structures of the state. These features also developed in modern times with the formation of the capitalist system. AT late XIX century, the entire non-European world was divided among the imperialist powers.

Characteristic signs:

1) Formation of monopolies.

2) The merging of industrial and banking capital, the formation of finance capital and a financial oligarchy.

3) The predominance of exports of capital over the export of goods.

4) Territorial division of the world.

5) Economic division of the world.

Western European civilization is an industrial society. It is characterized by:

1) A high level of industrial production, focused on the mass production of consumer durables.

2) The impact of scientific and technological revolution on production and management.

3) Radical changes in the entire social structure.

60 - 70s of the XX century:

Western civilization is moving into a post-industrial stage, which is associated with the development of the service economy. The stratum of scientific and technical specialists is becoming dominant. The role is growing theoretical knowledge in the development of the economy. The rapid development of the knowledge industry.

1.12. Information society:

The term itself came from Toffler and Bell. The quaternary information sector of the economy is considered to be dominant, following agriculture, industry and the service economy. Neither labor nor capital are the basis of a post-industrial society, but information and knowledge. The computer revolution will replace conventional printing electronic literature, the replacement of large corporations by smaller economic forms.

1.13. Scientific and technological revolution and its social consequences:

NTR is an integral part of the NTP.

Scientific and technological progress is a process of consistent interconnected progressive development of science, technology, production and consumption.

NTP has two forms:

1) Evolutionary

2) Revolutionary, when there is an abrupt transition to qualitatively new scientific and technical principles for the development of production (NTR). Scientific and technological revolution also implies socio-economic changes.

Scientific and technological revolution at the present stage covers:

1) Social structure. The emergence of a layer of highly skilled workers. There is a need for a new accounting of the quality of work. The importance of working from home is growing.

2) Economic life and work. Information that is included in the cost of production begins to play an increasingly important role.

3) The field of politics and education. With the help of the information revolution and human empowerment, there is a danger of controlling people.

4) Influence on the spiritual and cultural sphere of society. Promotes cultural development and degradation.

1.14. Global problems (addition to the report):

The term appeared in the 60s of the twentieth century.

Global problems - a set of socio-natural problems, the solution of which depends on the preservation of civilization. They arise as an objective factor in the development of society and require the combined efforts of all mankind to solve them.

Three groups of problems:

1) Superglobal problems (global). Prevention of world nuclear missile war. Development of economic integration. A new international order based on mutually beneficial cooperation.

2) Resource (general planetary). Society and nature. Ecology in all manifestations. demographic problem. Energy problem, food. The use of space.

3) Universal (subglobal) problems of the humanitarian series. Society and man. Problems of elimination of exploitation, poverty. Education, healthcare, human rights, etc.

2. Person:

2.1. Human:

One of the main philosophical problems is the question of man, his essence, purpose, origin and place in the world.

Democritus: man is a part of the cosmos, "a single order and a standing nature". Man is a microcosm, part of a harmonious world.

Aristotle: man is a living being endowed with reason and the ability to social life.

Descartes: "I think, therefore I am." The specificity of a person in the mind.

Franklin: Man is a tool-making animal.

Kant: Man belongs to two worlds: natural necessity and moral freedom.

Feuerbach: man is the crown of nature.

Rabelais: man is an animal that laughs.

Nietzsche: the main thing in a person is not consciousness and reason, but the play of vital forces and drives.

Marxist concept: a person is a product and subject of social and labor activity.

religious performance: 1) the divine origin of man;

2) recognition of the soul as the source of life, as that which distinguishes man from the animal kingdom;

3) man - the owner of an immortal soul from God, unlike animals.

Scientific ideas about the origin of man:

1) Biology, anatomy, genetics.

2) The theory of natural selection.

3) The influence of labor.

/4) Cosmic origin (paleovisit theory)/

The problem of the origin of man remains a mystery.

2.2. Natural and social factors about the formation of man:

Anthropogenesis is the process of formation and development of a person. Associated with sociogenesis - the formation of society.

The modern type of man appeared 50-40 thousand years ago.

Natural factors that influenced the selection of a person:

1) Climate change.

2) The disappearance of tropical forests.

Social factors:

1) Labor activity (man changes nature in accordance with his needs).

2) The development of verbal communication in the process of labor (development of the brain and larynx).

3) Regulation of family and marriage relations (exogamy).

4) Neolithic revolution (transition from gathering and hunting to cattle breeding and agriculture, from appropriating to producing).

Man, in essence, is a biosocial being (bio is part of nature, socio is part of society). As part of nature, it belongs to the higher mammals and forms a special species. The biological nature is manifested in anatomy and physiology. Man, as a social being, is inextricably linked with society. A person becomes a person only by coming into contact with other people.

Differences between humans and animals:

1) The ability to make tools and use them as a way to produce wealth.

2) A person is capable of social purposeful creative activity.

3) Man transforms the surrounding reality, creates the material and spiritual values ​​he needs.

4) A person has a highly organized brain, thinking and articulate speech.

5) Man has self-consciousness.

2.3. Personality and socialization of personality:

Personality (from Latin "person") - a mask in which the ancient actor performed.

Personality is a concept denoting a person in the system of social relations.

Personality is a subject of social activity, possessing a set of socially significant features, properties, qualities, etc.

Human beings are born, and become a person in the process of socialization.


The individual is one of the people.

Individuality (biological) - specific features inherent in a particular individual, organism due to a combination of hereditary and acquired properties.

----| |---- (psychology) - a holistic description of a particular person through his temperament, character, interests, intellect, needs and abilities.

Society is a system .

What is a system? “System” is a Greek word, from other Greek. σύστημα - whole, composed of parts, connection.

So, if it is about society as a system, it means that society consists of separate, but interconnected, complementary and developing parts, elements. Such elements are spheres of public life (subsystems), which, in turn, are a system for their constituent elements.


Finding an answer to a question about society as a system, it is necessary to find an answer that contains elements of society: spheres, subsystems, social institutions, that is, parts of this system.

Society is a dynamic system

Recall the meaning of the word "dynamic". It is derived from the word "dynamics", denoting movement, the course of development of a phenomenon, something. This development can go both forward and backward, the main thing is that it happens.

Society - dynamic system. It does not stand still, it is in constant motion. Not all areas develop in the same way. Some change faster, some slower. But everything is moving. Even a period of stagnation, that is, a suspension in movement, is not an absolute stop. Today is not like yesterday. “Everything flows, everything changes,” he said. ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus.


The correct answer to the question about society as a dynamic system there will be one in which we are talking about any kind of movement, interaction, mutual influence of any elements in society.

Spheres of public life (subsystems)

Spheres of public life Definition Elements of the sphere of public life
Economic the creation of material wealth, the production activity of society and the relations that arise in the production process. economic benefits, economic resources, economic objects
Political includes relations of power and subordination, management of society, the activities of state, public, political organizations. political institutions, political organizations, political ideology, political culture
Social the internal structure of society, social groups in it, their interaction. social groups, social institutions, social interaction, social norms
Spiritual includes the creation and development of spiritual goods, the development of public consciousness, science, education, religion, art. spiritual needs, spiritual production, subjects of spiritual activity, that is, who creates spiritual values, spiritual values


The exam will be presented two types of tasks on this topic.

1. It is necessary to find out by signs what area we are talking about (remember this table).

  1. More difficult is the second type of task, when it is necessary, after analyzing the situation, to determine the connection and interaction of which spheres of public life are represented here.

Example: The State Duma adopted the law "On Competition".

AT this case we are talking about the relationship between the political sphere (State Duma) and economic (the law concerns competition).

Material prepared: Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna