The role of art in human life: what the world of beauty is preparing for us. Contemporary art and its role in human life Classical art in modern life

Humanity, a specific kind of spiritual and practical development of the world. Art includes varieties of human activity, united by artistic and figurative forms of reproducing reality, - , , , , , theater, dance, .

In a broader sense, the word "art" refers to any form of human activity, if it is done skillfully, skillfully, skillfully.

What kind of art do you see on these pages?
What other types of art do you know?
Select reproductions for the exhibition, which will feature masterpieces of fine art.
What kinds of art are closer to you? Write down in a creative notebook your impressions of your favorite works of art.

All the diversity of the world around us and the attitude of man towards it, thoughts and , ideas and representations, people - all this is transmitted by a person in artistic images. Art helps a person to choose and . And so it was at all times. Art is a kind of textbook of life.

“Art is an eternal joyful and good symbol of a person’s desire for goodness, for joy and perfection,” wrote the famous German writer T. Mann.

Each art form speaks its own language eternal problems life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about peace and human soul, about the height of thoughts and aspirations, about the comic and tragic life.

Various types of art are mutually enriched, often borrowing from each other means of expressing content. It is no coincidence that there is an opinion that architecture is frozen music, that this or that line in the picture is musical, that an epic novel is like a symphony. And when they talk about any kind of artistic activity, including performing skills (creativity), they often use such concepts as composition, rhythm, , plastic, , dynamics, musicality - common in direct or in figuratively for various arts. But in any work of art there is always a poetic element, what constitutes its main essence, its pathos and gives it an extraordinary power of influence. Without a sublime poetic feeling, without spirituality, any work is dead.

Listen to fragments of musical compositions. Is it old music or modern?

Match character sounding music with figurative structure architectural monuments, features (suits) different eras and .

What culture - Western, Eastern, Russian - do the works belong to? various kinds art? Explain why.

1. Purpose of art.

What role does art play in human life, is as old as the first attempts at its theoretical understanding. True, as Stolovich L.N. , at the very dawn of aesthetic thought, sometimes expressed in mythological form, in fact, there was no question. After all, our distant ancestor was sure that to pierce the image of a buffalo with a real or painted arrow means to ensure a successful hunt, to perform a warlike dance means to defeat your enemies for sure. The question is, what doubts could there be in the practical effectiveness of art, if it was organically woven into practical life people, was inseparable from the craft that created the world of objects and things necessary for the existence of people, was it associated with magical rites, thanks to which people sought to influence the reality around them? Is it any wonder they believe that Orpheus, to whom ancient Greek mythology credits with the invention of music and versification, could bend tree branches with his singing, move stones and tame wild animals.

World artistic images, according to ancient thinkers and artists, "imitating" life, became an integral part of the true life of a person. Euripides, for example, wrote:

No, I will not leave, Muses, your altar ...

There is no real life without art...

But how does it affect a person? wonderful world art?

Already ancient aesthetics sought to give answers to this question, but they were not unambiguous. Plato, who recognized only such works of art that strengthen moral foundations aristocratic state, emphasized the unity of the aesthetic effectiveness of art and its moral significance.

According to Aristotle, the ability of art to have a moral and aesthetic impact on a person is based on the “imitation” of reality, shaping the very nature of his feelings: “The habit of experiencing grief or joy when perceiving what imitates reality leads to what we begin to experience. the same feelings when confronted with reality.

Story artistic culture she captured many cases when the perception of art served as a direct impulse to commit certain actions, to change the way of life. After reading chivalric novels, the poor hidalgo Kehana turned into Don Quixote of La Mancha and set off on skinny Rocinante to assert justice in the world. The very image of Don Quixote has since become a household name, served as an example to follow already in real life.

Thus, we see that the origins of art are in fact, but the work of art is special world, suggesting a perception that is different from the perception of life reality. If the viewer, mistaking art for reality, tries to establish justice by physically cracking down on the actor playing the villain, shoots at the movie screen or throws himself at the picture with a knife, threatens the novelist, worrying about the fate of the hero of the novel, then all these are obvious symptoms or mental pathology in general, or at least pathology artistic perception.

Art does not act on any one human ability and strength, whether it be emotion or intellect, but on the person as a whole. It forms, sometimes unconsciously, unconsciously, the very system of human attitudes, the effect of which will manifest itself sooner or later and often unpredictably, and does not simply aim to induce a person to one or another specific act.

The artistic genius of the famous poster by D. Moor “Have you signed up as a volunteer?”, which was so widely promoted during the days of World War II, lies in the fact that it is not limited to a momentary pragmatic task, but appeals to human conscience through all the spiritual abilities of a person. Those. the power of art lies in this, to appeal to the human conscience, to awaken its spiritual abilities. And on this occasion, we can quote the famous words of Pushkin:

I think this is the true purpose of art.

Art never gets old. In the book of academician philosopher I.T. Frolov "Perspectives of Man" contains arguments about why art does not become obsolete. So, in particular, he notes: “The reason for this is the unique originality of works of art, their deeply individualized character, ultimately due to the constant appeal to man. The unique unity of man and the world in a work of art, the “human reality” cognized by it, deeply distinguish art from science not only in terms of the means used, but also in terms of its very object, always correlated with the personality of the artist, his subjective worldview, while science strives to beyond these limits, rushes to the “superhuman”, guided by the principle of objectivity. Therefore, science also strives for a strict unambiguity in the perception of knowledge by a person, it finds the appropriate means for this, its own language, while works of art do not have such unambiguity: their perception, refracting through the subjective world of a person, generates a whole gamut of deeply individual shades and tones that make this perception of an unusually diverse, albeit subordinate certain direction, common theme» .

This is precisely the secret of the extraordinary impact of art on a person, his moral world, lifestyle, behavior. Turning to art, a person goes beyond the limits of rational unambiguity. Art reveals the mysterious, unyielding scientific knowledge. That is why a person needs art as an organic part of what is contained in himself and in the world that he knows and enjoys.

The famous Danish physicist Niels Bohr wrote: "The reason why art can enrich us is its ability to remind us of harmonies that are beyond the reach of systematic analysis." Art often highlights universal, “eternal” problems: what is good and evil, freedom, human dignity. The changing conditions of each era force us to re-solve these issues.

2. The concept of art.

The word "art" is often used in its original, very broad sense. This is any sophistication, any skill, skill in the implementation of any tasks that require some kind of perfection of their results. In the narrower sense of the word, this is creativity"according to the laws of beauty." Artworks artistic creativity, like the works applied arts, are created according to the "laws of beauty". Works of all types of artistic creativity contain in their content a generalizing awareness of life that exists outside of these works, and this is mainly human, social, national-historical life. If the content of works of art contains a generalizing awareness of national-historical life, then it means that it is necessary to distinguish between the reflection of some general, essential features of life itself and the consciousness of the artist that generalizes them.

A work of art, like all other types of social consciousness, is always a unity of the object cognized in it and the subject who cognizes this object. Known and reproduced by the lyrical artist, the “inner world”, even if it is his own “inner world”, is always the object of his cognition - active cognition, which includes the selection of the essential features of this “ inner world and their comprehension and evaluation.

This means that the essence of lyrical creativity lies in the fact that in it the main features of human experiences are generally recognized - either in their own temporary state and development, or in their focus on the outside world, for example, on a natural phenomenon, as in landscape lyrics.

Epos, pantomime, painting, sculpture have huge differences among themselves, arising from the characteristics of the means and methods of reproducing life in each of them. Nevertheless, they are all fine arts, in all of them the essential features of national-historical life are recognized in their external manifestations.

In a primitive, pre-class society, art as a special kind of social consciousness did not yet exist independently. It was then in an undifferentiated, undifferentiated unity with other aspects of syncretic consciousness and creativity expressing it - with mythology, magic, religion, with legends about past tribal life, with primitive geographical ideas, with moral requirements.

And then art in the proper sense of the word was dismembered from other aspects of social consciousness, stood out among them in its special, specific variety. It has become one of the forms of development of social consciousness various peoples. This is how it should be considered in its later modifications.

Thus, art is a special meaningful kind of consciousness of society, it is artistic content, and not scientific or philosophical. L. Tolstoy, for example, defined art as a means of exchanging feelings, contrasting it with science as a means of exchanging thoughts.

Art is often compared to a reflective mirror. This is not accurate. It would be more accurate to say, as Nezhnov, the author of the brochure Art in Our Life, noted: art is a special mirror with a unique and inimitable structure, a mirror that reflects reality through the thoughts and feelings of the artist. Through the artist, this mirror reflects those phenomena of life that attracted the attention of the artist and excited him.

3. Artistic socialization of the individual and the formation of aesthetic taste.

For centuries, man has always had a desire for everything beautiful. And the desire for art appeared in the days of hoeing, hunting for mammoths and dressing the skins of caught animals. The first painters decorated the walls of their houses with various drawings. Everyday life. They depicted a successful hunt, animals living in the forests, their settlement and prints of their palms. Later, when they got acquainted with clay and began to sculpt pots, they began to put images on them too.

Humanity has evolved, so has art. Rock paintings were replaced by frescoes and mosaics. The Greeks were especially skilled in this area. They were invited by many kings to decorate the walls of their palaces with their works. Replaced frescoes and mosaics came. At that time, the icon served not only as an object of prayer, but also as a home decoration. Since the 4th century, the icon has become an obligatory attribute of every home. The wealthier class allowed themselves to decorate them with gold and silver, precious stones and enamel. The family's well-being was judged by the number of icons and their framing.

Along with the image of the faces of saints, lint-free carpets or, as they were called, tapestries, and later - tapestries served as decoration for the walls. They were made by interweaving colored threads covering a woolen or linen base. The tapestries themselves were a hand-woven carpet with a plot and ornamental composition.

Tapestries, tapestries and paintings have become an indispensable attribute of the decoration of palaces and country residences.

Fashion has changed, but in our time they remain an integral part of interior decoration. A properly selected picture can not only decorate the room, but also make it cozy and unique, with a zest inherent only to you. When decorating the interior, it is worth considering many nuances, the main ones of which are: with a small amount of furniture and accessories, an oppressive emptiness and a feeling of incompleteness will be felt, and oversaturation will lead to a feeling of fatigue and overload. Therefore, before buying a painting, you need to think in advance about its location and how it will look next to other interior items.

Buy paintings with a good plot and positive themes for the interior of an apartment or house. Do not forget that any picture is not a wardrobe or a carpet, it is the result of the creativity and imagination of the person who created it. Therefore, it carries a powerful energy and emotional charge. It is worth paying attention to the color scheme present in the canvas. It has been scientifically proven that color has a great influence on our psyche. It can excite or soothe, depress or cheer up, and maybe even heal. Therefore, the purchase of a painting should be taken seriously.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Art in Life modern man ">

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> What is art? This word has several meanings. Art is a skill , skill,"> Что такое искусство? У этого слова несколько значений. Искусством называют умение, мастерство, знание дела. Самое дело, требующие такого умения, тоже называют. Искусством можно назвать !} artistic activity and what is its result is a work. Art is a part of the spiritual culture of mankind, a specific kind of spiritual and practical development of the world.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Art includes: n Literature n Music n"> Искусство включает в себя: n Литература n Музыка n Архитектура n Театр n Киноискусство n Хореография n Цирк n Изобразительное искусство и др.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Fine Arts n Sculpture n Photography n Design n Painting n Graphics"> Изобразительное искусство n скульптура n фотоискусство n дизайн n живопись n графика n декоративно-прикладное искусство!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Classification: n spatial or plastic arts ( art, arts and crafts, architecture, "> Classification: n spatial or plastic arts (fine arts, arts and crafts, architecture, photography) n temporary or dynamic arts (music, literature) n spatio-temporal (synthetic or spectacular ) types (choreography, literature, theatrical art, cinematography)

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Sculpture (lat. sculptura, from sculpo - cut, carve) - sculpture, plastic - view"> Скульптура (лат. sculptura, от sculpo - вырезаю, высекаю) - ваяние, пластика - вид изобразительного искусства, произведения которого имеют объёмную форму и выполняются из твёрдых или пластических материалов. Различаются круглая скульптура (статуя, группа, статуэтка, бюст), осматриваемая с !} different sides, and relief (the image is located on a plane).

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Relief on the wall of the Buddhist temple Venus de Milo">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Arts and crafts n Arts and crafts (from lat."> Декоративно-прикладное искусство n Декоративно-прикладное искусство (от лат. decoro - украшаю) - раздел декоративного искусства создание художественных изделий, имеющих утилитарное назначение. n Произведения !} decorative and applied the arts are designed for artistic effect; serve for decoration of everyday life and interior

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Views">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The origin of art primitive society. With the help of it, people "> The origin of art Art arises in primitive society. With the help of it, people sought to solve some practical problems of their lives. Undoubtedly, important role labor played a role in the origin of art.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> primitive art occurs 45-40 thousand years ago. years ago,"> According to archaeological data, the origin of primitive art occurs 45-40 thousand years ago, when kind of Homo Sapiens.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Functions of art n Unmotivated functions of art 1) human instinct for harmony,"> Функции искусства n Немотивированные функции искусства 1) человеческий инстинкт гармонии, 2) способ ощутить свою связь с !} outside world, 3) a way to apply the imagination, 4) appeal to an unlimited circle of people, 5) ritual and symbolic functions.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>n Motivated functions of art 1)Means of communication, 2)Art as entertainment, 3) Art for the sake of"> n Мотивированные функции искусства 1)Средство коммуникации, 2)Искусство как развлечение, 3)Искусство ради политических перемен, 4)Искусство для психотерапии, 5)Искусство для социального протеста, 6)Искусство для пропаганды или коммерциализации.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Spheres of human life n Social status">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Elite and mass art Elite art (from the French elite -"> Элитарное и массовое искусство Элитарное искусство (от французского elite - лучшее, отборное), искусство, ориентированное, по мысли его создателей, на небольшую группу людей, обладающих особой художественной восприимчивостью, в силу которой они должны оцениваться как лучшая часть общества, его элита. Элитарные тенденции получили распространение в XX веке в русле авангардстски- модернистского искусства.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Mass art is designed for the most wide circle viewers, public, simple "> Mass art is designed for the widest range of viewers, public, simple in form, not requiring special training for understanding. Mass art includes works distributed through mass communication(cinema, television), printed graphics, popular music, products of the art industry, designed for the average taste of a wide consumer, simplified and not of high artistic value.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Political sphere (relations of people connected with power) Power -"> Политическая сфера (отношения людей, связанные с властью) Власть - это способность и возможност оказывать определяющее воздействие на деятельность, поведение людей с помощью каких - либо средств.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Art as a means of ideological influence"> Искусство как способ идеологического воздействия Часто искусство понималось как явление подчиненное, служебное: по отношению к политике государства.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Official political ideology (30-50s in the USSR )">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Spiritual sphere (the area of ​​ideal, intangible formations that include ideas , the values ​​of religion,"> Духовная сфера (область идеальных, нематериальных образований, включающих в себя идеи, ценности религии, искусства, морали и т. д.) n Искусство и наука n Искусство и техника n Искусство и религия n Искусство и образование!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Art and Science"> Искусство и наука Наука, изучающая искусство в целом и связанные с ним явления - искусствоведение. Отрасль философии, занимающаяся изучением искусства - эстетика. Отличия искусства от науки: n наука и техника оказывает большее влияние на вещи, а искусство - на психологию; n наука добивается объективности, авторы же творений искусства вкладывают в них себя, свои чувства; n !} scientific method strictly rational, in art there is always a place for intuitiveness and inconsistency; n each work of art is single and complete, each scientific work is only a link in the chain of predecessors and followers;

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Art and technique photography, stage">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>cinema, television">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Connection with religion Religion (from Latin religio - piety,"> Связь с религией Религия (от лат. religio – благочестие,) – это мировоззрение и мироощущение и также соответствующее поведение и специфические действия (культ), основанные на вере в существование Бога или богов, в существование священного, то есть той или иной разновидности сверхъестественного.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Economic sphere (a set of relations between people that arise when creating and moving material blessings)">!}


Art has existed since ancient times. It accompanied man throughout his existence. The first manifestations of art were very primitive drawings on the walls of caves, made by primitive people. Even then, when every day you had to fight for your life, a person was drawn to art, even then a love for beauty was manifested.

Nowadays there are many different types of art. These are literature, musical and visual arts, etc. Now the natural talent of a person is combined with the latest technologies, creating fundamentally new trends in art. Of course, before there were no such opportunities as in our time, but every artist sought to come up with something special, to contribute to the development of this type of art.

And yet, why do we attach such great importance art? What role does it play in a person's life? figurative recreation reality creates our personality. Cultural and spiritual development has a great influence on our lives. Indeed, in most cases people are not judged by appearance but by what they have inside. A person with a very unattractive appearance can be beautiful, you just have to get to know him better. Comprehensively developed, spiritually rich people have always aroused the interest of others, it is interesting and pleasant to communicate with them. We all need to develop, improve ourselves, and art helps us in this difficult task. It helps to better understand the world and themselves.

Knowing oneself is one of the most important stages in the formation of a human personality. Often art is a way to assert oneself, to say something to the whole world. It is like a message to the future, a kind of appeal to the people. Each work of art has its own purpose: to acquaint, teach, encourage reflection. Art requires understanding. Thoughtless contemplation of pictures or reading books of great masters does not make any sense. You need to understand what exactly the artist wanted to say, for what purpose this or that creation appeared. Only under this condition will art fulfill its task, teach us something.

It is often said that in our time people have almost ceased to be interested in art. I don't think so. Times change, generations change. Do not remain unchanged and views, tastes. But there are topics that will be relevant at all times. Of course, our society attaches more importance to material enrichment than spiritual. But this does not mean that people do not pay attention to cultural life do not appreciate art. We should not forget about art, because it plays an important role in our life.