Sayings in literature. Proverbs, sayings and folk songs in literature

Small genre of oral folk art. “You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without labor” is a proverb. "After the rain on Thursday" is a proverb. Since ancient times, side by side, next to a person, this genre of folklore began to emerge. It attracts with its instructive meaning and is studied in different countries on our planet. It is easy to remember, has a rhyme. Proverbs and sayings in Russia have always been used, because they could briefly express the meaning of teaching.

A proverb is a short, stable in speech, rhythmically organized saying containing a complete moralizing judgment. It is possible to use many-valued analogy ("What you sow, so you reap") to many similar situations. The proverb provides an opportunity to define a particular phenomenon for practical purposes, to evaluate it.

A proverb - a widespread expression that figuratively defines any life phenomenon or person and gives it a well-aimed assessment ("Seven Fridays in a week"), is an ornament to speech. A saying is always only a part of a judgment, a proverb is a whole judgment.

Sayings are figurative expressions that, as a rule, do not carry an instructive meaning, but are remembered when the right moment comes. At the same time, they suggest how to act correctly in this situation. Toddlers, even at a toddler age, begin to serve them as simple instructive truths, including them in holiday scenarios. We can say that they help people in life.

Proverbs and sayings of different nations have their own wisdom. It is different for everyone, but it can be said with confidence that if a person acts as popular experience tells him, then he does the right thing.

Proverbs are an example of a life situation, where its resolution is also indicated. Proverbs and sayings have been compiled by peoples throughout all centuries and at all times. This was done for various events. It can be noted that if we take a closer look at them, we will understand how the Russian people lived in the past and how they live in the present. Why does he behave differently in different situations? Where do principles and manners come from?

These expressions have always strengthened the spirit and moral character of the people. These are the commandments that every mere mortal must observe, which his people have carried through centuries of experience. From proverbs and sayings, you can draw conclusions that may be useful in the future.

All generations had an abundance of them, but the most valuable ones were preserved and survived to our times. Over time, if they lost their original meaning, they acquired a new one, even if it was figurative.

"Two people are afraid of a broken bow" - a change of weapons took place a long time ago and they no longer shoot from a bow.

The next kind of proverbs are those that were originally invented in a figurative sense. "To shoot at a stone - only to lose arrows." The meaning of proverbs is not always direct, sometimes it is transferred to some other objects and phenomena. The general assessment of the figurative reflection of reality is often associated with aesthetic, with its life manifestations. Proverbs are both sad and funny, bitter and funny.

In his dictionaries, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal described them as "a collection of folk wisdom: groans and sighs, weeping and sobbing, joy, fun, grief and consolation in faces: this is the original mind of the people to become, worldly truth and a judicial officer not judged by anyone."

Peculiar, also the form of proverbs. They have their own organization and sound design. The proverb has an instructive meaning and an organized saying. The people in it have always, throughout all the centuries, generalized their social and historical experience.

Sayings, on the other hand, are widespread figurative expressions that accurately define life phenomena. Their distinctive feature is the absence of a direct generalized instructive meaning. They can also be limited to a figurative expression: "light in sight", "like snow on the head."

In ordinary speech, proverbs often become sayings and vice versa: “It is easy to rake the heat with the wrong hands” changes to “rake the heat with the wrong hands” (here the lover of someone else's work is reflected).

In sayings, as a rule, all the properties of the language are involved. For example, the expression "put a pig" does not have a direct meaning, but a figurative one, that is, to make trouble for someone. But at the very beginning it had a completely different meaning. It was associated with the military system of the ancient Slavs. Just before the start of the battle, the squad lined up in the form of a "wedge" resembling a boar's head, and was popularly called a "pig". Over time, this expression has lost its original meaning, now it is not the same as in antiquity.

Scientists who study ancient proverbs and sayings have come to the consensus that they directly indicate the era in which they were created.

"Empty, as if Mamai had passed" - this is the historical period when the enslavement of Russia took place. But, there are much fewer such proverbs than they appear in a person in everyday life. The main source folk proverbs is a socio-historical folk experience. One part of them is taken from church books: "God gave, God took." With the advent of secular literature, the number of proverbs and sayings has increased significantly. Russian writers compiled them on the example of folk. "Like a squirrel in a wheel" (I. A. Krylov), "U broken trough"(A. S. Pushkin) and others. The expression of G. Kh. Andersen from the fairy tale "The King's New Dress" can also be attributed to the number of folk - Ah, the king is naked!

The figurativeness of these proverbs and sayings differs from the figurativeness of epics, fairy tales and songs. The creation of images in proverbs and sayings is directly related to the specifics of the genre. "An apple does not fall far from an apple tree," and it is perceived not literally, but in a figurative sense, so to speak, allegorically. "They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind." To this day, there are also collections of proverbs that date back to the end of the 17th century - handwritten book"Tales and proverbs of the most popular alphabetically," there are more than 2,500 of them in the collection. In the 19th century, Vladimir Dahl published a "Collection of proverbs of the Russian people," which already had more than 30,000.

O people! A pitiful race, worthy of tears and laughter!
Priests of the moment, admirers of success!

A. S. Pushkin

What makes a person a person? This is a key question that representatives of science and religion have been trying to answer for centuries. Many different answers have been proposed to it - features of conscious activity, conformity to God, freedom, certain behavior, which is characterized by certain social role functions, cultural codes, moral guidelines, etc.

The question of the human in a person in the light of the current trends in the development of science and technology is acquiring new, hitherto unknown shades. Increasing implementation in all segments of human activity computer technology forms a separate virtual sphere of life of the average citizen, which is expanding to the detriment of many social functions and "live" interpersonal communication. Our time is the time when a person inevitably becomes and will become a Cyberman. At the same time, the change in its social role functions, moral guidelines, and the nature of communication are becoming more and more noticeable.

Manifestations of family, work, friendship, social relations are increasingly preferred in favor of computer reality, a part of which we are all about to become already at the physiological level. And in such a human transformation, one can easily guess the interest of many producers of goods and services, primarily transnational corporations, which in fact have a decisive influence on the earth's life order.

By the command of God, O Muse, be obedient,
Not afraid of resentment, not demanding a crown,
Praise and slander were accepted indifferently
And don't argue with the fool.

A. S. Pushkin

Classical Literature and the Human in the Russian Man

It will soon be exactly one hundred years since Russia plunged into the horror of revolutions, red terror, civil war, famine. And then there were years of countless human sacrifices, but already in payment for industrialization, collectivization, victory in a terrible war.

Human life has absolutely depreciated, the people were drawn into fratricide, denunciation, apostasy from religion, servility. How was it possible that, having lost their best representatives, having forcibly found themselves in degrading conditions, people still preserved their country, revived and increased their industrial potential, created a cultural space that gave mankind many worthy fruits?

Revolutionary slogans lay on a foundation suitable for communist lies - the centuries-old Christian worldview of the majority of citizens of a vast country, the communal nature of Russian self-consciousness, its love for the land and the desire for work, justice, morality. It is no coincidence that, having appeared in 1961, moral code builder of communism, according to its creators, was deliberately based on the Sermon on the Mount.

It is noteworthy that the representatives of the communist government, the higher they stood in its hierarchical pyramid, the more shamelessly violated moral norms: a fierce struggle for power justified any means. Indeed, in the atheistic communist ideology, unlike the biblical commandments, there was no place for the inevitable divine punishment for bad deeds.

It seems that the country was saved and revived not by the communist foundations, but, first of all, by the foundation in a person that was laid by classical literature, art, and architecture. Sweeping away all the old communist reforming frenzy in the first half of the last century quickly led to such chaos that for the sake of preserving statehood communist power allowed to exist in education, art, architecture, lifestyle elements traditional culture, classical examples of literature, art, architecture.

The work of our great writers and poets absorbed folk wisdom, wrote out images of worthy and unworthy behavior, carried grains of centuries-old life experience, a culture of thinking, its focus on spiritual search. It was the classics, through education, art, that saved the country in the last century, especially after the most inhuman fratricidal upheavals.

We all learned a little something and somehow!
A. S. Pushkin

Is it possible to fall in love with A. S. Pushkin at school?
Or "Strokes to a portrait"

The work of writers and poets shaped the culture of the masses primarily through school teachers. They were also children of their time, hostages of established educational clichés.

Regarding educational clichés, let us allow ourselves some “touches to the portrait”.

The well-known Russian literary critic Mikhail Osipovich Gershenzon, revealing the problems of teaching literature, noted back in 1899: “Of course, children should not read everything that gives them pleasure; but whatever they read should please them. ... The main task of teaching literature at school should be ... the general nourishment of the spirit, and not the treatment of the spirit with special extracts, which analytical study can extract from poetry; nutrition with whole and tasty milk, and not with casein preparations ”(in the book“ Proceedings of the Pedagogical Society, Consisting at the Imperial Moscow University, 1900).

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, he complained about the “peculiarities of the national methodology”, which stereotyped thinking and language. Russian writer, publicist, critic Vlas Mikhailovich Doroshevich. He highlights the following aspects of writing an essay by French schoolchildren: “... Everyone wrote in his own way. Everyone lived in the "composition" of his life. Everyone wrote what they really thought about. And the teacher made sure that the thoughts were expressed in the correct native language, and put “very well” for this presentation both to a serious writer who flaunted learning, and to a boy who undoubtedly had a creative imagination, and to a child whose mindset is disposed to a joke. ... Let the children be able to express well what they think. This is what teaching the native language consists of ... ".

The native language, according to Vlas Mikhailovich, is "the most lively, interesting, fascinating subject, the most powerful tool for development." At the same time, everyone perceives it as a “boring subject”, which is quite understandable: “But we only think how to write, say “like everyone else”, repeat “something good”, said twenty times ... Everything that there is something alive, attractive and interesting in the "object" is excluded. Dead compositions, instead of developing, accustoming to think, will accustom to "non-thinking".

It is in the established methodology of teaching language and literature that V. M. Doroshevich sees the reason, on the one hand, for inertia of thinking, conservatism, the stereotypedness of society in literally everything, and on the other hand, its susceptibility to decadence, a tendency to uncritical reflection, the ease of being carried away by nationalism, radicalism , some other "ism" (in the article "Russian language", 1901).

Is this not another of the main reasons why revolutionary ideas a hundred years ago were accepted with such loyalty by the Russian intelligentsia, leading the country to disaster?

With the opinion of M. O. Gershenzon and V. M. Doroshevich regarding the shortcomings of teaching literature and language, such an authoritative literary critic as Boris Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum is in many ways in agreement. Noting the key problems of the school, he writes: “... Each writer should be studied ... so that students ... would see the internal regularity between all his images and understand in what sense and why these images constitute a certain art system… The school should teach the assimilation of artistic images. It is by this process of assimilation that the school should educate the spirit, and not by analyzing “positive and negative types”, which, on the one hand, distorts the very essence of literature, and on the other hand, does not achieve the educational goal, because the living spirit does not obey moral schemes, but demands freedom of self-determination” (in the article “On the Principles of Studying Literature in high school", 1915)

Mass practice of teaching Russian literature in the XX century. brought into the negative trends of the XIX century. the ideology of the class approach, excessive emphasis on "positive and negative characters" in the context of the "current moment" of political realities.

The presented “touches to the portrait” cannot claim to substantiate trends, however, in our opinion, they allow us to highlight some reasons for the thesis recognized by the pedagogical community - the widely used methodology for teaching the Russian language and literature does not contribute to the student’s love for the relevant subject areas of knowledge.

In fairness, we note that, unlike Soviet times, now ideological pressure has greatly weakened, there are much fewer coercive factors, and the requirements for the depth of mastering literature are far from the same as they were in the past. Reading the classics from short notes has become the norm, and the focus on test control of knowledge only favors this. Study hours for literature have been significantly reduced; it has lost its basic status. In this regard, the pedagogical community was able to achieve only a slight adjustment of the new attitude towards the literature of the authorities - the return of a certain semblance of an essay to the examination routine.

It would seem that in the current situation there are pluses - fewer factors for the emergence of disgust for literature.

Indeed, the imperfection of the methodology of teaching the Russian language and literature is a great obstacle to human development. However, the spiritual depth of the linguistic and plot-semantic environment classical works is such that, despite the loss of interest in classical literature in school years, a person still received an inoculation against the bad. Confirmation of this is the progressive, in spite of everything, development of the country, where the public good was an absolute priority over individual benefits, where service to one's people was encouraged, where moral standards were postulated.

There is no such vaccination today! How can it be achieved when there is no previous volume of teaching hours for literature, when virtual reality and the market ideological atmosphere in society are only expanding their influence? How to resist the formalization of human communication, money-grubbing, the erosion of moral norms, the loss of traditional culture and national identity? What can be opposed to the complete displacement of everything human in a person by information technologies, a living environment that unifies and enslaves a person with his consumer dependence on transnational monopolies?

In vain he casts a sad gaze around himself:
The mind seeks the deity, but the heart does not find it.

A. S. Pushkin

Internet and education

The modern world dictates its own approaches to teaching. They should be based on the inevitable trends associated with the development of the Internet, the corresponding effects of human development, which must be used in a positive way.

While on the Internet, young people read and write a lot. It processes a lot and very diverse information. Here today is the most relevant focus of the guiding influence of the education system. The Internet should become the main means of generating interest in classical literature, art, language, familiarizing with spiritual values, and promoting the development of elementary compassion, sympathy, empathy.

Without the guiding influence of the education system, contemplation on the Internet of dozens of cinematic and real murders, tragedies leads to the fact that the human heart becomes callous. As a result, the individual begins to relate to someone else's pain, suffering in a detached way, not commensurate with himself, as an entertainment, a game. Switching from one topic to another, from one plot to another, more intense, dynamic and entertaining, forms a superficial, clustered consciousness, which is not focused on a deep system analysis, practical experience, or the performance of social functions.

The most difficult task today lies on the entire teaching staff - to overcome the noted negative trends. And here teachers-writers should play the main role. It is on their subject, its morality-forming influence through the best examples of classical literature, that the entire teaching staff of the school should work today, both in the context of their subject area of ​​knowledge and in extracurricular activities.

How far the presented thesis is from reality!

The methodology of teaching literature continues to suffer from traditional diseases, which were devoted to "Strokes to a Portrait", and there is no need to talk about interdisciplinary relationships in their focus on literature, it now does not even have the status of a basic subject.

It remains only to rely on the pedagogical community itself, appeal to its civic self-awareness, ancestral roots, self-preservation in unity with its people and culture.

There on unknown paths
Traces of unseen beasts;
Hut there on chicken legs
It stands without windows, without doors ...

A. S. Pushkin

From love of folklore to literary classics

What used to shape a person works less and less. Today, the former educational conditions are simply not realizable, forcing the study of literature, immersion in the perfect language environment of the classics, the world of the book. Everything has changed. It is quite archaic to go from studying literature at school to loving it in adulthood. At the same time, only such an effect could be expected by mass education in the past and the century before last.

It is necessary to act on the contrary - to aspire to the heights of literary classics from love for what is close to a person, what can arouse his active interest.

Domestic activity psychology and pedagogy relied on a very important pattern, which is still not sufficiently understood: activity itself is perhaps the most important factor in the emergence of interest and love for that subject, the development and transformation of which at first could be perceived without any enthusiasm. As they say, "Appetite comes with eating."

And there is such an object - it is folklore, that is, songs, dances, ditties, anecdotes, fairy tales, legends, proverbs and sayings, fine and arts and crafts, various theatrical forms.

It is difficult to imagine the theoretical development of folklore by schoolchildren. Folklore at school is always a cultural practice, that is, just the kind of activity, involvement in which inevitably initiates interest and even love for the folk wisdom that nourishes classical literature.

Moral proverbs are surprisingly useful in those cases when we can think up little of ourselves to justify ourselves.
A. S. Pushkin

Russian proverbs and sayings

For a modern person, flight into the world of illusions more and more often leads to a very tangible material loss, loss of health, a life filled with human relationships, and not their virtual imitation.

Russian proverbs and sayings are concentrated folk wisdom, they are components and, at the same time, carriers of Russian language culture. Proverbs and sayings enrich speech, allow you to be concise, well understood in your cultural environment.

Proverbs and sayings are useful in critical decision-making situations, when a person feels that he is being manipulated, something is being imposed on him. A proverb or saying that was remembered for the situation can be immediately used in speech, effectively and effectively resisting communicative pressure.

Proverbs can help protect against manipulation, but it should be borne in mind that they are also an effective means of manipulation. There is the concept of "code", that is, the inclusiveness, universality of proverbs and sayings in terms of the characteristics of various life situations and behavioral attitudes hidden in them. Proverbs often contain mutually exclusive assessments and judgments: "Patience and work will grind everything" and "From the labors of the righteous you will not make stone chambers", which also contains folk wisdom. And there are a lot of such proverbs!

Every proverb is a sign of a situation, the key to how a person perceives it for himself, what strategy of behavior he chooses. So, for example, the proverb “Everything that is done is for the better” as a guide to action is decisive for the appearance of certain illusions (from the series “everything works out by itself”) and quite predictable actions (or rather, inaction).

And such behavior can lead to fatal consequences when it is necessary to "take the bull by the horns" and not "go with the flow."

Here is just one of these tasks: how do you understand the following proverbs:

1. "He hears the grass grow";
2. "God will not give out, the pig will not eat";
3. "If I knew where I fell, then I spread straws."

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have
Prepare enlightenment spirit
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, paradoxes friend,
And chance, god is the inventor.

A. S. Pushkin

Proverbs and sayings: creativity technology at school

Tasks related to proverbs and sayings can be offered to students as part of the research activities of schoolchildren, used in the course of any training sessions to switch attention, relieve stress, the emergence of interest in the pedagogical situation as a whole. Abstract assignments related to proverbs and sayings, in the context of specific life situations, are almost impossible to perform formally by downloading ready-made material from the Internet.

Bearing in mind the previously cited criticism of Boris Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum, we note that it is precisely in proverbs, with their code, that the diversity of any real human nature is reflected. Study literary characters in the context of folk wisdom hidden in proverbs and sayings, it favors the assimilation of artistic images, and not the reduced protocol characteristics of “positive and negative types”.

To complete tasks related to proverbs and sayings, the possibilities of the Internet are very useful. Tasks can be extremely varied. You can ask to pick up not only proverbs and sayings on the designated topics, but also to illustrate them with works of classical painting, or the results of folk arts and crafts. You can vice versa - offer, for example, pictures and ask them to pick up proverbs and sayings for them.

Note that the emphasis on Russian proverbs in the title of this article is not accidental. Let's say that Russian proverbs are culturally close to the student. Looking for proverbs and sayings on the Internet in order to complete any task, he will inevitably begin to discover for himself a colossal layer of proverbs and sayings of other nationalities, their national flavor. It is difficult to overestimate such intercultural reflection. But it is still better to associate the initial tasks with culturally close Russian proverbs.

Orientation to the use of proverbs and sayings in education and upbringing favors an interested discussion, feedback, ease of pedagogical communication. It is interesting not only to the student, but also to the teacher, which for some reason is considered a secondary point in educational activities. But here, as they say: "If the doctor is full, it is easier for the patient."

What is the teacher's interest?

Firstly, the erudition of any socialized adult is quite enough to understand most of the proverbs and sayings in their language environment, which is all the more up to the teacher.

Secondly, the interest is due to the uniqueness of the situations of discussion: proverbs and sayings are associated with the context of specific life situations, and they are very contradictory and ambiguous. As a result, the teacher gets the opportunity to rely on all his life experience, hobbies, observations.

Thirdly, the teacher, having taken the first step, will most likely be inspired to take the next steps - to change, complicate the tasks associated with proverbs and sayings, perhaps he will begin to use them more actively in his speech, interconnect them with other varieties of folklore, and in this connection will find his own zest extracurricular activities or establish contact with students, feel satisfaction from informal communication, an interested attitude towards himself and his teaching mission.

Of course, assignments for schoolchildren from a literature teacher can be directly related to the subject: what forms of folklore appear in the work, what proverbs and sayings are used literary heroes or could be used by them in speech; how, from the point of view of proverbs and sayings, it is fair to characterize certain storylines etc.

If in proverbs and sayings folk wisdom is multifaceted, sometimes justifying very controversial situations and relationships, then for Russian mentality, that is, the spiritual disposition inherent in all the people, is characterized by the triumph of good over evil, behavior in good conscience, as evidenced by many recognized examples of Russian literature. Meanings hidden in complex literary images, thanks to the knowledge of folklore and the inquisitive desire to see them, they are sure to open.

To see better, you need to change yourself in accordance with worthy examples of what is human in a person.

But let me see my, oh God, sins,
Yes, my brother will not accept condemnation from me,
And the spirit of humility, patience, love
And revive chastity in my heart.

A. S. Pushkin

Proverbs and sayings about the value of books help the younger generation understand the importance of reading and careful attitude to the book.
The proverbs contain information about history, perception of events, values ​​of the people. An important factor: the proverbs that have come down to our time have been rigorously tested for centuries and generations. They have become an integral part of the native speech, which would become insipid and dull without this folklore genre. Brief summary - distinguishing feature proverbs about the book.

The book is the first carrier of information in written form. With the help of books it is easier to transfer knowledge, because it is impossible to memorize all the facts even on one topic. But putting a book on the shelf, you will know that if necessary, at any time you can use the data that is imprinted in it. The book is a source of knowledge, wisdom and awareness. In folklore, people could not forget about books. Proverbs about books many have been created. From childhood, the proverb indicates to the child that the book needs to be loved, because it tells a lot about yourself, will help you find a way out of a problem, and can even change a person’s worldview. Let's let's get acquainted with some proverbs about the book :

From time immemorial, the book raises a person. The book is the best gift.

The helm book feeds the judges.

If you hold a book written by a professional in your hands, you feel the clarity of presentation and you understand that the writer lives by what he writes about.
Phrases called proverbs contain the experience and wisdom of ancestors. They were created to convey thoughts and ideas to us, to simplify our life, warning against wrong actions, pointing to the true path.

We do not have to search anew for answers to the questions that every person faces every day, regardless of historical period of its development. In brief sayings, theorems of actions and behavior in various situations are shown, which we only have to skillfully use. Below you will find the most popular sayings and proverbs about the book that we have collected and published for you.

It is necessary to acquaint modern children with proverbs and sayings. They have educational value for the child, plus they help in understanding the world around them. From short phrases, the baby learns about the various characters of a person and what actions can be used to draw conclusions about people. The proverb clearly and clearly shows the child the difference between good and bad. And the themes of this genre will tell facts about everything in the world. The child will grow inquisitive and reach for new knowledge.

Proverb about the book- Sister of the proverb. It not only colorfully describes the situation, but also offers options for getting out of it. Often a proverb is called half of a proverb. These two genres are intertwined with each other so closely that professionals in the field of folklore are not always able to distinguish between them.

The most popular sayings and proverbs about the book.
Next article:
The best proverbs about health

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One book teaches thousands of people.

To live with a book is not to grieve for a century.

The book is your friend, without it, as without hands.

To know books - to gain mind.

The book is your best friend.

The book will help in work, help out in trouble.

A book is a book, but move your mind.

Read books, but don't forget things.

A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

The book is not red in writing, it is red in mind.

Good book shining brighter than a star.

Good book, bad reader.

The book is like water, the road breaks everywhere.

A book in a village is like a window in a hut.

The book decorates in happiness, and comforts in misfortune.

From time immemorial, the book raises a person.

A house without a book is like a body without a soul.

The book is good, but the readers are bad.

The book, and in it the fig and the fig (that is, meaningless).

Proverbs and sayings about books and reading

The book is a man's friend.

A book is a book, and move your mind.

Who reads a lot knows a lot.

He has books in his hands.

The book is small, but gave the mind.

Not everyone who reads knows the power in reading.

Books don't tell, they tell the truth.

A book is not red in writing, but red in mind.

The book in happiness decorates, and in misfortune comforts.

Who knows az yes beeches, and books in his hands.

One book teaches a thousand people.

A book is a small window through which you can see the whole world.

From time immemorial, the book raises a person.

The book is the best gift.

Another book of the mind will add, another and the last will repel.

To live with a book is not to grieve for a century.

A house without a book is a day without sun.

The book decorates in happiness, and comforts in misfortune

Without a book, as without the sun, and during the day the windows are dark

The book is your friend, without it it’s like without hands

The book is small, but gave mind

You will lead with a book - you will gain your mind

If you don’t visit the library, you will lose a lot of knowledge

Read good books - learn more about life

Black letters red days bring

An illiterate is like a blind man, but a book opens his eyes

In the book, look not for letters, but for thoughts

The book is like water: the road will break through everywhere

The book will help in work, help out in trouble

The book teaches to live, the book should be cherished

The spoken word was yes no, but the written one lives forever

Who reads a lot knows a lot

Pearls are pulled from the depths of the sea, knowledge is drawn from the depths of books.

It is known that the love of books is the love of wisdom.

The book is the key to knowledge

A book is a book, and move your mind

Do not read everything, otherwise and put it off

Read a book and be smart

The science of the book is not yet complete without the science of life.

Not everyone who reads knows the power in reading

Looks at a book - sees a fig

A book without a mind is empty

An unfinished book is a path not completed to the end

There is no smart neighbor - talk with a book

Don't look who wrote, look what is written

Another leads through the book with his eyes, but his mind walks sideways

The book has two sheets, and the middle is empty.

Not all words are included in the book, not all thoughts are said in words

A book for the mind that warm rain is for seedlings

Books don't tell, they tell the truth

To live with a book - do not grieve a century

Read books, but don't forget things

A book is not red in writing, but red in mind

A monastery without books is a castle without weapons

A mind without a book is like a bird without wings

Bread nourishes the body, books nourish the mind.

A house without a book is a day without sun

Who knows az yes beeches, and books in his hands

One book teaches a thousand people

Reading is the best teaching!

Waste of work fishing without a hook and learning without a book

From time immemorial, a book raises a person

To whom the book is entertainment, and to whom it is teaching

I read a lot, but learned little

A bad letter is detrimental to a person

Another book of the mind will add, another and last will repel

One book enriches, and the other seduces from the path

The book is a book of strife: one teaches, the other torments

Reading a book is like flying on wings.

A book is a small window through which you can see the whole world.

The book is not an airplane, but it will take you to distant lands

Books do not like to be honored, but they love to be read

Lazy Mikishka is not up to the book

The book is the best gift

A good book shines brighter than a star

The book is not honey, but everyone takes

The book is not a gingerbread, but beckons

Read, bookworm, do not spare your eyes

The proverbs are short, and there are whole books of mind in them.

● Bread nourishes the body, and the book nourishes the mind.

● A book is to the mind what warm rain is to seedlings.

● A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

● The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.

● The book is not a gingerbread, but beckons.

● A book in a bag - a burden on the way, a book in the mind - relief on the way.

● The spoken word was yes no, but the written word lives forever.

● Lazy Mikishka is not up to the book.

● An unfinished book is a path not completed to the end.

● Az da Buki save us from boredom.

● Read books, but don't forget things.

● Books are books, and move your mind.

● From time immemorial, a book raises a person.

● The book will help in work, help out in trouble.

● Whoever works without books draws water with a sieve.

● If you follow a book, you'll pick up your mind.

● The book is a mirror of life.

● A book for the mind is like a warm rain for seedlings.

● Who reads a lot knows a lot.

● Read a book - met with a friend.

● A good book is your best friend.

● The book is your friend, without it as without hands.

● Take care of the book - it will help you live

You don't have to go to your mom
No need to shake grandma:
"Read, please, read!"
You don't have to beg your sister.
"Well, read another page."
You don't have to call
No need to wait
Can you take
And read!

V. Berestov

Writer's message to readers I appeal to you, comrades, children:

There is nothing more useful than a book!
Let books come into houses with friends
Read all your life, get smart!

S. Mikhalkov

new reader This short song of mine

I send to print.
So I give it as a gift,
who learned to read.

The new reader is to us.

This is good news!
It's nice that he can
Read each line.

Thank you school! Thanks to that

Who printed the primer.
As if he brought into deep darkness
Bright magical lantern.

S. Marshak

Word about word Let's imagine, just for a moment,

That suddenly we lost magazines and books,
That people don't know what a poet means
That there is no Cheburashka, there is no Hottabych.
As if no one has ever in this world
And never heard of Moidodyr,
That there is no Dunno, liar-klut,
That there is no Aibolit, and there is no uncle Styopa.
Surely it is impossible to imagine such a thing?
So hello smart good word!
Let books, friends come into houses!
Read all your life - get smart!

Y. Entin
Poet's wish This is usually kept secret from you.

And I do not hide, comrade children.
I want you, dear readers,
Don't waste time reading.
I want, I confess frankly and honestly,
To make the book interesting for you to read ...

B. Zakhoder

The road to the library Very important for a person

Know the way to the library.
Reach out to knowledge.
Choose a book as a friend.

The richness and diversity, the originality of the speech of the speaker or writer largely depends on how much he realizes what the originality is mother tongue, his wealth.

The Russian language is one of the most developed and processed languages ​​in the world, with the richest book and written tradition. We find many beautiful words about the Russian language in the works, articles, letters, speeches of progressive public and political figures, outstanding writers and poets:

It must not interfere with the freedom of our rich and beautiful language.

(A. S. Pushkin)

Marvel at the jewels of our language: every sound is a gift, everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself and, really, another name for the jewels of the thing itself.

(N. V. Gogol)

You can do wonders with the Russian language. There is nothing in life and in our minds that could not be conveyed by the Russian word. The sound of music, the spectral brilliance of colors, the play of light, the noise and shadow of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, the heavy rumble of thunder, the whisper of children and the rustle of sea gravel. There are no such sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be an exact expression in our language.

(K. G. Paustovsky)

Not only the number of words, their ambiguity, their word-formation possibilities, grammatical features, synonymy, but also phraseology testifies to the richness, originality and originality of our language.

The phraseological composition of the Russian language in a broad sense is divided into:

phraseological units or phraseological units;

proverbs, sayings;

winged words and expressions.

Proverbs and sayings

A proverb is a short, rhythmically organized, figurative saying that is stable in speech.

A proverb is the property of a whole people or a significant part of it and contains a general judgment or instruction on some occasion of life.

The proverb is the most curious genre of folklore, studied by many scientists, but in many respects remained incomprehensible and mysterious. A proverb is a popular saying, which expresses not the opinion of individuals, but the people's assessment, the people's mind. It reflects the spiritual image of the people, aspirations and ideals, judgments about various aspects of life. Everything that is not accepted by the majority of people, their thoughts and feelings, does not take root and is eliminated. The proverb lives in speech, only in it does a capacious proverb acquire its specific meaning.

Created over the centuries, passing from generation to generation, proverbs and sayings supported the way of life. folk life strengthened the spiritual and moral image of the people. It's like the commandments of the people, regulating the life of every ordinary person. This is an expression of thoughts that people have come to through centuries of experience. A proverb is always instructive, but not always instructive. However, each leads to a conclusion that it is useful to take note of.

Life changed, new sayings appeared, old ones were forgotten, but undeniably valuable things settled, which were important for subsequent eras. The widespread and longevity of proverbs was facilitated by the fact that some of them, losing their direct meaning, acquired a figurative meaning. For example, the proverb Two are afraid of a broken bow, lived for a long time, changing its direct meaning to a figurative one, although the people changed weapons long ago. But there were also such proverbs that initially appeared in a figurative sense, for example, the proverb To shoot at a stone - they never understood arrows to lose in the literal sense, attributed to various subjects and phenomena. Whatever is said in proverbs is always a generalization. The figurative reflection of reality in the proverb is also associated with an aesthetic assessment of various phenomena of life. That is why there are proverbs that are funny, and sad, and amusing, and bitter. Here is how V.I. Dal: a proverb is “a set of folk wisdom and superstition, these are groans and sighs, weeping and sobbing, joy and fun, grief and consolation in faces; it is the color of the people's mind, the original article; this is the worldly truth of the people, a kind of lawsuit, not judged by anyone.

The form of proverbs is also peculiar. It is characterized by a rhythmic organization, a special sound design. The proverb is short, there are no superfluous words in it, each word is weighty, meaningful and accurate.

So, a proverb is a short, rhythmically organized saying that has entered into a speech turnover and has an instructive meaning, in which people have summarized their socio-historical experience for centuries.

A proverb is a widespread figurative expression that aptly defines any life phenomenon. Unlike proverbs, sayings are devoid of a direct generalized instructive meaning and are limited to a figurative, often allegorical expression: it is easy to remember, like snow on your head, to beat the thumbs - all these are typical sayings, devoid of the nature of a complete judgment.

In speech, a proverb often becomes a saying and vice versa. For example, the proverb It is easy to rake heat with the wrong hands is often used as a proverb. figurative image lover of other people's work.

Sayings, due to their peculiarity of figurative expressions, more often than proverbs, come closer to linguistic phenomena. Sayings have more national, nationwide meaning and meaning than proverbs. Sayings often have all the properties of linguistic phenomena. Such is the expression to put a pig in, that is, to make trouble for someone. The origin of this saying is associated with the military system of the ancient Slavs. The squad became a "wedge", like a boar's head, or a "pig", as the Russian chronicles called this system. Over time, the meaning attached to this expression in antiquity was lost.

In general, already in the 19th century, scientists drew attention to the fact that the proverb indicates the era in which it appeared. So, for example, the proverb Empty, as if Mamai had passed, which clearly indicates the time of the enslavement of Russia by the yoke. Although there are much fewer proverbs dedicated to some historical events than expressions born in a person's life.

So, the main source of folk proverbs and sayings is precisely the life socio-historical experience of the people.

Some of the proverbs originated from artistic creativity: fairy tales, legends, anecdotes. These are such sayings as The beaten unbeaten is lucky, At my request, by pike command and others. Other proverbs originated from church books. For example, the saying from the Bible God gave, Lord and Father was translated from Church Slavonic into Russian: God gave, God took.

With the advent of secular literature, the number of proverbs and sayings has increased, these are the so-called proverbs and sayings of literary origin. Especially great is the merit of Russian writers, who compiled proverbs and sayings on the model of folk. For example: Bypass us more than all sorrows and lordly anger, and lordly love (A.S. Griboedov), At the broken trough (A.S. Pushkin), Like a squirrel in a wheel (I.A. Krylov) and many others.

The number of folk proverbs included expressions not only of Russian writers. For example, the expression And the king is naked! belongs to G.Kh. Andersen from the fairy tale "The King's New Dress"; the expression of the Shoes has not yet been worn out (that is, little time has passed since some event, and the person has already changed in convictions and intentions), belongs to Hamlet, the hero of Shakespeare's tragedy.

The imagery of proverbs and sayings differs from the imagery of epics, fairy tales, songs and other genres of folklore. The principles of creating an image in a proverb and saying are related to the specifics of this genre. One of the most common forms of expressing imagery is allegory. For example, the proverb From an apple tree - apples, and from a pine - cones is not perceived literally, but in a figurative, allegorical form. However, some proverbs are used in the literal sense: They are met by clothes, they are escorted by mind.

The first collection of Russian proverbs and sayings that has come down to us dates back to the end of the 17th century. These are "Tales or proverbs of the most popular alphabetically." The compiler remained unknown, and more than 2500 proverbs and sayings were included in the collection.

In the 19th century, a collection by V.I. Dal's "Proverbs of the Russian people", which already included 30,000 proverbs and sayings, which were grouped by subject.

Proverbs and sayings in speech

The richness of speech is evidenced by the presence of proverbs and sayings in it.

Proverbs and sayings are clots of folk wisdom, they express the truth, proven by the centuries-old history of the people, the experience of many generations. “And what a luxury, what a sense, what is the use of every saying of ours! What a gold!” - this is how A. S. Pushkin spoke about Russian proverbs. “The proverb is not said in vain,” says folk wisdom. They express joy and sorrow, anger and sadness, love and hate, irony and humor. They summarize various phenomena of the reality around us, help to understand the history of our people. Therefore, in the texts, proverbs and sayings acquire special meaning. They not only enhance the expressiveness of speech, give sharpness, deepen the content, but also help to find a way to the heart of the listener, reader, win their respect and favor.

Writers, publicists, orators often turn to the pearls of folk wisdom. The researchers calculated that only in the novel "War and Peace" by L. N. Tolstoy there are 47 proverbs and sayings, in " Quiet Don» M. A. Sholokhov - 112.

What function do proverbs and sayings perform in speech, what is the peculiarity of their use?

First of all, folk sayings allow the speaker:

To characterize a person, object, phenomenon, action, state: The cat smells, whose meat it ate. The millstones themselves are not eaten, but people are fed. Formidable is the enemy behind the mountains, and more formidable behind. From a bow - not us, from a squeaker - not us, but bare your teeth, scratch your tongue - you can’t find it against us. Work - spend the day; to rest - to get rid of the night. The heart of a prophet: it senses both good and bad;

To reveal the relationship between people: A stupid son and his own father will not sew the mind. Children are good - father, mother's crown, thin - father, mother's crown. The gentlemen twitch, the Cossacks' forelocks shake. The well-fed does not understand the hungry.

Give advice on how to act in a given situation, what to beware of: Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf, but get up early and start your own. Gruzdev called himself get in the body. Two dogs are squabbling, the third do not interfere. He himself brewed porridge, he himself and disentangle. Look for a friend, and if you find - take care.

Proverbs serve as a means of characterizing a character, conveying his thoughts, feelings, emphasizing his connection with the people. Indicative in this regard is the image of Platon Karataev, one of the heroes of the novel "War and Peace". In his speech, most of all folk sayings are found (out of 52 proverbs in the novel, 16 are pronounced by Karataev). He speaks of the difficult life of the peasants: Our happiness is that the water is in a delusion: you pull - it puffed up, but you pull it outthere's nothing; Do not refuse the bag and the prison; about what to hope for the best: An hour to endure, and a century to live; about the attitude to work, people, family: Without tackle, you won’t kill a louse; The persuader is a brother to the cause; Full hand tarovata, dry unyielding; Whatever finger you bite, everything hurts; A wife for advice, a mother-in-law for greetings, but there is no dearer mother.

M. A. Sholokhov uses proverbs as a means of characterizing his characters. There are especially many of them in the speech of Grigory Melekhov, the main character in The Quiet Don - 22 proverbs, i.e. one fifth of all proverbs in the novel. Proverbs give special color to his speeches, special significance to his judgments. For example: “Denikin’s assistants call us… who are we? It turns out that there are assistants, nothing to be offended. True, the uterus stabbed her eyes... "" Disperse to your apartments and use less languages, otherwise these times they do not bring to Kyiv, but right up to field courts and penal hundreds. “A bad will is still better than a good prison. You know what people say: a prison is strong, but the devil is happy with it. Grigory Melekhov turns to proverbs and sayings when he wants to confirm something, compare, convince the listener, prove his case. Expressions appear in such a function: What fell from the cart is gone. You can’t glue the cut edge. On the battlefield, friends are not guessed. Wherever you throw - everywhere a wedge. Waiting and catching up is the most hateful thing. Steep hills rolled Sivka. From the heat and the stone bursts.

Proverbs and sayings enliven the statement, create a certain psychological mood. In the following excerpt from B.V. Gnedich's lecture, shorthand notes are given showing the audience's reaction to the lecturer's words.

There is one ancient wonderful saying in Uzbekistan. It sounds something like this: “Man, before you release the words from the bottom of the head, let them through the top” (laughter, animation in the audience). IN this case we are talking, of course, not only about the fact that one must think before speaking, but also about the fact that one must always think, and especially when it comes to the expenditure of funds belonging to society. And often we refer to these means too freely, easily and do not care about their rational use.

An effective technique is the technique of "stringing" proverbs, when several proverbs and sayings are used simultaneously. Especially often it was used by A. M. Gorky, in separate articles, works of art which there are from two to ten adjacent proverbs and sayings. For example, let us cite Bortsov’s reasoning from the story “The Shepherd” about who is called a good person: “Well, let's agree: We need a good person. And what is he, if good? Let's put it this way: he doesn't rob people, he gives alms, he manages diligently - this will be the best. He knows the laws do not touch someone else's, take care of your own; do not eat everything yourself, give a piece to the dogs; dress warmer, then trust in God“That’s what he knows.”

N. Ostrovsky, defining the essence of human life, calling for selfless work for the good of the Motherland, also uses several proverbs. He writes: “In our country, being a hero is a sacred duty. Only lazy people are not talented in our country. BUT nothing is born out of nothing; a rolling stone gathers no moss. Who does not burn, he smokes. Long live the flame of life!

In order to focus attention on a proverb, to slightly change its meaning, tone, writers and speakers sometimes remake the proverb, replace words with others, and expand its composition. For example, the proverb you won't be full of promises in newspaper headlines it looks like this: “You won’t be fed up with politics”, “You won’t be fed up with OMON”, “You won’t be fed up with slogans”. The proverb hungry is not a friend to a well-fed served as the basis for newspaper headlines: “Tomato cucumber is not a friend at all” (about growing vegetables under a film), “When a goose is a friend to a dog” (about the friendship of a dog with a goose), “A hungry Rottweiler is not a friend to a pig” (like a pig killed a Rottweiler who tried to take food from her).

The success of using proverbs in speech depends on how well they are chosen. It is not for nothing that they say: "A proverb is good in harmony and in suit."

Today we have at our disposal a significant number of collections of folk sayings. Among them is the collection of V. I. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people." Dahl, according to him, all his life collected "bit by bit what he heard from his teacher, the living Russian language." The named collection - the result of thirty-five years of work - contains more than thirty thousand proverbs, sayings, sayings, jokes and riddles. The proverbs are arranged by topic: Russia is the motherland, the people are the world, learning is science, the past is the future, etc., - more than one hundred and seventy topics in total. Here are some proverbs on the topic "Language - speech": Do not hurry with your tongue, hurry with your deeds; For a just cause, speak boldly (stand boldly); For a great deed - a great word; Win with a living word; good speech good and listen; You will keep the horse on the reins, but you will not turn back the words from the tongue.

Compiled in the middle of the 19th century. The collection continues to serve today.

Rich in folk sayings and Dictionary living Great Russian language” by V. I. Dahl, whose dictionary entries contain about thirty thousand proverbs. For example, the following proverbs are given for the word truth in the dictionary: Truth is the light of reason; The truth is brighter than the sun; The truth is more often than a clear sun; Everything will pass, only truth will remain; a good deed - to speak the truth boldly; Whoever lives the truth, he will make good; Without truth, not living, but howling; Do not sue for the truth: take off your hat and bow; The truth is not to be afraid of the court; There is no trial for truth; Fill up the truth with gold, trample it into the mud - everything will come out; The truth is that the awl in the bag: you can’t hide it; In whom there is no truth, there is little good and etc.

Of particular interest are thematic collections of proverbs and sayings. They help you pick necessary material on a specific topic. There are collections of proverbs and sayings about labor (There is no good without labor: Proverbs and sayings about labor. M., 1985), about agriculture (The earth is rich in labor: Proverbs, saying, catchphrases about agriculture and peasant labor. Rostov n / a , 1985).

In 1994, the Shkola-Press publishing house published the educational dictionary Russian Proverbs and Sayings. Folk sayings in it are united by topics: “Man”, “Life”, “Love, friendship, family”, “Prosperity”, “Trade”, etc. The originality of the dictionary lies in the fact that the dictionary entry combines not only the meaning of the entire expression , if it is not transparent enough, but also the meaning of individual words is clarified, obsolete grammatical forms are combined.

It is important not only to know a certain number of folk sayings, but also to understand their meaning in order to correctly apply them in speech practice. This purpose is served by the Dictionary of Russian Proverbs and Sayings, which contains about 1200 folk expressions. The dictionary explains the meaning of proverbs and sayings that have figurative sense, examples of their use in speech are given. For example, " To shoot at a stone - only to lose arrows. Doing something obviously impossible means wasting time and effort. Wed: Crush water in a mortar - water will be ».

The sister treated the man's weaknesses with semicontemptuous condescension; as a woman not stupid, she understood that to shoot at a stone is only to lose arrows. (M. Gorky. Varenka Olesova).

The dictionary "Russian proverbs, sayings and catchphrases" by V. P. Felitsyna, Yu. E. Prokhorov is also useful. It contains 450 most common proverbs, sayings and sayings in modern Russian. popular expressions. Here is an example of a dictionary entry “Time for business, hour for fun”:

The expression of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676), written by him on a book dedicated to falconry.

Fun (colloquial) - fun, entertainment.

Most of the time should be devoted to business, and less to entertainment.

It is usually said as a reminder to a person who, while having fun, forgets about the matter.

The teaching began, - now you can’t go on a visit ... This was carried out with us very strictly; business time, fun hour. During school hours, no entertainment, no guests. ( V. Veresaev. Memories.).

It goes without saying that I am not against entertainment, but according to the conditions of our reality, entertainment needs restrictions: “time for business, hour for fun” (M. Gorky. About anecdotes and - about something else.).

Well, business time, fun hour! - said the teacher. - It's time to take lessons.

Everyone began to sit down at their desks, take out notebooks and books. (B. Izyumsky. Scarlet shoulder straps.).

A cheerful view of the world does not contradict sympathy and sympathy. Of course, according to the proverb - business is time, fun is an hour, we must distinguish when and in what matters this whole look is appropriate ( N. Akimov. About the theatre)


A proverb - from the simplest poetic works, such as a fable or a proverb, can stand out and independently turn into living speech, the elements in which thicken their content; this is not an abstract formula of the idea of ​​the work, but a figurative allusion to it, taken from the work itself and serving as its deputy (for example, “a pig under an oak tree”, or “a dog in the manger”, or “he takes out dirty linen from a hut”).

Dahl's definition of "a collapsible short speech that is common among the people, but does not constitute a complete proverb" is quite suitable for the proverb, while noting at the same time a special and very common type of saying - a walking expression that has not developed to a full proverb, new look, replacing the usual word (for example, “does not knit a bast” instead of “drunk”, “did not invent gunpowder” instead of “fool”, “I pull a strap”, “two mats for all clothes, but a festive sack”). There is no proverb here, just as there is no work of art in the emblem, which has only once for all a given meaning.

A saying, unlike a proverb, does not contain a generalizing instructive meaning.


1. Anikin V.P. A step to wisdom.- M.: Children's literature, 1988.- P.175.

2. Arutyunova N.D. Types of language values. Grade. Event. Fact. – M., 1988. – P.200.

3. Barley N. Structural approach to the proverb. // Paremiological research. M.: "Science", 1984.- P.214.

4. Begak B. The proverb does not pass by. // Preschool education. - 1985. - No. 9. - P. 54-56.

5. Bromley Yu.V. Essays on the theory of ethnos. M. "Science", 1983.- P.283.

6. Vavilova N. S. Once again about proverbs. // Primary School.-1994, No. 3, S.68 - 69.

7. Vvedenskaya L. A. Proverbs and sayings in elementary school. - M.: Enlightenment, 1963 - P.120.

8. Dal V. I. Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Eksmo Publishing House, NNN Publishing House, 2003, - S.616.

9. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. T.1-4.- M., 1955.

10. Kabinetskaya T. N. Studying proverbs and sayings in elementary school: Methodological guide. - Pskov: POIU. 1994, S.Z-51.

11. Tupitsina T.S. A proverb is an assistant to all minds. // Primary school, 1991, No. 7, p. 44.

The proverbs are short, and there are whole books of mind in them.

● Bread nourishes the body, and the book nourishes the mind.

● A book for the mind - what a warm rain for seedlings.

● A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

● The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.

● The book is not a gingerbread, but beckons.

● A book in a bag - a burden on the way, a book in the mind - relief on the way.

● The spoken word was yes no, but the written word lives for a century.

● Lazy Mikishka is not up to the book.

● An unfinished book is a path not completed to the end.

● Az da Buki save us from boredom.

● Read books, but don't forget things.

● Books are books, and move your mind.

● From time immemorial, a book raises a person.

● The book will help in work, help out in trouble.

● Whoever works without books draws water with a sieve.

● If you follow a book, you'll pick up your mind.

● The book is a mirror of life.

● A book for the mind is like a warm rain for seedlings.

● Who reads a lot knows a lot.

● Read a book - met with a friend.

● A good book is your best friend.

● The book is your friend, without it as without hands.

● Take care of the book - it will help you live

How good it is to be able to read!
You don't have to go to your mom
No need to shake grandma:
"Read, please, read!"
You don't have to beg your sister.
"Well, read another page."
You don't have to call
No need to wait
Can you take
And read!

V. Berestov

Writer's message to readers

I appeal to you, comrades, children:
There is nothing more useful than a book!
Let books come into houses with friends
Read all your life, get smart!

S. Mikhalkov

new reader

This short song of mine
I send to print.
So I give it as a gift,
who learned to read.

The new reader is to us.
This is good news!
It's nice that he can
Read each line.

Thank you school! Thanks to that
Who printed the primer.
As if he brought into deep darkness
Bright magical lantern.

S. Marshak

Word about word

Let's imagine, just for a moment,
That suddenly we lost magazines and books,
That people don't know what a poet means
That there is no Cheburashka, there is no Hottabych.
As if no one has ever in this world
And never heard of Moidodyr,
That there is no Dunno, liar-klut,
That there is no Aibolit, and there is no uncle Styopa.
Surely it is impossible to imagine such a thing?
So hello, smart, kind word!
Let books, friends come into houses!
Read all your life - get smart!

Y. Entin

Poet's wish

This is usually kept secret from you.
And I do not hide, comrade children.
I want you, dear readers,
Don't waste time reading.
I want, I confess frankly and honestly,
To make the book interesting for you to read ...

B. Zakhoder

The road to the library

Very important for a person
Know the way to the library.
Reach out to knowledge.
Choose a book as a friend.