A literary work as an ideological and artistic system. A work of art as a whole

Classification of documents by personnel, their accounting and storage

The set of documents in which the stages of the labor activity of employees are recorded is called personnel documentation (personnel, personnel). These documents include:

Employment contracts concluded by the enterprise with the employee;

Orders on personnel (on the admission, dismissal, transfer of an employee);

work books;

Personal cards of form No. T-2;

Personal things;

Payroll accounts.

On January 5, 2004, by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment”, new unified forms of documents were introduced:

Order (instruction) on employment (form No. T-1);

Personal card (form No. T-2);

Registration card of a researcher (form No. T-4);

Order (instruction) on transfer (form No. T-5);

Order (instruction) on granting leave (form No. T-6);

Order (instruction) to terminate the employment contract (form No. T-8).

Standard forms apply to enterprises all forms of ownership in the territory Russian Federation.

Since 2000, the "List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, with an indication of the retention periods" has been in force.

Many documents on personnel have a long shelf life and are subject to special accounting. The most common logs are:

Accounting for orders for admission, transfer, dismissal;

Accounting for business trip orders;

Accounting for work books and inserts to them;

Accounting for personal affairs.

The register of orders for personnel is kept by years and is a document of long-term storage (75 years).

The journal of registration of business trip orders is kept by years and has a shelf life of 5 years.

Journals of accounting of work books and personal files have a shelf life of 75 years.

All personnel documents with a short-term storage period (up to 10 years) may be destroyed after one calendar year after the expiration of their storage period. These documents are not archived, but are destroyed by employees responsible for maintaining personnel records, on the basis of an act on the allocation of cases for destruction, which has a standard form.


Summary is currently a common document when hiring for non-state enterprises. A feature of the resume is the presentation of information about education and work in reverse chronological order. In the column "Additional information" any information can be indicated: knowledge foreign languages, the availability of printed works, professional skills in another specialty, the interests of the applicant, etc. In some organizations, the resume contains items: the goal (what kind of job the applicant would like to get) and the size of his salary arranged.

With applicants for work, an oral conversation is first conducted. An applicant for a vacancy can be tested, in some cases professional selection and a preliminary medical examination are organized, for example, when applying for a job directly related to the movement of vehicles (Article 328 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Certain positions are entered as a result of a competition.

After an agreement has been reached, they begin to write a job application.

All documentation of labor relations between an employee and an employer is based on legislative acts and, above all, on the new Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, applying for a job, referring to Art. 65 of the Code, he knows exactly what documents he may require from an applicant for work:

Passport or other identity document;

Employment book, except for cases when the employment contract is concluded for the first time or the employee goes to work on a part-time basis; insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

Documents of military registration - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;

A document on education, qualifications or the availability of special knowledge - when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training "

An example of a resume


Orlov Igor Ivanovich

March 11, 1960 .

THE ADDRESS: 127322, Moscow, st. Leskova, d. 7, apt. 11. TELEPHONE: 210-33-18 (p.), 972-76-11 (d.).

MARITAL STATUS: married, have a daughter.

GOAL: Obtaining the position of head of the information support department.

DESIRED SALARY: from 14 to 20 thousand rubles. per month.

EDUCATION: 1977-1982 - Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, specialty "Electronic computers" with the qualification of "system engineer".

1967-1977 - high school No. 27 (Moscow). Upon graduation, he received a certificate of qualification "Programmer".

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: from 1992 to the present - head of the department of informatics in the financial company "FIN-TRUST" (I provide software support for the company's activities and the functioning of computer equipment);

From 1982 to 1992 - engineer at the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering, since 1985 - head of the sector (developed computer systems);

From 1980 to 1982, he was a senior technician at the Moscow Statistical Office (he developed AWP algorithms).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I have experience with spreadsheets, text and graphics editors, databases, e-mail, the Internet.

I have a number of publications in the magazine "Home Computer".

I own English language(I read and translate with a dictionary).

Upon request, I can provide the necessary recommendations.

Signature I.I. Orlov

Persons entering a job for the first time do not yet have a work book and an insurance certificate of state pension insurance. Therefore, these documents will be issued to them by the host organization after the enrollment of such employees.

Together with the submitted documents in most organizations, the applicant writes an application, which must contain the following details:

Addressee, i.e. in whose name it is submitted (the position, full name of the head is indicated). For example:

to CEO

CJSC "Flame"

Frolova Ivan Nikolaevich,

Residing at:

Moscow, 117463,

st. Fruit, d. 5, apt. 45

Document type - Application;

The text, it must indicate the position and name of the structural unit where the employee enters. For example:

I ask you to accept me for the position of senior laboratory assistant of the laboratory of chemical analysis.


An applicant for work must provide information about himself, which is usually reflected in the personal sheet he fills out on personnel records, in some organizations a questionnaire is filled out.


In the total number of official documents of any enterprise, firm or institution, organizational documents make up the smallest percentage. But it is these documents that play an extremely important role in the activities of any organization.

Their main purpose is evidenced by their name. The word "organization" means the structure, arrangement of something. No wonder the synonym for the creation of an enterprise is the organization of an enterprise.

Any document is, first of all, recorded information. When considering the concept of "information" from a general scientific point of view in the last century, the thesis was put forward that information is one of the basic and universal properties of matter and energy. French physicist I.L. Brillouin and his followers studied information processes from the standpoint of the laws of thermodynamics. They considered the transfer of information to a certain system as an improvement of this system, leading to a decrease in the measure of its chaos and a decrease in its entropy. In their opinion, any system contains as much information as it would be necessary to enter into the system so that the latter can move from some disordered initial state to a given organized state. They defined information as "negative entropy" or "negentropy".

If we consider the entire system of documents of an organization as fixed information about management activities, then the organizing and ordering function of information is most pronounced precisely in organizational documents.

The state system of documentation support for management (GSDOU) includes the following types of documents in the group of organizational documents: the charter and regulation on the organization, regulation on the structural unit, job descriptions, structure and staffing, staffing, organizational and methodological instructions, rules.

The use of modern approaches to enterprise management leads to an expansion of the range of documents that, according to their purpose, can be classified as organizational.

The creation of an enterprise begins with the design of the organizational structure of its management.

State standard GOST R ISO 9000-2001 “Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary” defines the organizational structure as the distribution of responsibilities, powers and relationships between employees.

The organizational structure of management is designed according to the "top - down" scheme. The structure of an enterprise or organization is created in accordance with their goals, objectives and functions. But for successful activity in market conditions, it is not enough to answer the questions - what and for whom to produce. It is more important to determine why or in the name of what a company or organization exists, i.e. what is their mission.

Mission - the macroeconomic role that the company undertakes to carry out in the global or national market.

Mission - the main (general) goal of the organization. The content of the mission allows you to get a comprehensive idea of ​​the direction of the organization and reflects its public and social significance.

Virtually all firms prospering in the market have formally formulated their mission in writing - in the form of a mission statement.

The mission can be viewed as an important organizational document that allows you to:

The management of the company - to determine the place that the company should take in the market and formulate its strategy for achieving this place;

Employees of the company - to feel like participants in a common cause in the development of emerging opportunities, gives them a goal, emphasizes their importance and aims at achieving high results;

Consumers of the company's products - with attention and interest to the company, which can satisfy their various needs and requirements. Large Russian companies include a "mission" in the structure of the text of a new type of organizational document - the company's code of corporate ethics.

It is impossible to give unambiguous recommendations on the preparation of a mission as a document; its formulation largely depends on both the field of activity of the company and the value orientations of the company's leaders. Examples of company mission statements:

Porsche Company 1. The customer is in the spotlight.

2. High quality machines, human friendly.

3.Modern design solutions.

Toyota Firm Building a Toyota car for a changing era.

Air Force Corporation Thanks to the Air Force, the people will speak to the people in the language of the world.

Charter, regulation on the organization,

regulation on the structural unit

The mission is specified in the goals of the organization.

The goals define individual areas of activity and the priorities of these areas.

Depending on the level of management, there are general and local goals.

General goals are developed for the organization as a whole and characterize the main directions of its development.

General goals are specified in local ones, which are determined for the structural divisions of organizations. Local goals make a specific contribution to the overall goals. In accordance with the chosen goals, functional blocks are determined - the main structural divisions of the organization, designed to ensure the achievement of these goals. The composition of structural units reflects the horizontal division of labor within the organization.

Management levels of the organization are formed as a result of the vertical division of labor. Distinguish between senior, middle and lower managers. An effective management structure is formed taking into account the following principles:

The decision is made at those levels of government where it is in force;

Top management makes only decisions that lower managers do not have the right to make;

For employees, specific areas of activity with appropriate powers are defined.

Therefore, in the design of the organizational structure of management, a special role belongs to the distribution and delegation of powers, for each position a list of duties is determined, the fulfillment of which serves to achieve the goals set by the organization.

Thus, when creating an organization, the goals and objectives, functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of both the organization as a whole and its structural divisions and officials are determined. This distribution is fixed in the following organizational documents: charter, regulations, job descriptions.

The activities of the organization are regulated by documents such as the charter of the organization or the regulation on the organization. As a rule, the regulation on the organization is developed for budgetary organizations or for branches of commercial organizations.

Regulation - an organizational and legal document regulating the activities of the organization, its constituent units and divisions.

AT last years there has been a tendency to change the names of documents traditional for the domestic preschool educational institution. Instead of provisions and instructions, regulations appeared, for example, regulations for working with documents, job regulations. But in their purpose and content, these documents remained the same. They distribute and fix the goals, tasks, functions, rights and obligations or establish the rules and procedures for carrying out work in any type of activity of the organization.

The “Model Regulations for the Interaction of Federal Executive Bodies”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 30 dated January 19, 2005, determines that the activities of the federal executive body are carried out in accordance with the administrative regulations of the federal executive body. The administrative regulations include:

Regulations of the federal executive body;

Administrative regulations for the execution of state functions;

Administrative regulations for the provision of public services;

Job regulations of civil civil servants of the federal executive body.

The most common type of provision is the provision on the structural unit. All functions performed by the organization to achieve the goals specified in the charter (regulations on the organization, its regulations) are distributed among its divisions and fixed in the regulations on them.

The general purpose of the charter (regulations on the organization) and the regulations on the structural unit as documents regulating the activities (organization or division) determines the fundamentally identical structure of their text:

1. General provisions(order of creation, subordination, documents regulating activities, etc.).

2. Goals and objectives of the organization (or structural unit).

3. Functions of the organization (or structural subdivision), its structure (composition of subdivisions, their interconnections).

4. Leadership.

5. Powers (rights) and duties.

6. Control, verification, revision of activities (for charters and regulations on organizations).

7. The order of reorganization and liquidation of the organization (for charters and regulations on organizations).

These documents are drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization, they are signed by the head of the organization (charter or regulation on the organization) or structural unit (regulation on the unit), approved by the higher management (management body or head of the organization).

The most difficult and important in developing a regulation on a structural unit is the section on its functions.

The basis of effective management is a clear delineation of the functions of structural units, the establishment of their correct relationship.

The activities of the head of the structural unit are regulated not by the job description, as for other employees of the enterprise, but by the “Management” section of the provision, which sets out:

Competence and duties of the head: coordination of the activities of the structural unit, planning its work, monitoring the work of employees, improving the organizational structure, participating in the development of regulatory and methodological support, etc.);

Personal rights of the head: establishing the area of ​​responsibility of deputies, approving certain types of documents, issuing orders on a set range of issues, appointing and dismissing employees of the unit (or submitting documents for these procedures), applying incentives or penalties to them;

Personal responsibility: for the fulfillment of the tasks of the structural unit, for the reliability of information and the state of documentation, for failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to the head by this provision, for work with personnel.

Job description

Job descriptions are created for all positions provided for by the staffing table, except for managers.

Job description - a local organizational and legal document that establishes for an employee of an organization (subdivision) specific labor (job) duties in accordance with the position held.

When compiling job descriptions, it is necessary to be guided by:

All-Russian classifier of professions of workers, positions of employees and wage categories OK 016-94 (OKPDTR), approved. Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 367;

The Unified Tariff-Qualification Reference Book of Works of Professions of Workers (ETKS), approved. Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 No. 3103-30;

Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved. the decision of the Ministry of Labor and social development RF dated August 21, 1998 No. 37;

All-Russian classifier of occupations OK 010-93 (OKZ), approved. Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1993 No. 298. The names of positions of civil servants must be indicated in accordance with Federal Law No. 79-FZ dated July 27, 2004 "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005 No. 1574 "On register of positions of the federal state civil service.

The structure of the text of the job description

1. General provisions (establish the procedure for appointment and dismissal, replacement in office during absence, subordination and mode of operation, qualification requirements, etc.).

An addition to the qualification requirements for education and experience may be a listing of the employee's personal qualities. For example, for a specialist - the possession of organizational skills, efficiency, initiative, for a technical worker - to be disciplined, executive.

2. Functions (list the specific tasks assigned to the employee).

3. Job responsibilities (establish the procedure for performing functions, a list of works and types of individual assignments, ethical standards to be observed by the employee).

4. Rights (define the rights of the employee in the performance of his duties).

5. Responsibility (establish responsibility for untimely or poor-quality performance of functions and official duties, for decisions made or non-use of one's rights).

Legal responsibility is established for offenses, administrative responsibility - for administrative offenses, disciplinary - in case of violation of labor regulations. For improper official actions that cause material and moral damage to the state, organization or citizen, the employee bears financial responsibility. Abuse of power is criminalized.

6. Relationships (on the basis of incoming and outgoing documentation, they describe those intra-company communications and contacts that inevitably arise when an employee performs his duties).

The instruction may also include sections containing criteria for assessing the quality of performance of labor functions by an employee and determining the procedure for his certification.

Instructions, as a rule, are developed by the head of the unit, less often by the personnel service. The job description must be coordinated with the lawyer of the organization and the senior official in charge of this area of ​​activity.

The job description is drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization, it is signed by the head of the structural unit, approved by the head of the organization and brought to the employee against receipt (he affixes a fact-finding visa “I am familiar with the instructions”, date, signature). The layout of the job description is given below (Appendix 7).

The first copies of job descriptions are stored in the personnel department of the enterprise. This is due to the fact that when hiring, the employee must sign on the first copy - the original job description.

The job regulations of state civil servants of the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” include sections:

1. General Provisions.

2. Qualification requirements (to the level and nature of knowledge and skills, as well as education, length of service in the civil service, civil service of other types or length of service, work experience in the specialty).

3. Official duties, rights and responsibility for failure to perform (improper performance) of official duties.

6. Control over the execution of documents.

7. Operational storage of documents.

8. Preparation of documents for the transfer of cases to the archive.

Attachments to the instructions - sample forms, a time sheet of unified forms of documents and an album of document forms, lists (of unregistered correspondence, standard deadlines for the execution of documents), forms of nomenclature of cases, inventories, case covers and other standard documents. The instruction may include, in the form of sections or separate applications, regulations for working with certain types of electronic documents (emails, web documents), as well as for using SADD in the enterprise.

The instruction is developed by the DOE service with the participation of archival workers, approved by the head of the organization and put into effect by order. It is an internal standard of the enterprise, mandatory for execution not only by the employees of the clerical service, but also by all other employees who create documents and work with them.

Rules - a legal act that establishes mandatory norms and requirements.

Rules as a type of document are developed when it is necessary to determine how work should be done, in what sequence. According to the scope of application, the rules can be divided into those that are of general importance for all industries (for example, safety regulations) and industry-specific (for example, rules for admission to higher education institutions, rules for the provision of hotel services).

Any employee of the enterprise is subject to the Internal Labor Regulations.

Internal labor regulations - a local regulatory act of an enterprise that regulates, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and federal legislation, the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the basic rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties to an employment contract, the working hours, rest periods applicable to employees incentives and penalties, as well as other issues of regulation of labor relations.

The rules are developed by the personnel service and are agreed with the legal service, accounting department, as well as the regime department or the security service of the enterprise. The rules are drawn up on a common form, they are approved by the head of the enterprise. The text structure of this document usually includes:

1. General Provisions.

2. The procedure for the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees.

3. The main duties of employees.

4. The main responsibilities of the administration.

5. Working time and its use.

6. Encouragement for success in work.

7. Penalties for violations of labor discipline.

8. Intra-object mode.

The enterprise has the right to regulate additional rules in the rules that reflect the specifics of the organization of work at the enterprise and the requirements of the employer (for example, requirements for the appearance of employees).

This group of organizational documents can also include the one already mentioned in Chap. 3 new type of business documents - the code of corporate ethics, which usually consists of two parts. The first part contains an ideological component: here they set out the values, goals of the company and the principles by which they will build relationships with partners, shareholders, customers, with the state and society. The second part is the ethical norms and rules of conduct for company employees.

Process regulations of the enterprise

Classical management system - management of structural divisions of the enterprise. But modern management is increasingly focused on managing business processes, using a process approach to management.

A business process can be represented as a sequence of logically interrelated actions (stages) in which enterprise resources are used to create a product or service useful to the consumer in a fixed period of time. The output from each stage of the process is the entrance to the next stage.

The peculiarity of process regulations, in comparison with the traditional provisions on structural divisions and job descriptions, - a clearer and more specific description of the functions, work, responsibilities of structural units and employees at individual stages of the process. With such step by step description work, it is easier to control their implementation, which makes enterprise management more transparent and efficient.

When designing (engineering) business processes, process regulations are organizational documents containing a description of business processes. Therefore, business reorganization (reengineering of business processes) begins with an analysis and is accompanied by changes in these documents.

Organizational documents, as a rule, created at a modern enterprise, include the Regulations on the organizational structure. This provision gives a general description of the enterprise: its products (goods and services), tasks, functions; gives the organizational structure and distribution of characteristics by main departments and business processes.

Another important organizational document - the Regulations on the functional area - contains the main characteristics (tasks, functions, rights, obligations, documents) of the enterprise's work in a certain functional area (supplies, production, sales, finance, personnel, etc.). Sometimes a functional area is understood as a certain essential business process.

Thus, in a modern enterprise, both classical organizational documents (structural regulations) and organizational documents reflecting the management of business processes (process regulations) coexist.

With all the variety of these documents, the main questions they answer are: “Who should do it?”, “What should be done?”, “How and when should it be done?”, “Who is responsible and what rights does he have?”.


In order to document the executive and administrative activities, the management apparatus of any organization or enterprise issues administrative documents.

Administrative documents - legally binding documents issued by the management of the organization and containing management decisions aimed at fulfilling current and future tasks.

Any management system includes objects and subjects of management. Administrative documents contain decisions that go from top to bottom in the management system: from the subject of management to the object of management (from the governing body to the managed, from the head of the organization to structural divisions and employees). It is administrative documents that implement the controllability of objects vertically.

In legal terms, administrative documents are referred to as legal acts: they express specific legally authoritative instructions of the subjects of management. The specifics of these instructions are as follows:

With the help of administrative documents, certain problems and issues that arise in the field of management are resolved;

Their addressees (objects of management) are specific institutions, structural units, officials or employees;

They are legal acts that cause the emergence of specific administrative-legal relations.

The administrative documents include the following types of documents: resolution, decision, order, order, instruction, protocol.

The choice of type when creating a specific administrative document is determined by:

The level of the governing body issuing the document;

The competence of an official as a subject of management;

The procedure for making a management decision (on the basis of unity of command or collectively).

Taking into account the scope and depending on the level of decision-making, administrative documents are divided into:

Legal acts of the federal level (decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, acts issued by the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities (ministries, committees, agencies, services, etc.);

Legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (republics, territories, regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg, autonomous regions and districts), as well as their territorial entities;

Legal acts of organizations, institutions, enterprises.

From the point of view of the procedure for resolving issues (making decisions), administrative documents can be divided into those issued:

In conditions of collegiality;

With unilateral decision making.

In the first case, administrative documents are issued on the basis of decisions taken collectively (jointly) by a group of employees (collegium, meeting, council, board, etc.). Collegiality allows you to most correctly and effectively solve important issues of the organization. The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, representative bodies and governments of subjects of the Federation and local governments, committees and commissions, collegiums of ministries, supreme management bodies of joint-stock companies, etc. operate on the basis of collegiality.

In conditions of collegial decision-making, resolutions and decisions are issued.

Resolutions are issued by the highest bodies of state power and administration (for example, the Government of the Russian Federation), representative and executive collegiate authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (for example, the Moscow city ​​council, the government of Moscow, etc.).

Collegial bodies of institutions, organizations, enterprises, for example, the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, scientists, technical and artistic councils issue decisions.

The protocol as a type of document can be simultaneously referred to as administrative documents, since it fixes the decisions of the collegial body, and to information and reference documents, since it contains information about the discussion of issues at a meeting of the collegial body.

The head of an organization or governing body has the right to make decisions unilaterally. Sole decision-making ensures the efficiency of management, increases the personal responsibility of managers for the decisions made. Heads of federal ministries, administrations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, heads of organizations, institutions, enterprises, firms (general director, director, executive director) act on the basis of sole decision-making.

The heads of management bodies acting on the basis of collegiality are entitled to make sole decisions on certain issues of operational management of the activities of the collegial body.

In conditions of sole decision-making, they issue orders, instructions, instructions.

Preparation of administrative documents

The basis for issuing an administrative document may be:

The need to comply with the adopted legislative, other regulatory legal acts or decisions of higher authorities;

Own executive and administrative activities in accordance with the functions and objectives of the organization. The preparation of administrative documents is entrusted to one or more performers (officials or structural divisions). To prepare especially important documents, a working group is created from specialists competent in this matter.

Let us consider the stages of preparation of administrative documents in the case of individual and collective decision-making procedures.

The choice of the type of administrative document depends on the method of decision-making: a sole decision of the head or a collegial management body, which, in turn, is determined by the powers of the leaders or collegiate bodies of this particular organization, recorded in its organizational documents (charter, regulation, regulations). At this first stage, an executor is determined or a working group is formed.

The second step is to collect and analyze information. To develop an effective management decision, objective, sufficient and relevant information must be collected in the area where the impact of the decision will be directed.

In order to ensure the legal basis and legal force of the document being prepared, they study the current legislation and other regulatory legal acts in this area.

Then the performer (working group):

Identifies the issues to be reflected in the document;

Examines documentary materials on these issues, including documents previously created in this organization;

Determines the need to cancel the effect of previously issued documents of the organization or their individual items.

When analyzing information, different solutions are considered and the most effective one is chosen from them.

At the third stage, a draft administrative document is drawn up. The project is created on the basis of a form (template) from the album of document forms and in accordance with the table of unified forms of documents of the organization.

When compiling the text of the project, it is necessary:

Give specific instructions, determine specific executors and real deadlines for the execution of instructions;

Link the instructions contained in the document with previously issued documents on this issue (to avoid repetition or contradictions);

Ensure the legally correct (unambiguous) spelling of the names of organizations, structural divisions, positions mentioned in it;

Indicate the officials who are entrusted with control over the execution of the instructions contained in the document;

Indicate the acts to be repealed or invalidated in any part of them.

For discussion at a meeting of the collegial governing body, in addition to the draft administrative document, a certificate is prepared, which should contain the necessary information and justification for the expediency of adopting the document. Before the meeting, the draft document is coordinated with all officials interested in the document being prepared.

The procedure for considering the draft administrative documents and the materials attached to it is established by the regulations of the collegial body. As a rule, they are first submitted to the head of the body for consideration, and then, after the issue is included in the agenda of the meeting, their copies are sent to the members of the collegiate body for preliminary study.

At the fourth stage, the draft document is approved.

Internal coordination of a document issued on the basis of unity of command is carried out by affixing visas of officials. If the document being prepared affects the interests of third-party organizations, the draft document is sent to them for approval, and their consent is formalized with the stamp of approval.

The instructions for the office work of the organization usually set out the principles and procedure for coordination, and the list and album of unified forms define the composition of official visas for specific types of administrative documents.

If during the approval there are significant comments to the document, the comments are made to the text of the document, and the new edition is sent for re-approval.

Resolutions and decisions of the collegiate body are coordinated at a meeting of the collegiate body, during which the draft may be adopted in its original form or amendments and additions may be made to it. The draft document can also be sent for revision. In this case, a period for re-consideration of the document is set.

Discussion of all issues at a meeting of the collegiate body is drawn up in a protocol, which includes the wording of the texts of resolutions (decisions) adopted at the meeting on certain issues on the agenda.

Decisions of an informational nature, which, as a rule, are not drawn up in the form of an administrative document, are called protocol decisions. They are brought to the executor by extracts from the minutes of the meeting.

The fifth stage - the signing of the administrative document - is the final stage in the preparation of the document, which is necessary to give it legal force.

Before submitting an administrative document for signing, it must be carefully checked. At the same time, special attention is paid to digital information, the correct spelling of initials and surnames, and the names of structural divisions. After signing, making any corrections to the document is unacceptable.

Orders, instructions, instructions are signed by the head of the organization, acting on the basis of unity of command, or his deputies, if the head has delegated these powers to them. Decisions (resolutions) are signed by the head of the collegial management body.

After signing, the administrative document is registered by the service of the preschool educational institution or the secretary of the collegiate governing body. After registration, the document acquires the status of an officially issued legal act.

Then, the entire document or part of it (extracts from the document) is replicated and sent to performers and officials for information.

Let us consider in more detail the purpose and design features of the main and most common type of administrative document - an order.

Order - a legal act issued by the head of the organization, acting on the basis of the principle of unity of command, in order to resolve the main and operational tasks.

This definition reflects the main features of the managerial situation in which an order is issued (compiled and executed).

The order has the right to issue only the first head of the organization. He can delegate this right to his deputies or heads of territorially separate subdivisions (branches). In this case, the order on the delegation of authority or the power of attorney (to the head of the branch) specifically lists the issues that must be resolved and the types of orders that the head of the organization delegates the right to sign.

The principle of unity of command is reflected in the design of the order through the use of the business style term “I ORDER” in the text.

The order is legal act. Therefore, its content must comply with the current legislation and constituent documents, and its design must comply with the established rules.

Orders are divided into two groups: orders for personnel and orders for core activities.

In orders for personnel, the function of personnel management is fixed.

A significant part of orders for personnel (on hiring, dismissal, vacation, etc.) are drawn up on the basis of forms from the "Album of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment", approved by a resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1

Core business orders document the following universal management functions in any organization.

With the help of orders for core activities, they fix the management system, internal norms and rules of work: they form an organizational structure, distribute areas of responsibility, delegate powers, organize the main and auxiliary areas of activity, etc. Such orders are binding on all employees of the organization.

In orders for core activities, they also resolve issues of operational management of the production, financial, economic and other activities of the organization, the execution of decisions of collegiate management bodies, coordination of interaction between departments and officials in the performance of individual instructions, etc.

Such orders contain instructions that are mandatory for execution by specific officials, determine exact dates execution of the order and the official who is entrusted with control over the execution of the order.

Orders for the main activity perform the function of an official written evidence of the administrative activities of the enterprise and are subject to permanent storage.


The work with personnel documents has its own characteristics. Unfortunately, in many newly created firms, due to incompetence, this area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork is often not given due importance. At the same time, it is the personnel documents that confirm the place and length of service of citizens and are of paramount importance for each employee of the company when applying for a pension and in all cases requiring confirmation of the length of service and place of work.

In small firms, the registration of hiring, transfers, dismissals, vacations, business trips, if there is no special personnel officer, is assigned to the secretary (secretary-referent).

For the correct maintenance of personnel documentation, it is necessary, in addition to regulatory and methodological documents on office work, to have:

Commentary on the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation (with amendments and additions);

Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions and organizations.

In addition, as already mentioned above, the operational work with personnel documents is well described in the "Intersectoral consolidated time standards for recruitment and accounting of personnel."

Employment is usually accompanied by the creation of the following documents: applications; questionnaires; employment agreement (contract); employment order; personal card (form No. T-2).

The application is most often written by hand. But an organization (firm) may have a pre-designed and replicated template form that the applicant will fill out. The application indicates the position, the structural unit where the applicant asks to be hired, and the conditions of admission (for example, for a certain period or for the duration of a specific job, etc.). Salary and date of employment will be specified in the visas or resolution of the supervisor. The application is signed and dated.

Simultaneously with the application, the applicant presents a passport as a document proving the identity of a citizen, a military ID (for those liable for military service) and submits a work book (if a person goes to work for the first time, a certificate of the last occupation). The work book is presented as the main document characterizing the labor activity of the applicant for work. Persons between the ages of 14 and 16 are required to present a birth certificate upon employment.

When applying for a job that requires special knowledge, the applicant presents a diploma or other documents confirming the education or training received.

In practice, applicants for work usually fill out a questionnaire (or a personnel record sheet). The questionnaire is the most convenient generalizing document that provides the necessary information about the employee. It is filled in by hand in one copy and must be free of blots and corrections. Therefore, when submitting a questionnaire for registration, it is necessary to explain the procedure for filling it out. You can have a separately printed sheet with the rules for filling out.

The Rules indicate the following procedure for filling out the questionnaire:

Surname, name, patronymic are written in full;

The date of birth indicates the year, day and month of birth;

The place of birth is recorded on the basis of the passport.

Education - secondary, secondary specialized and higher - is indicated on the basis of documents (certificate, certificate, diploma). Incomplete secondary or incomplete higher education are indicated on the basis of relevant documents. For those who have graduated from junior high or elementary school, the number of grades completed is indicated. The name of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution is written in full. Abbreviated names educational institutions not allowed. This column also indicates the specialty in accordance with the entry in the document on education (certificate, license);

Persons with an academic degree and title, as well as persons with published works and inventions, fill in the appropriate column;

The questionnaire indicates the address of registration (registration), the actual address of residence and telephone number;

Information about labor activity is filled in in accordance with the entries in the documents on higher and secondary specialized education, military ID and work book.

The applicant signs the completed application form and puts the date. These questionnaires are confirmed by the presentation of the relevant documents: passport, military ID (for those liable for military service), education documents, work book.

The employee applying for a job checks the correctness of the information provided in the questionnaire by comparing them with the submitted documents.

Attached to the application:

Copies of documents on education, academic degree, title, certified by the signature of the employee of the personnel department and the seal;


At the request of the applicant, he can submit a testimonial or letters of recommendation from a previous job.

The visas of persons participating in the consideration of the issue of hiring an employee for this position, for example, a security officer, head of a structural unit, etc., are affixed on the job application.

If the issue is resolved positively, an employment contract is concluded with the applicant, and an order for employment is issued.

In Art. 18 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states: "The employment contract (contract) is concluded in writing. Employment is formalized by order (instruction) of the administration of the enterprise, institution, organization. The order (instruction) is announced to the employee against receipt." Thus, the conclusion of an agreement (contract) does not exclude the need to issue an order.

The employment contract has a standard form, which includes the individual working conditions of the employee, position, job responsibilities. It is best to build a standard form of an agreement on the basis of an exemplary form of an employment agreement (contract) given in the Comments to the Labor Code, since this form most fully reflects the composition of the information included in the agreement (contract).

8 The enterprise is obliged to organize the work of the employee, create conditions for safe and efficient work, equip the workplace in accordance with the rules of labor protection and safety, pay the wages stipulated by the contract in a timely manner.

9 The obligation of the employer to ensure working conditions at the workplace with an indication of reliable characteristics, compensations and benefits to the employee for hard, especially hard work and work with harmful, especially harmful and dangerous working conditions ___________

The definition of an employment contract (contract) is given by Art. 15 Labor Code: "Employment contract(contract) is an agreement between a worker and an enterprise, institution, organization, according to which the worker undertakes to perform work in a certain specialty, qualification or position subject to internal labor regulations, and the enterprise, institution, organization undertakes to pay wages to the worker and ensure working conditions provided for labor legislation, collective agreement and agreement of the parties.

In the comments to Art. 15 of the Labor Code in § 2 there is a very important clarification that the Labor Code uses the terms "employment contract" and "contract" as equivalent concepts, synonyms. These documents are subject to a single legal regime and the parties themselves have the right to choose the name of the labor contract they conclude. “At the same time, it should be taken into account that in order to formalize relations between certain categories of workers and the employer, it is necessary to conclude contracts, if this is expressly provided for by law. This, in particular, applies to employees of educational institutions, heads of enterprises.”*

* Commentary on the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation (as amended and supplemented on December 15, 1995) .- M .: "Verdict", 1995, p. 28.

In the comments to Art. 15 also explains well the content of the employment contract (contract): mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties.

There are basic and additional conditions of the employment contract (contract).

The main terms of the employment agreement (contract) include agreements: on work in one or more specialties (positions), corresponding qualifications; place of work (enterprise, its structural subdivision, their location); duration and type of employment contract (contract); on wage conditions.

Additional terms include the terms of the employment agreement (contract), which may relate to any other labor issues, as well as social and welfare services for the employee. The duties of an employee may include, for example, the observance of trade secrets, the achievement of certain labor results, etc.*

In accordance with Art. 17 of the Labor Code, employment contracts (contracts) are concluded:

For an indefinite period, i.e. for a permanent job;

For a fixed period of not more than five years;

For the duration of a particular job.

A fixed-term employment contract (contract) is concluded when labor relations cannot be established for an indefinite period, taking into account the nature of the work to be done or the conditions for its performance, or the interests of the employee, as well as in cases directly provided for by law.

* Labor Code. Art. 17.

Fixed-term employment contracts are concluded primarily in cases where the work is not of a permanent nature. For example, to replace employees who are on parental leave, on maternity leave or on a long business trip, etc. The day such an employee enters work will be considered the day the replacement worker terminates the fixed-term employment contract. In such contracts, the term of the contract is stipulated by a phrase like "for the duration of parental leave", etc. In employment contracts concluded for the duration of the performance of any work, the term is specified by the time of completion of a certain work. A variety of fixed-term employment contracts are contracts for temporary and seasonal work.

Simultaneously with the preparation of an employment agreement (contract), a draft order for employment is being prepared. Art. 21 of the Labor Code indicates that "when concluding an employment agreement (contract), a test may be conditioned by the agreement of the parties in order to verify the compliance of the employee with the work assigned to him. The test condition must be indicated in the order (instruction) on hiring." The trial period is specified in Art. 22 Labor Code. It cannot exceed three months, "and in some cases, in agreement with the relevant elected trade union body - six months."

The order is issued on a common form, i.e. the name of the organization, firm, type of document (order), date, number, place of compilation, title are indicated.

The text of orders for personnel has its own characteristics. They are always drawn up separately from orders for the main activity and most of them do not have a stating part.

Personnel orders can be drawn up for one person or for several persons and be simple (expressing one action, for example, on enrollment or dismissal) or complex (for several management actions).

Orders on secondment of employees (with the exception of long-term business trips abroad) and orders on vacations (if vacations are not issued by memorandums (memos)) are issued separately from orders on appointment, transfer and dismissal, since these groups of orders have different retention periods. *

* Orders for admission, transfer, bonuses, dismissal, long business trips are stored for 75 years. Orders on granting holidays, appointment of duty officers, penalties, business trips - 3 g.

Orders on incentives and penalties usually have a stating part, which explains the reason for imposing a penalty or announcing a promotion. They are also issued separately from other personnel orders.

Orders for personnel begin with a verb expressing administrative activity: accept, transfer, dismiss, send, etc. The verb is written in a separate line in capital letters.

for persons who have passed the competition - ENROLL;

when registering the management team - APPOINT.

Then, on a new line, the surname, first name, patronymic (required in full, not initials), position title, name of the structural unit, from what date and with what salary are indicated. If necessary, the conditions for admission are indicated (with a trial period, temporarily from ... to ..., etc.).

When transferring an employee from one position to another, the order indicates from what date the transfer takes place and what salary is assigned.

When dismissing, the reasons for dismissal must be indicated with reference to the article of the Labor Code.

For all orders on personnel, it is mandatory to formulate each item in strict accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code.

Prepared draft orders on personnel are transferred to the head of the organization for signing. The order is dated and registered. The incoming employee must be familiar with the order. He puts his study visa.

Two copies are made from the order: for a personal file and transfer to the accounting department. Both copies of the order are certified in the following form:

The first copies of orders for employment, transfer, dismissal, change of surname are filed in a separate file according to the nomenclature of cases (Orders for personnel).

Orders on personnel are not only administrative documents, but at the same time they also refer to primary accounting documents, since they record the fact of admission, transfer or dismissal of a citizen and are the basis for calculating his wages.

Therefore, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On primary accounting documents" dated July 8, 1997 No. 835, forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment were developed and approved on October 30, 1997 by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee. In accordance with the Decree of the Government, they are introduced "in organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, operating on the territory of the Russian Federation."

Among these forms:

Order (order on employment (form No. T-1);

Order (instruction) on transfer to another job (form No. T-5);

Order (instruction) on granting leave (form No. T-6);

Order (instruction) to terminate the employment contract (contract) (form No. T-8).

The form of the order for employment and the form of the order for transfer are filled out by the employee who maintains personnel documentation in one copy, and the form of the order to grant leave and the form of the order to terminate the employment contract - in two copies. The second copy is transferred to the accounting department, where the corresponding monetary calculation is made.

Form No. T-1 - The order (instruction) for employment is filled out on both sides in A5 format and has the following form: *

* See the appendix for the rest of the unified order forms.

As can be seen from the above form, it reflects all working conditions: permanent or temporary, main or part-time, mode and working conditions, working hours, etc., the necessary visas are provided at the time of applying for a job and, if necessary, the conclusion of a medical examination and a mark on the passage of a safety briefing.

The order in the form above is filled in in one copy, endorsed, signed by the head of the organization and declared to the enrolled employee against receipt. On the basis of the order, an entry is made about enrollment in the work book and the following forms will be filled in for the person who has come to work: a personnel officer - a personal card and in the accounting department - a personal account is opened in the form No. T-54 or T-54a.

Form No. T-2 - a personal card - is the main accounting document. The form contains, with minor changes, the same information as the previously used form No. T-2, but is more adapted to automated information processing. The form is filled out by the employee who maintains personnel documentation on the basis of the relevant documents: passport, military ID, work book (for part-time workers - a copy of the work book certified by a notary), a diploma (certificate, certificate) of graduation from an educational institution and other documents.

The information entered from the form into the computer's memory will make up a fairly comprehensive database of the organization's personnel and will make it possible to generate the necessary personnel summaries.

As the employee advances in the service, changes in his marital status, graduates from an educational institution, new information is added to the personal card, i.e. it is constantly maintained "in working condition" and reflects the latest data about the employee.

Account cards are placed in the alphabetical file of workers. With an automated system, employee data is entered into the electronic version of the form, and then form No. T-2 is printed. Data on employees entered into the PC when filling out form No. T-2 allows you to create any reporting and reference documents on the personnel of the organization.

In institutions working in the field of education, science and technology, for scientists, in addition to form No. T-2, an additional registration card of a researcher (form No. T-4) is filled out. * It is kept in A5 format.

* Forms No. T-4 are given in the appendix.

The data of this accounting form reflects the specifics of scientific personnel: the availability of degrees and titles, scientific papers, the experience of scientific and pedagogical work. The form is filled in by the employee who maintains personnel documentation on the basis of the relevant documents in one copy.

Persons hired submit their work book.

All entries made in the work book at the last place of work must be certified by the signature of the head or employee of the personnel department and the seal of the enterprise or personnel department. For persons who have come to work for the first time, the work book is filled out no later than a week from the date of employment.

All entries on admission, transfer to another permanent job, dismissal, awards and incentives are made in the work book. Entries are made after the issuance of the order (but no later than a week, and upon dismissal - on the day of dismissal) and must exactly correspond to the text of the order.

Corrections made to the work book are negotiated and certified with a seal.

The procedure for filling out, maintaining and storing work books is detailed in the "Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions and organizations." This instruction is the main reference material for an employee working with work books.

Employment books are stored as documents of strict accountability in separate file cabinets in safes or in cabinets, excluding the possibility of their loss or damage. They are the main document on labor activity and are maintained for all workers who have worked more than 5 days, including temporary workers, as well as non-staff workers, provided that they are subject to state social insurance.

Non-staff employees include those employees who are not included in the payroll and perform work under written labor agreements with remuneration in the prescribed manner.

Employment records are maintained only at the place of main work.

In cases where all the pages of the relevant sections are filled in the work book, the work book is supplemented with an insert.

The insert is sewn into the work book, filled out and maintained in the same order as the work book.

An insert without a work book is invalid.

Upon dismissal of a worker or employee, all records of work, awards and incentives entered into the work book during work in an organization, institution, firm are certified by the signature of the head of the organization or the head of the personnel department (if such a department exists) and a seal.

The organization is obliged to give the employee his work book on the day of dismissal with a record of dismissal made in it.

The employee responsible for personnel documentation maintains a book of accounting for work books and inserts to them. The book registers all work books accepted from workers and employees upon admission to work, as well as work books and inserts to them with a record of the series and numbers issued again.

Upon receipt of a work book in connection with the dismissal, the employee signs in a personal card (form No. T-2) and in the accounting book.

The book of accounting for work books must be numbered, laced and sealed with a signature and seal.

For all employees of the company, organization, with the exception of those hired for temporary work, workers and junior service personnel (they only have a personal card in the form No. T-2), a personal file is drawn up.

Thus, applying for a job requires the employee who maintains personnel documentation to perform a number of operations: drafting an employment contract (contract) and an order, issuing a personal card (T-2 form), establishing a personal file, making an appropriate entry in the work book. A personal card, case, work book should be placed for storage and subsequent quick finding.

Documents fixing labor activity require their constant maintenance, reflection of the movement of the employee in the service (in the form of T-2, work book, supplement to the questionnaire).

Translation(appointment to another position) is recorded in the following documents: application, memorandum, transfer order.

The application must have visas of the heads of departments from where the employee is moving and where he is moving. Within the structural subdivision, the transfer can be made out by a memorandum with the rationale for the transfer. Making a transfer includes the following operations:

Drawing up a draft order on the basis of an application or memo (or filling out a unified form No. T-5);

Signing the order and its registration;

Familiarization with the order of the employee, about which a note is made on the first copy of the order (introductory visa);

On the basis of the transfer order, appropriate entries are made in the form No. T-2;

Changes (i.e. transfer data) on the basis of an order are made to the work book.

Thus, the translation requires making appropriate changes to a number of documents, that is, it is fixed several times.

Dismissal the employee is reflected in the documents: a statement or a memo and an order for dismissal.

On the basis of a personal statement or memo, a draft order is drawn up (or a unified accounting form No. T-8 is filled out).

The order is signed and registered.

The dismissed employee gets acquainted with the order and puts his visa.

One copy of the order is placed in a personal file, the other is transferred to the accounting department.

On the basis of the order, a corresponding entry is made in the personal card (form No. T-2), after which the card is transferred to the file cabinet of dismissed persons, where it is placed alphabetically by last name.

The personal file after placing the dismissal order in it is closed and processed for transfer to the archive for long-term storage.

In the work book issued to the resigning person, in strict accordance with the order, a record is made of the termination of employment, indicating the date and reason for dismissal, and the book is handed over to the resigning person.

The dismissed person signs in the register of work books about its receipt. The journal records the date of issue of the work book and the basis for its issuance.

Work with personnel documentation also includes registration of vacations and business trips.

In accordance with Art. 66 of the Labor Code, all employees are granted annual leave with the preservation of their place of work (position) and average earnings.

Art. 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that vacations can be granted at any time throughout the year, but without disrupting the normal course of the organization's work.

The priority of vacations is drawn up in the form of a vacation schedule drawn up annually at the beginning of the calendar year. When drawing up a vacation schedule, the following are taken into account: current legislation, the features of the work of the organization and the personal wishes of the employee.

The order to grant the next vacation is drawn up on the basis of personal statements of employees and the vacation schedule. Personal statements are written in any form to receive any type of leave: regular, without pay, educational, etc.

Registration of vacations includes the following operations: scheduling regular vacations; control over compliance with the schedule of regular holidays during the year; registration of vacation orders (filling in a unified accounting form No. T-6).

On the basis of the order, on the back of the second sheet of the personal card (form No. T-2), a note is made about the vacation: type of vacation, for what period, start and end dates, reason (order No. and date).

Registration of business trips for employees is carried out by orders drawn up on the basis of memos from the heads of structural divisions. Orders have a standard form. They indicate: last name, first name, patronymic, position of the seconded person, indicating the structural unit where he is seconded, from what date, for how long and the basis for drawing up the order.

A travel certificate also, as a rule, has a standard form and is filled out upon issuance. Usually they are recorded in a special journal.

Much attention should be paid to the organization of the current storage of documents in order to prevent their loss.

Orders for hiring, transfers, dismissals are formed in a separate file. Inside the case, orders are arranged by numbers (chronology). Orders are formed for one calendar year.

Only the first original copies of orders signed by the head of the organization are formed in the case. Orders are kept for 75 years. The documents that served as the basis for issuing orders are formed into a separate file in chronology. The retention period for these documents is 3 years. Separately, a case is formed with orders for the granting of holidays and penalties. Orders on business trips should be grouped into a separate case along with memos that served as the basis for issuing the order. These orders within the case are also arranged chronologically. The shelf life of the case is 3 years.

Personal cards are formed separately for working and laid-off employees. Employees' personal cards are kept by the person responsible for personnel documentation until the employee's dismissal. They are systematized by structural divisions, and inside alphabetically by surnames.

Personal cards of the dismissed are allocated from the general array and are kept by the person responsible for personnel documentation during the year. Inside the file, they are arranged strictly alphabetically by surnames and after the end of the current year they must be prepared for transfer to archival storage.

The management of personal files requires special attention.

Private bussiness- this is a set of documents containing the necessary information about the employee and his seniority.

Initially, documents drawn up when applying for a job are placed in a personal file. In the course of the employee's labor activity, his personal file may be replenished with other documents indicating a change in his education, marital status, etc.

Each personal file is formed in a separate folder. The cover design includes: case number, last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, date of entry to work.

Employees who maintain personnel documentation are responsible for the correct execution of personal files.

For the convenience of maintaining a personal file and reference work, it is recommended to include documents in the file in the following sequence:

Internal inventory of case documents;

Application for a job;

Questionnaire with a photo;

Labor contract;

Order of employment (copy);

Education documents (copies);

In the course of an employee's work activity, documents confirming a change in personal and biographical data (copies of diplomas, certificates, documents of registry offices, etc., attestation sheets, copies of audit reports, etc.) can be added to his file.

Because changes in official position are recorded in the supplement to the questionnaire, where reference is made to the corresponding number and date of the order, copies of orders for transfers from service to the personal file are not included.

Certificates of educational institutions on the granting of study leave, certificates from the place of residence, on the state of health, etc. are not subject to attachment to the personal file.

An internal inventory is drawn up for the documents of the personal file.

Each document of the personal file is entered into the inventory separately. The inventory is compiled and signed by the employee who maintains personnel documentation, indicating the date of formation of the personal file. The start date of the personal file is the date of the application for employment, and the end date is the date of dismissal.

The personal file is kept in one copy.

The employee responsible for maintaining personnel records is obliged in a timely manner to:

Make entries in the personal file about changes in the employee's official position, biographical data, marital status, place of residence, etc.

Submit received documents. The basis for making changes and additions to a personal file is:

On the official position - the order of the head of the organization on the transfer;

On education - documents of educational institutions (diploma, certificate, certificate, certificate);

On changing the last name, first name, patronymic - an order on personnel issued on the basis of documents from the registry office.

It is not allowed to make changes and additions to the documents of the personal file according to the words of the employee.

Withdrawal of documents from a personal file can be made only with the permission of the management of the organization. Instead of the seized document, a certificate is enclosed, signed by the employee responsible for maintaining personnel records, indicating for what purpose and by whose order the document was seized, to whom it was transferred.

When an employee is dismissed, a letter of resignation and a copy of the dismissal order are placed in his personal file.

Personal affairs are recorded in the personal affairs register, which is the main accounting document. The number of issues in the journal should correspond to the number of personal files available. When an employee leaves, his case number is used for the personal file of the newly hired employee.

On the front side of the cover of the personal file and in the personal card (form No. T-2), the number for which the case is recorded in the journal is affixed.

Once a year, a check is made on the availability and condition of personal files, about which an appropriate act is drawn up.

A personal file can be issued for temporary use upon request government agencies up to 15 days with the permission of the management of the organization.

The issuance of a personal file for temporary use is recorded according to the control card, which is put in place of the issued file. The control card indicates when, where and to whom the case was issued and the signature of the person who received the case is put. When the case is returned, the date of its return is indicated in the control card and it is enclosed in the case.

There are special cabinets for storage of personal files. Cases are listed in numerical order from left to right, top to bottom. The personal files of only working employees are kept.

At the end of the year, the personal files of dismissed employees are deposited in the archive of the institution or the interdepartmental archive for personnel, which is noted in the personal file register.

In preparation for archival storage, an independent file can be drawn up for each dismissed person. However, it is more rational to combine individual personal files into one file, not exceeding 250 sheets. In this case, individual personal files are stitched together according to the year of dismissal. Inside the file, they are arranged in a strict alphabet of surnames and are separated from each other by a blank sheet of paper indicating on it the surname, name and patronymic of the person for whom the personal file has been opened. An internal inventory of the personal files included in it is compiled for the combined case, listing the last names, first names and patronymics in alphabetical order and indicating the relevant pages in the case where there is information on this person.

Unclaimed work books are also transferred to archival storage.

Employment records are stored in a strict alphabet of surnames. Each work book is an independently stored unit and is not filed into files. For convenience of storage, work books can be placed in folders with valves, boxes or boxes, which indicate: "unclaimed work books - ... pcs." When a work book is withdrawn, a correction is made to their number.

Many documents on personnel have a long shelf life and are subject to special accounting. The most common logs are:

Accounting for orders for admission, transfer, dismissal;

Accounting for business trip orders;

Accounting for work books and inserts to them;

Accounting for personal affairs.

The register of orders for personnel is kept by years and is a document of long-term storage (75 years).

The journal of registration of business trip orders is kept by years and has a shelf life of 3 years.

Journals of accounting of work books and personal files have a shelf life of 75 years.

All personnel documents with a short-term storage period (up to 10 years) may be destroyed after one calendar year after the expiration of their storage period. These documents are not archived, but are destroyed by employees responsible for maintaining personnel records, on the basis of an act on the allocation of cases for destruction, which has a standard form.

For convenience, when determining the terms of storage of documents, the appendix to the book contains a table of basic documents on personnel with the terms of their storage. The table was compiled on the basis of the "List of standard documents generated in the activities of state committees, ministries, departments and other institutions, organizations, enterprises, indicating the periods of storage" and published in 1994-1995. departmental lists: " List of documents with the periods of storage formed in the activities of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation and institutions of its system" and "List of documents generated in the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, indicating the periods of storage".

Taking into account the special importance of personnel documentation, on March 21, 1994, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.S. Chernomyrdin signed an order to improve the organization of the storage of documents on personnel. The order states: "In order to ensure the safety of documents on personnel ...

1 To recommend that the founders of newly formed legal entities that are commercial and non-commercial organizations include in their constituent documents provisions relating to ensuring the accounting and preservation of documents on personnel ...

2 Recommend that federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation carry out state registration constituent documents for the acquisition of the right of a legal entity if they contain the provisions provided for in paragraph 1 of this order."

Thus, the charters of newly created firms, partnerships, etc. items on working with personnel documentation and ensuring its safety must be included, which will prevent the destruction of personnel documentation.

26. / Topic 5. Section 3. Chekhov. Pari..doc
27. / Notebook on literature. 27.05.doc Drama about love Drama as a kind of literature
A literary work as an artistic whole A literary work is, according to the definition of literary critic Yu. M. Lotman, “a complexly constructed meaning”
Epic works about love Epos as a kind of literature
Homeland Theme
Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (December 11, 1918 - August 3, 2008) 15. Photograph by A. I. Solzhenitsyn “For writers who are concerned about the truth, life has never been simple, it doesn’t happen (and never will!)”
Epic works about the Motherland
Topic About deceptions and temptations Questions and tasks
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809 - 1852) Fig. Portrait of Gogol
Deceptions and temptations in lyrics Petersburg, as a city of deceptions, entered literature in the 19th century. N. V. Gogol in the story "Nevsky Prospekt"
Literature. 8th grade. Part 1 Contents Introduction first Introduction second Literary work as an artistic whole Interpretation of a work of art Theme of love An image-symbol,
Literature. 8th grade. Part II content Topic On deceptions and temptations Marginal notes. Temptation
Theme of fear and fear Plot, plot, motif and leitmotif in a literary work
Edgar Allan Poe (January 19, 1809 - October 7, 1849) Fig. Portrait of E. A. Poe
Terrible and fear in epic works
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (March 20 (April 1), 1809 - February 21 (March 4), 1852) Fig. A. Ivanov. Portrait of N. V. Gogol
Deceptions and temptations in the epic "I want to be happy!"
Theme of Moral Choice
Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilyov (April 3 (15), 1886 - August 1921) Fig. 34. Portrait of N. S. Gumilyov
Antoine de Saint-Exupery (June 29, 1900 - July 31, 1944) Fig. 41. Photo of Saint-Exupery
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Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov (May 3 (15), 1891 - March 10, 1940) Fig. 38. Photo by M. A. Bulgakov
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Literary work as a work of art

A literary work is, according to the definition of the literary critic Yu.M. Lotman, "a complexly constructed meaning."

Since literature is the art of the word, the basis of this construction is written text.

From a sequence of words and sentences, images of a work of art arise, which, in combination with each other, create art world. This is an imaginary world, which, however, can be perceived as a special reality, while experiencing real emotions.

The world created by the writer's imagination can be very similar to the real world, or it can differ significantly from it. But a true artist never copies the reality in which he exists, but recreates it: depicts space and time (chronotope), fills it with objects (details and details), creates images of people (characters), tells the story of their life (plot), expressing in all these components their attitude to the world (author's position).

A genuine work of art captures the reader, makes him feel deep feelings. A wonderful definition of the reader's reaction was given by A. S. Pushkin in the poem "Elegy": " I will shed tears over fiction. ” It turns out that the fictional world of the writer can cause real tears.

However, tears or laughter are the first reaction to the work. The next step is an explanation, an interpretation of it.

Interpretation of a work of art

What should be the main result of reading a work of fiction for a highly developed reader? Is it not enough to enjoy reading, to experience different feelings, to learn something new?

Indeed, all this is very important. But still, the main goal for a highly developed reader will be to create an interpretation of a work of art.

Interpretation is the reader's understanding of a literary work, its artistic meaning.

Artistic meaning is the thoughts or judgments of the author that are hidden in the text. These judgments, as a rule, are the discovery of the author, important for readers. Therefore, artistic meaning is also called the truth discovered by the writer, as well as the position of the author.

Probably, here one of you will be surprised: “Is the meaning of the work not its content?” The fact is that in works of art, the content is not equal to the meaning: behind the specific story told by the author, or the picture he shows, there is always a generalization, the writer's reflection on the complex problems of reality.

For example, in the story "Vasyutkino Lake", which you read in the 5th grade, V.P. Astafiev created images of the boy Vasyutka and the taiga. Vasyutka is a good assistant to the workers of the collective farm brigade, and therefore at the beginning of the story he feels too confident. This leads to the fact that the boy, having gone to the taiga, behaved unceremoniously towards nature and the taiga inhabitants - the nutcracker, the capercaillie. Reading about how Vasyutka got lost, chasing a capercaillie, we perceive this event as a well-deserved punishment for the hero. Finding himself in danger, Vasyutka came to his senses, thought, remembered the rules that must be observed in the taiga, and began to behave differently, which is why he escaped, while opening a new lake full of fish.

In this story, Vasyutka plays the role of a student, and the taiga plays the role of a strict and demanding teacher who teaches responsible, serious behavior. The words "student" and "teacher" denote the generalized meanings of the images of Vasyutka and the taiga.

And now let's remember the plot and, in accordance with it, we will draw semantic connections between the main images. This will help to understand the artistic idea of ​​the story, its meaning. V.P. Astafiev claims that a person is a student of nature and one should learn its laws as best as possible. There is no other way for a person - rebellion against nature can result in severe punishment, even death.

We hope you are convinced that there is a significant difference between the content of the work and its meaning. But without knowing all the content, you will not come to the meaning. Therefore, it is so important to read the works not in abbreviation, not in a summary, but in full.

If the reader has poorly understood the meaning of the text, then his judgments and assessments will be superficial. In order to fully comprehend the work, i.e. to interpret it, it is necessary to analyze the text.

There are also special readers for whom interpretation becomes a profession. Some professional readers express their understanding of the author's position in words, more precisely, in texts: they write articles and books in which they argue, prove and explain their interpretations. Such analytical verbal interpretations expressed in a word are called interpretations.

Other professional readers - artists, directors, actors - create artistic interpretations, that is, they express their understanding of the author's position with the help of artistic images. Films, cartoons, theatrical performances, ballets and operas, songs and romances, pantomimes, book illustrations, paintings become artistic interpretations of literary works. Sometimes works of fiction become interpretations. To understand artistic interpretations, we need to go through the path of understanding this new work of art again: understand its plot, the content of artistic images, understand the position of the author, and then compare the position of the author of a work of fiction and the position of the author of his artistic interpretation in another art form.

Why does the reader need to understand the meaning of a work of art? The fact is that while reading, we enter into a dialogue with the author of the work. Those truths that the writer discovered, he seeks to convey to his reader, to help him comprehend life phenomena, to warn against mistakes. Agree, in a conversation it is always important to understand the interlocutor. You can disagree with him, argue. By reading a work of art, we get to know the outside world and enrich our own inner world. But this is not the same as when reading scientific literature. Work of fiction allows us to experience events together with the characters, to think about what happened with them, and therefore, to look at the world through the eyes of another person. Such an experience is invaluable.

Other people's interpretations also allow us to enrich and refine our own understanding.

Topic 1. About love

Word art about love

It's hard to talk about love. So much has already been said, this topic is so old. It is surprising why art cannot exhaust it in any way.

What is love, whether it is good or evil, whether it brings pain or joy, whether it is a miracle or a disease, many who lived long ago and recently tried to express. And you will have your own, special love, which no one else will have and never had. Why then read about love? Perhaps, to be ready for a meeting, to get to know her, not to be confused with a semblance of love, to know what it is like ...

Reading the works presented in this topic, you will meet with different images of love. They were captured by poets, prose writers and playwrights who worked in different eras and in different languages. So polyphony was created, where each voice has its own melody and none rejects the other. Together they create a portrait of many-sided love.

Listen to every melody of love, try to respond to the experiences of the authors, try to understand the content of the images created by them - perhaps then your love will be a powerful, strong and wonderful feeling.

You are already familiar with the term "image-symbol". This year, images with a symbolic meaning will come across to you often. So read the article about this concept.

Image-symbol, or symbolic image

To the question of what a “sign” is, you will answer without difficulty. “A sign is something that means something,” such an answer is logical. Signs surround us: words, road signs, trade brands. And we have no difficulty in communicating with them. We know that behind each sign a certain meaning is hidden. A dove with a laurel branch means peace, an owl means wisdom, cupid means love; a brick in a red circle - a prohibition of passage, a walking man - a transition, a small cougar stretched out in a jump - the Puma company, which produces sportswear and shoes ...

In everyday life, we often call them symbols: there are Olympic symbols, military symbols, school symbols ...

However, if you have been attentive students for three years, you will say: “Are the owl, cupid, dove symbols? These are allegories! And you will be right. In ordinary life, we often confuse metaphor, allegory and symbol. And nothing bad happens. But in literature it is dangerous to confuse them: each of the tropes just named has its own function in the work, and if we attribute to one trope the function of another, then we distort the meaning of the image.

Symbols, allegories, metaphors are close relatives. Metaphor underlies allegory and symbol, which is why we so often confuse them. The figurative meaning of the similarity of any feature between objects and phenomena is the main feature of metaphor, allegory and symbol. How are these trails different from each other?

Allegory is a trope in which an abstract phenomenon appears in a concrete form. What do wisdom, peace, stupidity look like? The ancient Greeks believed that the owl and the snake were animals endowed with wisdom. Therefore, they began to embody the abstract concept in their concrete form. The owl became an attribute of the goddess Athena - the goddess of not only a just war, but also wisdom. And the snake over the cup is still perceived today as an allegory of medicine. Of course, there is no direct similarity between an owl, a snake and wisdom. The similarity arose from the ideas of a person about who this quality is inherent in.

The image-symbol is just as ancient. The symbols appeared gradually. The fact is that a person, observing the natural world, endowed it with human qualities. The sea played a huge role in the life of the ancient Greeks: it was the way between cities and colonies, it was a source of food. It was life, but it was also death. The sea was huge, boundless: what was hidden in its distance, in its depths? So gradually the sea was associated in the mind of man with life and death, mystery, freedom (who can conquer the sea?). Each time it was a metaphor. Gradually, different metaphorical meanings were combined in one image of the sea, fixed on it, i.e. have become sustainable. A symbol is born.

It is the multiplicity of meanings that distinguishes a symbol from an allegory. Another difference is that the first original value is always stored in the symbol. If you have an image-symbol "sea" in front of you, then there are others behind the first meaning. Remember M.Yu. Lermontov's poem "Sail". In it we will see the image of the sea, which at the same time retains its direct meaning (the sea is a body of water) and symbolizes human life, freedom and mystery.

The whole history of human culture is permeated with images-symbols. Since ancient times, people have conveyed in symbols their knowledge about the laws of the universe, about the structure of the universe, about spiritual values ​​or the laws of organizing social life.

Over time, certain meanings of symbols were assigned to many images of nature and life, which became universal.

The rock has become a symbol, meaning both a persistent, courageous person, and severe impregnability, power, immutability, constancy, danger.

Endless steppe - infinity, space, freedom, will.

The forest is another world, danger, mystery.

The sun - life, creativity, justice and at the same time - a cleansing fire, power, strength.

You can read about symbols in dictionaries or encyclopedias of symbols. If you do not have such a dictionary, then use the Internet, where you can find any dictionary. The dictionary of symbols, like the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, will help you perceive and understand works of art and many other phenomena of our life.

Fiction creates the conditions for the existence and development of symbolic images. Writers often use images-symbols of culture. Sometimes the author manages to create new symbols. For example, let us turn to the already mentioned poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Sail”. In the poem behind the image of the sail, you saw the image of a rebellious human soul striving for inner harmony and not finding it in this world. The deeper meaning of this symbol is a romantic worldview.


  1. What images - symbols of love - do you know? In what works did you meet them?
When reading love poems in this section, pay attention to images that have a metaphorical, allegorical and symbolic meaning and try to decipher them, remembering the features of each.

Section 1. Lyrics about love

You already know a lot about this kind of literature as lyrics. Now it's time to synthesize individual representations into a single whole.

Lyrics as a kind of literature

A very long time ago, when verbal art existed only in poetic form, all artists of the word were called poets. Today we often use this word, referring to the authors of poetic works, especially lyric ones. Lyrics are one of the three types of literature. How does a lyric poet create an artistic world?

Like any person, the poet is influenced by the world: he is faced with different people and phenomena and, of course, experiences everything that happens to him. Probably, you have already prepared to exclaim: “We know: lyrics are an expression of experiences, feelings of a person!” Do not hurry. Something you forgot. If you are right, then any outburst of our emotions will be lyrics. What did you miss? Creativity moment. Yes, the emotional response to what happened will always be the source, the cause of the lyrical work. But in the process of creating a work, a real poet melts emotions first into images, thoughts, feelings, and then into a verbal, most often poetic form. Emotions for a poet are material for creativity.

External world, which can be present in a poem, and sometimes occupy a central place in it, as in landscape lyrics, is always associated with the inner world of the lyrical hero or author, since it is depicted precisely from his point of view. This means that the way the hero (author) sees the world reveals to the reader the experiences, assessments of the author. Therefore, stylistic details are so important in the lyrics - the figurative and expressive means of the language.

No less important is the rhythm of a lyrical poem: it can be smooth, measured, drawn out - and create an intonation of reflection, an atmosphere of peace, tranquility. Or it can be clearly pulsating - to convey dynamics, cheerfulness, joy. This means that rhythm becomes a means of expressing the author's attitude to the world.

In the creative act, the author seems to split in two: he writes about his subjective experiences, but at the moment of creation he looks at himself from the outside, observes his reactions to the world. Work on a work becomes not just a way to throw out experiences and attach the reader to them, but a road to self-knowledge.

The Russian philologist A.A. Potebnya very accurately noted the most important feature of the lyrics: he called the lyrics poetic knowledge, “which, by objectifying the feeling, subordinating its thoughts, calms this feeling, pushing it into the past and thus makes it possible to rise above it.” Therefore, the poet is not a slave of his experiences, but their master.

The discoveries that the poet makes are also important for the reader. After all, the reader is also a person, and he encounters the same world in which the poet lives or lived. The work is separated from its creator and begins to live an independent life - in the mind of the reader.

In the process of creating a lyrical work, the poet transforms his personal inner experience and makes it universal. After all, when reading a poem, we are surprised how it turns out that the poet writes the way we feel, the way we think, but only better, more precisely, more beautifully. You have come across this more than once, but perhaps you simply did not fully realize it.

In childhood and adolescence, most people write poetry. Few become poets. It does not follow from this that writing should be abandoned - on the contrary, poetic experience is always useful. I would just like you to remember one of the most important secrets of lyrics when writing: having experienced some event, having experienced some kind of experience, starting the act of creation, the author looks at his inner world from the side, discards particulars and looks for a poetic form, rhythm, rhyme, sounds and colors, words-images to express the most important, the most essential in his discovery. Yes, some poets, for example, M.I. Tsvetaeva, note that they write as if someone dictates a work to them from above, others, like A.A. Akhmatova, compare the composition of a poem with the birth of a child, others, among them V.V. .Mayakovsky, liken creativity to hard physical work. So everyone composes, as he lives, as he reads, in his own way. The main thing is what remains after you. The poet leaves his readers with his world filled with thoughts and experiences.

In this section of the textbook, you can hear the voices of the Italians Dante Alighieri and Francesco Petrarch (XIII-XIV century), the English poet and playwright William Shakespeare (XVI-XVII century), already familiar to you, and Russian poets, with whom you have met more than once - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin , Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov (first half of the 19th century), Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (second half of the 19th century), - and Alexander Alexandrovich Blok ( late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century), whose name you, perhaps, are not yet familiar with.

If you are interested in the details of their life and work, then look at "On the bookshelf" at the end of the section. However, before the meeting, you need to tell and explain something to you: otherwise, due to too much distance in time, you can distort the meaning of the poems.

Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321)

Rice. 1. Andrea del Castagne. Dante Alighieri

On May 30, 1265, a boy was born in the Florentine Alighieri family, who was named Durante, his diminutive name was Dante. Probably, the parents of the child, about whom little is known, did not assume that this home name would go down in the history of literature and world culture as the name of the greatest poet and would be known to everyone. educated person on earth even seven centuries later.

Almost nothing is known about the childhood and youth of the future poet. But what we know is surprising. In May 1274, a nine-year-old boy met an eight-year-old girl, Beatrice Portinari, at a festival and fell in love with her. The second meeting took place nine years later, when Beatrice was already married. About his feeling for her, which he carried until the end of his life, Dante spoke in the book "New Life", consisting of sonnets and canzones and author's comments on them.

It seems incredible to us that an unrequited feeling could last so long. The purity of the poet's feelings also seems incredible: Beatrice was for him the ideal of a woman, he deified her. His love was not an earthly feeling that brings men and women together and unites them into a family. The ideal is idolized and protected.

And here, of course, not only the peculiarity of Dante's personality was manifested, but also the influence of tradition in literature, namely the Provencal 1 lyrics of the troubadours 2, in which Beautiful lady.

marginal notes

XII - XIII centuries, as you remember, the time of knights and crusades, the time when legends and songs were formed about them. Any woman could become a beautiful Lady for a knight, but most often it was the wife of their overlord - the master whom the knight served. The knight took an oath of allegiance to her and dedicated his exploits, glorifying her name and beauty in tournaments and battles. The knight could not expect any reward from the Beautiful Lady: at best, a favorable look, a glove or some modest gift. Many knights even had a poor idea of ​​what their Fair Lady looked like. As you understand, there could be no talk of earthly love, and an elevated feeling, most often invented, soon turned into a tradition, a conditional ritual of service, which we still remember, linking the word “knight” with noble behavior and in relation to a woman .
In the New Life, following the Provencal tradition of the troubadours, Dante hides the name of his beloved. He does not create images of time and place of action: everything takes place in some city, the lord of which is Amor (Amur). He speaks with the poet about love, gives him instructions, advice, and makes warnings. Of course, Cupid is an allegory of love, which turns out to be the highest value for the poet, guiding and defining his life.

Even after Beatrice's death in 1290, Dante continued to worship her. Even after his marriage in 1298, he continued to sing of Beatrice, while he did not write a word about his wife. In the famous epic poem, The Divine Comedy, which you have yet to experience, the poet will create an ideal image of Beatrice and make her his guide through purgatory and paradise.

Dante lived difficult life. He became interested in politics and because of the political intrigues of his opponents was expelled from his native Florence. The poet and thinker died in Ravenna. There he is buried.

Fig 2. Tombstone of Dante


The poems of Dante, Petrarch, Shakespeare and Pushkin that you will read are written in the form of a sonnet. Read the article and prepare a story about how a sonnet differs from a lyric poem.


The homeland of the sonnet is Italy - the country of Dante and Petrarch. The development of the sonnet is associated with their names in the history of literature. The word comes from the Italian sonetto, derived from the Provencal sonnet, meaning "song". The first sonnets were in many ways reminiscent of folk songs, which is still indicated by the name of this form.

A sonnet began to be called a poetic form in which 14 lines are divided into stanzas in a special way. The first and second stanzas have four lines, and the third and fourth have three. Four lines are called quatrains, and three lines are called tercetes. Lines in stanzas also rhyme according to strict rules, but different countries have developed their own rhyme. Rhymes are usually denoted in Latin letters. Here is how the lines in the classic Italian sonnet rhyme: abab abab cdc dcd(or cde cde). You can easily be convinced of this by reading the sonnets of Dante and Petrarch: translators strive to preserve the peculiarity of rhyming. In France, a slightly different system has taken root: abba abba ccd eed(or ccd ede).

But the sonnet is not only art form. Its content also develops according to the rules. There is always an emotional turning point in the composition of a sonnet. In classical sonnets, he accounted for the transition from quatrains to tercetes. For example, in Dante's quatrains, the general impression that Beatrice evokes is described, and in tertsets, the emphasis is on the poet's personal feelings. In Petrarch, the fracture occurs between the tercetes: in last poet no longer captures the image of Laura, but her influence on her soul, for which Laura is the sun that illuminates the whole world.

The name of the genre, sonnet, indicates that this work is sounding. Therefore, the sonnet must be melodic. This is also achieved by the alternation of male and female rhymes, the play of sounds in the word. If the stress in rhyming words falls on the last syllable, for example: "answer - hello", "hidden - language", then this is a masculine rhyme, if the stress is on the penultimate syllable, for example: "alarms - roads", "God - road" - this is feminine rhyme. The masculine rhyme ends the line abruptly, while the feminine rhyme gives it a more drawn-out sound. Male and female rhymes are intertwined in the sonnet in the same way as images.

Changes to the sonnet form were made by the English poet and playwright W. Shakespeare. He preferred a different stanza - three quatrains and one final couplet - the "sonnet key", which summarized the content of the poem. The rhyme has also changed: abab cdcd efef gg.

In Russia, the first sonnet was written in 1735 by V.K. Trediakovsky, although it was a translation from French. The sonnet became a popular form in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, but the heyday of the sonnet form falls on the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century.

The sonnet, as the researchers noted, with the severity and conciseness of the form, has the ability to reveal all the richness of the poetic language. Literary critic L. Grossman in the article "Poetics of the Russian sonnet" called the sonnet "the most demanding of poetic forms”, since traditionally the style of the sonnet was based on sublime vocabulary and intonation, precise and rare rhymes, on the prohibition of hyphenation and the repetition of a significant word in the same meaning. Since its inception, the sonnet has always remained an intellectual genre of poetry.