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Among the variety of summer knitted clothes on hot days, the clear favorites are tops. They are divided into two types: either this is a bodice, which was supplemented with a fabric, or it is a knitted fabric, in which the attention was focused on the decor. A crochet bodice, the diagrams and description of which will be reflected in this article, has recently become no longer a detail women's clothing but rather a wardrobe item. It is no longer hidden. On the contrary, attention is focused on it due to the originality of knitting and decoration.

Bodice shapes

Crochet bodice, diagrams and descriptionwhich will be given in this article, can be made exclusively according to individual sizes. It is quite suitable for those ladies who have impressive breasts, and for those who have a miniature one. And depending on which craftswoman likes what more, and on what are the physical data of the woman who will wear this bodice, a certain knitting technique and its shape are chosen.

As a rule, experienced needlewomen believe that crocheting a bodice (diagrams and a description will be presented) should be done using a regular single crochet or with a single crochet. Thanks to this knitting, the fabric being made will be much denser and will withstand the required shape.

You can find a lot of different shapes that will be suitable for the bodice as an independent type of clothing, as well as part of a dress or a neat topic. Usually they use the shape of a triangle and drape a rectangular canvas. The difference is only in the way of knitting different parts.

three quarters

Quite often, a crochet top bodice (a diagram and description will help you figure out how to do everything right) is knitted in a way called “3/4 squares”. There are several ways to use it:

1. Classic variant. The cup can be knitted from the widest part upwards. When the work is done, the small sides must be tied together. This is how the volume of the bodice detail is obtained. The seam will be under the bust and represent a tuck.

2. You should dial the required number of air loops and knit the fabric using increases along the midline. After that, you can tie the gap line, and the finished bodice is sewn to the dress or top.

3. The bodice consists of small square details. And there can be only one part, and maybe three. The bodices look rather unusual, which are knitted from classic squares, knitted only to the middle.

From the middle

A good choice would be a bodice, which consists of three triangles, and it is connected from the middle.

Such a bodice is explained in detail how everything should be done) it is quite convenient to knit, and just pick up the patterned patterns themselves. And triangles can be connected with lace fillet knitting.

In order to make the cups more convex if necessary, their edges should be tied with single crochets, which should be slightly smaller than the side loops. So the edges of the face will be tightened, and the desired shape will be achieved.


Another option is a fully openwork bodice. As a rule, it is knitted in a circle, starting from the middle. Just like working on a napkin. In this case, a convex shape will not work, so the craftswoman chooses: leave it as it is or carefully tie it with a tightening.

A knitted top can be connected to the dress with the same threads with which it was made. Or you can crochet the bodice of the swimsuit (diagrams and descriptions will tell you how to do this). In such a swimsuit, any girl will be one of the most beautiful on the beach.

Underwire bodice

If the craftswoman wants the crochet bodice (diagrams and descriptions make it possible to figure out what and how to do) to be more voluminous, then it is possible to tie the bodice with bones.

For this work, you will need: bones, take a knitted mesh for sheathing, cotton (stretch) threads are suitable, a hook, a needle and sewing threads that match in color.

First you need to find out the length of the bones and cut off a suitable (taking into account the hem) knitted tape. Before you start stitching, the mesh is folded in width in four layers - in half. Now wrap the bone with material and sew with a simple needle. At the end of the work, cut off excess fabric.

In order to continue working as conveniently as possible, it is necessary to prepare a ready-made bodice, in which the desired cup will be used as a sample. The number of air loops is not difficult to calculate by yourself, based on the pattern and density of knitting.

Thus, you need to crochet a bodice. Diagrams and a description of the workflow are presented in this article. The cup consists of a top and bottom petal. Just from the bottom and you need to start work:

Three air loops are recruited, a single crochet is made in the middle loop - in such a simple way a triangle is obtained;

Since the lower petal is knitted from the inner corner of the bra, the size that should be obtained is checked with the help of increments;

When the work comes to the middle, it is not necessary to add loops, knitting goes in one line;

The sample must always be in front of the eyes, it must be checked with it all the time, applying each row to the product.

End of work

The upper part of the cup must be knitted without any increase, strictly in a straight line. The craftswoman chooses the pattern at will. The height of the upper part depends on the individual characteristics of the woman.

To insert the prepared bones into the cups, an additional five to seven rows knitted, made with a single crochet along the bottom edge of the work, will come in handy. The bones must be wrapped with the lower rows and hemmed with a regular thread.

Now the finished product can be decorated - tied with additional details or beautiful patterns. Cups are interconnected with beadsorribbons knitted from the same yarn as the product itself.

Taken from the site:

Bodice knitting:

We calculate the number of loops from the middle of the chest to the cup height you need.

let's say it will be 40 loops.

double crochets, if you want to make a stripe of the pattern, and continue with double crochets.

Then knit on half of the loops, i.e. on 20 loops. Knit the same width.

The photo shows in red - the place of the seam.

Here is a diagram for this type of bodice

I will try on those pictures that turned out to show how I knit and connect the place of the groove in

Specifically, this bodice was knitted on 59 loops.

I knitted the strip to the width I needed, divided the loops like this:

on 29 loops (CCH) continued knitting - 30 loops (CCH) postponed.

First row

before connection:

attached in one step to the second loop from the 29th column (arrow indicated in the photo)

Then she tied 2VP lifts and connected with a connecting post through a loop from the previous connection:

U-turn. Second row.

I knit dc in each column of the previous row. Lifting loops are not taken into account.

It is very important to keep track of the number of loops.

I had 29 of them at the beginning, the same number should be in each row

Knitted the row to the end. Reversal (as usual).

Third row.

I attach as in the first row:

knitted 28 CCH, the 29th double crochet is not finished,

attached in one step to the second loop of the bottom row

The fourth row is knitted similarly to the second.

Swimwear is a very hot topic for modern knitters, both experienced and beginners.

Today I will talk about the basic principles of crocheting a swimsuit. I collected all the information from experienced knitters, as well as based on personal experience leotard knitting. Very soon I will make a master class on knitting a leotard with step by step photos and videos. In the meantime, valuable info!

What yarn to knit a swimsuit from?

some features of this yarn:

  • Any yarn with elastane shrinks. Usually around 30%. Therefore, before knitting, it is better to pre-tie a sample and wet it. Although I do without it :)
  • The yarn with elastane holds its shape very well and the finished product is pleasant to the touch.
  • There is no need to stretch this yarn while knitting. Knit as you would with regular yarn.
  • In the edges of the finished swimsuit knitted from yarn with elastane, you still need to knit an elastic band!

Stretch cotton yarn from Kamteks. Not too thin and not too thick. From this yarn, very beautiful openwork swimsuits are obtained, as well as the usual flat canvas. Pleasant to the touch, some use it asyarn for knitting for children

  • Composition: cotton - 98%, lycra - 2%
  • Footage: 50g-160m
  • Hook for knitting No. 3-4-5 Personally, I knitted No. 5, because. I have a very tight knitting pattern. Accordingly, for those who have a loose knitting style, it is better to knit No. 4 or even No. 3

P Alize "Lara" yarn- a little thicker than the Kamtex stretch, feels more synthetic to the touch. It also looks very nice in openwork models, but in general it is suitable for any knitting, including on a typewriter.

    Composition: 43% - cotton, 43% - acrylic, 10% - polyamide, 4% - elastane

    Yardage: 100gr/400m

  • Crochet hook: No. 4-5-6 Again, it all depends on your knitting style.

El-cotton yarn. I myself did not knit from it, but I looked through the reviews on the internet, they say in knitting it looks like Lara. It is rarely sold, but it can be found in some online stores.

  • Composition: 98% cotton, 2% elastane
  • Footage: Weight: 50 g. Length: 169 m.

Yarn "Sofist" from YarnArt. I'm not familiar with it yet, but I'm going to buy it. I learned about it from our Yuna, she knitted swimsuits from it. Lovers of bed tones will like it (there are no bright colors)

  • Footage: 100gr, 400 m
  • Composition: 56% polyamide, 18% polyester, 26% viscose
  • Hook №3,5-4

Of what to make straps for a knitted swimsuit?

Many simply knit chains from air loops and single crochet or with a crochet, i.e. knit laces. But I don't recommend knitting like that! Better buy a simple hat elastic. Or try using linen. Although I myself have experience only with hats. Tie it with single crochets to match the color of your swimsuit. Hat elastic comes in different thicknesses, choose not too thick to look neater. You see, such straps will better withstand the weight of the chest than simply knitted from yarn. Yes, and the chest will look more raised and standing! I say this for sure, based on personal experience, because I andtriedand both options!

How to prevent the cup from stretching if the knitting yarn is used without elastane?

To prevent the cup from stretching, it is necessary to lay an elastic band on the sides! You can lay the hat gum itself. But as far as I know, knitters actively use rubber thread! They are also called a silicone vein, or a thread-elastic band for beading, or a spandex thread (it is also called bobbin gum). So, knit the last or a couple of the last rows of the strapping together with this elastic band and the cup will not stretch so much! You can also use a linen elastic (about 3mm wide), but it will most likely have to be sewn on, I myself

not yet not yet tried.

How to crochet a swimsuit bra cup?

I offer you 2 options with diagrams. The first scheme is suitable for a blue bodice, and the second for a brown one. According to the first scheme, knit constantly expanding.

And also look a simple circuit, Anna Kosturova uses this cup for knitting swimwear in almost all models. He sews sequins, rhinestones, beads to them and makes the models unforgettably beautiful and expensive. Below, this same crochet cup pattern:

Which scheme to use, already decide for yourself.

Swimsuit cups

Cups are not required. But if the breast is small or survived the pregnancy and breast-feeding so why not use them. The cups are different, even with the push-up effect. Look at this site, everything is very clearly described what cups are and you decide which ones you need As I understand it, for swimwear it is best to use cups like Model BC-53, Model FB- 41

It is convenient to insert a cup if you make a lining. As an example, I want to offer you the work of Japanese designers. Here you will clearly see how the lining is stitched and how the cup is inserted. By the way, in addition to push-up cups, they use silicone liners. Chest with such masters looks just perfect, even if it is small and sagging. In addition, they say that they feel like natural breasts. Having rummaged through the internet, I found similar ones only on the Ukrainian site, they cost 220 rubles. They are also sent to Russia.

Lining for a knitted swimsuit

Having rummaged through the forums where swimsuits are sewn, I found out that the so-called supplex (a special fabric for sewing swimsuits) can be used as a lining fabric, as well as a very thin knitted fabric from which linen is sewn. However, I think it's worth going to a sewing store and asking for lining material for swimsuits.

By the way, many knitted swimsuits do not use lining at all. But I think it's necessary, it's more hygienic and aesthetically pleasing. By the way, it can be sewn on so that it will serve as a pocket for a cup!

How to knit panties for a swimsuit?

I met different descriptions but they didn't work for me. I advise you to knit very simple, but effective way. Grab your favorite panties. And knit focusing on them with the usual double crochets, or without crochet, depending on which viscous you prefer to knit cups. Start, for example, with a belt. You can immediately tie an elastic band or knit it in the first row. Knit straight first, and then decrease along the panty line. Believe me, panties knitted according to a model that is convenient for you will turn out much better than according to some magazine description!

Well, it seems that the most important thing about knitting and designing knitted swimsuits, I reported to you! Very soon I hope to exhibit a model with a description for those who need it! In the meantime, fantasize and invent! Maybe you will also create a knitted swimsuit - a masterpiece!