Several stories for the anniversary of Evgeny Mironov. Satanovsky: simple schemes do not work in Georgia

Yevgeny Mironov was born in the military town of Saratov (now the village of Svetly, Saratov Region) in the family of a driver Vitaly Sergeevich and Tamara Petrovna, an energetic woman who tried many professions - from the manufacturer Christmas decorations to the usher in the theatre. In her youth, Tamara Petrovna dreamed of a stage, but it didn’t happen, so she encouraged her son’s desire to become an actor in every possible way. AT school years Zhenya was engaged in a drama club and studied at music school in the accordion class, and his younger sister Oksana was fond of dancing (she became a ballerina, now she is a choreography teacher at the ballet studio she created).

Evgeny Mironov with his mother Tamara Mironova April 16, 2012 at the award ceremony " golden mask" in Bolshoi Theater. Photo: Global Look Press

In 1986 Yevgeny Mironov graduated from the Saratov theater school. Four days after graduation, he was already in Moscow - he decided to get an audience with the famous countryman Oleg Tabakov, because he dreamed of studying only on his course. The first days I had to spend the night at the Paveletsky railway station - Oleg Pavlovich was in no hurry to meet with an enthusiastic youth, moreover, he did not recruit students that year. However, Mironov nevertheless achieved an audition - and struck the teachers on the spot with his temperament, plasticity and desire to learn. As the actor himself later recalled, the students accepted him wary, they had to prove that he had taken his place. And at first they were interested for a long time if he was a relative of Andrei Mironov (the famous actor was no longer alive at that time). Eugene was forced to answer each time: "Namesakes."

Mironov's best friend student years was, they shared a dorm room together. The students did not make friends right away: they are too different. Mashkov at that time was repeatedly tried to be expelled from an educational institution for hooliganism, and Mironov, on the contrary, was considered an exemplary student. Nevertheless, the artists found a common language. And years later, they played together in the cinema more than once: in the films “Limit”, “Idiot”, “Piranha Hunting”, “Ashes”.

With Vladimir Mashkov, shooting of the television series Ashes. Photo: Vladimir Bertov

In the movie, Mironov first appeared in 1988, in the film "The Kerosene Man's Wife". But the fame of the actor brought the role in the film by Valery Todorovsky "Love" (1991). Critics were delighted (many awards are proof of this), and the audience. Then everyone was struck by the role of Prince Myshkin in Vladimir Bortko's television film based on Dostoevsky's novel The Idiot (2003). The series was bought to be shown in Finland, Poland, Hungary, China and other countries. And two years later, in 2005, Evgeny Mironov was awarded the title People's Artist RF.

Now the filmography of the actor has almost fifty films.

Yevgeny Mironov is one of the few actors who played Hamlet twice. First - in the performance of the German director Peter Stein, and 20 years later - in the production of the Canadian experimental director Robert Lepage "Hamlet. Collage, at the Theater of Nations. The performance, by the way, is still successfully staged.

Yevgeny Mironov as Shakespeare in the play "Hamlet | Collage" at the Theater of Nations on December 23, 2013. Photo: Global Look Press

At various times, Yevgeny Mironov was credited with novels with a classmate at the Saratov Theater School Maria Gorelik (they say she got married and left for Israel), ballerina Ulyana Lopatkina, actress Alena Babenko.

And here is how, in an interview from the 1990s, the actor spoke about one of his failed dates: “It was not difficult to make an appointment, but it was of little use. As I remember now, in a 20-degree frost, I was waiting at the Aeroport metro station on the street. I ran to warm myself in a telephone booth, where there was one glass missing. I waited from ten in the evening until three in the morning. He stood with a bouquet, which by night turned into something strange. And I was still standing, on my forehead it was already simply written: "I-DI-OT." He knew that no one would come, but he waited. I remember this date for the rest of my life. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. Yevgeny Mironov has not talked about his personal life in an interview for a long time. He is not married.

Evgeny Mironov, Oleg Tabakov, Masha Tabakova at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Oleg Tabakov August 17, 2015 Moscow Artistic theater. Photo: Global Look Press

The actor is in good physical shape, and the point here is not only in genes, but also in discipline. The artist's mother still remembers that he once loved White bread, lard, sweet milk soup. But for many years, Eugene does not allow himself this.

for the sake of interesting project Mironov is always ready to take risks and open to new experiences. So, for the filming of the film "First Time", dedicated to the first man's spacewalk, the actor worked out together in the fitness room for several months, increasing physical endurance, spinning in a centrifuge and making "sunshine". All in order to at least to a small extent imagine what kind of stress the astronauts experience.

Yevgeny Mironov came up with the idea to make this film after watching a documentary about cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. The artist shared his idea with him and immediately enlisted his support. The film "Time of the First" will be released next year.

With Konstantin Khabensky in the film "Time of the First". Photo: BAZELEVS/Vasily BOBYLEV

Yevgeny Mironov is the founder of the charitable foundation "Artist", which provides material and moral support to theater and film actors of the older generation.

On the eve of the anniversary, the birthday man was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Saratov. On December 1, the actor will fly to his hometown to play a charity play "Eugene Onegin" and meet with relatives for tea. So Yevgeny Mironov decided to celebrate his birthday.

Theater of Nations announces plans for the season

In the new space of the Theater of Nations, artistic director Yevgeny Mironov and his team announced plans for the anniversary season - the fifth in a row. In addition to tempting premieres, we are waiting for an interesting program that combines theater with all kinds of art.

It is located in an old mansion at the intersection of Strastnoy Boulevard and Bolshaya Dmitrovka. What is inside? Not theater Hall, not a design studio, not a music or dance hall, not a gallery, not an architectural firm - all at once. Empty space for experiments.

One has already unfolded here - the exhibition "Times Square: Theater of the Absurd" by Sherri Dobbin, ex-director of the director's center Robert Wilson, whose "Tales of Pushkin" Moscow admires. On the first floor, Ms. Dobbin recreated the art atmosphere of New York's main square using photographs, a screen, and an installation. Dog concerts, street theater of the absurd, mass creation of bizarre graffiti and sculptures - such public art lives on the Big Apple, and now the Theater of Nations.

Any anniversary is not a time to collect stones, but to sum up, - says Yevgeny Mironov. - It is important for me that our halls are full (the occupancy rate is 94%. - Auth.). I saw with my own eyes a huge queue, next to which stood OMON. I thought: something happened, because the situation in the world is tense. It turns out that people stood at the cash register - and always so. After all, we do not disappoint them. We are constantly in search, experimenting, developing ...

As for the premieres, seven will be presented for sure (the eighth is only in the plans so far), five of them - on the big stage. The climax of the season New Year will be "Ivanov" by Chekhov directed by Timofey Kulyabin. This play is especially important for the team, since Chekhov wrote it for 10 days on the order of the entrepreneur Fyodor Korsh in the building where the historical stage of the theater is now located. Evgeny Mironov, Chulpan Khamatova, Igor Gordin, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Viktor Verzhbitsky will work on Ivanov.

Inna Churikova will take to the big stage in The Audience staged by her husband Gleb Panfilov. Especially for the actress, British playwright Peter Morgan created a Russian version of the play, adding new chapters about recent political events, including the crisis in Ukraine. (In its original form, The Audience consists of dialogues between Queen Elizabeth II and every prime minister of Great Britain over the past 60 years.)

There will be a storm. Mironov repeatedly asked Konstantin Bogomolov to take on Ostrovsky, but he still couldn’t. But Yevgeny Marchelli became interested, who this season will be torn between the Nations, the Moscow Art Theater and Yermolovsky. He took the beautiful Yulia Peresild for the role of Kabanikh.

The Polish director, a student of the legendary Christian Lupa, will release the first production in Russia - "Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy". The main issue for him will be the interaction public system with a powerless person who does not want to live according to its laws: "This is a play of masks, and the masks in it are not just a device, but a metaphor for the whole world around us, forced to live according to the unnatural laws of the system."

Finally, in May, director Maxim Didenko with Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Pavel Akimkin and Andrey Fomin will perform Circus on the big stage. This will be the version famous movie Grigory Alexandrov, where the main role was played by Lyubov Orlova.

Concerning small stage, then today Philip Grigoryan will present at it "A Clockwork Orange" based on the novel of the same name by Burgess. And in November, Marat Gatsalov will stage "Breath" by British playwright Duncan MacMillan, a favorite of critics.

In general, the jubilee season at the theater will turn out to be “hot”, and its artistic director- Yevgeny Mironov - will also celebrate the anniversary.

The artistic director of the Theater of Nations revealed the secrets of the anniversary season

The artistic director of the Theater of Nations, Yevgeny Mironov, told what premieres the audience should expect in the new, anniversary season. According to him, the audience can count on at least seven premieres, five of which will be shown on the big stage.

was born on November 29, 1966 in Saratov. Until the age of 14, he lived in the village of Svetly, Saratov Region, 40 kilometers from Saratov.
Eugene dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood and studied at school in a drama circle, also studied at a music school in the accordion class. After graduating from eight classes in 1982, Yevgeny Mironov entered the Saratov Theater School. I.A. Slonova, on the course Valentina Ermakova. He successfully graduated from college in 1986, teachers considered him one of the most gifted students.
After graduating from college, Eugene went to Moscow and achieved a meeting with Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. Oleg Pavlovich took him to the second year at the Moscow Art Theater School. After graduation, Yevgeny Mironov became an actor in the studio theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov(also known as "Snuffbox").
Yevgeny Mironov received wide fame and recognition from both the audience and specialists after the performance leading role in the film by Valery Todorovsky "Love". For her, the actor received a number of cinematic awards, both domestic and foreign, and was recognized as the best actor in 1992.
Yevgeny Mironov has many leading roles in films that have had serious success with viewers and film critics: in the film Vladimir Khotinenko"Muslim" the role of Private Nikolai Ivanov, in a comedy Sergei Gazarov"Inspector" the role of Khlestakov, in the series Vladimir Bortko"Idiot" the role of Prince Myshkin, in the series "In the First Circle" the role of Gleb Nerzhin.

MOSCOW, 29 November. /Corr. TASS Olga Svistunova/. At the artistic director State Theater of Nations, People's Artist of Russia Yevgeny Mironov on Tuesday anniversary - famous actor turns 50 years old.

"Today, we would like to congratulate Yevgeny Vitalyevich (Mironov) with the whole team," Roman Dolzhansky, deputy artistic director of the Theater of Nations, told TASS. He also said that the official celebration will take place at the end of December, when Mironov will play the premiere of the play "Ivanov" based on Chekhov's play, in which he will play the main role.

"The very next day after the anniversary, Mironov will go to his hometown of Saratov, where on December 1 he will take part in charity concert", - Dolzhansky added, emphasizing that this is a familiar rhythm for his leader.

In addition to the fact that Mironov runs the theater, where he plays as an actor, acts in films, he is also a co-founder of the Artist Support Fund for Artists. In addition, he heads the International Festival-School "Territory" and is a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation.

The anniversary of the artist is marked by several significant events.

Touched Chekhov

The first on this list is Chekhov's "Ivanov", the premiere of which was announced at the Theater of Nations on December 23 and 24. Mironov will play the main role in the play.

"YouTube/Vladimir Kunschikov"

Two years ago, when starting work on Ivanov, Mironov admitted in an interview with TASS that he was in awe of Chekhov. “And although I have already tried to touch his work,” the actor said then, “until relations with Anton Pavlovich somehow do not add up. I think if Ivanov doesn’t work out for me, this will be the last attempt.”

The director of the famous Odeon theater in Paris, Luc Bondy, was originally supposed to be the director, but the death of the Swiss director in November 2015 put the production in jeopardy. The situation was saved by 31-year-old Timofey Kulyabin, director of the sensational Novosibirsk "Tannhäuser". The Theater of Nations is already showing his #Shakespearean Sonnets, and even earlier, the director had the honor of opening new stage tragedy of Euripides "Electra".

Now Kulyabin is staging Russian classics. Chulpan Khamatova, Igor Gordin, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Viktor Verzhbitsky became Yevgeny Mironov's partners in a new large project. As TASS was told in the press service of the Theater of Nations, all participants in the performance are especially excited that Chekhov's first play "Ivanov" was written by order of the entrepreneur Fyodor Korsh and was first presented 130 years ago precisely on the stage of the Theater of Nations, where the first Russia's private theater - Korsh Theatre.

Been in space

Another fateful event for himself on the eve of the anniversary, Yevgeny Mironov called the shooting in the film "Time of the First", where he played the role of the legendary cosmonaut Alexei Leonov.

"YouTube/Russian Trailers"

"With our film, which has a very symbolic name -" First Time "- we want to tell about those amazing people who started it all, who did everything for the first time. No one knew what was out there, overboard the spaceship. They took a step into the unknown, risked their lives, making the first spacewalk, "says Mironov about the film. He is also the producer of the film along with Timur Bekmambetov.

The action of the picture takes place in 1965, at the height of the Cold War and the space race between the USSR and the USA. This is a blockbuster that recreates the dramatic circumstances of the heroic flight and return to earth of Alexei Leonov and Pavel Belyaev. According to the chronicle, the spacewalk and return to the ship went smoothly. In fact, the entire flight was a chain of emergency situations, each of which could be fatal.

The director of the tape is Dmitry Kiselev. Together with Mironov, Konstantin Khabensky, Vladimir Ilyin, Anatoly Kotenev, Alexandra Ursulyak and Elena Panova play in the film. "Time of the First" will be released on Cosmonautics Day - April 12, 2017.

Coincidentally, on the eve of his anniversary, Yevgeny Mironov visited Baikonur, where on November 17 at 23:20 he started spaceship"Soyuz MS-03". "It seems to me that I haven't been so worried for a long time," the actor shared his impressions. .

To Saratov with "Eugene Onegin"

Yevgeny Mironov will leave for his hometown of Saratov the very next day after the anniversary - November 30th. The actor will take part in grand opening two plaques dedicated to his teachers: People's Artist USSR Valentina Ermakova and People's Artist of the RSFSR Alexander Galko. Mironov studied with them at the Saratov Theater School named after I.A. Slonova.

Your work in theater and cinema, creative projects always interesting and extraordinary. They rightfully deserve the highest praise from professionals and viewers.

Vladimir Putin

And on December 1 in Saratov academic theater opera and ballet concert "Eugene Onegin. Lyrical digressions", in which Maria Mironova, Avant-garde Leontiev, Olga Ostroumova, Maxim Matveev, Elizaveta Boyarskaya will perform together with Evgeny Mironov. Actors from the Saratov stage and students of the Saratov Theater School also appear among the participants of the program. The director of the concert is Marina Brusnikina.

All funds raised from ticket sales will be directed to the implementation of the "SOS" assistance program in support of the veterans of the scene of the city of Saratov.

Biography of Evgeny Mironov

  • Yevgeny Mironov was born on November 29, 1966 in Saratov, lived in the military town of Tatishchevo-5 (now the village of Svetly, Saratov Region).
  • After graduating from eight classes in the city of Tatishchevo in 1982, Mironov entered the Saratov Theater School named after I.A. Slonova, one of the few educational institutions, where applicants were admitted from the age of 14.
  • After successfully graduating from college in 1986, Yevgeny Mironov was invited to the Saratov Youth Theater, but he decided to continue acting education at the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of his countryman - Oleg Tabakov.
  • Then there was a service at the Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov, active cooperation with the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov.
  • Mironov played in the performances "Passion for Bumbarash", "Number 13", "Hamlet", "Oresteia", " The Cherry Orchard", "Boris Godunov", "Seagull".
  • In 2005 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
  • Since 2006, he has been the artistic director of the State Theater of Nations, where he also created many outstanding roles, in particular, in the performances Shukshin's Stories, Hamlet / Collage, Pushkin's Tales.
  • He starred in such famous films as "Anchor, more anchor!", "Muslim", "Limita". Among the undoubted successes of Mironov are the paintings "His Wife's Diary", "In August 1944", the TV series "The Idiot" based on Dostoevsky and "In the First Circle" based on Solzhenitsyn.
November 29, 2016, 12:12

Yevgeny Mironov turns 50 today! Not so little!)) In this regard, a post with several stories from his life (taken from the old press on a personal site)

1. The story about the autograph.

First person:

Entering the Saratov theater, I acting profession knew little. He was small, only 14 years old. But I wanted glory! At that time, artists were popular, as politicians are now. Were idols. They were believed. I wanted to be the same. I wanted fans! Giving autographs... I even came up with an autograph on purpose. Sitting at home and exercising. They will probably read this and say: what a stupid boy he was. Moreover, my dad helped me and developed such a beautiful signature that I still use it. (Laughs.) Sometimes they don't understand what I wrote. (Laughs out loud.) But beauty is unthinkable!

2.Story about the skull.

So, perhaps, the main thing that happened on Hamlet and that very few people know. For the scene with the gravedigger, the props bought the skeleton from a pharmacy. The fact that the bones were not fake did not bother anyone. "Well, the bones are like bones, you think, - said the props, - but they are real ..." Only Hamlet did not like it: "After all, it was some kind of person. I can't play with it."

The case ended with the fact that he and his assistant secretly took out the bones, which belonged to someone unknown, from the theater and buried them on the territory of the church.

In the scene with poor Yorick's skull, I suddenly noticed that the skull was crumbling. I wonder why it was made so badly? Suddenly they say to me: “Yes, he is real!” It turns out that it was bought at Medtekhnika, and along with the skeleton. Mom dear! I even changed the way I play. And then, you know, you lightly toss this skull with the remark “Poor Yorick!”, And then ... Some kind of sacrilege! Theater, cinema is art, not life. Therefore, Olya Subbotina and I decided that the sky would not punish us ... The thing is also expensive ... Dear skull (laughter in the hall).

Olga Subbotina picked up a heartbreaking story:

Stein ordered a total of three skulls with skeletons. And even real earth for the grave on the stage. To stick to the bones....

Evgeny Mironov (fun):

Stein is a fascist! And Olya and I quietly took the skull out of the theater on the day off and went to no one knows where. We walked around Moscow for a long time with bones. Horror! Already in the evening they climbed through the fence of some monastery. True, we were almost captured, but we managed to bury and light candles. I don't know if anyone has seen us...

3. The story about the order.

Mironov is capable of turning any prayer service into a farce. For example, a solemn reception at the French embassy. Here, strictly, primly, according to the protocol, a serious award is presented - the Order of Merit ... - to a major theater figure Valery Shadrin. The ambassador makes a speech, adorns his chest with an order, and then a frivolous "hurray" is heard performed by the artist Mironov. Everyone laughs, and the artist, warmed by the attention of the public, gets even more excited and invites the order bearer to sing, and then runs to him with a glass of champagne and dips a silver badge with a blue garter into it. General laughter. The course of the ceremony, if not disrupted, then disrupted, and the ceremony is already a whole performance.

4. History about hashish

- You always play people who get drunk quickly. How are you with this?
- I can honestly say that I get drunk quickly. From the first glass I feel good. The second one is very good. Further - bad. We must stop. Otherwise a hurricane.

- Did it happen?

Hurricane? Systematically.

- Have you tried drugs?

Tried. I smoked hashish once. I liked it very much.

- Seriously?

No, not in the sense - hooked, addicted. New sensations. I am a fan of any novelty. Now I know how to play a drug addict. It is now fashionable in the West, hashish: there is no smell, you walk normally, if not completely stoned. And the feeling is very interesting. Here you smoke a cigarette with this muck (he adjusts his scarf, becomes squeamish) and then you start to screw around. You make fun of things that you would not have noticed before in your life. Here lies a pack of cigarettes, here it is so rectangular, you see it all at once, and those who made it, and to whom it belongs. Millions of new information flies through the brain every second. Here I tried it in Rotterdam, the lake there is very beautiful. I went along its bank, scoring a school, and saw another school - fish. Before, I would just think: how beautiful! And then I see: here is the leader in front, and the dregs of society are swimming behind ... A very entertaining excitement. And yet there is something false in it. I would have without the buzz of this could reach all these thoughts. Through normal thinking. So some moment ... quackery, or something. -

5. The story about Mashkov.

Remember something from your student life when you lived with Volodya Mashkov.

They felt weird, of course ... Mashkov dressed up as a grandmother and began to scare everyone in the hostel. We worked together with him. It was scary: he put a stocking on his head, and his face became not only unrecognizable, it became creepy. Reminds me of the character in A Nightmare on Elm Street. They did something incredible. I knocked on the rooms and said: "Lena, hello, some grandmother came to you from the village. Go out to the landing." The girl went out onto the stairs, and there Mashkov climbed up with a stick. Scream, squeal - and we ourselves were not happy, pumping out this Lena for twenty minutes. And we also had very violent birthdays, and so violent that the next morning a commission headed by Tabakov, who walked around the rooms with a stern look, urgently arrived.