Deciphering sizes on aliexpress. How to correctly determine your size for women's clothing. Children's things, features, what you should pay attention to.

The vast majority of women strive to look perfect for minimal money, and if you buy clothes from our manufacturers, you can’t achieve a wide variety and self-expression, which cannot be said about Chinese sellers offering goods of any size, color and cut. In addition, such purchases are much cheaper, and buying several things for the same amount different style. However, there is a small problem here - I don’t know the appropriate size tables, you can buy a thing that will be very small or extremely large for you.

Dimensions women's clothing on aliexpress are very different from those we are used to. The whole essence of the problem is not only that the cuts of clothes and standards are different, but also that the sellers are not responsible enough for the description of the displayed goods or the absence of a size matching table in it at all. Still, there are most of those sellers who are serious about trading and understand that it is better to submit all the information once

Here you can roughly see that the supplier submits all the sizes he has, indicated in Latin.

That is, the problem of choosing the size immediately disappears. In addition, the Chinese often have detailed description characteristics of the product, including the dimensions themselves. They are described according to the parameters of the shoulders, chest, waist. Basically, in such descriptions, information is supplied to English language. We offer you a translation:

  1. The indicated size of the dress.
  2. bust size.
  3. Shoulder width.
  4. Sleeve length.
  5. Dress length.

Size charts

Having studied the information about the product, it remains only to measure your parameters. Remember that the Chinese indicate the real and exact size of the product itself, and not the standard figure of the girl on which the product is sewn. It is recommended to measure the size by your clothes - measurements will be more accurate according to Chinese. Then you need to contact the seller and clarify the details of the order. At least once, but you have to deal with sellers who do not bother to set the size of a women's product. Not everything is so bad, if the seller put up someone's size chart, then you can focus on something. And the worst option is that the page simply indicates the sizes that are available. And the girl must guess which Chinese size corresponds to her parameters.

In order not to miscalculate, the easiest way is to find a special size table that will allow you to compare the dimensions of clothes accepted by us and those offered on the aliexpress website. Naturally, first you need to take all your measurements and determine your size, which must be correlated with other standards (American, European) of international sizes.

  1. Chinese size.
  2. International size.
  3. US sizes.
  4. UK standard.
  5. French size.
  6. Italian.

Please note that if your measurements are expressed in centimeters, you must use a slightly different table below:

  1. Chinese standards.
  2. bust size.
  3. Waist.
  4. Hip volume.

Even easier to choose the size of the bra. The Chinese prefer to indicate GOSTs of Britain. Here is one of them, comparing European with Chinese sizes:

  1. European size.
  2. British standard.
  3. Chest circumference in centimeters and inches.
  4. Chest girth.
  5. The difference between the girths of the chest and the chest (that is, the value from paragraph 3 must be subtracted from the value from paragraph 4).
  6. Cup size.

Remember that the example given is only needed for women's clothing on aliexpress. Dimensions in any table may vary slightly. After all, things are not sewn for one maneuver and fashion. Therefore, having measured your parameters, estimate another plus or minus a couple of centimeters, depending on the thing you like. In addition, women's clothing is much larger than men's and suppliers are often too lazy to give complete description blouses or skirts.

Plus size women's clothing on aliexpress

Aliexpress is a site where you can find anything. And a lot of girls, women go there in search of clothes of large sizes. But, surprisingly, it is unlikely that you will be able to find many options for this or that item of women's wardrobe. China is a country different from Russia and the concept of " big sizes they associate with their women. It is rare to meet their girl above 160 cm. Therefore, choosing " big size» blouses, skirts, jeans, adjust your sizes according to Chinese. So you can roughly guess whether it makes sense to look for something on the site. In order not to waste time in vain, there are search filters on the left, including sizes. For example like this:

If you have found the right size, then feel free to look for what you need. Attention! Chinese things, compared to Russian ones, are small. Consider this fact when choosing clothes. It is better to order a size larger than to get a "teenage" blouse.

The popularity of the foreign trading platform Aliexpress today is incredibly high. For men who want to look stylish for little money, it is important to understand the men's sizes on Aliexpress so that the purchase is successful. And here the catch is that Asian sizes are quite different from the usual European ones, so you need to learn how to select a certain size.

The sizes of men's clothing on Aliexpress are displayed in a very wide range, since they are presented in the Chinese format. Do not confuse them with European sizes. And even more so, you should not choose, for example, a jumper and a jacket of the same size, sold by the same company. After all, goods from one seller can vary greatly in size.

Asian and European sizes, although they have letter designations, they clearly do not correspond to each other. Before making a purchase on Aliexpress, it is better to familiarize yourself with the correspondence table of these sizes.

Usually on the Chinese Internet site you can see such letter designations for the sizes of men's things:

  • S, means small;
  • M means medium;
  • L, means big;
  • XL means extra large;
  • XXL means huge.

The specifics of the selection of men's clothing

So, you should not rely only on the letter designations of things. Asian manufacturers obviously do not "bother" about sticking to a single grid of sizes when sewing. To determine the required size, you must use a special table of correspondence of male sizes on Aliexpress. This table will be the main assistant in choosing standard sizes jackets or jumpers.

The specificity of any wardrobe items from Chinese manufacturers is very important. Since the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire themselves are shorter and narrower in shoulders than European men, therefore, it is almost always necessary to add a unit to the size chosen on the site. For example, if you wear L, in this case it is better to order an item in size XL.

How to use size charts?

Almost always except letter designation clothing size is shown in centimeters. Sometimes it is they who do not allow you to make a mistake in choosing when making a purchase. Almost always, a grid indicating centimeters can be found on the page of the product being sold.

To determine the male size in Russian on the Aliexpress website, you need to correctly measure your parameters using a centimeter tape. Here is what needs to be measured and how to do it correctly:

  1. Growth. You need to take off your shoes and lean against the surface, make marks at the top of the head. That is, it is required to measure from the top of the head to the heels. Attach a measuring tape to the mark and find out the exact height.
  2. Bust. Measure around the body, at the most convex point of the horizontal line.
  3. Waist. Measure across the narrowest part of the body. Approximately it is located in the navel.
  4. Hip girth. To measure the legs must be done together. Measure at the most protruding part of the thighs.
  5. Trouser length inseam. The inseam is measured. You can take old trousers for this.
  6. Side length of pants. Measured from waistline to heels.
  7. neck girth. This parameter is especially necessary when buying shirts.
  8. Shoulder length. Measured from the neck to the beginning of the shoulder.
  9. The length of the sleeve. The measurement is taken from the shoulder to the wrist.

You can also determine your weight to get a more complete picture of the size. The most accurate weight is determined in the morning, when the man has not eaten anything yet (you need to measure on a naked body).

The picture shows how to take measurements for men in order to quickly determine their size for the selected product.

When ordering winter or autumn clothing, measurements should be taken after dressing in a tight sweater and pants. If we are talking about choosing a summer or spring wardrobe, then it is better to take measurements, being in one underwear.

What to do if the dimensional grid is completely incomprehensible?

If the seller's size grid looks suspicious and has some inconsistencies, then it is better for the customer to write to the seller and request a normal size grid. Also, the buyer should inform about his parameters - in this case, an honest and ready to deal seller can advise the right size.

If the seller is cunning, turns out to be not too honest, advises the wrong size or sends the wrong one, then the correspondence can be used in the future when opening a dispute - it will serve as evidence and help win the controversial moment.

How to decide on the size of the jacket?

To select the right size for men's jackets on Aliexpress, it is important to consider that all jackets presented on the Chinese Internet site can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. Products of the Chinese and other Asian countries located near the Celestial Empire. This includes Chinese clothes of good quality, created for small figures (for example, for men with a thin physique). But this does not mean that large sizes will not be presented here. Again, it is important to study the product page well in order to make the right choice of size.
  2. Jackets belonging to China's original brands. This includes clothing designed specifically for the European consumer. And, as a rule, the dimensional grid of jackets from this category is fully consistent with the international one. For fashionistas from Russia, sellers specifically provide a table of correspondence of international sizes to Russian ones, and also give their recommendations regarding the choice of goods.
  3. Things of popular American or European brands (their copies). In this category, the size chart of different brands does not match (despite belonging to Europe and America). Therefore, you can make the right choice of size only by carefully studying the size grid in the product card.

Men's jackets from these three sections can vary significantly in their sizes. For some items, sellers indicate in the description that the product is small or large. This greatly helps customers to make the right choice and enjoy the purchased items. You can make sure that the size of the jacket matches by reading the available customer reviews.

In order for a man to be satisfied with the purchased item, it is better to measure not only the parameters of the figure and compare them with the indicated sizes in the tables on the product card, but also measure an old jacket that fits the figure perfectly. In the photo you can see what measurements you need to take and how to do it correctly.

After all measurements, you should carefully read the description of the desired jacket and look through all the photos provided to see all its details (accessories, pockets, trim, etc.). If the photos on the product page seem insufficient or they are not clear, you can write to the seller and ask him to send even more detailed photos. At the same time, you can consult on the account of a certain size of the jacket, if you have any difficulties with this.

How to decide on the size of jeans and underwear?

The size of men's jeans on Aliexpress, as a rule, corresponds to international sizes. You can also choose jeans after measuring the circumference of the waist and hips. Here is a sample table, thanks to which it is easy to choose jeans and trousers for men from different countries.

The same parameters (measurement of hips and waist) will be the main ones when determining the size of men's underpants on Aliexpress.

In the description of men's underpants on the site there is a table of suitable sizes. Also, the seller can indicate the length of men's underpants. Almost always, international sizes for men's underwear correspond to clothing sizes. Using this table, you can make a choice of men's underpants on Aliexpress.

How to choose men's shoes?

When choosing the right size for men's shoes on Aliexpress, it is important to pay attention to its manufacturer. After all, the sizes of shoes for Americans, Chinese or Europeans are very diverse. The same shoe size in the same dimensional grid sometimes has some differences. Therefore, it is important to focus on the length of the foot in centimeters and compare the measurements with the table provided by the seller on the site. To determine the correct shoe size, you can use the table of international sizes.

In order not to get disappointed when buying any product on Aliexpress, it is better to give preference to trusted sellers who have a high reliability rating.

The best video about choosing clothes on Aliexpress

How to choose children's sizes on Aliexpress? A question that tens of thousands of people ask themselves. Every third inhabitant of the planet Earth at least once in his life, but purchased shoes, clothes, appliances or accessories through an online store. And one in ten made purchases on the Chinese giant online store Aliexpress. Yes, indeed, buying things on Aliexpress is not only popular, but also very profitable. This is because modern society discovered important information - why buy goods for "unrealistic" prices in ordinary shopping centers, if it is possible to buy the same goods for less expensive cost. By the way, a huge number of clothes and goods presented on store shelves are made in China.

The most popular among buyers on Aliexpress are mothers. It is they who are ready to disappear for hours in the online store in search of the highest quality, comfortable, stylish and exclusive children's clothing. Mothers of babies know everything about children's clothing: how color has a beneficial effect on the psyche, what material is most suitable for children's skin, what are the trends in fashion and what brands are popular. The only thing stopping moms from making big purchases is baby sizes. Not every parent is ready to decide on the size, especially if he is a beginner. Children's sizes on Aliexpress cause great shock and sometimes fear among parents who are used to standard designations.

Choosing children's clothes on Aliexpress is not an easy question, ready to confuse even the most experienced buyer. In addition to sizes that are fundamentally different from Russian and European ones, Chinese clothing has its own specific standard, characteristic of a certain age category. Everyone gets confused.

Children's sizes on Aliexpress are a delicate matter

East is a delicate matter! But this expression does not apply to the size of children's clothing. It happens that when purchasing things on Aliexpress, you may not guess at all with the size. Sometimes incidental moments happen, two things of the same size can be completely different, but not according to appearance. You can buy a baby dress, for example, in size 3M, and it will be small for a child, while another dress in size 2M will be extremely large.

How not to make a mistake when buying children's sizes on Aliexpress?

Clothing sizes for children in the Aliexpress online hypermarket, in most cases, are indicated using combinations of numbers and letters.

What do these alphanumeric expressions mean and what size do they represent? Child size chart may have different kind, For example,

and sometimes like this

A competent and experienced seller, who puts his rating above all else and cares about the successful purchases of his customers, be sure to place a size chart on the product page. The size chart is a very good and reliable assistant, it is she who guarantees you that you will buy clothes that will definitely fit in size.

The size table, if, of course, it is aimed at the buyer, and not so, for decency, necessarily contains all the important information: the length and width of the product, the age of the child for whom the clothes are designed and other important parameters.

Choosing the right and correct size is not at all difficult if you have basic information about calculating the children's size range.

What should be considered when choosing the size of children's clothing?

Pay attention to important nuances when choosing children's clothes on Aliexpress.

  1. Children's sizes on the site are calculated in centimeters.
  2. Sizes are sorted according to children's age:
  • from birth to 2 years;
  • from 2 to 15 years old.

3. The size table on Aliexpress does not have a clear and unified classification, it is individual for an individual seller and a specific product.

4. The size range of clothes for boys and girls is not the same.

Children's sizes. Deciphering the seller's designations

The sizes of children's clothing are designated in different ways, very often it depends on the age of the child. Clothing sizes for children under the age of two years are usually considered in months. Therefore, very often you will come across such designations:

But clothes for children over the age of 2 years are depicted as follows:

Clothes for the little ones

Up to two years, children's clothes should be chosen based on the child's one-month age.

  • "0-3";
  • "4-6";
  • "7-9";
  • "10-12";
  • "13-18";
  • "19-24".

So, for example, if your baby is 8 months old, then the choice should fall on the category "7-9" or "10-12", given that the time period for the delivery of some goods sometimes reaches a whole month.

It is important to know that only 4 size indicators correspond to six items of children's clothing sizes from 0 to 24 months: 70, 80, 90 and 100. These are values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are numerically equal to the maximum growth of the crumbs. When making a purchase, you can choose clothes only by color and size, and you can’t choose height in any way. Therefore, it would be a very correct step for you to indicate the height of the child in a message to the seller.

Often next to the inscription: " Child size» On Aliexpress, you can also find a combination of numbers such as 3T, 4T, 4, 5T or 2T.

Size marking for children is used when their age exceeds the limit of 2 years. In the designation of the size range, both individual capital letters and a combination of the letter “T” with numbers can be found. The standard range is a range of sizes from 2 to 15 years. The numbers indicate the age of the child, but understanding them is not so easy and fast.

Sizes like 2T or 3T are directly related to age. For example, the size "2T" means that a child at the age of 2 years can wear this item, and the entry "4T" means the child must be 4 years old. Starting from the age of 8, there is an inconsistency in size with age. You will never see "8T" in the size range. It is assumed that this is the size S for children, M for children, etc., but almost no one uses it. You should not lose sight of the fact that, first of all, such sizes are calculated for children and they should be chosen based on the children's table, and not the adult one.

Know! If you do not want to buy a thing that will not lie on a shelf in a closet for several more months and wait for your "finest hour" or, conversely, you will have to resell or donate it, you need to rely solely on the weight and height of your child.

Now it has become very easy to buy children's clothes of the right size on Aliexpress: there is a "unique" Russian-language table that allows you to determine the closest size of children's clothes.

Such a table is a godsend that will be a great help for moms.

Let's try together to find the optimal size for a child who is 2.5 years old and who has a height of 94 cm and weighs 13.5 kg. The table will help us. Have you counted? That's right, it's a 3T size.

The size is indicated, but does not correspond to the standard. How to be?

Sizes of the form "0-3" or "5T" are standardized sizes provided by the United States. But very often the buyer is faced with a picture when there is absolutely no information about the dimensional grid of the item on the product page. There is a color, there is a quantitative parameter, but there is no size. What to do in this case?

Scroll down the page on Aliexpress as far as possible and you may see the following information

These figures are nothing more than the growth of a child. And if this is not one digital value, then you have a whole range of sizes at your disposal.

It is easy to choose children's things on Aliexpress

Are you afraid to buy clothes on Aliexpress for your baby because of the uncertainty of getting the size? Use the size charts and shop with confidence.

Children's shoes on Aliexpress. Basic selection rules.

Incorrectly selected children's shoes can provoke a number of significant problems: from an unpleasant smell to a violation of the musculoskeletal system. The process of purchasing children's shoes should be approached with caution, especially when buying them through an online store. For shoes, you can’t use the concepts of “ear”, “cut”, “roll up”, “buy for growth”. Shoes must be of high quality and fit perfectly.

There are several positions that need to be emphasized when choosing shoes for children:

  • The size. As for clothing, there are tables for converting American data into European ones.

Remember, to measure a child's foot, you do not need to put a ruler on it. You should circle the baby's leg on paper, and only then apply a ruler. The distance in cm from the big toe to the heel is the size of the baby's shoes.

Please note that on the Aliexpress website, shoe sizes can be presented in one of two types: either inside or outside. Therefore, be careful and be sure to consult with the seller what shoe size is indicated in the "length" column. When it comes to winter shoes, it is recommended to buy boots or boots 2-2.5 cm larger.

  • Qualitative characteristics. Shoes of the High Quality and exclusively from natural materials, both external and internal, should decorate the leg of the crumbs.

How to buy a product of the right size on Aliexpress?
If you plan to purchase goods from China, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the size designation may differ slightly from the designations that we are used to. However, China has already reached the global level. Therefore, most products have size designations known to you: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL. But do not hope that the product you are interested in has exactly these designations. Usually, sellers indicate a special size grid in the product description so that the buyer does not make a mistake in choosing the size.

Men's, women's, children's clothing - size chart

Let's start with what size grid can you come across when buying a product on Aliexpress?

  1. European
  2. Chinese
  3. American
  4. Russian. You can meet Russian sizes on the trading floor extremely rarely, isolated cases.

In order not to make a mistake in the size when buying a product, you will need to transfer from one size grid to another, more understandable to us. You can also choose the right size by knowing the waist, height, hips, chest. That is, if we have information about this product, then, accordingly, we will be able to buy a thing that will be ideal for our body.
You should not rely on, say, one theory of buying things if you are going to buy both men's and women's and children's clothes. Since the size is determined in each case completely differently. Difficulties, of course, can arise, but do not forget that you buy things for "ridiculous prices", so you should not be ready to buy the perfect thing.

Men's, women's, children's shoes - size chart

Most often, sellers on the trading floor use the American size grid, but you can encounter both English and European sizes. Sellers care about their customers, so next to the sizes they also indicate the measurements in centimeters, so that you definitely get the thing that is perfect for you. That is, the situation is almost the same with clothes and shoes, they just use it, hope that you come across goods with Russian sizes, do not forget that these are goods from China, there are no Russian sellers, and the Chinese, of course, they do not understand the Russian grid of sizes at all. So we advise you to determine your foot size in advance, and starting from this size, look for shoes that are suitable for you. You can look for a product with a European designation of sizes, each of you is perfectly familiar with them, so you don’t even have to calculate anything here. But with the Chinese grid you really have to tinker.

Rings on Aliexpress - size chart
If you didn’t know, you can also buy beautiful jewelry at a low price on Aliexpress. But here again the question arises with the size of the jewel. We will analyze the issue with the purchase of the ring. So what size charts do ring sellers post?

  1. American
  2. Japanese
  3. Swiss
  4. British
  5. Russian.

Again, there are very few products with the Russian size table, the most common is the Japanese size grid. Almost every seller in the product description publishes not only a size grid, but also how to determine the size correctly if you are unfamiliar with this grid.
Do not forget that some rings are measured in millimeters, and very rarely - in inches. In no case should you try to buy a ring, so to speak. "at random", roughly suggesting the size of such a thing. You always need to be sure that it will fit you. If you yourself cannot understand what size in millimeters you need, it is best to contact a specialist, or write to the seller to clarify such information.

Delivery to Russia

Free shipping

Buying in Aliexpress has one significant drawback - it is impossible to try on clothes.
However, don't stop shopping because of this. To correctly determine the size on Aliexpress for women, you just need to know a couple of little things.

Main Chinese Size Correspondence Chart

Russian size42 42 42–44 44–46 46 46–48 48 50 52 54
Bust, cm78,7 81,3 83,8 86,4 88,9 91,4 94,0 96,5 100,3 105,4
Waist, cm63,5 63,5 66,0 68,6 71,1 73,7 76,2 80,0 83,8 87,6
Hips, cm88,9 88,9 91,4 94,0 96,5 99,1 101,6 105,4 109,2 113,0

In most cases, there is an international size chart on the product description page, with which you can easily determine your size. But you should be careful.

Clothes are made in China for sale all over the world, and therefore the size chart on Aliexpress is not the same for all sellers. Different size standards are used.

Therefore, it is always first of all necessary to find out according to which standard the size table is compiled. After all, the difference is quite significant. Some experienced buyers say that between European and Asian sizes, it is about 2 sizes. But besides this, there are differences in the patterns, so if you just take a blouse two sizes more, you risk getting too short sleeves.

Therefore, it is most reliable to determine your size yourself. To do this is quite simple.

How to determine your clothing size

You will need to take several measurements, and then compare the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bwith the values ​​​​in the grid on the product page.

First of all, it is worth noting that some measurements should be taken taking into account what you will wear under the clothes you are going to buy. That is, before taking measurements, it is advisable to wear additional clothes: for example, for a winter jacket - a sweater, and for a summer blouse - a bra.

The main measurements are taken as follows:

  1. Growth. During the measurement, the back should be leaning against a smooth and even surface.
  2. The girth of the chest is removed at the most protruding points of the chest. The tape does not need to be pulled tight, but loosened too. It should be tight, but not tight to the body.
  3. Waist circumference is measured at its narrowest point.
  4. The circumference of the hips should be taken with closed legs along the most convex points of the buttocks.
  5. The side seam of the trousers is more convenient to remove from the trousers than from the body. Choose the pair that suits you best. Similarly shoulder width is also measured.
  6. When measuring the girth of the neck, the tape should pass at its base. A few centimeters should be added to the value obtained so that the collar is sufficiently free.
  7. Sleeve length is measured from the center of the neck at the back to the wrist. The elbow should be slightly bent.

Having taken all these measurements, you can easily find out which sizes of clothes on Aliexpress for women are right for you.

A small nuance

Even if there is a detailed grid on the seller’s page, and you managed to choose a size that fits all the measurements, it doesn’t hurt to check with the seller if this size fits your parameters. Sometimes the product description is inaccurate and the size in the table does not correspond to the real one. In order for the seller to be able to choose the optimal size for you, indicate to him the following parameters: chest, waist, hips; shoulder width; arm length, leg length, neck circumference - for clothes with a collar. In English, respectively: chest / bust, waist, hips, shoulder, sleeve, neck.

Now that you have figured out what sizes you need, tables for women, China is waiting for you with its vast range of inexpensive clothes.