Allegrova: “The person I will marry has not yet been born. She was married four times: the difficult life of Irina Allegrova Who is the father of Lala Allegrova

The biography of Irina Allegrova as a singer began in the early 70s, when she went from her native Baku to conquer Moscow. The result of hard work on herself and her repertoire is that now the singer bears the honorary title of Empress of the Russian stage. Her songs, performed with anguish and slight hoarseness in her voice, are understandable for millions of women, she is their idol and favorite. But what happens in personal life of Irina Allegrova? As it turned out, it was the private life of the beloved singer for some reason that does not always work out the way she would like. It can only be described in words from one famous song Irina Allegrova "And we are like on a swing ..." Quiet family happiness Near husband of Irina Allegrova was replaced then by loneliness, and so not once.

For the first time, Irina Allegrova married at the age of 19 for the most enviable groom in Baku. But at a time when all the girls around sighed furtively for her young husband George, and he dragged baskets of flowers to his beloved wife, the newly-made wife herself felt that she had made a mistake. Therefore, to wait for the birth of her first child, she went to her parents' house, from where she never returned to her husband. In 1972, a daughter, Lala, was born, and a divorce took place in the same year. When her daughter was six months old, Irina Allegrova decided to conquer the capital and finally become famous.

In the photo - Irina Allegrova with her daughter Lala

The next husband of the singer Vladimir Bleher, by the way, had a positive influence on her creative biography. Thanks to him, she turned from a singer in a restaurant into a soloist of his Young Voices ensemble, which gave her the opportunity to show herself on the professional stage. And though marriage music director and his ward soon broke up due to disagreements about living together (her husband wanted Irina Allegrova to pay more attention to everyday life, and she only wanted to sing), but, nevertheless, this union was extremely beneficial for the singer's career. Apparently, her own inexperience or gullibility pushed her into the arms of another producer - Vladimir Dubovitsky. He managed to charm Irina Allegrova so much that their successful professional cooperation grew into a family. However, the singer very soon became convinced that her husband loves to surround himself with many beautiful women with whom he has a far from professional relationship. One of these muses was Tatyana Ovsienko, who is still considered the culprit of the separation of Vladimir Dubovitsky and Irina Allegrova. The singer, disappointed in her marriage, tried to find peace in the arms of her bandmate Igor Talkov, but he, in addition to being married, had many affairs on the side. Therefore, Irina Allegrova wisely translated the emerging relationship into the category of friendly ones.

The last, and fourth, husband of the singer was the dancer of her ballet Igor Kapusta. The story of the development of their relationship is told by the song "The Hijacker". At the time of the acquaintance, the guy was not free, but Irina Allegrova does not know what a loss is, and confidently beat off her betrothed from another. Their marriage lasted 8 years and became the longest in the history of the singer. However, it also ended in a traditional divorce. Ex-husband blames the daughter of the singer for everything and Irina Allegrova's dependence on the advice and opinions of strangers who whispered all sorts of nasty things about her husband, trying to break up the family. But, at the same time, Igor Kapusta also does not deny his guilt: at a time when his wife went headlong into creativity, wandered around concerts and was not at home for a long time, he found solace in the arms of other women.

How old is Irina Allegrova? She is married? Does she have children?

    I looked at photos of the wonderful pop singer Irina Allegrova. I wanted to call her Empress (see photo). Always fit, proud, slim, graceful. Age doesn't age her.

    I will give information about the singer from sources:

    Here are her awards and titles at the beginning of her career:

    And here is in recent years:

    As we see, talented singer has earned many awards and recognitions (a small part of them is given).

    A lot has been written about the singer's personal life (there are separate questions on BV). I will only answer this question. At this time, the star is 62 years old. She is not married. From the first marriage with basketball player Georgy Tairov, there is a daughter Lala (born in 1972), grandson Alexander (in September he will be 19 years old). I. Allegrova does not have a soul in them. He gives all his attention to his grandson.

    Irina Aleksandrovna Allegrova, Russian singer and actress, as well as People's Artist of Russia, was born January 20, 1952(on the this moment she is 62 years old). Irina has been married four times and has a daughter, Lala.

    Now Irina Allegrova is 62 years old folk singer and an actress of Russia she was born in 1952 on January 20 this year she will be 63 years old, she was married four times, she does not have a daughter Lala and grandson Alexander.

    Doesn't have a daughter - Lala (b. 1972) from the first husband of the singer basketball player Georgy Tairov.

    Irina Allegrova has a grandson Sasha (born 1995).

    Now Irina Allegrova is single, not married.


    Irina Allegrova - Russian singer, born in 1952. She has been married several times, has a daughter, Lala, and a grandson, Alexander. Despite the fact that the singer performs mostly songs about a difficult female lobe and loneliness, no longer wants to get married.

    In January 1952, Irina Allegrova was born into a family of artists. Surrounded by masters of the pop and classical genre, the future celebrity grew up and did not think about choosing a profession, she followed in the footsteps of her relatives. In collaboration with Oscar Feltsman, the artist began the path to great fame.

    And in the Electroclub group, Irina Allegrova was remembered by the viewer. With a repertoire of songs by famous poets and composers, she begins her solo career. By this time, the loving daughter Lala is growing up, and she decides to become a family director and director of concert performances.

    This year, the artist turned 64 years old, despite her age she is beautiful and young. He loves his only daughter and adores his adult grandson Alexander.

    Allegrova is 61 years old, she has a daughter, has been married several times

    Irina Allegrova was born on January 20, 1952 in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. She is an Honored People's Artist of Russia. For the first time, she entered the big stage as part of the Electroclubquot ; group.

    Now the singer is free, but she was married and has a daughter, Lala, whom she gave birth to in 1972. And now he no longer has a grandson. In total, Irina Allegrova was officially married three times.

    This is one of popular singers Russia. She was born on January 20, 1952, so she is now sixty-four years old.

    Former husbands of the singer:

    1) Georgy Tairov (19711972);

    2) Vladimir Bleher (19761977);

    3) Vladimir Dubovitsky (1984/85-1990);

    4) Igor Kapusta (19921999).

    I have a daughter from my first marriage, her name is Lala.

    Popularity Irina Allegrova visited quite late and at the first moment I personally liked her something, I don’t know what, but I didn’t like it. But that quickly reversed and became one of her favorite singers. And she was born back in 1952 on January 20 in Rostov-on-Don. At the moment she is not married, and judging by some interviews on television, she does not aspire to this. Probably the current marital status it is quite satisfactory. Nice home, adult daughter (Lala, born in 1972), adult grandson (Sasha, born in 1995).

    Irina Allegrova was born on January 20. The year of her birth is 1952. Recently, Irina, unfortunately, has performed less, rarely pleases with hits. They wrote that she planned to move to Italy, devote more time to her family - daughter, grandson.

    Daughter Lala is quite an adult. According to her father, she is a Lezginka, was born in the marriage of Irina Allegrova with Alexander Tairov.

Husband of Irina Allegrova - personal life of a celebrity

Empress of the Russian stage born (January 20, 1952, Rostov-on-Don) - Soviet and Russian pop singer, actress. People's Artist of Russia (2010). Growth: 1.72 m.

Official website of Irina Allegrova—

Phone number of Irina Allegrova- unknown


Allegrova's foreign tours
Australia, USA, Canada, Israel, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Monaco, Serbia, Finland, CIS and Baltic countries.

Irina Allegrova is one of the brightest performers of Russia in the CIS countries. She is remembered not only for her songs, but also for her infamous relationships with men. Irina has an incredible feminine charm that helps her attract men's looks. When the girl began to sing, she had no idea that such a stunning effect would await her.

Irina Allegrova photo

The singer has won more than one heart and continues to win them. Irina entered into her first marriage in her youth, she was 18 years old. The basketball player George became the chosen one of Inna Klimchuk, this is her real name. He was the favorite of all the girls, but the guy gave his heart to Irina. Since the singer is from Baku, and it is customary to arrange magnificent weddings there. The celebration went great.

However, Alegrova was not happy with the marriage, she did not love George. The wedding was just a method to take revenge on unrequited love. In a year family life the newlyweds had a daughter, Lala. But even she could not prevent the divorce. Family life did not work out from the very beginning.

In the photo Irina with her daughter and grandson

Irina Allegrova personal life

After the break, Irina decided to leave for Moscow. She left her daughter with her parents. In the capital, the girl dreamed of finding her love and making great career. Now she considers her first marriage a mistake, in her opinion, you need to get married after you have lived with your loved one for a couple of years.

The second husband of Alegrova was the producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. It was he who decided to make of Irina real star. They lived quietly and calmly, it was also easy for them to work together. But soon the singer realized that her career was everything and divorced her husband.

In the photo, Irina in the Electroclub group with her husband Vladimirov Dubovitsky

In 1990 began Solo career Irina. And as soon as she wins the hearts of millions of fans, a man appears in her life. In 1994, she marries 3 times. The girl stopped her choice on the dancer Igor Kapusta. The wedding was celebrated modestly in the circle of the closest. But this marriage did not last long. After 6 years, the couple divorced.

Irina marries Igor Kapusta

Irina and Igor Kapusta photo

Now Irina People's Artist Russia, she still gives concerts and pleases her fans.


Allegrova's concert and show programs - Wikipedia
1992 — "Don't fly away, love!" (the first solo program of the singer(5 concerts in SC "Olympic")
1993 —"Encore Concerts"(updated version of the first solo program (4 concerts at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall)
1994 — "The Hijacker"(premier of the program and the disc of the same name)
1995 — “Irina Allegrova Sings” (concerts at the request of the audience, State Kremlin Palace)
1995 — "Confession"(premier in St. Petersburg at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall)
1996 — "I will part the clouds with my hands" (premiere of the program from the songs of I. Krutoy and the disc of the same name (6 concerts at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall)
1997 — “I will part the clouds with my hands” (encore concerts, updated program, State Central Concert Hall "Russia")
1997 — "Monologue"(special program for foreign tours)
1998 — "Unfinished Romance"(second premiere joint program with I. Krutoy and presentation of the disc of the same name (4 concerts at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall)
1999 — "Table for two"(an updated program of the songs of I. Krutoy is presented in St. Petersburg at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall)
2000 — "Your Music" (concert from the songs of the new album "Theater" in the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" within the framework of the project for the TV channel TV-6)
2000 — "Benefit performance of Irina Allegrova" (gala performance at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" with the participation of pop stars, broadcast live on TV)
2001 — "All over again"(presentation of the program from the songs of the new album in the RK "Metelitsa")
2002 — "On the Edge of Love"(premier of the trilogy program and the disc of the same name (3 concerts at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall)
2003 — "We are both"(as part of the trilogy program "On the Blade of Love" (2 concerts at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow, 2 concerts at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg)
2003 — "Salute, love!"(as part of the trilogy program “On the Blade of Love” (3 concerts at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, 2 concerts at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg)
2004 - " My star"(the premiere of the program is dedicated to the laying of the name star I. Allegrova at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia")
2005 — "Happy Birthday!" (premiere anniversary concerts in RK "Metelitsa" and presentation of the disc of the same name)
2007 — "From the past to the future..."(program premiere (2 concerts at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow, 2 concerts at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg)
2008 — "Holiday Concerts"
2009 — "Holiday Concerts"(premiere of the updated program by March 8 (3 concerts at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg)
2010 — "Holiday Show"(program premiere by March 8 (concert at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in Moscow and the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg)
2011 —“I won’t turn back ...” (holiday program for March 8(2 concerts at the State Kremlin Palace, a concert at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg)
2011 —
2012 — holiday concerts. The beginning of the farewell tour active touring activities» (the premiere of the festive program for March 8 at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in Moscow and the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg)
2012 — « New Year's Concert» (festive program on December 31 at the State Kremlin Palace)
2013 — "Traditional holiday concert» (updated show program for March 8) at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg (March 9) and at the Palace of Arts "Ukraine" in Kyiv (March 16 and 17)
2013 — "New Year's Concert"
2014 —"Traditional holiday concert" (updated show program for March 8) at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg (March 9)
2014 - "New Year's Concert" (traditional festive show on December 31 at the State Kremlin Palace)
2015 - "Traditional holiday concert" (updated show program for March 8) at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg (March 8)
2015 — "Reboot. Rebirth ”(program premiere on November 3 at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in Moscow; November 15 - at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg)
2015 — "New Year's Concert"(traditional festive show on December 31 at the State Kremlin Palace)
2016 - "Traditional holiday concert" ( updated program March 8) at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg (March 5)

Interesting Facts
Irina Allegrova - "pioneer" in the filming of video clips in Russia. The video for the song "Transit Passenger", filmed in 1993 by Tigran Keosayan, and the video "Enter Me".
Irina Allegrova - the first performer of the romance "Vain Words", later famous in the performance of Alexander Malinin. The romance was recorded as a musical accompaniment (soundtrack) to the Soviet TV series "Connoisseurs are investigating."
Irina considers M. Magomayev to be her first teacher of music and pop vocals, who repeatedly visited the Allegrovs' house in Baku during the tour.
In the early 1980s, I. Allegrova earned money by baking cakes, pastries and other sweets at home.
During the period of work at the Electroclub, Allegrova tore off her ligaments, it was in connection with this that her voice became hoarse.
Appears in the image of the charming, eternally young singer Iren Allegroyan in Sergei Sokolkin's novel "Russian Chock" (Ripol-classic, Moscow, 2014, reprinted in 2015).
Irina Allegrova is the record holder for the collection of a full paid solo SC "Olympic" in Moscow: as of 2015, the singer gave 8 concerts.
Irina Allegrova from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The personal life of Irina Allegrova cannot be called cloudless - she got married four times and every time female happiness eluded her. The singer has always dreamed of beautiful love And big family, about to children of Irina Allegrova filled her house with their laughter. But fate gave her only the only daughter Lala, who was born in the first marriage of the singer with the Baku basketball player Georgy Tairov, with whom she lived for only a year. He admitted that Irina married him not out of love, but in order to take revenge on her former lover, so Allegrova's first husband considers this marriage a big mistake.

In the photo - the singer with her daughter

Despite this, Irina Alexandrovna is happy that he was in her life, because as a result, the dream of Irina Allegrova's children came true. Her daughter's childhood fell on a time when the singer's career was at the very beginning - she had to tour for a long time. Irina Allegrova moved to Moscow, where broader prospects opened up for her, and her little daughter stayed with her grandmother, her mother. From childhood, Lala studied music, but she never became a singer, although for some time she worked as a backing vocalist in her own group and performed with Igor Nikolaev.

In the photo - the daughter of Irina Allegrova Lala

At one time she wanted to become an actress, but this plan was not destined to come true - to enter theater university Lala did not dare, but she became a student of the directing department Russian Academy theatrical art. She studied at the studio of director Alexei Garnizov, who staged her mother's numbers. In 1995, the Daughter of Irina Allegrova herself became a mother, having given birth to a son, whom she named, in honor of her grandfather, Alexander, but she did not succeed in a family - Lala lives separately with the father of her child. Now Lala with her son and Irina Alexandrovna are one big family, and the number of Irina Allegrova's children has increased - she treats her grandson like a mother.

In the photo - the singer with her daughter and grandson

After the singer broke up with her last husband Igor Kapusta, she never got married again. According to Igor, Lala is largely to blame for the fact that their family broke up with Irina Allegrova. He says that she has a very complex character, and she always tried to turn Irina against him. In his opinion, Lala was offended that she and her little son lived in a two-room apartment, and her mother and her husband lived in a large apartment. country house, and she tried her best to oust Igor Kapusta from her mother's personal life.
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Bright, sexy, shocking - all these epithets fully apply to the Russian pop star Irina Allegrova. She is in demand on the stage. She is loved by millions of fans. It would seem that she has everything. But, in her life there is no man who would love her and support her in moments of grief and joy.

Irina Allegrova never lacked male attention. Four husbands and many lovers. But all of them failed to make her happy. Now the singer is alone, but does not like to talk about it. All your own free time she spends with the most dear people - mother, daughter and grandson.

revenge wedding

Little is known about Irina's first husband. She was very young and in love. But she did not love her future husband, but a guy, in spite of whom she married an unloved person.

The future husband's name was Georgy Tairov. In his youth, he played basketball and was wildly popular with girls. But out of many girls, he chose Irina. It was to her that he gave huge bouquets every day, and it was he who called her to marry.

Irina accepted signs of attention and even agreed to the proposal to marry, but this was not done out of great love for George, but in order to take revenge on the guy who did not pay attention to her.

After marriage, Irina moved to her husband's house. There she developed a wonderful relationship with his family. But at the same time, relations between the young began to deteriorate every day. Even the birth of a daughter, who was named Lala, did not help.. Almost immediately after her birth, the couple broke up.

Attempt #2

After the divorce, Irina, without hesitation, went to conquer Moscow. The child stayed with his parents in Baku. The singer remembers these times reluctantly. It was then that she had to endure hunger, wandering and even humiliation. She tried to find her place on the stage, but instead she found only a part-time job as a singer in restaurants.

This could have lasted long enough if Irina had not met the musician Vladimir Bleher. He was also artistic director Ensemble "Young Voices" He noticed an aspiring singer in a restaurant and invited her to join the team. Allegrova accepted the offer to sing in the team without hesitation.

Almost from the very beginning, Vladimir Bleher became more than just the head of the ensemble for Irina. He began to take care of her, made sure that she rested and ate normally. People from the couple's entourage said that even Bleher made an offer to Irina very beautifully.

It happened on the ship, during a walk along the Moscow River. Then Vladimir took out a ring, got down on one knee and proposed to Irina. She couldn't refuse, and she didn't want to.

Only the closest people were invited to the wedding. Everything went quietly and calmly. It seemed that that man was right next to Irina. But, very soon, the marriage cracked. It's just that Irina and Vladimir had different desires.

Vladimir wanted family comfort. I wanted to be at home waiting for him loving wife and a hot dinner. Allegrova's aspirations were absolutely opposite. She was attracted by the big stage. She wanted recognition and fame.

Interesting Notes:

The singer has already become cramped in the Young Voices ensemble. She wanted more, because she deserves it. And then Vladimir Dubovitsky appeared on the horizon.

Producer and his muse

Vladimir Dubovitsky at that time was a fairly well-known producer. Having taken the soloist of "Young Voices" out from under Bleher's nose, he decided to make a star out of her, and created the VIA "Moscow Lights". It was in this ensemble that Irina Allegrova shone. After that, she moved to the Electroclub group of the same Vladimir Dubovitsky.

With her producer, Irina was simple and comfortable. She felt that next to her was a real man who would support and understand.

But rose-colored glasses quickly fell asleep. After the wedding, Irina kept hearing rumors about Dubovitsky's mistresses. Once a young wife heard about her husband's affair with a maid in one of the hotels in Kyiv. It was Tatyana Ovsienko. Dubovitsky repeated the same scenario with her. A specially created group "Mirage" and another passion nearby.

Allegrova could not stand this and filed for divorce. The divorce was loud. Scandals, tears, pleas for forgiveness. But nothing could save this marriage.

Last marriage

After three unsuccessful marriages Irina lost faith in men. She did not intend to marry again. But then, in 1993, in her ballet appeared new member. It was Igor Kapusta. He was young and charming. Girls always surrounded him. But at that time he was in a relationship and was not looking for new ones.

Later, Igor Kapusta will say in an interview that it was Irina Allegrova who gave him signs of attention, and he pretended not to notice them. It was Irina who persuaded Igor to get married.

However, Irina herself adheres to a completely different version. She did not plan to marry again, but Igor's proposal to get married bribed her. For her, the wedding was very serious. Once and for all life.

At the beginning of family life, everything was fine. Allegrova did everything to smooth out the difference in social status between her and her husband. She financed the opening of his business, which was unsuccessful. She watched with pleasure how Igor takes part in the construction of their common house.

But it all ended in divorce. Igor passed away from Irina's life quickly and forever. Now she does not communicate with him and has not seen since they broke up.

Now Irina Allegrova has completely devoted herself to her family and creativity. She found spiritual balance and became happy. And she deserves it so much.