The most beautiful legs of Russian women TV presenters. Rating of the most attractive TV presenters among women

Half a century ago, becoming an announcer on central television was not so easy: candidates had to have a diploma in philology, as a result - impeccable Russian, impeccable diction, oratorical skills. Today, the requirements for TV journalists are completely different - a charismatic beauty is more likely to become a TV host than a journalism graduate with a red diploma.

In the ELLE review - the most beautiful TV presenters in Russia, who look so impressive in the frame that they are forgiven for any professional imperfections.

The Russian Georgian TV presenter is one of the most energetic and sociable representatives of the media industry, a successful business woman and one of the brightest women of Russian TV - in a word, an example to follow. The secret is so beautiful shape 41-year-old Kandelaki is simple: the star exhausts herself with strength training, as follows from her Instagram. Promoting a sports lifestyle, Tina uses heavy artillery - not only dumbbells, but also more serious weights.

The police major got on television literally for her beautiful eyes: the girl woke up famous after winning the Miss Universe beauty contest in 2002. Since receiving the title of the first world beauty, Oksana's career in the domestic media business began: first, as the host of the programs " Goodnight, kids!”, “Saturday Evening” on the First federal channel, and after as actresses of television series. Many enviable suitors fell victims of Fedorova's charm, even the main "natural blond" of the country could not resist Nikolay Baskov.

With her exotic appearance, the beauty and clever woman is previously the host of Vesti, and now the program Good morning"- conquers even overseas gentlemen. In the past, the girl had a high-profile romance with Hollywood director Brett Ratner. The star boyfriend was head over heels in love and even introduced Kim to his parents. And if not Mariah Carey rival, to walk to the Moscow world at a Hollywood wedding. However, the presence of such a competitor is already very flattering.

The fact that Dana Brorisova was the first Russian TV presenter who starred for a male gloss, already speaks eloquently for herself. As the host of the Army Store program, Dana became a sex symbol for the whole Russian army. For the image of a textbook blonde cultivating the image of a sex diva, the tabloids called Borisov a younger sister. Pamela Anderson. The TV ratings of her programs were the best proof of this - the male half of the viewers clung to the screen when the presenter appeared on it. Many years have passed since then, Dana has almost disappeared from television, devoting herself to her daughter, but in the media circles she continues to maintain a reputation as a sex symbol.

Anastasia Chernobrovina is one of the most recognizable TV presenters in the country: every day of Russians begins with her signature “Good morning, Russia!”. On her channel, Chernobrovina is known as the first beauty. To attract the attention of early awakened viewers of the host of the program "Morning of Russia" is already possible with one radiant smile. And Anastasia deftly dances jif and quickstep - this was taught to her by her partner in the Dancing with the Stars project.

No matter how disturbing the events of the day are, listening to daily news reports from the lips of Maria Sittel is a real pleasure. But one of the most beautiful TV presenters in Russia succeeded not only in this matter: Maria won the project “Dancing with the Stars”. For this triumph, Sittel and her partner were sent to international competition professional dancers "Dance Eurovision". And the TV presenter, by her own example, contributes to demographic growth: it's hard to imagine, but 41-year-old Maria Sittel is a mother of four children!

An athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty - all this is about Yulia Bordovskikh. She was one of the brightest women on the Russian television screen at the dawn of her career, and remains so to this day at 47 years old. The secret of Yulia's attractiveness is simple: she started as a sports news presenter on NTV, and the image of a sports journalist, so to speak, obliged her to keep fit. As a result, playing sports for life has become a TV presenter's habit. Years later, Bordovskikh even released her own books, Fitness with Pleasure and Fitness for Two.

Today we have prepared for you the Top 10 most beautiful TV presenters in Russia. We look and admire.

Fedorova Oksana (Borodina), was born on 12/17/1977 in Pskov. The owner of the titles "Miss St. Petersburg", "Miss Russia" and "Miss Universe", but refused the last title. Russian TV presenter, known to everyone on the TV show "Good night, kids"

Chernobrovina Anastasia, born on 04/10/1977. in Izhevsk. TV presenter of Russian TV channels, in 2015 she was the winner of the TEFI award.

The next in our ranking of the most beautiful TV presenters in Russia is Borisova Dana, and I think that few will argue with this. Dana, born on 06/13/1976, Mozyr. TV and radio presenter. The first among the TV presenters of our country starred for the Playboy magazine

Anna Kasterova was born on September 21, 1984, in Zelenograd. Leading TV channel "Russia-2", journalist. Having worked out the first shots on Russia-2, Anna became the most popular among the most beautiful TV presenters in terms of search queries.

Borodina Ksenia is also the most beautiful TV presenter in Russia among women. Borodina was born on March 8, 1983, in Moscow. Armenian by nationality. On television, as a presenter, she appeared unexpectedly even for herself. She gained fame thanks to the TV show "Dom-2". She is also a DJ and an actress.

Gorban Maria, was born on December 26, 1986, in Izhevsk. A well-known Russian actress, and since 2012 also a TV presenter.

Gorenko Alena was born on May 7, 1981, in Mytishchi, Moscow Region. She is one of the most beautiful TV presenters on Russian channels, an actress.

Yushkevich Victoria, was born on 01/27/1989, in St. Petersburg. Became a famous TV presenter thanks to CarambaTV. On this Internet channel, she hosted a program for adults about the relationship between a man and a woman. On the this moment is a fashion model and TV presenter on the Russia-2 channel.

Kudryavtseva Lera, was born on May 19, 1971, in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Before appearing on the screens as a TV presenter, she was a dancer and danced on stage in groups of different famous singers RF. She appeared as a leader only in 1995. At the moment she is a TV presenter and actress.

And the last participant in the TOP-10 of the most beautiful TV presenters in Russia is Tatyana Stolyarova. Date of birth 03/28/1984, born in the Mordovian ASSR. Tatyana has many awards for various achievements in journalism and the media, she is the author and presenter of many educational and information programs on the Russia-24 TV channel and is the most charming presenter.

On this list of the most beautiful TV presenters in Russia came to an end. If you still do not agree with the rating, then write who, in your opinion, is the most beautiful TV presenter among women, below in the comments.