What is the name of the singer Seryoga now. Sergey Parkhomenko (Serega): “I envy henpecked people! Failed marriages and raising sons

After two years of study at one of the Minsk universities, the future rapper went to study in Germany, where he spent five years studying political science and economics. There, the passion for music, coupled with personal acquaintances with rap fans, extensive knowledge of management and chronic financial need, prevailed over the craving for science, and Sergey went home with the firm intention of starting his own business. musical career. Seryoga's first widely known recording - "Ruined Lyalya" - appeared in the summer of 2002. In 2003, the Monolit recording company published in Russia and Belarus a maxi-single of five songs “Ruined Lyalya”.

In February 2004, Seryoga appeared on the Ukrainian music TV channel M-1. In April 2004, MFG/BMG Ukraine released Seryoga's disc "My Yard: Weddings & Funerals" in Ukraine. At the same time, the recording company Go-Records began to sell the same disc in Belarus. A few weeks later, Seryoga's album “My Yard. Sports ditties.

In the summer of 2004, Ukrainian director Vladimir Yakimenko (Pistolet Film) shot a video for the song "Black Boomer" in Kyiv, the presentation of which took place on September 15, 2004 in the same place. This song and video were immediately nominated for the MTV Russian Music Awards in the categories "Best Hip-Hop Project of the Year" and "Best Debut of the Year". By the end of 2004, "Black Boomer" became the leader of the charts on MTV, Muz-TV, on Channel One, on radio stations such as Dynamite FM, Russian Radio, Radio Pops and even, despite long resistance [source not specified 125 days] the music editorial staff of Europe Plus radio station got into its federal broadcast, where it was played for over three weeks.

In early 2006, Seryoga's video "The Chalk of Fate or Tamerlane's Song" was released (the song was written for the soundtrack of the film "Day Watch").

In 2007, the American company Rockstar Games, which develops and publishes computer games, included Seryoga's song King Ring in the third trailer of the Grand Theft Auto IV game they were developing at the time. Seryoga also recorded an exclusive track for Grand Theft Auto IV called Liberty City: The Invasion. It sings about how the Russians conquer the United States.

king ring

King Ring is a Russian record company specializing in the release of rap music. The company was founded by Seryoga to release his own albums, as well as recordings of his colleagues and associates. The name refers to the film "King Ring", in the soundtrack of which Seryoga took part. There is a subdivision called Aggrobabruisk. Seryoga created his own label King Ring, which releases four projects: Seryoga itself, Max Lawrence, Satsura, ST1M.


2007 - "Election Day" (performs the song "Thieves")

Awards, sales

Sales leader in 2008 - 1st place in the Belarusian TOP10

In Grand Theft Auto IV, one of the radio stations (Vladivostok FM) plays two of his songs, one of which was recorded specifically for the game.

In the track “The Show Must Go On” (Queen Mix) (the Anthem of the TV show “King of the Ring-2” on Channel One), the sample was officially borrowed for the first time songs Show Must Go On Queen with vocals by Freddie Mercury. Seryoga became the first artist to receive this right.

Seryoga, as a native of Belarus, knows only one Belarusian-language track "Lyalka" (2004).

The melody of the chorus of the song "Black Boomer" is very similar to the musical introduction to the cartoon Kitten from Lizyukov Street.

Rapper Serega literally disappeared from the field of view of journalists. Meanwhile, it turned out that the artist was close. took care of his appearance. changed beyond recognition, and broke up with his wife. The once popular performer of the hit "Black Boomer" admitted in an interview that he left his family in Kyiv and moved to Moscow.

Sergei Parkhomenko (real name Seryoga) today is not only a songwriter and performer, but also a successful businessman, whose office is located on the 61st floor of one of the Moscow City towers. After several years of being in the shadows, the singer appeared in the starry sky under the new pseudonym Polygraph SharikOFF. Sergey's stage image has been updated: now this is not a simple kid from the district in a cap, but a pumped-up brutal man with a piercing look.


However, the artist himself does not hide that he still has something to work on. Serega has a problem with controlling his own anger. " I have a hard time controlling my anger and this is a real problem.. My relationships with women would have been better if I hadn't been so direct and blunt. And in this sense, honestly, really envy the henpecked! Sometimes it’s worth not noticing female stupidity, not responding to an offensive word, to forgive the lack of attention and unwillingness to understand you. But I can't be different. And it probably never will. I hope that the sons in this sense did not go to me, "the artist expressed hope.

Perhaps it was precisely because of incontinence that Seryoga broke up with his wife Polina. Serega himself said that the relationship did not work out due to mutual misunderstanding. " We rubbed each other for a long time, tried to somehow get along, but then we realized that we different people , and now we live not just in different houses- in different countries. I see my children regularly, but not as often as I would like. They are more comfortable living with their mother in Kyiv, and my whole life is now mainly concentrated in Moscow," Telenedelya quotes Seryoga.

Despite many kilometers of distance, the rapper tries to take an active part in raising his sons: six-year-old Mark and five-year-old Plato. Serega believes that children should develop diversified. Therefore, Mark and Plato go to Kindergarten with in-depth study of English, in addition, they are actively involved in sports. " Swimming, chess and boxing are three pillars on which, in my opinion, the sports education of boys should be based. They learned to swim and continue to go to the pool, we already play chess with them, but it's too early for boxing. Although I sometimes show the guys some separate tricks, blows and I see that they are interested in it," said Parkhomenko.

Performer Seryoga - bright representative hip hop industry. In the mid-2000s, his tracks were played at all school discos in the country, and the clips, one after another, fell into the rotation of leading music television channels. Sergey Vasilyevich Parkhomenko was born on October 8, 1976 in the Belarusian city of Gomel. Parkhomenko did not talk about childhood and family in any of the interviews. In fact, the rapper's biography is one big white spot.

It is only known for certain that the singer graduated from school with a silver medal and, in addition to the average, has an unfinished musical education in piano class. After studying for two years in Gomel state university named after Francysk Skaryna, he went to study in Germany, where he studied economics and political science for five years, but failed to get a diploma.

His passion for rap prevented him from becoming a qualified specialist. It was in Germany that Parkhomenko, with the support of Azad, recorded his first track "2 Kaiser", for which a video was later shot. Sergey returned to his homeland with the conviction to continue the path of a hip-hop artist.


In the winter of 2004, Parkhomenko first appeared on the Ukrainian TV channel M-1. In the same year, the rapper released an album called "My Yard: Weddings and Funerals", which very quickly conquered the music market in Belarus and Ukraine. The same album with a slightly modified title (“My Yard: Sports Ditties”) was also published in Russia. Video clips were shot for the title tracks of the disc "Doll", "Ruined Lyalya" and "Black Boomer".

The song "Black Boomer" with its appearance on radio stations produced the effect of an exploding bomb. The track was nominated for the MTV Russian Music Awards in two categories at once: "Best Hip-Hop Project" and "Best Debut of the Year". The composition became the leader of the charts of music TV channels (Muz-TV, MTV) and radio stations (Dynamite FM, Russian Radio, Europe Plus).

In 2005, his no less successful album "Discomalaria" was released with the title track "Near Your House". It is authentically known that the track "Discomalaria" sounded in the movie "Transformers 3: Dark side Moon", but the single is not on the official soundtrack list. At the beginning of 2006, Seryoga's video "Chalk of Destiny" ("Song of Tamerlane") was released. The composition was written specifically for the film "Day Watch".

In 2007, under the pseudonym Ivanhoe, he released the disc “Not for Sale”, and in 2008 the albums “Chronicle of a Boy from Gomel Streets” and “About Fashionable Girls and Unfashionable Boys”. The tracks "Kruzhim", "Aggrobabruisk" and "The show must go on" were especially loved by the listeners. Few people know, but Seryoga became the first artist to officially receive permission to borrow a sample of the song "The Show Must Go On" by Queen with vocals.

Parkhomenko is known both to fans of recitative and to fans of computer games. Grand Theft Auto IV featured the artist's songs "Liberty City: The Invasion" and "King Ring". In 2010, Sergei tried on the role of a jury member. In the musical show "X-factor (Ukraine)" he not only evaluated the performances, but also was a producer music categories(“Collectives”, “Over Twenty-Five”, “Guys”, “Girls”).

At different times, a singer, TV presenter, journalist, singer also participated in this project, former member groups "Pair of Normal" and others.

Serega on the jury of the show "X-factor"

After the creative crisis of 2012-2013, the rapper returned to the musical Olympus and in the fall of 2014 released the disc "50 Shades of Grey", showing everyone that he was full of strength for new victories and achievements. Clips were shot for five tracks from the album (“Lut”, “Your Favorite Clown”, “My Rider”, “Killing Me Softly”, “50 Shades of Grey”). The internal changes of the performer are clearly visible in the album with the speaking name "Phoenix" (2015).

In September 2015, Seryoga presented his new musical project"Polygraph SharikoOFF". The first singles "Charisma" and "Cocoa white color” resonated in the hearts of listeners, and the provocative video “Only Sex”, released on the eve of March 8, became viral in no time. In May 2016, a video clip was shot for the song "Roof", in which the performer of the hit "There were dances" took part. In September of the same year, "Polygraph SharikoOFF" revealed to the world its new creation - the song "Gelik Vani".

In April 2017, the singer shot a video for the song "Antifreeze", in which he criticized many representatives of the domestic hip-hop industry. The rapper saw references to his works in the composition. After the premiere of the video, Vasily Vakulenko published a post on his Twitter in which he called Seryoga a “Belarusian broom” and harshly walked through his work.

In the social network "VKontakte" the performer of the hit "Black Boomer" left a message to the beatmaker. In it, a man offered a colleague to resolve the conflict at Versus Battle. Noggano ignored Parkhomenko's invitation and, in his usual manner, turned everything into a joke.

During his career, Serega managed to work with rappers ST, SD, Steam, singer Rea and Belarusian representatives of the R "n" B genre - Bianca, Stas Satsura and Max Lawrence.

Personal life

Sergei is extremely zealous about the topic of covering his personal life. Despite the fact that the artist was married twice, there is practically no information on the network regarding his relationship with the fairer sex. It is authentically known that, while living in Germany, the singer met for a short time with a girl named Michaela. Parkhomenko was also married to model Daimy Morales, who changed her place of residence for the sake of her husband, moving from Cuba to Kyiv.

As often happens, the marriage failed the test of glory. Because of the endless tours Sergei did not have time to arrange family life. Dayami quickly realized that she and her husband had different life priorities. Young people broke up without scandals, division of property and claims.

Sergey was not going to spend the rest of his days alone, and a couple of months after the divorce, he started an affair with his old friend Polina. Young people legalized the relationship, and in the spring of 2009, the beloved gave the rapper a son. The boy was named Mark. Three years later, Plato was born. For the first time, Seryoga showed his sons in the video for the song "Your Favorite Clown."

Seryoga before bodybuilding and after

Family idyll, which the rapper often demonstrated on his pages in social networks also failed to save. Despite the fact that now the beatmaker lives in two countries (Russia and Ukraine), the children do not feel a lack of attention from their father: every evening Parkhomenko calls the guys on Skype. The artist is convinced that children should develop comprehensively from a very young age: the singer's sons, 8-year-old Mark and 5-year-old Plato, attend a kindergarten with in-depth study of the English language, go swimming and go to chess.

On the this moment The performer gives his all to the music. The artist releases fresh singles and plans to finish work on a new album in the near future.

In your "Instagram" the singer uploads photos not only from concerts, but also from rest. The man who does not lose his agility plans to further expand the target audience of fans of his work.


  • 2004 - "My Yard: Weddings and Funerals"
  • 2004 - "My yard: Sports ditties"
  • 2005 - "Discomalaria"
  • 2007 - "Not for Sale"
  • 2008 - "Chronicle of a boy from the streets of Gomel"
  • 2008 - "About fashionable girls and unfashionable boys"
  • 2014 - "50 Shades of Grey"
  • 2015 - "Phoenix"
Sergei Parkhomenko, better known as Seryoga, was born in Gomel. For 26 years of his life, he studied at a university, lived for 5 years in Germany and, most importantly, released a record that broke all records in terms of the number of sales and impressed all Russian-speaking listeners around the world. Sergey began to study music a long time ago, about 10 years ago.

The last project of the musician was called "KONTRADABANDA", as soon as Sergey decided to become himself, the project became famous. About the Seryoga project, the artist says that he was born as if by magic, after, after Sergei Parkhomenko came to understand that he was Seryoga.

The main advantage of this artist is that he is "his boyfriend". Despite the fact that he performs songs in the "Russian chanson" genre, he does not have the slightest resemblance to the lads with whom the performers of this music are involuntarily associated.

Seryoga raps, but the way he does it is different from the usual a wide range hip-hop audience, largely due to the "national interpretation". The skillful and natural interweaving of folklore motifs into the composition makes it even more popular. When Sergei is asked how he differs from other artists, he simply answers that the main objective his work is to amuse people, these are songs for normal boys that are good to listen to with beer. Among other things, Seryoga claims that his songs are just “sports ditties”, and not rap at all.

After the musician’s album “My Yard: Weddings & Funerals” was released in Ukraine, it became clear to everyone that a new, unusual and talented performer had appeared, who would undoubtedly become very popular. It is known that talented person sooner or later he will find himself in art - Sergei, without expecting it, made a breakthrough, combining Russian chanson, folklore and rap, which is very popular today, in his works. And this was the answer of a simple Ukrainian guy from the Belarusian Gomel to the frequently asked question today - whether there should be a foreign genre of "rap" in Russian-speaking countries. Yes, to be, Seryoga proved this by adding national flavor to hip-hop. And this, in general, is not surprising - initially rap is the music of the street and "black" neighborhoods.

2004 - Seryoga's first disc was released in Russia, although it was called a little differently - "My yard: sports ditties", moreover, Sergey recorded new songs especially for this album - "Spartak" and "Song of the Dove". According to representatives of the Seregin football club of the same name, the song "Spartak" is now considered the team's unofficial anthem.

Summer 2004 - a video for Seryoga's song "Black Boomer" was filmed in Kyiv, directed by Vladimir Yakimenko from the Pistolet Film studio. Only 3 months have passed since the release of Sergey's first record in Russia, and he has already been nominated for the MTV Russia Music Awards in two categories at once: "Best Debut of the Year" and "Best Hip-Hop Project of the Year".

End of 2004 - Gennady Letunovsky completed Seryogina's animation clip "Songs about a locksmith of the 6th category". November 21, 2004 - Sergey starred in a video for the song of the Boom group from Gomel "P-34".

After that, a video was released for the song "King Ring", which was included in the soundtrack to the famous "Shadow Boxing".

Spring 2005 - Seryoga and his team perform in many cities of Russia, CIS countries, Turkey and Germany.

April 2005 - a disc with remixes "And there are no empty seats on the dance floor" was released.

June 2005 - It becomes known that backing singers Satsura and Max Lawrence are starting to record solo albums, therefore, the Seryoga project will no longer perform in the same composition.

September 2005 is a very successful month for the artist, he receives two MTV RMA awards in the Best Rap Project and Best Ringtone nominations.

Some time later, Vladimir Yakimenko shoots a new video clip for the song "Discomalaria", which became the title track in Seryoga's new album. In this clip, he radically changes the image. Now sneakers and a tracksuit are being replaced by classic clothes combined with gold cufflinks, the old Boomer is being replaced by an expensive new car and half-naked dancing girls. The artist claims that he is tired of singing about what he no longer experiences and wants to prove that the songs of a person who has become successful can also be popular. The proof of this is the new album. The maxi-single “Barbecue” released by Seryoga does not work on the radio station - “non-format”, but the one presented by the artist “Near Your House”, more understandable and easy, immediately becomes very popular.

Seryoga signed an agreement with a company developing computer toys, he and his "black boomer" became heroes in the new game. December 2005 - the album "Discomalaria" was released. Regarding this album, Sergey says that he is interested in glamorous hip-hop and now he wants to play it.

The beginning of 2006 is a very busy time for an artist. He's writing a song for Day Watch, which is about to appear on wide screen- "Song of Tamerlane or Chalk of Destiny." In addition, he participates in several TV shows. In parallel with this, videos are being shot for the songs "Chalk of Destiny" and "Near Your House".

2007 - the composition "One Million US Dollars" becomes a hit on television and radio. In America, at this time, one of Sergey's songs is being made a soundtrack for a famous computer toy.

- First Seryoga, then SERYOGA, now Polygraph SharikOFF. Why do you change names so often?

- In my entire life, I only once allowed myself to be renamed and called Polygraph SharikOFF - this was done in order to somehow distance myself from the rapper SERYOGA with his gloomy, confessional and sad repertoire. My new project- provocative and, by the way, has a very indirect relationship to Bulgakov's character. See that English "OFF" at the end? My Sharikov is an aesthete. Although he was not born in an English club at all. The reason for this is my passion for karaoke. I have great respect for this type of leisure, I often sing the songs of Mikhailov, Leps, Krug, Utesov and Bravo, sometimes even the Hands Up and Shatunov groups. It happened that he also performed his own "Black Boomer". But all this repertoire became a little boring for me, so I came up with a new, “restaurant-table-karaochny” project. So that cheerful people can sing some other songs. Mine, for example. The main difference between Polygraph and SERYOGA: I sing there (in the genre of chanson or urban romances). And SERYOGA was rapping, and wide audience I heard my singing only in television projects, for example - in "Two Stars" on Channel One in a duet with Zhirinovsky.

- Changing nicknames, names and titles is a disadvantageous story, if we talk about the commercial component ...

And no one talks about her. No business behind mine musical creativity not and never has been. I never perceived my music as part of show business, I did not sell it. Its from heart goes, from the heart, and control this sincerity, cram it into frames, figure out: “And if I write like this, will it sell better?” - it is forbidden. For me, my songs are first of all self-therapy.

- But this self-therapy in the case of the "Black Boomer" brought you good dividends. Where, by the way, did Serega disappear after such a successful start?

“I can’t say that I completely disappeared from the radar. Just took a step back. Step into the shadow. In 2010, for example, I hosted my column on Humor FM radio: I wrote and performed ditties on topical topics - about hockey, about Somali pirates, and about the dollar exchange rate. He even received the Radio Mania award for his work in the Humorous Program nomination. Wrote songs for others. But he appeared in public less often than during the boomer era, and there were reasons for this. I confess honestly, I'm tired of the spotlights, the idle attention of the public. Yes, it happened too fast, I didn’t have time to really be a star, and what for another artist would have been just the very beginning, the start, for me turned out to be the peak of what I can endure. I thought: why do I need all this? There are much more talented artists for whom the stage and spotlights are their cosmic task, their mission, their cross. Yes I was popular artist, I was recognized and still recognized on the streets, but I did not become a great musician and never have been. And to say that I left some kind of bright trace in music - well, no. I decided: I want to be happy, I want the work I do to be easy for me, without mental anguish. And I somewhat moved away from music, made a career on television: I was a mentor in four seasons of the X-Factor project. Ukraine" - a show that first "shot" in Kyiv, and then appeared in Russia under the name " main stage". Seriously went in for sports and now (and I'm 39) in good shape, I was awarded a photo shoot for one respected bodybuilding magazine, although I have never been a bodybuilder - I just train according to the system that I myself developed. Having stopped touring all over the country, I got the opportunity to take care of my family and raising children. The house began to build, wrote scripts, tried to produce a film and played in it ("Gaggio"). In general, life has become more interesting.

“Nevertheless, you want to go back now?”

- In no case! Of course, you are free to perceive my new project as “Comeback! Seryoga's return to the big stage. But for me this is absolutely not the case, I want to be a Polygraph for a while. Play it.

- That is, it turns out that "Polygraph SharikOFF" is such a pleasant hobby. And how do you earn money then?

- And I earn money with the help of sports, for example. And healthy lifestyle life. For many years, taking care of my own health and putting myself in order, I developed my own training system. And now I make other people more beautiful, stronger and healthier. The system is called "fightclub99" (website fightclub99.com), it was she who has recently become the business of my life, and I like this business much more than touring, concerts and filming. And here, it seems to me, there is even more room for creativity than on stage. Here Alexander Tolmatsky, a well-known producer, works according to the system under my personal guidance, and he is 55 years old. A few years ago there was not even an idea to create something of our own in this area, and now we are sitting on the 61st floor in the Federation Tower, in the highest fitness club in Moscow - NEBO, looking at the city from a great height . Was it possible to calculate this in advance? Magic!

- For many years, taking care of my own health, I developed my own training system. Photo: From the personal archive of Sergei Parkhomenko

- As a coach, can you say that we all do it wrong?

- The biggest problem of a person lies in his passion for harmful and plentiful food. And if you defeat this destructive passion, you will get into shape very quickly. You can choose any training system for yourself, just walk, play tennis, football, but if a person eats like crazy, nothing will help him. And defeating zhor is incredibly difficult. I know what I'm talking about, I went through it myself. And now I'm here to help you win in yourself. bad habit. But I'm not a guru who came to say, "You're all wrong, we need to live differently." No. If you are satisfied with yourself and the quality of your life, thank God, continue to live like this - you can only be envied. My system is suitable only for those who want to change something in life and in themselves.

- How can you come up with something new in the nutrition and training program? Everything was invented 20 years ago. Or am I wrong?

- Of course, I didn’t invent anything radically new, but I give a guarantee that “fightclub99” works flawlessly. If you do every day what I tell you, then for certain period, namely 99 hours of sports (if we are talking, for example, about losing weight), you will achieve results. If you don't lose weight, I'll refund your money. Not a single fitness club will say: “We promise that you will not get injured and will not harm your health during the training process.” I promise it. I have a person will not be allowed to classes until they pass the tests and receive a doctor's opinion. Even if he has a great desire to study here and he can afford it. Until our doctor gives a conclusion, I will not start training.

- Do you need to train according to your method every day?

“And we train every day. We just don't suspect it. What do you do in the morning when you wake up?

- I'm washing...

- And in order to wash, what do you do? Do you sleep in the bathroom? No. And you have to get out of bed and go to the sink. Receive and sign, already training. What next? You go from the bathroom to the kitchen... Every day we walk a certain number of steps, meters, kilometers, climb stairs, crouch, picking up bags from the floor, and so on. Every day on my feet, without days off and holidays. Therefore, the reasoning that a person cannot train every day is nonsense, he can do everything perfectly. I sometimes train three or four times a day. It all depends on the distribution of the load and the ability to recover from it. And this area includes the art of eating right and sleeping well. My associates and I have long chosen the polyphasic sleep system for ourselves. Do you know what it is? I sleep several times a day for two or three hours. That is, an ordinary person needs eight or even nine hours a day to sleep, but five or six is ​​enough for me. And every day, as many as four hours are released for active life. And that's two months a year! And a full two months, without sleep. Can you imagine how much extra time appears? Including training.

- And if a person does not live alone, does the family have to adapt to the rhythm of his life? That is, your spouse should also sleep for two or three hours?

She doesn't owe anything. Firstly, she usually sleeps several thousand kilometers from me - we have not lived together for a long time. Here is a story: we got used to each other for a long time, tried to somehow get along, but then we realized that we are different people, and now we live not just in different houses, but in different countries. With children - six-year-old Mark and five-year-old Plato - I see each other regularly, but not as often as I would like. It is more comfortable for them to live with their mother in Kyiv, while my whole life is now mainly concentrated in Moscow. But nevertheless we meet, and I watch how they develop. While their mother and I strive to give them the most versatile development, so that later, when the boys grow up, they have the opportunity to choose which way to move. The children go to a special kindergarten where they speak English language, they draw, sing, dance, and, of course, play sports. Swimming, chess and boxing are the three pillars on which, in my opinion, the sports education of boys should stand. They learned to swim and continue to go to the pool, we already play chess with them, but it's too early for boxing. Although I sometimes show the guys some individual tricks, blows and I see that they are interested in it, they will be happy to box.

- I see children regularly, but not as often as I would like. They are more comfortable living with their mother in Kyiv, while my life is now concentrated in Moscow. But we meet and I watch how they develop. Photo: Vlad Kramsky

- Why boxing, and not, say, karate?

- This is my personal choice, here I am subjective, but I am sure that there is no better boxing martial art for boy. This is a classic. It's beautiful (well, for those who understand what I mean). And on the street, boxing is the most effective weapon. I don't believe in karate. No, of course, it's good if the boy does it. But, performing difficult kicks on the street, you can inadvertently tear expensive trousers. (Laughs) In addition, the arm flies out and reaches the target faster than the leg. It works - I've been convinced more than once by personal example.

- Did you fight as a child?

— I was very pugnacious. I still have a quick temper to this day - all my loved ones know this. I leave quickly, but I flare up instantly, I am gunpowder. I react worst of all to familiarity, impudence, these are all: “Oh, Seryoga, let's have a drink!” I can greatly offend and hurt a person with a word, and although I know that I will regret it later, I cannot restrain myself. A heightened sense of justice and an emotional nature are a dangerous bunch. I am sometimes too active in restoring justice. I have a hard time controlling my anger, and that's a real problem. My relationships with women would have been better if I hadn't been so direct and blunt. And in this sense, honestly, really envy the henpecked! Sometimes it’s worth not noticing female stupidity, not responding to an offensive word, to forgive the lack of attention and unwillingness to understand you. But I can't be different. And it probably never will. I hope that the sons in this sense did not follow me. Although in many ways I see similarities: they love weapons - they shoot from toy guns, they fight with swords. In general, they are such real boys: they are very attentive to cars, they collect car models, they are interested in what kind of car dad has: “Why haven’t we driven that previous one for a long time? You sold it, didn't you?" That is, they directly closely monitor my fleet. They love a variety of extreme sports - rides and slides. In general, they are alive, hooligan, great guys.

- Sons - five-year-old Plato and six-year-old Mark - are real boys: lively, hooligan. Photo: Vlad Kramsky

- And like all great guys, they are probably crazy about chips and french fries ...

“Children always love what their mothers and grandmothers let them love. Moms and dads themselves show weakness, buy chips for children and take them to fast food restaurants. And children are ideal psychologists, they instantly tune in to the wave of an adult, like on the radio: “Can I? Hooray, I will demand it, and sooner or later the parent will break down and buy everything for me! I have noticed more than once that when my sons are with their mother or with their grandmother, they are alone, when they are with me, they are completely different. For example, a call from the clinic: “Talk to your son! Do something, calm him down! He is hysterical here, kicks the nurse in the stomach and does not want to give injections. We keep him - it doesn’t help! ” I say: “It can't be, this is not my son. Mine wouldn't do that!" The next time I go with him to the doctor and calmly, without raising my voice, I say: “Son, how do you want to be given an injection, lying or sitting?” And he is the same

calmly answers me: "Let's lie down." And lies down. They give him an injection - he does not even flinch. Absolutely obedient and self-confident guys when their father is nearby.

It is important for me to have a dialogue with them, to talk. I never forbid anything, I just explain: “You are now eating something that is harmful, and because of this, you can get sick later.” They ask why. I explain scientifically with examples rather than yelling, “Because I said so!” As a result, now they don’t ask me for chips or sweets, moreover, they don’t even want to. Children are sponges, they absorb the information that the elders inspire them. Of course, no one canceled the impact of society, kindergarten, school, and especially advertising on TV. Of course, the candy industry doesn't admit at gunpoint that sweets are bad. You understand how much loss she will then incur. But sometimes interviews appear in good publications where authoritative people talk about the dangers of chips and sweets - and such articles can convince someone that they shouldn’t eat it. And here, too, my mission is to save as many people as possible from fast food, and first of all, my own children.

- It is important for me to have a dialogue with children, to talk. I never forbid anything, I just explain: scientifically, with examples, and not yelling: “Because I said so!”. Photo: Vlad Kramsky

- You good father

I can't say that, unfortunately. I rarely see my sons, less than I would like. When he lived in Kyiv and worked on television, he talked with them every day - as it should be for a normal father, and changed diapers, and took him to kindergarten, and played, and cooked food. Now we are in different cities, but I seriously plan to move Mark and Plato to Moscow, because I can organize good education and interesting leisure for them here. I'll wait until the new year. And then I will start to seriously deal with this issue.

- We strive to give them the most versatile development, so that later, when the boys grow up, they have the opportunity to choose which direction to move. Photo: Vlad Kramsky

- Did you have an idea to take the children and move with them to some other country? You had a similar experience - you lived in Germany for five years ...

- It was, firstly, a very long time ago: I left when I was not yet 20 years old. Secondly, I didn’t have a goal to stay there then, I went solely to study - to study political science and economics. I quickly realized that economics, and even more so political science, is not my thing. And he started making music. I recorded a track with a German rapper that interested production companies, and from this, in general, my story in music began. But I couldn't live there. Let's start with the fact that the town in northern Germany where I lived is famous for its huge concentration of prisons. Going out onto the balcony of my room 3x3 m, I saw a prison. Of course, this is all nonsense: it was possible to change an apartment and generally somehow improve life - my friend, with whom we went to Germany together to study, as a result settled quite well. But, for me, there is a very inappropriate, so to speak, social temperature. You see, each country has its own temperature of communication. The Germans are absolutely alien to me, cold, pedantic people-robots, completely unemotional and insincere. Not Slavs, in a word. I was cold, gloomy and bored there, although German I knew very well, and my friends were there, and even strong love, which ended in nothing because of my temper. But I came back and I don't regret it.

- At first glance, everything is fine with Sergey Parkhomenko and everything that he undertakes, he succeeds one hundred percent, whether it is a song career, sports or television ... Was there a time when something did not go well with you?

Who is easy? Of course it was! Life whipped and whipped me. Character is not a gift, we found hard times. Over the past few years, there has been everything: downs, ups, tragedies and dramas. He was at the bottom, on the verge of self-destruction. Hands down for a while. Listen to the songs "Phoenix", "Lyut", "My rider", "Your favorite clown" on the Web. I talk about it in songs. Not in an interview. We are all scarred and wounded ... if you look. Mother saw me a few years ago and let's cry. I told her: "Mom, what's wrong?" And she: “I just see your eyes. Scars…”

- I have noticed more than once: when my sons are with their mother or with their grandmother, they are alone, when they are with me, they are completely different. Photo: Vlad Kramsky

- Including from tattoos, with which you once generously decorated yourself, and now you reduce?

- Including from them. Now this process has been suspended for the time being: there is no time, because the procedure for getting rid of a tattoo is painful, then the body needs to be restored - you can’t play sports until it heals. And I can’t stop training, but as soon as I succeed, I will definitely continue and reduce all the drawings to a single one. A tattoo is a specific thing. At first, you cherish the idea for a long time, fill this drawing, and after many years you suddenly realize that it has ceased to be relevant to you.

A tattoo is a memory, it is the past. And for me, the past is a backpack with stones that pulls you back and you need to be able to get rid of it in time. And if you can forget your past, you're a clean slate again.

Some people find this approach shocking. People, coming to our club, and just meeting me on the street, recognize, but understand: this is not quite the same Seryoga. Or rather, not him at all. It is difficult for a public person to transform: he is always in sight and cannot always afford to appear completely different before the public. Can I? That Seryoga who once sang "Black Boomer" is also me. And Polygraph SharikOFF. And the silent killer nicknamed Gaggio is also me. And this type in the veins and veins on the cover of the magazine about " iron people". Who knows where else the transformation will lead me... Personally, I tend to be dissatisfied with myself and want to change something in myself. A person who is happy with his level and satisfied with himself for a long time, I believe, fell asleep. He died in a sense. Can anyone name a musician or poet who, in a state of complete happiness and harmony with himself, wrote an imperishable thing?

Real name: Sergei Vasilyevich Parkhomenko (Serega)

Family: sons - Mark (6 years old), Plato (5 years old)

Career: in 2004, the composition "Black Boomer" was released, which became the best hip-hop project of the year. In total, he released 6 studio albums under the stage name Seryoga and several more as part of other projects, shot more than 30 video clips. Participated in the show "Two Stars" and "King of the Ring", was a member of the jury of the program "X-Factor. Ukraine"

Awards: two MTV Russia Music Awards, three Golden Gramophone awards