What to watch after Iron Man 3. In what order should I watch the MARVEL movies? Agents of SHIELD: Yo-Yo

Many people know that there are films about superheroes that exist in the same universe, and then they team up in one film. And for sure, many would like to watch all these films, but in what order should they be watched? Is there an order? What movie to start with? And which one to watch next? After all, each of the characters has its own franchise, with its own numbering of films. I, as a person who understands this, decided to help those who are interested. I will be glad if the article is useful to someone.



Many people know that there are films about superheroes that exist in the same universe, and then they team up in one film. And for sure, many would like to watch all these films, but in what order should they be watched? Is there an order? What movie to start with? And which one to watch next? After all, each of the characters has its own franchise, with its own numbering of films. I, as a person who understands this, decided to help those who are interested. I will be glad if the article is useful to someone.

* At the end, I wrote a list of all the films in order more compactly, for those who are too lazy to read or those who want to quickly start watching.
* If you are an ardent fan of DC and can't stand MARVEL, go by, don't breed srach.

* If you are an ardent hater of superheroes, then all the more stomp the forest.

This whole thing is called "MARVEL Cinematic Universe", and was created by MARVEL Studios. Understanding it is not easy, since this universe is quite large. It now includes: 10 feature films, 5 short films and 1 series, and this is just the beginning. Here I have written the order of all the films and a few more details that you need to know about.

  • The MCU includes only films made by MARVEL Studios, that is, you will not see the current Spider-Man, X-Men and Fantastic Four here.
The MCU is divided into phases.
First phase.

1. "Iron Man" (Iron Man).

I think everyone has seen this wonderful movie. It introduces us to Tony Starcom and how he became a superhero.
In the general plot of the movie universe, the role of this film is to start, no more, no less, and he coped with the task by five plus.
When viewing:

but) Please note that in the film, from time to time, a man in a suit flickers, a certain Phil Coulson from SHIELD This character is worth remembering.

  • SHIELD. (S.H.I.E.L.D.) is a secret organization that ensures that humanity does not know about what they should not know, and also restores order in the world after epic superhero battles. Leads the organization Director Nick Fury(such a man with a bandage over his left eye).
b) Don't forget to watch the scene after the credits.
  • Post-credits scenes are featured in all MARVEL Studios films.
2. "The Incredible Hulk" (The Incredible Hulk).

In this film we are shown how the story began Hulk(during the opening cutscene), and a couple of months from the life of this character, or these characters ( Hulk And Bruce Banner).

  • Many people think that the film "The incredible Hulk" is a sequel to the movie "Hulk" 2003, but it's not!
In the MCU, the role of the film show a connection with "Iron Man", make it clear that films exist in the same world.
  • There is no post-credits scene in this film, the final scene in the bar counts as one.
3. "Iron Man 2" (Iron Man 2).

Continuation of a story Tony Stark, but now we are introduced not to the main character, but to S.H.I.E.L.D. Natasha Romanoff "black widow" And Nick Fury, as well as with Howard Stark- Tony's father.
in)Senator Stern also worth remembering.

  • Developments "The Incredible Hulk" start before "Iron Man 2" and end after.
  • Actors who played roles in the first film Rhodey And Howard changed.
4. "Thor" (Thor).

The film introduces us to Asgard, two brothers Thor And Loki, and with the cosmic side of the MCU.
G) Worth paying attention to Lady Sif

And Agent Jasper Sitwell.

  • The events of the film take place almost simultaneously with "Iron Man 2".
  • In the film you can see Clint Barton "Hawkeye".

5. "The First Avenger" (Captain America: The First Avenger).

In this film, we are introduced to Captain America,Bucky, and most importantly, with the HYDRA organization and the Tessaract.
e) Plus, remember: Peggy Carter

AND roaring team.

  • The film features a young Howard Stark.
  • The Strategic Science Reserve referred to in the film is the progenitor of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • The Tessaract is a space stone, one of the six infinity stones.
6. "Consultant" (The Consultant).

First short film. A small addition to the history of the movie universe. Is a continuation "Iron Man 2" And "The Incredible Hulk".

  • Short films do not have an official translation, so it is better to watch them in the voice acting of “non-lethal weapons”, there is still no other way.
There is no scene after the credits, because the film itself is as long as such a scene.

7. " Funny case on the way to Thor's hammer" (A Fanny Thing Heppened On The Way To Thor's Hammer).

The essence is clear from the name. Prequel to "Toru".
There is also no post-credits scene.
Do not neglect watching short films, they also have a role in the plot, even this one.

8. "The Avengers" (The Avengers).

Earth is threatened by a never-before-seen danger, so S.H.I.E.L.D. assembles a team of heroes capable of protecting the earth.

A crossover of all previously released films, everything was conceived for it from the very beginning, but in fact this is only the beginning.
Two scenes after the credits: one after the colorful ones, the second after the regular ones.

  • Actor who previously played the role Bruce Banner, replaced.
  • In the scepter is another stone of infinity - the stone of reason.
9. "Object 47" (Item 47).

Continuation "Avengers".
e) Worth remembering Agent Felix Blake.

The scene after the credits does not make any sense, it can be safely skipped.

Second phase.

10. "Iron Man 3" (Iron Man 3).

The most controversial film in the MCU. Many fans disliked him, because of the non-canonical Mandarin(a villain, not a fruit) and a different atmosphere compared to the first two parts. But in fact, the film is excellent and you should not find fault with it, besides, the previous enemies iron man were also far from canon.

11. "Agent Carter" (Agent Carter).

Movie sequel "The first Avenger" about the beloved captain - Peggy Carter.
One scene after the credits.

12. Agents of SHIELD (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.).

First season
episodes 1 to 7!

The first series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Many put an end to it after the first episodes, not without reason, because the beginning of the series is rather weak (it takes a long time to introduce it), but still in vain, since from about the 10th episode it begins to gain momentum.
When the series ends, the symbol of SHIELD appears, and immediately after it there is a small scene hinting at the next series, this is a serial version of the scene after the credits, in the first series it is not.

  • The series has several translations, but for viewing it is best to choose the official dubbing from Nevafilm, it has the fewest errors, and it is more pleasant to watch in a dubbed translation.
13. "Thor 2: The Kingdom of Darkness" (Thor 2: The Dark World).

Two scenes after the credits.

  • Changed the actor who played Fandral.
  • Ether is the stone of reality.
14. Agents of SHIELD (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.).

First season
8-12 series.

  • The events of the films are reflected in the events of the series.
15. "Long live the king" (All Hail The King).

Not on this site, so do it yourself.

Is a continuation "Iron Man 3".
Two scenes after the credits, but one of them during the credits themselves.

16. Agents of SHIELD (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.).
First season
13-16 series.

Episode 13 is great!

g) At the beginning of episode 16, listen carefully Victoria Hand.

17. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

In my opinion, best movie the MCU: a twisted plot, well-placed references, great fight scenes… a real shake-up of the MCU.
Two scenes in the credits field.

18. Agents of SHIELD (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.).
First season
17-22 series.

Episode 19 is better to watch in the voice acting of LostFilm.
Episode 20 is amazing!

19. "Guardians of the Galaxy" (Guardians of the Galaxy).

The funniest and most driving MARVEL movie.
One post-credits scene

  • In Russian dubbing, as in the original, Groot speaks with a voice Vina Diesel.
  • Sphere (ORB) - a stone of power.
20. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Second season
series 1 to 10.

Episode 1 top notch!
In general, the second season was much better than the first!
The second season does not have a dubbed translation yet. It will appear after this season is shown on the STS channel.
  • Joined the team in the second season Agent Barbara Morse "Mockingbird".
The following list represents the future of the MARVEL Cinematic Universe, which means the result may differ from what I wrote.

21. "Agent Carter" (Marvel "s agent Carter). - January 6, 2015

Mini-series of 8 episodes, which will be released during the New Year's break "Agents of SHIELD".
Here we will be shown how the SHIELD service began.
Then the agents will return.

  • Appears in the series Anton Vanko- father Ivan Vanko who you may remember from the movie "Iron Man 2".
22. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Second season
episodes 11 to 19.

March 3, 2015 the series will return from a break.

23. Avengers: Age of Ultron - April 30, 2015

  • The film will feature two new avengers: Mercury And scarlet witch, according to the comics they are mutants and children magneto, but since mutants don't exist in this MCU, their origin will be changed.
24. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Second season
episodes 20 to 22.

25. Daredevil - March 1, 2015

The first of 5 Marvel series to be released on Netflix.

The entire season, consisting of 13 episodes, will be released on the same day.

26. "Ant-Man" (Antman) - 16 July 2015

The events of the film will unfold in two time periods: in the sixties, where Hank Pym still young, and in modern times, where he is already old, and will become a new ant Scott Lang, which will steal the shrinking suit from the first one. He will also be the main character of the film.
The last film of the second phase.

  • The film will appear Howard Stark how we remember him "Iron Man 2" and inimitable Peggy Carter.
Third phase.

The following films will enter the third phase:
"The first Avenger: Civil War» (Captain America: Civil War) - May 6, 2016

After "Age of Ultron" the governments of the countries thought, is it possible to allow superheroes to do whatever they want with impunity? And they introduce a law on the registration of superheroes, which will oblige them to report what they do. Superheroes will be divided into two camps: those who are for registration and those who are against it. Because Stark blames himself for creating Ultron, then decides to support the law, and captain America thinks it's a bad idea and opposes it.

  • Unlike comics. spider man you won't see it here. (Although there is still a chance to negotiate with Sony, but according to the creators, the film has already gone into production without him)
  • Debuts in this film black Panther.
"Doctor Strange" (Doctor Strange) - November 4, 2016

Avengers: Infinity War. Part 1" (Avengers: Infinity War. Part I) - May 2018

The film is expected to be very large-scale, which is why it was divided into two parts, because all the events would not fit in one.
We have been prepared for this film since the first phase, and we are still being prepared. The infinity stones that I wrote about above, here we will see them all together in the glove of infinity, which will be worn on the hand of Thanos - the most dangerous of criminals.

Avengers: Infinity War. Part 2" (Avengers: Infinity War. Part II) - May 2019
In one of the two parts, we will be able to see the change of generations, the old avengers will be replaced by new ones.

As well as series:
"Jessica Jones" - 2015,
"Luke Cage",
"Iron Fist",
"Defenders"- mini-series, a crossover of the above series.
Season 3 is possible in autumn "Agents of SHIELD".

And now about who created this wonderful movie universe. Kevin Feige- the head of Marvel Studios, it is he who decides which films should be made, why, in what order and how to make sure that the plots of the films are interconnected and do not contradict each other. You can say he is a king.

And most importantly, the one thanks to whom the MARVEL universe exists, the one who came up with all (or almost all) of these heroes, the one without whom all these films would have failed miserably at the box office, because it is for him that we go to these films, of course this is great Stan Lee! His cameo is present in all feature films of MARVEL Studios, as well as in the TV series "Agents of SHIELD". When watching each movie, peer into the screen in search of this handsome man, and if you haven’t found it, then watch the movie again! If Kevin Feige is king, then Stan is God.

Still need to say a few words about Lou Ferrigno. This man once played the role of the Hulk and has since voiced him wherever possible. Both Hulk movies feature his cameos.

You are probably wondering why the movies need to be watched in that order? why not look in chronological order and start with "The First Avenger"? Because the chronology of these films is very confusing, the events of some films take place simultaneously, plus if you watch the series "Agent Carter" before "Agents of SHIELD" And "The First Avenger" risk getting a spoiler.

Short version of the list.
(K) - short film
(C) - series

First phase.
1 Iron Man
2 The Incredible Hulk
3. Iron Man 2
4. Thor
5. The First Avenger
6. Consultant (K)
7. Funny incident on the way to Thor's hammer (K)
8. The Avengers
9. Object 47 (K)

Second phase.
10. Iron Man 3

11. Agent Carter (K)
12. Agents of SHIELD (C)
13. Thor: The Kingdom of Darkness
14. Agents of SHIELD (C)
15. Long live the king (K)
16. Agents of SHIELD (C)
17. The First Avenger: Another War
18. Agents of SHIELD (C)
19. Guardians of the Galaxy
20. Agents of SHIELD (C)
21. Agent Carter (C) - January 6, 2015
22. Agents of SHIELD (C) - March 3, 2015
23. Avengers: Age of Ultron - April 30, 2015

Tony Stark and his company were engaged in the supply of weapons. Often they did not think about where and to whom they deliver the goods. But at one point, everything changes when Mr. Stark, a talented businessman and inventor, is captured. Ironically, the Afghan terrorists use his brand of weapons. Under threat of death, they force Tony Stark to make weapons for them in their secret camp. But Stark, along with a mysterious doctor, take a risk and secretly create cyber armor that will help them escape from this hell. Now the former arms dealer is thinking of directing all his forces to fight the war and those who were once his buyers.

Film Facts:

  • Robert Downey Jr. was involved not only in filming, but also in creating special effects for the film.
  • The lead role could be played by Tom Cruise, who also wanted to act as a producer, as well as Nicolas Cage, Clive Owen and Sam Rackwell.
  • The director of the film, Jon Favreau, insisted on filming in California.
  • This project was fully funded by Marvel Studios just emerging from the crisis.
  • The film features a cameo by Stan Lee, who is confused with the creator of Playboy.

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Six months after the whole world learned that Tony Stark was hiding behind the Iron Man mask, the US government requires him to this technology was handed over to the authorities. But the billionaire himself is in no hurry to reveal all the secrets of creating his highly functional armor. There is a risk that such weapons can get to bad people. Meanwhile, Ivan Vanko appears on the horizon, blaming Tony Stark for the failures of his life.

Film Facts:

  • One of the roles could play Al Pacino.
  • Emily Blunt was offered the role of the Black Widow.
  • Mickey Rourke and his character periodically speak Russian.
  • Actor Don Cheadle played the role of Iron Patriot in place of Terrence Howard.
  • Samuel L. Jackson has made a deal to have Nick Fury's character appear in ten MARVEL films.

Avengers (2012)

God of Deception - Loki returns to Earth. He wants to enslave all life, but here he is already waiting for the most powerful superheroes on the planet. Nick Fury activates the Avengers initiative and Captain America, along with Thor, Iron Man and Black Widow, enter the warpath for the universe. Hulk, Hawkeye and Agent Coulson will help them. Thor's half-brother has already brought a lot of problems, it remains to prevent this from happening one more time.

Film Facts:

  • The Hulk was first played by Mark Ruffalo.
  • This is Disney Pictures' first film since the acquisition of MARVEL Studios.
  • Joaquin Phoenix could have played a role in this movie.
  • The film was converted to 3D after filming.
  • In order not to lose the form of Thor, actor Chris Hemsworth had to significantly increase his diet.

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Tony Stark is worried better times after the events in New York. suddenly appears mysterious person from the past who wants answers and revenge. Iron Man is deprived of everything that is dear to him, and he is also practically unarmed. The one from whom no one expected will come to the rescue. Looking at everything from a different angle, Tony Stark finds a way out of this situation, although the enemy turns out to be not quite who he was supposed to be. The inventor finds the answer to the most tormenting question: does he need a suit and who is he without it?

Film Facts:

  • Jude Law could have been in the movie.
  • Filming took place in North Carolina, which was the most profitable.
  • During filming, Robert Downey Jr. was injured.
  • The first Iron Man film not directed by Jon Favreau, but by Shane Black.
  • Unlike the previous two parts, Nick Fury does not appear in this film.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Tony Stark, having studied extraterrestrial technology, is trying to create artificial intelligence that can protect the planet from new invasions. But Ultron, created for good, on the contrary, decides to destroy all life on Earth, since it is in this that he sees the main threat. The SHIELD agency is no longer functioning, but this time the Avengers will come to save humanity. But Ultron and his army are very strong, so the scales are not in favor of the heroes.

Film Facts:

  • Saoirse Ronan could have played in the film.
  • Ultron speaks in the voice of James Spader.
  • The characters Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver appear in the Avengers, although the latter is present in the X-Men universe.
  • Hugh Jackman wanted to appear in the project.
  • Lindsay Lohan auditioned for the role in this film, but she was turned down.

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

The government plans to enforce a law requiring all superheroes to reveal their identity. The Avengers team of heroes is falling apart before our eyes due to different views on this premise. Steve Rogers aka Captain America sees that this law will violate the rights of citizens and therefore categorically opposes this initiative. Tony Stark, who has long since revealed his Iron Man alter ego, is the opposite. Baron Zemo, meanwhile, intervenes in the process, thereby setting the stage for the most unexpected confrontation on Earth.

Film Facts:

  • The script was based on a comic called "Civil War".
  • The film features William Hurt, who has not appeared in the MCU since 2008.
  • The trailer of the film broke the record for views on the YouTube platform in the first day of the show.
  • Captain America speaks lines from the movie "The First Avenger", thereby sending the viewer back.
  • This film marks the first appearance of the Black Panther character.

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Peter Parker is no ordinary high school student. After his appearance in the opposition of the Avengers, his everyday life famously changed. Tony Stark is now a real mentor for the young superhero. Now every step of Spider-Man must be verified, otherwise he will be left without the support of Tony Stark. The desire to prove one's abilities does not lead to the most pleasant ones, but such mistakes allow one to draw the right conclusions and learn to find the right solutions.

Film Facts:

  • Tom Holland stated in an interview several years ago that the role of Spider-Man would be ideal for him.
  • J.K. Simmons initially showed interest in the project, until the moment when it became known about his appearance in another movie universe.
  • Bryan Cranston and Matthew McConaughey wanted to play the villain if it was the Green Goblin.
  • The film features the youngest of all the actors who performed Spider-Man.
  • Cillian Murphy also expressed interest in playing the villain in this film.

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Thanos is a powerful titan who has been preparing for the coming to Earth for a very long time. Now that all the Infinity Stones are practically collected, he can enter the warpath. Artifacts are in the hands of superheroes who have been protecting the Earth from these invasions for a long time. Now, in order to resist such a strong enemy and his army, you will have to combine all available forces. The Avengers superhero team swells into the most dangerous battle for the life of mankind.

Film Facts:

  • Robert Downey Jr ended his commitment to Marvel Studios after Iron Man 3.
  • This film has a record number of superheroes.
  • It is the seventh installment of the third phase of the franchise.
  • For the first time on the screen, the character "Captain Marvel" appeared.
  • It is the nineteenth film in the franchise, which launched in 2008.

If the second film is our least favorite, then the third film can safely be called the most controversial and bold. Still, making an 80s action movie, with the beloved aesthetic of films about a lone hero in an alcoholic T-shirt, who can only rely on his luck and ingenuity to defeat evil, from an IRON MAN COMICS is cool. Well, with Mandarin we were not weakly broken off, yes. Although Shane Black should still say a huge thank you, this man definitely deserves respect. Although ... in ZhCh3 there is something to see and besides this.

Yes, the text contains SPOILERS.

Happy Vega.

At the very beginning, the film throws us back to 1999, just in time for New Year's Eve. And there seems to be nothing to cling to ... except for the appearance of Tony's bodyguard, Happy Hogan. Shoulder-length hair, black suit, bolo tie. The younger generation will immediately miss the reference, but we know what's what. And this is a reference to " Pulp Fiction"Quentin Tarantino. And the allusion here is not to Nick Fury's violent past, but to appearance character Vincent Vega. At first, Drew Pierce wanted to make a scene referring to the image of Jon Favreau from the series "Friends", but he felt that it would be more practical.

Doctor Wu.

When comic book fans found out that the legendary Chinese actor Xueqi Wang would play the part of Doctor Wu, they were simply knocked out. But despite his brief appearances at the beginning and end of the film, his role is minimal. And here is a strange analysis of the name of this character ... and it does not start from comics, but from the Steely Dan song "Dr. Wu". Screenwriter Drew Pearce is a big fan of this group, so the question of where he got this name from is not at all. IN real life Dr. Wu was an immigrant and a talented acupuncturist who helped one of the group members overcome his drug addiction. And his role in Stark's life isn't much different.

Merry Christmas.

Each cult director or writer has his own characteristic feature. Tarantino has lightning-fast and biting dialogues, Whedon has his heroines who love to wander barefoot. But Shane Black's is Christmas Eve. The Last Boy Scout, Lethal Weapon, Kiss Bang Bang - almost all of his films are set in this time period. And guess what? ZhCH3 is no exception! A great Christmas movie turned out, I tell you.


Another reference from the category of "blink - miss." And you can see her during Happy Hogan's tirade through the corridors of Stark Enterprises when he stumbles upon a new security protocol. In this scene, Pepper asks "Bambi" to let Happy in, and only a few know that we are talking about Bambi Arbogast - Tony Stark's permanent secretary and bodyguard of sorts. And if it's ironic to consider Bambi's temperament, then some people would need more reliable security protocols, so this is just a reference and nothing more.

President Ellis.

It's no secret that the plot of ZhCh3 contains lines from different plots. One of which is Extremis written by Warren Ellis. As a result, the authors still allowed themselves liberties and adjustments (techno-organic synthesis was exchanged for super strength and thermal abilities), but links to the source still do their job. For example, the events of the film are largely dependent on President Ellis - here's a nod to you in the direction of Warren Ellis.

Jack Taggart.

The "use" of ex-soldier Jack Taggart as the bomb that destroyed the TC Chinese Theater may not have anything to do with Tony Stark, but it left an indelible mark on Happy Hogan. However, in the comics, the story is much richer. As already mentioned, the soldier's name was Jack Taggart, who is known to comic book fans as the supervillain "Firepower", who tried to solve the problem of creating super-soldiers by crossing his clumsy armor with Stark's designs. His role in the film is not so cool, but the reference is counted.

Ellen Brandt.

Calling her appearance in the film an "Easter egg" is a stretch. Ellen's character is given enough attention and she does not hide her name. And although most of the facts from her biography are blatantly distorted, Ellen is still worthy of attention. In the original, Brandt was not an Extremis Soldier. She was the wife of Ted Sallis, a brilliant scientist who, after some time, turned into Leshy. And while he was busy developing the serum that once gave birth to Captain America, it's hard to imagine major development such story in the future. Especially if you remember how insignificantly and subtly he was introduced into history.
By the way, fans will immediately understand where Ellen got these scars. When, as an ordinary viewer, the solution will go away ...

Iron Movie Man.

If Shane Black himself was the screenwriter and director, then we could not escape from movie quotes and references. And it's just wonderful. Not to say that Stark used to somehow disdain cultural references. The joke about Thor's long locks, coupled with a quote from "On the Crest of a Wave" is worth something. But in ZhCh3 he was completely carried away. For example, when he sees Savin (James Badge Dale), he is reminded of 1973's Westworld, which was about a robotic amusement park that rebelled against humans. Such a reference to the character Yul Brynner. There was also a quote from an episode of The Simpsons called Itchy & Scratchy Land, but we already love Stark more than ever.

"I don't like it here."

It's amazing to say this, but the main joke in the Iron Man movie does not come from Tony Stark, but from one of the villainous minions. When Tony defeats the bad guys with a boot and a glove, he is left face to face with the last survivor. And instead of abruptly removing him (well, as it should be in action films) or waiting for his voluntary surrender (this is less common in action films), the mercenary tells him: “I don’t even like working here, these guys are strange.” The quote belongs to stuntman Eric Oram, who has been working with Downey Jr. for a long time.

And again Roxon.

The villainous organization Roxxon appeared in the final showdown of the first film. She was one of the sponsors of the Monaco race in the second film. And they even managed to light up in the biggest and coolest battle scene in the entire trilogy (thank you, Iron Legion). Now I will explain. Adrian Killian's plan was to assassinate the President of the United States. This was a kind of punishment for the fact that the authorities turned a blind eye to the fact that "Roxon Norco" was pouring oil into the ocean.
Here's to you fans. We've got a whole massive introduction of new villains and revealing the death of Stark's ancestors here. Cool.

Well, we have completed the Iron Man trilogy. It was not bad and I hope that some of the listed Easter eggs will still grow into something more on big screen.

As always, write your wishes in the comments, as well as what interesting references and Easter eggs you saw.

Right now, Marvel has 20 films and 6 series already released, not counting Captain Marvel, already knocking on the cinema doors (this film will be the 21st in the MCU); to reconsider all this, probably, the whole summer vacation is not enough. We propose to confine ourselves to a kind of "express guide" to superheroes, which, by the way, as in the "War of Infinity", in the "Final" there will be several dozen. The main ones, of course, will be the "oldies" - the team of the original Avengers, who gathered in the 2012 film of the same name.


First Avenger (2011)

There is no sadder story in the world than the story of a man in a bulletproof vest about how a skinny and thoroughly ill Steve Rogers turned into Captain America, weighed down by the burden of years spent in an icy dream and loss best friend- Bucky Barnes.

Captain Marvel (2019)

Behind the backstory of Steve Rogers, the future Captain America, chronological order follows a backstory by Carol Danvers set in the 90s. The most powerful and independent female Marvel character, the lady personally responsible for the "second citizen" in comics, a military pilot, who acquired superpowers thanks to an alien race. How the scriptwriters of Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame disposed of these very superpowers, we just have to see - but, most likely, they were cut down well, because even the Scarlet Witch, a very powerful superheroine in Marvel comics, hardly uses her abilities in the MCU by a third.

Iron Man (2008)

The backstory of Iron Man - the film tells how "genius, millionaire, playboy, philanthropist" Tony Stark added the line "superhero" to his impressive resume, paying for it with shrapnel dangerously close to the heart.

"Iron Man" is a must-watch - not only because it is still, probably, best story about the origin of the superhero, but also because in "Iron Man" they remind - no matter what Steve Rogers grumbled much later - that Tony Stark still has a heart.

Incredible Hulk (2008)

The story, as you might guess from the title, is about the origin of the Hulk, which in fact has almost no effect on the subsequent events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe - with the exception of the appearance of the very Hulk, who was played by another actor after the first film (Mark Ruffalo instead of Edward Norton). But in the post-credits scene, Tony Stark appears with a sacramental “I told you so” and a hint at the future team of the Avengers.

Thor (2011)

The backstory of Thor and Loki, who in Infinity War, as we now know, was destined for the dubious honor of being the first to fall at the hands of Thanos. You can ignore the girls who surround the main characters in this film - neither Jane (Natalie Portman) nor Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) ultimately found a place in the MCU.

Avengers (2012)

They introduce the team to each other, and we, the audience, to one of the Infinity Stones (tesseract) and Thanos in the post-credits scene.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

It is notable for several points at once: firstly, this is a continuation of the story of the strong friendship of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, secondly, a little background on Natasha Romanoff, and thirdly, the directorial debut in Marvel of the Russo brothers, who filmed Infinity War and the upcoming Endgame. ”, fourthly, an excellent political thriller, even if you leave out all the spandex. If you don’t watch it, you won’t miss anything critical on the scale of the overall history of the Avengers, but it’s still worth watching, solely for your own pleasure.

main reason watch Another War

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Introduces us to the Guardian team - Star-Lord, Raccoon, Groot, Gamora, Drax and Nebula. In 2017, we recall, a sequel to the film was released - it reveals the characters (and the background of Star-Lord) more vividly, but, in principle, it is not required for viewing.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

The story of how Scarlet Witch and Vision joined the Avengers team. In Infinity War, the latter, as the bearer of the Infinity Stone, played especially important role, and in general story line these two, which has passed through the "red thread" through the now three films about the Avengers, is distinguished by a special sincerity.

The most important scene in the movie.

Ant-Man (2015)

The backstory of the hero Paul Rudd, who did not appear at all in Avengers: Infinity War, but in Avengers: Endgame will play one of the most important, one might even say, key roles.

In any case, the history of Ant-Man will not be superfluous to know. Last year, after Infinity War, a sequel called Ant-Man and the Wasp was released.

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

The story of how all the main characters got together and quarreled. You need to watch at least because of the debut of two superheroes at once: Tom Holland's Spider-Man and Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther. There are also two films that reveal these superheroes individually, both of which take place after the "Confrontation" (Spider-Man: Homecoming and Black Panther) - they are no longer required viewing, but, as in the case of "The Other war", are recommended for your own pleasure.

Doctor Strange (2016)

The origin story of "Mr. Doctor", aka Dr. Stephen Strange. In Infinity War, this was such an important figure that Benedict Cumberbatch, who played Strange, was even entrusted with reading the entire script in full - in addition to Cumberbatch, of the actors, this script was seen in its entirety, probably only " Godfather» MCU Robert Downey Jr. It is not yet known what role Strange will play in the events of Endgame.

Avengers: Infinity War

Or the story of how the super-powerful titan Thanos came to the Avengers who had quarreled among themselves and killed everyone. Well, almost everyone. And those who remain will have to correct this sad situation in Avengers: Endgame.

If you have the time and desire to review all 21 Marvel films in general before the premiere of Avengers: Endgame, then it is better to watch them in this chronological order:

1. The First Avenger (2011)

2. Captain Marvel (2019)

3. Iron Man (2008)

4. Iron Man 2 (2010)

5 The Incredible Hulk (2008)

6. Thor (2011)

7. The Avengers (2012)

8. Iron Man 3 (2013)

9 Thor: The Dark World (2013)

10 Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

11. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

12. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (2017)

13. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

14. Ant-Man (2015)

15. Captain America: Civil War (2016)

17. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

18. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

19. Black Panther (2018)

20. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

21. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

Not sure what order to watch the Marvel movies in? Then this article is for you! All movies and series in order

The MCU is divided into phases.

Marvel Phase One - Video

1 Iron Man

When viewing:
Please note that in the film, from time to time, a man in a suit flickers, a certain from SHIELD This character is worth remembering.

SHIELD. (S.H.I.E.L.D.) is a secret organization that ensures that humanity does not know about what they should not know, and also restores order in the world after epic superhero battles. Leads the organization Director Nick Fury(such a man with a bandage over his left eye).

Don't forget to watch the scene after the credits.

2 The Incredible Hulk

In this film we are shown how the story began Hulk(during the opening cutscene), and a couple of months from the life of this character, or these characters ( Hulk And Bruce Banner)

Many people think that the film is a sequel to the film "Hulk" 2003, but it's not!

In the MCU, the role of the film show a connection with "Iron Man", make it clear that films exist in the same world.

There is no post-credits scene in this film, the final scene in the bar counts as one.

3. "Iron Man 2" (Iron Man 2)

Continuation of a story Tony Stark, but now we are introduced not to the main character, but to S.H.I.E.L.D. Natasha Romanoff "Black Widow" And Nick Fury, as well as with Howard Stark- Tony's father.

Senator Stern also worth remembering.

Developments "The Incredible Hulk" start before "Iron Man 2" and end after.

Actors who played roles in the first film Rhodey And Howard changed.

4. "Thor" (Thor)

The film introduces us to Asgard, two brothers And Loki, and with the cosmic side of the MCU.

Worth paying attention to

And Agent Jasper Sitwell.

The events of the film take place almost simultaneously with "Iron Man 2".

In the film you can see Clint Barton "Hawkeye".

5 Captain America: The First Avenger

In this film, we are introduced to Captain America,Bucky, and most importantly, with the HYDRA organization and the Tessaract.

Plus, remember: Peggy Carter and the Roaring Crew.

The film features a young Howard Stark.

The Strategic Science Reserve referred to in the film is the progenitor of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Tessaract is a space stone, one of the six infinity stones.

6. The Consultant


First short film. A small addition to the history of the movie universe. Is a continuation "Iron Man 2" And "The Incredible Hulk".

Short films do not have an official translation, so it is better to watch them in the voice acting of “non-lethal weapons”, there is still no other way.

There is no scene after the credits, because the film itself is as long as such a scene.

7. A Funny Thing Heppened On The Way To Thor's Hammer

The essence is clear from the title. A prequel to Thor. There is also no post-credits scene.
Do not neglect watching short films, they also have a role in the plot, even this one.

8 The Avengers

Earth is threatened by a never-before-seen danger, so S.H.I.E.L.D. assembles a team of heroes capable of protecting the earth.
A crossover of all previously released films, everything was conceived for it from the very beginning, but in fact this is only the beginning.
Two scenes after the credits: one after the colorful ones, the second after the regular ones.

Actor who previously played the role Bruce Banner, replaced.

In the scepter is another stone of infinity - the stone of reason.

9. "Object 47" (Item 47)

Continuation "Avengers". Worth remembering Agent Felix Blake. The scene after the credits does not make any sense, it can be safely skipped.

10. "Iron Man 3" (Iron Man 3)

The most controversial film in the MCU. Many fans disliked him, because of the non-canonical Mandarin(a villain, not a fruit) and a different atmosphere compared to the first two parts. But in fact, the film is excellent and you should not find fault with it, besides, the previous enemies iron man were also far from canon.

11. Agent Carter

Movie sequel "The first Avenger" about the beloved captain - . One scene after the credits.

12. Agents of SHIELD (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

The first season of the series from 1 to 7!
The first series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Many put an end to it after the first episodes, not without reason, because the beginning of the series is rather weak (it takes a long time to introduce it), but still in vain, since from about the 10th episode it begins to gain momentum.

When the series ends, the symbol of SHIELD appears, and immediately after it there is a small scene hinting at the next series, this is a serial version of the scene after the credits, in the first series it is not.

The series has several translations, but for viewing it is best to choose the official dubbing from Nevafilm, it has the fewest errors, and it is more pleasant to watch in a dubbed translation.

13. Thor 2: The Dark World

Two scenes after the credits. Changed the actor who played Fandral. Ether is the stone of reality.

14. Agents of SHIELD (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

First season 8-12 episodes.

The events of the films are reflected in the events of the series.

15. "Long Live the King"

Is a continuation "Iron Man 3".
Two scenes after the credits, but one of them during the credits themselves.

16. Agents of SHIELD (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

First season 13-16 episodes.
Episode 13 is great!
At the beginning of episode 16, listen carefully Victoria Hand.

17. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

In my opinion, the best film in the MCU: smartly twisted plot, well-placed references, great fight scenes ... a real shake-up of the MCU.

Two scenes in the credits field.

18. Agents of SHIELD (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

First season 17-22 episodes.
Episode 19 is better to watch in the voice acting of LostFilm.
Episode 20 is amazing!

19. "Guardians of the Galaxy" (Guardians of the Galaxy)

The funniest and most driving MARVEL movie. One post-credits scene

In Russian dubbing, as in the original, Groot speaks with a voice Vina Diesel. Sphere (ORB) - a stone of power.

20. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The second season of the series from 1 to 10.
Episode 1 top notch! In general, the second season was much better than the first!
The second season does not have a dubbed translation yet. It will appear after this season is shown on the STS channel.

Joined the team in the second season agent Barbara Morse "mockingbird".

21. Marvel's agent Carter

We were shown how the SHIELD service began. The series was not renewed due to low ratings.

22. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Second season of the series from 11 to 19.

23. Avengers: Age of Ultron

There are three new Avengers in the movie. Mercury, scarlet witch And Vision. Also, you should listen carefully about Vibranium and pay attention to the weapons dealer Klaw.

24. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Second season of the series from 20 to 22.

25. Ant-Man

In the film, we will again see a young Howard Stark and Hank Pym. It is worth paying attention to the daughter of Pim - Hope. We will see her again in the role of the Wasp.

26. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Third season 22 episodes.

27. Marvel's agent Carter

Second season 10 episodes.

28. Captain America: Civil War

In this film, we first see the appearance of Spider-Man and Black Panther. Also a lot of screen time is devoted to Agent Ross.

29. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Fourth season 22 episodes.

30. Doctor Strange

Lots of new heroes. Baron Mordo, Wong. The film introduces us to the magical component of the MCU. The scene after the credits refers us to Ragnarok.

Guardians of the Galaxy

New characters appear in the film in the form of other Ravager teams. It is worth paying attention to one of the scenes after the credits, where they show us Adam Warlock. Only 4 scenes after the credits.

32. Spider-Man: Home Coming

The first solo film about Peter Parker. Also, here we will see the Iron Spider suit for the first time.

33. Thor: Ragnarok (Thor: Ragnarok)

The main antagonist of the film is Hela, the daughter of Odin. The film's ending sends us straight to Infinity War. In the post-credits scene, we see Thanos' ship.

34. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Fifth season 22 episodes.

35. Black Panther

Here we are shown Wakanda for the first time. It is worth paying attention to Shuri, there is a possibility that one day she will replace Tony Stark.

36. Avengers: Infinity War

The apotheosis of the third phase and the entire cinematic universe as a whole. For the sake of this film, we have been following the entire movie universe since 2008. It will be released in Russia on May 3, 2018.

37. Ant-Man and the Wasp

The events of the film take place simultaneously with the events of the War of Infinity. Scott and Hope save Wasp's mom (Janet Van Dye) and help Ghost overcome his pain. It is worth paying attention to the post-credits scene, where Scott remains in the microcosm, and Hope and Hank Pym disappear after Thanos snaps.

38. Captain Marvel

As predicted, Captain Marvel has proven to be the strongest superhero in the MCU. The film told us about the Skrulls and about the recent past. The film's ending also refers to the events of Infinity War.

39. Avengers 4: Endgame

The film will not complete the third phase of the MCU as we previously assumed. The release date is April 29, 2019.

We did not include in this list series that do not affect the course of events in films. We will write a separate article about the order in which to watch the series.