Stages of development of the child by week. Large fetus: how to determine how to give birth, what is dangerous and whether a cesarean is necessary. How is the estimated weight determined?

There is an opinion among the population that the large weight of the fetus speaks of health and strength, but only mothers who have given birth to "heroes" and doctors know what difficulties they have to face during childbirth and after the birth of a child. If you believe the statistics, then the birth of a large child is noted in 5 - 10% of all births.

Definition of concepts

They talk about a large fetus or macrosomia when its fetometric indicators prenatal development significantly exceed the established norm for a particular period of pregnancy, or the weight of the newborn is 4 kg or more. In addition to the weight of the child, his height is also taken into account, for example, in a normal baby, growth is in the range of 48 - 54 cm, while the length of a fetus with a large weight is 54 - 56 cm, and in some cases reaches 70 cm.

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Breastfeeding Breastfeeding provides the best food and disease protection for your child. For most babies, breast milk is all they need for the first 4-6 months. Many mothers continue breastfeeding after 6 months and then give other foods. For breastfeeding advice, consult your doctor or any other healthcare professional, or a friend or relative who has successfully breastfed. Frequent feeding - The best way establish and maintain a good supply of milk.

If the weight of the child at birth is 5 kg or more, then they speak of a giant fetus. The birth of giant children is less common than large ones, and has a ratio of 1/3000 births.


Why a child is born large is explained by many reasons, which can be due to both the characteristics of the woman's body and the individual characteristics of the baby developing in the uterus. These factors include:

A well-balanced diet, both during pregnancy and after childbirth, also helps to maintain an adequate supply breast milk. Recommendations, especially for working mothers. Your baby can still get the benefits of breast milk even if you go to work. Partial breastfeeding is better than full breastfeeding, so continue breastfeeding even if you have been advised to give other foods. If you sleep with your baby, he will breastfeed through the night without disturbing you.

Before you leave the house in the morning and again when you return, breastfeed your baby. When mixed feeding, always offer the breast before giving other foods. Using products that are not intended for small children can be harmful. The unnecessary introduction of partial bottle feeding or other foods and drinks will negatively impact breastfeeding. Therefore, always check with your doctor before introducing anything other than breast milk.

genetic predisposition

It is noted that heredity also plays a role in the birth of a large child. Physically developed and tall parents have a greater opportunity to produce a large baby.

Increasing the duration of pregnancy

Normally, pregnancy lasts 38 - 41 weeks (see). If the gestational age exceeds the upper limit of the norm, they talk about over-pregnancy, which can be true and false. With true overwearing, a child is born with obvious signs of overwearing: dry, without original lubrication of the skin, its wrinkling, waters have a greenish or grayish tint, and their number is reduced. Such phenomena are explained by the aging of the placenta, the formation of multiple calcifications in it, and a decrease in its functions. The lack of oxygen and nutrients leads to the development of placental insufficiency, hypoxia and even fetal hypotrophy.

If a doctor or other healthcare professional recommends, in addition to breastfeeding or its replacement during the first 4-6 months, it is recommended to use an infant formula that meets recognized quality standards. When used correctly, it provides your child's nutritional needs in an easily digestible form. You will need more than once a week if your baby is only a bottle, so consider family circumstances and costs before deciding whether to use infant formula.

Diabetes in a woman

The birth of a large baby (or on ultrasound more than the gestational age) may be due to the presence of diabetes in the mother or its development during gestation (gestational diabetes). Children are born with a number of characteristic signs, which is called diabetic fetopathy. The large weight of the fetus is the result of hormonal storms and constant jumps in the level of glucose in the woman's blood. A characteristic sign of diabetic fetopathy is excessive weight gain in the baby after 20 weeks of pregnancy against the background of developing polyhydramnios. Accordingly, the child, although born large, is initially unhealthy. Pregnant women with diabetes are hospitalized no later than 32 weeks, examined and decide on the timing and methods of delivery.

Pregnancy is a race of resistance for the mother, it is a process with many stages that bring numerous physical and physiological changes. Know all the stages of this magical evolution. The baby has already reached the size of a pea and, starting this week, will begin to develop limbs. New symptoms associated with the stomach appear, such as heartburn or constipation. Significant cravings begin and the most common symptoms may worsen. Meanwhile, the baby's face is forming and its organs continue to develop, losing their original tadpole shape.

Rh-conflict pregnancy

One of the reasons that determine the size of the fetus over the term is. This complication of gestation occurs when a child with a positive Rh factor is born by a woman who has a negative Rh factor. As a result, the unborn child develops a hemolytic disease, which is characterized by anemia and jaundice, and in extremely severe forms puffiness joins them, which is called the edematous form of hemolytic disease. At the same time, fluid accumulates in the fetal cavities (abdomen, chest), and the liver and spleen increase significantly in size. Massive edema and hepatosplenomegaly determine the large weight of the child.

The embryo becomes a fruit. It is very important that the mother adopts eating and health habits that are good for the baby, since from the eighth week she is fed exclusively through the umbilical cord. The uterus, by then, will have grown considerably and, although it is not yet visible in the form of trititis, some pain may be felt.

The child's digestive system gradually develops, and the fetus is preparing, once the main systems are formed, to grow in size. The mother may continue to feel the symptoms of the previous weeks as it is normal to maintain them during the first trimester.

Features of the placenta

The structural and functional features of the placenta can also provoke the formation of a large baby (see also). Often, at the birth of a child with a large body weight, a placenta of large size and thickness (5 cm or more) is noted. A thick and massive placenta promotes an intensive exchange of nutrients and microelements, which accelerates the development of the fetus. In addition to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and intensive blood supply to the child, there are bursts of placental hormones, which indirectly affect the metabolism in the mother's body and enhance the growth and development of the baby.

Tenth week. The belly will begin to increase in size because the fetus is doing the same and very quickly. During this time, symptoms may be in remission, although mood changes caused by hormonal changes may be maintained. The fetus already performs certain activities on its own, such as urination or swallowing. You can even move your limbs. The arrival of the second quarter heralds a much calmer period for the mother, although she must continue to take care of her diet and health.

It is recommended, but in moderation, such as walking or doing yoga. Ends the first trimester and with it the worst symptoms of pregnancy. The abdomen is already beginning to show, and the child continues to grow at a good pace. His face becomes more and more defined, and his organs are perfected.

Subsequent pregnancies ending in childbirth

Marked right proportional dependence between the number of births and the body weight of the children born. After the second, third, and so on, a large fetus is formed, which is about 30% larger than the size and weight of the firstborn. Doctors explain this fact in two ways.

  • Firstly, the psychological factor matters, a woman, bearing a second / third child, is familiar with the processes of pregnancy and childbirth, is more balanced and calm.
  • Secondly, the large size of the baby during subsequent pregnancies is due the best conditions intrauterine nutrition due to the developed circulatory network in the uterine wall.
  • Also, the conditions for intrauterine growth and development of the second child are much better due to the greater extensibility of the uterus and slight resistance of the abdominal muscles.

The nature of the nutrition of a pregnant woman

An important role in the increase in the weight of the child is played by the nutrition and lifestyle of the woman, especially after the 20th week of pregnancy (see). Hypodynamia, a growing belly, a passion for high-calorie foods (consumption of muffins, sweets, pasta) leads not only to the accumulation of fatty tissue in the expectant mother, but also provokes macrosomia in the fetus (see).

Pregnancy in the second trimester. The more delicate stage of pregnancy has already passed, the risk of miscarriage has significantly decreased and the symptoms. Yes, the belly is growing and growing, so it's time to buy comfortable clothes for pregnant women. You should be careful with what you eat as it is normal to eat too much food. The breasts continue to grow and prepare for breastfeeding. On the other hand, the child begins to hear due to the consolidation of the auditory bones. During this period, one of the most exciting moments of pregnancy occurs because we are talking about knowing the sex of the child. Some women already notice the baby's movements.


Excessive weight of the expectant mother also plays a role. This is due not only to poor nutrition of the pregnant woman, but also to impaired lipid metabolism in her body, which provokes a violation of the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the fetus, intrauterine damage to the liver and pancreas, and activation of compensatory reactions in the placenta. All these factors contribute to the rapid growth and weight gain of the fetus. In the case of obesity of the 1st degree, a large fetus is born in 28% of pregnant women, with the 2nd degree, the probability of a large child increases to 32%, and with the 3rd degree, up to 35%.

Your brain is already consistently developing an area that controls various senses that become acute. The mother may suffer from some constipation and therefore must increase her water intake and intake. Other symptoms that usually appear during these weeks are swelling of the legs, varicose veins, dry skin, fatigue, etc.

Large fetus during pregnancy: how to give birth - caesarean section?

The baby's movement will be more and more obvious, especially at night. It's time to talk to him so that he knows his mother's voice. Your sense of touch has already developed. The belly continues to grow and this can cause some problems in the skin, so it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to prevent stretch marks.

Taking medications

Uncontrolled consumption of certain drugs by a pregnant woman, which improve uteroplacental circulation and activate anabolic processes (for example, gestagens,) also contribute to weight gain.

Other factors

The age of a woman (under 20 or over 34 years old), the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system, can also affect the size.

The child combines periods of sleep and wakefulness, so there will be moments when their movements will not be noticed. The pressure on the mother's pelvis is increased by the enlargement of the uterus, and there is often a need to urinate. Another of the consequences is back pain, and therefore it is recommended to do exercises such as yoga to help alleviate these symptoms.

Pregnancy in the third trimester

The worst of the last quarters summarized. Communication with the mother reaches a special stage, as the fetus is able to even feel certain feelings as moments of stress. Therefore, it is recommended to remain calm as much as possible. The legs will continue to swell and stretch marks will appear, which can be prevented with the right creams. On the other hand, you may feel contractions that, if not adhered to very closely, are not important. You have entered the final stages of pregnancy.

Large fruit: signs and diagnosis

If a woman has a large belly during pregnancy, this is not necessarily evidence of a large child. Multiple pregnancy should be excluded and (many pregnant women neglect the passage of ultrasound during such an important period of life).

By 38 weeks of pregnancy, and sometimes even earlier, the clinical manifestations of the large size of the fetus are objective data obtained during a visit to the obstetrician. At each appearance in the antenatal clinic, a pregnant woman is measured body weight, an increase of 500 grams. weekly, against the background of absent edema and other signs of gestosis, makes the doctor suspect a large weight in the baby.

The fetus begins to position itself with its head upside down in the pelvis, a symptom that labor is near. His big size leads to the fact that when moving, the leg may even protrude from the abdomen. There is also pressure on the mother's organs, so she will have difficulty breathing and fill up quickly when she eats. Calmness should be the dominant mood. At 37 weeks, the baby can already be born and can be expected, so be aware of symptoms such as contractions. If they are very closely watched, consult a gynecologist.

Perhaps the baby has already weighed them, so it will be very uncomfortable for the mother to walk, sleep, or even sit down according to the size of the intestine. The pregnancy is over and it's time to enjoy your new family member! The relationship between a mother and her child is characterized by a deep intimacy, perhaps the most intimate in life, because it arises from the experience of sharing the body. The expectant mother, from the moment she knows she is pregnant, begins to imagine what her son will look like, and she is very happy to see him on an ultrasound, although the first image she sees of the baby in her womb is just a blur.

In the case of a large fetus during pregnancy, the signs are determined by the size of the woman's abdomen (circumference and height of the fundus of the uterus), evidence of this is the exceeding dimensions: The circumference of the abdomen is more than 100 cm, and the height of the fundus of the uterus is more than 40.

The estimated weight of the fetus is calculated by the formula: coolant is multiplied by VDM.

Since a baby with a large weight in utero takes up more space, the internal organs of a woman are subjected to greater compression and infringement and experience a significant load. As a result, the pregnant woman notes frequent urination, heartburn (reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus), constipation and shortness of breath. A large uterus presses on the inferior vena cava, which can provoke fainting in a horizontal position lying on your back. The load on the musculoskeletal system increases, which is manifested by pain in the legs, lower back, spine and ribs. Possible occurrence or worsening of the course of varicose veins of the legs. Also, there is a high probability of stretch marks on the abdomen and an increase in the tone of the uterus.

Child development inside mother's womb

The description of the evolution of the child is followed by mothers-to-be during their pregnancy, a stage in which a special bond with your child will be strengthened over the course of a month. Can be divided into three stages. It includes the first, second and third weeks of development. The second stage is called the embryonic stage and includes the period from the fourth week to the eighth week of development. The embryo acquires almost final form and develops the outlines of most of its organs. For this reason, the fetus is more sensitive to drugs or other agents that can cause birth defects.

Ultrasound is of great importance in the diagnosis of a large fetus, with a thorough measurement of the fetal data of the fetus and the determination of its estimated weight. The circumference of the head and abdomen, the length of the femur and humerus are measured. A large head and a significant size of the abdomen, an increase in the liver and spleen, the identification of fluid in the body cavities indicates an edematous form of hemolytic disease.

Embryonic and embryonic development according to weeks of pregnancy

The outlines of the organs begin to develop so that as the fetus grows in the womb, perform the functions that will allow the newborn to live independently. 1st week: the egg, after exclusion from the ovary, passes into the fallopian tube, where it is excreted into the uterus by the rhythmic contractions of its muscle layer and the villi that are in the tube. In the part closest to the ovary, fertilization occurs, that is, a sperm cell, out of the millions that are deposited in the female reproductive apparatus during sexual intercourse, penetrates into the egg.

The course of pregnancy

Pregnancy in women with a large fetus proceeds, as a rule, without complications. All the described complications (fainting, problems with the digestive tract and shortness of breath) develop by 38-40 weeks of pregnancy with a large fetus. There is a high probability of developing placental insufficiency and progressive hypoxia as a result of a discrepancy between the uteroplacental blood flow and the rapidly increasing weight of the child. Pregnancy features include:

This starts the pregnancy. An ovuma fertilized by sperm gives rise to another cell, called a zygote or egg, which descends into the uterus through a tube. During this journey, the division of the zygote occurs in 2, 4, 6 parts until reaching 16, this process is called segmentation. When 16 cells are reached, a solid structure is formed, called a morula because it looks like a blackberry. It's been 4 days since ovulation. In this state, it reaches the uterus, where the morula needs to be modified by the penetration of fluid from the uterine cavity, which is located between the cells that form a cavity called the blastocele, starting the embryonic stage, on the 5th day after ovulation, the blastocyst has been formed, which will be implanted in the cavity uterus, obtained by hormones for nesting, 6 days after fertilization.

  • a thorough examination to exclude polyhydramnios and;
  • exclude diabetes mellitus - conducting and consulting an endocrinologist;
  • calculation according to ultrasound data and the size of the pregnant belly of the estimated weight of the fetus;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet correction (exclude easily digestible carbohydrates and refractory fats);
  • cancellation or restriction of taking drugs - anabolics.

The course of childbirth

“How to give birth if the fetus is large?” - expectant mothers ask a question. The answer is not the course of childbirth, which, with large sizes, have their own characteristics. Spontaneous childbirth of a child of considerable size is often complicated by the following circumstances:

Clinically narrow pelvis

This complication develops when the fetus has a large head and even with full disclosure (10 cm) of the uterine os, it does not advance, which is called a mismatch in the size of the head to the woman's pelvis. It is characteristic that the size of the maternal pelvis may be within the normal range, but still, childbirth is difficult even with good and strong contractions. If there is also an anatomical narrowing of the pelvis (the size of the pelvis is shortened by 1-1.5 cm or more), the question of a caesarean section is raised.

Untimely outpouring of waters

Early discharge of water (before the opening of the pharynx by 8 cm) is due to the high standing of the baby's head, so due to its large size it cannot press against the entrance to the small pelvis and move forward, and there is no separation of water into the anterior (fetal bladder) and posterior. Early outflow of water is dangerous by prolapse of the umbilical cord or small parts of the child (leg, handle). In addition, this complication slows down the process of opening the uterine os, which lengthens the 1st period of labor and exhausts the woman in labor. If the anhydrous interval continues for 12 hours or more, the risk of the uterus is also high. If the umbilical cord or part of the fetus falls out, immediate operative delivery is indicated.

Anomalies of tribal forces

Childbirth with a fetus of large size is often complicated by anomalies of labor activity. A protracted course of childbirth leads to a decrease in the intensity and frequency of contractions (weakness of the birth forces develops, both primary and secondary). The child begins to suffer, intrauterine hypoxia increases (at first it becomes more frequent - tachycardia, then it slows down - bradycardia), which is also an indication for caesarean section.

Threat of uterine rupture

The straining period of childbirth with a large child is also fraught with danger. In the process of passing the fetal head through the birth canal, it is configured, that is, it acquires a shape that is convenient for overcoming the planes of the small pelvis (the bones of the skull "layer" on top of each other). With a disproportionate size of the baby's head and the mother's pelvis, the lower uterine segment is overstretched, which threatens to rupture it.

Fistula formation

Due to the prolonged standing of the baby's head in the same plane of the pelvis, the soft tissues of the birth canal (cervix and vagina) are compressed, but in addition to them, the bladder and urethra in front and the anus in the back are also compressed. This leads to impaired blood circulation in the tissues, ischemia, and then necrosis (necrosis). Necrotic tissues are shed after childbirth and genitourinary and/or rectovaginal fistulas are formed.

Rupture of the pubic joint

Difficult passage of the baby's head can damage the pubic articulation (rupture of the ligaments and divergence of the pubic bones), which often, especially in severe cases, requires surgical intervention after childbirth (see).

Shoulder dystocia

Childbirth with a fetus with a large weight can be complicated by difficult removal of the shoulders, which is typical for children with diabetic fetopathy (the size of the shoulder girdle is much larger than the size of the head). In this situation, special benefits are provided, which can result in fractures of the clavicle, humerus or cervical spine.

Cephalohematoma or cerebral hemorrhage in the fetus

The development of such complications is due to anomalies of the birth forces, disorder and subsequent. When the head is configured, there is an excessive displacement of the cranial bones and a sharp compression of them, which causes hemorrhage in the brain or under the periosteum.

Birth management

In the case of the diagnosis of a large fetus, what will be the delivery: operative (caesarean section) or through the natural birth canal (spontaneous birth) depends on many factors. Carrying out the planned:

  • large size of the fetus in women under 18 and over 30 years of age;
  • combination of breech presentation and a large child;
  • prolongation of pregnancy with a large child;
  • anatomical narrow pelvis, regardless of the shape and degree of narrowing, and the large weight of the child;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus, myomatous nodes and a large fetus;
  • indications requiring the exclusion of the straining period (cardiovascular pathology, high myopia) and a large child;
  • large fetal weight and aggravated obstetric history (birth of a dead child in the past, and the use of assisted reproductive technologies).

A caesarean section for emergency indications is performed for any complication during childbirth (threatening uterine rupture, improper insertion of the head, etc.).

In the first 2 hours after childbirth (early postpartum period), there is a high risk of developing hypotonic uterine bleeding, which is due to prolonged labor and excessive uterine distension.

When drawing up a plan for childbirth through the birth canal, take into account:

  • childbirth should be carried out under the monitoring control of the child's condition and;
  • in childbirth, it is obligatory to maintain a partogram (drawing up a schedule taking into account the time of each period of childbirth, disclosure of the uterine os, intensity of contractions);
  • during childbirth, re-measure the size of the pelvis;
  • adequate and timely anesthesia and the introduction of antispasmodics;
  • in the pushing period, prophylactic administration of reducing agents in order to prevent weakness of attempts;
  • early diagnosis of a clinically narrow pelvis;
  • prevention of bleeding in the afterbirth period and in the first 2 hours after childbirth.

Children born with a weight of 4 kg or more are at high risk for morbidity and mortality at an early neonatal age (up to 28 days of life), the development of birth injuries (cephalohematoma, cerebral hemorrhage, fractures of the shoulder, collarbone), the development of metabolic disorders and pathology of the central nervous system.

Question answer

Is hospitalization necessary before delivery when pregnant with a large fetus?

Yes, all women diagnosed with a large baby are advised to go to the hospital in advance, at 38-39 weeks. The doctor will carefully measure the size of the pelvis and abdomen, assess the condition of the pregnant woman (the presence of extragenital diseases and complications of pregnancy), the readiness of the cervix (maturity) and draw up a plan for the management of childbirth. And if there is evidence, the decision on the issue of a planned caesarean section and preparation for it.

How can the development of a large fetus be prevented?

First of all, it is necessary from the first days of pregnancy to adhere to rational nutrition. Food should contain the necessary amount for a pregnant woman of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Future mom should give up overeating, excessive passion for sweets, pastries, fatty and fried foods, and if the condition allows, do special exercises for pregnant women and avoid hypodynamia (frequent and prolonged lying and sitting).

This is my first pregnancy and I have a large fetus. Will I have to have a caesarean section?

No, it is not necessary at all, especially in the first childbirth of young women. Most often, pregnancy and the birth of a large fetus in young healthy women proceed without complications and end happily.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Sozinova

Pregnancy is a time of expectations, dreams of a beautiful and future baby. During pregnancy, there is a certain plan for observation by a doctor and a certain number of scheduled ultrasound examinations. And on one of the ultrasounds, any woman can hear the phrase "You are bearing a hero." This means that a large fetus is developing inside you.

There are certain norms for the weight and height of the baby at the time of birth. It is considered normal when a child with a height of 48 - 54 cm has a weight of up to 4,000 kg. If the baby weighs from 4 to 5 kg at the time of birth, then they talk about a large fetus during pregnancy. But it is strange that in this case they do not take into account the growth of children. After all, large kids are always taller than children, which, as they say, are normal. The growth of large babies is usually 54 - 56 cm.

According to statistics, today the number of large children is 5-10% of all pregnancies. Doctors believe that this is due to improved working conditions, good and healthy nutrition, as well as the living conditions of pregnant women.

There are also cases of the birth of giant babies: weight over 5 kg. But such cases are recorded much less frequently.

How to identify a large fruit?

Starting from the 12th week of pregnancy, the doctor at each examination listens to the baby's heartbeat, measures the circumference of the hips and abdomen of the pregnant woman, and the weight and pressure of the pregnant woman is also measured in the pre-medical office. All these measurements are not made in order to indicate to the woman how she has recovered and to offend her. All this is done in order to clearly draw a picture of the course of pregnancy and monitor the health of the baby and expectant mother.

Diagnosis of a large fetus during pregnancy is made not only on the basis of an examination of a woman. An experienced doctor always takes into account heredity and disease. The doctor should ask about the physique of the father, about the weight with which the future parents themselves were born. If, from all the data of the examination and interview, a suspicion of a large fetus is diagnosed, only then a referral for an ultrasound is issued. Only on the basis of ultrasound can you calculate the estimated weight of the baby.

On such an unscheduled study, the size of the fetal head, the diameter and circumference of the abdomen, the length of the femur and humerus of the baby are determined. And based on these data, it becomes possible to calculate the estimated weight of the fetus.

Causes of a large fetus

There can be many reasons why you are carrying a hero. Some of them are associated only with heredity, some are a reflection of the mother's lifestyle or an echo of her state of health. Let us dwell in more detail on the reasons that the fetus is overweight during pregnancy.

1. Increase in duration of pregnancy. There are two terms that are associated with a long gestation period: the prolongation of a physiological pregnancy and the prolongation of a pregnancy. Prolongation is due to the fact that the timing of childbirth was incorrectly set. In this case, it is born healthy baby but for 10-14 days late established by doctors. The health of the baby is determined by the absence of signs of overbearing and aging of the placenta. With a true prolongation of pregnancy, a baby is born with the following signs:

  • wrinkling of the skin;
  • greenish or grayish tint of amniotic fluid;
  • lack of original lubrication; dryness.

2. A disease such as diabetes, can lead to a large fetus during pregnancy. A pregnant woman with diabetes mellitus should be examined more carefully than the others. Among such women, the statistics of the birth of large children is much higher.

Such pregnant women should be hospitalized no later than 32 weeks of pregnancy. In the hospital, they undergo a thorough examination, after which a decision is made on the timing of childbirth. If a patient with diabetes bears a large fetus, then the issue of artificial stimulation of labor is decided not earlier than 36 weeks. This decision is also made when the woman's health deteriorates (preeclampsia, decreased blood sugar,). Childbirth in this case takes place under the close supervision of a therapist. Insulin is administered during all births. Insulin treatment continues after delivery, depending on test results.

3. Hemolytic disease of the fetus- a serious reason for the development of a large fetus during pregnancy. This disease is caused by Rh-conflict mother and child. It occurs in Rh-negative women when the baby inherits an Rh-positive father. As a result of this disease, the baby not only has a decrease in hemoglobin levels and jaundice appears, but also overweight due to the accumulation of fluid in the body cavities (swelling appears), the spleen and liver increase.

4. Heredity in the development of a large fetus plays an important role. If the mother or father of the baby is tall and large at the moment, then it is likely that the child will be large. Also today, small parents could be born large. Then the baby can inherit this very fact and will also be a hero.

5. There is also a tendency for large fetuses to develop in subsequent pregnancies. According to statistics, the second and subsequent children are born with a weight of 30% more than their older brothers and sisters. This is primarily due to the psychological factor (during the second pregnancy, the mother no longer experiences such great stress and fear). The second reason is the readiness and training of the woman's body to bear a baby (now the metabolism between mother and baby is improving due to better blood circulation).

6. Nutrition of a pregnant woman can also affect the excess size of the baby. A large amount of food containing carbohydrates (bakery, sweets) contributes to obesity of the mother and child. In this case, the baby's body begins to work like a mother's and gains excess weight. Already in the womb, obesity can develop.

Danger with a large fetus

The final stage of pregnancy - childbirth, is one of the most responsible and difficult moments of expecting a baby. Carrying a large child can cause certain difficulties in the process of delivery. These difficulties can affect both the health of the mother and the health of the newborn.

First of all, with a large fetus during pregnancy, there may be discrepancy between the size of the baby's head and the mother's pelvis . Even if the pelvis is not narrow, the head of a large baby may not pass through the birth canal. In this case, even a good, strong labor activity will not be able to provide natural delivery.

The head of a large fetus stands high in the pelvic cavity, this is the reason for the lack of distinction between the anterior and posterior amniotic fluid. This difference from normal physiological childbirth causes early effusion of amniotic fluid. If the fetus is large, then along with the discharge into the vagina, the umbilical cord or the baby's pen may fall out. In this case, an immediate surgical intervention is performed. Early outflow of water slows down the process of opening the uterus, and the period of contractions makes it very painful. The fact that the baby is without water for a long time can cause infection of him and the uterus.

The development of a large fetus during pregnancy can cause labor disorders . Such a violation is characterized by good and strong activity in the first stage and a decrease in labor activity in the later stages of childbirth. As a result, the woman in labor gets tired and cannot push. Also, cases of violations of the activity of the nervous, cardiovascular system are not uncommon. large fruit in this situation, it suffers from a lack of oxygen - hypoxia. Such a violation may be characterized by very weak contractions in the first stage of labor.

During attempts, when the baby's head takes the form of a woman's small pelvis, uterine rupture problem . This happens, again, due to the discrepancy between the size of the small pelvis and the head of a large fetus.

emergence urinary or rectovaginal fistulas not uncommon at birth of large children. This is due to the long standing of the baby's head in the pelvic area of ​​a woman. In this case, necrosis of the tissues of the bladder, rectum and urethra occurs. Dead tissue is then torn off, forming fistulas. The problem is solved only by surgical intervention after childbirth.

With a long period of childbirth, pinched nerve in leg , there is also a possibility of damage to the articulation of the pubic bones. This is reflected in the gait of a young mother, limping appears and pain when moving the foot. If the degree of nerve damage is high, then surgery is required to solve the problem. With a mild degree of paresis, bed rest and a bandage are recommended. At the discretion of the doctor, pain medication may be prescribed.

All of the above can occur even before the birth of the baby's head, which was considered large during pregnancy. But even when, it would seem, the most difficult thing is behind, problems can arise. After the birth of the head of a large fetus, difficulties may arise in removing the baby's shoulder girdle. If the child is large, then, first of all, the neonatologist pays attention to the condition of his clavicles and arms.

A mismatch between the mother's pelvis and the baby's head can cause hemorrhage in the brain in a child or cephalohematoma. If there are no complications, then after 6-8 weeks the hematoma subsides without affecting the health of the child. Hemorrhage can also remain without consequences for the development and health of the baby. It all depends on its size and zone of outpouring.

We must not forget that a woman who gave birth to a large baby may have inadequate contraction of the uterus . As a result, bleeding may occur after the baby is born. The causes of bleeding are both retained placenta in the uterus, and ruptures of the tissues of the genital tract.

What to do?

If, after another examination by a doctor, you were told that you have a large fetus, you should not panic. A large fetus during pregnancy is the need for more careful monitoring in the future and during childbirth. Having learned that the baby is large, the doctor, first of all, will try to find out the reason.

If the cause is any pathology of the development of the fetus or the health of the woman, treatment in a hospital will be prescribed. In this case, in most situations, the woman is under observation until the very birth, as there is a need for constant teaching of drug treatment.

If the cause of a large fetus is heredity or mommy's overeating, then a diet is prescribed. According to the diet, the mother should receive only wholesome food that will not contribute to weight gain.

It is also not worth being afraid of childbirth with the development of a large fetus. The only thing you need to do in advance is to talk to your doctor about the progress of your labor. In some cases, a caesarean section is immediately prescribed, in others they take expectant tactics.

Indicators for caesarean section already in the process of labor is the presence of signs of discrepancy between the head of the child and the pelvis of the mother within 4 hours. That is, if the birth is scheduled for natural, then subject to the spontaneous course of labor and the departed waters, the doctor can decide on the operation if the life of the mother or child is threatened.

Also, during childbirth, a caesarean section can be used if symptoms of uterine rupture appear.

Large fetus during pregnancy: how mom can help

Having considered the reasons for the development of a large fetus, it can be understood that the mother's first aid is to healthy eating even before conception (that is, getting rid of overweight which the child may inherit) and proper nutrition during pregnancy. It is not for nothing that at each scheduled examination, the gynecologist gives recommendations on the amount of certain nutrients in each trimester of pregnancy. So, for example, the amount of carbohydrates per day in the last trimester should be only 300-400 g.

If the reason lies in heredity, then it is worth relying on the experience of doctors who will give competent advice, provide information about possible diets and successfully carry out delivery. AT this case diet comes first. Yes, even during pregnancy, sometimes you need to sacrifice something. But you should be driven by the heartbeat of your child, it is for the sake of it that you need to deny yourself some pleasures.

Help with pathologies of a large fetus is mother's consent to receive medical care. It is impossible to hope for a miracle with the swelling of the baby, enlargement of the spleen and liver. All these symptoms are perfectly visible on ultrasound and, with proper treatment during childbirth and after, they may not affect the health and development of the child.

Remember, pregnancy is great time when a woman is already responsible not only for herself, but also for a new little life. A hero is a baby who, while still living in the womb of his mother, already requires special attention, and not a reason to worry and be afraid.

A good video about a large fetus and caesarean section

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