Sudden disappearances and appearance of cars. Mysterious appearances of people

Cars disappearing before the eyes of witnesses are more common than it might seem. For example, there are many cases described on the Internet that can be called “glitches in the matrix”. (website)

First disappearance of a car

Here is what, in particular, a user with the nickname “pixelpants” says on the Reddit website:

I was at my house and after dinner I was clearing the dishes from the table, when suddenly I saw a car approaching through the window. I thought it was a woman driving. I was surprised, since my house is in a dead end, it is impossible to drive or turn around normally in this place. For a minute I watched the car slowly drive up, and I decided that the woman had lost her way and was now looking for a place to turn around. I hurried outside to help her, and after ten seconds I left the house, but I didn’t see any car ... It was incredible. In such a short period of time, he could not back up and disappear from view, and he had nowhere else to go. In the dust, I saw the traces left by this car ... I had the feeling that it simply vanished into thin air.

The second case of the disappearance of the car

On the same site, another user told how one day he was returning by car from work and stopped at a traffic light. Behind him stood a black SUV. And then there was this:

I slowly pulled into the green light, watching the SUV in the rearview mirror. I wanted to understand whether he would overtake me or not, because the owners of such cool cars like to show the speed of acceleration. However, the black jeep followed sedately behind me... Suddenly, when I just blinked, the car disappeared!.. It happened in broad daylight and on a road without any access roads! I thought it was that the SUV could crash into the trees on the side of the road, and even slowed down. But the whole point is that there was no black jeep at all!.. I analyzed all the options and did not find a single rational explanation.

The third case of the disappearance of the car

On the same Reddit we find a description of another mysterious case, and this time there were two eyewitnesses:

After school, my friend and I returned home along the usual route. At a certain point, we, as always, turned onto the highway and, having overcome a large hill, stopped at a traffic light in a long line of cars. At that moment, my friend noticed a car driving along a dirt parallel road in the opposite direction. I was surprised, because I would definitely have seen this car from the hill, because there is an excellent view from there. And in general, it was not clear where this clunker was going, since the dirt road ends in a dead end, I knew it very well. I took a closer look at a strange car: it was a white, rather old car, the brand of which I could not determine. Starting at the green light, I looked back to see where this car intrigued us was now. But she was no longer on the dirt road or on the track. Yes, and the car could not move to the highway: between it and the dirt road there is a wide ditch (in which, by the way, there was no white rattletrap either). "Damn it, what is it?" my friend muttered in astonishment. The sensations from what he saw were really creepy ...

Fourth case of missing car

And finally, another story shared on ThoughtCo by an Australian witness who identified himself as Mike.

One day Mike went to the city of Clayton with his friend. He had to return home alone and late at night. The time was approaching midnight, there were no other cars on the road except for Michael's car. Suddenly, the man noticed that a jeep was following him, which seemed to appear out of nowhere.

As I pulled up to the shops along the highway and looked in my rearview mirror, I noticed a car catching up with me. I wonder where he came from? I thought it was that the driver accelerated strongly, despite the restriction for this section of the road (up to 40 kilometers during the day and up to 60 at night). Since the locals don't do that, I figured it was some kind of reckless tourist who would overtake me before I passed the strip of shops. However, looking back, I saw that the road was completely empty: there was no jeep with a trailer that had been catching up with me a second ago at great speed. Logically, I could not explain to myself where he had gone ...

Why cars?

All these cases, which in fact are much more even on the Reddit resource, not to mention other sites of the World Wide Web, oral legends, and so on, make one wonder why cars so often appear from "nowhere" and then disappear "no one knows where" ? Not people, not animals, not even planes, but cars. We've all heard of "matrix glitches", but such glitches should (logically) apply to all occasions, as well as to all vehicles in this example. And if these are not "failures in the matrix", then what then?

That's why even the most sudden disappears, as it were, into the background before this no less mysterious question- why exactly cars in such a "privilege"? Why do you think, and what is it in general? ..


History knows many cases when a person mysteriously disappeared right in front of witnesses. The first reported case of this kind occurred in Ancient Greece: in the midst of the battle, one of the warriors, into which the dart was stuck, suddenly melted into the air. And in the place where he had just stood, his weapons, shield and fatal dart were left lying. In ancient times, such disappearances of people happened quite often, so others did not see anything unusual in them.

In the 18th century, British diplomat Benjamin Bethurst mysteriously disappeared in Germany, returning home after completing an important assignment at the Austrian court. Along the way, together with a friend, he stopped for dinner at an inn in the German village of Pereljoerg. After supper they returned to the carriage, but before the trip the diplomat decided to take a look at the horses. In front of a friend, Bethurst melted into thin air at the moment when he stroked one of the tie-downs. His friend was so amazed that he was speechless. When he came to his senses, he called for help from the people who were in the inn. But no matter how much they searched for the missing diplomat, they could not find him.

In 1867, a mysterious disappearance happened in Paris in front of Dr. Bonvilina. The victim was his neighbor Lucien Busier, a tall young man. That evening, Lucien went to the doctor to consult about a weakness that had appeared in him. Bonvillain asked him to undress and lie down on the couch, which he did. Before proceeding with the examination, the doctor stepped back for a moment to take a stethoscope from the table, and when he turned to the couch, the patient was not on it. And his clothes lay next to him on a chair. Bonvillain immediately went to a neighbor's apartment, but there was no one there either. The police, to which the doctor reported the incident the next day, did not find the missing person. Where the naked man could have gone remains a mystery.

A famous case of the sudden disappearance of a person occurred in 1880 in America on the outskirts of the town of Gallatin in Tennessee on the farm of David Lang. After washing the dishes after dinner, the farmer and his wife Emma left the house. The woman went to the children playing in the yard, and the husband went to the horses grazing in the meadow. Moving away from the house for several tens of meters, Lang saw a gig, on which his friend Judge August Peck was riding with his son-in-law. The judge was also noticed by the rest of the household, to whom Peck always brought gifts. They shouted with joy and waved their hands at him. The farmer also waved to his friend, and without reaching the horses, turned and hurried towards the house to meet the guests. But, having walked a few meters, David Lang, in front of five witnesses, suddenly vanished into thin air.

Emma screamed, terrified that her husband had fallen into the hole. Then, together with the judge, his son-in-law and children, they went around the whole field, especially carefully examining the place where David had disappeared, but they did not find any traces of him or pits. The searches, in which several dozen of the Langs' neighbors and townspeople took part, yielded nothing. A few months later, the Lang children noticed that the grass where their father had disappeared had turned yellow. Subsequently, no plants grew there, neither animals nor insects approached the mysterious place. All American newspapers then wrote about this disappearance. Many versions were put forward, but none of them could explain what happened to the farmer.

On July 30, 1889, the English newspaper The Daily Chronicle reported that Mr. David Macmillan, a member of the family of the owners of the Macmillan publishing house, walked up the hill, waved to his friends, and vanished into thin air. Despite a thorough search and a reward, he was never found.

Especially many disappearances happened in the northeast of the United States in the vicinity of the town of Bennington in Vermont, which journalists even called the “Bennington Triangle” by analogy with the famous Bermuda Triangle, where ships and planes disappeared without a trace. People in the Bennington Triangle disappeared right into their gardens and houses, on the streets and at gas stations.

On December 1, 1949, soldier James Thetford vanished in the presence of fourteen witnesses in the cabin of a bus en route from Albany to Bennington. All passengers saw how he sat down in his seat and dozed off immediately after departure. When the bus, which never stopped en route, arrived at Bennington an hour later, Thetford was not on it. His bag was still on the shelf above the seat, and in the place that James had occupied, there was only a crumpled newspaper.

The youngest victim of the Bennington Triangle was eight-year-old Paul Jackson, who disappeared on October 12, 1950. He played in the farm yard. His mother went to the pigsty to water the pigs, and when she came out a few minutes later, her son was gone. The alarmed woman searched the whole farm and walked around the neighborhood, loudly calling for her son, but he did not respond. For several days, hundreds of police officers, rescuers and volunteers searched for the boy to no avail.

People disappeared in other parts of the United States: in 1975, American Jackson Wright was driving with his wife in a Ford from New Jersey to New York. As he passed the Lincoln Tunnel, he noticed that the windows of the car were fogged up. Wright pulled over to the side of the road, stopped, and asked his wife to wipe them down. Martha Wright got out of the car with a rag, went to the windshield and ... disappeared. Not understanding what had happened, the husband also got out of the car and began to look around. But the woman was nowhere to be seen. Wright stopped a passing police patrol, who immediately began searching for Mrs. Wright. As in other cases, they were in vain.

Rare cases of such "evaporations", confirmed by witnesses, occur almost instantly, without any sound or light effects. It is possible that these people dematerialize, like characters in a science fiction film, disintegrating into their component parts - molecules and atoms, which then undergo structural changes. And everything happens at the submolecular level, so that those present do not see anything.

Some researchers believe that just as black holes are formed in the Universe that can absorb stars, their systems and even entire galaxies, exactly the same holes appear in a person at the submolecular level. It is they who absorb a person from the inside, leaving no traces of him. Others believe that the disappearance of people is connected with aliens who abduct people to conduct experiments on them. However, these are all hypotheses.

It is difficult to explain the disappearances of people that occurred right in front of witnesses. From year to year in different corners people disappear from our land, some of them appear alive after a certain time, some part is found by law enforcement agencies. But there is also a group of missing people whose disappearance will remain mysterious phenomenon for all. Let's try to trace this phenomenon.

Disappearance of people has been happening since biblical times. In the 17th century, in the Novgorod chronicles, it was written about the disappearance of the monk of the Kirilov monastery - Ambrose during a meal. A chronicler of the 15th century wrote about one scandalous merchant, Manke-Kozlikha, who, before the eyes of all the people, disappeared on the market day, right on the square of the Suzdal principality, to which the people said that, they say, "the devil took her." At that time they thought that devilry manages it.

No explanation can be found for the phenomenon of people disappearing in front of witnesses. That's just a man walking on the lawn and in a second he is gone. Oliver Thomas, from Rayadar, Wales, in 1909, went out into the yard for a couple of minutes, went to the well to draw water. Parents were in the house and, having heard a cry: “Help! They grabbed me!”, ran out into the street, but they didn’t see anyone, the boy disappeared. The victim of the disappearance was Lucien Busier, a neighbor of Dr. Bonvilina. It was in 1867 in Paris. Lucien went to the doctor in the evening to be examined and advised on the weakness.

There are a number of assumptions - where people disappear. Perhaps they are sucked in by “temporal whirlpools” when, having disappeared in their own time, they appear in the future or past, researchers of anomalous phenomena reflect. Maybe this is dematerialization - disintegration into atoms with a sudden disappearance.

May 20, 1937 was committed trip around the world on a twin-engine aircraft with special equipment. The team consisted of pilot Amelia Earhart (first pilot) and co-pilot Fred Noonan. The flight was monitored from the ground. They flew over Florida, Brazil, Africa, India, Australia. We made a stop on July 2, having refueled in Lae, New Guinea, flew further. Later, there was a last radio message, a very short one, and the plane did not give any further signal. The search, which was attended by the pilots, and her husband Irhart, and family friends, was unsuccessful.

In 1939, during the construction of one of the camps, a brigade of prisoners, along with a guarding platoon of NKVD troops, disappeared without a trace. It was 150 kilometers north of Krasnoyarsk, the whole area was swampy, people called that place the Devil's Mound. When the investigation into the case of the disappearance was conducted, they did not find any evidence, clues that indicate the escape of a group of prisoners. Only hats were found, there were as many as the number of missing people.

There are cases when entire settlements disappeared. In 1930, Joe Labell, a miner, decided to visit one of the Eskimo villages located in northern Canada. Once he worked not far from her, 300 km from the city of Churchill. And so Joe entered the village and what he saw - it was empty, there were no people, silence everywhere. The impression was such that the inhabitants of the village disappeared instantly, without finishing their household chores.

The fire was burning, the pots were filled with food, the dogs were tied up and fed. Rifles of the Eskimos - loaded stood at the walls, and without a gun and dogs they never left the villages. In the huts lay unfinished clothes with needles stuck in them. Labelle reported what he saw to the police, who spent a week looking for at least some trace of the disappearance of the entire village - nothing. unusual phenomenon- so it was written in the act of the disappearance of the Eskimos.

On the territory of China in the Takla-Makan desert, which means “You will not come back”, people, animals, vehicles disappeared. In the region of Lake Lop-nor, in 1980, June 17, unsuccessfully hoped to find Peng Jiamu, who was vice president of the Xinjiang branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and head of the study of the lake. Policemen with dogs combed every centimeter of the desert, and it is not small, but found nothing.

C-46 aircraft, flying over the mountains in the United States in 1947, crashed. There were 32 people on board. And again, as in other cases, the rescuers did not find any traces of the crew and passengers.

Another story happened to a Brazilian businessman. Together with his wife, he flew to friends for a holiday, but the Sesna plane, for some reason, crashed near the coast in shallow water. The people who watched all this called the rescuers. With great effort, they were able to open the door, which was jammed - but the cabin was empty! Maybe the businessman threw his wife overboard and then threw himself overboard, but this is impossible, since the door was locked from the inside. A greater number of evidence of the disappearance of a person arises unexpectedly under mysterious circumstances. Tracing all the cases, scientists believe that they are all unique and there is no logical conclusion in them.

There is a fantastic story in the archives of the New York Police Department. And it happened in November 1952. In the evening, the driver, who was driving his car, hit a man who died on the spot. Moreover, the witnesses and the driver himself said that the man appeared on the road suddenly “as if he had fallen from above”. The police noticed that the clothes on the dead man were of an old cut. The body was taken to the morgue. Everyone was stunned by the fact that the identity card was issued 80 years ago. Business cards found in things, cards indicating the profession - traveling salesman. Address, street indicated in the documents, renamed more than half a century ago.

We also checked the surnames in the old archives and interviewed people with the same surname. I was surprised by the story of one old woman who talked about how her father left and did not return. She also showed a photo to the policemen (April 1884), which depicts a young man with a little girl. And that man, a copy of the one who was hit by a car on Broadway.

Another incredible interesting case was recorded in Sverdlovsk. It was like this, in the fall of 1972, a bus was driving in Nizhny Tagil, in which a person disappeared in front of many people. According to the testimony of witnesses and the story of the man's wife, they were driving on the back platform, talking. It was raining outside, there was a thunderstorm. In the hands of the man was a nickel-plated metal pipe. At the moment of another lightning strike, some kind of crack was heard and the man disappeared into space, and the pipe, which he held in his hand, fell to the floor. It seemed to many that the lightning strike was right next to the bus.

USA. 1997, a family of 4: wives Milly Waldrug with her husband and 2 with children, traveled. We stopped on the way to a cafe in New Mexico, where they ate, and while the head of the family was still eating, Millie and the children wanted to drive around the neighborhood for a bit on the road. And later they were never seen again.

In London, everyone was shocked by the case of the disappearance of millionaire philanthropist Peter Lampl. The police were forced to turn to residents with a request for help to find a millionaire. When he left his house on Sunday morning, he never returned.

There was also such a person as William Nef - an illusionist who discovered the ability to disappear in himself. When performing on stage, the magician William Nef could somehow make objects and even animals disappear from view. And once, when Nef was speaking, he suddenly discovered in himself the ability to disappear and appear again. He first performed this disappearing trick in the 60s in Chicago. Then it happened in his house, he just disappeared into the air and in front of his wife, right in front of her appeared.

Once Nef performed at the Paramount Theater in New York, and the audience was shocked by what they saw when the clothes on the magician and he himself disappeared, became invisible. The radio reporter Knebel was present in the hall, who later shared his impressions in the book “The Way Beyond the Universe”, where he says: the figure of Nef began to lose its visible outlines - until it became completely transparent. But, what is most surprising, his voice has not undergone the slightest change, and yet the audience, with bated breath, listened to every word. Then Knebel writes about how the magician reappeared: a vague outline gradually emerged - like a careless pencil sketch.

Disappearing planes and ships, people disappearing to God knows where - all these are, as a rule, jokes, practical jokes or hallucinations. Objective evidence that disappearance stories are based on real facts, No. However, this does not mean that miracles are impossible: they often have a clear scientific explanation.

From the archives of the newspaper ECHO

Surely from the point of view of the universe, it is very indecent of our human side to continue to think about the world the way it is taught in school. To be confident in the steadfastness and constancy of the laws of the material world around us. Apparently, in order to understand this, humanity is provided with numerous evidences of its wrongness. does not allow the growth of that inertia in the head, which subsequently blocks the education of a worldview that is different from the generally accepted one. Once upon a time, and very superficially, I already touched on the issue of parallel worlds, but these were rather philosophical arguments. Now let's approach this issue from the other side.

As it often happens - the thunder does not strike, the peasant does not cross himself, we think about something only when something unusual appears before us in all its glory. It was the frequency of occurrence and the nature of certain phenomena that led many scientists and researchers to think about the inevitability of the existence of parallel worlds. And now specifically. I would like to talk about the mysterious disappearances of people, one of the versions of which is the presence of the above-mentioned worlds.

]]>In general, unexplained disappearances of people happen all the time. Now it is increasingly being attributed to maniacs, murderers, kidnappers and other "motley brethren." I would not like to touch on these cases, since they are not included in the subject of my blog. I was specifically interested cases involving some mysterious fog. Just lonely people, entire regiments and even trains disappeared in this fog ... Sometimes someone from this strange fog appeared, but appeared either in a non-viable form or appeared and immediately disappeared, leaving a lot of evidence, or appeared in a completely different place and time, and most of the time he didn't show up at all...

For some reason, where the question of the existence of parallel worlds arises, it is always inextricably followed by arguments about temporal displacements and the properties of time. Apparently, all this is somehow connected. Here is what I managed to find about the mysterious disappearances of people in the fog or the appearance from it. Perhaps I’ll start with the most sensational and already rather boring story about

Yes, yes - the same disappearance, sung by the rock band Aria. I personally don’t understand where these guys get such accurate data on the date of this event, because they disagree with the dating on Wikipedia. Around this disappearance there are a lot of various hoaxes. And not only regarding the date, but also other details. But the fact remains. The Norfolk Regiment disappeared without a trace. But we are interested in the circumstances of his disappearance. Or rather, the version of the New Zealand foot soldiers. According to them, the regiment went either into a cloud or into a fog, and none of the soldiers left it anymore.
The official explanation for this story is far more boring. The Norfolk regiment was simply taken prisoner and brutally destroyed. Then it remains completely incomprehensible why the circumstances of this case were classified as “top secret”? It was only later that the details were studied and information appeared that the disappeared Norfolk regiment was still found ... or rather, bodies were found, but again, not all. And of those found, only the identities of two soldiers were identified. In what state were the rest of the bodies then?

Anyway, but people mysteriously disappeared. And here comes the mist... Now it is probably worth mentioning the less well-known cases that did not receive such wide publicity. They became known because eyewitnesses were able to return from the mysterious fog, though not at the right time...

Mysterious disappearances and appearances of people

February 22, 1997. A curious video recording was made by a security camera in the city of Pittsburgh. On it, a man emerges from the fog. The man obviously does not understand where he is and after some hesitation goes away. The entry of a person into the fog from the other side was not recorded ...
April 5, 1990. A man from the 21st century showed up in Berlin. Naturally, he could not explain how he made the jump in time. Confirmation of his words were objects clearly not from this era. Further information about the objects and the person is missing ...

November 23, 1957. A man appears in Marseille who claims to be from the future. The man called to prevent another " world war" in five years. The eccentric died three days later in the hospital and it was not possible to find out in more detail where he got this information from ... Well, a little “archival dust”.]]> May 3, 1817. In the town of Bastogne, a man turns to the gendarme, claiming that he was born in 1884 ... Guy He talked a lot about the future and was hidden away from sin in a lunatic asylum, what happened to him further is unknown to us.

These are the few cases of disappearance and appearance of people that are known to the general public. People are abandoned at the wrong time, and in almost all cases fog appears ... This is what concerns people. I won’t talk about the “Flying Dutchmen” yet, but I’ll tell you about this.

Disappearance of train and submarine

Here's another one famous case of mysterious disappearance of people in the fog Yes, even with the whole train. The train from Rome was carrying 106 rather poor Italians for a walk, perhaps due to the status of the passengers, the incident could not be “hushed up” so quickly. The disappearance happened in a tunnel. Two eyewitnesses who managed to jump off the train said:

... everything was suddenly covered with a milky-white fog, which thickened as it approached the tunnel, turning into a viscous liquid ...

Needless to say, the train never left the tunnel ... But the strangest thing begins further. Both the fog and the train emerging from it (albeit without passengers) continued to be seen in Germany, Russia, Romania, India and Italy... And the passengers of the train were "found" in 1845 in Mexico City...]]>Now about the submarine. Of course, there was no mysterious fog here, but, nevertheless, on a trip to Parallel Worlds it pulls ... On May 21, 1968, the American submarine Scorpion disappeared without a trace in the waters of the Atlantic. One could write it all off as an accident, but neither the crew nor the boat were ever found, although the boat was in an area of ​​shallow depths. Most alarming is the fact that the boat reappeared on the coastal radar after 5 years. True, this obsession lasted no more than half an hour ...

So, do parallel worlds exist? Yes, the mysterious disappearances of people, trains, submarines are a clear confirmation of this. Obviously, the fog is a kind of indicator of an open portal to these worlds. Why exactly parallel worlds, and not elementary abductions by aliens? Many researchers are increasingly coming to the conclusion that the so-called "plates" appear precisely from other worlds, through portals on our planet. If they had come from space, this would have been noticed by astronomers... On this I do not say goodbye, read the second part of the article about the theory of parallel worlds.

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People often disappear without a trace. There can be a great many reasons for this. However, some strange disappearances have a common detail. They involve the sudden appearance of a mysterious, cloudy mist or smoke that vanishes in the blink of an eye along with those they have enveloped. However, not all of these cases ended in disappearance forever. In some incidents, there was a kind of "portal phenomenon" that carried people thousands of kilometers in a split second. Here are ten of the most mysterious disappearances associated with bizarre cloudy fog.

1. A man transported thousands of kilometers (1959)

After leaving the roadside hotel in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, the businessman got into his car to continue the long drive home. Almost immediately after he closed the door behind him and started the engine, a strange thick white fog appeared out of nowhere and completely enveloped his car. In addition to a continuous veil of fog, the businessman saw nothing in front of him. He began to panic and even thought he was losing consciousness. However, the fog soon cleared, and the man realized that he was in the middle of a field near a lonely road. Neither the car where he had just sat, nor the hotel he had left two minutes earlier, was nearby. A large truck appeared in the distance, the sound of which brought him back to his senses a little. The businessman hurried to the road and motioned for him to stop. He asked the driver if he could give him a ride to Bahia Blanca, where his car was left. The driver looked taken aback. He told the businessman that Bahia Blanca was 1,000 kilometers away. The city where they were was called Salta. The businessman glanced at his watch and saw that only a few minutes had passed.

The truck driver took the businessman to the nearest police station. After listening to his story, the police officers contacted their colleagues from Bahia Blanca, who confirmed that the man had indeed left the local roadside hotel some time ago. Moreover, his car was parked outside this hotel with the engine running and the keys left in the ignition.

2. The girl who was away from home in seconds (1968)

One afternoon in August 1968, eleven-year-old Graciela del Lourdes Chimenez was playing with friends in her backyard in the small town of Córdoba, Argentina. She later recalled that a "strange white cloud" suddenly appeared and moved towards where she was standing.

The girl turned and ran towards the house, but in a second she realized that she could no longer see him. In fact, she could no longer see anything but a strange white mist surrounding her from all sides. When the fog cleared, Graciela found herself in an unfamiliar busy square. She had many other children she did not know. The girl went to the nearest house and knocked on the door. When she said she was lost, the residents of the house were surprised to say the least. Graciela found herself in a city that was a good distance from where she lived.

Source 3The couple who were unconscious for two days (1968)

One evening in May 1968, a few months before the bizarre incident with Graciela, Dr. Geraldo Vidal was driving with his wife through the Chascomus region of Argentina. Suddenly, a strange cloud appeared and began to approach the car.

A moment later (as it seemed to the couple at that moment), Geraldo and his wife woke up in their car, which was now standing still. It was light. The strangest thing is that the couple soon realized that they had spent 48 hours unconscious and that now they were not in Argentina, but on a quiet road in Mexico. They covered 6400 kilometers, but they still had a full tank of gasoline.

No one could really explain what happened to Geraldo and his wife. Heat marks were found on their car; this indicated that he had apparently been subjected to thermal heating for some time. According to those who investigated the case, they arrived in Mexico moments after their car was enveloped in fog (as unlikely as it sounds). Here they spent two days unconscious in conditions of intense heat.

4. The pilot disappeared into a foggy cloud (1914)

Not all strange cases of mysterious disappearance ended happily. One such example is the story of the Chilean pilot Alejandro Bello Silva, who disappeared in a strange fog in 1914 and has not been seen since. A young but talented pilot took part in the exercises; according to eyewitnesses, his plane was suddenly enveloped in a "strange cloud". They thought that in a few seconds he would appear again, but this did not happen. An extensive search yielded no results: neither the plane nor Alejandro was anywhere. It seemed as if he had fallen into a cloud and simply vanished into thin air. The incident caused a great resonance in Chile. Individuals periodically organized searches for the missing aircraft and pilot, but their attempts were in vain.

After this incident, an expression appeared in Chilean culture to describe cases when people disappear on the way to somewhere. The Chileans say they left after Lieutenant Bello.

5. Disappearance of an entire regiment (1915)

About a year after the strange disappearance of Alejandro Bello Silva, during the First World War that swept Europe in 1915, an entire regiment of the British army disappeared without a trace.

According to eyewitnesses, the marching regiment met a strange brown cloud on the way. He advanced on enemy soldiers as part of the Dardanelles operation. When the cloud swallowed the last person, it began to fly away - against the wind. Soon it disappeared - along with a whole regiment of British soldiers. Where they were, there was nothing left but earth. Hundreds of men seemed to have vanished into thin air. It was assumed that the soldiers were captured by Turkish troops, but they vehemently denied their involvement in this strange disappearance.

The fate of the British regiment has interested UFO researchers, who are still debating whether it was a massive alien abduction or not.

6. Disappearance in a strange cloud of a fighter pilot (1952)

This incident is similar to the story of Lieutenant Silva. Commander John Baldwin, an experienced fighter pilot, was caught in a strange cloud while patrolling the skies during the Korean War in 1952. A whole squadron was sent to search for the missing pilot, but the search, which lasted several hours, yielded no results: no signs of a crash were found. Distress signals also did not arrive. Baldwin was flying an F-86 Saber at the time of his (presumed) death.

He was not the only pilot to disappear during the Korean War. Many pilots who were shot down by powerful Soviet fighters went missing and were considered either killed or captured. What makes Baldwin's case special is that his plane was never found, and he himself was not on any combat mission.

7. The family got into the fog and was kidnapped (1974)

In 1974, upon returning home to Essex after dinner with their parents, John and Susan Day and their three children realized that the trip had taken them three hours longer than usual. The strangest thing was that they could not remember why it happened. After the whole family began to experience terrible nightmares and generally had problems sleeping, John agreed to undergo a regressive hypnosis procedure to find out what had happened that evening on the way home. During the course of the hypnosis session, John remembered that about thirty minutes after they set off, they saw a strange fog that appeared out of nowhere. There was a bright light in it, which, hitting the car, tore it off the ground and placed it on board a mysterious ship, where Scandinavian-looking creatures in tight-fitting suits subsequently performed various experiments on them.

8 A Tokyo Bank Manager Witnessed A Car Disappear (1963)

Perhaps this is the strangest story of disappearance associated with a mysterious fog. Early on the morning of November 19, 1963, Mr. Kinoshita, then the manager of the Tokyo branch of the Fuji Bank, went by car with a colleague and potential clients to the golf course. Kinoshita noticed a strange black car in front of him. He couldn't explain why she had attracted his attention. Inside, an elderly man was reading a newspaper in the back seat. Suddenly, white smoke appeared from nowhere around this black car, enveloping it from all sides. When he dissipated black car disappeared. According to Kinoshita, it all happened in a matter of seconds.

9. Black fog of the Casa Grande

According to local residents, a strange black fog envelops the roads and trails around the foot of the Casa Grande mountain in Arizona (USA) at nightfall. According to legends, if this black mist engulfs you, it will "infect you with awkward feelings" or even take you to another dimension or time.

Many of these legends are rooted in the cultures of the Hohokam Indians, who once lived in this region until they disappeared for no reason around 1100 AD. According to lore, the black mist of the Casa Grande is an ancient living entity of the desert, it has a mind of its own and demands to be always revered.

10 Disappearances On Mount Nyangani

The mysterious Mount Nyangani, which is located in the national park of the same name in Zimbabwe, is known as the "mountain that swallows people." And this fact speaks for itself. Over the years, people have been disappearing here all the time.

An intriguing detail that unites all these disappearances is the presence of thick cloudy fog. Many legends associate this mist with the spirit world and claim that the area is inhabited by strange creatures. In turn, scientists say that this fog is a common atmospheric and weather phenomenon.

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Most people have probably heard about the mysterious disappearance of pilot Amelia Earhart, the impudent criminal Dee B. Cooper, who hijacked a Boeing 727 and fled in an unknown direction with a huge amount of money on his hands, or Congressman Hale Boggs, who disappeared while flying over Alaska. Mysterious disappearances are nothing new.

For some reason, people disappear without a trace and never appear again. There are many circumstances that force people to disappear, run away, hide from society. Perhaps they want to get rid of problems in the family or at work in this way, get away from the prosecution of the law, or start all over again in another place. There are also those who decide to commit suicide in seclusion, but they are few. Very often people are kidnapped, and such crimes usually remain unsolved due to insufficient leads or evidence.

Disappearances without a trace are always alarming. But there are even more strange and inexplicable cases when people mysteriously disappeared in a matter of seconds in front of others: there was a person, and in a moment he was gone, as if he had dissolved in the air. Just getting up from a chair takes a few seconds, but in some cases, people have suddenly disappeared in such a short period of time, leaving no hint of what might have happened to them.

In the world where we live, there are many strange things and phenomena that we cannot understand. As you probably already guessed, then we will talk about the strangest cases of disappearance of people in the entire history of mankind.

1. Annette Sagers

On November 21, 1987, the police received a missing persons report from Corrina Sagers Malinoski, a twenty-six-year-old resident of Berkeley County, South Carolina. The girl did not show up for work that day; her car was found parked across from Mount Holly Plantation. But it's not the most the weird part stories.

Nearly a year later, on the morning of October 4, 1988, Corrina's eight-year-old daughter, Annette Sagers, left the house and walked to the bus stop where a school bus was due to arrive in a couple of minutes. The stop was located just opposite Mount Holly Plantation, where her missing mother's car was found. Very strange, but when the school bus arrived, Annette disappeared. Near the stop, a note was found with the words “Dad, mom is back. Hug your brothers for me."

The experts determined that the handwriting belonged to little Annette. They found no indication that the girl had written the note under duress. According to some people, Corrina decided to return and take Annette with her. However, she left two sons at home, and since then there has been no news of her.

In 2000, the police called Unknown person and reported that Annette's body was buried in Sumter County, but the mysterious grave was never found. The Berkeley County Sheriff was investigating the disappearance of Annette Sagers. It remains undiscovered to this day.

2. Benjamin Bathurst

On the night of November 25, 1809, British envoy Benjamin Bathurst was returning from Vienna to London. Along the way, he stopped at the village of Perleberg, near Berlin, to eat and rest his horses. After he had eaten a hearty meal, he was informed that the horses were ready to set off again. Bathurst apologized and told his assistant that he would be waiting for him in the carriage. A few minutes later, the assistant was very surprised when, opening the carriage door, he did not find Bathurst in it. Where he went, no one had a clue. Bathurst was last seen walking outside the hotel's front door. There were no traces of his stay in the yard. He just disappeared.

Since Bathurst had diplomatic status, a search was organized for him. The police with sniffer dogs searched the forest, checked every house in the area, and even examined the bottom of the Stepenitz River, but found nothing. A coat was later found in the closet, believed to have belonged to Benjamin Bathurst. During a second search in the forest, the trousers of the diplomatic representative were found.

This incident happened during Napoleonic Wars. People began to say that Mr. Bathurst had been kidnapped by the French. Napoleon Bonaparte himself reportedly denied involvement in the disappearance of the British envoy and claimed to have no idea where he was. The emperor even offered his help in searching for the missing person.

Despite the best efforts of the police, no other belongings or traces of Bathurst were found. He promptly disappeared.

3 The Disappearance Of The Sodder Children Of Fayetteville, West Virginia

It was Christmas Eve 1945. Five children, Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jenny and Betty Sodder, went out late. Their parents and other brothers and sisters had gone to bed long ago. Around one in the morning, their mother was awakened by loud noises coming from the roof. She realized that the house was on fire. Then she woke her husband and children, and together they got out.

After that, the parents started looking for a ladder to help Maurice, Martha, Luis, Jenny and Betty, who were trapped on the top floor, but it was nowhere to be found.

By the time the firemen arrived, it was already late. The children presumably died, but their bodies were not found in the charred remains of the house. The parents believed that Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jenny and Betty were kidnapped and then set fire to the house to cover up the crime.

Four years later, investigators found six small bones at the site of the burnt house, which were not damaged by the fire and presumably belonged to a young adult. No other evidence was found.

In 1968, the Sodders received a photograph in the mail of a young man. On her reverse side signed "Louis Sodder". Police were unable to identify the person in the photo. The Sodders died believing it was their lost son.

4. Margaret Kilcoin

Fifty-year-old Margaret Kilcoin worked as a cardiologist at Columbia University. She did pioneering research related to hypertension and made a big breakthrough. After a busy week at work, Margaret decided to spend the weekend in her country house in Nantucket (Massachusetts). She bought more than $900 worth of food and alcoholic beverages at a local grocery store, saying she was going to throw a party and a press conference to present the results of her scientific research.

Arriving home, Margaret called her brother and told him to come and wake her up in the morning: she wanted to go to church service. The next morning, January 26, 1980, Margaret's brother came to her house, but did not find her in the house. Margaret's jacket was hanging in the closet, the shoes were at the doorstep, and the car was still there in the garage. It was cold outside, so she couldn't go anywhere without her jacket.

The police thoroughly searched the house, but found no evidence. The strangest thing was that a few days later, Margaret's sandals, her passport, checkbook, purse and $100 appeared in the most prominent place in the house. It was very difficult not to notice them.

Margaret's brother claimed that she was mentally unstable. The police put forward a version according to which the woman committed suicide by drowning herself in the icy ocean, but no evidence was found in favor of this theory.

5The Disappearance Of Famous Socialite Dorothy Arnold

In 1910, the city of New York was shocked by the news of the disappearance of twenty-four-year-old socialite and wealthy heiress Dorothy Arnold. The girl was an aspiring writer whose first two stories were not approved by the publishers. The public admired Dorothy's beauty and mocked her ambitions.

On the morning of December 12, 1910, the young beauty left home, telling her mother that she wanted to look for a new dress for the upcoming ball. According to witnesses, she bought one book and half a pound of chocolate, after which she went for a walk in central park. Nobody else saw her.

Dorothy Arnold was a New York celebrity. How could it happen that she just disappeared without a trace? It seems even stranger that her parents initially hid the fact of their daughter's disappearance, coming up with various excuses for curious friends. Apparently, they wanted to avoid scandal.

The disappearance of Dorothy Anrnold became known only six weeks later. People said that the girl was driving double life and planned to escape to Europe. However, no evidence was found to support this version.

6The Disappeared Tribe From Angikuni Lake

Lake Angikuni is located in the Canadian countryside, near the Kazan River. In the early 1900s, the Inuit tribe lived here, which disappeared without a trace on a November evening in 1930. They were hospitable people who were friendly to travelers, offering them hot meals and lodging for the night. They were often visited by Canadian hunter Joe Labelle.

On the night when Labelle again came to Lake Angikuni, the full moon shone, which illuminated the entire village with its bright light. There was an unusual silence all around; even the huskies were silent, which usually reacted noisily to the guests. There was not a soul in the village. In the center, a fire was slowly burning down. A bowler hat lay beside him; it looks like someone was going to cook a hearty dinner.

Labelle toured several houses in the hope of finding someone who could explain what had happened here. But he did not find anything other than stocks of food, clothing and weapons. The tribe, which consisted of thirty men, women and children, disappeared without a trace. If they decided to leave, they would certainly take food and equipment with them. Labelle also found that all the huskies died, apparently from hunger.

Labelle reported the mysterious disappearance to Canadian authorities, who dispatched investigators to Angikuni Lake. They found witnesses who claimed to have seen a large unidentified object in the sky above the lake. Investigators also determined that the settlement was abandoned about eight weeks ago. If this is true, then why did the huskies starve to death so quickly, and who left the fire that Labelle discovered? The mystery of the disappearance of an entire Inuit tribe remains unsolved to this day.

7. Disappearance of Diderici

It is one thing when someone disappears without leaving any traces, another thing is when a person simply dissolves in the air in front of astonished witnesses. This is exactly what happened in 1815. It all started when a man named Diderici dressed up in the clothes of his boss who died of a stroke, put on a wig and went to the bank to try to withdraw money from the deceased's account.

Of course, the plan failed. Diderici was caught and sentenced to ten years in prison. He was to serve his term in the Prussian prison, Weikselmünde. According to prison records, when Diderici and other prisoners were taken outside for a walk, something strange began to happen: his body gradually became transparent. Ultimately, he literally vanished into thin air, leaving empty iron shackles behind. This happened in front of the astonished prisoners and guards. During the interrogation, all the witnesses said the same thing: Diderici gradually became invisible, until he simply disappeared. Unable to rationally explain what happened, the prison authorities dismissed the case and considered it "God's will." Diderici was never seen again.

8. Louis Leprince

On September 16, 1890, French inventor Louis Leprince boarded a train from Dijon to Paris. Witnesses saw Leprince check the luggage and take his seat in the compartment. When the train arrived in the capital, Leprince did not get off at the terminus. The conductor, thinking that Leprince had simply fallen asleep, decided to check his compartment, which, to everyone's surprise, turned out to be empty: neither the inventor nor his luggage was in it. A search of the entire train yielded no results. Leprince disappeared without a trace.

Passengers claimed that the inventor did not leave his compartment during the journey. Since the train traveled from Dijon to Paris without stopping, Leprince could not get off it sooner. Moreover, the windows in his compartment were closed and locked from the inside. On the way, according to passengers and conductors, no incidents occurred. Leprince seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Interestingly, Louis Leprince was able to capture moving images on film using a single-lens camera that he himself invented. Simply put, Leprince invented cinema. He was going to go to America to patent his invention. This was long before Thomas Edison gained mainstream recognition. Leprince's disappearance cleared the way for Edison.

9. Charles Ashmore

In November 1878, sixteen-year-old Charles Ashmore left his home in Quincy, Illinois, to draw water from a nearby well. He didn't come back for a long time, so his father and sister started to get really worried about him. It was cold and slippery outside, and something bad could happen to Charles. They followed his tracks, which suddenly broke off about 75 meters from the well. They called out his name, but there was no answer. There were no signs of falling on the snow. Everything looked as if Charles Ashmore had simply vanished into thin air.

Four days later, Charles's mother went to the same well for water. When she returned home, she claimed to have heard her son's voice. She went around the whole area, but did not find Charles.

Other family members also claimed to have periodically heard Charles's voice, but they could not make out the words he spoke to them. The last time this happened was in the middle of the summer of 1879, and it never happened again.

In 1975, Jackson Wright and his wife Martha were driving through the Lincoln Tunnel in New York. The couple decided to slow down and wipe the condensation off the windows. While Jackson was working on the windshield, Martha got out of the car to wipe the rear window. Just a couple of seconds after that, she disappeared. Jackson did not hear or see anything suspicious. There were no more cars in the tunnel. If Martha had decided to run away, he would have noticed her anyway.

Initially, the police were skeptical about his testimony, however, after carefully examining the scene and not finding any evidence, they ruled out the version that he could have killed his wife.

11. Gene Spangler

Jean Spangler was one of the little-known actresses who dreamed of a career in Los Angeles. She was beautiful, but she did not have the success she so dreamed of. Jin starred mainly in cameo roles. most famous painting, in the filming of which she took part, was the film "Trumpeter" (1950) directed by Michael Curtis.

In October 1949, Jean went to meet with ex-husband and no one else saw her. Two days later, police found her purse, inside of which was a note, "Kirk, I can't wait any longer. I'm going to see Dr. Scott. Everything will work out. We have to make it while my mother is not at home.” No one knew which Kirk they were talking about. The story received wide publicity. A lot of versions were put forward, but all of them turned out to be unfounded. The case came to a standstill. The only "Kirk" that could be found in Jean's entourage was famous actor Kirk Douglas. He starred in the movie Trumpeter with Spangler. However, Douglas vehemently denied any involvement in Jean's disappearance.

Investigators also tracked down Dr. Kirk, a gynecologist who, in a strange coincidence, disappeared mysteriously a few weeks before Spangler went missing. However, no evidence linking him to the actress has been found.

Another version revolved around two bandits who disappeared around the same time as Jean. A few weeks before the incident, they were seen at a party at Spangler's company. However, no specific connection between the disappearances has been identified. What really happened to Jin is anyone's guess.

12. James Warson

The year was 1873. James Worson, a shoemaker from Leamington Spa, England, was having fun with his friends at a local tavern. During the conversation, he said that he could run non-stop all the way to Coventry - as much as 25 kilometers. His friends decided to argue with him, because they did not believe that he was capable of accomplishing such a feat. To eliminate the possibility of deception, they followed Warson on a horse-drawn wagon. Warson ran several miles without any problems.

When his friends began to doubt that they would be allowed to win the bet, Warson unexpectedly tripped over something in the road. Witnesses claim to have seen Warson leaning forward, but he never fell to the ground, as the next moment he mysteriously disappeared in front of everyone.

Wharson's friends contacted the local police and explained the whole situation. A search was conducted at the scene, but the police did not find anything suspicious. Shoemaker James Worson vanished into thin air.

13. Mystery of the airship L-8

During World War II, airships were used to patrol coastal areas and detect enemy submarines. On August 16, 1942, the crew of the airship L-8, Ernest Cody and Charles Adams, were assigned to perform one of these missions. They were supposed to fly over the Farallon Islands, 50 kilometers from the coast of San Francisco, and then return to base.

Once above the water, the crew of the L-8 reported that they supposedly found the site of the oil spill and were heading there to investigate. On the way, the airship was spotted by two ships and a Pan Am airliner. Another witness claimed to have seen the L-8 rapidly gaining altitude.

About an hour later, the airship landed on the rocky coast of Daly City, after which it again flew into the sky. Then the L-8 crashed into one of the busy streets of the city. Rescuers hurried to the crash site, but were shocked when they saw that the cabin was empty. The equipment was correct. Parachutes and life rafts were in place. Only life jackets were missing, but crew members often wore them when they flew over water. There were no radio calls for help. Ernest Cody and Charles Adams disappeared without a trace.

14. Disappearance of F-89

In November 1953, US Air Force radar picked up an unknown object invading US airspace over Lake Superior. A Northrop F-89 Scorpion fighter was sent to intercept it, with Lieutenants Felix Monclay and Robert Wilson on board.

Ground radar operators reported that Monkla first flew high over the target at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour, and then descended and came close to the object. Then something unusual happened: two dots on the radar screen became one. The F-89C merged with an unknown object, which then left the area and disappeared.

Extensive searches were carried out, but no traces of the F-89C could be found.

15. Disappearance of Frederik Valentich

In October 1978, a young pilot named Frederick Valentich was flying a Cessna 182L along the coast of Bass Strait (Australia). Suddenly, he noticed that he was being pursued by an unknown object. He reported this to Melbourne Air Traffic Control, who insisted that there were no more aircraft in his vicinity.

When the object came close to Valentich, he, having examined it, said: “This strange plane hovered over me again. It hangs... and it's not a plane." Then followed a few seconds of white noise, and the connection was interrupted. After that, Valentich's plane disappeared from the radar.

Search and rescue operations have not yielded any results. There were about a dozen reports of unidentified flying objects that weekend, according to the Australian Air Force.

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