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"Fundamentals of Genetics" - The influence of vitamin-mineral complexes on human resistance to mutagenic effects. Total genetic consequences from Chernobyl in the first two generations (% of spontaneous level). Derivatives of baikolinate Separate complexes of vitamins. Derivatives of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (bemityl, afobazole) Derivatives of 1.4-benzodiazepine. (Phenazepam) Derivatives of 1,4-dihydropyridine.

"Genetics Lesson" - Insert missing words. Tasks 1-1,1-2 according to Mendel's laws, concepts in genetics, problem solving. Anomalies in animals Anomalies in humans - Morris Syndrome. Tasks: The topic of the lesson. Lesson plan. Determine dominant and recessive traits. Learning new material. Anomalies. Perform tasks on the screen.

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"Human Genetics" - The laws of genetics are universal. The importance of genetics for humans is great. Properties - heredity and variability are characteristic of all life on Earth. To reveal the areas of practical importance of genetic knowledge for medicine and public health. Show the unity of biological laws for all wildlife.

"Non-hereditary variability" - Adaptation - adaptation to given environmental conditions, survival, preservation of offspring. Breeds of horses and cows brought to the mountains become stunted. Select the sheet on which the chart will be placed (separate or existing). Susceptibility to DNA changes. We fill in the cells with the results of measurements.

There are 16 presentations in total in the topic

The essence of good and evil from the standpoint of the genetic unity of the world

© Petrov N.V.

Full member of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Security of Man and Nature. St. Petersburg.

". I.Kepler.

Annotation. Good, as a genetic memory of a living process, exists forever thanks to the universal law of the rhythmic reproduction of an exact copy of memory. Evil is born periodically, accompanying the act of creation. The reason for the birth of evil is ignorance, ignorance or distortion of the laws of the living process. To eliminate or reduce evil in nature, the institution of Teachers (Spiritual, among people, enzymes in the cell, phase shifters among radiation, catalysts in chemistry) was introduced. The perfection of the spirit is the goal of earthly paths. The law of unshakable justice governs the world of the Universe through the rhythm of the reproduction of genetic memory, a succession of the rhythm of living processes to the limit of spiritual perfection. There are no leaps and bounds in life.

Keywords: good, evil, genome, memory, life.

The essence of good and evil from the position of the genetic unity of the world

Member of the International Academy of Ecology and Safety of Man and Nature. Saint-Petersburg. This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

abstract. Good as the genetic memory of a living process, exist forever due to its universal law of rhythmic reproduction of exact copies of memory. Evil is born periodically, accompanying the act of creation. The cause of the origin of evil is ignorance, ignorance or distortion of the laws of the living process. The perfection of the spirit – the purpose of earthly ways. The law of immutable justice rules the world rhythm of the Universe through the reproduction of genetic memory, a succession of rhythm of living processes to the limit of spiritual perfection. In life there are no jumps and no accidents.

keywords: good, evil, genome, memory, life.


“The little son came to his father, and the little one asked: “What is good and what is bad?” (V. Mayakovsky). The question of good and bad, the question of good and evil, injustice accompanies a person all his life. And this topic is extremely important, because the question always looms on the agenda: how to live in order to live normally? This is all the more important at the present time, when all the media have conspired (and perhaps really conspired), bringing down a monstrous wave of negative information on the heads and minds of gullible citizens. The news of the day is a series of emergencies or the anniversary of a particular terrorist attack, and a huge film distribution network is detective stories with a cruel plot and desecration of the national qualities of people, distortion of morality, moral values ​​and religion. Is a good policy government controlled when the view is made to protect disabled people of all levels, and the normal life of the population is despised, which leads to an increase in the number of disabled people?

Good and evil - most philosophical works and teachings, countless works of scientists and thinkers, religious figures of different peoples in different eras of history are devoted to this topic. But there is no consensus, there is disagreement, disputes and judgments. Modern ethics subjects the concept of "good" as a concept of moral consciousness to theoretical analysis, tries to find out its semantic content, nature and origin, while not having a general idea of ​​the living process in space, not knowing the purpose of man and his role for the Earth. religious ethics being a legacy ancient knowledge, correctly and accurately interprets goodness as an expression of the will and reasonable desire of God. But at the same time, a substitution is sometimes made: the interests and will of the ruling class or the elite of the state are given the appearance of a divine law, and the king is considered the anointed of God. Religious ethics turned the knowledge of the previous civilization into a dogma, which is good from the point of view of the preservation of knowledge, but it also caused a backlash of skepticism, the emergence of ethical relativism and nihilism that destroys moral norms. It is required to know the basic law of the life of the cosmos, since the Book of Life is not written by us. The reason for the philosophical discord in the interpretation of the concept of good and evil is a backward worldview.

The fallacy of the modern explosive beginning of the Universe is already visible in the “Foreword” to the book by J. Silk “The Big Bang. The Birth and Evolution of the Universe”, written by I.D. Novikov, the editor of the translation. He noted: “ The expansion of the Universe cannot be considered as an expansion of initially very dense matter into the surrounding emptiness, because there is no emptiness. The universe is everything that exists, there is nothing outside it, including emptiness. The substance of the Universe from the very beginning uniformly filled the entire boundless space. And although the pressure was enormous, it did not create an expanding force, since it was the same everywhere. The reasons for the beginning of the expansion of the Universe are associated with quantum effects that have arisen in the gravitational field at huge densities of matter. These effects are still far from clear, modern science has just begun to investigate them.. And further he noted: Naturally, the question arises: what happened before the beginning of the expansion of the Universe? Cosmology is not yet able to give a reliable answer to it. This is one of the problems that experts are working on. It is not even clear yet how the question itself should be formulated. Indeed, in the unusual conditions of the beginning of the expansion of the Universe, with fantastic densities of matter, the properties of space and time were completely different. Therefore, the very concept of “before” may turn out to be meaningless, and the problem will have to be formulated somehow differently.» .

The reader can see that the unrealistic picture of gravitational contraction has created a contradictory idea about the space of the Universe and about the events in the process of its evolution. From the point of view of the explosive principle in space, which does not yet exist, and there is no observer of events, modern scientific knowledge fails to come close to understanding and disclosing such concepts as The World of the Universe, the Universe, Humanity, to the disclosure of the Law of the mutual connection of cause and effect, good and evil. Everything would be fine, let the theorists argue until they understand, but the idea of ​​controlled chaos migrated to politics and interstate relations, became the cause of color revolutions, local wars and conflicts, the cause of a misunderstanding of self-organization, the cause of the massive stupidity of the population so that they can be easily manipulated in order to enrich the elite. It is necessary to immediately change the worldview in order to avoid or significantly reduce the consequences of the accelerated growth of natural disasters, to reduce the degree of evil. As Johannes Kepler said, “The main goal of all studies of the external world should be the discovery of rational order and harmony, which the Creator sent down to the world". The basis of the rational order or the good Beginning of the harmony of the Universe is the genetic unity of the world. Let's talk about this.

A unified worldview for understanding the nature of good and evil

Good and evil are connected with the evolution of life as a coordinated and rhythmic process of a great many homogeneous elements, the order and organization of which in a single process are determined or normalized by a universal law - the evolution of ethics. What is evolution - theory, system or hypothesis? Pierre Teilhard de Chardin noted: No, it is something much more than all this: evolution is the basic condition that all theories, hypotheses and belief systems must obey and satisfy if they want to look reasonable and true.” . Evolution is not limited only by the boundaries of biological beings - all worlds are subject to it, from electromagnetic fields and atoms to galaxies with all their populations. Therefore, the noosphere of mankind is only a small part of the general Universal mind. Mind is given to man not as an exception, but because there is a Higher Mind.

Teilhard de Chardin Pierre (Teilhard de Chardin? 1881-1955) developed a Christian version evolutionary ethics, based on the theory of cosmogenesis. Cosmogenesis is the process of formation and formation of the developing cosmos based on the genetic unity of all bodies in the Universe. According to this theory, the development of the universe goes in certain direction, strictly according to the program, the ultimate goal of which is the formation and perfection of the soul and spirit. The soul is a consequence of the evolution of the growth of the mind, it receives its image from the mind. By the reverse action in the cyclic process of life, the Soul gives an image (form) to the body, embracing it from all sides, imprinting its appearance on it. At the cost of its growth and development, the form of matter restores the potential forces of the living Soul in exact execution, and everything will be repeated in the rhythm of the spiral spread of the living process in space. The form of the body is the garment for the gods.

According to Chardin, morality, as a form of morality that regulates human behavior in society, is nothing more than the completion of the legitimate behavior of the elements of "mechanics and biology". The purpose of morality is to limit the egoism of a person, directing his energy into the channel or course necessary for evolution. The main categories of ethics Chardin gives a biological and cosmic interpretation, and this is true. By good, he understood everything that promotes evolution, an increase in the organization of matter and the development of consciousness, spiritual perfection. By evil, he understood everything that prevents the unification of individuals into highly organized systems and hinders the progress of the formation of the spirit.

According to P. T. de Chardin, man is entrusted with the mission of continuing the creativity of evolution, and therefore he is entrusted with the mission of duty: man is responsible for the success of his evolution. Should be added: a person is responsible for his spiritual evolution, fulfilling a duty or functional duty in the evolution of the Earth. He must resist evil, counteract it, contributing to the overall spiritual development, joining the collective consciousness of humanity and the planet. The existence of the divine Center (the genome of the Universe) and the need to preserve the immortality of the spirit through the act of genetic reproduction serve as a guarantee of the successful evolution of the Universe and man in particular. Without these guarantees, without realizing the existence of a genetic divine center, people will not be able to consciously overcome difficulties, creatively advancing their duties in the evolution of the spirit. Therefore, demands are put forward for collectivism, for creative activity in the world of the Earth and space, for the assertion creativity man, to the compulsory education of all citizens, starting this process from the moment of a new birth. For a satisfactory answer to the question of the origin of good and evil, people need air new idea a single worldview, a new idea of ​​worldview. People should understand the purpose of their life. The idea of ​​the genetic unity of the world, the idea of ​​a living cosmos, based on the process of rhythmic reproduction of genetic memory, must be understood by everyone, both dogmas and their opponents, then the anarchy of people's behavior will disappear.

There is only one way to understand the idea of ​​good and evil - to understand the essence of the living process, which is universal for any sphere of the hierarchy of life and covers not only biology, but the entire Universe. Life is an oscillatory process, the rhythm of which is based on two Beginnings - the structure of memory (female Beginning with intuitive or magnetic properties) and a system sensitive to the external environment (male Beginning) with electrical properties. If there is a memory structure, then it contains information about the technology for the formation of a living process of evolution. Any sane person knows that in any technology for the manufacture of a particular product, step-by-step work is set out, the result of which should be a finished product with predetermined properties. There is no malicious information in any technology to get a low-quality product. The technology for the creation of this or that contains only good or good quality, beauty, strength and reliability, durability. Therefore, good is concentrated in the genome itself, there is no evil, and the reproduction of the genome in an exact copy provides only good deeds based on love for creation. Love is the most worthwhile thing on earth and in space. The ultimate goal of reproducing a copy of the genome is, again, good. So where does evil come from?

Evil is obtained in the process of creation according to the program, when the executors of the process are not yet trained, ignorant, do not know what is good and what is bad, do not know the purpose of their evolution. When creating systems, it is required to combine the energy-information flows of each individuality into a single information flow. Since each individuality is a self-oscillatory system, even among related elements, the beginning of oscillations can be shifted, that is, a phase shift of internal oscillations will be observed. It is impossible to combine streams and make them synchronous with a large phase mismatch. This mismatch in the phase of internal oscillations is the basis for the appearance of evil. And here the nature of life provided for the institution of Teachers who continuously accompany the living process of creation. The institution of teachers teaching the rules of behavior in the formation of systems manifests itself at all levels of life. These are the Spiritual primordial Teachers, and enzymes at the molecular level, phase shifters that ensure the connection of two related elements with a close phase of their own oscillations, these are also teachers among people. Therefore, the role of the Teacher in the formation of good relations is difficult to overestimate. And therefore, teachers must first of all know the basic law of the living process of reproduction of the genome of the Universe.

For many modern philosophers it will be a complete surprise that a single worldview exists, and this worldview is the idea of ​​a single living cosmos based on the genetic unity of life. In the Universe there is a law of preservation of life through the reproduction of genetic memory. This law goes like this: Any subsequent action takes place according to the memory of previous actions, while a new structural form of memory is formed, where the first or original part of it is a constituent element and does not change due to the continuous reproduction of itself in an exact copy under conditions of a rhythmically changing polarity of the external magnetic field environments. This law is simultaneously the law of conservation of information, energy and the law of morality, which explains the behavior of individual elements in developing systems.

If life is a single process for the entire Universe, then there must be a single law of development of this process, uniform universal rules behavior, universal laws of ethics and moral principles, which are themselves in the stage of evolution on the way of the complication of systems. Biological processes show that the law of building the human body is the same for both parents and for the child, who will eventually become a parent himself. And this law, as almost everyone now knows, is clearly spelled out in the genetic memory - the DNA of the cell. To carry out such an amazingly accurate process of building the human body in the process of its development from one cell, it is necessary that all elements act in concert, rhythmically and strictly according to plan. The blueprint for building the body is in the DNA. Only a human body is born from a human cell, only an elephant is born from the DNA of an elephant. This is the quality and integrity of genetic memory for the nucleus of the atom, and for the nucleus of the cell, and for the nucleus of the Universe. There is only goodness in the genome, good relationships associated with the divine paradise, where, among other things, two trees grow - tree of knowledge of good and evil, and tree of life in the middle of paradise. This is exactly how the genome is arranged: it has two double structures, one of which is an inert, long-term memory that is not involved in replication (the tree of life of the genome itself), and the second operative memory associated with cognition and creation (the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the process of replication). genome).

The biblical allegory about Adam and Eve, who suggested (on the advice of the wise serpent) Adam to eat apples from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, is scientific knowledge about the genetic memory of the previous civilization. This action in the bible is called evil, for which those who sinned were expelled from paradise to develop life beyond its limits. Even biblical story associated with the reproduction of the genome, and this process may be accompanied by evil, ignorance. The whole life of people is connected with the consistent growth of the mind through the development of knowledge, each new generation does not inherit the knowledge of its parents, children are born as pure carriers for recording pure genome information. The continuity of knowledge is a prerequisite for the growth of the mind.

If all cells of the human body follow the law of morality, concentrated in DNA, then all people in society must follow the same universal moral law of life. It is believed that the origin, nature and purpose of morality from the standpoint of biological evolution was proposed by Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), developing the idea of ​​evolutionary ethics. He proceeded from the idea of ​​world evolution, covering all nature and in particular the society of people on the planet. He wrote: " A number of truths, called ... the doctrine of morality, are essentially homogeneous with the truths of the physical world. The order of things ... towards which humanity aspires is the same order towards which all nature aspires". Morality is based on love, the desire for the happiness of divine justice, which exists in the conditions of the structure of genetic memory, which is a productive moment in the evolution of life: any period of rhythm ends with the formation of a complete structure of the memory element.

The genome ensures its longevity through the active behavior of a person (as a carrier of the genome) in the environment he cognizes, his ability to adapt through the knowledge of the laws of nature, thereby ensuring the satisfaction of the desires of the internal genome and the preservation of man as a species. And this is good, the preservation of genetic memory in the course of its evolution. However, Spencer, having correctly seen the main thing - the unity of the laws of nature and human society, did not know much that has become known today. The Universe is a reasonable rhythmic activity emanating from a single genetic Center of the Universe, from a single primary source.

If the elements of the body are united by the harmony of existence in a single body, and the body feels comfortable, then all people should follow the same law in a harmonious society. In other words, the set of rules for human behavior in society is not only in himself, but also in nature, which creates rhythmically changing parameters of the environment in order to teach a person to live in changing conditions. The disadvantage of modern philosophical judgments is that they exclude the natural process of evolution of the human habitat on the planet, do not consider the functional role of man in the evolution of the Earth. A single worldview of the living cosmos is based on a single law of life preservation through the reproduction of the genetic memory of the Universe, through the renewal of the genome, the path of which is the path of goodness, integrity, the path of love for creation and love for spiritual perfection. Therefore, good can exist and really exists without evil, if good is connected with the mind, a deep mind - wisdom. Let's try to clear the blockages of ignorance in the modern interpretation of good and evil.

good and evil

There is nothing more responsible than human thought, which reflects internal energy-informational flows in the structure of memory. Therefore, consonant thoughts of people are quickly tied up, uniting people to good or evil deeds, they will determine friends or foes. Thoughts come from within ourselves, creating an individual mental and moral character. A person improves through the process of oral speech and writing, connected with the inner speech of thinking, due to the process of sensory knowledge of the laws of nature. All knowledge is stored in memory - operational (or variable) and long-term (or experience of past actions), stored in genetic memory. Therefore, all human actions are the result of a continuous interaction of variable and constant information fields, sensory perception and the subconscious.

Good is, as philosophers write, one of the most general concepts of moral consciousness and one of the most important categories of ethics that studies the meaningful behavior of a person in society. As the civilization of people on the planet evolves, there is a continuous (rhythmic) complication of the structure of society, it is required to establish public relations between all people, and for this there must be a standard or a set of rules for the coordinated behavior of a huge mass of people. But the behavior of people in society is caused not for the sake of behavior itself, but for the sake of concerted actions in the production of the desired product through the combined mass and purposeful activity. If there is a development goal, then in such a community there are always positive traits. This means that goodness is directly related to expedient creative activity. The evolution of the structure of society should be coordinated with the development of new knowledge and new energies, new information links. All knowledge a person receives from nature, and only from it. This means that in nature there are laws of development or laws of the evolution of morality. The evolution of morality does not mean the replacement of some laws of behavior by others, these laws are universal, and their evolution is connected only with the scale of activity.

If we see in the process of mastering knowledge the coordinated work of atoms, molecules in one cell and the combined activity of all cells of the body, then all people in the community must follow the same rules of behavior and action. No one creates new rules only for people, since life as a process is one, universal for all elements in nature. Morality, as the meaning of certain actions, just serves as a method and measure of the coordinated actions of people. The book of life, the moral principles of the life of people, atoms, planets and galaxies are not written by us, they are written in the genome of the Universe and are expressed in the laws of nature through wave fields in a photon medium. It is possible to study morality and morality, good relations only when the function of man in the evolution of the planet is known, when the reason for the evolution of the Universe is clear and the Creator's plan for people is clear. The form of good and evil serves as a measure of what meets the content of the requirements of morality, and what contradicts them.

And here the main thing arises in coordinated relationships: in society there should be a meaningful diverse activity of all people so diverse in their properties, united by a single expedient activity of obtaining the final useful product - the growth of the mind through the path of creativity and spirituality along the path of thinking. It follows that the concepts of good and evil are connected with the goal of developing society to solve the problematic issues of the evolution of the Earth, and not just the people themselves. If there is a development goal, then everything works like a well-coordinated mechanism, and everyone is happy. If there is no goal, there will be degradation and evil with all its aspects of ignorance, as is happening at the present time. If a government does not have the goal of the development of the state, it attracts indiscriminately any foreign investors who have their own production goals, most often not coinciding with the interests of the population of the state. The incompetence of the leadership turns into evil for the population. We must live by our own mind and our own culture based on mother tongue. Globalization or the complication of the structure of the human community on the planet should not follow an equalization in language, culture, etc., but by combining individual diversity with a single expedient activity in conditions of accelerated changes in the parameters of the external environment (climate, humidity, electric and magnetic fields, the presence of fresh water, etc.).

It is characteristic that in Russian letters - symbols of speech sounds have their own names, the letters "D" and "Z" are called that way, they make sense: "D" - good; "Z" - green, evil. Between themselves, they are separated by the letters "E", "E", "F", bearing the meaning reasonable(E) living process(G) or simply - life. Good and evil are separated by the technology of the living process. Following the law of life, people do good, and, violating the technology of life, they follow the path of evil. The name of the sound through the letter "D" - "good" means consent to the action - "good." Good means action, movement, doing or creating good, or good, healthy, exactly matching the standard or original. And the original is the memory of past experience. "D" - spirit, soul and goodness, means that doing good deeds is associated with spiritual rebirth. The universal way of life is the reproduction of genetic memory and its spiritual essence, and this happens simultaneously, synchronously and harmoniously on all spheres of the hierarchy of matter forms. In a good (healthy) body, a healthy Spirit. Body - Spirit - Soul - Conscience is the Fourth, which, when applied to a person, means the complete development of a person to perfection, to the state of androgyne (divine man).

Everyone knows that it is good to live in good (in good relations). In the proverb: “A bad deed is remembered, but a good deed will not be forgotten for centuries,” the connection between good and long-term memory is clearly visible. The proverb “It would be nice to go to heaven, but sins are not allowed” reminds us that the genome is identified with paradise, and the sinful and evil are forbidden to enter paradise (in genetic memory). The genome, as a program of creative actions, does not contain malicious functions, otherwise what is planned in the program will not work. To do good means to stop confusion and staggering from side to side, to stop ferment or chaos. Doing good is the basis of a collective well-coordinated system. Hence the conclusion on the sustainable path of Russia's development - it is necessary to do good deeds wisely, forming a well-coordinated community of the population, not to squander land to foreigners for a pittance in order to get money, not to give benefits to foreign investors, while clamping taxes on their entrepreneurs. One of the properties of the genome is to remember friendship, but forget evil, do not repay evil for evil. The words “to be in evil” and “to be near” show that evil is always near or near good, but it disappears at the end of memory reproduction, since the period of creativity according to the program of this genome ends. The structure of the genome continues to live in goodness, and the evil that accompanied creation will dissolve to the state of the photon environment of the cosmos. This is the law.

Objective-idealistic theories of the concept of “good” derive it from a certain essence inaccessible to knowledge, or from a cosmic law, from a “world idea” according to Hegel, the meaning of which is not understood in philosophy. Today it becomes clear that the world idea is the idea of ​​a living process, the genetic unity of the world of living space. This idea indicates a respectable goal of life - spiritual improvement through a creative process based on the knowledge of the laws of nature in a single process of reproduction of the genome of the Universe. Here it is appropriate to recall the reason or necessity for the reproduction of the genome. It would seem that you have reached perfection, achieved the goal of development, and live in paradise. But the law of life shows that the simple preservation of anything unchanged, including the structure of memory, leads to degradation and disintegration. Therefore, in the nature of the cosmos, there is a law of rhythmic reproduction of an exact copy of memory and its universal material sources of energy (electrical energy). That is why the living process is a dynamic, and besides, a fiery and radioactive process, which can be controlled only by rational beings. The genome of the Universe is smelted in the fire of billions of stars and star systems, and therefore the life of people is functionally connected with star formation.

Marxist-Leninist philosophy, being purely material, believes that the concept of "good" means the practical life of a person. The world, allegedly, does not satisfy a person, and a person decides to change it by his actions, to change neither more nor less, but the whole world. The law of life prescribes the development of the mind in people, so that, having studied and learned the laws of nature, they can adapt to live in new environmental conditions through creative and inventive activity. But in no way do not remake the natural world to your liking. The interests of people in the current historical conditions, according to Marxist ideology, are not associated with a regular rhythmic change in external conditions, and therefore in today's science it has become a problem to determine the cause of the accelerated growth of natural disasters. Attention should be paid to the origin of the rhythm in changes in the external environment, the rhythm is associated with the reproduction of the genome, and the Sun is the local genetic center for people. We must proceed from the idea of ​​a living cosmos, then everything, or at least much, will become clear.

The concept of "kindness and kindness" in the morality of the living cosmos in a summarized form reflects all the diversity of requirements manifested in a single social living process. Accelerated events of changing the external conditions of the human environment require subjective comprehension in the moral consciousness of people. Actual developments in climate change require the concerted action of people in order to shape public consciousness, public institution morality, performing the function of a teacher in regulating human behavior. As an example of understanding good and evil, let's take a look at the appearance of the "Constitution of the Earth", drawn up at the initiative of UNESCO (at the request of the world government), the implementation of which the philosophers of the world philosophical forum seek to accelerate ( ).

Earth Constitution. As UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said in her speech in Paris on 29 January 2013: “ Our first strategic goal is to chart a global education agenda. This requires a worldview, prudence, an analysis of existing trends, and an understanding of where and why we are lagging behind.". And the "Constitution of the Earth" was born, compiled by the International Philosophical Forum, the President of the Russian branch of which is Kondrashin I.

After reviewing the content of the Constitution, it became clear that before writing the Constitution, the drafters excluded such an important parameter as worldview, and for a good deed it is necessary to have a respectable worldview concept, a strict development program. The Constitution as the Basic Law for people should be based on the Basic Law of the cosmos, we all live in the cosmos, and the drafters of the Constitution do not take this into account at all, therefore there is no benefit (good) from the introduction of this text of the Constitution.

The modern concept of natural science is hopelessly outdated. The specifics of the concept of modern natural knowledge - quantum field ideas about regularities and causality- is that they (representations) always appear in a probabilistic form, in the form of statistical laws. This specificity has led to the idea that our world is based on chance, the probability of the emergence of life. The text of the Constitution was written at a time when not in science, I emphasize - there is no definition of the very process of life. Why such a situation has developed, of course, the reason is the long-standing struggle of science and religion. But this understanding does not make it easier.

In accordance with the statement of Irina Bokova, the strategic goal should be to understand the living process not only of the Earth, but of the entire cosmos. Neither Oparin's coacervates, nor Darwin's evolution, nor the big bang theory, nor self-organization and synergetics according to I. Prigogine, nor thermonuclear fusion, nor the Large Hadron Collider brought the desired result in understanding the problem of the living process. The problems of society over the hundred years of the existence of these ideas not only have not decreased, on the contrary, they are only increasing every year and for only one reason - there is no understanding of the very essence of the living process, the origin of living things from inanimate nature. The text of the Constitution of the Earth should, in my opinion, be built only from the position of a single living space of the Cosmos. Otherwise, the idea of ​​a World Government will only serve the Internet of Things, the main goal of which is to turn people into biological robots to serve the elite (aristocrats). So the inhabitants and citizens of the planet will become an application to the artificial control system.

It is required to comprehend the idea of ​​the genetic unity of the World as the basis for the global education of people before forming the Power of Strategists (not elites and not aristocrats!) of the Earth's humanity. The Internet of Things considers a person to be the same thing as a refrigerator or a vacuum cleaner, and the implementation of the Internet of Things is so rapid that the lack of knowledge about a living process can have serious consequences for everyone, including the elite. A global network has already been created in Russia, which allows reading information (within a radius of up to 400 meters) from radio tags from medicines in order (under the plausible pretext of the organizers of this action) to exclude counterfeit medicines. There can be no society without people, just as there can be no Internet for the sake of the Internet. In addition, the risk of rolling into stone Age of the modern advanced civilization is so great that it is necessary to measure it a hundred times before proceeding to World government through such a primitive Constitution. Everything will depend on the electrical outlet and on a deep understanding by all members of society, especially the intelligentsia, of the electromagnetic energy-informational interaction of man and nature. Electromagnetism is the basis of all life, is inaccessible to understanding for the philosophical elite. The life of people on the planet is a visual experiment for supporters to understand the world through experience (pragmatists), which nature conducts with a very specific goal - to ensure the evolution of the planet itself, and not create favorable conditions exclusively for people's lives. Human life is an experiment carried out by nature in the process of stellar evolution of the Earth and space.

The main thing in the system of general education of the population should be the concept of a living space, since all people are living beings, and it is simply necessary to "Know yourself in order to understand the World." Knowing ourselves, we first of all learn the law of life - the reproduction (replication) of the cell genome, the reproduction of ourselves. The most sustainable process is a living process, so it is necessary to study it before writing the Constitution of the Earth.

The Constitution of the Earth (Article 16) states: “ At the same time, one should always keep in mind Plato's principal recommendation for such cases, that at the top of the state government there should always be a philosopher or people with a philosophical way of thinking, since only this type of people can make the most reasonable decisions. And it is precisely this kind of people who should be in the composition of the Supreme Council of Humanity, who from the very beginning will begin to think and make reasonable decisions on current problems and the future development of Humanity as a whole. Modern philosophy is so diverse in its thinking and worldview, which caused the current crisis in society. In no case can control be trusted to those who have not studied the laws of control in space, Gorbachev's betrayal should be an example of this. Who and how can make reasonable decisions for future development if they do not know the world order and the dynamics of events in it, if there is NO definition of a living process in science? This definition is not in the Constitution of the Earth.

Article 42 of the Earth Constitution states: The Chief Eternals vices on Earth from now on there should be - ignorance, cruelty, obscurantism, injustice, immorality, etc. war standards, lack of culture and bioethics”. The drafters of the Constitution do not even understand what they are writing. They directly affirm the eternal existence of vices. Not knowing what they themselves write about, the drafters of the Constitution, assessing the mentality of people, further state: “ Some of the people still hope that after death, even a terrible one, they will go to Paradise. For their information, the largest specialist in the structure of the Universe, British cosmologist Stephen Hawking assured that until now the best scientists using the most modern equipment have not been able to detect any place in the Universe that could be considered Paradise. Therefore, he advised all the inhabitants of the Earth to enjoy a happy and healthy life on Earth itself, while they are alive.". It turns out a paradoxical situation: the drafters of the Constitution they themselves do not know the structure of the universe, do not know the Basic Law of the cosmos, but write the text of the Basic Law of the Earth.

The compilers of the Constitution of the Earth should first of all understand the world order, if there is no mind of their own, then no Hawking will help them, especially since there is nothing in his thinking except for the big bang. We live in space and are subject to its laws of evolution, and the drafters of the Constitution show the highest degree of their ignorance, calling to build a global society on Earth in isolation from the laws of space, from its rhythms. The Constitution in the form in which it is drawn up is a powder keg that will blow up the world of human existence. They call and want to introduce a unified English language communication, completely forgetting that, depriving a person of his national language communication, the integrity of society will be destroyed. Globalization is not equalization of all under one brush, which is done by the drafters of the Constitution of the Earth, (trying to implement it as quickly as possible), but the establishment of unity from diversity, according to their functional characteristics. It is necessary to act in the way that the human organism (body) is built, because this is the law of life, the law of goodness, according to which the body should not get sick. All diseases of the body and society from ignorance and actions associated with it. The progressive development of science is steadily accompanied by a progressive reorganization of social society, the evolution of industries and information systems, and a change in worldview. The Constitution, as you know, is the Basic Law for the construction and management of society. The "Constitution of the Earth" proposed by the Philosophical Forum and UNESCO is not consistent with the Basic Law of the cosmos, and therefore, in its presented form, is the bearer of evil.

Let's continue the idea of ​​good and evil. In any organized system, and this is exactly what a social society should be, the actions of many elements of the same type must be coordinated into a cumulative mass activity in order to obtain an appropriate result - the depth of thought, the growth of reason, spiritual maturity. And this is the striving for good, since genetic memory itself is good, a good beginning of life. The memory of past experience (genetic memory) is kind in that it allows you to perform reasonable acts of the current in this moment creations.

Ideas about good and evil have changed so much among people of different nations from one era to another that sometimes, as in the beginning of the 21st century, they contradict each other. In such an unusual change in the idea of ​​good and evil, an objective pattern can be traced. With the decline of morality, the growth of evil and violence, they remember God, the golden age, the paradise life in the age of justice, they remember that evil will certainly be punished, and good will triumph, and peace will come. The objective regularity of the historical rhythm began to gradually become clearer as the reason for the regular rhythm of changing environmental conditions was recognized, as the meaning and expediency of people's lives were enriched in connection with the discovery of genetic memory in a biological cell. Weak and superweak interactions in biology and medicine, colossal advances in microelectronics and in means of communication and navigation made it possible to see the existence of a single energy-information photon (ethereal) space of the entire cosmos. To transmit pure and kind information of the genome of the Universe, a pure and homogeneous photon medium, sometimes called the ethereal medium, is required.

However, there was an idea that the meaning of the concepts of good and evil should either be left eternal and true according to ethical absolutism, or be considered dependent on the objective laws of nature. And relativistic philosophy has relegated the meaning of good and evil to arbitrary assumptions. Ethical absolutism or an unconditional, methodological principle interprets the nature of morality when an individual does not distinguish himself as a person from the norms of behavior that are naturally formed in a single system. Moral principles, norms and character of behavior, customs and customs, the concepts of good and evil, absolutism interprets as universal, passing from century to century, unchanging and absolute Beginnings. They are the laws of harmonious existence and evolution of the Universe, a priori truths or divine commandments, manifest themselves in the public life of people. And this is true from the standpoint of the genetic unity of the world.

The progressive development of science is steadily accompanied by a progressive reorganization of social society, the evolution of industries and information systems and technologies, a change in worldview and the complication of norms of behavior. The needs of evolution are caused by the requests (desires) of genetic memory in the process of its reproduction, the needs of people and the historical laws of human development are subject to the absolute cosmic law of the development of a living process and must follow it. However, the immaturity of the followers of absolutism contributed to a double interpretation, the emergence double standards in evaluating events. Its supporters often correctly spoke out against the relativity and conventionality of the prevailing morality, its unscrupulousness and blind subordination to the political interests of the ruling groups. They correctly drew attention to the degradation of the morals of the elite, opposing them with the immutable laws of the morality of a living process, which must be respected by all. But their criticism did not go to the detriment of the power of the aristocrats.

Finding no way to explain the reason for the origin of the absolute laws of morality, the absolutists rolled down to moral dogmatism, which, on the one hand, had a positive meaning - the preservation of the integrity of moral laws, and on the other hand, caused a response from a group of philosophers, and contributed to the emergence harmful current of skeptics and relativistic philosophy. The ideas of absolutism are supported by many sensible people, often intuitively, considering the moral principles of goodness and duty to be unchanging and unconditional, self-evident, and therefore do not need any proof. So the English philosopher Steftenberg showed that people's ideas about morality are innate, they are immutable, and cannot be justified by references to the interests of people or the public good. Public benefit is not a cause, but a consequence of the application of absolute truths in behavior, and this is already heredity, a function of genetic memory.

Moral laws retain their significance for subsequent eras, straightening the path of people's development, twisted by the evil of ignorance, directing humanity to a natural end, whether people want it or not. Great confusion in the views on moral principles, on the concepts of good and evil, is introduced into public life of people ethical relativism. Not understanding the nature of the social conditioning of morality, not having an idea about the course cosmic evolution and the Earth, not knowing the law of formation of systems and, most importantly, the purpose of their development, relativists give an extremely relative, changeable and conditional character to moral concepts and ideas about the laws of development.

Relativists are pure extras, supporters of statistical rather than semantic and expedient laws of development, and therefore are harmful to the evolution of life. Ethical relativism often manifests itself in the desire of certain social groups to undermine or overthrow the dominant forms of morality, which were given the absolute or dogmatic meaning of the laws of nature. Being a reaction to absolutism, to belief in divine law (dogmatism), the relativistic point of view has led to nihilism, and makes it impossible to develop a clear moral position.

In our critical time of declining morality, a relativistic approach to moral values ​​prevails, its influence on the everyday way of thinking of ordinary people affects their moral beliefs and normative ethics, which directly guides their behavior. It is today, at the turn of the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, associated with a change in the polarity of the external magnetic field of space, that the negative consequences of relativistic concepts are most clearly manifested. Many public figures - sociologists, teachers, politicians, philosophers - have long been talking about this negative phenomenon of ethical relativism. Therefore, it is so important to know the law of the living process, the law of the genetic unity of the world of the Universe, which must be followed by mankind.

“Relativism (from lat. relativus - relative) is a methodological principle, consisting in the metaphysical absolutization of relativity and conditionality of the content of knowledge. Relativism stems from a one-sided emphasis on the constant variability of reality and a denial of the relative stability of things and phenomena. They either do not know or do not want to see the immortality of genetic memory, achieved through the rhythm of its reproduction. By itself, memory is not able to remain unchanged for a long time, and nature has found a universal solution - to reproduce a copy of memory with the simultaneous replacement of aged material forms that play the role of power sources for self-oscillatory processes in closed memory structures.

Gnoseological ( forms and methods of scientific knowledge) the roots of relativism - the refusal to recognize continuity in the development of knowledge, the exaggeration of the dependence of the process of cognition on its conditions (for example, on the biological needs of the subject, his mental state or available logical forms and theoretical means). The fact of the development of knowledge, during which any achieved level of knowledge is overcome, is considered by relativists as proof of its untruth, subjectivity, which leads to a denial of the objectivity of knowledge in general, to agnosticism ( denial of the knowability of the objective world). It seems that these philosophers themselves did not learn at first from their parents, then at school, then at a university, then in graduate school. And this, after all, is the continuity of knowledge only for one person, and with the change of generations - for all mankind, and for civilizations that rhythmically replace each other.

The reason for this is the lack of ideas in this category of philosophers about the sequence of rhythms of living processes generated by the genetic center, either local or general Universal. They lose sight of the functional role of each new generation of people - to learn the laws of nature and refine them to perfection. Not knowing this historical role of continuity of generations, relativists consider all knowledge to be relative. Based on the metaphysical theory of knowledge, ignoring the principle of the need for a change of generations or historicism when analyzing changes in scientific knowledge, some scientists and philosophers spoke about the absolute relativity of knowledge (E. Mach, I. Petzold), about their complete conventionality (J.A. Poincaré) and etc.

The historical source of ethical relativism is a philosophical current - skepticism. Skepticism is a doctrine first substantiated by the Greek Pyrrho at the end of the 4th century. BC. Pyrrho for the first time gave a systematically completed form to the long-spread in Ancient Greece doubts about the cognitive value of sensuality(sense perception). To this kind of skepticism, Pyrrho added moral and logical skepticism, stating that there can never be a rational basis for preferring one course of action over another. Supporters of skepticism denied the possibility of reliable knowledge and did not believe in the possibility of rational substantiation of moral norms. During the life of Pyrrho, the knowledge of the previous civilization had already begun to be forgotten, and new knowledge had not yet been received. But now it’s a completely different matter and a different time, everyone is familiar with the genome of a biological cell, the order and organization of the cosmos are known, the periodic properties of atoms are known due to the fact that their genetic memory is stored in their nuclei.

Under different historical conditions, the principles of relativism have different social meanings. In some cases, relativism objectively contributed to the loosening of obsolete social orders, dogmatic thinking and rigidity. Most often, relativism is a consequence and expression of the crisis of society, an attempt to justify the loss of a historical perspective in its development. In reality, relativism in philosophy is identical to political battles, revolutions and wars. This is the manifestation of evil in the process of people's lives.

The extension of the principles of relativism to the area of ​​moral relations has led to the emergence of ethical relativism, which is expressed in the fact that moral norms are given an extremely relative, completely conditional and changeable character. In fact, ethical relativism leads to the denial of the possibility of creating scientific ethics. Its supporters do not see the dependence of morality on the complexity of social conditions and, moreover, cannot understand the essence of the objective historical laws that determine it. Ethical relativism has as its consequence the justification of immorality. Therefore, at present, a law has been introduced not to punish economic crimes, connivance decomposes the state system that recognizes thieves in law.

Philosophy is a completely different matter. relationism- the concept, according to which all the certainties of being (features, properties, qualities, quantities, forms, structures, etc.) can be represented as proportional relationships in a single whole. This is a very interesting point of view, but it has nothing to do with relativism, although it is often confused with it. Incorrectly interpreting Protagoras that "Man is the measure of all things", the relativists did not notice the main thing: a single measure of the entire Universe is observed in man - the frequency of natural oscillations of genetic memory. The universality and stability of the living process lies in the fact that there is a law of similarity: as above, so below. Man develops according to the same law of reproduction of genetic memory as the whole Universe. Knowing himself, man learns the evolution of the cosmos.

It is this process of cognition and creation that is associated with the manifestation of evil as such, reflected in the religious teaching of eschatology, in the Christian teaching about the ultimate fate of the world. Incarnation in a material form is considered original sin. And the purpose of man is the need for spiritual salvation. At the same time, none of the philosophers and religious figures is trying to at least to some extent reflect the functional purpose of people's lives for the environment where they develop. One gets the idea that people live on their own, and the planet, their spaceship- by itself. And therefore there is a desire to command nature for their own well-being at all times. This is what evil is.

Evil is a category of ethics and the concept of moral consciousness, which serves as a general idea of ​​immoral behavior that is contrary to the requirements of morality or a set of rules for normal behavior. A set of rules for human behavior is embedded in its genome, since the genome is a memory of past actions, and nothing can be done without memory or past experience. All our movements are controlled by the gene of a biological cell, reproduced by a huge circulation of billions of cells of a single body. Living on Earth, a person keeps the genome unchanged, each new generation is born in the same kind of person. If for thousands of years a person has been born only as a person, consistently mastering new types of energy by a rhythmically developing community, because you cannot do this alone, then the development of energies, means of transportation, means of communication and information are planned by the very course of changing the environment. If the human genetic memory is capable of managing human activities in the changing conditions of the Earth, then the Earth must have its own genome, synchronously tuned with the human genome. Otherwise, human life would be impossible, since the changes in the parameters of the human environment on the planet are controlled by the planet itself, taking into account the parameters of the Sun and other planets, creating difficulties and stresses that a person must be able to overcome. Man does not conquer nature, he only adapts to live in it, showing reason.

Evil in the understanding of people is a general abstract characteristic of negative moral qualities, and moral qualities are a set of rules for the harmonious coexistence of homogeneous elements in a single system. Life, according to the teachings of Buddhism, is evil, and to live means to suffer. Therefore, everyone should strive to ensure that after death he would not be reborn in another living being, since this would mean new life and hence more suffering. Therefore, Buddhists believe, one should strive to achieve nirvana - a state in which a person would be forever switched off from the process of rebirth, and therefore nirvana is the ideal to which, allegedly, one should strive. The reason for the rebirth of a person, according to the doctrine of karma, is an act, an act. Action is the result of desire. The path to nirvana is the renunciation of the world and all attachments in life. A consistent Buddhist must be equally alien to the feeling of anger and the feeling of love, otherwise actions are inevitable, and, consequently, the operation of the law of karma. Buddhism is based on the fight against suffering by avoiding desires and deeds, but without this creativity is impossible. Buddhists urge people to deviate from their functional purpose for the Earth, because they themselves do not know this purpose.

In the early stages of Christianity in Western Europe there was the same idea of ​​life, and therefore thousands of women were burned in order to stop the birth of people, and thereby not multiply evil. Going into nirvana is a manifestation of selfishness, and God needs figures to fulfill his plan - to reproduce a copy of genetic memory, without which life and nirvana, including, are simply impossible. One must live and work, developing one's mind, learning the laws of nature, creating and creating in accordance with these laws, then only people will achieve spiritual perfection. This is what many philosophers do not understand.

In Buddhism, the general principle of the modern crisis state of human knowledge is manifested - the lack of understanding of the purpose of the living process, the lack of understanding of the evolution of the cosmos, the Universe, the lack of understanding of the purpose of human life and its function in the evolution of the planet. The law of karma or the change of generations and a series of new births are not understood by them at all, all attention is paid only to the individuality of a person, and the role of all mankind is not even considered by them. The essence of karma is that fertility (and not only people) is associated with the need to solve the general problems of evolution through the process of knowing the laws of nature, that is, the environmental conditions set by the planet. All events on Earth are connected by a hierarchy of rhythms of the overlying spheres of life - the Sun, the Galaxy, and the Universe. To be born or not to be born does not depend on a person, because the book of life is not written by us.

Fertility is regulated by the planet itself, each of its phases of evolution requires one or another biosphere, as evidenced by geological data. Therefore, going into the energy state of nirvana is similar to the desire of the modern elite to be aristocrats while living in a material form. Both of them deviate from the law of evolution prescribed by genetic memory. Preserving the genome, preserving the memory of all past actions (spiritual essence), as the basic law of a living process, is possible only through the creative process of incarnation into a material form. Liberation from incarnation is achieved by righteous labor, when a person becomes perfect, wise and spiritual not only individually, but as a whole community of people. Achieving perfection is achieved through the knowledge of the laws of nature and their implementation in the practice of life on Earth, which serves the fulfillment by people of their function in relation to the planet.

The one who individually comprehended the laws of development achieves spiritual perfection, does not go into nirvana, but becomes a teacher for other people. The Institute of Teachers is provided by the law of life for the unmistakable reproduction of genetic memory. The good deed of reproduction of the genome is associated with the education of newborns, thereby eliminating evil as ignorance. That is why many people call the living process of incarnation associated with evil. To characterize certain officials, statesmen from the standpoint of good and evil is possible only in relation to their training of their fellow citizens. All problems are solved not just by obedient citizens, but by people educated with the latest modern achievements of science. Education cannot be a service on the part of officials; it is the sacred duty of rulers to educate the people of their state.

Let us recall the reasoning of N.V. Gogol (1846). “…. We are called into the world not at all for holidays and feasts - we are called here to battle; we will celebrate the victory THERE. Therefore, we must not for a moment forget that we went out to battle; and there is nothing to choose here, where there are fewer dangers; like a good warrior, every one of us should rush to where the battle is hotter. The heavenly Commander looks over us all from above, and not the slightest of his deeds escapes His gaze. Do not deviate from the battlefield, but, having entered the battle, do not look for an enemy who is powerless, but strong. You won't get much for fighting a little grief and small troubles. Forward, my beautiful warrior! With God, good friend! With God, lovely friend my

The spirit develops faster in struggle, in overcoming natural disasters, in the struggle to overcome a tense situation. Therefore, all life is connected with overcoming difficulties, and they can be overcome only if a person has experience of past actions to overcome past difficulties. This shows the need for the continuity of knowledge, and this is a manifestation of genetic memory. The continuous generation of information waves by the genetic center (of any hierarchy from the neutron, the nucleus of the atom to the DNA and the nucleus of the Universe) is accompanied by the continuous reading of this information by the growing forms of matter. Therefore, life is a continuous but rhythmic process of genome reproduction. Good as the intention of expedient creation according to the development program can only be realized by free will, if we consider free will as a process of precise selective interaction based on resonance (love).

An example is the conclusion of a marriage union between a man and a woman. Free will here consists only in finding an appropriate partner so that the couple's life is harmonious in the future. If an unsuitable partner is chosen, there will be no harmonious integrity, and then evil will appear. Zodiac signs and the fate of people are closely related. Here we will not touch on all the details of the Zodiac, we will only say that the good and evil of a married couple is associated with the choice of the frequency and phase of oscillations of internal physiological processes in a person. Such nice and good boys and girls, where do bad husbands and bad wives come from? Each person belongs to the same species of living beings, but the internal physiological processes, being the same in their fundamental significance, all people have different manifestations in time, differing in the phase of oscillations.

The place of birth, the time of birth, the time of a new birth are determined by the state of the energy-information field in a given place, which include the beginning of a living process, thereby fixing the initial phase of oscillatory processes associated with the reproduction of DNA (with the reproduction of the genome during cell reproduction through division). And since the human genome is the same for all people as the same species of living beings, the beginning of oscillations for all people will be different with the same general period of genome reproduction. With small differences in the phase of oscillations (the phase is the beginning of oscillations), two people easily unite into a harmonious couple, and this will be a kind family. With slightly greater differences in the phase of oscillations, the creation of a pair is possible on the advice of a matchmaker who knows the zodiac. With large differences, no matchmaker will help, the couple will not take place as a whole, evil, divorce and other troubles arise. Boys and girls, and even more so their parents, should clearly know the properties of the zodiac, which have been accumulated by the experience of many generations of people, and have never been considered empty superstition among the population. They became a superstition thanks to political propaganda.

The conceptual essence of this problem is that the basis of the space around us is a photon medium, penetrating everywhere, invisible, omnipresent, elastic and dense. It is able to be easily excited, form electromagnetic waves of excitation and transfer them over great distances without distorting the meaning of the action of excitation. Therefore, at the time of the birth of a person at different points in the Earth's space, the information content of the wave processes of the external environment for a specific DNA will be different from the merger of one quarter of the male and one quarter of the female genomes. The law of life states that after the fusion of two quarters of the common genome, it is required to reproduce the original genome and double it, which is how perfection is achieved, ending with the division of the cell into two daughter ones, and the cycle will repeat. From the merger of the two development programs of the living process, an oscillatory process begins inside the cell. It is oscillatory because the phase of development of the male genome is ahead of the phase of development of the female genome by 90º, which is the physical basis for the occurrence of oscillations.

The phase of oscillations of internal physiological processes directly determines the moral state of the organism. The rules of conduct are the same for a species such as a human. But, if they are not coordinated in terms of the time of action, which is determined by the phase of internal physiology, then the actions of one will irritate the other only because they are not coordinated. This is how evil arises, although both people are quite respectable. Thus, in Buddhism and in other religions, the idea arose that life is evil. Now it is clear what is the error of these ideas: in the absence of knowledge of the oscillatory law of the living process in space.

Evil accompanies a living process only in the case when the phases of the oscillations of the interacting systems are very different. Therefore, the institution of Teachers is provided for in the nature of life, they coordinate the phases of vibrations of two elements only by their presence, slightly shifting their internal electrical centers (the function of phase shifters and enzymes, catalysts). With large mismatches in the phase of oscillations, there will be no interaction among related elements. Disharmony is a mismatch in the phase of oscillations, which manifests itself as evil. Can evil be avoided or its manifestation reduced? Can. It is necessary not to fight evil, but to teach people the primordial laws of nature. old faith she knew well how and when, who can be combined with whom, the timing of conception, so that the children were strong and reasonable. Modern scientific knowledge reveals the essence of what our ancestors knew from a previous civilization, and confirms their correctness about the quality factor.

Our wise Ancestors in relation to any object of the Universe: the microworld, Man, Earth, solar system, the Galaxy, the Universe, the idea of ​​harmonious full development in accordance with the Cosmic Laws (Conscience) was invested in the deep meaning of "Good". Conscience is a measure of morality; in Russian it means joint action with the message. The message is the voice of reason, the inner voice of thought, and thought is the flow of electrical information flows in a closed circuit of the memory structure that form the spiritual essence, field education. Therefore, when the flows of two interacting bodies coincide in the phase of oscillations (their temper, morality coincide), conscience also arises. Any deviation from character is a lack of conscience (advice), and the inner voice advises to think before committing an act, interaction. A lack of conscience is an expression of a mismatch of morals, from which evil arises. Evil is committed by those who have no conscience, no inner adviser. All this means that good creates and creates, and evil only destroys integrity.

So, the goal of studying the concept of good and evil has been achieved by revealing the reason for the existence of rational order and harmony, which the Absolute has sent down to the World. The criterion of truth is the unity of concept and reality. The concept of good coincides with the real events of creation and creation, and therefore good is the TRUTH. And truth is a genetic memory, since only thanks to it a good material form is built. Evil arises when interacting with the goal of creating a system, when two parties, wanting to unite, differ in temper or phase of internal vibrations, which is a current thought, a way of thinking. To eliminate evil, one does not need to fight it, evil will only increase, or both will die - good and evil, as is done in the immune system. To prevent the birth of evil, the institution of Teachers (mediators who teach interaction according to conscience) is required. When evil has already formed into a system, it is destroyed at the cost of the lives of respectable people.

The evolution of life is accompanied by the complication of systems, which expands the horizons of mastered knowledge, and the system acquires a quality factor. The ultimate goal of the evolution of the life of every civilization during one period(of every person, every cell, every atom and the whole Universe) is the reproduction of genetic memory, the reproduction of the experience of past actions. At the same time, new experience is gained, since with each new period, the parameters of the environment change, which are set by the genetic memory of the hierarchy one step higher.

With the end of the reproduction of the genome in an exact copy, evil disappears, since the process of creation itself disappears, but the result of creation remains - memory. It is ABSOLUTE GOOD, quality, wisdom and holiness, spiritual perfection. The Law of Life of the Universe interprets: evil can never be at the head of a living process, since a living process is always connected with the memory of past experience. Knowing the law of the cosmos, one must be able to resist the formation of an evil system through the only way - teaching the living process to all participants in the interaction. And therefore knowledge is the power to resist evil. The one who knows is protected from evil. When a person learns through his expanded consciousness that his separate life, previously isolated from the whole world, is only a part of the common life, the boundaries separating him from the Life of the Universe will disappear, and he will merge with good eternity.

So the idea of ​​the genetic unity of the world of space allows you to open your eyes to understand the truth of life, which gives a good technology for building a friendly community in Russia, main feature the character of the inhabitants of which is the conscience. Parting words - do not do evil, do good, clearing your conscience through learning the law of the life of the cosmos.


To solve the problem of understanding good and evil, it is urgent to change the existing worldview. The only correct worldview is the living cosmos and the genetic unity of the world.

All processes in space and on Earth in particular are developing according to the program of genetic reproduction of the genome of the Universe, which ensures the genetic unity of the world. The world knows when and how it will be. To reduce evil, the accuracy of the execution of genetic information is ensured by the Institute of Teachers at all levels of the hierarchy of spheres of life: Spiritual Teachers, teachers from among people, enzymes among biomolecules, catalysts in the chemistry of atoms, phase shifters - their common name.

The purpose of studying the concept of good and evil is achieved by revealing the reason for the existence of rational order and harmony, which the Absolute sent down to the World.

Good, as a genetic memory of a living process, exists forever thanks to the universal law of the rhythmic reproduction of an exact copy of memory. Evil is born periodically, accompanying the act of creation. The reason for the birth of evil is ignorance, ignorance or distortion of the laws of the living process. The perfection of the spirit is the goal of earthly paths.


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