We learn to see beauty in a person. Class hour "Learn to see the beauty in a person"


(theatrical activity in preschool educational institution)

Prepared by:

teacher Nehorosheva E.N.


Card file of pantomime games

Game - pantomime "Duck"

Target. Develop pantomime skills fine motor skills hands;

The teacher reads the poem:

A motley duck sat on a stone, The duck scared the minnow in the river:

The duck hummed into a thick pipe. "Quack, quack, quack!"

While reading, children stand with their hands behind their backs, rolling from side to side. Duck cue say

loud all together.

The teacher stands away from the children and calls them, placing an imaginary bowl of food on the floor:

- My ducklings, come to me, I will feed you.

The teacher clarifies and shows: how ducks walk, how they flap their wings, stretch their necks, eat.

Pantomime game "Who lives in Africa?"

Target. Learn to move freely, using all the surrounding space;

develop improvisation skills.

Before the game, the teacher puts illustrations depicting African animals on the flannelgraph

(giraffe, elephant, lion, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, zebra, monkeys...).

- Are these animals familiar to you?(Children's answers.)

- Imagine that you are in hot Africa and turned into these animals. You do not

tell me what you have become, and I will try to guess it.

The soundtrack "Chunga-changa" is turned on, the children imitate the movements of the selected animal, and

The teacher tries to guess.

Pantomime game "Anthill"

Target. Learn to identify yourself with a given character, encourage independent

role choice.

Imagine that you are walking through a forest. The sun is hot, it's far from home, your legs are tired,

and you decide to take a break. And here is the stump!

They sat on a stump, stretched out their legs, closed their eyes, and rested.

And suddenly... what is it? Someone is crawling on your legs... Oh, those are ants! You sat on a stump

anthill! Quickly shake off the ants and, carefully, so as not to suppress them, jump into


The game is played several times collectively and individually at will.

Pantomime game "Flies"

Target. Develop pantomime skills and creative imagination

Children are invited to listen carefully to the poem, then the teacher reads, and the children, not

uttering not a word, they “show” the poem with facial expressions and gestures. Can be used

musical accompaniment.

Flies danced in eight pairs on the parquet.

They saw a spider - they fainted.


The poem plays out several times. (You can change the music.)

Pantomime Game "Greedy Dog"

The teacher reads the text, the children imitate movements in the text:

Greedy dog ​​- kneaded the dough,

Firewood brought. Bake a pie

He flooded the stove, sat in a corner

He applied water, And ate it himself! AM!

Pause after each line so that the children have time to improvise in the movements of the task. If a

there are difficulties, then join the game yourself or help the children achieve more with leading questions.

convincing game (How hard it is to carry firewood! A whole bunch in our hands, under their weight we bent, etc.)

Pantomime game "The hare had a garden"(V.Stepanov.)

Target. Develop pantomime skills.

The teacher reads, the children imitate movements.

The bunny had a garden, the bunny is happy to go.

Rovnenkie two beds. But first everything will dig up,

There he played snowballs in winter, And then he will level everything,

Well, in the summer - hide and seek. Seeds sow cleverly

And in the spring in the garden And he will go to plant carrots.

A hole is a seed, a hole is a seed,

And you look, in the garden again

Peas and carrots will grow.

And how autumn will come,

He will gather his harvests.

And just like that, the story ends here!

Pantomime game "Snowdrift"

Goal: Develop pantomime skills, imagination; cultivate communication.

Children imitate movements in the text.

Snowdrift in the meadow. Big big. But the sun has warmed up. The snowdrift quietly became

sit under the rays of the warm sun. And small streams slowly flowed from the snowdrift. They are still sleepy

and weak ones. But then the sun warmed even more, and the streams woke up and quickly, quickly ran,

bending around pebbles, bushes, trees. Soon they united, and now a stormy river roars in the forest. Runs

river, carrying with it last year's leaves and branches. And soon the river flowed into the lake and disappeared.

Why did the river disappear into the lake?

Game-pantomime "Bears"

But look, a mountain of old deadwood. Oh, it's a den! And bear cubs sleep in it. But here

The sun warmed up and melted the snow. Droplets of water seeped into the lair. Water got on the nose, ears,

cub paws.

The cubs stretched, snorted, opened their eyes and began to get out of the den. Spreading your paws

boughs, they got out into the clearing. The rays of the sun blind the eyes. The cubs cover their eyes with their paws and

growl in displeasure. But soon my eyes got used to it. The cubs looked around, sniffed the fresh

air and quietly dispersed across the clearing. How many interesting things are here! Further improvisation is possible.

Game - pantomime "Visiting a fairy tale"

Purpose: To develop pantomime skills.

Children choose cards with the image of fairy-tale characters.

Show like a Goat (Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.)

Looks in the mirror;

Tastes a favorite dish;

Tries an unloved dish;

Listens to a compliment;

Listens to the remark;

Sits down on a chair.

Game - pantomime "Riddle"

Purpose: To develop pantomime skills.

The players are divided into two teams: some guess riddles, depict, and others

guessing. During the game, the teams change tasks.

In a store (toys, vegetable, deli, furniture, etc.) - guess what product you need

to the buyer or what product is on the shelf;

At the zoo: guess who is in the cage;

Guess the profession (by characteristic movements and posture);

Guess how the journey took place (by boat, plane, train, etc.);

Guess the mood (by posture, facial expression, gait, etc.);

Guess what the weather is like outside

Determine by the gait of a passerby (ballerina, soldier, "pussy", a very old person,

a fashion model, a person whose shoes are pressed, etc.).

Game - pantomime "If only…….."

Goal: Develop pantomime skills

1. Go to the table and examine it as if it were:

royal throne,

Aquarium with exotic fish


Blooming rose bush.

3. Pass the book to each other as if it were:


Piece of cake,


porcelain figurine, etc.

4. Take a pencil from the table as if it were:


hot baked potato,

Little bead.

5. Walk along the line drawn in chalk, like a tightrope.

6. Perform various actions:

Peel potatoes,

String beads on a string

There is a cake, etc.

Game - pantomime "Sculptor and Clay"

Target. Development of communication skills.

Children are distributed in pairs and take a free place in the hall,

They agree among themselves which of them is the "Sculptor", and which -


Sculptors sculpt from Clay: animals, athletes, toys, fairy-tale characters.

Then the players change roles.

Note: several experts are selected who guess what the Sculptor has molded.

After unraveling, the Sculpture (Clay) is disenchanted and ceases to maintain a pose.




Prepared by:

teacher Nehorosheva E.N.


Card file of theatrical games

Target. Develop attention, observation, imagination of children.

Children greet each other on behalf of any, invented by them fairy tale character(foxes,

hare, wolf), put on (optional) costumes and tell who they look like. The teacher of

he can portray the chosen characters through expressive movements, facial expressions, and voice.

The game "Where we were, we will not say"

Target. To develop attention, memory, figurative thinking of children.

The driver chosen by the children leaves the door, and the remaining children, together with the teacher

agree who or what they will portray. Then the driver enters and says: “Tell me where

you were, what did you do?” The children answer: “Where we were, we will not say, but we will show what we did” (if they

agreed to portray the action) or “Whom we saw, we will show” (if they depict an animal), etc. AT

during the game, the teacher helps children find the most characteristics animals or objects and

express them expressively.

Game "Imaginary Journey"

Target. Develop imagination, fantasy, memory of children; ability to communicate in the


Teacher. Now we are going on a journey. I will describe the place where we will be, and you

you must imagine, see it mentally and do what your imagination tells you. So take it from

imaginary backpacks, put them on, go to the middle of the room. In front of you is a clearing full of

field flowers and berries. Pick flowers for bouquets. Gather berries. But first decide for yourself what

is it a flower or a berry, because I can ask you, "What is it?" Please note that all berries grow in the grass, which means

you can’t see them right away - you need to carefully move the grass apart with your hands. Now we're moving on down the road to

forest. A stream flows here, through which a board is thrown. Walk along the board. We entered the forest, where there are many

mushrooms and berries - look around. Now we will rest and have a snack. Get out of your backpacks the breakfasts that you

mom gave me on the road, and have a bite to eat. And I'll guess what you "eat".

The game "Grandfather Molchok"

Target. Develop expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, voices.

Children sit in a creative semicircle. The game "Grandfather Molchok" is held.

Teacher. Grandfather Molchok will come to visit us today. When he appears, it becomes quiet.

Grandfather is very kind, he loves children and knows many interesting games.


Hello, grandfather Molchok!

Where are you? We want to play

Lots of new things to learn.

Where are you, good old man? Silence ... Silence came. Don't scare him, look

Shh, don't say anything.

The teacher asks the children very quietly, on tiptoe, to look for their grandfather, calling for observance with a gesture.

says that he was in a hurry to the guys, because he loves to play. Invites children to play the game "Find out

who speaks in a different name. With the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is chosen. The teacher on behalf of the grandfather reads

text. The child Molchok points to answers the question by changing his voice. The driver guesses who

of the children speaks on a different behalf.

The cuckoo sits on a bough,

And the answer is...

“Ku-ku,” replies the child pointed to by grandfather Molchok.

And here is the kitten in the corner, It meows so ... (Meow! Meow!)

The puppy barks back

Here's what we'll hear after... (Woof! Woof!)

The cow will not be silent either,

And after us loudly moan ... (Moo!)

And the cockerel, having met the dawn, will sing to us ... (Ku-ka-re-ku!)

The locomotive, having gained speed, also sings merrily ... (Oooh!)

If it's a holiday, the kids shout merrily... (Hurrah! Hurray!)

Game "Shadow"

Target. Teach children to coordinate their actions with other children.

Children are divided into pairs. One child in a pair is a person, he "walks through the forest": he collects

mushrooms, berries, catches butterflies, etc. The other child is his shadow. Repeating human movements, shadow

should act in the same rhythm and express the same feeling.

The teacher explains to the children the meanings of the words "tempo" and "rhythm":! “Tempo is speed: fast _____ (,

slowly, very slowly. Rhythm is the uniform repetition of certain sounds: one-two, knock-


Then the conditions of the game change. One child in a pair - a mouse, a frog, a bunny, a bear, a fox,

cockerel, hedgehog (at the choice of the teacher), the other child is his shadow. During the game, children change

roles, and the teacher prompts them, shows them! gait of animals.

The game "Know by the nose"

Target. Develop attention, observation.

The driver goes behind the curtain. The participants in the game take turns, slightly opening the curtain, show him

arm, leg, hair, nose, etc. If the driver recognizes a comrade right away, then he gets a phantom. The game is on repeat

several times, the drivers change.

Game "Mirror"

facial expressions.

Teacher. Imagine that you are preparing for a performance and putting on makeup in front of a mirror. What

makeup? This is face painting, the art of giving a face (using special paints, gluing

mustaches, beards, etc.) the appearance necessary for the actor for this role. Stand in pairs facing each other.

friend. One of you is an artist and the other is a mirror. "Mirror" closely follows the movements of the artist and

mirrors them. Try to predict any gesture, any facial expressions. What can an artist do?

(Put on a wig, a mask; style your hair, put a tone on your face, draw eyebrows, paint eyelashes and lips;

smile, laugh, cry, be sad, etc.)Movements should be smooth and unhurried. Not

laugh at it! When are you in a happy mood? What sentiments do you know?

Game "Broken Phone"

Target. Teach children to recognize emotional states (joy, sadness, anger, fear) by

facial expressions.

All participants in the game, except for the driver and one of the guys, close their eyes - “sleep”. The driver shows

a child who has not closed his eyes, any emotion. The child, "waking up" another participant in the game, transmits

the emotion he saw as he understood it, without words. The second participant conveys his version of what he saw

the third player and so on until the last player.

After the game, the teacher talks with the children about what emotions they portrayed; on what grounds are they

know the emotions.

The game "Your own director"

Target. Give children the opportunity to independently compose a sketch of animals.

The teacher explains to the children: “The director is the leader, organizer of the number or performance, or

circus performance of artists. One child (optional) takes on the role of director. He's dialing

artists, invents a scene, uses props, costumes. The rest of the guys who are not involved in the scene,

make up their own scenes.

Game "Guess who I am"

Target. Develop attention, observation, memory.

The game is more fun when a lot of guys take part in it. With the help of a counter choose

driver. He is blindfolded. Children hold hands and stand in a circle around the leader. The driver claps his hands

while the children move around.

The driver claps again - and the circle freezes. Now the driver must point to a player and

try to guess who he is. If he manages to do it on the first try, then the player he guessed

becomes a leader. If, on the first try, the driver did not guess who is in front of him, he has the right

touch this player and try to guess a second time. In case of a correct guess, the driver

becomes a child who is identified. If the driver could not guess correctly, he drives

on the second round.

Game variant. You can enter a rule according to which the driver can ask the player for something

pronounce, for example, portray an animal: bark or meow. If the driver did not recognize the player, he

drives again.

Hot potato game

Target. Develop speed of reaction, coordination of movements.

Traditionally, the game uses a real potato, but it can be replaced with a tennis ball

or a volleyball.

Children sit in a circle, the driver is in the center. He throws a "potato" to one of the players and

immediately closes his eyes. Children throw "potatoes" to each other, wanting to get rid of them as soon as possible.

get rid of (as if it were a real hot potato). Suddenly, the host says: “Hot potatoes!”

The player who has a "hot potato" in his hands is out of the game. When there is only one re-

ben, the game ends and that player is considered the winner.

The game "Which of us is the most observant?"

Target. Develop observation, memory.

All children love this game and willingly play it. Choose a driver who carefully

examines the players: their clothes, shoes, who is sitting or standing where, remembers the positions of the players. driving

leaves the room. The guys change places; change postures, change shoes; exchange shirts,

handbags, ribbons, handkerchiefs, scarves. The driver enters and looks for changes. The more

he finds changes, the better, the more observant he is.

Game "Imagine"

Target. Develop imitative skills.

Everyone needs the sun! Flowers, butterflies, ants, frogs. Who else needs sun? (Children

list.) Now you will figure out who you will turn into, and to the music, portray this or that

guessed, and I'll try to guess.

The recording is turned on, the children imitate the movements of the intended character. It can be

flowers, insects, animals, birds, trees, etc. The teacher guesses and clarifies.

The sun went behind a cloud, and it began to rain. More like an umbrella!

Game "Affectionate word"

Target. To form in children a friendly attitude towards each other.

The teacher collects the children in a round dance with the words:

In a round dance, in a round dance

The people have gathered here!

One, two, three - you start!

Following this, the teacher puts on a cap and affectionately turns to the child standing next to him.

For example:

- Sasha, good morning!

The teacher clarifies what kind and affectionate words we can pronounce when referring to our

friends (Hello, how glad I am to see you; what a beautiful bow you have; you have a beautiful

dress, etc.).

After that, the children again go in a circle with a song. The teacher passes the cap to the next child,

who, in turn, must affectionately turn to the baby standing next to him, etc.

Game "Continue the phrase and show"

Target. develop logic, Creative skills; develop imitative skills.

If it's cold outside, what do you wear?(Fur coat, hat, mittens...)

If you are given a small kitten, what will you do?? (Let's stroke him, caress him).

If you are alone in the forest, what will you do?(Scream loudly "Aw!")

If mom is resting, how will you behave?(Walk on tiptoe, don't make noise...)

If your friend is crying, what should you do?(Comfort, stroke, look into the eyes ...).

If matches caught your eye?(Answers of children that the teacher summarizes with a conclusion: matches

not a toy for children!

The game "Doctor Aibolit" (K. Chukovsky)

Target. Develop logic, creativity; develop a positive attitude towards

surrounding; develop imitative skills, articulation apparatus

kind doctor Aibolit! And a bug, and a spider,

He sits under a tree. And a bear!

Come to him for treatment, He will heal everyone, heal

Both a cow and a she-wolf, Good Doctor Aibolit!

The teacher takes on the role of the doctor. He is wearing a white coat, cap, and a pipe in his pocket. Children

choose dolls finger theater and approach Dr. Aibolit. Selected character's voice

they ask to treat the paw, nose, tummy ...

In the course of the game, the teacher (Aibolit) asks questions, prompting the children vividly and emotionally

get into the game.

At the end, the children arrange a concert for Dr. Aibolit ( orchestra play)

Game "Traveling Circus"

Target. Develop imagination and the ability to improvise; encourage children to participate in

theatrical game, to encourage creative initiative;

expand children's knowledge of the circus, enrich vocabulary; educate friendly


To rhythmic music (circus ink), the teacher reads a poem, the children go in a circle and

waving hand in greeting

For the joy of a child, a wandering circus arrived.

In singing and ringing, everything in it is like in the present:

The gymnast flies and the horse gallops, the fox jumps into the fire,

The monkey hurries to the mirror, and the clown makes the audience laugh.

The teacher announces the numbers:

Our first program"Ropewalkers"!

The teacher puts the tape on the floor. To the musical accompaniment, the children, raising their hands to the sides,

walk along the tape, imagining that it is a rope stretched in the air.

The second number of our program -"Famous Strongmen".

Boys lift imaginary weights, barbells.

The third number of our program -"Scientific Dogs"under the leadership of the famous

trainers ... (The teacher calls the name of the girl.)

Dog children squat down, the trainer gives tasks: dance; solve problems by

pictures; jump through the ring; sing.


During the intermission, all spectators and participants in the performance are given an imaginary

ice cream.

Target. To teach children intonation and expressively pronounce the proposed phrase.

The children stand in a line. The leader stands with his back to them. The teacher silently points to any child, that

pronounces the phrase: “Sk-kk-kk-kk, guess whose voice!” If the driver has guessed correctly, he stands in the general

Playing with imaginary objects

Target. Develop imagination and fantasy; encourage children to participate in general theater


1. The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the words of a familiar poem “My cheerful ringing ball", and

Everyone hits the floor with an imaginary ball.

2. The teacher throws an imaginary ball to each child, the child “catches” the ball and “throws” it back


3. Children stand in a circle and pass an imaginary object to each other. The game starts and comments


Look, I have a big ball in my hands. Take it, Sasha (The teacher passes the "ball" next to

standing child).

Oops, yours is small. Pass it on to Nastya.

Nastya, in your hands a small ball has turned into a hedgehog. Its thorns are prickly, look, not

prick and don't drop the hedgehog. Pass the hedgehog to Petya.

Petya, your hedgehog has turned into a big balloon. Hold him tight by the thread so that

damn it, damn it - into a ball of thread, thread - into a small kitten, you can gently stroke it, kitten

turned into a ruddy kolobok).

Playing with an imaginary object

Target. To form the skills of working with imaginary objects;

promote humane treatment of animals.

Children in a circle. The teacher folds his palms in front of him: Guys, look, in my hands

little kitty. He is very weak and helpless. I will let each of you hold him, and you will

stroke, caress, only carefully and tell him kind words.

The teacher passes an imaginary kitten. Leading questions help children find the right

words and movements.

Game "Me too!"

Target. Improve attention, observation.

The teacher says

what does he do, and the children answer loudly on a signal: “So do I!”: In the morning I get up ... (And so do I!) I wash my face ...

I brush my teeth... I put on clean clothes... I have breakfast... I go out into the street... I sit down in a dirty puddle..."

Teacher. Who is this piglet, who likes to wallow in puddles? One can only feel sorry for him

mommy. Let's try again! I love watching a play. (Me too!) I don't talk in the audience...

I am the most accurate ... I walk on the street ... I offend all the guys ...

Teacher. Who is so brave here - offends the guys? It's not good to offend guys! But

I don't think anyone is wrong. I love fun music... (Me too!) I dance with

friends... (Me too!) Now show me how you can dance.

Music sounds. Children are dancing.

Game "Funny Monkeys"

Teacher. Imagine that you are all monkeys and are sitting in a cage at the zoo. one of you we

choose the role of a visitor to the zoo. He will stand in the center and make various movements and

gestures. "Monkeys" imitate the visitor, exactly repeat his gestures and movements. Via

rhymes choose a "visitor":

Above the rays, above the water

Torrential rain poured down.

And then it hung

There is a rocker in the sky.

The kids are happy

Golden rainbow.

(M. Lopygina. Rainbow)

"Visitors" during the game change several times.

Game "Cooks"

Target. Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction, memory.

Children are divided into two teams (calculated for the first or second). The first team prepares the first

dish, and the second - salad. Each child comes up with what product he will be: onions, carrots,

beets, cabbage, parsley, pepper, salt, etc. - for the first course; potatoes, cucumber, onion,

peas, egg, mayonnaise, etc. - for salad. Then all the children become in a circle - it turns out

"pan" - and sing a song (improvisation):

We can cook quickly borsh or soup

And delicious porridge from several cereals,

Cut lettuce and plain vinaigrette,

Compote to cook - that's a glorious dinner.

The children stop, and the leader (teacher) takes turns calling what he wants to put in

saucepan. The self-recognized child enters the circle. When all the "components" of the dish are in a circle,

the host suggests cooking another dish.

The game "What we are doing, we will not say, but we will show"

Target. To promote the development of a sense of truth and faith in fiction; learn how to act on stage


The room is divided in half by a cord. On one side are 6 guys, selected with

counting rhymes - "grandfather and five grandchildren." On the other hand, the rest of the children and the teacher; they will

guess riddles. Having agreed on what the riddle will be about, the children go to the “grandfather” and “grandchildren”.

Children. Hello, gray-haired grandfather with a long, long beard!

Grandpa. Hello grandchildren! Hello guys! Where have you been? What have you seen?

Children. We visited the forest, there we saw a fox. What we did, we will not say, but we will tell you


Children show the riddle they made up. If "grandfather" and "grandchildren" give the correct answer, the children

return to their half and come up with a new riddle. If the answer is given incorrectly, the children

call the correct answer and after the words of the teacher: "One, two, three - catch up!" run for the cord, in their own half

rooms, and "grandfather" and "grandchildren" try to catch up with them until the guys crossed the line.

After two riddles, new "grandfather" and "grandchildren" are selected. In riddles, children show how they

for example, washing hands, washing handkerchiefs, chewing nuts, picking flowers, mushrooms or berries, playing ball,

they sweep the floor with a broom, chop wood with an ax, etc. The teacher praises the children for the correct actions with

imaginary things they are! shown in riddles.

Game "Birthday"

Target. To promote the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction. Learn to act

scene in harmony.

With the help of a counting rhyme, a child is selected who invites children to a “birthday”. Guests

come in turn and bring imaginary gifts. With the help of expressive movements, conditional

game actions, children should show what exactly they give.

It is better if there are few guests, and the rest of the guys will first be in the role of spectators,

evaluating the reliability of the display. Then the children can switch roles. Gifts can be the most

various: a box of chocolates, chocolate, a scarf, a hat, a book, felt-tip pens and even a live kitten.

Game "Guess what I'm doing?"

Target. Develop children's memory, imagination.

Children stand in a circle. Each child takes a certain pose and justifies it:

Stands with a raised hand (I put the book on the shelf, I take out the candy from the vase in the locker, I hang up my jacket,

decorating trees, etc.);

He is on his knees, arms and body are directed forward (I am looking for a spoon under the table, I am watching the caterpillar,

feeding a kitten, rubbing the floor, etc.);

Squats (look at a broken cup, draw with chalk, etc.);

I leaned forward (tying my shoelaces, picking up a scarf, picking a flower, etc.).

The teacher invites the children to repeat the game "Guess what I'm doing?" in move.

Children walk freely around the hall to the music. As soon as the music ends, the guys stop

take certain poses, then justify them (picking flowers, bending over a mushroom, etc.).

The game "The Same and Different"

Children in a creative semicircle. One child comes up with his own variant of behavior, and the children

must guess what he is doing and where he is (a person walks, sits, runs, raises his hand,

listens, etc.).

The same action in different conditions looks different. Children are divided into creative

groups, and each receives a specific task.

Group I is given the task to sit. Possible options:

Sitting at the TV

sit in the circus;

Sitting in the doctor's office;

Sit at the chessboard;

Sitting with a fishing rod on the river bank, etc.

Group II receives the task to go. Possible options:

To go on the road;

Walk on hot sand;

Walk on the deck of the ship;

Walk on a log or a narrow bridge;

Walk along a narrow mountain path, etc.

III group receives the task to run. Possible options:

Run late to the theater;

Run from an angry dog;

Run away in the rain

Run, play hide and seek, etc.

Group IV is given the task of waving their arms. Possible options:

Drive away mosquitoes;

Signal the ship to be noticed;

Dry wet hands, etc.

Group V is given the task of catching the little animal. Possible options:

Catch a cat;

Catch a parrot;

Catching grasshoppers, etc.

The teacher and the audience note who correctly completed the task.

Game "Transformation of an object"

Target. Develop children's imagination and fantasy.

First, the teacher explains to the children: “In the theater, the audience believes in what the actor believes. scenic

attitude is the ability, with the help of faith, imagination and fantasy, to change one's attitude to the subject,

place of action or partners, changing their behavior accordingly, justifying the conditional


The teacher takes an object and puts it on the table! or passes in a circle from one child

to another. Each child must act with the object in his own way, justifying his new

the purpose is to understand the essence of the transformation. Transformation options for different items:

Pencil or stick: wrench, screwdriver, fork, spoon, thermometer, toothbrush, brush for

drawing, fife, I comb, etc.;

Small ball: apple, shell, snowball, potato, stone, hedgehog, gingerbread man, chicken, etc.;

Notebook: mirror, flashlight, soap, chocolate bar, shoe brush, game, etc.

You can turn a chair into a stump; in this case, children must justify the conditional name of the subject.

For example, a large chair can be turned into a royal throne, commemorative nickname, etc.

Game "Travel around the world"

Target. Develop imagination, the ability to justify your behavior.

Children in a creative semicircle. The teacher invites them to go on a trip around the world:

“Guys, you are faced with a task: to figure out where your path will go - through the desert, through the mountain

path, through the swamp; through the forest, the jungle, across the ocean on a ship.

Children propose a route world travel, using the scenery of the ship, the hut.

So, the itinerary of the round-the-world trip is drawn up, and the children begin to play. The game uses

music of the peoples of the world, sound effects - thunder, rain, storm noise, storm, costumes and masks.

Game "King"

Target. To be able to act with imaginary objects, to the memory of physical actions

(variant of the folk game).

The performer of the role of the King is chosen using a rhyme:

Our Masha got up early,

She counted all the dolls:

Two nesting dolls on the windows,

Two Arinka on a featherbed,

Two Tanyas on a pillow,

A parsley in a cap

On an oak chest.

(E. Blaginina. Rhythm)

better remember them.

The king sits on a "throne" with a crown on his head. Children are divided into several groups. Each group

represents his profession to the King, acting with imaginary objects (cooks, laundresses, seamstresses, etc.).


The first group approaches the King.

Workers. Hello King!

King. Hello!

Workers. Do you need workers?

King. What can you do?

Workers. And you guess!

The king must guess the professions of workers. If he guessed correctly, then the children scatter, and he catches up

runaway children. The first child caught becomes the King. During the game, the teacher complicates the character

King - he is greedy, then evil. If the role of the King is played by a girl (Queen), then she can be kind,

frivolous, grumpy, etc. The main thing in this game is action with imaginary objects.

Game "Birthday"

Target. The game teaches children to be friendly, attentive and kind, to be able to act with

imaginary objects.

The teacher appoints the child to the role of the birthday boy. He will receive guests on his birthday.

Guests take turns giving him imaginary gifts (a doll, a ball, a designer, etc.). The teacher should

pay attention to the correct actions of children with imaginary objects

Game "Riddles without words"

Target. Involve children in playing mini-scenes.

The teacher calls the children: I will sit next to the bench,

I will sit with you.

I'll tell you riddles

Who is smarter - I'll see.

The teacher, together with the first subgroup of children, sit down and look at illustrations for riddles without words.

Children choose pictures that they can think of without saying a word. The second subgroup at this time

located on the other side of the room.

Children of the first subgroup without words, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, depict, for example: wind, sea,

brook, kettle (if difficult, then: a cat, barking dog, mouse, etc.). Children of the second subgroup guess.

Then the second subgroup guesses, and the first one guesses.

Pantomime is a very famous and popular genre of art. Masters of pantomime in their performances, as a rule, depict people different professions. Try to also become masters of this genre and portray athletes in your speech:

rowers in a kayak with a coxswain;

shot putters;

Long jumpers


masters of synchronized swimming.


In one city there lived a master hatter. He made hats and caps, caps and panamas. One day he got tired of it: every day the same thing! And he decided to make such a headdress, which had never been before. First, he came up with a name for the headdress, and then got to work. Try to draw what the master hatter made. And the new headdress was called like this:

· kepkanama;


· furalyapa;


· three-peaker.


Write a story about...

a dog that lived in a refrigerator;

a crow who loved to ride a bicycle;

a pike that played the guitar;

a birch tree that wanted to learn how to swim;

May beetle, which was very afraid of heights.


All people are taught how to behave at the dinner table: how to sit, how to open your mouth, how to use a fork and knife. For humans, eating is an art. But no one teaches animals how to eat properly. And therefore, all animals eat not “how beautiful”, but “however”. Show how they do it. Imagine that lunch has come at the zoo and portray a diner ...

a turtle



Threads are used for sewing or embroidery. And with the help of a thread, you can make a pattern. To do this, you just need to put the thread on a sheet of paper, and then use your finger or some device to turn, bend the thread so that you get some kind of contour. To make the thread more “obedient”, it can be wetted. Try to "draw" a regular tree with a thread, for example ...

· birch;

· cactus;

a palm tree

pyramidal poplar.


Many fairy tales describe magical, fabulous cities. They differ from the real ones in that not people live in them, but various fabulous creatures. Imagine a city where only flowers live. Each flower has its own character, its habits. Every day, flowers go to work, to shops, to the cinema. Try to come up with a fairy tale about how they do it. For example, if the fairy tale was called “A sewing workshop in the city of flowers”, it could have a story about the old master Cactus, who sewed military uniform for the Gladiolus guardsmen, and once the ballerina Forget-me-not ordered a ballerina from him, etc. Let be new fairy tale called like this:

· "Hairdressing salon in the city of flowers";

· "Hospital in the city of flowers";

· "Amusement park in the city of flowers";

· "Shop in the city of flowers";

· «Fashion salon in the city of flowers» .


There are few people who would like to visit the clinic. For some reason, many people are afraid of visiting a doctor. Sometimes it's just funny and sad to watch how patients behave in the doctor's office. Try to stage a patient's visit to the doctor, and for this, remember what doctors do and say, and how patients behave. And let the staging take place in the office ...

90 minutes
  • Lead, Instructor
  • transport within the Moscow Ring Road
  • slotted gate
  • folding gate

Price: 12,000 rubles.

Program cost

  • 120 minutes
    • Lead, Instructor
    • relay races, contests, tests, raffles, prizes
    • transport within the Moscow Ring Road
    • slotted gate
    • folding gate
    • football relay races and competitions
    • commemorative diplomas
    • memorable prizes for everyone
    • attraction "Penalty"
    Program cost
  • 180 minutes
    • Lead, Instructor
    • relay races, contests, tests, raffles, prizes
    • transport within the Moscow Ring Road
    • slotted gate
    • folding gate
    • football relay races and competitions
    • commemorative diplomas
    • memorable prizes for everyone
    • attraction "Penalty"
    • attraction "Inflatable football"
    • football freestyle show
    • Master Class

    Price: 80,000 rubles.

    Program cost

  • The script for the birthday of a boy 9-10 years old is the birth of a young football player. sun for children's holidays. » women's online magazine

    Birthday script.

    On the birthdays of the Young Football Player.

    ♦ Invitation cards. Do them in style or with football theme ingredients. The invitation itself can be made in the form of a football ticket, with the colors of the team for which your offspring is ill. (This is easy and very inexpensive - after all, any picture with text can be easily printed on a color printer). Let the text of the invitation abound with football definitions - the guests will love it. In a note, ask guests to come in football uniforms.

    ♦ Scenery. Decorate the entrance to the house or apartment with a football banner with a slogan in support of your offspring's beloved team. For each guest, prepare a sticker on a T-shirt with a number, in the colors of the team and the name of one of the players on the football team. They can be inexpensively made by printing on adhesive paper.

    Cheerleading pompoms can be made extremely freely and practically for nothing. Easily collect in motion a couple of months of p / e “t-shirts”, cut them lengthwise into one-sided strips, put together strips from 10-15 such bags and twist them together with extensive adhesive tape. For the twisting area, the help group will be comfortable to hold and wave. (Colored bags will make multi-colored pompoms). Another option is to cut old unnecessary clothes, rugs, blankets. From their pompoms will be the most durable.

    FOOTBALL PARTY (Max's Birthday 2013)

    Children's entertainment club "HOLLYWOOD". there we celebrated a birthday where young football players from Kaliningrad and Zelenogradsk were invited. turned out great!

    ♦ Ceremonial table. Order a 3D birthday cake in the form of a soccer ball with the autograph of your offspring's beloved footballer. Salads can be any, but be sure to serve them in rectangular salad bowls, top with chopped lettuce or pestle sauce (imitation of grass on a football field), and top with mayonnaise mark the field and goal. (Squeeze mayonnaise out of the syringe, then all the stripes drawn by him will be smoother). Make a collar out of chips.

    5. Both boys and girls

    They love us very much in winter,

    They cut the ice with a thin pattern,

    They don't want to go home.

    We are graceful and light

    The riddles were a bit complicated, but mothers were happy to tell their children.

    All attention

    And who usually cheers for the players? Correctly, fans. And there are also support groups, which include girls with such “shlestelkas”. Let's try to dance like them.

    The girls and their mothers liked to dance very much :).

    Football players also need to be very well-aimed to score a goal in the goal.

    Exercise: with eyes closed stick a soccer ball on the goal.

    (The secret is that the gates are drawn on the whole sheet, and it is impossible not to get into them!)

    Football goal

    Who else is on the field with the players and makes sure that the rules of the game are followed? Exactly judges. How do they get attention? That's right, they whistle.

    Exercise: blow the whistle loudly.

    Tell me, what should a goalkeeper be like? Certainly, dexterous.

    Exercise: to catch butterflies blown by an elephant with a net.

    I liked this task the most, we were ready to play all evening.

    The holiday was a success!!! The children were happy to participate in the competitions. Having played enough, they sat down at the table to eat football sandwiches and other snacks. The culmination was the removal of the festive ball cake and blowing out the candles!

    birthday cake

    Another cake - "Wheelbarrow"

    A little about gifts.

    Mom and dad gave me a bike. At first I was not very happy (I wanted to go with Spiderman), but then I appreciated it when we went out to ride in the yard. Worn almost at the same speed as on a scooter! :)

    Girlfriends gave a real soccer ball, children's computer HLW with English letters and the books "Doctor Aibolit" (prose, we almost finish reading these days) and A. Tolstoy about animals (there are no such books yet).

    Grandfather - Mega Blocks with Dasha and Slipper (acts out scenes from the series).

    Grandmother and aunt - a radio that catches music for real (now she walks around and "does fashionable") and clothes.

    Godmother - Water Wader Bath Center (now bathes for hours).

    Kumovya - a cash register for the store.

    On Saturday there was a continuation of the holiday in a cafe in the forest. All children, not even from our company, played shop :). I even had to announce a lunch break, because. everyone wanted to sell something :).

    Sanya and cash register

    8 x photo and text: Oksana Razkevich,

    To decorate the hall checkboxes are required. They did it themselves, pulling the bags on a rope from a festive football set.

    For the quiz you will need: a leaflet with printed questions and answers, leaflets with jokes about football (see attachments).

    Also for a holiday you will need:

    2 nets and bubble,

    Identical ribbons of two colors for two teams,

    2 white t-shirts

    2 packs of felt-tip pens,

    Two white fabrics or 2 drawing paper for writing chants,

    Felt pens for drawing on fabric,

    Ropes or handkerchiefs for tying the legs,

    Cones for all players,

    soft ball,

    cake candles,

    Rustles (for girls),

    drawn gate,

    Drawn soccer balls with double-sided tape glued to the back,

    Blindfolds (shawls),


    Scoreboard or stand for fixing "scored goals".

    By a certain hour, the guests had gathered. We took children's and adult champagne, glasses and went into a large room, which was decorated with flags with a football theme. On one wall was posted educational information about football, which could then be useful for answering quiz questions. Also, there were prepared 2 drawing paper, felt-tip pens, felt-tip pens for drawing on clothes, 2 white T-shirts and 12 caps with cut off tops, cardboard plates and a soft ball. Shivers were made for the fans out of large plastic bags, and whistles were also prepared.

    We went up to the room and noisily opened champagne. The guests said a few congratulations, then we split into teams in the following way: satin ribbons were pulled from opaque bags, which were of two colors (I took this idea from the script on the Sun portal). It turned out that boys and men pulled, but the girls themselves quickly split up, grandmothers and grandchildren into one, all the rest into another team. Thus, the guests were divided into 2 teams of players and two teams of fans - fans.

    Next was warm-up, during which each team chose a captain and a name. Then, on white T-shirts intended for team captains, the participants had to present the name of the team and any fantasy-creative drawing.

    At the same time, the fans had to come up with a chant, rhyming it with the name of the birthday boy or a combination of the words "birthday" and draw a fan poster.

    The next step was to introduce the teams to each other. First, the team presented the captain and his uniform, then the fans presented their chants and posters.

    1st half. Football quiz. The losing team was credited with a goal, which was noted on the stand. Conduct: the host-judge reads out the questions of the quiz, the team that answered faster is assigned a point, and the player from the losing team reads a joke about football (takes out the first one from the box).

    2nd half. Drawing the second goal - the captains catch soap bubbles with nets, whoever caught less, that team has a goal. We mark the result on the stand.

    3rd half. Players in teams are divided into pairs and tie one leg to the partner's leg. You can also tie the torso, as you like. At the signal, the game begins, which lasts 5-7 minutes. We mark the result on the stand.

    4th half. Goal: kick the ball into the opponent's goal. Players put cones on their eyes (we made them from ordinary holiday caps, cutting off the sharp part, thereby narrowing the viewing area) and try to score a goal. The game lasts 5-7 minutes. We mark the result on the stand.

    Yes! Instead of a real ball, we had a soft cloth ball.

    After that penalty- the player had to move a distance x and then, blindfolded, try to attach the ball (cardboard plate from the set, with reverse side on which double-sided tape was pasted) into the gate (we fastened a polyethylene tablecloth from holiday sets, the white strip of the tablecloth was considered the gate). The team that hits the goal the fewest times gets the goal. We mark the result on the stand.

    During the whole match, the fans shouted chants, blew whistles and cheered for their teams. Between 3-4 halves, the girls danced an impromptu fan dance.

    After counting the results, the winners were announced! In case of a draw, we had one more task prepared: to score a goal into the goal by any available means and in an original way.

    After the solemn removal of the cake and blowing out the candles.

    Then everyone sat down at the festive tables, adults separately, children separately. Festive and cheerful was preserved for all of us until the end of the birthday. The birthday boy fell asleep happy.


    (Questions taken from the quiz "Football Day" and others)

    1. What year is considered the birth of modern football?

    2. The pride of which country is one of the greatest football players in the history of world football, Diego Maradona?


    3. Where did the football association start in 1875?

    in Birningham

    4. What is the name of the multiple world record holder in the original football juggling.

    Victor Tsarev

    5. The mascot of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa was...


    6. What is the name of the football shoes?

    7. What is called in football stroking the ball of the opponent?

    8. What kind of pass is served from the corners of the football field?

    9. From which side of the field is the out served?

    on both sides of the field (sideline)

    10. What is the name of the safety pads to protect the lower leg from impacts?

    11. What is the name of the socks from the football player's football uniform?

    12. What is the size of the bootball field?

    according to UEFA rules, the size of a standard football field is 105 by 68 meters

    13. How do we call a football fan, a supporter of a team, acutely experiencing its successes and failures?


    14. What is the name of the most accurate player in football?


    15. What does the term out mean?

    the position when the ball is "out of play", that is, it crosses the boundary line


    Knocking at the gates of heaven. Apostle Peter opens. In front of him is a football player in a tricolor uniform.

    Who are you? - asks Peter.

    I am a Russian football player.

    Listen, how did you get into the gate?

    After a loss, the coach tells the players:

    I asked you to play like you've never played, not like you've never played at all.

    Football coach:

    Your game gives me great pleasure.

    You exaggerate, I play badly.

    But it's funny.

    Honey, I was watching TV today football match which you judged.

    So how?

    I've already made an appointment for you with an optometrist.

    There is a football match. The commentator habitually quickly says:

    Shot, Ivanov has the ball, a pass along the left edge, a pass into the penalty area, a shot on goal, a post! ..

    Then the door opens with a noise, a breathless coach runs in:

    Couldn't it be slower? The guys don't make it.

    A man walks into the library and asks:

    Where do you have "Spartak - champion"?

    Fantastic on the second floor.

    At a football match:

    Boy, where did you get such an expensive ticket?

    Father bought.

    Where is he himself?

    At home, looking for a ticket ...

    especially for the children's portal "Solnyshko"

    Footballer's birthday

    On white paper, draw the outlines of a soccer ball, cut out the pattern, stick it on a sheet of green paper folded in half. Open the invitation and write the text inside. For example: "Members of the team who do not come in uniform to Denis's football party on May 11 at 16.00 will receive a red card and will not be allowed to play next season."

    Stadium Atmosphere

    Hang a poster of your favorite football team on the front door, tie a few balloons filled with helium to the handle. Hang images of your favorite players on the walls, without them the football player's birthday will not take place. Cover the table with a green oilcloth tablecloth, mark it with white gouache or white tape, lay out themed plastic plates, napkins, cutlery, arrange cups. Hang images of balls on ribbons from the ceiling (you will need double-sided tape).

    A treat for athletes

    Since athletes do not have much time to eat during the game, you can limit yourself to various types snacks and drinks. Alternatively, you can cook round pizza in the form of a soccer ball. If the birthday is held outdoors, you can treat young athletes with grilled meat and vegetables.

    Active games

    In good weather, you can simply divide the guests into 2 teams and organize friendly football match. If it is not possible to play on the street, arrange "Blind football". Draw a gate on whatman paper, cut out balls from paper. The task of the players is to score a goal in the drawn goal blindfolded.

    An excellent outdoor game for a football party - "Yellow Card". The driver (referee) is given yellow stickers. The referee must catch up with one of the players and stick a sticker on him (issue a penalty card). The one who gets 3 cards is out of the game. The player left without yellow card, becomes the referee.

    Balloons can be used along with a real ball, for example, in the Golden Ball competition. All the guys in turn are offered to try to fill their heads as many times as possible. Agree, it is more pleasant to do it with a balloon, especially if the players are very young.

    At the end of the birthday, line up the kids in football uniforms and take a group photo. Later, using a graphic editor, you can add an inscription to it: "Party of Champions."

    Scenario for the birthday of a boy of 9-10 years old "birthday of a young football player." everything for children's parties.

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    • Scenario for the birthday of a boy of 9-10 years old "Birthday of a Young Football Player".

      Birthday script.

      Birthday of the Young Football Player.

      ♦ Invitation cards. Perform them in style or with elements of a football theme. The invitation itself can be made in the form of a football ticket, with the colors of the team your son is rooting for. (This is simple and inexpensive - after all, any picture with text can simply be printed on a color printer). Let the text of the invitation abound in football terms - the guests will love it. In a note, ask guests to come in football uniforms.

      ♦ Scenery. Decorate the entrance to your house or apartment with a football banner with a slogan in support of your son's favorite team. For each guest, prepare a sticker on a T-shirt with a number in the colors of the team and the name of one of the players on the football team. They can be made quite inexpensively by printing on adhesive paper.

      Cheerleading pom poms can be made very easily and virtually for free. Just collect plastic "T-shirt" bags for several months, cut them lengthwise into narrow strips, gather together strips of 10-15 such bags and twist them together with wide tape. For the place of twisting, it will be convenient for the support group to hold and wave. (Multi-colored bags will make multi-colored pompoms). Another option is to cut old unnecessary clothes, rugs, blankets. Of these, pompoms will be more durable.

      Festive table. Order a 3D birthday cake in the form of a soccer ball autographed by your son's favorite football player. Salads can be anything, but be sure to serve them in rectangular salad bowls, top with chopped lettuce or pestle sauce (imitation of grass on a football field), and top with mayonnaise mark the field and goal. (Squeeze out the mayonnaise from the syringe, then all the lines drawn by it will be smoother). Make a collar out of chips.

      ♦ Contests. Any contests with balls and balloons, as well as jump ropes, will do. At the beginning, for a warm-up, hold a football quiz, offer teams puzzles and charades on a football theme.

      ♦ We propose to make the scenario in the style of the opening of the football season. For a warm-up, after the arrival of guests, you can hold several football competitions. Then - the opening of the football season - the solemn part of the birthday. Speeches of parents, guests, response word of the birthday man. Presentation of gifts. Distribution of holiday attributes to guests (stickers, cheerleading pom-poms). Fanfare, cheerleading performance, concert numbers in honor of the opening of the season (their guests can prepare in advance). After the solemn part, you should have a little refreshment - football salads, carbonated drinks, ice cream.

      Then we recommend having a friendly match in the yard or at the nearest school stadium. At the end of the match, it would be quite appropriate to bring in a solemn football cake and eat it together. We recommend that all guests be given individual prizes - candies, candies in the colors of the football team, packaged in transparent cellophane bags, to which you can attach a card - a reduced version of the sticker that the guest received before the match.

      Your son and his guests will remember this birthday for a long time!

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    Lyubov Santalova
    Pantomime script Three little pigs (senior group)

    Methodological developments

    "P A N T O M I M A"

    MDOBU "D / s No. 1 "Teremok"

    Musical director:

    Santalova Lyubov Alexandrovna

    Explanatory note on hobby

    « Pantomime and all about it»

    In working with children to develop musically - rhythmic movements, through observations in the course of classes, I decided to test new form work - pantomime.

    Method of observation in working with children revealed:

    Children do not know how to move according to the music.

    There is no expressiveness in the performance of figurative movements, playing out fairy-tale characters.

    They do not have a developed sense of rhythm - the ability to highlight an accent, a strong beat, a change in tempo, movements.

    To solve problems, put goal:

    Through pantomime to develop in children emotional responsiveness, plasticity, grace in the figurative execution of movements, the ability to imitate

    fairy tale character.

    I set myself the following tasks:

    Create conditions for use in working with children pantomime, to help children convey the images of heroes through facial expressions and plasticity.

    Organize material according to pantomime and put into work on musical education: lessons, individual work with kids.

    To teach children to perceive musical and fairy-tale images, and to coordinate movements with their character.

    I believe that with the systematic use pantomime children will develop elementary dance, imitation movements, they will learn through pantomime convey the character of the characters, artistry, emancipation in movements will develop.

    Skills are the stuff of developing little jokes. sketches, nursery rhymes, dramatizations, pantomime: "Kolobok", "Sunflower", "Fair", "When Two Fight", "Swing", "Wolf".

    Co-creation with a circle "Lukomorye" and the continued use of visual aids for the development of the senses.

    As you know, a child's motor skills are formed and developed from the first days of his life.

    Any movement is a reflex and it takes time to master any movement.

    perceiving - feel

    contemplating - feel

    remembering - act, try

    checking the result - show it to another.

    Therefore, the material selected and worked out by me « Pantomime and all about it» can be used by educators kindergarten in physical education classes, develops the accuracy of performing movements, plasticity, coordination, flexibility. Also in the circle "Lukomorye" when dramatizing fairy tales, sketches. Children are happy to perform familiar pantomime, become more plastic, graceful, flexible, artistic.

    The material is used for music lessons, matinees, entertainment.



    (senior group) .

    Target: Develop expressiveness of movements in accordance with the nature of the music,

    the ability to convey feelings through facial expressions.

    Guys, let's pretend that we are with you piglets.

    Cheerful, pink and very mischievous. But they are all different, one is lazy, the other is cheerful,

    And the third is very hardworking.

    clear sunny day, calling piglets for a walk

    They lay down in a puddle to swim, lie down, indulge

    Scratch your side with a hoof, snort in a puddle and jump

    Find yourself on the lawn, somersault, have fun

    To the right, to the left to jump and catch up with each other!

    And then build a house so that it is comfortable in it.

    Not from twigs and straw, but from stone and concrete.

    Jumping in different directions to the music

    1 part: Lie down on the floor, lie quietly, scratch the side, stretch.

    Represent themselves piglets and lie in a puddle in the sun

    (joy, pleasure, enjoyment)

    part 2: They merrily jump in different directions, run, sniff the grass,

    turn slowly, as if sunbathing.

    (play, frolic, pleasure joy.)

    3part: Pigs are building a house, from straw, twigs, stone and concrete.

    Every house is beaten. The straw house is falling apart

    From a gust of wind (sadness, fear, bitterness)

    The straw house also turned out to be not durable,

    A house made of bricks, stones, concrete is very strong.

    Pigs happy, funny.

    Final dance.




    Target: Develop imagination, artistry, plasticity, facial expressions.

    The Russian folk melody "I'll go, I'll go out, I" sounds. The Wolf enters.

    Leading: There lived a hungry wolf in the forest

    And I could not understand

    Pigs how to lure,

    How can they be harmed?

    Dance of the Wolf ("Krakowiak" - Ukrainian national chalk)

    1. Step with a flood (looks at piglets, stamps his foot)

    2. Moves forward in a straight canter.

    3. Spinning, stopping, looking out of hand

    4. Sneaks on toes piglets.

    5. Squats, thinks.

    6. Joyfully spinning and running away.

    playing out scenes with the pig Nif-Nif.

    Dance of Nif-Nif and Wolf:

    1. Spinning one by one in pairs.

    2. The wolf blows on piglet, piglet closed with palms.

    3. Join hands, spin (fall to the floor)

    4. Piglet runs away, The wolf is catching up.

    part 2 (repeat 1 part)

    Dance - improvisation of three piglets and wolf.

    (Russian folk melody "Like ours at the gate").

    Arranging themed children's holidays is always a little more difficult, if only because it is not so easy to organize children. A sports party is a great way to give children the opportunity to throw out their accumulated energy in a noisy, fun and useful way! And if it is the birthday of a growing lover of any kind of sport, such a holiday will also be a real gift for an enthusiastic child.


    The apartment is not too suitable for the implementation of the plan. The ideal solution is a party in a sports club, center or school gym for physical education. It’s great if the holiday takes place in the open air, in the conditions of an equipped site. Goals, basketball hoops, horizontal bars, etc. can be used for competitions, and then have a picnic for children in a nearby park.

    But a themed sports party at home is also an option: for a preschooler’s birthday, provided there is not a very large company, a guest room is enough. It is desirable that it be a separate room, if possible freed from some of the furniture.. Let the table with treats wait in the next room.


    As part of the theme, 90% of the attention is paid to entertainment, but you still need to decorate the room. After all, this is a party, and for children! Design in a sporty style will create the right atmosphere - invigorating, competitive. And if guests are invited to a birthday party, you can’t do without festive decor.

    • hang club emblems, Olympic rings, photos of athletes during games, on pedestals, at the time of awards;

    • at the entrance hang a banner "Fizkult-hello to young winners!" or with the thematic motto “Friendship and success are with us, we will always win and everyone!” etc.

    If the birthday boy is fond of any sport as a player or fan, focus on the hobby, and the rest of the decor is just an addition.

    • helmets, jump ropes, hoops and other equipment. Arrange neatly against the walls, on the shelves. These are themed paraphernalia, additional entertainment, and likely props for a sports party scenario;
    • sticks and T-shirts on the walls, autographed bats and balls on the shelves, which, for the sake of entourage, are not ashamed to “fake” by copying from a picture from the network;
    • cheerleaders pompoms from bright bags or corrugated paper - for sale, but they are easy to make with your own hands. On the walls, ceiling, to the backs of chairs;

    • sporty helium balloons. For a party, there are “football” ones for sale, but with a stencil marker you can draw figures of runners, athletes, wrestlers, etc. on ordinary multi-colored balls. in dynamic poses;
    • large cardboard inventory (drawings) - balls, gates, bits, etc. of various sizes and purposes. They can be used for a stand with a photo of friends, a congratulatory inscription, as a photo zone. If the scenario involves a team competition, attach a sheet to the huge ball to record the points scored;
    • garlands in any quantity, because this is a sports party for children - the design should be bright. You can collect flags, cups, T-shirts and any thematic paraphernalia (draw or print) into garlands.

    • for a fun photo shoot, prepare fake weights and barbells, T-shirts with hemmed pillows(relief muscles), huge cardboard medals and cups, a pedestal of boxes.

    Let's jump ahead a little - a few words about cups and medals. They will not only decorate the hall, but are also perfect as an addition to gifts / prizes. Medals can be bought and even easier to make. A cup about 20 cm high costs like a pack of dumplings. When you need one, it's inexpensive. And if you need to force a whole shelf?

    On homemade cups, you can write something appropriate for the occasion, the names of the guests, the titles of "The Fastest", "The Strongest", etc. Such custom-made inscriptions are not cheap, especially when you need a lot of copies.

    • Glue the paper cup to the toilet paper cylinder, and stick it to the cardboard stand. Cut out 4 handles, glue 2 each, fold back the edges and to the cup. Cover with gold / silver spray.
    • Print the image of the cup 2 pieces, in a mirror image. Glue to a dense base with a “margin” from below. Insert the "extra" part into the slot in the foam support, pre-painted in the desired color.

    • For two bottles, cut off parts with necks, large and small. The smaller one will serve as the base, we put it upside down. We cut off the neck “under the root” from the most part, turn it over and put it on the base, planting it on plasticine or superglue. Now you can stick pens, paint, decorate with foil or candies in a gold wrapper. And if you cut out the silhouette of an athlete in the upper part (with a stencil knife), it will turn out just gorgeous!


    Making an invitation to a party in a sporty style is also easier with your own hands - there is nothing special on sale. Although if time is short, themed postcards or printed images will do (stick on cardboard, sign).

    Original invitations:

    • ball, skittle, etc. inventory with text in the center;
    • card-vest in the form of a football field, court, etc. The upper part opens to the sides, the text is inside;
    • any round ball, card inside. Buy spinning plastic balls (blanks, cost a penny) and paint in the desired color;

    • a stylized invitation to sports games, competitions as from an organization (semi-officially, with seals, symbols).


    Of course, since the party is in a sporty style, the clothes should match - comfortable for active competitions / games: sneakers, uniforms for physical swarming or just loose shorts and T-shirts. This is the easiest option that does not require preparation from parents, but the children will look casual.

    If you want something more interesting, you can ask everyone to come in T-shirts of the same color or divide the guests into teams in advance and decide what color their “uniform” will be. It is not necessary to wear tracksuits - the same T-shirts with stickers / patches (name, number, team name) will suffice. If you are planning a grand celebration in the format of a sports family, make inscriptions with a surname for each four-team.

    Write with acrylic on fabric through a stencil. Cut out of fabric and sew or glue on a t-shirt with a gossamer. Assemble the application from the self-adhesive film. There are many options, in addition to an expensive individual order.

    Girls, unlike most guys, always want to look smart, and especially for a birthday! And the sports party is not a hindrance to this. For example, you can wear a colorful ribbon skirt over leggings. It is better to remove hair, stabbing it with festive bows.

    Menu, serving

    The menu is based on sandwiches and light vegetable salads, you can chicken breast. Cutlets or kebabs are suitable for hot, if the party is outdoors. As part of the theme, it is desirable to do without chips and "poisonous" sweets, but you really should not deprive guests of goodies:

    • fruit salads with yogurt, pieces of fruit with ice cream and all these treats on their own. Salads can be served in watermelon-rind helmets;
    • multi-colored jelly chilled in orange peels - draw lacing with acrylic, you get halves of balls;
    • biscuit cakes and cookies decorated with themed images(homemade mastic, icing, chocolate for kindling);

    • cupcakes / cake pops in the form of balls, round chocolate cookies with a layer of pucks;
    • labels on bottles with drinks "Super-strength", "Super-speed", etc..

    You can’t eat up tightly either before or immediately after active games, so treats should be mostly light. Please note that the guys do not eat during the entertainment part of the scenario - this is not safe, at least they can choke.

    Buy a stylized set of dishes or stick pictures on multi-colored cups, toothpicks (toppers), straws for cocktails. Let the tablecloth be green as grass - atmospheric. It is easy to make pedestals for multi-level table setting from pasted boxes. For your birthday, order a sports-style cake in the form of a field, stick or other paraphernalia.


    As a rule, at parties for children it is recommended to avoid competitive games so that no one leaves offended. But within the framework of this topic, it is quite appropriate to fight in teams or families for prizes. Of course, according to the results of the award, everyone should receive, regardless of success.

    For visual division into teams, give the players insignia - armbands, neckerchiefs. Competitions for strength for dads, agility for moms, and speed of reaction for children will fit perfectly into the sports family format. That is, some entertainment for only one team member - dads compete with dads, etc.

    If the holiday is in the fresh air or in a club / hall, no difficulties are expected - a huge number of ball games, obstacle courses, team relay races to choose from. But at home, the scenario of a sports party is limited by understandable nuances, but even in such conditions you can actively relax.

    Listed sports competitions suitable for both team scenarios and for playing all together or each for himself at home, in a club or on the street.

    Scenario start, warm-up

    • greeting guests by the host/coach, announcing the reason for the meeting and the purpose (struggle for first place, for the title of "best", etc.);
    • traditional physical culture hello to each other - introduce the team, voice the motto;
    • draw to determine the order of participation of teams in competitions;
    • for a warm-up: jump over the rope that the leader spins (everyone stands in a circle, to cheerful music).

    Strength tests

    • tug of war as usual or in pairs, standing in gymnastic hoops (the goal is to pull the opponent out of it). You can stand on two bricks, trying not to step on the floor despite the tension of the rope;
    • standing with their backs to each other, pull the rest to their side (a rope with three “tails” and a common knot, tie the ends around the waist of the participants);
    • hold a chair in front of you longer than the rest (important: the shoulders are pressed to the body, the forearms are perpendicular to the body), on which the leader puts bottles of water 0.5 l at an equal time interval;

    • do push-ups more times, lift a weight, arm wrestling, etc. only for children 12+ and adult guests if they take part in the competition.

    Agility, speed

    • squatting, holding yourself by the ankles, reach the finish line (together or on the best time, bending around obstacles with a snake);
    • jumping in bags there (ha, we can do it!), And back ... backwards! To prevent the bags from slipping, sew a few households on the bottom. gloves with rubber pimples;

    • jumping rope or twisting a hoop, get to the finish line before rivals;
    • prevent the balloon from falling by throwing it up with your feet and head (i.e. without touching it with your hands);
    • relay race: move all tennis balls, holding them on a racket (one ran, passes the racket to the second). It is more difficult to hold the racket above your head, and not in front of you.

    Warm-up for the mind

    Incorporate a themed quiz or playful quiz into your sports party script for a moment of relaxation. For example, to compose a word (a set of cards with letters, a random choice) - an equal number of letters in a word, a common start, for speed. Or take turns remembering sports with a ball, on the water, where helmets are used, etc. The point is earned by the one who named the last option, after which no one else can remember anything.


    • a shield with holes of different sizes (the smaller the diameter, the more points for hitting);
    • throw cardboard rings on cones/water bottles (the farther the target, the more points);

    • a tunnel of "donuts" - cardboard rings suspended on a rope. She is held by her parents perpendicular to the start. The goal is to throw a bag of sand so that it passes as many rings as possible, for each plus 10 points;
    • pass the ball along the chain, throwing it up and catching it with cups 0.5 (fell - you start again, from the first participant in the chain).

    For a laugh

    • crocodile or pantomime - football is easy to draw / show, but aerial acrobat or croquet?

    • snail racing, the goal is to be the last to finish. There is only one condition - you can’t stand still, but you can move as you like (mind, walk like in slow motion, etc.);
    • blindfolded, stick a medal to the drawn athlete.

    The scenario ends with the solemn presentation of well-deserved cups / medals and prizes: themed toys, souvenirs, sports accessories (bracelets, bottles). If you're having a birthday party, have your guests write their wishes on a T-shirt or ball with brightly colored markers.