Children's games on the computer for children 6 years old

On the part of parents, such preparation requires painstaking work, attention, sensitivity and delicacy, since it is not always little man able to cover all the necessary information. Developing classes for children from 5-6 years old have to be built so that the guys study with enthusiasm.

Consider what a child aged 5 to 6 should know and be able to do.

There are 4 sports called magic squares that are most commonly used to develop motor infantile such as motor problem, child socialization as well as cooperation, other sports like swimming or even fighting. make a big contribution to the creation of skeletal muscles in children, as well as their metabolism, - explains the specialist.

Here are some benefits of inserting children

Handball: Aimed as one of the most practical sports in the country's schools, handball is also a way that brings many benefits to the children's body. Suitable for practice from 8 years old, the activity helps in coordination of movements, improves breathing and tones the muscles. Other important advantages of this sport are: teamwork and learning to solve quickly and objectively, as it is very dynamic.

Logical thinking

In this section, the baby should have the following skills:

  • Detect .
  • Be able to create a picture story or complete what has been started.
  • , redundant for the group.
  • Divide objects into groups according to characteristics.

For the development of logical thinking in children, the following developmental activities can be offered:

Futsal: Physical activity is the key to developing motor skills such as locomotion, coordination, ball dominance and balance, helping children boost their metabolism, cardiovascular and respiratory system. From 5 to 6 years old, children can start the practice.

Volleyball: suitable for children ages 7 and up, the sport is extremely versatile, ideal for group practice and also helps to develop children's interactivity. For the body, the volley provides the ability to perform quick movements and reactions, balance and control, and increases the physical endurance, concentration and motor skills of children.

  1. Find an extra item in the picture.
  2. Play an association game. For example: what geometric figure does a Christmas tree, sun, candy, etc. look like? First, offer the baby cards with the image of the object and geometric figure point out the similarity. Then let the child think for himself.
  3. Solve logical developing chains, gradually complicating them.
  4. . To do this, lay out drawings or figures of different colors in front of the baby. Ask the children to look carefully and memorize the order in which the drawings are laid out, then turn the cards over. Children must accurately indicate which items are located where. Start with 3-4 cards and increase the number.
  5. Solve with kids and puzzles.
  6. Ask the children to find opposite objects according to some signs.

Speech development

The speech of the child during this period should be very similar to the adult in quality.

Basketball: It can be practiced both outdoors and indoors, one of the advantages of basketball is that bad weather or cold will not hinder children's practice, which can be inserted from 6 years old in sports. Basketball is responsible for the evolution of agility, concentration and coordination of the child, the improvement of the cardiorespiratory system and the strengthening of muscles.

Swimming: One of the most famous modalities among children, swimming is largely beneficial. It is considered a complete sport for body development and also aids in breathing, motor coordination, active memory and flexibility. Children can be included in sports from a very early age, from 3 to 4 months, although some pediatricians indicate that they wait until the sixth month of life to reduce the risk of possible infections.

  • Children should be able to use interrogative, exclamatory, motivating sentences, distinguish them by intonation.
  • Know a lot of poems, tongue twisters, read them expressively.
  • Know the name of the city in which they live, the names and phone numbers of their parents, their place of work.
  • To be able to build monologue and dialogic speech, argue, ask, build short stories.

To develop these skills, you need to:

Fighting: whether it is karate, judo or any other kind of fighting, sports help develop abilities, reflexes and reactions, unload energy, increase concentration and develop strength, balance, speed and infantile flexibility, as well as such important values ​​as tolerance, responsibility and respect . From the age of 4 years, conditions are recommended for children.

Turn sports into fun!

Not every child is ready to practice some kind of physical activity, because in today's world, technology has conquered most sports. Therefore, present the activity as a form of distraction to discharge energy, presenting in an easy and relaxed way, as the teacher indicates.

  1. Read and regularly repeat learned nursery rhymes, poems (you need to start with short ones, gradually increasing the volume), fairy tales, tongue twisters, counting rhymes.
  2. Study (this can be done already in 1.5 -2 years). To do this, use coloring pages, strokes, educational cartoons.
  3. Using the special ones that are on our website, focus on the difference between soft consonants and hard, stressed vowels from unstressed ones.
  4. By using

    Knowledge about the environment

    Although knowledge of nature is best obtained by going out, observing, traveling, not all children in early age there is a possibility.

    The best way to encourage a child is to play games, imagine for example that you represent Cartesian basketball. You should use every pedagogical order of learning besides playfulness, because if the child finds it annoying, he will feel unmotivated and will refuse this activity, William concludes.

    Therapy for children, adolescents and adults. Regular practice of games of reflection, logic, spatiality, language, speed, etc. involved in the cognitive development of the child. In addition, a recent Academy of Science report to government on screen use in children indicates that digital tablet use under parental control may be a great cognitive development tool for a child.

    What should a child of 5-6 years old know about the world?

    Usually this is the ability to navigate in the names of plants, birds, natural phenomena, to be able to distinguish the seasons, to have an idea about the days of the week.

    If knowledge and skills in previous subjects are more of a theoretical nature, then knowledge about the world around us is acquired practically. Yet much can be learned from theory.

    In addition, the game is constantly used in rehabilitation, psychotherapy of children with great difficulty and neuropsychological rehabilitation for auditory, visual and working memory deficits. Thus, instead of repeating at home many mathematical exercises that the child does not understand, instead of being upset by him and his learning difficulties and thereby creating a family climate or a harmful relationship between parents and children, it is better to accompany him in the lessons, and then spend time creating games that will develop his intellectual skills, so that he can then transfer them to a learning school.

    The essence of the classes will be approximately the same for various topics. The task of parents or educators is to download cards with pictures dedicated to various subjects and phenomena, and show them to children, naming them. The material must be repeated until it is firmly remembered by the child. On our site you will find a lot of pictures on various topics for children. All you have to do is download, print and enjoy!

    Ideas for oral games, tactics, etc. Research has shown that very fast speech speed up to 6 years of age develops working memory. Nursery rhymes, poems, song styles, etc. As early as possible in early childhood, can make excellent memory drives. Goals: spatiality, strategy, logic, expectation, inhibition, visual attention. sea ​​battle. Purpose: spatiality, logic. Purpose: strategy, speed. Set of 7 families. Purpose: working memory, strategy. Memory. Purpose: spatiality, working memory. Purpose: spatiality. Swampy 2 Garfield's pet breeder Tennis racing Fruit ninja Angry star bird 1 Angry star star 2 Power 4 Four images, one word Brick breaker Tetris Sweet crushing saga.

    • Purpose: working memory, mental calculation.
    • Purpose of force: spatiality, strategy, visual attention.
    • Goals: spatiality, strategy, visual attention.
    All children love to play.

    Put everything you can into practice. Walking down the street, ask the children what season it is, what day of the week it is, what plants are around, what pets the child knows, etc.

    Household skills

    For a child of 5-6 years old and his parents, it is extremely important how independent he is. At 5-6 years old, the baby should be able to:

    • thread a needle, a button;
    • fasten clothes, tie shoelaces;
    • comb, have an idea of ​​cleanliness, hygiene;
    • properly brush your teeth, rinse;
    • know how to behave at the table;
    • be able to cross the road at a traffic light.

    Most of these skills are difficult to acquire in theory: it takes practice. As a traffic light, you can use a paper manual. Play policeman and passerby. Imagine that a toy car is driving. What will the child do? How will he cross the road?

    But games are not only a source of great pleasure, but also a source of functional growth: creation, imagination, construction, dumping are all activities that help brain development, increase creative intelligence, and improve agility and motor coordination, benefiting the little ones.

    In order for these basic characteristics for personal growth to be primarily "active" games, those that require practicality, contact with reality, fantasy and see the little protagonist of the action: from constructions to puppet play. Of course, they are not active games and therefore not very useful for the development of the child, all digital games or those that are too structured by adults, said psychiatrist and psychotherapist Raffaele Morelli. According to the expert, the advantages and features of active games.

    Spend developmental games with children 5-6 years old fine motor skills hands:

    • string beads, beads;
    • thread the buttons;
    • sculpt from plasticine;
    • make pictures from mosaics, etc.

    English language

    Parents have different attitudes towards learning at an early age. Some people put on English cartoons for babies from birth, so that children get used to someone else's speech and feel it as their own. Others, on the contrary, consider it an excess and a waste of time, starting to learn English with a child from school.

    They are all "active" games that help little ones use their hands to their best advantage. And develop hand-handling skills, and improve hand-eye coordination, improve creative intelligence. Promotion: create buildings, draw, play with the car, cut.

    When a child plays active games, he is the main actor, uses his imagination to live in the moment, think about when he will be a pirate and turn the sofa into a galleon, "this type of game brings a wonderful brain stimulation, new synapses develop, which benefit the child's cognitive development," says expert.

    Both of them are right. If a child has no problems with his native speech, he easily learns the material, education should be continued at a higher level. It can be for children with the names of objects, actions, educational cartoons. You can try to introduce the simplest English phrases into everyday life and simulate the baby to use them.

    Advanced: disguise games. In Italy, 22.7% of children spend about three and a half hours in the company of tablets, smartphones or PCs in front of the European average of 9.3%. “Little by little they have to touch and actively manipulate the objects of reality.” In reality games, they lay the foundation for learning how to deal with situations as adults. A little girl who plays with dolls develops the skills she knows when she is a mother, playing group games helps manage sociality.

    Instead, virtual games "mentalize" too much, that is, they get away from reality and are not used to managing future situations. It's not enough to see the train on TV or on a PC screen, touch it and create your own personal ride, says Morelli.

    Bilingualism has both positive and negative sides. Learning English from birth and being fluent in it, the child should feel that he has native language and English is still a foreign language. This is how cultural identity is preserved.

    It will not be superfluous to have prescriptions for English language learning the alphabet. This knowledge will certainly be needed in school.

    Children have to choose and invent their own games. Parents don't need to interfere. Even though they see little ones playing games without rules or because of messy play for us, and for adults it is illogical, well, let them do it. Children have a "chaotic intelligence" and need to play "dirty" games in order to learn.

    In games, the presence of an adult should be kept to a minimum, and if a child asks to play with mom and dad, parents can let them lead the game. The child should tell adults whether to make a witch or a prince, says Morelli. Advanced: unordered games and no rules.

    The development of children 5-6 years old is a complex process that is not always within the power of working parents. In this case, you can entrust the child to a specialist in preschool education. It will definitely help your children to look decent in the lessons in the first grade.

Have you already prepared your six-year-old child for school?

Boredom is a fundamental experience of cognitive development. Parents do not need to fill the day with activity or running around to entertain a young person who is just getting bored. Dead times are fundamental to its growth. But what a strange thing that a little owl wants to learn so much to count. What can they do for numbers? The little owl is convinced that this will help him understand the world better.

They will be open to free visits and meetings also dedicated to children, historical archives of institutions and large companies from the 19th to. Group and individual meetings of psychomotologists with many years of experience in the educational, preventive and therapeutic fields. For children from 6 months to 10 years.

If not, then you still have enough time until September 1st! To conduct a training session for children of 6 years old, it will take time, literature, improvised material in the form of cards, puzzles, visual aids etc. Many experts unanimously argue that you first need to teach the child to think, and then read and write. Long-term physiological studies have shown that the main indicator of a child's readiness for school is the ability to hear, perceive, analyze, and perform any task or request appropriate to his age. Therefore, put aside for now abstruse books with logical tasks, prescriptions with sticks and number series, as well as other educational material and test the child for the perception of information.

Do you want to spend another summer? Immerse yourself in a fantastic and fun world? Cold, gray and sad: and you imagine the month of November. At the request of readers, the following topic is based on the concept of talent development in German football from the smallest to the biggest.

According to official figures, there are about 200,000 teams in Germany and about 7 million official players, whether amateurs or professionals. To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to play sports in the form of championships, the German Football Association has its own structure for this.

Tests for children 6 years old consist of the following series of tasks:

1. Ask the baby to do something, for example, put smaller toys in one box, and toys bigger size in another. If he failed to listen to the task to the end, did not understand its meaning or did not cope with the task, then the child does not know how to perceive information.

Age groups from 3 to 19 years are divided into letters in the following way. But only if the given situation is moot, the players in the rest of the game define themselves: touch, out, corner kick, even foul. Changes are made freely and at any time. The biggest plus in Germany are the collection points. There are the best players from the regions who get together and train once a week together. There are moments for non-professional teams where professional clubs send their scouts and thus get the best players in the region who are ready to take the next step.

2. Check the preschooler for the ability to plan their work. Give your child puzzles or a puzzle and watch the pattern build. If the child selects details similar in the drawing, and then lays them out in the drawing, then he is ready to complete school assignments. If the kid mindlessly tries on each puzzle, trying to post an image, then you need to deal with it.

3. A six-year-old kid should be able to identify his mistakes and correct them. Pay attention to whether he is trying to figure out where he did wrong and how to fix it. Moreover, do not quit what you started, but bring the matter to the end.

4. Observe the mood of the child during the performance of a particular task! If he has neither desire nor interest, and he perceives any task as torture, then you need to make every effort so that the little one enjoys learning new information or performing various tasks. What can be done? Conduct developing lessons for children 6 years old in the form of a game.

If a six-year-old little boy has pleased you by completing the tests proposed above, then it's time to start teaching him to read and count. On this occasion, I will give several recommendations, backed up by many years of experience aimed at teaching children of 6 years old:

  • books for reading should be bright, with colorful pictures, with large print and an exciting plot
  • in no case do not force and, moreover, do not forcibly put a child behind a book! Show imagination, cunning, wisdom to interest the child in reading.
  • praise your "knowledge", rejoice at every word he reads, and correct mistakes imperceptibly, without making a tragedy out of them. Believe me, the little one will like the process of reading and learning will be painless, easy and relaxed for both you and the baby.
  • tasks teaching mathematics for children of 6 years old should be based: not on blindly memorizing counting and “rattling off” numbers up to one hundred, but logical thinking, the application of mathematics in Everyday life. For example, the kid should be able to count how many toys he has on the shelf, how many apples are on the plate, name the house number, say what shape this or that object is.

In addition to all of the above, the development of a child at 6 years old can be assessed by analyzing: how consistently he expresses his thoughts, equally maintains a dialogue, discusses what he saw, heard or happened. Engage with your child, teach him new words, terms, actively replenish his knowledge about the world around him, and then your kid will boldly and confidently enter school life!