The name of the team and the motto on the theme of a fairy tale. New names, mottos and emblems of teams for sports competitions

Your squad must have: a name, a motto, a chants, a chant, an emblem, a squad corner.

For younger students:

"Sleepwalkers" - "We walk at night, we walk during the day. We never get tired."

"Firefly" - "Though our light is weak and we are small, but we are friendly and therefore strong."

"Winnie the Pooh" - "Though you burst, even though you crack, Winnie the Pooh comes first."

"Smile" - "To live without a smile is just a mistake, smiles everywhere - goodness everywhere."

"Ducklings" - "Quack! Quack! Quack! Do not quack in vain."

"Kapitoshka" - "The rain drops on the roads, but we are not bored at all. We play and sing, we live a lot of fun."

"Dandelion" - "Stick together, so as not to be blown away."

"Rainbow" - "We are like rainbows of color, never apart."

For middle school students:

"Dolphin" - "Dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind."

"Rescuers" - "Chip and Dale rush to the rescue, but we are not far behind."

"Friendly" - "Do not whine, do not cry in the corners, trouble and joy in half."

"Vitamin" - "Vitamin is strength, it is vivacity, it is life."

"Restless" - "Boredom, laziness out of mind - our squad is restless."

"Robinson" - "We don't need nannies. We are islanders."

"Prometheus" - "Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did."

"Wonderful". - "The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles."

"UFO" - "Fly through all the galaxies, do not leave friends in trouble."

For older students:

"FIF" - "F - physical culture, I - initiative, F - factors. This is true, not a myth - no one is better than FIFA."

"SP" - "Joint venture of the Shining Heels Writers' Union".

"Superbaby" - "Superbaby is a miracle, superbaby is a class, we live not bad at all, you will miss us."

"Barkhan" - "The movement is us."

"Unity" - "When we are united, we are invincible."

"RMID" - the Republic of boys and girls is stronger than all commonwealths on Earth."

"Kommersants" - "We are businessmen of the market age, in our hands the fate of man."

"Russians" - "For Russia, for the people, for humanity forward."

"NORD" - "We will open the market gave".


About the daily routine

All the guys in order

Get on the charger!

Everyone at the table, it's time to find out

How rich are the chefs!

Who goes where, and who goes on a hike,

Who is in the cinema, who is in the garden.

Rest, sunbathe,

We draw and we read.

At the table - a serious look.

We fit and show

Our childish appetite.

Sweet dream after dinner

Quiet! Don't wake up the neighbor!

Here again the bugle sings

Sweet tea awaits in the dining room.

Here come merry hour,

Here we all play

Jump, run, have fun

And take a dip in the pool.

Horn calls: it's time! it's time!

Line up, kids!

Now go to sleep

We have to get up early tomorrow!


We're going to the stadium

Our squad will be the champion.

Muscles are strong (the boys say)

And we ourselves are beautiful (the girls say).

Who is enthusiastic, glad to the sun?

Hey athletes, line up!

Is there a team?

are the captains here?

Get out on the field

Support the squad and honor!

To the dining room

We didn't eat

Three four!

We want to eat.

Open doors wider

And then we'll eat the cook.

We'll have a bite to eat

Let's drink with ladles.

We break spoons, forks,

Let's blow up the canteen.

Feed us cooks

We will shout "Hurrah!"

Thank you for breakfast

We will come to you tomorrow.

Thanks for lunch

He was not good for us.

Thank you all for dinner

Because we really need him!

That the hungry choir sings

When the chef is calling:

Children, children!

Yes Yes Yes!

Do you want to eat?

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Food will be good for us

Will wake up new forces.

On charge!

Get out to recharge!

Get everyone charged.

All the guys say:

Physical exercise is a friend of the guys!

Athlete - child

Get strong!

Physical exercise in the morning

Not to our detriment, but to our benefit.

Left! Right! running, swimming,

Growing Up Bold

Tanned in the sun.


Who walks with a backpack?

We are tourists.

Who doesn't know boredom?

We are tourists.

Roads lead us forward.

Our motto: "Always forward!"

Our best deals:

Through, Through and Across.

For swimming!

There is an excellent heat,

By the river - like by the stove.

And even our doctors

Now not against the river.

I turn on the start - it's time

To storm the water of the river - cheers!


Come on, throw the birch bark

Strike the campfire matches!

For our fire to grow

Up to the stars!

So that his radiance

Seen by the Martians.


Do you hear, comrade,

The pulse of the planet.

The boys are walking

Printing step.

Strong hands, proud shoulders,

The sun in the palms.

Sun in the eyes.

Hands to the steering wheel

Thoughts to the sun!

Height is not an obstacle for us!

Today we dream, and tomorrow we dare -

Children of the new age!


Many roads have been traveled

It's time for the kids to sleep.

Goodnight, motherland,

Until bright morning!


Oh-oh-oh, hello! Oh-oh-oh, hello!

Bam, bam. bala-e!

Oh kikiris bamba,

Oh, sala savimba.

Oh, I eat bananas

And I eat oranges.



Tumbashvili curbstone-curbstone!


Thumbp Patilenbili!

kamalamu kamalamu,

Kamalamu Vista.


Oh tuvista!






pararem hey!

On the shore

big river

bee stung

Bear right in the nose.


The bear screamed. Sat on a stump

And he began to sing!

Hee hee hee!

Laugh so hedgehogs.

Beyond the forest, beyond the river

We were sitting there.

And you - nothing!

Look at me!

Names, mottos, slogans:

Squad "Sailors".

Motto: We are a mountain for each other -

This is our maritime custom.

Speech: One, two!

Friendly in step

Three four!

Firmer step!

Who walks in the ranks so amicably?

Young sailors detachment.

Is the river close?

The river is here.

Are there many boats?

There are boats!

Who is on the team?

Well, let's go!

Give up the ends!

Raise the sail higher

Sing our song!

Song: "White peakless cap".

Detachment "Odessites"

Motto: I laugh and never cry

Because I'm from Odessa.

Speech: Along the big one. native Odessa

With song, friendship we go!

Peace and happiness to all nations

With this song we will bring!

Song:"Ah, Odessa!"

Squad "Reluctant"

Motto: Make sure you repeatedly:

"Cheerful" is a class!

Speech: If it started raining in the morning?

That's it!

If the ball flies to your forehead?

We're going the opposite way!

Let's jump and play

Squad "Apache"

Motto: If they beat, let's change! -

That's what the Apache council decided.

Speech: Bala, bala-lel,

Chica chica chi

Hey hey hey!

Squad "Mugs"

Motto Grow burdock - do not know the problems!

Bloom burdock to the envy of those

Who creates a lot of problems for us!

Speech: One, two!

Three four!

Five six!


And strive to win!

Song: And a rooster sits on the fence,

And burdock grows under the fence.

The rooster sings in the morning

And the burdock blossoms, blossoms.

Squad "Black Cat"

Motto: Go ahead, cats!

Pipe tails-

Don't you dare apply

To us on "you".

Speech: One, two!

Three four!

Sun in the world.

Five six!

We can't count.

Seven eight!

Peace please!

Do not snooze!

Sing a song with us!

Song:"Black cat".

Squad "Moomin-troll"

Motto: Even if you burst, even if you crack,

Moomintroll - in the first place!

Speech: one, two!

Three four!

Live in the world

This is class!

Have friends-

Sun, air and water

Boredom, laziness, run away-

Forever and ever!

Song: If with us together on the road, (2 times)

Merry road:

Moomintroll will not let you down, (2 times)

Lots of Moomins!

Squad "Merry Dwarfs"

Motto: I became a gnome, so no food!

Do not look for an easy life!

Speech: One, two!

three four!

Who walks together in a row?

This is a group of gnomes.

friendly, funny,

We are always right here!

and not in vain therefore

They call us gnomes!

Song:"Pissed cap".

Once a cheerful dwarf was sitting

On the stump under the tree

And patched up his cap

Pine needle.

Chorus: Ti-la-la, yes ti-la-la!

The gnome was many years old

He wasn't surprised

What a cap for so many years

He broke!

Chorus: Ti-la-la, yes ti-la-la!

From patches cap

The gnome was motley:

Blue, red, blue,

Pink, green.


It is advisable to place useful information in the detachment corner , remarks and suggestions are best done in a friendly, playful manner.

The detachment corner is designed to: develop the activity of children, expand knowledge, help in the education of good taste, arouse interest in the life of their team.

A detachment corner is a place where a detachment and a stand constantly work, reflecting the life of the detachment: its successes and victories, fantasies, ingenuity and skill of the guys. This is a kind of newspaper, constantly operating, lively, creative:

b) reflect various aspects of the detachment's life (self-service, sports, awards, birthdays, prospects);

c) involve children in the design of the corner, appoint those responsible for the headings.

Corner includes:

Name, motto of the detachment;

Chants, favorite songs of the detachment;

List of squad members;

Team work plan;


To love sports is to be healthy;

It is interesting…

Soon we have...

How about the mood?

Our "Yeralash" ... and others.

The change of material in the corner is monitored by the detachment officer and those responsible for the headings.

Three periods can be distinguished in the work on the corner:

Organizing period - the arrival of the guys in the camp;

main period;

Final shift period.

By the arrival of new guys in the corner, all sections are removed, and new temporary sections are drawn up (required only for the organizational period):

- "This is our camp" (brief information about the camp);

Congratulations on your arrival;

camp laws;

camp address;

The order of the guys from the last shift;

First songs, camp song;

Plan for the day and other necessary headings.

During the organizational period, you can hold a competition for best decoration corner. Creative Group selects the best proposals, discusses and makes a layout of the corner in accordance with the new name and motto, revealing the idea of ​​​​the content of the name of his squad.

In the main period of the shift, the daily activities of the detachment are reflected:


Preparation for detachment and all-camp affairs, holidays;

Participation in creative competitions, views;

Preparation for the duty of the detachment, duty of the detachment;

Encouragement of children.

In the final period of the shift, the headings can be presented: "How we lived" and "In your notebook".


The end of the shift is conducive to a minor mood: in three weeks the guys became friends, they don’t want to leave. And the counselors are sad. But you have to overcome this attitude. Completion of the shift should also take place “on the rise”, at a brisk pace. The children learned a lot, and most importantly, became more independent. They are actively, with pleasure, preparing a solemn line, an exhibition of works by members of the circle, collective creative reports. As a report, both the "museum of detachment life" and "live pictures" about where they were, what they saw, how they worked, how they showed themselves during the camp shift can be presented. And the big council is preparing the main closing surprise for the guys - an amusement fair, a farewell dinner, a farewell ball and a farewell bonfire.

How to organize the last farewell dinner? At a farewell dinner, you need to create a festive atmosphere. To increase emotional unity, you can move all the tables at which the squad usually sits into one long "banquet" table and decorate it with flowers (i.e. each squad should have its own "banquet" table). Let music play in the dining room tonight. The main delicacy prepared by chefs for a festive dinner (for example, pies) can not be immediately put on the tables, but solemnly taken out on trays at the end of the “feast”.

You can give tasks to the detachments in advance and hold a competition of “toasts” during dinner, the collective wishes of children to cooks, technical staff, medical workers, counselors and guys from other detachments, solemnly expressed by the choir.

We thank the doctors for the fact that our squad is healthy, for the fact that we won’t bring an extra kilogram for dads and moms, - one squad begins.

Long live our leaders, the best leaders in the world! - pick up the elders.

Thanks to our chefs for what is very delicious to us, for our farewell dinner! - proclaim the younger ones.

And everyone is chanting in chorus: “Spa-si-bo! Thanks!"

The chain of wishes, thanks and witty remarks goes in a circle, embodied either in a song, or in poetry, or in a proverb.

Of course, such a noisy festival needs its own cheerful ringleader, wit - the manager of the celebration, who will bring healthy excitement to this competition, sum up its results without offense and present prizes to the winners.

Traditionally, the camp hosts a holiday for the closing of the shift, the main event of which is a general concert of children and adults. Many camps have developed their own traditions in holding it: some have a festival, others have a Russian Fair, Fairy Tale Day, and others have a theater or circus day. The form, plot, content of such a holiday can be different. But a single, common should be a pedagogical approach in its organization.

The guys themselves should come up with a holiday (using the method of collective planning or on the advice of activists). All teams are required to participate. Leaders should take into account the interests of all age groups and their creativity. Each child should not be a spectator, but a participant in a common action. The counselor should help to find their place in this holiday, especially for those guys who have not managed to open up in the team for all the past days of the shift.

The numbers for the concert are carefully selected. Then begins creative work on preparation, which is carried out by the entire teaching staff. Great help is provided by circle leaders and physical education teachers, who always prepare their interesting performances, and also help to sew costumes and prepare scenery, help in decorating the stage. The concert ends with a common song.

Why does the last solemn line bring disappointment to both counselors and children, or leaves everyone indifferent? Most often, because the basic principles of organizing this form of communication are violated: brevity, clarity, semantic accuracy and emotional richness. The line cannot last more than 10 (maximum 15) minutes, because then the guys just start to spin, relax or faint. Therefore, it should literally go by the clock: you need to take the timing of all teams, movements, and shorten all texts as much as possible.

What should be feared? Verbose speeches of adults - guests of the camp. Very long texts of artistic reports (counselors should be warned that eight verses of an amateur song cannot be sung on the line, a few lines are enough). Summing up the results of all types of competitions that took place during the shift, it was in these last minutes. Calling for the presentation of certificates and gifts to all the awarded children one at a time (this will double or even triple the time of the line and turn the awards into common torment out of joy). Very prolonged entry and exit of units from the line. To avoid this, you need to look for exit options not along one central path, but from different corners of the site, or build units not in a column one at a time, but two or three. And still it is necessary to avoid formalism here. Briefly, clearly - does not mean official.

In addition to ritual commands, all words must come from the heart. Yes, and the commands themselves can be given dryly, soullessly, or excitedly and solemnly. This means that not only words are important, but also intonation, attitude to what is happening.

But the main action takes place around a large fire. Here, children, along with adults, sing their favorite songs, play, share their impressions of the past shift, and express their wishes for the future. The fire of friendship goes out. The holiday continues at the video disco, during which children watch a film about the camp, about the past shift, where the best shots from camp events are used.

Is it possible to allow children on the last day what was not allowed the whole shift? When dealing with the collective desires of the guys (with any, except for those morally and legally unacceptable in our society), it is always better to act according to the principle “If you can’t, but really want to, then you can.” And this is especially true last days shifts, because if in the course of three or four weeks they did not find an opportunity to satisfy the childish aspirations, then at least in the end they must correct themselves.

The guys want to meet the dawn, and we know that tomorrow will be a difficult day. But after all, we ourselves are to blame for the fact that the detachment did not go on a campaign, and that we did not meet the dawn earlier. The boys want to play football for the last time, and the girls want to walk through the forest, say goodbye to their favorite places, pick flowers. The desire is quite natural, but when making plans, we forgot about it. The boys are planning to set up a self-made "horror room", the girls, on a bet that they will make it worse, prepare their own surprise for them, and we doubt the pedagogical expediency of all these "horrors" and intend to ban them. But after all, we ourselves did not give food for the mind, the imaginations of the guys in an exciting creative work and did not make any attempts to switch their evening stories from ghosts to another fantastic topic.

There is only one way out: to know in advance what the guys are up to, to lead them and give their ideas a collective creative form. Because otherwise they will still do it their own way, only this activity of theirs will take an ugly form and in the end spoil everyone's mood. There should be a minimum number of open prohibitions on the last day, and each prohibition must be sensibly justified and clearly defined one's personal position in relation to it. It is impossible not to mention one of the most iconic activities in the life of any children's camp - anointing a sleeping comrade with toothpaste. This type of leisure gives participants a lot of incidents and funny moments. It is not possible to ban smearing: they will anyway. Therefore, the leader needs to take the reins of government into his own hands, thereby eliminating the spontaneity of the action. As a rule, a lecture is given on safety precautions (for example, do not pour paste into eyes and ears) and the most effective ways spreading. What can be done so that those who like to perpetuate their names on the walls of pavilions, benches, camp stands satisfy their passion at parting and at the same time do not damage the camp property? You just need to make a "Fence of complaints, suggestions and artistic paintings”, i.e. any fence that is in full view, cover with plywood, painted in dark color, and put next to the chalk. And in order to attract the attention of the guys to this method of self-expression, the leaders themselves will have to start funny wishes, friendly cartoons and free-thinking inscriptions (such as: “I want ice cream!” And the signature is the leader Kostya. And next to it is a hoax answer from the head of the camp: " the Forbidden fruit always sweet"). Believe me, the result will be very interesting!

Why do children so passionately want to take something with them from the camp? This is a natural desire. Returning home from vacation, we take out of the bag shiny, sea-rolled pebbles, photographs, souvenirs that we don’t give to anyone, but keep for ourselves. These objects are our witnesses. Looking at them, it is easier to set yourself up for memories.

That is why the kids so carefully hide in the bag scraps of serpentine, a flower made of corrugated paper, a deflated balloon - all these are traces of a holiday that has just passed and everyone liked it so much. Understanding this, the counselors must foresee in advance what the child will take with him in memory of the camp: a photograph signed by the children, a turned wooden plaque with the emblem and name of the detachment burned on it, a notebook with addresses and phone numbers of friends, a souvenir postcard with a dried forest flower, a balloon on which the day and hour of the detachment meeting at the end of the summer will be written, or something else, also important and dear to him.

You can take coals out of the fire, put them in souvenir boxes made of birch bark and give them to everyone. Let the guys sometimes “kindle” the bright fires of their memory from these coals at home. And it’s also good to stand in a ring of friendship, put your hands on each other’s shoulders and sing your most beloved, most tender song.

And in the last minutes before parting, the guys will put their palms on the hands of the counselors and say in unison:

See you soon!

Until next summer!

Lines of buses rush home tanned, cheerful, strong boys and girls.

Goodbye camp!




1 . One two three four! Three, four, one, two!

The sun just woke up and smiled at the guys!

2. Hurry, my friend, get up, run out to exercise!

3 . The sun is shining brightly! We are hot from the sun!

Sunshine, warm it up more, warm the water in the river for us!

4. Sun, air and water are ours best friends!

For charging

1 . Get out to recharge! Get everyone charged.

All the guys say: physical exercises are a friend of the guys!

2 . Physical child, gain strength!

Physical exercise in the morning is not to the detriment - to our benefit.

3 . Left! Right! Running, swimming.

We will grow up bold, tanned in the sun.

To the dining room

1 . Op, op, op, we're going to the dining room

Op, op, opanki - the most hungry.

Cooks cook soup for us, feed us potatoes,

We will work well for this with a spoon.

2. We ate everything - the plates were empty, it was very tasty.

3 . Together they took spoons in their hands, quickly ate, everything was removed!

4 . We go to the dining room, we sing a sonorous song

We really want to eat, we will eat everything in the dining room.

5. We are standing at your door, we are hungry as animals.

We want to eat quickly, quickly, open quickly!

6 . Cups, forks, mugs, spoons,

Lots of fried potatoes

Lots of soup, pasta,

We run from all directions.


1. We jumped, we played, we were very tired.

Let's go to bed as soon as possible, otherwise the bed will get bored.

To the stadium

Who is enthusiastic, glad to the sun? Hey team line up!

Is there a team? - There is! Are the commanders here? - Here!

Get out on the field soon to support the detachment of honor.

We are going to the stadium, our squad will be the champion!

Muscles: Strong! And all of them are beautiful!

What is the enthusiasm, the sun is happy? Hey athletes, line up!


1 . One, two, three, four, hey guys, wide step.

No, probably, in the whole world there are more fun, friendly guys.

2 . Our family is not sad, we sing, draw, dance.

3 . All activities are good, we have fun from the heart.

4. One, two! Boys! Three! Four! And girls!

One, two! Who are we? - awesome guys!

5 . We are not afraid of work and sadness,

We can't turn off the road.

We will always be together, we are now one family!

Team names and mottos:

For juniors:

1. "Firefly" - Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

2. "Orange" - Like orange slices, we are friendly and indivisible!

3. “Bell” - We ring, we ring all day, but we are not too lazy to call.


Snow White, a merry fellow and a team of super gnomes!

Hey, guys - take a wider step, the fairy tale is waiting for its heroes ...

Without much effort

We'll spread our wings

Come on, Birds - all take off!

The heavens are calling!


We are not simple guys.

Our prowess is full of strength

We are risky, crazy

We guys are cool!

7. Mickey Mouse

In appearance, even though he is a baby, he will ask any fight

The strongest, the most dexterous, Mickey Mouse is mischievous

8. Sunshine

How many bright rays the sun has, so many fun and undertakings we have.

9. Meow meow

Scratch, bite, do not succumb to the enemy.

10. Restless - In the clear sky thunder struck, It's us - Restless! To fix our pranks ... The riot police will not help either!

For teenagers:

1. "New generation" - Not satisfied - object, object - offer, offer - do it, get down to business boldly!

2. "220" - If you need to do something! We turn on 220!

3. "Party" - Fashionable jeans, skate and sneakers, we are the children of dreams, we are the children of the party!

4. “Both-on!” - “Both-on!” is a miracle, "Oba-na!" - this is a class, we do not live badly at all, you will miss us.

5. "Dandelion" - Stick together so as not to be blown away.

6. "BEMS" - Combat, Energetic, Young, Cute.

7. "ELEPHANT" - The Best Detachment - Ours!

8. "Mammoths" - Thunder rumbles, bushes are shaking - these are mammoths rushing!

9. "220 V" - We cannot move without movement, we are always energized.

10. "COMET"

Energy, speed, freedom of movement...

Comet - the afterburner of my generation


younger age

Squad name: "Beetles"
Squad speech:

We are mobile beetles
Two legs and two arms
We don't sit still
Here and there we will win!

Young squad: "Luntiki"
The speech of the junior detachment:

Screws and dowels
Fantiki and funtiki
Everything is interesting to us
We are in the squad "Luntiki"

Squad name: "Positive"
Squad speech:

Our squad - Positive
Our motto is positive
Our fun team
Radiates positivity!

Squad Name: "Thousand Devils"

Can you hear the children's laughter?
It's "Thousand Devils"!
A million wonderful ideas
- It's "Thousand Devils"!

Team name: "Bulls"

Who is everyone running from?
From Bulls! From Bulls!
We'll beat fools today, fools!

older age

Our team is moving forward
Calls for others.
We are special guys
From a special squad
Cheerful, strong, smart.
We must be the best!!!

(name of the squad) - this is us.
(name of the squad) - ahead.
We will do all the work
We'll go around all the squads.
Together we walk in step -
We are coming to help you
If someone gets bored
(name of the squad) help out.

Our squad - "Equator",
We are a detachment - winged
We're flying through the sky
Directly towards the sun, towards the light.
In our songs - sparks,
In our dances - the wind.
Sunshine is fast
He will enlighten us.

Who walks together in a row?
our team is very friendly.
Well, what is our name?
"Flame" - there is no more beautiful name.
What are we doing?
We help people together
We ignite the flame in the heart.

We are strong, kind, beautiful,
And smart beyond their years.
And, of course, us guys ,
All problems in the teeth

1.2 - we are all together
We never get bored.
(name of the detachment) not in place -
We are always in a hurry to the stars.
The leader walks ahead
And we follow him.
Let's have fun guys.
(name of the detachment) we are all the same!

sports chants
We're going to the stadium
Our squad will be the champion.

Muscles are strong (the boys say)
And we ourselves are beautiful (the girls say).
Who is enthusiastic, glad to the sun?
Hey athletes, line up!
Is there a team?
There is!
Are the captains here?
Get out in the field
Support the squad and honor!

We are sports guys.
We are ahead of all units.
We go to the gym in formation,
We push to the fullest.
We temper our strength
And we wish you the same.

We start a new day
Get rid of laziness
Get up, open your eyes!
Charge, one, two, three!

Who is always a friend to the guys?
Sun. Air and water!
Is this where you turned black?
We sunbathed!
Our muscles are strong
We are sons of our native country.
What do we need to work?
Sun, air and water!

Campfire chants

Come on, throw the birch bark
For firewood (2 times)
Strike a campfire match!
One, two!
So that our fire grows
Up to the stars!
So that his radiance
Seen by the Martians.

Camping chants

With a brisk step we go
We sing sonorous songs.
One, two - together in step!
Three, four - harder step!
What does the tourist take on the road?
A song, a spoon and a backpack!

Who walks with a backpack?
We are (team name)
Who doesn't know boredom?
We are (team name)
Who is the friendliest in the world
We are (team name)
There is no more fun in the world
Us - (squad name)

We are called forward by the roads
Our motto is "Always Forward".
Our best deals:
Through, through and across.

Wider step.
We leave early.
Wider step, wider step.
Drums are drumming,
Wider step, wider step.
Only he is ready to go.
Who knows how to walk in step,
Who keeps the balance strictly, the step is wider.

You are our fire
native bonfire,
We stand up for you!!!

Evening chants

A lot of roads passed
It's time for the kids to sleep.
Good night - Motherland.
Until bright morning.

The day has faded and embraced by the night,
The camp calls to sleep.
Good night to you, our girls,
Good night to you guys
Good night to you, our counselors!
Tomorrow you are back on the road.
May we be lucky tomorrow.

Raspberry Day

Thematic day, it is not clear why it is called so. Cool! During the day, every hour the rules of the game change, every new hour becomes an hour of something. What exactly? Here is one option:

§ 8.00-9.00 sports hour

§ 9.00-10.00 bow hour

§ 10.00-11.00 singing hour

§ 11.00-12.00 pantomime hour

§ 12.00-13.00 gossip hour

§ 13.00-14.00 top-to-bottom

§ 14.00-15.00 silence hour

§ 15.00-16.00 rest time

§ 16.00-17.00 vice versa

§ 17.00-18.00 jumping hour

§ 18.00-19.00 courtesy hour

§ 19.00-20.00 hour of compliments

§ 20.00-21.00 hours of declarations of love

§ 21.00-22.00 kissing hour

§ 22.00-8.00 hours of dreams

The trick is that during the day ordinary (any) squad events are held, but with the implementation of the rules set by the hour. The participation of as many people as possible is obligatory: in addition to all the children, all counselors, physical education teachers, circle leaders, in general, everyone who can be attracted. Active support of the game by adults is the key to success (however, as always). The schedule of hours is posted wherever possible: in the dining room, in detachments, etc. It would be nice to report changes on the speakerphone and somehow punish violators of the rules. It’s very cool when the whole camp comes to the line with bows, then everyone doesn’t talk, but sing or explain with gestures, gossip, everyone comes together for dinner in clothes inside out, dress up as boys and girls, move only by jumping, say courtesy to each other, compliments , confess their love and kiss. For counselors, the day of Malinnik continues with an hour of fighting off detachments, an hour of debriefing at a planning meeting, an hour of fun, watching a movie, etc.

I offer you a small selection of possible names:

Squad: Worms

Motto: Break off all the hooks - we are cool worms!

Team: Gryffindors

Motto: Courage, valor, beauty - Here it is our motto. A bunch of adventures are waiting for us, Have fun with us.

Squad: Orange

Motto: We are all slices of an orange. We are friendly and indivisible.

Squad: Bulb

Motto: We don't care

Order: Squirrels

Motto: And our motto is this - Do not let enemies into the hollow!

Squad: Night's Watch

Motto: The night watch will always save, We will defeat any enemy!

Squad: 220 Volts

Motto: We can't live without movement, We are always energized, We will kindle your spark, We will recharge everyone around.

Troop: Night Runners

Motto: We are Runners in the Night, if you see, then be silent.

Squad: Champions

Motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter! This way we will be successful faster. If another detachment is ahead, we will tell him - Wait a minute!

Squad: Freaks

Motto: In Java we are in a dream. We are on land and in water. We are always moving forward. Eccentric luck awaits!

Order: Penguins

Motto: We penguins are just class, win, try us

Squad: Chicken Coop

Motto: Roosters and hens - different figures

Squad: Turtles

Squad: Lunatics

Motto: We walk at night, we walk during the day, we never get tired.

Squad: Firefly

Motto: Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

Squad: Smile

Motto: Living without a smile is just a mistake, smiles everywhere - goodness everywhere.

Squad: Ducklings

Motto: Quack! Quack? Quack! Don't scream in vain.

Squad: Kapitoshka

Motto: Rain drops on the roads, but we are not bored at all. We play and sing, we live very cheerfully.

Order: Dandelion

Motto: Stick together so you don't get blown away.

Squad: Rainbow

Motto: We, like rainbows of color, are never apart.

Squad: Bell

Motto: We ring, we ring all day, but we are not too lazy to call.

Squad: Robinson

Motto: We don't need nannies. We are islanders.

Squad: Iskrata

Motto: We are funny guys, because we are sparkling!

Order: Dolphin

Motto: Dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

Squad: Rescuers

Motto: Chip and Dale to the rescue, but we are not far behind.

Squad: Vitamin

Motto: Vitamin is strength, it is vitality, it is life.

Squad: Restless

Motto: Boredom, laziness out of mind - our Restless squad.

Squad: Prometheus

Motto: Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did.

Squad: Scarlet Sails

Motto: The wind blows in the sails, youth believes, and miracles.

Squad: UFO

Motto: Fly through all the galaxies, do not leave friends in trouble.

Squad: Abana

Motto: We are not punks, not punks, we are Aban's guys.

Squad: Crew

Motto: There is no crew better than us in the camp now!

Squad: Major League

Motto: And our motto is - more action, less words!

Squad: Crossword

Motto: If you want to know us, then try to guess!

Squad: Boomerang

Motto: Launched by a faithful hand.

Squad: Family

Motto: We are a simple class family - everyone in our family is atas!

Troop: Fortune Hunters

Motto: We always need luck, only this way, and not otherwise!

Squad: Both!

Motto: "Both-on!" is a miracle, "Oba-na!" - this is a class, we do not live badly at all, you will miss us.

Order: Barkhan

Motto: We are the movement.

Squad: RMID

Motto: The Republic of Boys and Girls is stronger than all commonwealths on Earth.

Squad: Merchants

Motto: We are businessmen of the market age, the fate of man is in our hands.

Squad: BEMS

Motto: Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.

Squad: Spark

Motto: A spark will ignite a flame!

Squad: Phoenix

Motto: Burn and kindle others.

Squad: Leader

Motto: If to be, then to be the best!

Squad: We

Motto: When we are united, we are invincible!

Squad: Style

Motto: Choose your style

Squad: Sprite

Motto: Don't let yourself dry up!

Squad: New generation

Motto: If you are not satisfied - object, if you object - offer, offer - do it, take up the matter boldly!

Squad: Philips

Motto: Let's change ourselves for the better.

Squad: Women's battalion

Motto: Our men are men to all men.

Squad: Maximum

Motto: One hundred percent good behavior.

Squad: UN

Motto: Special Purpose Detachment.

Squad: Big Hello!

Motto: We have no problems, guys - we are the "Big Hi!

Order: Amazons and Rabbits
Motto: We have balls for rollers, we are Amazons and rabbits!
Squad: Tide

Motto: Dirt is power, dirt is class, let's take this power and flush it down the toilet!

Squad: Tornado

Motto: Don't run into us, Because we are a tornado!

Squad: Pirates caribbean
Motto: We, pirates, well done - smart, athletic! Jack of all trades and, of course, strong!

Squad: Dynamite

Motto: If our camp rumbles, Dynamite did it!

Squad: Tourists
Motto: We stopped by for an hour ...

Motto: If you come to our detachment, you won’t leave without a black eye!

Squad: Forum

Motto: We live on the forum, we sing songs together!

Order: Brigantine

Motto: No boredom, no mud on board the brigantine!

Order: Pins

Motto: Despite all the punctures - our life is full of jokes!

Squad: Smile

Motto: Our motto is just three words - smiling is cool!

Squad: Forest Brotherhood

Motto: We are a cheerful brotherhood - camp "Balchug", building two!

Squad: Constellation

Motto: The stars shine in the sky, In our small country, The stars send us their greetings, Give us warmth and light. We bring joy to people, We sing songs cheerfully!

Squad: Markers of yellow nationality
Motto: The taste and color of felt-tip pens are different!

Squad: Diabetes

Motto: We don't smoke, we don't drink - we love sweets!

Squad: Harem

Motto: We are many, but he is one. How did it happen? Our squad is invincible! It turned out cool! (The last phrase was spoken by the counselor guy)

Squad: Restless

Motto: In a clear sky thunder struck, It's us - Restless! To fix our pranks... The riot police will not help either!

I offer you a small selection of possible names:

Squad: Worms

Motto: Break off all the hooks - we are cool worms!

Team: Gryffindors

Motto: Courage, valor, beauty - Here it is our motto. A bunch of adventures are waiting for us, Have fun with us.

Squad: Orange

Motto: We are all slices of an orange. We are friendly and indivisible.

Squad: Bulb

Motto: We don't care

Order: Squirrels

Motto: And our motto is this - Do not let enemies into the hollow!

Squad: Night's Watch

Motto: The night watch will always save, We will defeat any enemy!

Squad: 220 Volts

Motto: We can't live without movement, We are always energized, We will kindle your spark, We will recharge everyone around.

Troop: Night Runners

Motto: We are Runners in the Night, if you see, then be silent.

Squad: Champions

Motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter! This way we will be successful faster. If another detachment is ahead, we will tell him - Wait a minute!

Squad: Freaks

Motto: In Java we are in a dream. We are on land and in water. We are always moving forward. Eccentric luck awaits!

Order: Penguins

Motto: We penguins are just class, win, try us

Squad: Chicken Coop

Motto: Roosters and hens - different figures

Squad: Turtles

Squad: Lunatics

Motto: We walk at night, we walk during the day, we never get tired.

Squad: Firefly

Motto: Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

Squad: Smile

Motto: Living without a smile is just a mistake, smiles everywhere, goodness everywhere.

Squad: Ducklings

Motto: Quack! Quack? Quack! Don't scream in vain.

Squad: Kapitoshka

Motto: Rain drops on the roads, but we are not bored at all. We play and sing, we live very cheerfully.

Order: Dandelion

Motto: Stick together so you don't get blown away.

Squad: Rainbow

Motto: We, like rainbows of color, are never apart.

Squad: Bell

Motto: We ring, we ring all day, but we are not too lazy to call.

Squad: Robinson

Motto: We don't need nannies. We are islanders.

Squad: Iskrata

Motto: We are funny guys, because we are sparkling!

Order: Dolphin

Motto: Dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

Squad: Rescuers

Motto: Chip and Dale to the rescue, but we are not far behind.

Squad: Vitamin

Motto: Vitamin is strength, it is vitality, it is life.

Squad: Restless

Motto: Boredom, laziness out of mind - our Restless squad.

Squad: Prometheus

Motto: Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did.

Squad: Scarlet Sails

Motto: The wind blows in the sails, youth believes, and miracles.

Squad: UFO

Motto: Fly through all the galaxies, do not leave friends in trouble.

Squad: Abana

Motto: We are not punks, not punks, we are Aban's guys.

Squad: Crew

Motto: There is no crew better than us in the camp now!

Squad: Major League

Motto: And our motto is - more action, less words!

Squad: Crossword

Motto: If you want to know us, then try to guess!

Squad: Boomerang

Motto: Launched by a faithful hand.

Squad: Family

Motto: We are a simple class family - everyone in our family is atas!

Troop: Fortune Hunters

Motto: We always need luck, only this way, and not otherwise!

Squad: Both!

Motto: "Both-on!" is a miracle, "Oba-na!" - this is a class, we do not live badly at all, you will miss us.

Order: Barkhan

Motto: We are the movement.

Squad: RMID

Motto: The Republic of Boys and Girls is stronger than all commonwealths on Earth.

Squad: Merchants

Motto: We are businessmen of the market, the fate of man is in our hands.

Squad: BEMS

Motto: Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.

Squad: Spark

Motto: A spark will ignite a flame!

Squad: Phoenix

Motto: Burn and kindle others.

Squad: Leader

Motto: If to be, then to be the best!

Squad: We

Motto: When we are united, we are invincible!

Squad: Style

Motto: Choose your style

Squad: Sprite

Motto: Don't let yourself dry up!

Squad: New generation

Motto: If you are not satisfied - object, if you object - offer, you offer - do it, get down to business boldly!

Squad: Philips

Motto: Let's change ourselves for the better.

Detachment: Women's Battalion

Motto: Our men are men to all men.

Squad: Maximum

Motto: One hundred percent good behavior.

Squad: UN

Motto: Special Purpose Detachment.

Squad: Big Hello!

Motto: We have no problems, guys - we are the "Big Hi!

Order: Amazons and Rabbits
Motto: We have balls for rollers, we are Amazons and rabbits!
Squad: Tide

Motto: Dirt is power, dirt is class, let's take this power and flush it down the toilet!

Squad: Tornado

Motto: Don't run into us, Because we are a tornado!

Squad: Pirates of the Caribbean
Motto: We, pirates, well done - smart, athletic! Jack of all trades and, of course, strong!

Squad: Dynamite

Motto: If our camp rumbles, Dynamite did it!

Squad: Tourists
Motto: We stopped by for an hour ...

Motto: If you come to our detachment, you won’t leave without a black eye!

Squad: Forum

Motto: We live on the forum, we sing songs together!

Order: Brigantine

Motto: No boredom, no mud on board the brigantine!

Order: Pins

Motto: Despite all the punctures - our life is full of jokes!

Squad: Smile

Motto: Our motto is just three words - smiling is cool!

Squad: Forest Brotherhood

Motto: We are a cheerful brotherhood - camp "Balchug", building two!

Squad: Constellation

Motto: The stars shine in the sky, In our small country, The stars send us their greetings, Give us warmth and light. We bring joy to people, We sing songs cheerfully!

Squad: Markers of yellow nationality
Motto: The taste and color of felt-tip pens are different!

Squad: Diabetes

Motto: We don't smoke, we don't drink - we love sweets!

Squad: Harem

Motto: We are many, but he is one. How did it happen? Our squad is invincible! It turned out cool! (The last phrase was spoken by the counselor guy)

Squad: Restless

Motto: In a clear sky thunder struck, It's us - Restless! To fix our pranks... The riot police will not help either!

Gomel State Regional Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth


to help educators, counselors

summer health camps


The proposed material includes practical recommendations for the counselor: names, mottos, slogans, songs of the detachments.

This is the experience of the teaching staff of the children's sanatorium "Forest Dali" of the Gomel branch of the Belarusian Railway, students of the Gomel Pedagogical College. L.S. Vygotsky, who underwent summer teaching practice in health camps in the Gomel region: “Raton”, “Oressa”, “Forest Tale”, “Jubilee”, “Young Chemist”, “Cornflower”, “Junga”, “Friendship”, "Romance".

The material was summarized by the staff of the methodological department of the Gomel Regional Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth and can be used by counselors, educators of health camps.

The unit name and motto must:

    match the age of the children;

    be easy to pronounce;

    do not violate the traditions of the camp, if any;

    reflect the common interests of the children of the detachment, their common feature or their aspirations.

Squad "Orange".

Motto: We are all one now,

Like orange slices.

Who is behind7 - Do not fall behind!

Who is tired? - Do not be upset!

Who goes and looks down? - Hey comrade,

pull up!

Do not bend, youth? - We are not by force

Maybe already tired? - We are with such on

Can we sit down and rest? - Better song drunkenly.

Squad "Ants".

Motto: Girls and boys

We are all ants.

We dance and sing -

We live happily!

Squad "Seagull"

Motto. The seagull flies, the seagull curls,

Our team will achieve everything.

Speech: One, two - we go,

Let's start the song in chorus.

And we will sing to you about

What a friendly, fun way to live.

"Seagull" we call ourselves.

Party "Party".

Motto. Our party is the best in the world.

We are not afraid

Even holes in the cheese.

Squad "Dill"

Motto: Where we want, we stick out there!

Dills stuck out in the field,

The green ones were in the field.

Lyuli, lyuli stuck out,

Lyuli, lyuli stuck out.

I'll go, I'll go for a walk

I'll pick dill from the garden,

Lyuli, lyuli, I collect,

Lyuli, lyuli, I collect.

Detachment "Oba-na".

Motto: Without detachment "Oba-on" the Khan's sanatorium.

Speech: We are both a team,

Our guys anywhere.

And the girls are just class

Look at us!

Squad "Reluctant".

Motto: Do ​​not cry, do not squeak,

Don't miss mom.

Speech: Go against the wind

Don't stand still

Understand it doesn't happen

The roads are easy!

Squad "Sunshine"

Motto: Don't cry, don't squeak.

Keep your head up.

Squad "Sunshine".

Motto: Shine always, shine everywhere,

Be ahead and period!

Squad "Dandelion".

Motto: Stick together so you don't get blown away.

Squad "Merry"

Motto: We are mischievous guys

We guys are not a trifle

Our songs, our dances -

It's not just for you.

Speech: We love to scream, laugh.

Have fun, have fun.

And today at this hour

We will show the highest class.

Squad "Musketeers.

Motto: Not for the sake of battle, we crossed swords,

And for the sake of useful deeds in our detachment.

Speech: Who are we?


We are a cheerful, inquisitive people

and bold, and perky, and skillful.

In our squad it has long been known -

One for all and all for one.

Squad "Musketeers"

Motto: Let's cross our swords

Not for courage

And for the sake of order

And friendship in the detachment.

Speech: The main thing is together, the main thing is together

The main thing is with a hot heart in the chest.

We don't need indifferent people, we don't need them.

Drive boredom and laziness from the detachment.

Squad "Smile"

Motto: Life without a smile is a mistake!

Long live laughter and smiles!

Three, four we are friends with him.

Let's leave it under the pillow

Capturing enthusiasm and laughter

We will be the best team

Let's leave everyone behind.

Squad "Friendship"

Motto: Music, song and laughter.

Enough smiles for everyone.

Three, four, one, two.

Who walks together in a row?

This is our friendly team.

friendly, skillful,

Cunning and bold

Both on land and in water

We will help you in trouble.

Squad "Friendship"

Motto: Our strength is the friendship of the team.

Speech: One, two, three, four.

Three, four, one, two.

Who walks together in a row?

Our friendliest group.

Everyone needs friendship in the world.

Be friendly all the kids.

Team Friendship.

Motto: We will fly to the sun when we grow up.

The “Friendship” detachment does not care.

Squad "Phantom"

Motto: Our phantom flies fast

In the sky blue and clear.

Squad "Rescuers"

Motto: Our motto is 4 words:

You drown yourself - save another,

And 4 more words.

Don't let him drown.

Speech: We will always save

Let's save everywhere

Save on land

Squad "Lightning"

Motto: Long T-shirts

Wide pants,

Out of the box thinking -

It's all of us!

Speech: Thunder rumbles, the earth is shaking -

This lightning is rushing.

We run the fastest.

We will ensure your success.

Detachment "Altair"

Motto: Dream, dare, conquer the world of stars,

Touch the star Altair with your hand.

Speech: We are the only ones in the world

We live in Altair

We are knee-deep in the sea.

We and the mountains on the shoulder.

Give me your friendship

I'll take it with me.

Detachment "Chepushata".

Motto: We are fun guys.

We are fluff guys.

Speech: One, two, three, four.

Three, four, one, two.

Who walks together in a row?

Our 12th squad!

Who is walking in step?

Make way for us!

Detachment "Freaks".

Motto: Don't hang your nose, don't be discouraged

Go ahead and win!

Speech: One, two - we're going

We lead everyone

Don't joke with weirdos

And don't get in the way

Life in "Dali" -

Not life, but heaven.

But don't forget the routine!

Squad "Red Cat".

Motto: Tail for tail, eye for eye

Here is our motto.

Speech: One, two - who's coming?

Three, four - red cat.

They say it won't work

You do not believe - luck awaits.

Good friend do not be afraid of us,

We will help in difficult times.

Squad "Jolly Guys"

Motto: Be cheerful everywhere and on land and in water!

Detachment "Yeralash".

Motto: Songs, jokes, dances, noise for the whole floor

You will see, hear in the Yeralash detachment.

Detachment "Yeralash".

Motto: Longing and boredom will announce the Sabbath.

Let's turn life into a complete mess.

Speech: One, two, we love laughter.

Three, four we are friends with him.

Let's leave sadness under the pillow

Capturing fun and laughter.

We will be the best squad

Let's leave everyone behind!

Squad "Romance".

Motto: We will reach the moon on the roofs,

The world will hear about us!

Detachment "Scarlet Sails".

Motto: Courage, dexterity and courage are with us.

We go forward under scarlet sails.

Speech: One, two we go,

We lead everyone.

Don't mess with sails

And don't stand in the way

It's not easy to deceive us

It's hard to beat us

We are faster than all the detachments,

Don't try to be stronger!!!

Detachment "Danko".

Motto: Take your heart

Carry it boldly

Give it to the people

To burn forever!

Speech: Where are you Danko?

Into the forest distance.

What do you bring people?

I'll give my heart.

What will you keep as a memento?

The right to be the first in the game and the fight!

Squad "Angels"

Motto: We are holy angels

You are not allowed to sleep at night.

Speech: Angels are power.

Angels are class.

Angels do not know barriers

After all, our finest hour has come.

Squad "Night Ghosts".

Motto: Let's not sleep at night

We won't let you sleep.

Speech: One, two, three, four, five

The ghosts came out to walk.

Six seven eight nine ten

We always walk together.

And in the dark night

And in the rain and in the storm

I am the ghost of the night

I am doing my service.

Country “Entertainment”

Rights and obligations of the inhabitants of the country.

    Smile in any weather and time of day. And let your smile see your friends!

    Say what I think and think what to say.

    And before you say bad things, see if there is a counselor nearby.

    Be the first to help a friend if he needs it.

    Do not wake up the counselor during the quiet hour.

    Protect nature - our mother!

    Protect and increase the property of the country!

National anthem “What is a camp?”

What is a camp? This grief:

Crying children on the charge.

Their tears and suffering turn into puddles.

I haven't been to camp for a long time.

Chorus: Camp - grief in the early days.

Where the mosquitoes ate us.

Where friendship gave strength,

The camp is our dream.

What is a camp? This is happiness!

This is the air, the sun, the sound of the surf.

Camp, you reminded us

Now about the most important thing.

Camp, I'm deprived of peace again!

Who is the boss? It's a demon!

Again scolds us for slovenliness!

Camp, we will be with you instead of a long, long time.

Camp, we'll be back here.

Squad "laces"

Motto: Even Adidas

Can't do without us.

Speech: So as not to shuffle your heels

On the asphalt back and forth.

Remember: you need laces Mandatory care.

Taking on the lacing.

Be ready! Always ready!

Show your dexterity

In lacing.

Detachment "Clean".

Motto: We work in the morning

Our bedrooms are clean.

For diligence and work we are called “Cleaners”.

We have come here to the land of wonders.

Near the river, near the forest.

We'll have fun here.

Detachment "Galchata"

Motto: We are jackdaws, even though they are small,

But cool and funny..

Speech: 1.2 - 3.4

Hey guys, wide step.

No, probably in the whole world

Cheerful, friendly guys. We walk together.

We don't need a babysitter.

Hey buddy, don't be discouraged.

Sing our song.

Country “Holidays in Prostokvashino”


The law of purity.

Right hand law.

Border law.

The Law of Friendship.

Mutual Aid Law.

The law of the green friend.

The law of precision.

The law of knocking on the door.


How does summer come to us?

With bird song ringing.

We ask dads and moms to buy tickets for us.

In the country where there is no melancholy, grief and sadness.

We have never seen a better place in our lives!


Hello, camp "Young chemist"!

We came here

Relax and have fun and get up with the dawn.

The river, forest and fresh air are very useful to us.

From physical education, the muscles are iron.

Here, the leaders of the detachments are kind and gentle.

Very friendly we get up in the morning to exercise.

Legs wider, arms up, and then squatting.

Work up an appetite and run to dinner.

Try the dishes of our chefs as soon as possible.

Disco and concert, games and trips.

Nowhere in the world you will find more cheerful people.

We live as one family and do not know worries.

We dance and sing together, we have a nice rest.

Song "Young chemist".

"Young chemist" - blue sky.

"Young Chemist" - summer all year round.

“Young chemist” - lives happily.

"Young chemist" sings a song.

Miracle camp, miracle camp

Living here is easy and simple for us.

Miracle camp.

Our happiness is constant -

Chips, porridge and bananas.

We don't want to go back to mom.

Cool camp!!!

Detachment "MU"(men's university)

Motto: MU is power and sounds beautiful.

Speech: We were born with mummies

And we will die like mummies.

We marry mummies

And we'll breed the mummies.

Detachment “Ghosts of Prostokvashino”

Motto: The sun in the palm of your hand.

Sun in the chest.

Ghosts of Prostokvashino

Always ahead.

Speech: We are brave ghosts,

Cheerful, wonderful.

We will entertain you during the day.

Well, sleep soundly at night.

Detachment “Children of Matroskin”

Motto: Dexterous, skillful,

Cheerful and bold.

We must always be friends

To live happier.

Speech: Who walks together in a row?

Our squad is a squad of kittens.

Everyone! Everyone!

Good day!

Get out of the way of our laziness!

Don't let us have fun

Don't let us work!


If it's a long, long, long time

If for a long time on the track,

If long on the path

Stomp, ride and run.

That's probably right, right

You will get into the “Young Chemist”.

There you will see friendly, faithful,

Goodness, little kittens.

Aaah, we are kittens of such a height.

A-ah-ah, we are kittens of this width

Ahh, striped, furry.

Ah-ah-ah, and tailed, mustachioed.

Ahh, such kindness.

Ahh, such kindness.

Squad "Tourist".

Motto: Tourists are always with you.

They won't leave a friend

And then they will come to the rescue,

When it gets tough.

Speech: - What is your mood? - In!

Is everyone of this opinion? - All without exception!


Early sunny morning

Mother accompanied us

From parental severity

Brought to rest.

"Rest, my dear,

Light up, don't be sad.

Well, if you're bored -

Call, write."

Not even a minute passed

Everyone rushed to call.

What kind of jokes are here -

Be friends with mosquitoes.

But we got together and thought:

You need to live - do not grieve.

After all, the main thing is not in difficulties,

And be friends with friends.

Squad "Tomboys".

Motto: We guys are top class

The tomboys have nicknamed us.

Speech: One, two - tomboys,

Three, four - well done,

Five, six - our detachment is a class!

Everything will work out for us.

Squad "Tomboys".

Motto: We guys are great.

We were nicknamed "Tomboys".

We love to run and play.

But we do not like only to sleep

The song "Bonfire".

What are legends to us about God,

If the gods we are with you.

Our gods are all roads

that lead us.

Chorus: The drum is trying.

The trumpeter plays the collection.

And there are no white hands among us.

You burn, burn, our fire,

You burn, burn, our fire,

Our comrade, our friend, our companion.

Who goes where, but we're all right.

Through the darkness into the firelight.

Hello, Yubileiny camp.

Hello summer time.

Squad "Prometheus".

Motto: Light a fire in the hearts of people,

How Prometheus did it.

Speech: The main thing is together.

The main thing is together.

The main thing - with a hot heart in the chest.

The main thing is to shake hands with each other.,

If a friend is having a hard time on the road.


The camp again opened the doors to us with you, with you.

Will the counselors have enough strength to fight, to fight.

Sleep and hear a piercing scream,

But we get up so painfully.

Rise, rise and we rise.

Rise, rise and we rise.

They drive us to the dining room to cover again, again.

After a stormy night, we want to sleep, sleep.

Eyes sparkle wickedly.

And we read a lot in them.

What to wait, no one will wait.

We hope for the chef with you, with you.

And in the dining room we run again in a crowd, a crowd.

The smell beckons us so sweetly.

The heart is light and joyful.

And howl: "Do not touch my bread, do not touch."

Squad "Joke"

Motto. Where the ship will not sail,

And where the car will not rush.

"Joke" on the belly will crawl

And nothing will happen to him.

Speech: One, two - we love laughter.

Three, four - we are friends with him.

Let's leave sadness under the pillow

Capturing fun and laughter.

We will be the best squad

Let's leave everyone behind!

Squad "Pranksters"

Motto: Don't be discouraged

Don't forget about friends.

And we are always ahead

Don't put your finger in our mouth.

Speech: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Who walks together in a row:

Pranksters our squad!

Who is walking in step?

Give way to pranksters!

Fast, skillful, agile and bold

Never, nowhere, nothing

We won't let our friends down.

Squad "Star"

Motto: Through thorns to the stars.

Speech: Our squad is marching in step.

Make way for us

Wherever you are on the way

We are always ahead here.

We walk together.

We don't need to be sad.

Open your mouth wider

Sing our song.

Detachment "Saturn".

Motto: Even if you burst, even if you crack,

Our Saturn comes first.

Speech: 1.2. The speed of light.

3, 4. We are flying.

To distant planets

We want to get there as soon as possible.

All over the globe

We have mapped out the route.

And not for nothing, no, not for nothing

Our detachment "Saturn" is called.

Toryad "Meteor".

Motto: We will reach the moon on the roofs.

The world will hear about us.

Detachment "Star Age".

Motto: Flickering brighter than the stars,

Those who make their way afar off.

Let it be our will

The stellar age of the Earth will come.

Speech: 2003 is coming.

And we follow him

All over our universe.

Squad "Khohotun"

Motto: Even if you burst.

Even if you crack

Hooker comes first.

Speech: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Who walks together in a row:

Squad of laughers!

Who steps ahead?

Let's skip us.

Who is walking in step?

Make way for us.

Squad "Zhmotik"

Motto: Fight and seek

Find and hide.

Speech: param-pareyram-hey


Param-pareyram-hey, hey, hey.

Who walks together in a row:

It's a bug squad!

Who is walking in step?

Make way for us.

Who is tired?

Do not be upset.

Who is behind?

Keep up.

Let's sing a song together.

Hip hip hooray!

Hip hip hooray!

Hip-hip-hooray, hooray, hooray!

Squad "Orange".

Motto: We are all one now,

Like orange slices.

Who walks together in a row?

Our 13th squad!


You are one.

Who is behind7

Keep up!

Who is tired?

Do not be upset!

Who goes and looks down?

Hey comrade, pull yourself up!

Do not bend, youth?

You can't take us by force!

Maybe already tired?

We didn't take them with us!

Can we sit down and rest?

Let's sing the song better.

Orange song.

It's been two days in a row

I'm sitting drawing.

I have a lot of colors -

Choose any.

I will color the whole world

In your favorite color.

orange sky

orange sea

orange greens

orange camel

orange moms

Orange guys

orange songs

They sing orange.

This song with me

I carry everywhere

I'll be an adult, anyway

I will sing it.

Even if you are big

Seeing is very good.

Detachment "Youth"

Motto: Youth knows no rest

Youth succeeds everywhere

In study, in work and in battle

We will prove our loyalty.

Speech: Become a detachment in the ranks!

Smile to the sun, smile to the wind

Have fun, youth!

Make way difficulty!

Brighter sun, louder song!

Our team is number one!

In the young month of June

We have arrived here.

Breakfast will not be flour for us

And dinner is no nonsense.

Our cooks cook

Meat, porridge and compote,

For the children to get better

We lived for a month without worries.

We have checks every day.

Everyone and everything is checked:

Bedside tables, wardrobes, beds,

Even outerwear.

We go in formation for charging,

procedures every day.

In general, everything is fine with us

We are not too lazy to have fun! .

Squad "Gnomes"

Motto: Don't cry, don't moan.

Keep your head up.

Who walks together in a row?

This is a squad of gnomes!

Who is walking in step?

Give the kids a way!

We are little gnomes

All together we live

And fun and fun

We dance and sing.

One two Three.

One two Three.

Look at us.

If you need to work

Let's work with passion

If we have fun

We'll fall down laughing!